Newspaper Page Text
/ •i The Evening Journal . The Weather Fair lon'ght with l»mp#rature near freezing: Friday, rloudy and unsettled: moderate variable winds ) becoming southerly. 20,138 Circulation Yesterday Non Returnable I LATE NEWS EDITION ' THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 176 WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. THURSDAY. JANUARY 4, 1923 16 PAGES. TWO CENTS. fa" ' PREMIERS' PARLEY ENDS IN DISAGREEMENT; TURKS MAKE WAR MOVE; 80 PERSONS DROWN LEGISLATURE SILLS SLEADr ~ n Only One Measure Prc sented; John B. Hutton i*..„ ui House Attorney M C till I FQ HRr.l?« à. till.I>t-O UlUlEiU WOMEN'S LEGISLATION F'taff Corresno»>1em. STATE HOUSE. HOVER. Del Jan. 4.— Now »Hat both house* of th* legislature are organized there 1» fitly no bmdnexH in the shape ready for «-on-ideration by ~"T=§i ■.Til and while the Senate convened at 10.30 oVlot-k practically no business «as transacted before moon. Many members did not come Dover until the noon train, and many of those who did come earlier spent pan of th<* morning at the ÎSMte Corn Show in the Armory The House did not convene to .... due to S, fa ft that alMhoNviN pi ngton members and several from o :>pa of bills those bavins; proposed e-e show In predentin« it. state of affairs has retarded early days The 1 'ii'uin todav t*» •day until 12.Ô other section** In the upper pan of »he State we (Continued n the train due here Page Fourteen) j j MO BREAKS BRIDGE WALE : j [Lawyers Car, Skidding After Smash. Hangs Over Brandvwinc j j SPEEDING CHARGE IS PREFERRED % About ten feet of ihe stone balus 1; «de of the new Washington Street {Memorial Hndg< was torn away •when a Hudson car, driven by Vlc 1«»r Barsky, a local attorney, SO *M>et s reel, crashed into it in a col T-.on with mi automobile of Michael Dlendler. labour r, o'cl When the It«* a stop, one of the dangling over fhe edge of |l*ridg* in the gap made In the jng. H id the mach ne cope a few 1*e » farther. It. with Mr. Barsky, would likely have fallen about 'feet to the railroad fra* ks below. Barsky cycle Offlcsr Blacklaton on a charge ol exceeding the speed limit. He f illed to -appear Jn Municipal Court (Continued on Page Two.) Van Buren st reet. k la-t evening. Barsky machine^ came was • he I-, Mot. was arrested by HOUSE MAID TAKEN AS MONEY THIEF ;.4JA. Dflb o. IT. of Millvilli N» V iholhe of J. 1/>on Murphey. 841 ('lay iell street, wa« arrested this morn ing by Detective« Kempski and Sut ton, and turned over to the Juvenil* to uthorities. the larceny «*f 832 from Mr. Mur Marx* is charged with i« of 510, $10 nd $20 the y»hey in latter amount alleged to have been taken this morning from a roll of hills amounting to $122. The girl is said to have taken the • ffuoney from a pocketbook In Mr. Murphey's coat, which he left hang ing a chair. \fter questioning the girl the De tectives persuaded her to return the amount stolen, w h ive hidden in a dresser drawer. hlch she is said to hr. K. C. Keboch. field secretary hi' Sun«lav school work In the (V TO PRFUTI AT ST. PAFI/S. •ftoal Pennsylvania Conference will $>r* ach nt »^f. Paul's M. K. Church lonlght, 12.01 P. M..S9 1.00 P. M..38 -- : ...7.23 A. M ....4.48 P. M ! 7.21 P. M 9.40 P. M TODAY'S TEMPER \TFRE At The Evening Journal Office, 8 00 A. M • • 30 3"00 A. M..39 Sl N AND TIDE. pun rises . . . . Bun sets. Head of Christ tana. High water..6.47 A. M. Low water . .9.00 A. M. ) •* L*»ST—Black umbrella on Wednesday. ,,!»"rb» n .2»%n Sn ?nur.°> 1 «~d>Tf.h M ' r R;1 v ir«l If returned to the Evening Jour janl It iCont.nvidd on Page Fifteen ) 1 IX)ST bl«. f>fflee. 