Newspaper Page Text
ü The Evening Journal The Weather I'loudy tonight lowest temperature tonight, slightly above freezing; Tues day probably unsettled with rains, moderate west winds becoming! southerly. I 19.510 Circulation Saturday Non-Returnable LATE NEWS EDITION M. THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 179 WILMINGTON. DELAWARE, MONDAY. JANUARY 8. 1923 14 PAGES. TWO CENTS. * FRENCH INVASION HINGES ON TOD A TS PARLEY; WASHINGTON TELLS OF BID TO A VERT STRIFE VOTING LIST Senator Viven Offers Amendment for Perma nent Registration DEMOC RATS QUIZ INTO AUTO TITLING DEPT. Staff Correspondent. STATE HOUSE. Dover. Del.. Jan ». —Senator Viven Introduced a bill in the Senate this mornin» to amend the Constitution by providing: for the permanent registration of votera. The bill, which because of Its amending the constitution would require fa-, vorable action by two-thirds of the members of both houses at two con secutive oessions of the Legislature substitutes a new section for section 4 of article 5 of the constitution. The new pa *t of the section pro posed reads "The General Assembly shal. enact uniform laws for, the reg istration of voters in this State entl t >d to vote under this article, which registration shall be conclusive evl •l«*nce to the ejection officers of the right of every person so registered to vote at any general election while, 1 rs or her name shall remain on the I -f of registered voter«, and who is not at the time disqualified under the s of section 3 of this article; i»nd no person shall vote at such gen nl election whose name does not at hat time appear in said list of reg i>tered voters." * U »Tn u * 1 i WaS a ° inff to "P r ^-1 • nt a .11 that I feel sure every Dem rat and Republican member of this i -dy will vote i o~. or at least I hope they will.- While there seems to J«e a gen« ral demand for a perrnan ^ (Continued on Page Ten) pn •is.on Senator Viven in presenting the Ah FOR NEWLV« I'll. t /-> i Llkton Umcial Charges Edward V. DuRoss, Jr., With Perjury AGRHE ON MOVE TO ANNUL MARRIAGE y- »e, i) fn The Evening Journal. KLKTON. Jan.,».— A warrant for the arrest of Kdward V DuRoss. Jr.. *ho figured in i_ «1 »iiFle wedding here on New Year's night when h«* was married to Mise ««f Wilmington. of Vgne« a. Kaiser, aged IT. als Wilmington wr,.« sworn out this morning by H. Winfield Lewis. Clerk of the Cecil Courfty Court, on a It is alleged that « 'targe of perjury, he gave his au- a 11 21 when he is hut 1 ». according to hie father who ■ ailed on Clerk Lewis in his efforts The warrant will be given to Sheriff Kirk C fford to be served, The Issuing of the warrant for the, .»• rest of Du Ross is in linn with a ! to have the marriage annuled. Platement issued recently by Gover ;i«<r Ritchie in connection with a j hat time .«aid. "I am «(nested t to have his nffl dy if re sk the aifornev-generalI assist In prosecut ;ng any persons who are guilty of representing themselves falsely or «uherwlse amendable to law." I Following a confcrem'n list night r«l V. Du Rom, Jr., bride. hie Miss her father. between Ed parents and hi« child • Agnes A Kaiser and (Continued on Page Ten) _ ■ T )R. H0EV REPORTED CRITICALLY ILL Dr. IV. F. Hoey, of Frederica, is ■I 1 h<> Horn. - mal. and was reported to have rest - d fairl>' comfortabla last evening. Dr. Hoey is chairman of the Ikmo , cralic Stale Committee. TO|> \ Y'S TEMPER \TURE At The Evening Journal Office. 12.0 1.00 p. s.oo A. M..40 P. M..4 M. . 42 ", 7 23 A ^|,| p . I j 90 j 3 6.60 A. M. .30 sl\ INI) TIDE. Sun rises . . . Sun sets .... . . . .4.48 P. M. i II'-jmI of C'lirMInna. High water.. 4.16 A. M. Low water. 