Newspaper Page Text
The Evening Journal '' ; The Weather Rain tonight and probably Thurs day morning followed by clearing Thursday; no change In temperature; temperature «lightly above freezing tonight; increasingly easterly winds i shifting to northwest on Thursday. !| : r ! 20,546 ' Circulation . Yesterday Non Returnable 1 I LATE NEWS EDITION ■ WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 3. 1923 I THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 175 16 PAGES. TWO CENTS. FRANCO-BRITISH RUPTURE SEEMS IMMINENT; I GOVERNOR FOR MORE LAWMAKERS FROM CITY » ROES THA T WILMINGTON BE GIVEN AT LEAST SIX MORE MEMBERS IN LEGISLA TURE i LI [M fl hi rt I : ' b * Are/) S3 Tiling Fee in loss Sonir Other Mot hod \nf L njustly Burdensome of Rais u , I ■ ■ ing Revenue Can Be Devised. Gove rn o r Thinks Po I ■I ! id rises, lit ira I Con ventio n s l cted Through Fear In Favoring A holition of Fee. : ' .1 .1 ■ WELFARE. HEALTH INDER ONE BO \RD 1 ü f-t.tff rtirrespundenl. DOVER, pel.. Ian. 3.—Governor! I William D. Denney this morning read his biennial message to mem- ( I* of the Legislature assembled In ; Joint seaeion. and submitted the eus-, »omary reports of State Departments' aid Commissions that accompany! I Xtic message. < îoyernor liennev out n n »ma'ittcdlv for ncreased repreeenla I 'in (or Wilmington in the Leglsla X ure. gisht." he, ati»e of the population of I hVilmington and the importance of 1 tl ■ came v«f* an 'admitted ! H* «aid i* "The m-re statem-nt of c;I> . 1 — facts proves th- Injustice of the ( • present represent»! ion." says .the, "Taxation without repre-j r'MialPn is one of th* things the 1 < of Wilmington Justly com- 1 lins of." The Governor urges an lie i'nnaiiiution ihat will amend In- nt lo #ri VS il mi fiKti JlcpresentaUv#^ and «t l<*««t four more two additional Fcnator«. The Governor was listened to with I apt attention as he discussed Im 7 >ortant problems « onfrontiny the S^tate. Up sounded a keynote of economy, and showed a deficit of< $149,000 in the public «^booi fund, vould have to hr provided for. At j (Continued on l*age Twelve.) NEARLV THREE MILLIONS IN STALEBUDGET Governor Denney Pares Re quests to Meet Estimated Revenues !\ HALF MILLION MORE THAN IN SIGHT F I,iff Correspondent. DOVKR Jan a—Governor n»v presented to the General As »„rnbly („ joint meeting this'morn Jng tlie first budget bill, under the new budget Liw. calling for appro 7 nations of »Linn.r,(»4.7« for lhei, j-.»r ending June 3 n, 1924 and IL 6 S 18Î 7* for the year ending June in, 1 925 ,n total for the two years «■; »2.»28,«»0 52 particu called hr attention to the judicious paring of funds requested with a view to enabling the State to live within its income The Governor In hi* report th- Governor »bows that'requests for appropna Dons for Ihe year end ng June «23. exceeded estimated revenue by almost 3500.006. ihe bu.k of thl. be ing In the school fund, which nPW request, 1400.000 more than Its es timated revenue. In a cordance (Continued on Page Two.) TODAY'S TEMPER ITERE At The Evening Journal Office. 8.00 A. M. - 37 JO.OO A. M. .38 12.01 P. M. .39: 1.00 I». M. .40 j j I 1 SI X AND TIDE. Pun rises .'. . . Pun sets. . .. .7.23 A. M. ... 4.4« P. M. Head nf ChristInnu Jlgh water.. «.ifl A. M. «.3» P. M. ! i.ow water . 