Newspaper Page Text
The Weather Cloudy tonight; Saturday rain or ' snow, no change in 'temperature; lowest temperature tonight, near fleeting; moderate variable winds becoming easterly Saturday. The Evening Journal 20.133 Circulation Yesterday » ; < Non-Returnable LATE NEWS EDITION % . - iIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 177 WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, FRIDAY. JANUARY 5. 1923 24 PAGES. TWO CENTS. FRANCE MOBILIZES FORCES ALONG RHINE; GERMANY MAY ASK AMERICA TO INTERVENE ' 1 PRESIDENT OF I.EVÏ COURT Wilmington Member Elected on 56th Ballot This Morning 8MSTEWART MAKES THE NOMINATION Frank FÎ. Jnn*s. nepuhl'ran hnM o-*r tnefViher of the N#w i'aefl** County Levy Court. WM elected I p«-*** dent of «h«t body at 11.2" I o'clock thi* morning by a vote of 5 I to 2. The deadlock wan broken by I the three n#m ocra tic member* of I th*» court voting for Mr. .lone«. Mr. Wright and Mr. Ball, Republic* nu. voted for Mr. Jone«, j The election came on the fourth ballot today, or the Sfith ballot take r , I h nc* last Tuesday, when an attempt first made to affect organisa lion of the court. That the deadlock was to he broken today was apparent shortly after ns 11.15 at convened Prior to the session Mr. had opposed Mr. Ball irr Ft «wart, wh heretofore for the presidency of the Mu'rt, d he was out of the fight. .Xt (hat time he announced his plan to nominate Mr. Jones ti Dal, his <| iha' satisfy Mr. opponent, who had con an old holddover •f the court should have member »flice. The a'tendance et the ojay's seenon f rh* t'ourt was the largest «»f the and at the announcement by es F. Mclvor. clerk, of the eîec week . 1 « tio*» of Mr. Jone«, »he applaute of the spectators prevented iho vote /ram being pollen. Mr. Buckson. A 'mporary chairman, mode no ef-, A • *l to stop »he applause. •' Mr. Wright, who Hid voted v fghout the contes- for Mr. Ball. * it th* first member on the floor j congratulate Mr. Jones. Mr. Ball A \ «Continn.d r^i »'as. Thir» TANIil.ES THREE in sc t.r I» in ce Jdqe, Attorney and Dealer stn Mixed Up Over "Open Mouth Bass" Die BX „„tending hearing FOOD MAY SPOIL gif; is I ves Riley and Pierce yes h«* value ol experience and knowl QU *e of the fish laws when the\ saw noth baas offe nd for sale, at :;ir A .-day demonstrated |an. pj r (Dhinz f Bernard Wein st rati b. ai *n Rus t ,lv ± * '« Seeon«! street, and a* a « «>n OIR uence. presented Judge Hastings a' I Assi*..jint City Solicitor tlreen - th a fish pussle in Municipal Court — Ih!s morning. 10 Gi x\ hen Weins per- lf K violating the fish laws. Offl« sned in c b. who is charged -•as ar rt. he said he was not ;are«l for « hearing as he desired /brain counsel. That the fish, if (Continued nr> Tage Nine) L u: :: !.. ORGE, BACK, HAS 9 MONTHS TO SERVE a Negro, uourt SA When George Dumpeon. was arraigned in Municipal h.* morning on a charge of assault nd battery on hi* wife, it developed nu months' imprisonment on a * barge of carrying concealed a leadly weapon. Judge Hastings, therefore, rcaen r anetd (Jeorge to three months' ini •isenment on th* o.d charge and (hat he hii«l never perfected t«k**n by him last September hr< *° dr.* . mx months' imprisonment. to lu art at the expiration of the other !l " ntence, on the charge of assault at ter y on his wife. Vtro. «. Dumpson Raid her husiwn«! her and then cut hT with at - 9 * TODAY'S TEMPERATURE At The Evening Journal Office. 1 2.01 P. M.. . 37 1.00 P. M..39Î ** * on A. M.. . 