Newspaper Page Text
ei. ! The Evening Journal 1 The Weather Rain or snow this afternoon and tonight, colder tonight, lowest tem perature .below freezing; partly cloudy and colder, fresh shift ing winds becoming strong north and northwest. 20.278 Circulation Yesterday Sunday I . Non-Returnable : LATE NEWS EDITION WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1923 THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 178 16 PAGES. TWO CENTS. FRENCH AIRPLANES HOVER OVER RHINELAND, PARIS SPURNS U. S. OFFER OF INTER VENTION POISON OAS I Prohibition Agents Also to Turn Machine Guns on Texas Moonshiners HOPE ALSO TO i'OflSIt'NNA, Tox»«. .Tan. « (United |*re«s I — War against entrenched moonshiners in which the moat mod f battle would ern implements b# used was planned here today h\ prohibition officers. Upon return from Dalla« where he announced he had permission t poison gas to drive illicit distiller« from their stronghold in a swamp in the Portera Bluff vicinity, George E. Webb head of prohibition forces in >Jiis section began mapping out a ampaign. Eight attacks by raiders n which wo li«4Uor runners were killed and several wounded have failed to st the hootch manufacturers : , I Word recently reached Webb that the narrow* paths leading through f |. stills had been mined. Webb then devised the Idea of using poison gas. As a result of the raids already I made on the outskirts of th** I swamplands, six huge stills have I been wrecked and 19,000 gallons of I moonshine poured into the muddy I waters of th« Trinity river. But I at night the flicker of dim light.« I (Continued on Tage Twelve) fAR BERNS MAY END HIS LIFE Ross Thompson Drops Pot on Kitchen Floor, Starting Fire 1 : j «jOES TO RESCUE WHEN WIFE CRIES," Ross Thompson, colored. .IS years, j 711 duPont street, i« in the Homeo pathic Hospital, and may die. aa the: result of burns received in his homejthe yesterday afternoon. While Mrs. Thompson f tar. es heat- ' the kitchen.and Thompson, hearing his wife's scream«, ran into the kitchen and threw water on the ' blaze, but finding his efforts with our avail, pic ked up the pot and ing <a pot ■ love, it boiled over, setting fire t the kitchen. tried to throw it into the yard, but dropped it on the kitchen floor in He was badly burned about the shoulders, fa«*e and neck, the flesh stead. his fare. All the skin was burned from both hands. The top of his head was uninjured tected by a cap. Thompson was taken to the h pital in the police ambulaflce. in spite of the statement made to him It was pro DP/Tf/ fimn lirni^nnirft I II K M KAW nhKKlhkS IN SUSSEX COUNTY (Continued on Page Two.) Special to.The Evening Journal. GEORGETOWN. Jan. 6.—L Delaware has had but two snowfalls this winter and hut V dnys and nights when attire went much m « low light f ew rcr the temper than ten be • the freezing point. Climati«' been a reports nditions have • such that Arthur E. Jefferson. Broadkfln District farmer. he that within the past few days has gathered ripe strawberries from his fields. They are what is known as the "Ever Bearing". variety, but usually cease to yie!«l fruit about •» the fir«t of .November. This is the first time in the his tory of lower Delaware that ripe strawberries have been picked dur ing the Christmas holidays. ' TO D.Y vs TI : M PE RATI R I : * At The Evening Jourrial Office. *.00 A. M..36 ft 10.00 A. M. .39 12.01 P. M . . 4 4 j 1.00 P. M. .46} - 1 ...7.23 A. M. ....4.4$ P. M.j SU.N AND TIDE. ! Fun rises ... Sun sets. Head of ChrKl intin. High water. . 11,16 A. M. ll.iS P. M. : Low water .. !>.55 A. M. lH.