8.30 A. M. 8.4Î P. M. LOST l.fisT—Collie dog. white and tar e Reward if returned lo ! Jan3-lt. menthe old. Vo, Washington St. (Continued on Page Fifteen.) Points Made By Gov. Denney Jn His Message to Legislature Secs no reason why the legislature can longer refuse the "ad mitted right of larger representation for Wilmington In the General Assembly. rrges at least four additional Roptescntatives ami two addi tional Senators for W ilmington. Expresses belief that political conventions In pledging for re [M-al of the $.1 filing fee acted 'more or lese through fear' Says principle of ctimpelllng every adult person to eontrihale each year the small sum of $3 toward the expense of the Stale got eminent ought not t with penalties to make "its I'olletdlon more certain and leis» ri pens! te." Says registration fee for right to vote would lie a step haek »»«• ahanc1on<xl. hut (ihoulcl )>o r^fllmifd. want. I 1 rgf*. fjoçMni nrc to ronelder a plan to relict# roal ewral# entire ly of the 2.'» rent rale *«*hool fat levy by impo«in* a ln\#*lni'*ntN lo In» <-o|le«Terl ah li»e preaem Incrmie fat la oollerted. say« people of stale want to «ee the ifoorf road build in« pro gram eon tinned. f'lHIHlil Stale Police Force he orjranired In connection with the highway police. Budtret «hou« decreaee in estimated retenue from the aehool mill fax on tax law. CVmimend.H work of Stare Ronnl of CTiarlilo«. fpfw oon«i<1ern iton of method of treatment of feeble-minded person# "ao that they mli;ht no Innirer he a inrnaee to «oriel y." Rec'ommend« merger of Slate B**ord of lleelth. Fliild Welfare, Tu ber loeia C-ommlaaion ami .Mothers' Pension Comm lesion ; I, into one new ( nnnnl^oii of Publie Kl<«hh and Welfare, which he «Mlmatis would mean a savin« of *1 IB.000 the next two year*. .Say« Stale has reason to be proud of the standing of the Fni terslly of Delaxvare. Beexi in me ml s that trustees of State College for Colored Student« near Dover he cm powered to sell |>art of their l«rp* farm If It 1« deemed expedient. Vrm fund, and express's opinion that Increases In revenue will hereafter «uppi) funds nee**ssary lo meet current expenditures of the school n-irtcraih'U of the S34B.OO« deficit In flic |>iihllt- school system. Provision must be made for a -wisely planned and economl eally ndmlnistcred" school hiiildhig program for ihc entire state. Ofilctally recognize* gifla ol school buildings for colored people from Pierre S. diiPont. ork of State Bmml of F^liiratton t ommcncl« Am#rif*anlsiiilon w • nd Service Citizen« of f>rl«x%«rc. CVmimend« work of Stole Boord of Agriculture «nd f«ror* an adjustment of It« appropriation« that xxonld mean a reduction of 911.000. Home for Feeble Minded near Stoekley should he enlarged, and tlce»icd buildings provided. I rgcn adequate appropriation for Industrial School for incor rigible Colored Girls near Marsliallton. Favors SID.000 appropriation hy State toward Detention House for Ihe Juvenile Court nt Wilmington and feols that City of Wil mington and New Castle County each should appropriate glO.OOn for that pnrptise. and its maintenance should lx- defrayed equally by the city, county and Slate. Commends work of motor registration department and of highway police. Recommends that scope of Ihe Workmen Compensation law he so enlarged as to permit cult's, imms and State Departments to clnx whether to he bound by Its compensatory provisions. Points lo i lets I of amendment to ( 'III Id Igihor law. Says office of Insurance Commissioner could he abolished anti It* duties taken oxer by stale Hank Commissioner, at t>on«iderahlr saving lo Ihe Stale. 