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"l WHAT S GOING ON IN THE WORLD i '! !| j I WEEK S CHIEF EVENTS BRIEFLY TOLD Another War Threat World Economic Puzzle Hughes Offers Plan _I « By CHARLES r. STEWART The year 1928 enters with pressing. ■■situation" for the world to fae?, nd another one of the chronic type, with perhaps even greater possibili ties of danger but not so desperate ly urgent, to -be d 'alt with. Seri o us '•Situation»" to Settle. The former Is the Christian pow ers' difference of oplhion with the is known as th one dangerous \ I'-}' Heute. a Turks over what "Near Eastern question." This la the problem that the in ternational conference at Lausanne. has been struggling It started a.« a discussion in Switzerland, with. tended to lead up to a settlement of the issues for which the l«s( Greece war between Turkey and fought, ending in the Turks' over whelming victory, ated. however, into a wrsngle be-j tween the Turks and English and this wrangle, diplomatic thus far. threatens to wind up In a fight that we It has degener might drag In a great many more countries. The latter "situation" r*volves around the financial and economic langle among the war-torn Euro pean nations, an urgent problem, too. would be entirely wrong, but it Isn't quite a matter of days, hours even min utes, llks the Near Eastern danger. Troops and warships aren't actually on the move yet, and there's still sufficient ground for hoping they won't he, in western Europe, as in the Xear East. To say that this isn't The deadlock. If it prov»» to be such, at Lausanne, Is over things: ICaoh Says Ollier Side I« Obstinate. 1. Morul. I. The "capitulation»." Mosul is a vilayet, province or state in Asiatic Turkey, on the Per sian frontier, about 400 miles esst of the island of Cypress, at the ex treme eastern end of the Medlter To this vilayet Englan< two ranean. received a "mandate" (that Is to say, was given the rulershlp) by ths league of Nations. The Turkish Nationalist*, who are In control now. my the vilayet passed out of Turkish control because ^the then sultan, whom the Nationalists have since deposed, was completely un der -the allies' thumb and agreed to anything they dictated. They repudiate the arrangement and de English refuse to' surrender It. "Capitulations," which In the present case relate to judicial mat ter* mean this: A - certain counfry or countries which have citiz?ns and Interests In some other country less Advanced, In their opinion, than themselves, refuse, so far as their citizens and interests are concern'd, to abide by that country's lawn or the deelsions of it* court*. They insist that dif ferences of opinion concerning their citizens and interests in that eoun-| try shall be settled In accordance | with their own law* and by their diplomatic representatives or by | courts of their own creation in the ! country where they are living nr are | situated. Thl*'is known a* "extra-i territorial Jurisdiction." Naturally : no country likes it. At worst it may be subject to abuse. At best j It's a great humiliation. * I 11*1 a v SALESWOMEN When your feet C, are swollen, ach- y ing, burning, tor ments from standing •"behind a counter all day —you need the ^ relief of CSÎ T /V ¥ BAUME. BENGUE (ANALCESKtUE. ) Just get a tube and give both feet a thorough rub with Ben Gay. Its sooth ing, cooling refreshment t* immedi ately and wonderfully comforting. Say Ben-Gay at any drug store, snd vou will get a tube of the original French Baume — the magic cream that soothes away your pain. The*«. Lecmins fit Co.» N. Amfr. Aient» » *r. Resolve to Give Them Proper Attention Tills Tear LET US EXAMINE THEM TODAY Npw York Dental Parlors 715 MAHKKT ST. Lady Attendant. Dr. Lewi«. It used to prevail In Turkey, as It does still In China, but the Turks abolished It during the war. the allies. hacked by the fnited States, demand its re-establlshment. The Turks refuse. N Mosul'» Vast Oil Pepoalte. The Turk* say the Lausanne conference is tied up because Eng land is «o stubborn about Mosul. The