1 — Turkov Calls Mon In Colors As War Move Constantinople, Jan. (United Press)—Turkey to day called to the colors all able-bodied men in the so called liberated territories of the Near East. The Angora government i,» U ed the mobilization de f re «- A " er waiting two day* for word from Lausanne as lo the Allied intention., the Kemalists answered Greek mobilization and British fleet movement with a warlike of With everything depend ent upon Lausanne, the con ference there remained in active awaiting outcome of the Paris Premiers' Parley on reparations. l j BENÏ FREEDOM MRS. POWELL STUBBS PAROLED FOR ONE MONTH Board Refuses Pardon fori Her and Two Others Todav Special to The Evening Journal. DOVER Del.. Jan. 4—The State Hoard of Pardons in session today* refused the application for par— «Ion of Mrs. Mary A. Powell, «erring \ life term for th» murder of Estelle Albin in February. U»ft4. near Bow. i«e has .»ee n he. er« Bea«-h. This fore the hoard five times. Probation Officer J. A. Oliver presented well's peijrion. He produ letter fr«*m Atterney-fjeneral H. T-T. 1 row*ll j • d • Mrs. Ward who prosecuted Mrs. -bowing no opposition to the pardon 1 f recommended. Mr. Oliver also!* produced other letters recommend .ng the pardon on the ground of ! suffi« irnt punishment having been meted out to Mrs. Powell for the «•rime she committed. She killed the 4 i nn I'fl/I'* nnillTO pU|€ MUr I (Jill I U MAIL DELIVERY Free Carrier Service for That Section to Start January 16 SEIDLE'S STORE Resident» SUB-STATION IN Special to The Evening Journal. WASHINGTON. Jan. 4 of Richardson Park. Wilmington, have complied with the require rnent« of the Post Office Department in establishing improved postal fa < illtie« for fhit vicinity. was an rnent today. The new delivery ser vice will be established on January 16. Fourth Assistant announced. Mr. Riliany s.ii«l the Richardson Park station would be located in Willard Seldle's drugstore and would Postmaster General Blllany (Continued on Page Two.) CHILDREN MARRY, BUT HAVE CONSENT Miss Mary Ellon Coombs, 18. of the Sedgîey Farm*, and Robert H. Cathcart. 19, of 1917 West Tenth rere married nt Elkton on street. Saturday night by the Rev. John Me Elmoyle. Mr. Cathcart and his bride ith two went to Elkton in company friends, hut gave no hint to relative« rf 4helr intentions of marriage. Fol lowing the wedding the parly re turned to this city, keeping their marriage a secret. On Sunday, the young couple went to the home of Mr. Cathcart'* sister, Mrs. Letitia Porter. 617 Bay ard avenue, and told of their elope ment. The young man had been living with his mother. Mrs. Emily Cathcart. while hi* young bride had j been living with her parents on the ; jScdgley farms. Both had parental 'consent, as they were planning to The young couple will make their j home with Mrs. Porter at the Bay tre j avenu* address -- N. C. NN A EEL ES. Nobis Cafeteria. 9th St. Entrance j[Wll. Sayings Fund Bldg;— Adv. i he married at a later date. -1 Eyes of Whole \otion ISoir Glued On '/his *'Main Street V A H % N r 9 r r f r »< a m n f ', a : I «Ma; \ VA » WÊK8tâ m**- ■ r g» a,; * apss MT « <• Thie forlorn-looking "Main Street'' of Mer Rogue. hitherto unknown Louisiana country town, ie the center of Infereet of the who'« United States following a State Investigation. prosecuted by militia armed with machine gune. which uncovered two «lay. na« and other outrage« committed In a war of masked terrorist*. VOUTHFUL BRIDE l l i Will Fight Father-in-Law's Effort to Annul Their . Marriage SAY DUROSS TOLD AGE AS 21 YEARS r *** which took place at Elkton on Monday night, Edward DuRoss, 1017 After Investigating his son's mar " ost Fifth street, found that the boy bad given his age as 21. instead of 1 •. The son. Edward J. Du Roes, was Mr. I»uRo««. senior, is makina efforts ,tc have the marriage annulled. Mr. DuRoss intimated hrs son was married to Miss Agnes A. daughter of Mr and Mrs. « hares J. Kaiser. ?ll West Seventh street, and Kaiser. 10 * >n pos«ession of all h.