ÎO P. M. IX) ST JXiST—Key* on chair.. small padlock. Fias'lake. Xrflce. fastened with Lost in vlclnty of Reward If returned to this JanS-St. (Continued on Page Fifteen.) ÏI idam and Eve 'Are I nhappy • • ■ 2N ••••••• AS À t % / * '«V f k v m mm \ Car! A. Sutter and his wife, th*» modern * Adam and Eve whose wanderings in the Maine woods last year attracted national attention. are about to air their troubles in the divorce courts according to new« reports. CHILD BRIDE Mrs. DuRoss Retains Coun sel to Fight Annulment Suit DESERTED SINCE MONDAY NIGHT prevent an annul Determined u ment of her marr-.age to Edward DuRosa. Jr., a: Elkton last Monday , 'night. Mise Agnes Kaiser. Nil West 'seventh street, has retained J. Pauli Green a« counsel to fight annulment ' proceeding* that the father of her jejghteen-year-old husband has an-! need he Intends to institute. . Î Mies Kaiser and DuRoss, the lat-, Iter living at 1017 West Fifth street. eloped to Elkton last Monday night. t the same time the girl-bride s sister. Miss Elizabeth Kaiser, an«! W.llie were married in A George D. Maryland Gretna Green It 1# stated by the now Mrs. Du Ross that after the marriage she her htnband lived as man and 1 wife at the Willis * home Monday ! night and nt her home the follow- , ing night. She say« her husband* left for worl^ in good spirit« on 1 Wednesday morning. During the j day 1 e Informed her that he would j Du- I the mar be home after working hours but has so far failed to appear. The young bride denies tha Ross wa« •'enticed" in »'ias** j 1 Says American II omen Sell Beauty lo Style _Mongers *• — (United Press)—American women are «eil ing out their beauty to the etyle mongers !tie Ralph Monl. instructor In wo men's drees «lesigning .at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, made these tlerlar.'itions in addressing a con Jan. Dressing to the dictates ventlon of art students here today. ! "The American woman has falléi\ f KaBhion," d.rlar.,1 | the F nch dressmaker and P re - V 1 sacrificing her beauty to the fad« of foible* of *' ,oni * u,1 ° l ®* r kea th)it dressing 1« an art. and each woman a canvas to ^ ° r marred by the right ! strokes of design. It I.« not for the I fashion arbiter#» to say what a wo- | man should wear ac«'ording to Moni. [ GREECE PREPARES FOR WAR IN THRACE _ _ ........ ATHENS. Jan. 6 (Lnlted Press). Greece is strengthening her military forces with an eye to possibilités of war In Thrace. Gen. Gonatas, of the revolutionary government, in formed the United Press. While the Greek hopes and believes that the sign govrnment Ing of preliminary peace is imminent "e are nevertheless supplementing our armies, ready to confront any possibilities In Thrace." Gonatas said. • I>. O. K. K. I> \ VCK. Tonight. 9 to 12, Pythian Castle. Prises The KIMMEY ORCHESTRA —Adv. i Bill to Change Methods of Levy Court Being Prepared RUSH OF MEASURES ' * , -rî inr IN LECISLA I URE Members of the legislature are looking for a rush of bill« the «*om ing week. Th°re are that many pro hove P®**d of for '' e(tkß and th ^ r ' ïn no f^ a - ,0 n while most all bee measures f these should n«M be ready for present» tion lo I>»g slnture next week (hat they can get early consid- j ^ration. °n" b *11 that It js understood has prepared and will be present- ? r<1 n# * xt w ** #ïc would amend the| Workmens Compensation act to bring al! Ht y employee under its .. — thl » h »» b **" pr *" I r t y Harvey it having been approved at a recent meeting of the Mayor s cabinet, Governor Denney in his message recommended that the Compensation act be extended to take in employes of cities and towns tha: el?ct to come in under its pro visions. I'nder the present law employers who employ less than five person«, farm help «nd domes (Continuerl on Page Two) Work men s Each woman own prob- | lern of dress to solve depending on the shape of her figure." declared line, perverts a emphasizing hips, thing Dut beautiful." I the style expert. "The long, loose slinker with belt draped around the hip-1 beauty. { hich are any ; skirt w oman s Passing of the corset I« taking the Venus out of the feminine figure j according to Moni. "The old iron stave b. comlPmn.d," -a;,I Monl. j "and .y.rv woman Mintild *i' d ror*ot from tb . ! models are not t ' least a fur-li waist lin«* to the hips, "Checking corsets is « fad that is developing larg* undulating hips at the expense of good looking busts." • | ACCUSED OF PERJURY IN DIVORCE CASE .. . I Helen E. Hollis. Negress, under indictment on a charge of perjury ' n a divorce suit brought against b >' h . er h . u " ba "f; furnUh „ ed bai J | b?fore Ueputy Attorney General 1 Fin8er a , n oon today after Judge] Rodney, In Court of General Ses slons, hail issued a capias for her. It was In this case tha, Mr. get- yesterday disapproved of City 1 gro, as bondsman, because h 1 had J neier pan! the amount of bond giv on hy hint fora fugitive defendant. Court of General Sessions ud-] Journed until Monday. j --— For Clover Dairy Safe Milk phone | Councilman John O. Hopkins. Xe 1540-154 1.