12.6o A. M. 12.00 I*. M. 4. LOST 1 «OST Black »rimmed ; wood Wednesday, January 3, on Market street. It* ward for E'-nine Journal. «Continued on Page Thirteen.) umbrella: white bon«» i handle, blàe top: 1 near return Io Jan»-at. !r Ku Klux Pro her I*. I % ' Attorney-General A. Coro, of Louisiana. is heading: the probe at Mer Rou;e, La.. Into the murder of and other outrage* by masked t I bands. OPEN PRDBL FOR ' U Lil Prosecution to Make Sweep ing Inquiry Into Louis iana Outrages HOPFS TO HANG MEN FOR DEATH TORTURES I roURTHOUSE. Bastrop. La . Jan. » (United Press)—Activities of the Ku Klux Klan in Morehouse Parish will he exposed in connection With open hearings into the torture murders of Watt Daniels and Thomas Richards, state ofTVials declared today. The announcement was made by Attorney-General Coco in outlining steps to be followed In the present inquiry into the case of how the mangled bodies of the two men came to be f«»und in the bottom of Lake La Fourche. '■Raids nnd night ridin g a etK'l t*es In which It i* kntrtn that hood <*d members of ;he K K. K took part.*' f'oco arid, "was gone ini fully. The ràll for this open hear ■ ng wa# so worded that it gave 'the right to take up these mattere, Some of these were the us masked^of which members of the klan haw boasted openly. We are here (Continued on Page Twelve.) SOLDIER SAYS HE BOUGHT HOOCr Man and Woman He Named Deny Selling to Fort DuPont Man HEAR GURGLE AND FIND EMPTY JUGS After testifying aga nst tw« o:h er defendants from whom he claim ed to have purchas"d the two gal- I on , of liquoI . folInd ln hlK posscs-! pd . , nr n „ r ,, K or, i„.., • p ' Pont soldier. pleaded guilty in orning to a j Municipal Court this ephlne wisnowskl and Joseph '*7 ,!• ° ar< * ■*° < 0 sold he liquor to .Springer, denied Ihc charge made aga,.,si them and on was deferred until Friday, Tlie Wisnewskl technical charge of selling lltjuoi ind was fined $50 and costs by -ludg© Hastings j decun ' by the men, who conducts a grocery ator' at Th.rd and Lombard streets, and •ourt. Gtlxda, who is employed by her were represented by J, Frank Ball Springer. In answer to a question of Mr. Ball, denied that he is known about Fort DuPont as a bootlegger (Continue«! on Page Twelve.) RUMOR FORD MOTOR ___ _ , PLANT FOR CLAYMONT Two visits by Ed sail Ford, son of automobile Detroit manufacturer, to Claymont, re«-ent F« •1. Henry reports the Ford 1 y. gave rise interests contemplate erection of a large assembling plant in or near 'Claymont. it it said the Young and Lodge properties were inspected by Mr. F«>rd. also the Addicks property, George Lodge, attorney, who is interested in the development * of Claymont. and in the Lodge property there, when asked concerning re ports of Mr. Ford's purposes, .«aid he had no information to give out nl present. VC. W XI ILES. Nobis cafeteria, 9th St. Entrance Vrll, S.i vin«*s I'.ind BUlg - Adv. * KO KIM TIP TO NEWCASTLE BOOTLEGGERS 'Come Clean and Desist or We Will Clean Up. Says Warning LIQUOR DOWN DRAINS AFTER NOTES GO OUT Special to The Evening Journal. NEW CASTLE, Jan. ». —Tertain residents of this city who have been accused of selling Intoxicating II quor and otherwise violating the • prohibition amendment and the Starte Klair law. are reported liav :ng received notices to "come clean | and desist" and "stop selling liquor) or we wl 1 com» and clean up." The | i notice* were alleged to have been | It was said In one section of the ' city that much supposed 1 'qtjor was > poured down the house drnins ami 1 Into th» nearby «Biches, following ?he receipt of the notices. While this was alleged to he true, others; declared they would pay no atten-jship tlort to the warning and will pre par» themselves for the visit. Thefnotice Is also alleged to have contained statements that signed. "Ku Klux Klan." 1 "If the j i'e will." authorities can't clear, up alleged that moonshine and hooch has b®en dispensed freely in I city. While few alleged violators ! have been caught many drunks are seen nightly on the streets. Many I boys under the ago of 1* have b^en seen stÄggerlng «along. j Many complaints have been made | to the authorities concerning these 'alleged U: • ha thority have visited this city, but] from some source information of the violations. and Mayor On several occasions those in au intended visit reached the alleged violators sn«1 little or no evidence was found on the raid*. On several be»n requeeied to visit the city .much •casions When the State and Federal authoritie? have with ;the statement "that It was suspected hootch was being sold." the reply received by the local author! tie. wait that "we rant com, there we have more important a»»ign-|«*d monta." DEATH CLAIMS ACED PRINTER William H. Kramer Died Early Today Following Short Illness WAS FOREMAN OF CiTY'S FIRST DAILY William t* Kramer. aged T *: ycarf. dfcm of the printing Industry ) in this city, died at the home of i hil ' dnu * h, '' r ' Mrs, Leonard K. Thorpe - fenny Hill. at « o'clock |fhis morning Death was due to a i complication of disease*. Mr. Krnm- ] er having been ill for the past three Mr Kramer, who* conducted a Job printing plant .