« faculties *vhen he trim married. Miss Eliza beth M, Kaiser. ftn«I George 1^. Willis, were married at the same time, the affair being a double elopement, Mr. DuRon censures the I clerk I hi* son. The clerk stated he was not to blame as the young given his age as 21, and offered to prosecute young DuRoss for per I jury if he was brought within the I jurisdiction of the Maryland courts Proceedings to have the marriage annl,IM Win hp bfï,,n throuch Mrs. n had (Continue] on Psg* Fourteen.) TO TEEL OF CHAOS IN RUSSIA, POLAND . Irma May cantor, on® of the Relief Mi recently returned Jewish workers will be the guest of fhe Sisterhood of the Temple Beth Km-th lomorron- evening, at the flr»t "at home" reception of the Sisterhood following services in the Synagogue. Mrs. Cantor ha» devot - ed conaderable time to ohild-wel fare work among the stricken Jews of Russia and Poland, and Just returned to this country three week* ago. Next week she will begin a trans latai tour under the auspices o^th* American Jewish Relief Com mit: •ar. starting in New Haven. Conn., with San Francisco as her destination. for sufferers from the Sho yTl «Iv» to Wllmln«tonl*n» a de*«Tlptlon of the conditions thot actually prevail in Poland. Czecho i Slovakia. Roumanls. Con«rantinople. S myrna and Bulgaria, which she t our°d Iasi summer end fall. No efforts will he made to secure suh scrlptions nor will any collection be taken, and the public Is cordially in vited to attend the reception. WEfiTOMK ('(U NTIL INSTALLS Welcome Council. No. 7. Jr. O. U. A. M., entertained members and friends In Jr. O. U. A. M night, after the installation of offi rers. The officers installed fol'ow Hall last Councilor. Charle« Woolridge; rlce councilor. John Wilkinson; assistant recording secretary, Edwnrd Sadler: recording secretary. W. G. Dill: treasurer, E. A. Pierson: financial secretary. Charles Sharp: chaplain. Joel Sharpless: past councilor. Wil liam Simmons: Inside sentinel, George Clifton: outside sentinel, William Nickerson. FONTANA NOW IN JAIL Steve Fontana, arrested on a liquor charge. February 26. 1921. was sentenced in United States Dis trict Court yesterday afternoon by (Judge Morris to five years Impris onment. Fontana failed to appear for trial la«t year and his bail was forfeited. He reappeared in Wil ruineton ,»».»rday and w«, a PP r» i bended by his bondsman. Frank F'isjraro. who took him lo the Fed f>ra * build ng. . HO DE {/) AFTER HR!DDE COLL IPSE; !.<) WED I UTOS DROP INTO WAS!IN. RIVER den. H onion. Children Droit nod in Cowlitz River After Kelso Structure Buckles and Falls. Horror Stricken W itnesses On Stream Bank Powerless. Ship Crews Save Many. KETBO, Wash., Jan. 4. Press. )—Eight} been lost when the Ke! (United ll ves may have bf eollapmd late yesterday, authorities estimated today. It will he impossih'e to determine the exact casualties a« the**» was way of telling how many persons were nn the bridge when »he »able* jrs human fre;gh» lurched river «napped and the great structure \v:fh F'owlit* into the turbulent water«, of the Witnes«e* agreed that the number on the bridge was approximately 150 although some thought higher. Forty are known to have been rescued. An additional number rushed to safety from the bridge came that the bridge was tottering. Eleven name« are listed as *k to be missing" One man died In a hospital to iwn day. On a hssis of 130 persons having LITTLE HOPE FOR INCREASED PENSIONS WASHINGTON. Ten 4.—(United prce«t.—Effort« to pai :er Preei dent Harding'* veto the Bursum hill increasing the pensions of Mexican, ' Civil. Spanish and Indian War vet ran.« and fheir widow'« will fall. Some supporters of the bill are probably pected -to a*k today that th» Senate disregard Mr. Hard urging its amendment to meet the President's bjectlons. Senator Bursum New Mexico, ex tomorrow j ing'.« objections and make the bill I a law. This reqm a two-third« The bill was passed hurned vote. nf l ly Just before Christmas, without a quorum of the Soi nt ai leader« «aid it probably would not mnnd ih< xupport of e»«n ■ ma Jority of .h» R»n«t». OTA TU IWl/CCTir 1 A TCC OlAIIj 111 T L4JI lUA I uj 4 I TT A I? 4 T 4 I Tffll/ AU IU F A I Alii I V n "' ST \TF MOSPIT \ I IMPORT n.."ivr".n. "Tun;,. r» Stat» Moan : ta I nt v a r„h„ r .r for December Was announced to day a» follows: Population of thi institution, beginning the month of December, males. 