Newspaper Page Text
?» « The Evening Journal n The Weather Fair and colder tonight with freer.-1 ing temperature Tuesday; Increas- ' ing cloudiness, becoming unsettled i • by Tuesday night, fresh west and it northwest winds. 19,210 Saturday Circulation >• 'I ) :} Non-Returnable LATE NEWS EDITION 1 I • i ■ 1 THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 173 WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, MONDAY. JANUARY I, 1923 TWO CENTS. 12 PAGES. FRANCE PREPARES FOR GERMAN SEIZURES; BERLIN'S ANTI-WAR AGREEMENT SPURNED « hi A r NEW ROADS FOR STATE À ft V;H * .( h ■ ii v ' t Highway Engineer Shows Reduction of $7,000 Per Mile in Costs » t ; i. r t l FAVORS SINKING FUND; I i SPEED OF 35 MILES ) fl R KC ( » M M FaX D ATIOXS OF state mcnwu ENGINEER BU R I I I A* I Establishment of a State con- | «tabular** with present «tale highway police a« a nucleus. f speed limit to 35 miles hour on State high . 1 / Increase in license fee. for trucks over 2 * tons capacity to . . , . vt <* >■ ii I • at l«a«t eoual to the Maryland ** rS' u *' nur Tax on gaeollne for road pur pone«. Creation of a .inking fund to rettre Slat, highway bonds, it being pointed out the present 40-year bonds could be retired in 2 1 year«. Favor« acquiring remainder of SO-fooi right of way from Thirty-third «treat, Wilmington. to Pennsylvania State line along Philadelphia pike. Points out nerd of acquiring « 0 -fool right of wav between Wilmington ef Lincoln highway. Sets out list of preferred road« for 1923 conatruction. Including St. Georges-Odessa and ; strong s Corner-Smyrna gaps In . New Castle county and Harh son-I.ewe«-Rehoholh stretch in Sussex count. y to complete an unbroken modern highway from the Pennsylvania line to three point« at the Maryland line. wav'« I 1 ? 'I ü? 5 it I I • Marshallton : h ordlng to the annual report of »ugl<ks Buck Rtate Highway Kn cff»e«r. just submitted to the State I /Righiray Commission, contracts for e« of paved highway« were tho large«! / $3 $ mi! swarded during 1 $ 22 . <r»rogram carried out since the de partmem was organized. The aver age cost of 15-foot concrete roads in 1 * 22 . including design, engineering, inspection and administration, was $ 33.000 a mile. This I« 17.000 a mile (Continued on Page Eight) t j DEMOCRATS TO NAME ATTORNEYS Final Plans for Organizing Legislature Will Be Made Tonight TO ARRANGE FOR GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE ' the fact that the pre i* Owing ti riding officers of both houses and practical: y all clerk» have already been nominated by the Democratic members who will control both branche« of the Legislature, there is Q i ftie preliminary business left to be intended to In lh© caucuses to be held a: Dover tonight. The Legislature will convene at noon tomorrow when both house« will be organized. For many years the (Continued on Page Eight) v caucuses of| Stephen McGlwe, 916 Klainore. I'iace, Chester. Pa., was cut about Ihe face and hands by glass from Hi - windshield of his car in an ac-t eiiienl yest»Tday afternoon. The, car. driven by McGhee, collided with a car operated by Shcrmer II. Btrad-j Je. of the Board of Education, of M TO SMASH. (XT IX ihis city. The nccld-'m occurred on iho Kennen pike, near the Mont-j i hanin road. McGhee was treated for his injuries 4 at the Delaware Hospital. Mr. Both cars were damaged. T< ) D A VS TEMPER A TT R E At The Evening Journal Office. s.«n A. M.. .54 10.00 A. M.. . 5.1 '■> J2.0I P. M... .» 3 1.00 P. M...53: .. .7.12 A. M. _.4.41 P. M. 5.19 P. M. 6.20 I». M. - j " I SI X AN D TIDE. Sun rises Sun sets Bi-ad of Christiana. High water..4.55 A. M. Low «ater.. 5.40 A. M. LOST » ! LOST—Black handbag, going from Be.aware Ave. and Rodney St. lo J 'Eighth and Broome Sts. Rewa- J :f re. turned to this office. ■ continued on Page Eleven.i * Jan I - It. DANCE GREET INFANT YEAR Watch Night Services in Churches Draw Large Congregations in City MIDNIGHT CROWDS PARADE STREETS if the New Y«ar of 1923 Advent wan heraldrd at midnight in Wil mington by onp of th* rmisisst d^m o le» rnrion.