allies say It is tied up because the Turks are so stubborn about the "capitulations.'' Without paying any compliment to the Turks, who are notoriously bad rulers, it must be said that there's one weakness in the other countries' position, to which disin terested observers haven't failed to cal! attention. Mosul is valuable because of It» vast oil deposits. The "capitula tlons are Important because of the outsiders' property Interests in Turkey. Kvery other laaue. I ke the welfare "f t'iinwtian subierts of the Turk«, the European negotiators at J^aus an ne are willing to dlania* amicably but when It comes to their own ma 11 terial claim.«, like oil and the advan tages they enjoy under the "capitu lations." they're Immovable. And the Americans, though only onlook er» at the conference, are giving moral support to this position. Th» sltu»t!on is so serious that th» Turks are concentrating troop* on th» border* of Mosul »nd the Eng !!«h «re ru*hlng warships to Turkish waters. The Greeks, hoping to profit by an outbreak of fighting, are mov ing military force* toward Thrace, in Europe, which both the Greeks and Turks claim. , The outlook is not hopelsas, but | very threatening. Seeking Economic Terms. Secretary of State Hughes has fin ally explained what the I'nlted States government I* trying to do toward improving the European economic situation. A* ha* been pointed out before, the central question Is: ■ How much Is Germany able to pay in the way of war damages? has b*#»n thrashed over j again and again by diplomats rep resenting the interested enquiries. They can't agree. The allied dlplo mats insist that Germany is able to I This ft Men's Union Suits 1 ! 4 • /> a $2 .50 $10 no to I \ EASONABLE • underwear that will please the most discriminating men. We are particular about fitting you. s \ f \ MANSURE & PRETTYMAN DuPont Building' (Inside Tenth Street Entrance) High Grade But NOT High Price Tomorrow Begins — \ « J • 5 L « & t ■ n A ! m in 9 P V: W 10 Y V * 1 I V 9 Clothes ■■ for the Entire Family Great Reductions On Entire Stock sq-j fi 7 • 0 » f 9 m ALL THAT THE NAME IMPLIES I I pay'more than fh* Ormnn diplo mat« admit she Is able to pay. The American Idea Is to take the question away from the diplomats— to fnake it a business question, not Secretary business men! a political one. It is Hughes' view that would be guided solely by business; I consideration ! ought to pay, but what ehe ran pay. ! Diplomats, he seems to think, can't, get the thought of what she ought to pay out of their minds, because it makes no difference what she ought to do It It's impossible. Theoretically neither Germany! nor the claimants against her would be bound to accept the decision of! the business experts, but Secretary! Hughes believes the world's public' opinion would force them both to do so If the figure named evidently; not what Germany was a just one. It vet remains to be seen whether this plan will he Adopted. Senator Borah, who wanted Presi dent Harding to call another ennfer. ence to discuss international military and naval armament limitation, line i withdrawn hi* suggestion, because j it was explained to him that he was; embarrassing this other plan, out-J lined by Secretary Hughes. Prevent Influenza The Tonic and Laxativ* KfT«ct of tlve BROMO QI1XIXR Tablera will keep the eyntem In a healthy condition) land thus ward off all attack« of Cold».' <ir,p or Inllusnsa. Jflc.—Adv. MII/EOBI» POLIC E ACTIVE. Special to The Evening Journal. MILFORD. Jan. 5.