290. and females ••S3, making a total of 543; patient» admitt-d. male., 3, and female». 2; ! discharged, male» 6 and female» One male patient died In the ! Hearing of William F. Mink, of Bellevue, on a charge of man slaughter. which was to have been heard before Magistrate Gluckman yesterday afternoon, was continued as the attorney-general is investigat ,* n g jfip aroident at Richardson Park on December 11, which resulted in the death of Frank A. Weatherhy. Mr. Mink is alleged ro have down Mr. Weatherhy. The month. Beginning Monday. January 1. | the population of the hospital was, | nwles. 286. and females. 252. mak- i tog a total of 53«. The amount ro celved for the hoard of paid pa .l#nt» In D#r#mh»r «•»» 1 la For Cover Dairy Saf«* Mlk phone 1540-1541.—Adv. been on th» bridge, authorities ba lleved that the««» figures accounted for # all hut approximately eighty. Eye witnesses and W |l 0 saved themselves from the water or the banks at the first omJnfons «Tacking of th« «nlln»eritig th«»se w ho de«| bsck t » several and children dutch men, Ing at flo.i' ng debris j] vain effort« ,ft themselves a« the rush ; ng them veliAw flood earned down stream Unintelligible «-ream« for help reached the horror-stricken wit nesses on the river banks, who. powerless to aid, shouted directions to th. or.«-« Of thi> «i«mpri Pnmon i and Cowlitz wh rh ploughing reach the; weeks the bridge has the pressure of a| against the current l struggling scores. They saved many persons. For two b< n subjected t (Continued on rage Two WIFE WINS MORE SUPPORT MONEY When John Schechenberger was arraigned in Municipal Court this morning on a charge of non-support of his wife and three children, his . wife testified that he left her last : j u |y after she had twice caught h! with another he has been giving her 110 a week, but that out of that amount she I« She said that vornan. required to pay on a mortgage, taxes • and other bills. Schechcnberger, a morocco ern denied improper relation*: fith "the other w oman.'* He raid j I j ■ I , ploye, that he left home because his wife j ' was acting strange" and a ways had a crowd of youths about the house. Judge Hasting« ordered the de ( f , ndant ;o pll ,. a for ,h* I ! ,u PP or. of hi» family, INQUEST FRIDAY IN NEW YEAR FATALITY Coroner Taylor will hold an In quest Friday night in th« case of Joseph Kowalaky of 10 Stroud St. who died In Homeopathic Hospital. Mondax night, after being struck ■y ,» bullet sat«! to have h« en fired by Stanley Przybyle, in celebrating ,!,» nrr:v»l of th» N»w V».»r. j Inquests may also be held on th* f rt»«ih, of Riohsnl And»r»on. who»# .!»«.! bortv W«# found nn P»li»-«ro «'»>,"» I«»t nigh, andI S.» P "»n ron Fu, d * i? . H pftal thi» morning. ..■■.»nil»- r nn uTTT „u-iii »WOBOE fX»* MRS. t».%VII TUhel M. Davis was granted a di- f ' orce tbis mornJng in 8u k ^° U " fro '; , ™°™" ' 1 h , c w,f T Ni?,' !7 > L,', I,ate !n ,B:I Davls lPft h * wif< ' aml Mnre ,hat tlme ha! * wUh another woman, witnesses stated. , ing KU I! EIRE CALLS FIREMEN. Engine Company No. 7 was call ed to 714 Walnut street, this morn to extinguish a fire due to defective flue The building which is occupied by E. Gordy* and four other families, was only slight. y damaged. i 1 l Morehouse Parish Divided in Opinion on Eve of Trials MARTIAL LAW ORDER AWAITED I MER ROfU'E. Da.. Jan 4 (United Adam special prosecutor in the rise against mask. Pram)— S» ed terrorists who slew Watt Daniel« and Thomas Richards, resigned to. ri*y nn the ev« of fhe trfâl. Adam« anmumced disagreement with Attorney. «îenera I C «ponsihle for his retirement Mer Rogue expected p of martial law at nn\ moment, Jt he- . ing rumored that orders signed hr Governor Parker already had reich ed commanding officers o units in the disturbed