« in the city'# Factory whi«fl«fs vied with church 5 >elln and automobile borne in ex tending a lusty welcome. Hotel« and restaurants were crowded with tuest«. Street« In the central part history of the city were thronged with merrymakers. and several large dances were started with (h* stroke » Of twelve. "Watch night meetings ... . . were held in numerous church**« and the change in yearn wai mark ._. # ed hy prayer and mnging of hymns, Although there wan no denying „„JLe of liquor, there was co , tlvely Ijt!le drunkenness, Thf . celebratinB ( . ro wds. too. -»ere good natured and exchanged Ing in lusty but orderly fashion \( Mn y motoring partie« filled the «ireets anl around midnight the traffic in the centre of the city was heavy. One of the hie events marking the dawn of the New Year was the sup the Hotel duPont. per-dance More than $00 reservations had been made and the big gold hall room at and foyer were filled with guests. The diner« began to arrive shortly after 10 clock and beginning a: 10.30, there was an orchestral pro 12. gram. tinules before Continued on Page Eight. At BULLET PIEDCES DIM. WILL LIVE Przybyla. Welcoming New Year With Gun Fire, Wounds Kowalsky USED SOLDIER SON'S PISTOL .losejh Kowalsky. 63. 10 Stroud street, was shot, by a New Year's reveller, shortly after midnight, and i« now in the Homeopathic Hospital. I He Is expected to recover. Although ithe bullet passed through his body, no operation will be necessary. Mr. Kowalsky was sitting at his front windoiv watching the revellers when a bullet came crushing through th** window, striking him in tho bre&st. With a cry he fell to the Hour, blood gushing from the wound. At the sight of her wounded hue-, [band. Mrs. Kowalsky collapsed. She too, is expected to recover. Stanley Przybyla. of 1$ Lower Oak street, one square from the Karwal home, was arrested by Detectives Kempski and Sutton, shortly after 10 o'clock and is held under 15000 (Continued on Page Seven) JOHN F. GLENN STUNNED BY SHOT A man giving hia name ns John j.. Glenn, and saying he lived at 1800 Sycamore street, Wilmington. was wounded in the hesd at Twrelfth and Arch streets. i'hlladelphla. „„only after midnight. He was 1 a 8e dan car. standing in front of .. hotel, when th»' bullet came through the roof of the auto andj stunned him. He was taken to the Hahnemann Hospital, With Glenn were hi* daughter. Mrs. Helen Connell, and Mrs. Bes a | f Brown, both of whom said they were residents of Wlimington. Inquiry today showed that no one by the name of Glenn live* at the Sycamore street addreas. There is no John F. Glenn in the city diree tory'or telephone directory. MIST Sl'PPORT FAMILY. With the warning that this was to pc his last chance to demonetrate l the court that he proposes to comply with the order, Preston Baylor, Negro, was ordered by Deputy Judge Lynn, in Municipal Court, this morn ing, to pay »3 a week on the arrear age of $38 on a non-support order against h:m in addition to the trdcr of $3 a week for the next four wetks and lo report to the court Janu ary 27. | ■ X. C. WAFFLES N'ohis Cafeteria, 9th St. Entrance Wil. Savings Fund Bldg.—Adv. < Louisiana Militia Encamped al Mer Rouge zk À SA \ f -*■ • i y i 1 yi ü ■ , '• -f J I _ VX X , ,. , \ * - • ' * Mi ' V è -, v <, ■%'ÉH j* fr : v •v A JM . c'' ■ ^ ' _ n encampment of Louisiana State Militia, s ummoned to Mer Rouge, Isa., to guard State investigators while they »ifi have been perpetrated by in asked night riders. These tents are part of two murder, and other outrage« thought t< PUNCH AND FINE "I'm Only One Harmed," Said Harris. Showing Battered Eye | COLLISION AFTER NEW YEAR PARTIE'S ' I'm the only harm done." Wllligm Harri«. Negro. charged with operating an automo bile while intoxicated, told Deputy' Judge Lynn iq Municipal Cour^ this! {morning a« he tenderly touched r hls right eye which he saf«l And bejBp punched and discolored hy Fr.iitlc Negro, ;ni.