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- ' PLAN Id IINITL I i K| Engineers Want Legislation to Throw Out "Air Hogs" . I UNKING OF SYSTEMS WOULD AID SHIPS * (United WASHINGTON. Jan. 4 Press).—New and startling develop-• ment.« in the field of comniunlcailon promised the public In the very iuar ; fmiture as a result of experiments now being conducted by engineers md experts of the big telephone sys- | tents of the country. These experi-, nients. embracing the joint u«e of I the telephone and radio, wilt offer: ■ 1. A "ships to shore" eysiem. i whereby a passenger aboard a vessel In mid-ocean may get Into «peaking communication with any person on either of the two great continents, and \ 2. A linking of the telephone ays.! ■ tern and the radio, making possible j I the simultaneous broadcasting to the J entire public events of national ln- I . Exhaustive research ha» been con V ducted in these fields during the past | year w;:h marked succew* and the 1 I' ■ i actual I t< rest and importance. • practicability of both projects has ».fen »!♦ monstrnted. gu'ations governing onpleH with certain '«elfish interests in the radio broadcasting field—stand in the way of completion on any large si-alr- of these projects. passage of legislation pending before congress, designed to H revolutionise present condition« in I rniim work would do away with such Interference, it fs stated. Development of a ship to shore telephone service has been place»! in the hands of a If. Griswold, vi president of the American Telephone and Telegraph Uompany. colonel in the A. E. F.. laid theenor-J •ornmunication system used ■ by the American forces in their major engagements In the lite war Last year Griswold demonstrated the practicability of the ide« when he Many ob-tacles- -principally exist ing rules and ra dio. : now hi; the ho. as a mous 1 • I creeled a telephone station at Deal TVach. N. J . and. with the ro-oper ■ ulion of the U. S. Shipping Ronr»i in stalled instrument and apparatus fhe liner America. Uomrmin I oar. 1 t*.n ha» h»»n »stnlil »li».l with fh» Amerira .« far as sixteen hun.lre.l III a! »»a. white :he roaet »! plete'y equippe.I a» a te'f phone exchange, has »ct . miles «'atlon. «'•<*1 P con ■tion wi»h all parts of *h^ country thereby allowing the vessel to talk n< th Pacific Coast. Board cve n t< Shipping from I lie benefits officia'«, a fforded aside passen ger«. declare such a system would literally "da thei • f time sa ve and thousand« of dollars In tlielr operations. The hrinyintr of a vessel into harbor or .took could be tre mendously expedited, d.reet. verbal they say. if communication with ihn «höre were possible. Negotiations re now under way with tlie major steamship companies' plying the Atlantic Ocean .ami f ho •Ilh »-ornmunication compan e« of* Kumpe looking fo th« completion of arr.a ng^rnenf « whereby a huge ship- 1 to.shore system may be installed. • The «teamship pointed out. must agree t of uniform equipment, forei.-n communication concerns must make provisions for the relay aver their systems. companies, it Is :• the u«e ! while the i? it QUESTIONS I .. and Bible Answers If Parent* will rnroaravr rhilertn look up '?3| »ndmrmome th* F-bl# Ai»«rp-ove HI a pnerir«« h^ntaav to them t- «rtcr vears gj Id What .arc sonic of the reason« why wc should Me*« the Lord? INulm 10.3:1-3. F ling clerks, stenographera and cashiers will be favor» d in the Wan: Ad.