« • S «1 Orange siren number of year* was the Hrsi j foreman of the first daily newspaper established in this city, "The Daily , -ommerelal." he coming* here from! Xorristow „. f-a,. on October 1. ISM Mr Kramer w(u hora Mon ..l j j . coincry Uounty. Pa., on February IS, 1846. hla father >eing a blacksmith (Continued on Page Twelve.) 1 i Hotel Proprietor Slain; Quiz Woman Housekeeper ... Stacy Pearsall, superintendent of ' ine estate or . enaior oper. no is the hotel FRRKI'dKT. N. V. Ian « (Unit -James S. Pettit. 32, pro ! Press). prietor of th«* Massspequn Inn. wa« mysteriously shot and killed at hl« home her* early today. Mrs. Billie Well.«. 30. hoUJ ke«»ppr, was detained. The hotel, a 'amom has been placed under guard. The body of Perth, who was Ä oculfiouase. well known found in his bedroom, a shotgun wound in the breast, declared to ow mi id that Mrs. Wells into his home early today declaring •they are all drunk hotel," and asked him to go things. He refused, lie while the woman was is a trap-.«hoot er. was irne running th« and «iule .-aid, and i DRV RADICALS ARE WARNED BY VOLSTEAD Father of Enforcement Act Splits With Solons on Legislation UPSHAW HEDGES ON N AMING OP TIPPLERS By LAI RENTE M. BENEDICT. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) 1 WASHINGTON, Jan. » (United Press».—A warning to over-zealous ; dry legislators that prohibition en-! forcement may he crippled by the enactment of some of the drastic J legislation recently proposed In <;ongr a ss was issued today by Rep Volstead. Minn., father of the present enforcement act. Volstead, although as' ardent dry as ever, looks with distinct' disfavor on the efforts of oth*r pro-' hlbltiontsts to make the law that hears h!s name more drastic. The prohibition leader. denying that he has any pride of author in ha law and for that reason opposed to its amendment, warn posed by other dry* would | that some of the changes pro ake hootlegc ng worse. He announced his opposition to the plan of Rsp after «'barging that government of thisîflcials wer« violating the prohih! ! tion law. Introduced a hill to make * the purchasers of Illicit liquor • equally guilty with the seller», "The prohibition llWI," ^ d \'ol stead, "were purposely framed to i exempt purchasers of liquor so the (Continued on Page Twelve.) unconscious in bed WITH HAS JET OPEN Harry dower, aged »0 • ■ ' ■ . conscious in bed in his vears, of avenue, was found tm room on the eerord floor. M Thomae Uova try. of the me ad.Ire«« *t 4:4S »o'clock this morning, Gw n open Jet in the room. ctping from a Dr. G. L. Douith^riy monad and hail Mr t'i va» SU I ower remov to the Delaware Hospital In the police amhulanc®. 'OET CHANCE ÏÏI DELANX AREANS FINED PRODUCE TAGS judge Hastings Lenient With Arrested Pennsyl vania Auto Drivers r-x \r r> *— k r k î a p î 11 r\ pp Bl rfcNNA. SQUIRES without proper taps against thre* operator, of Pennsylvania cars who have so far failed to procure 1923 Delà ware license tags, but have mad" ( application for the license were con tinned for one week by Judge Hast-• lings in Municipal Court this charges of operating automobiles J.udge- Hastings pave Instructions '[hat wl^en the three defendants show he police that they have secured the necessary license lag. the rhargesi against th«*m should be dismissed, Thr , hr , e defendants Boon Harris and ' fcnon •ere John "larenceWSI ,Iiams. Davis and Harris appeared in court hut Williams did not appear. although the same disposition was (Continued on Page Twelve.) his wife and Mrs. Wells claim tha; nf,,,r the arrived at the Pear sal! home they heard a shot gun re por( •building.