* w ma* bine hr ' who got any and William said he had veiled era! New Tear's partie» prior to the on but had abstained from st rong drink. drunk, hut Moto cj'de Officet Birch He denie.l he vas said he was intoxicated. Judge Lynn fined Harris fl costa and sentenced hi j days* imprisonment. Birch said that st K 30 to three I this morning Harris ran Into Guy's car which was parked In front of Guy'» home. 512 East Eleventh Si.,* and that in backing away, he ran »'clock [Continued on Page Eight) SIX ESCAPE THIS NIGHT ROAD SMASH young men thought I Striking «n abatement shortly he fore midnight last night while driv Ing towards this city along the Lin coin Highway near Marshall!on. .six ; o be Virginians, Had a narrow .escape from death when the car crashed into a ravine and turned over. One of the occu pant« was slightly injured, but he g p run ed the offer of medical treat nient offered by Dr. John Bull, who city, leaving the car that bore II- 1 cens^ number 1399-39. I The «'recked car, a new Ford five p aÄ ,*»nger touring, was wrecked and | this morning it rested on the top. the wheels in the air. The accident} occurred at the juncture of the Stan residents had been called by Marshallton. The men hoarded a bus for th s distance outside Marshallton. f Government , With »prings and wells In the rural district* dry a* a result of the prolonged drought the rain of today welcomed by the resident* of those section* of the county. The rainfall helped somewhat in reilev ing the conditions and considerable 1 more rain will be needed. TEN FOB TRIAL AT FEDERAI, COURT t ] Judge Morris will preside over the | , r j ct court y'ederal Building tomorrow. t . asPa ore listed for trial, nin' them being indictments for vioia - - January term of Units»l States Dis which convene« in the Ten ing the Volstead Act. Samuel J File, forioer money or deI . d«.,-]* Q f the Wilmington post 0 (fj ce will be arrainged on'a charge of enibczxlemenl of f um ]^. RAIN HELPS FARMERS was i 1 lighted gss stove in Ihe home of I-eo- It. Jones, 443 Geddes street, yestcr day afternoon John F. Ayers, of Elk : ton. Md„ was revived by Dr. J. J. I Jones. OVERCOME BV G \S. Overcome by fumes from an un His condition is not serious, _. _ _ — For clover Dairy Safe Milk phone I 16 40-1511.—Adv. AI MEMORIAL Churchmen, Lawyer, Mayor, Editor Say Plummer's Work Will Live SAW'' CALVARY CURE" IN HONOR SYSTEM 'ounty Workhouse, or those who favored FriemN of the late Warden M S. plumnier, of the New Cant • 1,1 i * t - Church last night to honor him in a memorial service. The services were p <■ -a.i held In memory of a ptild.c official his prison reform methods, gathered I-aul'fl Methodint E)|>iwo|>al Mr. haid that through turh mrasures brine HES EXCUSE FAILED: mem into laws of the prisoners' pa for women Plummer advocated. in Delaware. The speakers favored the enact It was enacted, a lasting memorial to the late warden would be created. Among thus? who (eulogy of the late warden were the spoke in (Continued on Page Eighij GUN TOTER FINED; Walter L< 1 er was fined $100 anl co.-ls with the alternative of spend ing three months In the workhouse. I on a charge of carrying concealed « revolver by Deputy Judge Lynn in Municipal Court this morninV Officer Kn«»x said that w hen he believed Loder woe attempting to break into a garage in Walnut mrert early this morning, he search j,is ed him and found the revolver in possession. Loder denied that he attempted to break into the gar age and «aid he had the pistol in his celebration of New Year's. Arrested on a charge of carrying •hen he was attempting to pawn the weapon, Isaac Wilcox. Negro, told Deputy .fudge Lynn, in Municipal Court this morning, lhat a Negress of penn's Grove, had given him the pistol to pawn. Th»* Negress did not appear in court as hi« «'itnes*. caus concealed a revolver until tomorrow. Wilcox w«s arrest ?d by Officer Bishop. bullet, which rebounded from a wall wa^^'cid en tsd i ischagreed ^H*/was was accidentally discharged. He was treated at the Delaware Hospital. An X-ro\ wa* taken