« this week fully for benefits ratch them c.tre I A I t I MEALS MW OR LAV UNDIGESTED W Instantlyl End Flatulence, Gas, heartburn, Indigestion c* Ça? I ,1 fOR lH oictsti°t< I I % ï Phew a few! Stomach fin»*! So pleasant, so inexpensive, so qtliek t»» settle an upset ftomach. The moment "Pape's D I ape p sin" Î teaches the stomach all pain an»lj distress from indigestion or a sour, j fipssy stomach vanishes. Millions know It« magic. All druggists rorommend this harmless stomach corrective. 1 - r: Î Start the New Y ear Right 1 By having a Standard OH Burner; ■installed In your range or heater. A big saving In the coat of fuel. Call I for a demonstration at the sales and showroom. 841 ORANGE STREET J 11 TWsRadioProgram flue io 360 Meten) station WOO, Philadelphia 11.00 a. m. »rand organ. 11.30 p. m.—United Slate* weath J er forera.*»!. 11 —Uhimea and stroke of noon un organ bell*. 4 15 trumpets. *..I0 p. in—Kvening concert by frlld St. Deter'« ('hoir, under the di rection of Harold W. Gilbert. 9.55 I*. M.—United State» Nava! Observatory time signal. P. M.—United States weather WPL PHILADELPHIA p. m.—Grand organ 10.02 fore» a*t. STATION 1.16 I». M.—Late 3.30 P. M.—Concert by the Straw bridge & Clothier Glee Club, featur ing as soloists. John Owens, tenor. Amon Herkheiser, buss. Loretta Kerk at the pi« 6.3« t station wip, Philadelphia 1 (i,f P- n*. -Noon prices New York an< * Philadelphia i*tock Exchanges. L30 I». rn.— Plano recital by Mme. Sonia R. Tarurnianx. - 30 p. m.—Recital by Miss Anne Smith, contralto, and Mrs. Albert Longbottom. so ratio. Mrs. Frances Babcock at the piano. 7.00 P. M. — Weather report. 7.1« P. ews items. Miss Children* own Stories In- Cousin Oer and 7 P. M. half hour, tnide. Department of Agriculture Pro duce Market and Live Stock reports, at ]« A. M. and 2 P. M... on 4S5 meters. e-tones and roll «all. niitsxhi; i:\ii, : — 1 th til» I.nrd sin linn W.f/. Newark M.—Early morning report* and prices nnd farm products. . n.25 A. M—5»tandord ti nais and weather forecast, Thus ,f hosts; tow from your evil and from your evil do —Zachariah 9 A. Twin \e ie slg inics 4. children. 7.45 p York Su s.»»o 12 to 1 P. M.—Opening prices on active bonds and stocks, fep and sugar; pri'-e* on farm product»; musical m.— Report of the New <'k Exchange. grain, cof midday reports ,«nd p. in.— Practical modern home. furn «hing the farmer. hints for Article of program. 4 P. M.—Clos'ngr prices on stock« interest t and bond«, grain, coffee and sugar 4.03 I*. M.— Fashions. 5.30 I*. M.—Closing «forks, bonds, grains, sugar. 5.45 p. m.—Resume of sporting event.«. K 30 p m - -Goncert by Mrs. Jo -eph Diamond, concert soprano; Gi- ; prier» on Palos, piano, Charles K. »•offre and harmonica. Ray. 1: 6 p. m.—Musical program. QUIT TOBACCO by David Uory 8 30 p. Sanlna, p.nnist. 1 9 p m _• j. Pleasure." 'oncert by Sophia m. »•I for Health and So easy to drop Cigarette, i ; Cigar, or Chewing habit ; by Anne Lewis f»!er» e. m.—"Stephen American Navy." by 9.15 p. j Hero of the Recatur. .M:ti.»I W.-i-hl.urn. ;ut p. m —<'on*-»r: hi* .listing.)ish » rt artiste. Hans Barth. p:,.m»t• R.„I • eriok While, violinist; John Tasker ' Ho war'd, will B ive No-To. Rar has break the .ng toba»-r helped thousand« habit. Whenever 5-mlnute "A Pica for Musical «'host- n longing for a smoke Just place you • r chew talk, nut.«." ha ï « No-To-Bac 9.55 p, m.—Arlington time signals, tablet In your mouth Instead All desire stops. f pro-. completely broken and v 'Cither forecast. Shortly the habit is: .are bet-; « «1 p. m.