YOUR LAST NAME Copyright. 1920. by The McClure Newspaper Syndicate BY MARY MARSHALL DCFFEE IS IT BURNETT? . ' There Is usually a difference in the pronunciation of the names Burnet and Burnett but none necessarily in meaning, though there were several ways in whloh the name* have at different times and In different places liad their origin. 4* In most cases the old Teutonic first Divmp Beornheard, with the meaning Of strong bear or strong boar or, strong warrior. pive the first name Bernar^, whence, such surnames as Burnett. Burnet ,\ Barnett and Barnard, in some cases (t|>e surname Burnet or Burnett may belong to the g.-oup of color name. Burnet in that cae being a dlminu-* tfve of brown, or it may have been derived as a nickname frrm a ma rial well known as hurnet in old From this we de nsHand. It would *eem that all our Aimeni Hkn Burnets might be traced ulti The 1 -founder Of one who was born in Scotland and came to Mass., and from thence to Soutfi a nmton L I where he was living is 1643' His second wi'e was Mary Pierson and by her ho had eleven The ninth. Daniel., re His* son children. moved tff Elizabeth, N. J. ijehabod, bom In Southampton was educated in Edinburgh as a phjnsl Bail' and his son William, known as Dr William Burnet, the elder, was born at Lyons Farm. N. J., in 1730 He was one of the foremost Reaolu Conary pat-lots of New Jersey, was a delegate to Continental Congress jLtd established a military Hospital in Newark, N J. Mary Camp, he had eleven children. His second wife was Gertrude. Nicholas Gouverneur, By his wife. ■daughter of *nd a widow of Anthony Rutgers. fine of the children by the first wife, known as Dr. William Burnet, thoj younger, was the father of Mary Burnet who married Chief Justice Joseph HomWower. and they were; «srents of n. family of charming (laughters among whom could be| «punted the wives of Judge Lewis •AVoodruff. Justice Bradley, Gov. Wil liam Pennington, and Judge Jacob jBumet. By the second wife—Ger Ihlde—Dr. William Burnet the older Ikd three famous sons, Isaac Gouv Sfneur, Burnet and David Governeur Surnet. And Jacob Burnet. David P„ born in 1788, was the first presi djfent of Texas, Isaac G. t\a s mayor & Cincinnati, and Jacob, was Unlt gd Skates senator from Ohio and a (jptron of letter* and education. JtTwilltani Burnet colonial governor Qt New York and New Jersey and •later of Massachusetts, was not Bjrectly related to • this family thought there may been some kin ship in Scotland. He was born in i the Hague. Holland, in 1688 the son /ft Gilbert Burnet bishop of Sail« (Miry, England—one of the most brll- j liant and able Englishmen of his day J ®llbert was born in Edinburg, Scot Dind, and his father was Robert j Burnet of an Aberdeen family. Gil-1 bert's mother was a sister of Lord Warrlstoun. B'shop Gilhert Bur net's first , wife was Lady Margaret, j □laughter of the Earl of Cassills—a prominent woman of her day. The | 1»èeond wife and mother of the, ttjlshop's seven children was Mary j MRS. G. W. HALL SICK FOR YEARS ! Wants Women to Know How She Was Made Well by Lydia E.Pink ham's Vegetable Componnd Lima. Ohio. —"Indeed, your medi cine is all you ssy it is ! I had very se- ] vere troubles su as women of have, and could do j no heavy work. 1 i n ch ; t/n , no heavy work, l was sick for sev- , eral years, and I from reading your ads. I finally de- ! cidedtotakeLydia E. Pinkham'sVeg- ; etable Compound. ! I am now doing ! mv own washing, which I haven't done for several years, and ean walk long distances without those dragging pains and weak feelings. The Vegeta ble Compound is fine, and I never forget to say a good word for it to other women when they say they need something."—Mrs. G. W. Hall, 639 Hazel Avenue, Lima, Ohio. There are many women who find their household duties almost unbear able owing to some weakness or de rangement. Thetrouble may be slight, i yet cause such annoying symptoms ! as dragging pains, weakness and a feeling. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a splendid medicine for such has in many cases relieved those symptoms by removing the cause of them. Mrs. Hall's ex perience i3 but one of many. Mnn-down Lydia Compi'.i United States Treasury Certificates ANY AMOUNT OF ANY ISSUE Bought and sold jitCA VTTiiof*- 1 I r- n gg \\H COMMERCIAL TRUST .COMPANY Member Federal Reserve System City Hall Square PHILADELPHIA the u»mo 4*4. HUNWH • HCt' AN0 MtXAftS AMIRIGA tfWTTTA I 4i'% A I Vi Y » .«v % , ^ „ . , . , Scott a wealthy Dutch lady of Scotch extractlr.i. She possessed great beautv. William Was one of her children. He was comptroller of custom* in England but gave up that post when appointed governor of New York and New Jersey. Later he was governor of Massachusetts and died in Boston in 1729. (Copyright, 1922, by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) FOREIGN France to forego military occupa tion of the Ruhr if Allies agTce to her seizuro of German customs in exchange for a moratorium. YESTERDAY'S LATE »rrsfiTci » m cii i Airil? iMh/WiS AI (lLAm