but the phy »iclans failed to find the bullet. While the physician* were discti»» ing the case <x friend of the young man walked Into the hospital with the bullet which he had found on 'he floor of the home of Oscar Sped d,n . i 3 * 1 K - * -1 1 >a vi* where th,> young man was visiting - ;—"—"—~ _ HKKMITS DANCK TONIGHT. Tbe annual dance of the Hermits' >'Iub will be held this in the duBarry Room of the Hotel dul*or>i. The affair promises to be one of the most brilliant ever given by the club Musi»- wMl be furnished CARRIES BULLET TO MAN IN HOSPITAL King. 2<'. Eleventh *in<J the Harold Church street« was struck in left bre.ast Saturday night. by a the Original Six Orchestra. TOO KOI GU OX STREET. the • 1 th lighting street. Landis Smith and Norman Brown, Negroes, were each fined $1 and cost« by Deputy Judge Lynn, In Charged on Municipal Court, tics morning. » ! WEATHER GOOD Kint» Street Merchants to Have Celebration If Rain Ceases MASKED PARADE. DANCE' FEATURES If I lie \\ «Millier i** Hear at ft o'clock this evening the eelehratlon immI .Minimier*.' Carnival In i'oiiiiee Uh Thi« statement was made i»y tht f**fhit#:fig *£ cOWerenc»* *» t its offi clal« *i 11.3a o'clock this mor ning On« change lias been made in the lion with I ho turning on of ih«* III hr held l'W I»«*«*- >•" hbis -tr*vl. iriflnal program and lhat la in r. firlll meet at 7.45 in front of the Public building, wh*r* ihr addreeae. '»'ill br mail, and ihr lights turned ion by Mayor Harvey. After this the entire parly will parade down King -Iren 10 Krönt, voum- i mar. hint to liermlt the band* to take their re rr; ssri..,. ,..i prize* will I»e asked io psirade all) the way up King street from From: to Tenth street ro that they may he SZ.ZX I terval* along the street. The celebration tonight, which is King Merchants' Association will ith the four binds under the auspices of the Street under way (Continued on Page Seven ) HARVEY HOME, SAYS ENGLAND WILL PAY 1.—(United larvey. self-styled International mensonger hoy. hut NKW YORK. Ian. Press!—George court of St. James, was here today the European situation, possessing the more dignified posi tion of American Amba^dor to the enroute to give President Hardin« nd Secretary Hughes information on the gang Harvey walked dow the *hips reporters that the storms did not bother him and tltat relations between the fnlted state* and Great Britain were never („etter. "Harvey. after . spending New here at »he St. Reg.» leave for \\a*hln S ton probably tomorrow lo discuss the ..Med debts, reparations and bly the Near Eastern situation with »he President, cabinet members and .administration Congressional lead Cr '' He asserted that Great Britain was p i ann;n g io pay her debt in full, add in| . t „ at t „ e transaction when nr rar ^j P d will be the greatest finaiicia one j n t „ e history of the world. --— B «'.S HITS WOMAN'. Knocked down by a passenger bus of (()p s.alenna Line, at Fifth and' t - n(on atr reta la«t night. Mr». .Mary Beatty. 65, 113J West Fourth street, suffered lacenitlon* about lh* head ani) farp s „, waa taken to . the Delaware Hospital in the autemo „i] e of Tony Ferrar. where it was foun»l that her injuries were not Tho bus was beinK opérai e ,j by Quind.'t Balenn-i. by-RACK THIKF Gf-TTS NEWARK CAR. \ Ford tduring car oned bv l.e Newark. which that plank of the Berengeia yesterday de claring t Year's day hotel, will Campbell. wa* parked on Main was I roy street. stolen yesterday after The theft wan reported to town. iston. the local police who are making i ehurch for the stolan automobile. KIDNAP ENEMY I MASKED MEN Mer Rouge in Man Hunt for Murder Witness, Who Aided State OTHER WITNESSES SPIRITED AWAY I ted MF.R ROUGH. La . Jan. 1 <Unl —Terrorist« and Federal operatives were openly at odds to day foHowing retaliatory measures i taken' l»V» hooded mohs against the authorises' efforts to crush out lawry. An organir,ed man hunt was on lunr U>djty if a re-uli ta r H. 4 , Tv-dgMiioti klilnapi»«i< oy a nifl*k»il band