34 10.00 A. M . .30 ....4.47 P. M. «n»i n rise* . . . SI N \.ND TIDE. .7.23 A. M. *' n 1 * n ' Äter -»" ao A. M. Iload of ( hriMia 8.0* P. M. :* water..9.30 A. M 9.60 P. M IXJST . JST—Tuesday night in Auditorium. TUMick and white silk scarf. Reward returned to 23S5 Pennsylvania Ave p nUuued on Tage TwenLy-thrce.) i t« l-3e. ! WORLDS NEW STORM CENTER I _'/ I "f"' V' \ C : X / t; ' LeT r§* 1 r ? l a 1 piabwekk -J \ \ 'àkf ^MO«UL / 8Hk m y ! s r, % m H « * I • % « ■ :* . /> ✓ i - / 'o , I ii J 1 • i , j . ! V5v *>■ ï - V * ■L.k c c> L a « f - \/r. «> X «2 •f >I &> I ;iA > ' ' rr, 7 W7 1> ; / o 7 JL WORRIES PILE UPEARLVFOR LEGISLATORS Democratic leaders to Shape Plans for Majority in Assembly STEERING BOARD TO CONFER ON MONDAY . Democratic Staff Correspondent. Ja n. DOVKR ■». leaders of the Senate and House are hurry up the work of in troducing bills a.« soon as the Legm munir t ss was taken fr *m yesterday after -1 ntil 10.30 o'clock Monday Monday. A re lature reconvene* noon mornng under a concurrent résolu tin adopted by both houses. The reason for this, it was said, was a Lack of business. It is urged that considered Demers tic a«I persons having pr«>p«»»ed legislation have it introduced a* soon a.s poa sible so that it can be early. A meeting of the (Continued on Page Thirteen.) DEAD NEGRESS; NOBODY CLAIMS Alice Milhurn. 44, Negress, who was taken from 7o3 duPont street to , the Delaware Hospital on Tuesday, j suffering with pneumonia, died «t I i the h«»spital last night. The body ! was taken In charge by Deputy Cor-lj,^ oner Elliott, and i* now unclaimed at his morgue, 305 West Fourth street.' '*identa of the house from hero th»* woman wm taken, dis claim all knowledge of who the woman i*. saying, she roomed there for a few weeks on several different occasions. They sav she frequently visited Chester and Philadelphia. sta.xing for week*, then returning to retake her room. ! The I j Deputy Coroner Elliott said this morning that unless some one claims the body within a few hours he will he forced to inter It in the "Potter's Field" at Farnhurst. The dead wo an ia of light complexion, weigh ing about 150 pounds, and about 5 feet 4 inches tall. . John Wyalunski. IS. who collided with the automobile G. Elbert nt Eleventh and f Dr. Samuel King •25 FINE ON SPEEDER. a charge of exceeding the speed limit when arraigned In Municipal street* yesterday, pleaded guilty to Court this morning. Judge Hastings fined him $25 and cost*. Wyahlnskv said he was driving his brother's oar. I). O. K. K. DAXt'E Sat. Eve.. 9 to 12. Pythian Cast!.; ! THE KJM.UEY ORCHES TRA.—Adv. Prizes. I>i*pute over rich oil fle d« at Mosul have split the Turks and Brit ish at the Lausanne peace confer. ence. The map above shows the ation of Mosul, of Dlarbekr, where the Turks are said îo be eon troop«*. and capital of the kingd opotaiViiat, which claim* Mosul a.« part of it« territory. Lower map shows, in «haded portion, the Mosul region in its relation to the rest of the world. 1 of Bagdad >f lr.i«| Mea LEGISLATURE Action of Some Democratic Members Hits at Rich Pickings INSIST COMPETITIVE PROPOSALS REQUIRED Staff Correspond ent. DOVKR. Jan. 5.—That there is a difference- of opinion among Dem ratio members f the House a.« ' to just how far they should go of economy to w vith the prograi h ch • they are pledged bo h by their par ty platform and >»> individual ] pledges made during the campaign «»f the printing of the Houwc rule books yesterday afternoon. As a result developed during a discuwfo or th? ciis. tission all printing or . der^d by the House committee 'on printing in the fu.ure will be by 1 competitive bidding Karly ip th*» afternoon the Hou on motion of Reprea?ntative Hoi comb ordered that 5 no copies of the House rules bn printed in pamphlet form, which been the custom ary order for years. \boui th « 11 me th-> House recessed for 15 min and during the recess one of' House janitors brought g tiles (Continued on Ta*e Thirteen) WIFE OBJECTS TO SLEEPING NEAR RAZOR Albert Luca« Nejrrn. was accused by his wife In Municipal Court this morning of neglecting to provide proper support for her and of g o i n? t o bed ^er and threatened her it h a razor aft«»r he had ifh a Albert also impressed on her ago. the wife .