—Adv. Cold 11 (i vc a ruing« have been ordered for New I iiglaml. York, nori licaMcrii l*enn sylvHiiin Mild rilrenie northern New .lei>e»r, tin- weather hunwu annoiiii<*ed today. Northeast storm warning- are <ll«pla>ed along the Atlantic owh and north of sandy Hook, the bu rin ii Mated. Kaln or «now will fall ibl« afternoon and tonlglit In the New England niiich isilder anil Sunday, for»M*a«t. t'older weather will |>re\all lonlghf and suiMlai In the Ohio \ alley. Team e tw ee and lower lake re gion«. 14ttle «-hange was fore <wat f««r the reM of the terrl l*«l|»l»i. t old wave N I Mlddh* and State«, with weather t « m Ig lit flic hu rea ii lory 'vim ot lb.- \it f VICTIMS MET AWFUL DEATH Hands, Head. Feet Torn From Bodies. Outdoing Spanish Inquisition t INHUMAN TRAGEDY DES( RIBED IN COURT COURT HOUSE. BASTROP I,«.. Jan. 5 (1'nited Pre —Coolly. *< •ntlfirally. Walt Hanl. I and Tlinma. F Richard« were by hooded rru.h.d m 4.„,h pathologists who examined the broken, mutilated bodies testified today, in the open in terrorists. vestigation of the murders. wl, V:»: h ' rou* jntt.nuit;- and <'al ,ou * lhdlff.r»nh., hand* h.'atl« and w * r <* wr.n<-lMS- from th. hat-j l.r.d bodi.«, Ur. Charlr* t\ Duval and Dr. John A. !.anford. testified. Scientific means were used to break each arm in three, places and then the chest cavities of the help-! less victrms—one jk world war and the other his friend vet —were smashed in by "pressure applied from front and back," the witness declared. The most gruesome outrage« were outdone that nirht last August hlnr1 th „ v# „ nf 0 f#l , iÄjr<> , n A sheltered spot in the wooded section near n OWK ^ a f*sr Daniel's fath-i had been brutally and two others ! hAd h ^ Pfl flogged bv the hoodml tortura «nuad. th " ^ia nn massacres ana torments of Apaches in the '-ID days.'were leas inhuman than that the tragedy of that black night as described In ( 'loaked era be >urt today, n the unemotional lan cience a crude butchery, on Dan as crushed out guage of the day of operation, a revolting hich hid been performed lei before his life was described. Rumor had blamed the murder on one mob member wh unmasked as Da nie had been battled to free storv had bee bis P^red about that after the unmask ing Daniel and Richards had been ed on Page Two.) (Cont; PHILADELPHIA MARDI | ftP AÇ R[f)T OF RFAIITV llll/l v/l l, b il I I ^ PHILADELPHIA fan fi (l'nited Prw*»t—K.*ping a ' tryai Ith lh* rily s tradition to pay tr ib m. m "Kin? Mnniu» " th. N.w I Year'« Shoot.r*' l'iuhà h.ld I.nnual -Mummer.'" parade to { j a ^', The parade. Philadelphia s Mardi Gras, wa« a riot of beauty and bur j ""*?"*;• Tw.nty-«hr*. club* took, r, " l! ln 1 , ' , *' rrl "b' 8 1 n * ! thousand "mumm.r* Kamboled up Broad street in the colorful and hi ' lariou* dlaplay. Sum. of th* feature* of th. parad. ! Camden. N .1. < lown*. unit mronp. a monster rap. iso feet Ion?, carried bv ISO men: a , costume of pearl*.' weighing TO Impersonator*. Twelve vere the female pounds: floats and 41 bands ot music. Prizes of approx mately *10.000 vere awarded to the winning clubs. Many Wllniingtonian* went to ! Phllad el P hla today to witness the ■ Xew Year's Mummers* parade. The parade wa* postponed from Mon* '» a Y. •'>>* Vear's Day. owing to storinv weather, SEE THE MOVIES MONDAY. Invitations to 'he Movies are Fin-tended to six persons today through ' 0 ur Classified Advertising Depart Look through the class:fi»d ■ *dvs. and if your n*me is there coma to .he Journal office and receive free . tickets for two (war tax paid) t# sr o the special production. Clara Kimball Young in "The Hands of j INara" at the Majestic and "The Tride of Talomar" at the Queen, Monday night. See page 15 today. i m eot. ft .