-I policeman and hotel waiter killed Pettit, who has a th«*re the floor an«l said Pettis «•»me t' had hern killed. Police said Mrs. that .«ho wife anl children living n Orange N. J. Well.« denied been Accused of the killing. Pearsall condition. • Authorities liter announ«*ed thnt Mrs, Wells was **mer<*Jy held for questioning" and that »hc ha» not MRS. GOULD CRITICALLY ILL Mrs. Joseph II. Gould. Jr., who has been ill at her home 905 West Eleventh «freet for the past three ks is reporte*! to be In a critical i r I Region France Would Seiz e -p ^OUSTER •V S>. ^ S v} \ ^ DilljsBU El s/mulh rf Oa/ 7W£ dOCNi DORTMUND 1 0 '/hssv ELOERTEUD o° 'SSEl \ A cologne) J oin w a, W Dzsmrcr 5 :> e? f 'P •J } w ! COBLENZ' P9 p rs ! FRANKFORT V • ic' 1 LJJXEfU'i MAINZ Fadt -BURG\f I ^ • This p shows the Ruhr Valiev, rich induetria' sectlon»of Germany, which France would occupy to guarantee payment of reparations. Co biens Is headquarter« of the American army of occupât!' merly was Germany s* great est munition* center. Essen for SECRECY ABOUT CODE'S MOVES New York Police Fear tie of Health May Be Mobbed "BHTTER EVERY DAY" GAINS AS PANACEA «United NFTV YORK Jan. » Pre«« i —A censorship was clamped down today on th» proceedings of Kmile Coue. The French master of auto-sug gestlon. who says he helps the sick help themselves, worked behind o ficreen of «?crecy Imposed by N*w York police. At h!s. publicity head quarters It was announced that one representative of th*? press would be permitted to attend Uou?'» clinics an«l that this representative mould later make a statement of what hed occurred. Reports t dlcate that a veritable is sweeping the ••«•untry The slo gan. "Day by day in every way Î am gelling better end beper." 's gaining wider circulation daily. The smiling little druggist from Nancy who originated the phrase, seems to j *s office her» In Uoiie raze sake quite as a matter of course. the fact the police Inest that hi«« movements he kept secret for fear he will he mobbed by admirers and those seeking health. Plans were tentatively considered extend his American 1 f or Coue t tour , 0 include Chicago and Bos ton . H e will leave on a Philadelphia. Washington Cleveland on January 16. morn-! trip to an «1 NEW STATE LEADER ctr' ip MAI CTCIMC 1 fr JR. llUliOlClllO I Pont, of Winterthur. She made { 16.123.5 pounds of milk and 685.83 pounds of butter fat. equivalent to A pew rhamph for Delaware I ha» hern announced by the Holstein Friesian Association of America for th? 365-day division of the junior , two-year-old class. , Paul Burke, She Is Katie rned by H F. du 732.3 pounds of butter, i She displaces by this record, Win terthW Inka Ppllly Segis Prim, also ; owned h v Mr duPont. whose re.-1 ..rd is 1 '»,«73.3 pounds of milk and ment. Look through the clasaided , n d If your name is there coma , 0 , h . Journal office and receive free ticket« for two (war tax paid) t» lhP special production. Claro Kimball Young In "The Hands cf the Majestic and "Wie P ilomnr" at the Queen, See page 1.3 • today, •er Dairy Safe Milk phone . 525.97 pounds of butter fat, equiva 1rnt «.-, 7 , 4 « pounds of liutter. The State record of 3«S-day pro ductlon I« held by Kmerett Korn-1 dvke Mr Kol. also owned h v Mr. duPom. whose record Is 23.035.7 pounds of milk and 1077.55 pounds '»qulvalsnl to 1346.3 4 of butter fat. pounds of butter. SEE THE MOVjrK» TOMORROW. Invitations to *he Movies are ex «ended to «ix per*on» today through our Classified Advert : «lng Depart pride of Tuesday night. Na ra" at For Cl 15 46-1541. Adv. J BRITAIN TO PAY DEBT IN FDI.I Apos-Chancellor Baldwin Con fers With Commission Over Payment Plan WILL EXTEND OVER PERIOD OF YEARS WASHINGTON. Tan » (United Pregs)—America today tecelved offl clal assurance of Great Britain's In the United. States, now totaling ap proximately 15.000,000,000 in prln rlpal and interest. The assurance was given by Stan ley Baldwin. British Chancellor of tcnUon to pay her war loan» from the Exchequer, at the first official meeting of the American and British Debt Funding Commission held to day In the Trea*u»' f Department. In a speech at the opening of the meeting Baldwin said; * "We have come with the - expre intention of renaying our debt and it to the practical difficulties aki'.ig international pay in cot a we are about to consult with .f that you ti order to accomplish the end which ... plainly that Ihl, country must not expect P«y ment 'n full for many yeara when t js our wa\ to pay as we go so ,. ï ' r 0 î 1 Principle (Continued on I age Ten.) •e both have in view." RaMwin • we can. ^|| I I'll IIK|IlFlj f||| I III I j l\l I r Ii BllalaLLl UllULII T'|X|?g''|r |..