—According to report* submitted to Town Council, the police department of Milford made a record for Itself during the past year. Fines collected from ar rest* by the officer» amounted to 81000 and the town ha* been kept free from disorders. The police of, Milford »re appointed by Town Counol! and the councilman have stated unofficially, there would be no change made In this department by the newly-elected body. Hf 1 ■ Safe Milk u For Infanta. Invalida A Children The Original Food-Drink for All Ages, QuickLunthstHome OffirrfcFountaina. RichMilk.MaltedQrainExtractliiPow derfcTabletforms. Nournhing-No cooking, Avoid Imitation» and Substitute» Everybody's Store / Attend the Store-Wide Clearance Attend the Store-Wide Clearance j ; Crosby & Hill Co. j I ! | 1878 1923 j 605-607-609 MARKET ST. The Shopping Center Oh, What Wonderful Savings Can Be Made, And Such a Complete Assortment of Wonderful Merchandise is Offered During This I Great Store-Wide January Clearance ! % Reductions Such As These Seem Almost Impossible On New Materials, But It's True, Because They Are Offered By Crosby & Hill Company 4= Boliviatone at s l= . • 0 " 1 ft is q $ 1= to $ 2= Silks at 95c 98 ■■sa - n y lyJ'T t ■ I Silks of every description are offered for your ap proval tomorrow a.t this special Stare-Wide January Clearance price. Included are regular 81.50 to 88-50 values and 36 Inches wide. When did you ever have < 11 # opportunity of re ceiving such a value as this? $4 00 all-wool Boliviatone, 64 inehe» wide, to be closed out Saturday at this special price. I 1 50 yards of regular ! Stormy Weather Sport Coats ' J 3- CantonCrepe at s 2= *4^ - Tricotine at 5 2^ 55 ' Jhls group of regular $3.50 all-silk Canton Crepes consists of the very finest and heavy qusllty. All shades to seleot from at thie special price; 40 Inches wide. It hsrdlv seems poesihl* that anyone oonld pur chase $ 4.00 Trlcotinea and Poîrst Twills at $2.96. but that a only made possible by our Stor-Wlde Clearance. REDUCED TO I Coatings at s l= J 2= Fine Serge at 5 1= 1/8.00 $7-98 -t , J la Regular 14.00 Spert Ceatlnge and beautiful velours offered at a ol»an-up prioe at only $1.50 yard and 64 Inches wide. What a wonderful reduction this Tes, these are regluar 82.50 value* In Unfinished Navy Blue Serges to go tomorrow at *1.15. Take ad vantage of thl« epeoial offering; anitabl» for um «, women's and children'« wear. I MTien yon seiest a coat froen this wonderful yen are values up to 818.50. at thl* spealal price of »7.98. There ar» plenty of »trie*, colors and alees to «elect from; they are all »port model» and priced for a quick clearance tomorrow at thie »tore-wide J»nuary Clearance. J 2" Canton Crepe at *1— J 5= Vel-Vey at*3^ fTOUp, receiving regular 98 Only 60 yard» '.»ft. but regular values are these all-wool Canton Crepes in rose and copen, 40 inches wide. limited, only 50 yards. There is nothing much newer than these im ported Val-Vey Knits and they are regularly priced at *5.00. Will make up beautiful capes; 86 Inches wide. m Select your dr»»« length early a» this lot 1» K: ■ ■*—4m. . J I -f Wool Remnants Wash Goods Remnants ' The result of a very succe«*fui wool fabric season In this assortment of small ends whioh make up this special selling of wonderful rem nants at half price and less. There ar» plenty of dress lengths, aklrt lengths and length» for children's wear. There seems almost an end less variety to «elect from. A «plandid opportunity is thl« tet secure Wash Goods Remnants at half price. They ar» wonderful quality lawns, batiste, voilea, sattnee, poplin«, pongees and numbers of others. dresses, waists, underwear and many pretty things for the children. A GREAT CLEARANCE OF All W ool and Silk Dresses Wonderful values for making up $8.50 to $13.50 j Fine Chemise $1.25 Pretty Gowns $1.50 & $2.00 Corset Covers $ 1.00 This Store-Wide January Clearance offer* regular value* to 824.50 in silk and all-wool dresse» at these special prices, *8.50 .to *13.98. Awaiting your approval are beautiful Tricosham», Canton Crepes, Crepe de Chines. Satins, Trleottnes, Poiret Twills, Jersays and fine Velour*. Many styles and colors are Included in this special offering. Mighty pretty are these chemise with plain hemstitched camisole top« and built up with embroidery and lace trimmings. Store-Wide January Clearance price *1.25. Beautiful are these gowns of fine quality nainsook with em broidery and lace trimmings. No woman or miss ever has too many of them. Clearance price. *1.50 and * 2 . 00 . Fine corset cover« with lace and embroidery trimming», priced at only * 1 . 