urea. was re. clama: kon f military i BASTROP. La Jan 4 (United Prmw)— Moréhon*ê parteh wn, divld as of th#» law were marshaled for lawlessness. Mixed emotions of ! credulity and suspicion by citizens of the community on the! eve of the hearing vu termine fhe murderer* Daniels and J. R. «Taught o an on suspense, in *ere evinced hlch will de Watt Harkins many of months ago. One f««*fion. alleged by fftafe au 'horitie« to he sympathizers of fhe Ku Klux Klan WOULD CALI. L. S. TROOPS FROM RHINE pled German terri-: he Senate utspnke nth prediction« the h flat for lack of evidence. Scores of admittedly hostile to the I invieihle" empire, sided with them 1 (Continued on Page Fourteen) ring uld fall citizen«. WASHINGTON. Jan. 4 (United Frees)—A resolution demanding Irn mediate withdrawal • f American troops from tory will be Introduced : either by Senator Reed, Missouri, Senator Hiram John-j for an eron mile commission but It was not voted on as Borah withdrew his meuuM Kerd and Johnson, however, want the Senate to go on record on the * question and if they cannot auqcaed * in getting a vote on the* question «« a separate proposition one of them will offer it as an amendment lo the Democrat son. California. Republican. •I offered a similar resolution as an amendment to Senator B>rah> r. ''■■•»n' propoMl armv appropriation bill. " —* TOMORROW I A ST I)4V * ff Li/lkJl l/ft 1 PAD AI I) A J [T/Ï TAf^ Fx/Il. I/Ll/ /mUlx/ 1 xallO ■ Tnmnrro „. Ia „ d , v „„ |j)* , ° Ucense tacs ci he on R „ lomnh , lPH in n»2»-«r». I (h nv( .. (| , )( , „ r-1rf ,|;„«»d 1 „ hr h -o c». IJ2J .««» wUI #xp -« Marktrate» In Wllmln«lon »#r» 1 busy today iaauin« licenses to au oR to tbs last minute the obtaining of new tags on d n«w operarora' licenses. RFPORT MANY XKW SICK There were 223 oases of conta glous disease In Wilmington at noon today, nearly half of them being measles. 16 new cases belnsr report «*d thi* morning to the Board of Health, Measles. The ca«es are as follows; 109; Influenza. 41: s«arlet fever. 34; chickenpox. 23: whooping cough. 14; diphtheria. 2 Mumly Fro*. Sel: Fur nit nr«.--Adv. j GERMANY WILL NOT SUBMIT TO FRENCH FLAN TO SEIZE RHINE LAND OUÏES; NE«' BRITISH MAKE EAST MINUTE APPEAE France Likely to Sei/e Rhineland Strip at Once and Collect M ar Debt FAKIR, -Ian. 4.— (Unite«! Pres»). —The British delegation nnnonnml Hits afternoon that the reparations cooferrnoo will end In a disagree ment Suh»e4|iiently the conference . Tills announcement rame after the ended. c*«mferre« had taken an adjounflMMl , . f«»r «me hour, during wlil«*h the dele gate» were to evamlne a new note Jnsl Mibmltlrd by the British. <'o|iip«e <.f j he conference has • beep threatened since its «tart'due that th» to fhe fa British a nd French p ans for rollectlrfg repara tions from Germa m dlver were gent. A break up will be followed. It , Is believed by Independent French, action to collect and guarantee Ger-j man payment*. Premier Poincare of Frnc# stated (Continued on Page Six.) THE HEV. H. H. PHELPS DIES IN WASHINGTON The Rev. Hamilton B. Phelps, rector of St. Thomas' Episcopal Church, Newark. Del., from lf04 to! J Phelps. He was ordained to the inistry in New York city, ln 1K9R, The funeral servmes took place in ! the Holy Comforter o'clock this morning The last tin»« Mr. Phelps officiat ed in this vicinity was et fhe mat riage of Knowle* R. Bowen, Newark, «nd Miss Margaret G of Marshallion. in St. James P. K Chapel at 8 •f « hiirch. Mar «hallt on. the lfi»îer part of 1821. The R«v. Mr. Phelps assisted at that marriage cer»niony by the Rev. .f. R. parks. «•rased. Mrs. Phelps kept up her acquaintanceship in Newark h y fre quent visits, vas IOW de ! IRISH REBELS MAY BE READY FOR PEACE DUBLIN, Jan. 4 (United Press).