// nci: 1 i r :> L > Judge Fred Odom. Bastrop. La., will hear cases of tliose seized in conhccti«»n with tw •other outrages supposedly commit-1 , ted by masked night riders at Mer R ge, La. itirders and FEAR MISSING Isaiah P. VTilmer's Clothing Found Along Brandywine Park Race UAUC VCCTCDnA V PIUME )r.JltKI)AI DISAPPEARED FROM 'he police to locate Isaiah P. Wiliner. Efforts are being msde hy **•** * 4 "'ho I* ni.*«ln, from hi* horn*. Sill Wii*hlna;on «ii..:.|ally friends a: 512 East F'ourth afternoon. and A hat and oven-oat. identified a« the property of Wilmer, the coat Continued on Page Five. since last night. The missing ma wore a dark suit of clothing light overcoat and a black derby) rhen last seen. Melvin P. Wilmer, son of the miss-j £ ,a >' hat . III PlflO KIIIPT All I All N MIM /ALL L/Uiu ITIUii I an. has learned that his father! •ng v este rda y st reet. while there j« «ai. I to have expresse, himself as«| of living* HAVE 1923 TAGS) Five Days' Grace for Use of 1922 License Expired at Midnight [ TAKE PENNSYLVANIAN Vt'HO HAD OLD TAGS in spite of the far« that a large number of Wilmington autoists were arrested and fined in Cheater and {Marcus Hook, this week, for operat ling their cars with a 1922 license, as perniil, ** tl by the law * of lhl * State up to ,h * ' ,0 ®'' uf J>nu * r - V *• '' oro " '''"""l' 1 ''®" 1 »" 1 ' * rr op.rating motor under a l#-2 lien,, ta« in Ue / Wa " , , John Davl ?' "* * '««1* be ' lenging to the Supp!ee-\\ illis-Jones Ice Cream Company of PhiladH- j phia, wa« arrested this m>rnlng by | Patrolman .\paley, charged with op- » lerating a motor vehicle rithout the 192.1 license tag. and wiil he given a b.arinc in Municipal Court Mon- . da> motrtlng. ^ . 11 " ' s '** r, *L. arl '' ° n 1 j ,"' harRe n '' Umittsfon. th,* ' V Pf f olIce h *' rlvan ord, ' r " to *" He. ,o arr.« .y.ry man op.rattng a ' •JL. *' « h ' '' Ilr, ' n '' ***• ! Th«» five days grace in which Dcla permitted 10 use 1922 tags expired at midnight and'that all Delaware ears now must display]give 0PJ23 tags. ! va re cars _ f . ff _ „ fllUlf li II I Rjj Ily j j j DUBLIN. Jan. f>—(United Press) during the night a j in capture of out-;!ected NEW IRISH FIGHT ex*.—Fighting between rebels and Free Slate troops Cork resulted lying positions of t»o Mill street ! military post by the insurgent* Freej State losses were one killed, flv ; wounded. » Mrs. Matte G. McBride, recently, prominent for activities in aid of rebel prisoners, was arrested ye.s terday and sent to Mount Joy prison, 1 no reason being givaa. FRANCE ASKS BELGIUM TO JOIN IN MILITARY MO VEA GAINS T GERMANY U. S. TROOPS TO MARCH Ol T OF GERM I M II REN FRENCH TROOPS M I RCII L\ This Action to Be Taken I.« Protest 1 gainst Program Which Washington Believes. I ten aces Peace of Europe. 1 irait Paris Reply , On [morion 's Suggestion of Intervention. BERLIN, dan. * U nited Preaal.— Industrialists of the Ruhr expect the United states to Intervent in t to prevent Franco carrying out the of* occupation or customs barrions, the Telegraphen Union re-; fle«ting the views of Hugo Sllnnes. • reported today. (*hancal!or Uouno is complete support from the group, the statement says, adding t lia t execution threst« receiving Ruhr plans French «.f otild reduce exportation to s financial found* mum and destroy • la) harming workers and causing troubles. I'nlted WASHINGTON*. Jan. 6 an troops will be 'ordered from Germany the moment j France begins a military occupation I of the Ruhr Valley, a high govern* ' nient official said today. press » .— A me Th'» action wr.ll be taken a« a pro test against action which thle government alwaya ha. « di*»pproved and which |t m ,u(N th. pnet of lh. threatened French Europe. Withdrawal of American troop«, .10«. On th. hee's of th. Krltl»h f<i»al to aupwnrt th. Kr.noh plan j would oav. Franc atandifix virrti alon. Ill her .ffort* to force Germany to pay reparations, which the British and American govern ! mente regar d as impossible. Meanwhile, this government still is waiting for a reply from France as to whether she will accept the Amer-. lean plan* for inierventlon in Eu rope. If ahe •should accept. It would have to be with the undersmnding that she would postpone her threat ened military occupation of the Ruhr until it had whether fhi« government s pisn call i determined been DAY BY DAT'HEALTH EXPO NENT MOBBED B Y LAME HALT AND BLIND NEW YORK. Press).