aTn«i- b*> told Kov.rntnem »ganta a »lory Inrriminrtins p»r»on. , n , h „ ramtn „ nlty , n , h( . n „ ir .l*r. panic Is an*l Thomas gft|i. ar j„ Fcrlng an outhrrak, major wii „ h . (Continued on Page E.ghl.J 1Ur>l4()|V b'YTR A |)lT|A\ iutlloli 1 u.l I ll.ll I 1 It/ll fight up Tuesday BALTIMORE, Md. t Jan. 1. «Uni ted Presst — Deputy Sheriff Calhoun of Morehouse Parish. La., and Jam«** P. Glynn, the chief of detacMvea off New Orleans were to see Dr. B. M. mayor of AJer .Me K«*In. Rouge, in the city jail today. They will be the first persons from Louisiana whom Dr. McKoinjered has seen since he left there October 1 last, the first persons; wi I he able to give him first former °° vhi the state of hand information as t« j feeling on the murder by a masked mob i«st August of Watt Daniels and Thomas F. Richards. Dr. Me j.TUsed of having had a pan i in these murders. 'What do the people of TgOu'sis think about Dr. McKoin?" the deputy sheriff was asked "Do they think h* had a part in the murder or do thev think he is innocent? •Home people think he didn't have! any part in it. and some did," the deputy people j sheriff think he drawled : Since the governor has fix*d to morrow at 1 o'clock as the time when 11 h ar the extradition pro-i .7 d h , a|d , hft - he would' them in Baltimore Attorney _ . R n .i 10 J reoresent „ère i- no hurry ' aboul lh , matter. He may see the nanrn todav an( , mav wait until to - lo „„ lhonl ' deter n) , np Jus , wh9| hia act ; on wil , ^ m(Jre llkalv that h , Wll , wait , |ntH the extradition hearing before] .. , . seeing only hi* counsel and Dr Hugh _ - _| Ili'Df'liHI I \!AT |)cJv(lUULI.i I\D1 . n tixirriiT» A KHAKI) IIJPIIcAl -* PENSACOI.A. Fla., Jan 1.—(Dnit .j Breas)—Soldiers and marine* -warmed aboard the German steam Jupiter when It arrived here io day. seeking Grover Cleveland Berg j 0 n, notorious slacker reported aboard tho teasel diaguiehed as a common seaman The search was fniiilees. -— TO KCHO()L TOMORROW. Fourteen thousand pupil* of he public schools and several thouxand Other«, pupil* at the par oc ha I and private schools, will resume theii The. he Joins anythin*. In ihe meantime Dr. McKoin hini the hospital in J&ll.i studies tomorrow morning. children have beon enjoying the hoi-' recess since a week ago last 1 ld*v ( Friday. 6 .A LIFT CUSTOMS IN RHINELAND AND RUHR, NOW PLAN OF PARIS f ACCEPT ClINO'S Hi I WORLD PEACE Berlin Seeks .'50-Year Truce in Europe; No War Un less People So Decide by Referendum SAV l. S. APPROVED OF AGREEMENT Hy %. I- BR4DPORI*. M P. »taff rorr«»*|H»iidciM.) WAsMHNT.TON Jan. 1.—Germany tinlay had bared one f the moat n the hiatory of to secure the peace of dramatic attempt* diplomacy the world. of the Berlin I Government, in a -speech *> Ham 1 burg, has revealed the vain proposal I mad* hy Germany for « paar« pact in Kurope. The gist Chancellor Cun«, ' 1 | I "' H * nn or In* Gorman propo»al d«a that has Inni b**n th* j adtexat** »f pflflc* lh«l f h ' r v »hould M *o war in Kurop. unlsai decided hy a referendum I the countries concerned, I i | rejected forward to summarily Franc« h«« the German plan, put CunLniied Page Eight. 77 HKS CONCENTRATE FOR CONST \NTINOPLEA TTACk: BRITISH READY TO LEA VE in ihe Near Hast again military moves and j n Angora assembly rough» Turkish Congress the l^usanne War cloud« low-I Jan. CONSTA NTINOPLE. Press • (United today 1 *« the Turks and Greeks ma runaerva to prevent the from breaking off negotiations. • The Angora assembly, summon-] *d to ro**l in extraordinary Mtdon ' hear Hasaat» Bey'* re likened the situation 10 a j might he ignited ind sa d the* were having their effort* to today was ! port on the Near Fastern parleys reaching here from An-i Reports goia powder keg «h« b > tnft mgniesr na moderate" leader« great difficulty in keep the assembly fram voting dis »ullsfaction with the peace parley. 