«aid that if j to go to jail on her ac-j "would blow her brains out ontinued the case ho was charged with) domestic difficulties have been a source of much botheri met I me pa«t. | knife, sometime a he ever ha< count he when h** got out." Judge Hastings of the Negro, non-tupport and carrying concealed eek. •azor, for one ,uoa* The to the court for s COMH MV « NUT MEW. Charles VV. Lutz, meat inspector.! December comlemned a.® fl: for ii 1.403 pound* consumption, of meat exposed for sale in the lo He inspected 27 5 cat hu . M ca! markets. tie, 150 calves. 35 sheep, and 2.70" hog* in the month. The follow ng « ir ihm reived here during December from slaughter house* in other cities op Federal regulation*: •ere re Cattle. 1,954; calves. 787: sheep and lamb*. 2.144; hogs. mit ing under 9. H»o. FIRE DAMAGES WEU4H ROUSE. Fire of undetermined origin >es terday afternoon, caused a loss of $150 at the home of J. Frank Welsh., .223 North Van B u re rv street. The Engine blax* was extinguished by Company. N'o. S. and Truck Com tpany, No. I. i KF.AIt \RMIR\L M. I*. BRISTOL, Aniornm high commissioner at Con. «tantinople. the United States' repre 'tentative in the storm center, , j 1 1 RAP IE4NDÏ Majority Senators Aim to Slash Salary of Republi can Titling Official WANT TO ABOLISH BANK SUPERVISOR BtafT Correspondent. DOVKR, Jan 5.——That the Demo cratic Senators have their axes out after certain Republican .state offi icials was demonstrated by action taken by the Senators at a confer-' Senators ence held yesterday afternoon. If the plan of Democrat io the carried out. former Senator Wallace S. Handy, who was President pro-tern of the Senate years ago, will probably he the] J first one to feel the axe. Mr. Handy I- motor vehicle titling clerk, in the ffice of Secretary of Sta-e Benson. He wa.« appointed by the Secretary of State, under a law passed b> the (last Legislature. is fixed by Secretary of State Ben-, n. is said to be $ 3 «n « month The Democraoc State (Continued on base Twenty-two) Hts salary. hich Senators. ( United , ' ° 44 J • Press).- -\\ 111 II. Hays, film mentor. has instructions from fllm "National Uongre*«.'" which OPPOSES AR BUCKLE N K W YORK. Jan. * today dom e otion pic I vise the he crested, to a< tore industry that the latter oppoi *f Roscoe (Fatty) Ar 1 exhibltio bUCk,e commU«è. on public ion. motion picture prndur.n.. The f the f représentât! ves of «•ivic and industrial or compose. a women present hut shown relfa re. rial ganications throughout the countr> :tw meeting late yesterday sharply disagreed with Hays on the qties f Arhuckle being allowed to tion "come hack." Fifty me after debate commended Hays' m lives of "live an«1 help live," urge«l that any Arhuckle a.« an Individual W along lines n t inv«»lving hi* appearance as a movie actor. It was held that hi* re-appearance on the screen ho "entirely detrimental youth of America.*' Hays announced that he would pass the recommendations along to ' the movie producer*. wou'd to the « onsideratioi j twenty 3 DEAD, 28 MISSING AFTER BRIDGE KALI eight kn KEIJ40 Washn., Jan. 5 United , press).—-Three «lead and n miming, was the to!, of the Kelso bridge collapse tod-ay One body wan recovered from the river and two tne« died from in juries received when the structure plunged into the flood water«. Authorities believ?d many per *on* not reported miaaing lost their Jives as *«*ores of transients and etranger* have been in the vicinity since conatructlon work started on the n*w hotel here. Mund) Brow. Sell tum tur«.—Adv, j jl 22KILLED BY RACE RIOTING ' Whites, Blacks Shot Down After Negro Attacks Young Girl NEW MOB PREPARES TO KIEL OTHERS ROSRWOOP. F»» Tan 5 Pr***>.