— Pilgrims to the shrin* of] health sought Emile Cone in the* Jan. d i I'nlted gieat. of New York t. «lav. while the ma ho sm.vs he helps sufferers to help the retired to seclusion at Kngleuood. Pennsylvania Hotel, his first stopping place and .nd.arnrM *° * l| P through ihr The originator of Day by day. in every way I am getting better and better" had to do this to avoid be ing mobbed hy the lame, the halt; and blind who watched the various entrances of ha lobby to his suite. Arm in the belief he could cure them. Fous protesting that he has P»w.r him*.ir. that h. .an m.r.lyj t.ll ailing humanity how to li.el it-' a«lf by d.v.ioplnf th. Imamnaiion. I*''" 1 '° h " m '* ot OUv * r *'• >'> •. forJ - h "« Am.rlr.n agent at Kng^-J wood, but it will only be a matter of time until the pilgrims seek him out there. no The Frenchman planned {clinics in New York today. they wouldn't be p.„'pl. «..king h.a'th. | arrang.d today* cl nlc to d.m- j onikral. to the medical profe**ion . lh . extent of hi* power to aid the I secret secret mo , overwhelmed byj cure only are tile aick and deformed he, the N , nPy drugglw hut./ieopl. *h «« b * relieved of varloua bad iAn< | wish unpleasant traits of character■: [are hunting him. !t will be i any private or Individual treat-I mente, due to the shortness of his lie has announced possible for him to sta.v here an«l the large number of people who w ish t physicians who are going to wltne the demonstration today selected difficult case« from a hospital with which to test Cone. himself confident of success. Uit evening the famous auto .suggest er appeared before three se group« and explained his the. He declared that one his The se*» him. He declared pry. greatest difii, ulties n pen,» * have faith In h s method lies in .ts -»trente simplicity. The whole system i* Just the rapid repetition of the new fa m«us phrase "naybydayin»verywsy,l*mget ting better and better." Cone in 1 st* tha« If this is repeated oft.a V Ing for revision of reparation* hr a cornrijiaeion of experts, a private loan to Germany and ess. er allied debt ferma ,n 111 • would be successful. lies«! off forcible ! of the Ruhr, this govern ment in proposing its plan, s be Heved to have outlined Informally to Eurtvpe the fundamental principles which «boni. I «•habilitation of Europe. According to a piom nent official seizure nderlia an economic , Revision of the reparations to 1. a point that Germany can pay 2. Ravinent of reparations in And England at an early date th nugh a loan in the «b to France Belg. P r# dure«l. ternaional bankers--provided nt reparations figure can be re 3. Agreement by France to reduce her army. Th. atumbling block In th. way of Immediate action I. th. unwll' the nd for pay ment of both principal end nteroet for a period of Untied 4 by Agreement °n the Allied debt* tfn ynr.. *<»'»■ 'o potapon. .1» i*-|tngn*»« o' th. Kr.nrh |t,rtnm.n: to •*!•* to th. r.du.i.d r.paration. rnd to th* r.du.'tion of th. Ktwioh Army unlese the l'nited Ate es Joins In th* tri-party ag eement. England Franc# and the 1'nited Rtaies to ( guarantee France'« integrity against j a revived Ge****'*-*' This treaty, agreed to by former President Wilson. w«s killed in tL I'nlted Si a ten Senate. The'Harding! admlniatration takes the position that, however adviable such It. this governm t refuses f consider " NEW York. Jan. <» (I'nit ed Pres«».