00 , which is a special Store-Wide January Clearance price. Many styles to «elect from. FINE COATS FOR THE Fashionable Stouts . Flannel Gowns $1.50 to $2.00 Corsets $ 1.00 Costume Slips $1.00 to $2.98 l/ 4 Off AT I/4 Off Here are the very finest qual ity outing flannel gowns with and without collars, beautiful braid trimmings, in regular and extra sizes; price range *1.50, *1.75 and *2.00. This great January Clearance offefs splendid corsets, tn top-, lea* and medium bust, in pink and white coutil; else* ranging from 20 to 28; and priced very special tomorrow at only * 1 . 00 . Costume slips in White, navy, brown and black. These are offered in regular and extra sizes. The January Clearance price range is * 1.00 np to *2.98. It's reslly « seldom occasion that offers Fashionable Stout Coats at one-fourth reduction*. These are fur trimmed and plain models in Velours, Bolivia*, Cut Bolivia*, Suedenee and Kerseys. Size range 40H to 64V4 HUMMING BIRD THE NEW HATS HOSE at $1.39 pr. GIRLS' DRESSES FOR THE NEW YEAR In a Very Special Selling for Saturday. AT The famous Humming Bird Hose which i* sold exclusively by Crosby and Hill Company, Is also reduced during the epectal January Clearance Event. Col ors are tan, cordovan, beaver, grey, navy and black. Special Reduced Prices AT ONLY $5.00 and Note this list of Girls' Dresses offered at greatly reduced price*. The material* are fine quality eilk, wool and velvets. Share in these pplendid savings tomorrow. SILK AND WOOL $ 3.98 • / $6.95 HOSE at $1.39 pr. $5.98 DRESSES. NOW 32 $ 4.98 i $6.98 DRESSES, NOW $ 5.98 Every thinq That's New $8.50 DRESSES, NOW .... $9.50 DRESSES, NOW . Tots' Dresses 2M to ,4^ One wonderful lot of s!1k and wool sport Hose, In cordovan, black and navy and cord. These are especially priced for tomor row. $ 6.98 Smart and charming novelty Silk Hat«, in latest models and gay color effect«; lovely styles. In off-the-face, mushroom and other pretty models. All priced »peel«] for tomorrow's selling. Boys' Sweaters s 2i' and s 5" } Neckwear al 50c 00 r \ Clearing Ont Winter Hats s This is a splendid oppor tunity to secure sweaters for school wear, prevent the little lads from being cold in school and add comfort to school days. All sizes. And these are especially reduced for this store-wide January Clearance. These few left over from the in fine Serge Every Winter Velvet Hat in the house, going below cost. One big group of Silks .and Velvets, formerly priced at $5.00 and $6.00. Very special, Saturday, at. '1 This assortment of women's fine new Neckwear Includes Bromley Sets. Lace Roll Col lars. Lace Sets and the beauti ful new bertha collars, all pric ed at SOc. These will .49 arc a holidays, Dresses, in bloomer, regula tion and middy styles. Sizes 3 to 6 years. A Wonderful Lot of Tea Aprons At 39c Two Splendid Specials from the Under wer Section Men's Union Suits $ 2.00 Clearance Specials From the Downstairs Store i Women's Pretty new patterns in fine percales, offered special Fine quality Dress Ginghams, in fast colors, priced French Zephyr Dress Ginghams; 45c value; inch; special at 32c. Regular 37c value, in fancy colored Kimono Crepes; extra fine quality. 29c. Extra heavy Outing Flannel, in fancy stripes and plaids, special at 18c. In the downstairs store, you'll find a splendid assort ment of fine remnants at greatly reduced prices. at 23c. F Union Suits $1.00 at 22c. 32 S Aprons thet have been ried over from the ho bd «y» «r» placed In one group Including « dainty white ones trimmed w+th lie# Reg 60c to 75o values, to be cleaned up at only 39 c, (L»ee Dept.) Women's heavy weight cot ton and fleece-lined Union Suit*, in odd sizes, but exceptionally fine values. Regular 82.00 gar ments, priced at this Store-wide Clearance at $1.00. Men's wonderful quality wool Union fleece-lined Suits that are regular 83.00 val ues: in sizes 40, 42 and 44. This Store-wide Clearance offers them at *2.00 a garment. dozens, and they finished «re 605-607-609 Market Street Friendly Service Crosby & Hill Co. Everybody's Store V annannnnr^rj f I