—Continuatio grume by distinguished artists. Station KDKA. Pittsburgh —News. United 1er off mentally, phvsirallv, i rlally. It'» fman-, simple. Get a State« borf of Xo-To-Bac an»l if it doesn't release you from all craving for to in any form your drugg<*t ill refun»! your money without que« eas 7.«« p. pul,lie health l.ulle;in. 7.30 p. m.—Bedtime story for bac» tion. CÜHE THROAT ^HiUHESTER S PILLS a nr. !*ia »«»vi* iirami A WXÄj/r.s:JSsrejtäA s?;siwaBÄ>» r«àe oibfr lin y of y mur V years » nown as Best. < A \ -• • p » v. Garble with warm salt water —then apply over throat— V ICKS V A R O R U S riu i-r t»i Used Yearly Over 17 Million Jan SiUnft> (UNK6KTSrVfjAmOf _ SNAP!! There goes that Spring! Don't Worry—We Can Replace It With a KEYSTONE AUTO SPRING We Have the Size in Stock to Fit Your Car and Will Give Real Service Concord-Boulevard Garage CONCORD AVENUE AND BROOME STREET Phone 5440 ;L Learn \\ hile ^ on Earn Are you anxious to earn more? The surest way to bring it about is to learn more. It can be done easily, quickly and thoroughly at the Night School of Goldey College, where personal instruction is given in Shorthand. Bookkeeping, Typewriting. Arithmetic, English. Penmanship, Spelling, etc. No embarrassment; expert in structors; moderate rates. Ask for details TONIGHT. Goldey College NINTH STREET AT TATNALL r This Sale Is For Thursday and Friday Only On Sale Thurs. and Fri. 69c This Coupon and 69c Will Buy One of the New Keystone Self-Filling Fountain Pens i Special Two-day Sale in order to advertise price $1.50. Special Thursday and Friday .\IJ IVns Guaranteed By the factory Regular 69c FREE TODAY ONLY FREE-A Haversharp Pencil-FREE With Each Purchase The Miller Drug Sto re K. W. MNTNICR, PropT 406 Market Street Wilmington, Del. JEST A MOMENT DAILY STUFXGTH AND Compiled, by John O Quioiut, (Th* Sunshine Man). Warm my cold heart. Lord. I be seech thee. Take away all that hinders me from giving myself to • Mould me according to Thine ' own image. Clive me grace 1« obe> i Thee in all things, and ever to fol l low Thy gracious loading i me this day to be kind to ! men. to be gentle and ' unselfish. »'«refill to hurt no one by word or deed, but anxious to do good to all. and to make others happy. O Lord, forgive the *in« of my temper. Par don all my hasty words and unchris Make me watchful. Make V fellow 9" l (*n thoughts, that I »ffend not with my tongue. » a meek and loving spirit. which i» in Thy sight of great price. I would not live unto myself, but • " m " <lav ' a " may offend Theo; for Jwu* Phrisf* sake—Amen. (»1 ve . e from sin thi« BIBLE THOUGHT HI FOR TODAY I Bibi« Thought« mrmnrMd. wIK prow« % pncelcsa her •»*<■ in after ymn. Hi ■ 1 ~.n ' - I TU IT or Til K SPIRIT:— Ijove, Joy, peahe, loriKsufrer inc, faith, meekne»*. temperan.-e; Kentlene»». stoodne»». •»gainst such there is no law. —Galatian» '. 23. YOUR LAST NAME Copyright. 1920. by The McClure Newspaper Syndicate BY MARY MARSHALL PI I I I K jl i 1 not , i n •ulptor, here he mar and it i«!a nee I* IT POWERS? If you are interested in the origin era family then you must overlook Walter Powers, who came as Colonist In 1654, probably FI* sex. England. landing in Salem, Mass . and settling in Lit tleton. His urd. »f I lie I* . f rom I Ife was Trial Shep Possibly Hiram Powers, the pio •c ulptor, was his r liest -k neer American most distinguished, descendant. Hiram Stephen Power« Stephen was the was the son of and Sarah Perry. Stephen r Stephen married Lydia Drew, and this • n was. descended from Wa I - Hiram Powers. tho livod in Cincti ter. »ail Eliza