—If you are to cure ailment, lile Cone, you according u»t not only VI ir to Ei repeat: "Day by day in a vary way 1 [j, am getting better *»nd better/' [I; but you must continue chanting it to yourself AM. THE TIME You muet «lo this AM. YOI'R I.IFE, the French auto suggest •r s«id today. The key be emphasized—are "IN ERY WAY." fou. raid ihal h. did not h«ve to continue to reiter ate the phrase because it had been drummed Into his inner thoroughly that he «<*h eved the spirit of the formula without effort. orda—the words to BV consciousness . T ■ «»m oanno; help what he ' tell« himself In this manner at least With practice statement is so bp bra n tflat it is believed a the time. - I pnough and fast enough it will come to be true. lie declares that a per drumm.d Ini thoroughly The thought while the phra.e he *ald. while he 1« saying It. th<> Inilh of th . is for a not her j Is being ; '•Om I Many members of his { declared thar they felt the srrength ) f theory, during the demonstration nnounced 1 audience« \ j « nd several { themselves, - converts FASCIST! FINDS BURIED ARSENAL 1 ROME Jan. 6. — (United Press)— Five hundred bombs a quantity of dynamite and a small field gun were fuond by Fascist i officials buried in fields between Uuseno and Balsamo. It was revealed that the Fascist! searched more than a year for t4iis buried arsenal, property of "reds." at the time of occupation of Italy'« industrial plants by communists. DA SOB TOXTGHT—Th. Audl-I torium. Warren's Orchestra, S pi*ca*|ci» —(tdv. 4 Commission 1 grees to Hoar Germany Ex plain Reparations De faullin Hope of. 1 vert ing ( Occupa lion of I ho lla hr. England to Take Part in Las! Minute Parley. BRITAIX CALLS 77 RK SHOWDOWA PARIS, dan. « (lulled Press) — \mcrl«*aii Intervention of the nature iii«li<*ate«1 by press dls|M((^MM would he unwelcome n* France. It wasJmli** <tii« s | «einl-fdTicinlly today. The time when «ii«'h a<«l<»n w«miI«I have been ii ec fit I has paved, the French dc rlare. LONDON. Jan. « (I'nlted Prep*)—• French airplanes crossed the Rhine and and hovered above Mannheim* yaaterday. apparently spying « and preparatory to military action. a. • ordiQg to a Berlin dispatch to th* Central News today. PARIS*. Jan. S (Calted Tresê) —• Germany appealed today for an op portunity to explain reparations de faults and avert occupation of the Ruhr by France. reparations ** r ** d ,0 , h9 "\ on ,h * n,,n **P'»n.tlon of fetlur* to d. liver the required amount of coal before her in default. Greet Britain will take part in the meeting and should the ex a tnation be accepted trouble In the. Rhineland Ruhr would be r»mpor It was predicated.! Germany could not nsfactorily exp ain the default* he'that the French could continue (Continued on rage Two.) The commiseion • vo '«^d. however, that ray nisi nriTF\ IJu I UIULUU/1ILU Jump From W / agon Results Fatal to Dennis Atkins, Aged 12 Years LIVED 15 MINUTES AFTER ACCIDENT Special to The Evening Journal. GEORGETOWN. Jan. «.—-Dennis, of E. kins. residing ' three miles from Georgetown, dislocated a vertebra of the neck yesterday as a result of jumping from a wagon and died fif teen minutes later. Young Atkins, in company with some playmates, was playing about ,the grounds at Short's school at the re» ess hour when a team driven by Olin Conaway passed. The lad Jumped in the rear of the wagon and rode a short distance down the road. I 'When he had gone aa far as he de T sired, he leaped from the wagon 'and struck the ground with auch force that his neck was dislocated. Some of his playmates saw him fail and took him into the school build The lad started to place h!« head on one of the desks when he gave « loud yell and died within a few minutes, ing HOOVER DECLINES CABINET SHIFT WASHINGTON. Jsn. <» (t'nl'ed Press i.—Secretary of Commerce Hoover today declined an offer of President Harding to become Secre tary of Interior succeeding Albert B. Fall, who will tire March 4 •(Secretary Hoo * in a conference at the While House today. Informed .the President that he desired to re tin In his prese/it position to com plete the work which he had map ped out on a large scale when ho entered office at the beginning of the Harding administration. HoAver hAs Veen forming an or ganization in the Department of which he hopes wiil be greatly extending Commerce instrumental in America * commerce. .MRS. KKVSFR 1MPBOVF.S. Mr*. Police C*pt»in Key Willi»m F Kev«»r. wlf. of r. »Î1 Noch v ton et re. ■ wh" racen'l' *u(Tst»J an a ack of Ik* g' P la r--»ver n* A