||pp. pi I U||| M IlfUL L| V I lilUill TI IILLLu Ira Parson Attempted to Step From Heavy Mov ing Machine tJUDY WAS IAKEN TO POLICE' STATION ' , „ . „ ri Par \°" , aR#d aho,,t *« >'«" 1 ' ,vinR ,° n " "' n , u, 1 Second and Third streets, was run SI over to Coroner Taylor and taken to ,he morgue. He was an employee of the Pen insula Auto Exprès Company. Ti.e driver of Ihe car, Dan)e. White. 92.'i Pine street, accompanied^ the body to the police station. He reported that Parson had attempted to step from the moving car Io de another car .«.wing them when !ie slipped atm (Continued on Page Ten) ; over and .almost Instantly killed this 1 morning by a S-ton automobile trurk ' ° 1 wn,,d * he 1 Bu î h ' Jn * •»«« •" the Peninsula Auto Flx >*"' w ' "'npany. on the Stale road ''«»cen Tybo.n s corner Th«* body and was picked up and pla«*oi| in h passing automobile an«l taken to the Count) Hospital "t EarnliurM. where PArsofl was pro nounced »lead. The body was then *^ken to the pouce stat on and turn il ver message t * f FRENCH TROOPS ON MOVE READY FOR RUHR RUSH I Move Forward Into German Territory De pends on Action of Reparations Commis sion Meeting Today—Poincaire to Ad dress Chamber of Deputies Thursday ARTILLERY, IXFAXTRY MASS FOR QUICK DRIVE Pr»w 1—"(l»rmany muafn't throw up th, apongo" formor rhtncollor Wjrth d-rlarod In a »perch nt » fTTnltod rvyr.rvirxp; fan. • tnaas meeting here last night Germany's policy. The aim of Wirth said must be salvation of the f aftei tarnen • loue sacrifices In carrying out her Rhineland policy of obligations, must not weaken resolutions affirming the Rhineland's loyalty to the Fat herland and pro test ng against French terrorism. The meeting passed B> WEBB MILLER U, P Staff Corespondent .. .. PARIS. Jan * Invasion of the Ruhr, for which France rushed war like preparations, today depends upon action of the Reparation Com mission wh'ch meets today, many Is to he called to task for fall ing to supply required amounta of coal in 1322- If her explanation If unsatisfactory. Invasion by Franca is believed certain to follow. Premier | Poincare has announced he will ad , dress the Chamber of Deputies Thursday ao It Is n«»t considered that actual invasion will start before Following a cabinet meeting today Premier Poincare dented rumors printed 'n Communiât newspapers as io mobilisation. *'T will not mobilize a single sol " Poln/sre de hat ad ! Krld.v, dter or railway mi riared in answer to reports dit tons I men would he called to the colors. Washington U hits; May Offer New Peace Plan By A. !.. BRADPORD. llnited Pres* était Correspondent. «.—With I Jan. WASH INGTON, France apparently having succeeded aside the Amerkca^^H in »hunting proposal for a settlement for the reparations State* G United I anzlouoly the the question. •ernment toda\ development» i « n *, all watched crisis abroad tb .• nnj imité may oil an«i bloodshed In let loo*e tm Europe again. Despite the fact that this govern ment believed It « going all it could under circumstance« in nouncing recently it* program toj re | lev , , h , .jtuation In Knrop,— , hp plan for H conference or com mt „ lon to recommend a CSerman and for more leniency in the collec t j on Allied debt—it is thought certain that If matters get very much worse In Europe the United Slates will Slate Its opinion in some lurther way. The Stale Department today an nounced that th.s government had officially proposed to France and oth armions queetlon be suhm tied to a : ommK,ion nf ien and WEHEST MONTH SINCE LAST AUGUST More rain has fallen so far this month than in any month since last 1 