1 DtMOCRAT MAY BE COURT HEAD Deadlock Likely to Be Broken at Afternoon Session. Report Says ARE INEFFECTUAL 16 MORE BALLOTS ty Levy Court were again unable to agree on a president for the body. i They met at 11.30 o'clock thi« Interning and later recessed until ''* „ having tak n ' bnl ot *' ln a new - ffort to brMk tbe over the permanent chairmanship. With but one excep ion thP balloting today remained f , r,H u,al ' yesterday, when •»"•* lo,! " w ' r<> taken H. V. Buckson, Democrat, ot 8t. Georges, a hold-over n'emher, leads of! Members of the New Castle Coun in the balloting with a total of three votes, the combined strength of the Democrat members. Hamilton Stew art - Republican, of this city, a new 7"" n,b '" r ' received two votes and Republican, hold-over member.from Brandywine hundred. | ™celved a like number. Mr. Buck-, presided as temporary chairman. (Continued on Page Twelve.) i * ' 34 "FLU" CASES REPORTED IN CITY i The number of contagious diseases) In the city ha* Increased during the past twenty-four hours, 19 new cases being reported to the Board Health. Measles leads the list, there) being more of this disease than of I any other two causes combined ac- ! cording to reports made to Ihe Board. The pases listed are as follows: Measles. 70; influenza, 34: scarlet whoop Ing rough, 15; diphtheria. 3^ total 186 cases. fever. 31; rhickenpox. 23; C \ PARENTS FlfiHT SON'S MARRIAGE DuRoss Enticed They Say; Others Declare He Helped Bride Elope "CAMPTOWN" PA V S FOR DOUBLE WEDDING America. 1» again In the limelight. This lime the parents of one of the' participants In a double marriage! which was solemnized at Klkton on Monday night say their son was en tlced into the marriage, while an- ■ other party to the marriage says there ; w *re no unwilling members in the; marriage party. On Monday night Edward J Du Ross, 15 years, son of Mr. anil Mrs. Edward V. DuRoss. 1017 West Fifth sireet. and Miss Agnes A. Kaiser. J7-! years, daughter of Mr. and Mra. 'Charles J. Kaiser. 911 West Seventh ! street, were married by the Rev. Wll- : liatu Forbes Lockerbie, the 82-year -1 nld "marrying parsnn" nf Elkton. I At the same time Miss Elizabeth M. (Continued on Page Twelve.) IIISIIOP COOK WITH MEN. The monthly meeting and dinn.r of the Men » ( lub of SL Andrew » Episco^al Church will bo held I house at «30 o clock » Bishop Cook! Elk,on. Md the Gre'na Green of ' a n" ab > get license for vorn dog Dog owners have until midnight 20th to obtain dog of ihe owner- are availing not many themselves of the privilege; only about 125 having so far obtained the From present indica- ! cedented. the parish next Tuesday evening will be the speaker, , PAVING WATER RENTALS. The receipt* at the office of the Water Department for the first day the new year, yesterday, amount to 3478.3««. sn Increase over the firs, day of last year of J256. ; ! f Pays Income Tax On Penn tv 1 1 ; I •V. L k y-t A mm W Î-. ' ■ 1 »„«s ■ M •V* ( I : ! - ,.s i '■•V Ipv f. L *2 r ■ t fe. v •Î4: ' V w Maybell Griff#n. Baltimore b#*uty. baa b##n n«k**d hv th« T'nlt#d i j She contends -ha; 1 Authorities says It was something earned by capl- ! 1 S^ate« to pay an interne tax on her beauty, according to new« düpatohe«. The income tax i« being levied on a S*00-beauty pr.x* and a gown, worth fl.OAO, given to her by a Baltimore department #tor* the drea« wa« a gift. tallied beauty. MUSKRATS SHV OFF FROM TRAPS Fur in Prime Condition, But Animals Become Unusually Wary v TRAPPERS PUZZLED AS FORTUNE DODGES Special tn The Evening Journal j MILFORD, Jan. 3.—According to trappers. muskrats ars very dllllcult to oatch thl« «*a«on. 'Tat«' have berorr* wi«* They «ay tb* to trap« land are exceedingly cautious. I Many farmer« spend nearly fheir [ [entire time during December. .Tanu ary and February 'rappln* on the marshes alonr the streams and hay ||I shore, as they have found the oc ; nrpation more profitable than any ; thing els# they ran do it this «f»n j son. winter are larper than they have erer caufht before, and that the fur Is in the best of condition for this early In the eeason. As a rule the beet pelt« are taken dunnp February when the fur heavier and thicker and cor.