bet b rie» Gibson 'through the financial a the Nicholas Longwon h •that he > f f hi» day study art in Flor Hi« son. Preston Power*, born in Florence, was «I« vent 1 1 ence. •ulpp a of note. TRAIN HI'-'I. Ws TIlOl.I.KVs, Patrons of the Wllmington-Phlla delphia Traction Coi ipany. reaidin«; in New Ca»ile, Delaware city and points between this city and the two former places were de)a>e*l for two hours this morning in getting it* their places of employment in WJI nd «'bester by the hlock »f the trolley tracks on New mngton Ing Csstle avenue at the Pennsylvania Railroad Put-off by a freight train. 'Many of the men and turned to the:» home*, while others risked their life and limbs in climb* :ing over and under the cars of th' In in their effort to g»*r on frPight t to work. I ji 1 !i 11 » Li 1 . [JT (({iur: y iT-' « •w. ■ * TI.V r In; - —) i The Hudson Coach gives every essential closed car advantage. It puts values in the real things of automobile worth—utility, comfort, reliability and fine performance. These qualities depend most of all upon the chassis. The famous Super-Six — for eight years the largest selling fine car—now with the new Super Six motor indicates the worth of the HUDSON Coach *1525 Freight and Tax Extra Recently Reduced s 100 Sedan. $2095 Coach. $1525 Spaadator, $1425 7*Paa» Phaeton, $1475 F night mad Tax Extra WHITE BROS., SHOWROOM. 108 WEST 11TH STREET Phone 1313-1314 for Demonstration Ilf We Served 196,263 - Patrons During 1922 We Served 303,120 338,556 164,220 5,120 Cups of Coffee We Served Rolls We Served Pieces of Pastry j We Served Pounds of Butter |}!i Wishing Our Patrons a Happy New Year, With Our Assurance of Continued Service and Quality ijl WILMINGTON DINING ROOMS till 713 MARKET STREET F v worth Powers, of Salt Lake ru> He wa* prominent in i* e Gentile Party in that city and opposed the Mor lle was elected to hold Orlando was the son of Ju dworth Powers and hit? grand it Kevulu tionary soldier, who was « direct f Walter Powers An other descendant of Walter powers who married Lucy M eon. Arbi a IN Naomi Matthe» elyn Power* wa There Another descendant •f note was Orlando W< of Walter Dower* Nl mens m politics. Senator In 190« but decline olllce. «iah W» wife Julia Stoddard, and the «on of Urovdc Power«, descend«nt >d and lind a vho married •n, Llew or». Th-lr ». • s ernor of M i me is a Solomoi Power« whi nger on the Mayflower was a pas.« and the New Jet -. > familv Is of R.dstlei f Missis ion. me. tinte I Ml». »ippl. »»» *>f this line Copyright. 1SÏ2. by The MClure Newspaper Syndicate. ernor I INVESTMENTsf J fj] LOANS LOANS Wilmington Morris Plan Bank \ 909 SHIPLEY STREET Open Tuesday Evening Until 8 o'clock Instead uf troubling to prepare a tomato taute for meat croquette*, h. it « ca f tomato *oup an«l pour ' over croquette*, wi'hout adding the I ii^ual water or milk to the thick soup. . An invaluable aid to digestion, compound ed by a practical pharmacist, * « fJtVL r For Stomach Troubles Originally prepared l»v W. B. Jaquei | to relieve his own stomach trouble, their value has made them known from coast to coast. One or two with a swallow of water aid di* 1 gestion, break up gas and n • distress. Takon regularly aftot meal,, they help correct many ob stinate stomach troubles. Vt all itniinrl*« liuînidliig IVkcnl Med lei lie Store. Wilming ton; or «0 f«miN l»> mail |ne.i pahl from •faqiM*« rap-oil»* («.. | Plat » hIiii rg. V ). J «.nutrÜAKr 0 GiwOnfck Qeffrf * * ♦ « m '9*1 •»eil S v/rLMir»r.T 0 tTv 3 , lbadins store, CHWARTZ ■ BRO SiP* BJ.O-Q 12 J^UNfUC&T ex •**V Store News For Friday, January 5th Noteworthy Offerings i Yard Goods & Notions White Shirting Madras 37c yd. in .4. Victoria Challis 20c yd. Good quality for covering comforts. Excellent quality corded madras in plain white in single and cluster stripe design; 32 inches wide. dressing sarques and children's dresses, in a wonderful assortment of Pais Icy and flowered pattern», lifcht and dark colors, 36 inches wide. In Fancy Lingerie Plisse 59c yd. Dainty new underwear ma terial in stripes, checks, plaids and plain colors in pink, blue, orchid, maize and yellow. Heavy Outing Flannel 18c yd. ( hoice of solid colors, white and single and cluster stripe, patterns, in every wanted coloré 2 7 inches wide. » • Burton 's ' ' Irish Poplin 45c yd. Mercerized Table Damask 89c Mrm, even woven quality in figured, floral and stripe pat terns; satin finish; 64 inches wide. Good sturdy quality for children's making dresses, rompers, wash suits, etc., in all wanted colors and white; 27 inches wide. Fine Quality Percale 25c yd. Choice of a good variety of light and dark colors in beauti ful patterns for waists, hoUM? dresses, boys' shirts, etc. Fine Quality Soisette 45c yd. In white, tan, orchid, pink, light blue, navy and black, for making men's shirts, and children's underwear, etc. women « Japanese Crepe 29c yd. Splendid quality for making and Silk and Cotton Crepe 59c yd. Fancy figured and flowered crepe in dozens of attractive patterns in every wanted shade. Full 32 inches wide. kimonos, dressing children's dresses in a brilliant array of beautiful colors; 42 inches wide. sacques V. B88 n \ 1 -W • r. -'I » *4 LV '1 V Tl iiÆ i • U ; v it ■ fWi a>v m • 4 * $ ti - A ï m ir. i t. Look Behind This Cover 'b » /4i J f % si of the new Quarterly and you will find your own Spring home sewing plans Open the new McCall Quarterly and see these new styles. The swirling draperies, the full skirts, the daring sleeves, the cuffs. These new style features are bound to influence ing plans. swagger your sew Tou will be glad to trade your old styles for such charming new ones, 't our new spring clothes must have the smartest of advance fashions. There's no more dependable guide to show, you the way of fashion than i<i • v> The McCall Spring Quarterly, 25c On Sale at Pattern Counter, First Floor A Sale of Notions Little Trifles of Importance At Worth While Savings J Belding s Sewing Silk. 50 yard spool, 8c. In all shades. Belding's Rope Silk, skein, Dressmakers' Pins, '/4-tb box, 25c; J/j-Ibbox. 32c. Snaps. 2 cards 10c. All sizes, black and white. ^ fijfht * Bias Tape, 6 yard to piece. 12c, 22c. In lawn and cambric; priced according size. DeLong's and Ten co 5c. Barbour's Linen Thread, spool. 25c. In black and white. Hickory Sanitary Belts, 35c. In all sizes. to Cube Pins, white, jet and Hickory Sanitary Aprons, In all sizes. Kleinert's Shields, 32c to 50c. Priced cording to size. Kleineres Shields, 45c to 69c. Priced cording to size. Lingerie Tape. card. 10c. In white, pink and blue. Lingerie Shoulder Straps, card, 21c. In white, blue and pink. mat. 7c. 42c. Bundle Hair Pins, 2c. White Dress Package Pins. 3 pkgs. for 10c (300 pins to package). Safety Pins, guarded loop; ac Black Dress ac» card. 5c. DeLong's Safety Pins, box. 31c. Tliis box contains 6 doz. Safety Pins, in six different sizes. Gold and silver finish. Tartan Pins, paper, 3c. F.agle Brand and Silk Pins, paper, 8c. Atlas Hooks and Ey-s. 2 cards 5c. All sizes, blaek and white.