—Twenty-two Uni» rrt N^gro** and whiten are dead in a race r ot which ha* raged h*r* finer l»**t night. Hundred« of white ten. heavily Ko«cvtnod today armed, pouted im re nforc# the hondful standing barricaded house in which a score of black* ar? hiding. t. guard Negro er a Roads lead :rg t thronged with reinforcements early today and a sanguinary battle was momentarily expected, The blockhouse of the blacks will b'» stormed when the fore gathered, it was feared. Feats were expressed that the outbreak would 'spread to the Stot#. The dead included two whites and twenty Negroes. Many others were injured in the outbreak, which fol lowed an attack on a young white girl and climaxed in an attempt of (Continued on Page Thirteen) Rosewood were surrounding sections of have ONESLASHES j HANGS SE E Loughlm, rormer Soldier, I>oft Note He Couldn't Endure Pain CLOTHES LINT: NOOSE USED BY J. H. M ASON a soldi Leaving a note addressed to The Kvenlng Journal saying he was un af»le longer to sufTer the pain of tuberculosis contracted when he was . Joseph j Loughiin. aged about 45. at one time ; a pugilist known in the spotting fra I ternlty as Joe McUuirk, ended his hf. by H»v»rln K th» »rt.rl». of hN « Brandy« n. rl um ,. near PtamU wine >pnngs e§r v thi* . . . ... ears, a conduct ton an«! Philadelphia Traction Cotn P*ny. in a fit of despondency ended his life by hanging himself with a clothe« line in the cellar of the home of hi* son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mr,. .I»m« K I. Taylor, no« ^ . . . .. Biddle street, where he nude his home, yesterday afternoon. Joseph faoughlin under the name during the w. of the Wilming of " J r Ä ^" irK f m " nv h - » I# * ln ,h, ' '"»»erweicht »« (Continued on Page Twenty-two.» I GEORGETOWN. Jan. 5.—Mrs Ella L. Evans, aged 33 years, wife of Scott Evans, of Lewes, die«! a: her home Tuesday morning, of pneumonia. The funeral wo* hei« this afternoon. Her husband and three sfnall children survive. Special to The Evening Jour MRS. KIJ.A S. EVANS DIFS il. Mrs. Laura Mustard, wife of Kdga B. Mustard, died *uddenly trouble Wed Yoken. Mtllorsburjj. Pa.. «on, Edgar B. Mustard. Jr.. Angola, j I f heart i day, aged 52 years. Th« funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon. She i« survived by her husband, one daughter. Mrs. Etta »ne »»<i MUCH WORK FOR (ORONKIl. Coroner Charles A. Taylor, «lur ing his first three days in office was called upon to investigate five sud den deaths. In three of the cases nil Negroes. Major Rlackson. Steph fijitgo and Richarcl Anderson, as due to natural causes, and gave certificates a«?cordinglv. He will hold an inquest tonight on "the death of Joseph Kowaleky. -as shot «in N.*w Year's morn • en death who ing. and still his remaining for in vestigations the t w f lam suicides night. ; FINE HIM FOR HIS CONDUCT. « barged with creating a disturb about the quarters of the Yel a no. low Taxi Company, Robert Hall was fined «1» and coals by Judge Hasi- i ng«, in Municipal Court, ibis morn- I ing. military move under WA1 7 0 FORCE GERMAN) TO MEET REPARATIONS / SENATE ASKS WITHDRAWAL OF O.S. FORCE Will Join British in With drawing Troops Front the Rhine GERMANY LOOKS TO AMERICA FOR AID in |»arU was dien» A—f l*i»lled XX XMIINGTOV .Ian Prose. ) — Amcricei the |f«M>p. «»I Rhine ma \ Im- oiihdraon in the near future. Secretary of War W danal nalny after ilie Pnoddent Harding and his caihliiel *-k* «b-i met-ling of I lilcli the ' preen rinn« Fur«»|M a aii situation l>r«Highl ahonl by tlie l*n*ti»icr*' nt on 1 rrem« of Ilie niîî-** d. *rder* bad Week« Mat ««I that no been seul Io fieu. Allen. <*onimamler of the American forces, but sa hi that "there I« a pros|MH*t of ordering die (Continued on Page Thirteen) E I TE OF U. S. RED \R 1 TIONS PARLE 1 LP TO I RAN CE I (t'nlteri i.rlca WASHINOTO.V. I*n Th. f«i. «( Ih. A Pr».a >. ' proposal for a commission or con ference of experts t German reparations