August. According to Ihe record», 11.1« Inchea last night, making a Deport of (he Street and Sewer ment, there was a precipitation of total of 2.51 lnch°s this month. \f\v t\v cor.i.rcTois nrsv. William H. Oliver, the new col •tor of delinquent citv license fees, was early on the Job this morning, going over Ihe list of those who have 1 • failed ,o make pn m»m for licenses to engage in business, call on the delinquents, and If they pay up, suit will h* ___ r.KT I.ICKXSKS TO WKD Magistrate Black. Saturday nigh - .] iaaued marriage licenses as fo.Iows: j Raymond T. Hopkins and C.ura ; B. Sutton, both of New Castle. Josef Brxotowskl. «5« Bennett | street, and Stanlelawa Redlcka. «0« church street. 1 I.FGION At \|l.l\ltV MEETING American Legion Auxiliary. Delà- | fol-'lware Post No. I. will o'clock tomorrow evening in Grace M. E. Church houee. j * He will first Then fall to brought. meet at 7 ' i \ Fr«n«o I* planning to pn*h thousand» of froopa Into th« torrl tory at proa.nt occupied to replaro tho number. probably <5.000. thnt will move forward Into th, Ruhr. Marshal Koch. Generals Wevgand and Maginot. Premier Poincare. Pre*. aident Mlllerand and other high ofll rials and army chiefs were busy day and night over the week end work ng out plans for the invasion. Actual Intentions of me govern ment are kept secret but may be announced by Poincare Thursday. engineers, probably will co-operate with French engineers In the Ruhr area, it was seml-ofBciglly stated today. The Belgian* will also send relnforce menta when the French advance, it Italian and Relgia was reported. No Italian troopa are expected to participate In the oc cupation because of Premier Muaso Hnl a opposition to mich a move, An unconfirmed rumor reached he government that the Poles sdm ultaneoualy with the French ad vance. will close the Danxig corri ,i 0 r BERLIN. Ten ». «United Prêta.) — Fifteen hundred fresh French troops arrived at Duseeldorf Sunday an <f demanded accommodations, the mayor of the city notified the government today. Three hundred automoh les were rommandeared by the troops. Two schools and part of the bureau of finance were demande 1 as quarters (Continued on Pag* Twelve.) financial interests. Thla statement was made to deny reports that the only move this *ov ernment had made In the European situation was a revelation of th« American Hughes .pwch, and proposal by Serretarj in his recent New Haven hat the plan had not been presented to Kurope through diplomatic channels, emphasized that the commission of inquiry is the outstanding feature of the plan to aid Europe, and that France is still aithhcldinsr her assent to the proposal President Harding. Secretary of I; was again statr HuthP« and Ot-orK<> Harvnv. Ambaaeador ,o Knuland. today were considering the Reed resolution by which the Senate declared that the American froops of occupation the Rhine should be withdrawn. on Should France go into the Ruhr, in almost certain that the Amer ican soldiers would he evacuated im mediately as an indication that thi HovJrnmem does no an net on such step. cons,illation with ihe vdmlnistra (Continued on rage Ten.) BURGLARS RANSACK OAK GROVE OFFICE Burglars gained entrance to the real estate office of Lewis Cloud. Oak Grove, early yejrterdiy ing. by amoahing a pam- of glaes and releasing the catch ovîr a wln They thoroughly ransacked the office, securing a quantity of cigars, razor and $1» in money. A number of valuable paper» are also missing. morn dow. Friday by.Tudge Hasting« In Munic ipal Court this morning at. the re .quest of Edwin. II. Cochran. Jr., at ■ toniey for the defendant Surgeons Hospital Inst night in th police ambulance, suffering with In Juries to hi, arm and side. -.j <'on i* table Whittington is making an investigation. POSTPONE HEAR ING he cas»» of Tony D* Hearing In Bastino, Claymont 133S '*h«r**d with assault and battery on F rank Docourt. was .continued until MORRIS SNYDER HURT Morris Snyder. 201 Parish street, was taken to the Phys « Ians and PERMIT IY>R ADDITION Inspector Preston this issued a building perm:» Lyons to make add rion West sire'* , to eoet Hi. morning to J P to 8804 4