Newspaper Page Text
/ The Evening Journal IN NEWS ADVERTISING CIRCULATION LATH FIRST % NEWS EDITION "TH E FIRST NEWSPAPER OF THE FIRST CITY OF THE FI RST STATE." WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1923 /* THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 180 18 PAGES TWO CENTS FRENCH INVADERS MARCH CLOSE TO ESSEN; DEMOCRATS AT DOVER PLAN PARTISAN RAID DEMOCK 4 TS SCHEME mil) ON OEE1CES REP! P>LIC ANS HOLD Plan In Legislate Out Tax Commission. Re flare Salaries of Workmen's Compensation Commission—Would Cut Pay of County Office Holders and Abolish Coroner. Wipe Out Stale Detectives , Highway Po lice and Create Constabulary WOULD CH 1 XGE IIIGIIW I i A XI) CITY ELECTIO V HO \ FI) « Staff Correspondent. state: JinrsK. DOVER. Jan. 9 o he taken by Ocra tic L«'j?i*lamre in carry ing out what the member* claim to h** a program of economy an« This pros ram 1 ned include« the abolish.ns of of fices, heavy slashes in salaries and reorganization of at least two de partments now eontrolled by Repub licans to make them bi-partisan. In propneimr this propram the Democratic member > say it is carry ing out the pledges made in the parry platform on which they were elected list fall and the individual campaign pledges made bv the pres ent Démocratie members of the I.cgislaiure previous to the election The Democrat have a major.ty in both houses. The first announcement of the pro yarn came lare yesterday afternoon following a two h**nr conference the J' mocratic stepring committees of i '■ e Sen ite and House with the • Drastic step« the I)oi I re efflei out ency. n< v c(*k« iwi i '^miiiitte« i «* had previously held a Offices mitt^e appointe« by the Democratic State The advisory- commit onfarenes of James II. Hughes, a member of the conimit This < un mit tee suggesed a he : e (program to the committees. I. U y a.cering «• r ; this p *<»gram. The nd ■■r.-tood members of the imlttees look with favor *xt step will holding a separate o' the Democratic members of each hen the steering committees If the pro fr cu*c will mak«* a report, gram outlined Is approved, and there II be, bills! it • j- every indication twill be drawn and introduced to M rry out tlie suggestions. The sug gested program foil 1. Abolishing of the present Tax Department create«! under a law rf* ago and provid ing for the work of collecting the he d«»ne through the State T ea«urer*s nfDr-. 2. Reducing the salary of the three members ot the Industria Ac J».issr«| two y 1 »x L r:»|enr Boar d under 'the Workmen's < nmpensafion law from $2.500 a year to »fion a year and mil 'age and providing for minority party rep resent* rion on the board. It was by sonic of th«* fliembers Hun they ha«] heard re ports th«» board held but 14 me^t r for which each i tic •emori lugs during last y< itinued on Page S xteen.) 'oroner Charte» A. Taylor has oned three women Jurors for j r \ dence in the three suicide cases scheduled for WOMEN JURORS FOR SUICIDE INQUESTS aufm tonight to hear that time. The inquests are on the deaths of Charles H. Mason. Joseph, I.Hiighlin and Isaiah Wilnier. all be Jjeved to have been suicidal. T Rev. Dr. Robert H att to Give Lj) II ork For ) ear A The Rev. Dr. Robert Watt, closing lil» oe^otiti.term as superintendent fo the Wilmington District of the Tïningîon M. E. Conference, mak-, 1nç Thirteen years in all. has upon itie .'id vier of his physician decided «i take a year's release. The strain the past few ye,,-, ha* made treat drafts upon his nervous system and dee.slon i, based upon this fagt and phvsrtcians i .,a.. (la-ori«., ^ Matt h,Ä hRfl KMmw Wi Til H WK ATM Pit WASHINGTON. Jan. ».