-mande • batter price but for some reason. they say. the fur This year i.« February* condition at this lime. Those who make this th*»ir oc^u pation assert that th** rats will work «II around the snare, hut «eem «rent the tradle even when it hurled below' th»» mud. They believe that the animals have hern trapped so much of late that their natural instinct of danger has hern increas ed to such an extent that they shun the traps. They contend this ho« also h°en (Continued on Page Twelve.) TO MAKE PLANS „ _ K)R IM/LLAll HAY _____ ^ "Plans for "Spring Dollar Day' and nominations for the hoard of di rectors will be considered at a meet Ing of the managing committee. mercantile aection. Chamber of Cora fierce called for 4 o'clock lomor-, row afternoon by John J. Dowel tho section chairman. Th e "Spring Dollar Day" Is held in Eebruary. and it !» planned to make this year s even more success-; fuI ,har t those of the past, which have attracted much attention from tnade organizations In other cities of ' h ' country , Tomorrow afternoon's meeting will be held in the directors' room nf the Chamber. dt.Pnnt Building. William Scribner. Negro, who was! «hot In the face by hi« son-in-law. Samuel Elliott, at his home near -Manton, Monday afternoon, will re -1 "'ties' He^as I«»7 his ht how * V er, the shot pierced hig opt f c having b „ n removed. The shooting Is »aid to have taken piace afttr "quarrel between the men ElUottV.neged .o have boen drinking after starting a disturbance . . ... the Scribner home. He was put .. _ _ , R\ It UITT LUOLÛ Et I Uj Dt I LIFE IS SPARED out. only to return, carrying the gun. with which he is alleged to have shot 1 his father-in-law. The smallness of I the »ho, I» said to he the only reason Scribner was not killed. i « . MARTIAL 1.0 FOR MER ROUGE Move Is Made to Aid Au thorities in Rounding Up Murder Suspects CAVALRY PREVENTS NEW INTIMIDATION MKR fiOI'GK. la Jan. 3 (Tnll ed Press!.—Martial law will ha do flared In Morehouse Pariah to pro vent further terrorism and coercion of witnesses wh testify •gainst the masked murderers of ar? t Watt Daniels «nd Thomas llirharda. * according to informa*. on today. | Martial law In the community would nlso hid authorities in round injr dp forty allcfred members of the hooded moh implicatsd in fh* mur der« and other outrape«, authorities pointed out. Mer Houpo today and rook up fern norary quarter« in the j Rulldinp. The guardsmen were fr^rn »"'<1 I« prevent new intimation. ln, P 0^ '•"' St *' e *1»«**»*» follow Th ^ L dmppina Of Harold Tee. 1 cerstrom. 18. who n#*d after belnp f# rrlfled by a band of black-masked The,v wll; a'so preserve pear# (Continued on Tag*» Twe ve.) Masonic a contingent that served In the world war. The additional guardsmen w«r# 91 men. TWO IN BUILDING UNAWARE OF "FIRE Smoke issuing from th» open cel lar window of the long-vacant dwelling at 809 Weet Fourth atreet. adjoining the Wilmington Friends School, and still known as the "old morgue." caused a still alarm of fire ,0 b * o'" 1 1° «hortly before noon to | day. Kngine Company 7 responded. ! a paper blaze in the furnace issuing volumes of smoke. j The property, which belongs to the Annie Brlerly estate, and where | Mrs. Brierly once conducted herj undertaking establishment. hasl i, wn vacant for about 15 years Thomas K Pritchard, a prospective buyer, was being shown through the ».