— Insurgent leaders gathered in Dublin today for what Is believed to be a P<**ve move. Presence of furtive rebel figure* "«ported here and there In side streets and backrooms of the city, re vlved peace talk ami were rolnci- 1 rt»nt.I with r.port, Ihne th» R»p..b ^* rÄn • , bad asked an "honorable» set '" Th '' fHr ' ,h *' ,h, ' Fr ' , '' W«** 1 officia » apparonlly p»rmitt»d a m»»tln« of th» r»b#l D«il y»«t»rd»y I*nt weight to th# p#«c# rtimoM. Eamonn D» \ al#ra. fuyitiv# pre*l d« n «. w «« to have presided oyer the > n « which wa* held In «-dingy waterfront building. tvorthle»» checks and six charging unlawful use of milk bottle» were returned by the Grand Jury yestet Jay afternoon. They were: Alleged offering of worthless check*—Peter N. Satlreikos an«1 Alleged unlawful use of milk hot Benjamin tv. Sheppard. Frank Smith. Thom«« E. McCall. Clarence Hollingsworth RETURN MORF ;ing uttering Clayton D. Appleby. tie*—Barnet Rubenstein. and Harry M. Hmkson. Borlin Decides lo Lot Economic Crash Como Ralhor Than FavRep arations f tutor Guns. 7 h ere by Th roa ton ing Poaco of Europe. t \TERVE\TIO\ BY U. S. TALKED OF W'\sm\«TO\. dan. «.— (Unite«'. IT(W)—With the Parla cenn*reiMV of Promter« on the verge of failure, Germany today took Hie nitliude that «he would never submit to the French progmm to colic**! repo ra tions. hw fr " m unquestionable sources Mates that BlTlln l«K«mnifnl Im.» ilorMfil I»» let a final crash In Europe coma Iwfore «h bin itHng to the plan of rrem 1er Potncnr* for the productive guarantees In the Rhine ►•called land and the Ruhr, with military action threatened to ctarry th« French program Info effect. Th« significance of this attitude of Hermans Is that If th» Prent e«d t take Independent action gain* vhen h« Pacii -_ _ . « «inference e«>llapses. a cruns of the f rst ord«r will b« created, ihreaten mg the peso« of nil Europe pt Intervent i Fnhsd Ptaf by the the sittiatlbh may sa H appeared here tday. While Germany realine« thaï sh« may not be in a position to make war against France, the fcer'in govern ment is said , to be determined to rope: in every way such independent action by France and. If no material resistance is possible to let every thing "go to smash'' before agreeing to the French program. It is believed thnt information concerning this attitude of Ger many soon w«»uld be ip possession of r 1 1 he American government. Also this situation and other development* ire ail tending to hurry action by the United Stales lo prevent a collapse 1 (Continued on Page Fourteen.) HOPE ED AGREE ON COURT HEAD • Republicans Try for Settle tlement During Recess Before Later Meeting TAKE 7 MORE FRUITLESS BALLOT§ that body, After faking .«even corning In an effort ballot« _ <• break the thL •leadlock exlug in the Levy Court over the election of firesident n' the Commissioners took a recess until 2:,in o'clock this uf fernoon. In ihe in' effort was made to settle the controversy In an amicable mann a r by the election of a Republican member of the court as presiding officer. Today's sess; third held so far this week, was attended by œvena I hundred men Interest jn the deadlock has caus ed the attendance to ln«'rease dally of the court, the nnn-»n P port cl»rk on th» ni»i!7,»nin« door, on th» EI»v»nth »tr»»t »nd of -h» Puhlio Bulldn , ,om».im»».rly Monday m orpin« t»r»d th» P lat# ala«». P a»<»d throu«h a Christmas tr#» on th# d»»k of Mlp* Emma Forrest .nd- «■■• th» wall, fell to the floor wh»*r« It was found. tended to six persons today through our Classified Advert'aing Depart ment. Look through the classified advs. and If your Dime 1§ there come to »he Journal office and receive fra« tickets for two (war lax p«l<|) *• see the special production. Tbbmas Meighan. in Tomorrow," at th» Queen, and The Prisoner of Zen«!«.'* of the Arc«*)«. Friday night. See page 14 tons/. (Continued on Page Fourteen) BULLET INTO CITY OFFICE New Tear's «hooters .«»nr a *te*4 a 3* # - bullet, evidently fired froi calibre automatic pistol, through one of the windows of the nffin* of the The bullet shat INDICTMENTS l THE MO VII S rOMORROAl Invitations to the Movies are ex "The Man Who 5»aV