figura now rest* recommend m squarely with r ranee. The proposal Is before the ( The United State* French go\ernment snd this countr>' is wailing for a re whether the plan I* »<* France, Jt whs dlfflared ply as to ceptable t authoritatively at the State Depari I ment today. The Senate foreign relations com mittee today h, considering thp Rol> Inaon bill for official American rep • sentation on 'he reparations com mission decided to do nothing about the measure until full information has been obtained from the State cerning participa Kuropean affairs. The committee instructed Sena •btain from Secret arv Department tio tor Lodge t »nn/imir 11! 1 O NAl GROCERY W AS , ALCOHOL, WINE CACHE r , . ... , "T ^ d,. street yesteraav. Five g.«!l««n« if abohol and three •aid t«> have been barrels of found in a raid on the grocery store and dwelling of Philip Braderman. an«! duPont The raid wa* made by Frank K. Haley, special agent for the law and Order Society, and fed eral officers. vine are a venue Braderman wa« first charged with illegal possession of liquor and in Municipal Court this morning As sistant Solicitor Green lodged an n<1«1itional charge against him o: selling liquor. Hearing of i he case was continued umil n * xt Wednesday by Judge T* ÄM,n *" »t 'h«* request of David J. counsel for Braderman. Cit v 4'ON DUCTS FIILST I N VI FST. Special to The Evening Journal. GEORGETOWN. Jan 5 Dickerson, newly elected coroner of Sussex county took the oath of of flee on Tuesday and conducted hi* first Delmar over tl»e body Washington Johnaon. 45. who hemorrhage'. K I rn e r > es ter«! a y inquest hr near George age«l of N-«rro W <ii»d suJil.nly of c.rebral H.\(;l\EEKs SIIIMIT RKIHIRT. The annual report of the Board *. of Examiners for Stationary Engl neers in Wilmington, was xuhmi;t»d to City Council last night. The re port shows 402 engineer* examined and licensed «luring the past year. 'receipt« of $828 in fes f«»r the Kant«* and expense* amounting t leaving « balance of $443.70. • $384.30. 1 N.II RES BOV. FALL Jôh I r.f No. 502 S BolonU. 14 street was taken to the ns' Hospital. Adams Physicians' and Surg< o last night, s.iffming from injurie# his back and head by a fall. RECORDS. S»hort's. « West Phone «42«. —Adv. VHTHOI.AS. Cash or credit. Kourth. ï BRITAIN TO CAEI ARMY FRON RHINE Will Ï 4 *t France Act Alone. Believing Folly Will Be Apparent Soon UNDER PRESSURE FRANC AND LIRE ,4»NR(»N, .Ian % ( I niled Pi —Fore in e«changes tumbled at the i). <»|iei»inc of ilie .onriou '«'hange ta uf I he •renier*' conference. >lark« fell to . . . .h. |Mxim1 ..rrM..«, wt>«r I«»ll«mii»g the hreakd«»wi 1 I* fmiM's and lire mi e weaker. By H). !.. KEEN (T' P Starr Correspondent.) . Press.) LONDON*. Britain plan* Ian. 5 burn out the her hate against Her rn belief that a few months France let to lires of many, i Continued on Page Thirteen.) of Si.t. Hn.h.a th. following in formatlon: What Instructions have been gi\en .American unofficial ob» n r\er* • y> to Europe i J. various connec tu 2. What steps this «over taken or s contemplât ing with to as«isting Kurope econo H % micallv. „ Hugh* bill. The I epa rat ions pta .1. of H me li lied officially to by this tra it si Pars and all further actli (Government in connection with the Ktiropean proposal to settle the crisis hinges on whether Krane» will i, e w illing to participate in any suchl effort with the United States and the other Allies This < to be h dictator or an arbiter and all it can do is to offer friend!) «lesire nent d suggest I is and TWO SHOTS WOUND SLOVAKIA MINISTER Finance Minister of PIIAUUE, Tan I—(U Raechin. akla ited Press) t . yt , r h \J was «hot twice by . Sl< his while driving t< ning. atiarchi*t an l*nre* ii th;* M. Raisin was hurried to « nearby hospital where it was reporte«! hi* wound* wer«» serious. A hank employe named »«.pal was he|«l following the shooting It wa* charged lie fire«l twice «t the Finance Minister, each shot taking, r w £lo\ukia have effect. Ba kers of t'xeeh been bitterly opposed to Raachln's e for me and the charge hat nii 8«« mad«- after ilie attack f the minister were I enemies and behind the attei ipt on hi* life. ( 0AL SHORTAGE DEFERS SERVICES 'hurch at Bethel planned « Evangelistic services the Si loam M. K. .have been "recount ol th«* «• \V. A Ell * has annoiin«*r«l Arrangement« ndetinitelv postpone! on , IT ade -wo • ere t « begin *:• I * weeks ago for the *erv; *e« this wuen the •eek. bu •e«| out. th«- pastor leudedjcau atmosphere at u'.'ht« rive to revival. »ly pe a frigid not cond wa« I I I I NIN \(.\IN nTRH KliN BERLIN. Ian. 5 (United Pteaa). Nikoiia Lenin, of Russia. ami the Oer w ho been l*i "tuier is again seriously ill K le Pr«»fess«»r lerer. h*4* man treat B d hii previously. led to Moscow. hastily sunn n\r wr* MI*RO\ US. ••BIX INF PARIS. Jan. 5 (United Press».— Sarah Bernhardt is improv'd so a* he "almost normal." her phyti t clans announced today. For Clover Dairy Safe Milk phone lt«0-lë«l _Adv. . i r Crisis Probably II ill Come On January 13 II hen \ ext Payment is Dae 1 Hies. French Troops to 0 c c a py Richest W eslphalia Coal Country. Berlin Ref/uest for .Mora torium to Be Refused. BELCH M IGREES TO JOIST ACTIOS PARIS. .Ian. 5 (I tilled Press). Premier Pnlntars c*mfet red last wllh >lar«dtal Koch* plait mice tight and again IhV innrntog t.rnertl Magloot regantlng for eventual •'.rnnmnf >llmi ami guaraniee reparation* |M y ment a. PARIS, .Ian. * (1'nlied Prrun).— Fruare moblhied brr RUl tmlay reiwlllng all troops on leuve from Mayence hsmu'ki. (.encrai De Houtt ordered this ac tion Immediately after word of tie* breakdown of the reparation oonfer l»e Rhineland. No military action agaln«t fiermany 1 will be taken, however. unNI order* received from Pari«. Franc# today plannad ronfereness 'with Belgium and Italy looking to a possible joint mov# to collect repa mu-lied erne \ ' ralloita frnm C5.rni.njr, Ur.» will not h. In\ to thia, if on. I. »r ra n(«d. Th. criai» prohably will com« \ January 15. whan ih« n.xi repara ; MILITIA (iUARD.S (Continued on Page Thirteen) j 1 60 Witnesses Ready to Tell of Morehouse Parish Terrorism ! VICTIMS' WIFE, FATHER THERE. l BASTROP. La.. Pres.«».— Responsibility for te i*m and oullwry In Morehouse Par ian. S (United I î«h Is to be fixed In open hearing here today. Sixty w'itnesses were expected to voluntarily describe -the brutal mur e«l men. he forced to testify in court in tbs exposure of hooded mobs, ft wm learned. • f Wait Daniels and Thomas Richard« and other attacks of mask Sixty orhei probably will On re«'onunendation of Attornev General «'«».•<> the hearing was ad tll 2 o'clock. Crowds thronged to the little Journe«! thia morning (Continued on »'age Thirteen) SYKES PROMISES TO STAY ON TRUCK Abandoning a truck he drives at Twe ft hi and Walnut streets yester day. lame« Sykes. Negro, chased h * wife, shouting "I'm goiog to get the wife testlfled : Court this morning when James wag charged with disorderly conduct. Mrs. Syke* said her husband ;p*T"keeps after her all the time," be he doe« not want to pay her a $4 a week non-support order. James expressed a willingness 'o pay the order and ce.iae bothering his wife, whereupon Judge Hastings continued the case until January 27. SEE THE MOVIES TOMORROW Inv tatlon* to *he Movies are ex (ended t«» nix person* today through our Classified Advertising Depart ment. Look through the classified advi. end :f your 1«mt i* there come to the Journal office and receive free ticket* for two (war tax paid) to the fpecial production. Thonen# •The Man Who ffa* *ec M.ittban, in Tomorrow.'* at the Queen and ' J o al î he Arcade. Prisoner of Zenda. .Saturday n.ght. Pee page II Mdng.