„»Ming by Colonel J. Warner Reed, n representative of Toting and Com pan y, realty brokers. A smsll piece j nf paperwas lighted and droppe,Unto furnace which evidently con-! paper and with the cap off In th# rear as smoke pipe, the smok , ftll , rt th , r# n, r on tha through 'he open window | A pn „. rhv evjd , ntly „ n( |n th ,j ■still alarm tn he Fire Bureau and Mr Pritchard and Colonel Reed : ...... „„mriqfiH th. „a firemen «tudenis In the v i ' School were not disturbed * d, l d ' C. E. ï>i f r " on Co -* Fellows Bulldlnc. j w 111 protect you with fire insurance. , " 1 1 1 " " Adl , SEETHE MOVIES TOMORROW j Invitations to the Movies are ex- I tended to .lx person, today through our Classified Advertising Depart- I ment. Look through th* classified adra and If your name i. there com. i to »he Journal office and receive fre* I tickets for two (war lax mid) 'a tickets for two (war tax paid) t. 'see the speeial production. Thomas' Melghan. In "The Man Who Paw; Tomorrow," a- the Queen and "Theieign Prlaoner of Zenda." at the Arcadia.) Thursday night. See page 15 today. I U IIIIRFS . r IN LAST YEAR Suspensions Fewer, Rut Lia bilities Greater Than in Previous 12 Months UNPROFITABLE YEAR FOR THE FARMERS romtn^rrj«! faillir*« #n th# P#l warvla P*nln*ula Ia#t y#ar num. L*r*d 128, t#n f**w*r than tn 1821 ac- , ■•ording to th# Wilmington ofTIr# r« port of R. G. Dun A Company made public today. Th««# faillir#« do not include a larje number of corporation«, form- ! *d under Delaware law« and miln 'amfne « rrgiar^r^d office in Dela ware. and not actively ensajed in h# ' r *- ahhourh petition« for bankruptcy or receivership have been instituted In rh** ^ ourT! ' * ! "' dn <° n - ? of ** v ' r *' ra,h "' lare * and prominent concerns located In may local vnrlou* parts nf the peninsula whose affairs are now In litigation where It ( Is expected the enterpri reorganized, refinanced. Melaware for I»- 1 . 7«. a, com-l, pared with 9« for 1*21 and 73 In : The number of fa'lures on the I Ka.tern Shore of Maryland for 1922 (was 40 , as compared with IT in 1S21 and 3« In !!>:<' The total number * ■of failures f.r the two Kistern Shore counties of Virginia for 1 !» 2 2 Is 12, : (Continued on Pag* Twelve ) - s may be and the 92« NO BILLS IN LEGISLATURE ALTER FEB. 5 ■ I - u HOUSC and oOllcIlO Set Doafl 1 ■ line for Receiving' New I Business | Staff Correspondent. DOVKR, Del . Jan^S —The Pen following the joint hear th*» ANOTHER MIX-UP IN NAMING RILL CLERKS *e««ion to: message this nctirred in the House reaolutlon fixing February 5. as the laat day for receiving new business. The Senate adopted Introduced hy Senaior Cann. direct .ing -he Stale Librarian tn furni«h the Senators end elerka ;th necessary I supplies limited IO IS5 each; Sena tors, with copi authorizing the committee on print ing to have printed daily, 100 copies of the Senate calendar The Joint session of the House and Senate proposed for this afternoon to hear experts explain the State Governor's morning. resolut: budget for the next two. years hae been called off. Membcrskf the Leg. jointure after learning of the volum inons report of the budget commit tee decided that it would be best to f the constitution. mi ID AI mi I>I ITD D m T A P ' | Mtlt/l (ill 1)1 l ltl\r<l/ 1 ntl _ PADl'CAH. Ky.. Jan 3—Because of a blurred number on Ihe metallic identification tag attached to the body nf t*he Rev. A. M, Metcalfe it * doubted here that his widow will! be able to locate tl»r cnrpsj. Pnder the Kentucky law a body which is unclaimed for 60 days may; be used by medical college.. Only) » few days ago Mrs. Metcalfe learned j " f ,h,> d,,ath of h * r b "» ba t d th«Tl t O month« 3ÇO U1 til*» Hop-I hlnsvilie Hospital. Fhe succeed*» 1 in having a body thougl.t to hav 1, been that of her husband located, j ^'f^r'buVal Tnd Mr.