—(United —Weather forecast: Delaware Smyland l:.Yer" îonight f w"h n tore Wednesday; fair and «older fresh ; and strong northwest winds. j TODAY*« TKMPKR.iTt KE At The Evening Journal Office. Too P. M. P. M. s no A. M . .07 1 ".00 A. M. . :t9 SIX \M> TIIM-: Sun rises ... Sun sets II<»f CliUfiMiiii .15 A M. 1.00 A. M. 5 1 i*h water 5 .nw water 1 5.55 T. M. 1.0« IV M. LOST—About November M. rabbit dog: black, white and tan. Reward If re turned to HO* Rlvervlew Ave Jau*-2t. 1.0 f*T (Continued on rage Seventeen.) ifl I OF JEWELS $1500 Gems Left in Room Disappear While Couple Dine i SUSPECT ANOTHER GUEST OF THEFT ., ..i While at luncheon yesterday in th Hotel dupont, the room Mrs. Harry OfrermaV Troy. N guests at the hotel, was robbe I of jewelry valued a The robbery was not discovered until inter in the afternoon, when the Bureau i^f Police was notified. $1.5« Defective* assigne! to the job auc* ceded in recovering several piece (Continued on Page Fourteen) HIT LIVING LOST State Labor Convention Seeks to Eliminate Middleman MATTHEW C. RALSTON CHOSEN PRESIDENT special to The Evening .Tourna*. DOVER. Jan. of workmen's compensation, greater protection for child labor, substitu tion of «nine other # tax for «he $3 income tax fil ng fee. denunciation of ' foreign' office holders and elec-j tinn of officers comprised the sub-j jécts and work of the second nual convention. yesterday of the Delaware State Federation of I*bor The annual election resulted a# Ralston. 9.—Reduction of l.ving costs in Wilmington, extension follows: " President. (Continued on Page Fourteen) Matthew Ç. offers to go into general has declined to consider them, feel ing that a year of absolute freedom from un(Ille demands ... . ,, ,, ,, »«rttop McDow.«. ot the close of 16 1 . a n a n > ampuiKn la f' September Of course, the tlnal *«"*«»•"« until th# meeting <»f th» Conference n April, but Dr. Watt is Arm in his ork. but upon his strength is the only wise cours«*. Hi* decision was communicated to «leterminaton to pursu«* the c«»urses indicated, he «ai«l today. When the next conference meet*jin l> r . \\»,t will have served 19 Years as presiding elder and district su- 1 perintendent. lli* first appointment j to the Wilmingtpn district was made' by the late Bishop John f*. Newman i in 1898. at the close of the term of 1«' B Dr - K - Barrett. i In 1904, after his six years on the j Wilmington District, he was ap-; pointed to the pastorate of Ashury i t'hurch. Smyrna, where he nerved I . when in 1910 Bishop ! Dr. I tor *ix yea .lohn \V. Hamilton appointed Wart to th«» superintendency of the j Eaeton (now Middletown) District, j M 'r* 1 rl,w '' of hi * , *' rm the j Easton District, in 191«. Bishop do | SPp h F. Berry appointed him to the (Continued on Page Ten) V RFCEIPTS OF MO DEPT. SET FORTH Secretary Henson Shows Receipts of $38,107 Since June, 1921 ARREST THIEVES AND RECOVER STOLEN CARS j of * der the motor vehicle art pa**ed two yearn axo fr«»m the time that It ! became effectue June 1, I >21. jint.l December 26. 1922, were $39,107.51, according: to a report nubmltted to both houee« of the Lej*,*]ature thiii morning by Secretary of State Ren non. - Thi« report is not made in reply to a Senate resolution adopted ye« terday hv the Senate, m the report i was prepared before Senator Mur- i phy offered the resolution. The Sen-'told ate resolution rail* for a detailed report of receipts and expenditures} under the above art generally known ; ns the titling act. and also the num- j her of rlerk. employed under this j art with their salaries. The report submitted by Secretary Benson today 'tells of the carrying out of the pro-* (visions of the act and gives the total j ' Secretary Benson went to th*» Sen-j ate this morning and conferred with ' Senator Murphy and Senator Ilard^l eety relative to Senator Murphys resolutions. He explained that It ' (Continuel on Tage Fourteen) receipts and expenditures • : J HEAVY PENALTY ON AHTH DRIVERS . .A ! 1 llOSe WhO Hee After ACCÎ dent to Face Fine or Imprisonment LOOK AFTER VOTERS IN "NO MAN S LAND" I Staff Çorre«pnn«lent. 1 DOVER. Jan. 9—Shou d a bill in j treduced in ihe s Har«|e«ty this morning become a an automobile driver enife by Senat •a w. ho has caused an injury to a person and leaves without stopping r*» giv* his n: property or * or residence will he s«vcre ly deilj with if afterward« caught N Ä , u , h . wm - :";' pr care!»*«*s drivers who have accident from speeding out of the %vay without finding out the extent of the damage, at* I.