1 The British colony here, for the third I me In nix months, was warn-] ,1 ' 1 IO 'rave on 24, hours' sh 'l« of Great Britain mood by to «»"•*' *n eking off British subjects 8nrt goods If need artaea. - ATHENS. Jan 1 ( Cnited Pvt*», 1 *"ger .1 I. the firm deman d* of the ! - eBtween ÎÜ and 40 trained Sunday school workers of the Methodist Kplscopai Chunch from various Slates in the East will gather at the Hotel duf'onl on Wednesd«> Thurs »»' " nd Kriday of this week for a series of conference*. The confer ences will be in charge of Dr. Tremery. of Chicago, HI., aecrelary of the Sunday School Extension Bureau. Workers attending ihe conference will be entertained b> a committee of clergymen of this city, coneiating of ihe Rets. T. J. Sard, W. O Har ri.*, K- • Thomas, H. 4A. Ewing, Carlisle L. Hubbard and E. P Nlchol*. - ORANOEMKX TO INSTM.I». S«iar of Bethlehem. No. 125. I.a dies' Loyal Orange l^odge, will In wall its newly elected officers !n P O. S. of A. Hill. Friday night. Alex ander .Monaghan, master of the nf Philadelphia, and h> METHODISTS TO TALK SUNDAY SCHOOL PLANS [ Orangemen staff wii I official». r Will Exploit 4 Iso Forests to Extent of Timber and Wood Deliveries Demanded by \ations Asking Reparations 11 ILL COLLECT PARIS. Jan. 1 (United Preaa).--* French experts, on tbs eve of the council of Allied Premiere here to morrow. drafted plans for draati -1 German Industrial seizures and su pervision to compel reparations pay Uianl fl. The tentative draft Includes: 1, Kxploitfltion of Rhineland for-' est* In the extant of timber and won I deliver!«« demanded hy the nation« demanding reparation*. 2. Installation of a coal com mu te« in Germany to supervise deliv eriea. 3. Direct allied collection of eus tonis in the Rhineland and Ruhr, 4. Collection of a coal tax in, the Rhineland And Ruhr for the! benefit of the Alliea. , j 5. Allied collection of a German 1 export tax in tbe aame district«. Conference« • pralimiiinry tn th«' Premier« meeting« are expected t« be held today foitowinff the arrival 1 of Lord Curton and Premlor Bonar Law In Pari*. . , ttgolAcanc« ira* attaabod y pr« Poinoflr- *ld*d °y cr *_ k Jiar .m. lar to that of • wa.k at Ma of|ohal Focn and conference in the Quai D Or Premier General WeyganU were underaiood to have bean pres « n t to furnish military Informator* necessary in connection French viewpoint. with tho _ tack on Constantinople. Mosul and other strateg?tlc points, according to reports here today. Al lies, thf Greek military repara Utter country's re* dishonorable lions and the peacr fusai of a : Turkish Nationalists are concentra jng troops In preparation for an » waj_ great oil region*, the litter in prln cipal diapute at 1-ausanne. the Kent a drive to converge lo Bnephorua. unies* th« Greek» and Alliea back down, it was said. A Kemall*t force haa arrived at Djiiamart, another I» advancing I ■»— ward Tigris and a third column i« Resides tha menacing moves to* rd the Moslem "holv city" and th« allst« pan ward the leported mobilizing before Adabaaac. —-- * Brltiab mbjecls are preparing MALTA. Jan. 1 (United Press) * I rt j leave ; owing to the threatened renewal ot hostilities by the Turks, an unof ! flclal report from Conatantinople re I »"e today «aid. Th. British inland to go to Malta and Cypru*. U «as said. _ " ' " j night. The police breathed a sigh of relief when Louis Dambros.o, of 120» Heald street, took the goat The Koat waa found wandering Officer B ackuton who pinched it aw a runaway, , SEK TH». MOI US TOMORROW j Invitation* to the Movie? are ei [tended to *iX persons today throuah *Our Classified Advert sing P >y i * ment. Look through the cla*«ified advs. and If your n;mt is : Lera coni« to the Journal office and recelv. fr.« ticket» for two (war tax paid) • see the special production. Ch«' Jones, in "Weit of Chicago, at 10 * Majestic and "The Prisoner 7»*n da." at th« Arrad»« Tueedajr «(go DAMBR0SI0 TAKES HIS GOAT H0ML ■••Nanny,'' the goat that cauaed John Dennis, Negro Janitor of the police station, to do a Marathon and gave Motorcycle Officer Blackiston the time of hia life on Saturday, was claimed by the onwer late Saturday See page 11 isaaff. 1