^MeVaMe* . f ' . .w*. it was t hat ;; p ^ t ^ r Sh n , ; a f n 0U ' hat ! An investigation showed that the ^ ,ent ^ re "lt*on ' M^MeG er 6 ' **_ J— „ . h ' a , ^ùrred^makTng' ifappe^r blurr ''' 1 ' making it appear as a nine Whether the desired corpse can be located -it thl. date is a matter of »peculation. -"-"—- - — MISSION ARY MEETING The Holly <">ak M. E. Church For (Continued on Page Twelve.) I /uu-.i III TOD A MIVC D/\IIV LU'tlO nlliMlAllI/ »9 nUill Missionary Society will meet a, the bom» of Mrs Kmma Golde.» at o clock tomorrow evening. * /:XGL i XJ) REFUSES TO JOIN FRANCE AGAINST GERMANY Milled Premiers Reparu l i on s Parley Threatens to Break l p While Paris Insists On \o Reduction of Germany's Debt and Guarantees of Priority Payments in Case 2 )ear Moratorium in Finally Agreed On. FRi:\CII CABINET SENDS "L iST WORD'' TO PARLEY Reparation# p'ana «uhmlfted to the Premier«' Conference. GREAT BRITAIN—Reduction of Germany's reparation« pay ntent* to fifty billion rold marks: a two or a four year moratorium; ne protective guarantees f|. e , coercive measures) except In ease of default; creation of an International commit don euch «« was pro posed by Secretary Hughes to supervise Herman finances. N'o reduction of Oermany'a debt to Franre and a scaling down tn Mi.ontvono.onn marks of reparations only In rase France S debts lo her Allies are reduced and that Franre receive* priority payments; tax and customs harrier control of the Rhine-, land Ruhr; guarantees." FRANCK a two year moratorium conditional upon "protective ITALY—A two year moratorium: allied financial control of Germany; guarantees without military intervention. led Premier , Conference will with draw tomorrow tf Premier Poln care insists upon th» French repa rations plan as the sole basis for discussion It was announced today. In both France and British rptnr er* It was predicted the conference would end In a Franco-Brltlsh rup ture bv afternoon President Millersnd of Frane*. summoned an extrsord narv meet lug of the cabinet council for 11 o'clock this morning to consider the situation. cabinet replied that ihe Brit Th* ish plan of reducing Ihr German f-nd no coercion was absolutely In .icceplable." it Instructed Premelr Poincare to request the conference to adopt the French plan. The French cabinet Issued a com mun que after examining the British hole, saying It had unanimously de cided the Knglish program means a conaidsrable reduction of French 60 00«. gold payments mark* with a four-year moratorium ■ o HARVEY TELLS HARDING 01 El ROPES PLIGHT; U. S. PLAN MAY WIN Pree. » — Important eonf.renr*» on America s move tn ao;,e , h e crUlc*' W ASH INGTO N, »Ian. It (t'nited European situation began h*»re today between Colonel George Harvey, am basi*idor to Great Britain and higher administration off! I*'», As another attempt of Kurope to •'solve it» own problems seemed near failure because of the widely diver gent views nf the French and British, th „ premiers' Conference in Paris. Mr Harvey «mmmoned from hi« post because of America's derision to in tervene in Europe gave President j Harcflng and Secretary of State Hughes a ftrst hand report on the grave economic crisis faring the old world During the next few days. Mr , HarTe> wln ln, ° d ' tai1 of ! ,h, ' European situation with the Fre and Secretary of State and probably with other members of the! cabinet and other administration leaders will map out a course of the r, P arat,on * question through the Paris conference fails, The President and Mr. Harvey be- ) gan a discussion of European affairs shortly after breakfast this morning The Ambassador arrived white House last night and will he action for ihe United States In the event that Europe's final attempt ,o at the Ouigan. poking him when the youth placed hl« father live«, John Kre«key was tlned $T5 an d cost, on a charge of as. s * u it and battery by Judge Hasting* In Municipal Court this morning, Charles »aid that as he placed his wheel again,, the side of the house .. . . . _ . . . Kreskey grabbed him. Kreskey. however, said Charles ran his wheel „„Inst him and tore hi, trousers and that when he remonstrated with hlm the lad struck him in the face, He denied ehoklng the boy. For Clover Dairy Safe Milk phone) FOR CHOKIMi HOY FINE HIM $75 by the throat and Accused of seizing Charles Me a boy. bicycie against the wall of the, house 500 West Fifth street, where hia ' 1 1540-1541.—Adv. _ ."'-i'rir rr - rrrr ahandon """ b < of easentlal clause* of , î, ,, ' rn0On «""Ion by explaining why f r,nr * couldn't accept the British ,,lan He said he would open th* af- 'ernoon conference by aaklng a vote nn Fr*nrh -project as reprewnt- ,n * • minimum demand. If It araa r -fue-d by Britain, the French eald. Conference would end. - F. The Italians and Belgian* baoked France to the extent of refualng to acc*pt th* British plan the Versailles treaty. Poincare cam* out of the meeting »nd announced he would open the Peines re »aid Italy did this (t would mean confiscation of 5nn.000.Aon f"'! lire In ihe Bank of Kngiand. The Belgfans. he said, refused he ,»use the British »rheme Impaired their reparation» priority. Th* Italian delegation reported making effort» to aa\e ihe confer enoe from a smash ned to propose hi» plan as basis for discussion, .\fu««ollnl plan The Dalian proposal (Continued on Page Twelve) Brandegee, Conn., dur ng hi» atav in Washington, a fitest « ( the hrnn* -of .Senator selected t Ameriea already lh»t a eommlsslun has ■ proposed 1 of experts be Ihe reparations flgur-s hut this plan has not yet been accepted by France. Although there are some Indications that In 1 he »vent of failure ,,f the Par*« atfratn ialration leaders will discuss what revise fan hr done hy this country In the event of Anal French rejection.• For the next few days, Harding, Hughes and Harvey will keep % doll watch on the Paris conference, dt The widely divergent view« of tfle French and British «« regaled a* ihe opening sessions of the coal^r' ence caused pessimi.m In o«e;al rirfl, ' ! '' various proposals, it was known that the British plan more nearly coin cldea with American views on repara lions than the French. irreconcilable Republican Senate to support of the admin '»(ration •» plan to aid Europe. Harvey, an Ir reconclable himself during the Ver sallies treaty fight, will ser-k tn Im for American action of this kind. While declining t,> c mment on the Part of Colonel Harvey's mission here i, was learned, will be lo swln. press them with (he Imperative need ant Episcopal Diocese of Delaware, 'building. The f**™*"? ' addressed b> tbs Rr. .. Morris, bishop of the esnai zor' with headquarters at Parums, sod Mias l>aura F. Boyer, educations! secretary of the extension board of the auxiliary, with headquarter* In New York oily. P. E. AUXILIARY TO HEAR PANAMA HISHOP The Epiphany meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Protest Andrew's parish will be held in St. house at 2:30 o'clock next Thurs Pm l. day afternoon, January ceding this meeting, a conference of the executive boards of the Wo men's Auxiliaries of the churches of the diocese will be held st 10.S n o'clock that morning in th* same will he Rev. Craig