« often the case n i«*ed a The bill provides ?« a fine up to $500 up to two yea and Imprisonment up t I and th** revoking of the automobile licence for the «er on«l ff« o • Senator Walker Introduced two bills to amend the Constitution both of which were passed by th#» an-jla*t Legislature and have to receive | r#\orahle action in both houses of this session before they become % J law. One gives women equal rifhtsj , with men in the matter of holding [ public office in the State, and the* other provides for a capitation tax to be imposed .m every citizen 21 i year* of age an«! over, such tax be uniform in the County where ltj is «ollerted and he for use in that county dnly. In the house. Reprp-! sentative «Holcomb introduced a bill or imprisonment for th« first offense. five years to include "no mane land" New (Continued on Pago Fourteen) HICKMAN MAY BE NEW WILMINGTON P. M. j j n ... , . , Char>, A. Hudolph have been found •- "■ < men! is | De:., by the Civil fiervic» Commis» £p#«'ial to The Evening Journal. WASHINGTON. Jan. 9.— Lèpoy ] W. Hickman. Frank D. Wilson an«l sion. It is generally understood here and that S«*nator L. llels Wilmingt« 1er Ball of Wilmington will reo->m-, mend Mr. Hickman as his firs, choice for the appointnienj. • - — - HALL OFFICERS ; Francis E. I.ynch was elected; president of the Irish-American As-1 sociation. at its annual meetlpg in Irish-Americsn Hall. Sixth and j French streets, last night. Other ' officers elected were: Vice-president, .lames Hayes; secretary. Edward! Patrick Mul- 1 I*. Brennan: Ed-l .lame* RISH-AMERICAX Melchoir; director*. rooney; Thomas ward L. Kearney. Neal R. Kellv and Frank M. Sevier, Hayes. Mundy Bros. Sell Furniture.—Adv, Cone Sees Perfect Race in 1973 r t . ! AM CNLV ATTACH CP. c : I SPEAK /NOT THC ENGLISH _ Av \ 4 / . ) ~ s «Hs > «O )\ >* > 1 \ " IMAGINATION, NOT WILL. »5 THE G&rATt^T HUMAN FACULTY h yy r LtTTrP!* r»oM PATIENTS C n j s> M 'S. j ! ; A i <> r T, i. . f. l:.\ A m: üfcjtf Ciàjti ( one in aifion. Sketchfil by \nl««t 17. H. Higgins RY Hiw Mil» lllll RII Y (Copyright. 1 923. NEA Service.) NEW YORK, Jan. 9.— Her«* Emile roue's vision of the future. It la a darzling vlaion erected on the prentlee of the world', million. reciting Indettnitelv. "Every day In every way I am getting better and heiter" —ami really meaning It This is what M. Coiie sec« ahead: "A race of people near human perfection is possible. All who want to do It and will do it. can do It—get better and better, in every way means literally in everv wav— vision lly, physic ally. The bright of in«ane asylums and prison» ini niense numbers of people who not belong there." M Coue does not talk much ntally. mo '*Speci fica J|y then ? f the future is in taking out t this ambitious dream. But those close to him tell you it is the sub Since hi* arrival in America he has not spoken of it publicly, even under the barrage of unending squadrons of newspaper reporters. Dubllcly he gave this advice: jeet nearest his heart. ARMED III MEET !"BAN0," HIS PLEA Samuel Conti Tells VX'cird Tale to Explain Private Arsenal COURT HINTS $500 FINE AND JAIL TERM Sgmttel Conti, Philadelphia, merly «»f thl* city, who vas arr*.«*ed about three week** ago when about to board a train at French street .«*ta for from probable attack» of a 'gang * antagonistic t Conti who was represented by J Frank Ball, pleaded guilty to .. charge of carrying concealed n dead b' weapon. Judge Hastings, after Hearing Mr. Ball s plea for <*lcP'-1 *ncy, continued the case until Sc-1 urday and informed the attorney to}*Hat would not co »aider Impos-1 in * a fine of 1«"** than $500 and cost* I * ,n d that hr priHOn ^^ntent-e. Detectives Riley and • d ns witnesses by Mr. iSall, test.fled that i-bout last April, tion * explained to Judge Hastings in Municlpal Qourt this morning, that he carried the Two revolvers and! extra ammunition, which vere found in his possession, to protect himself local 1 ight not eve Min < « 11 - I'ierc*» : -inn .«id 1 een mjrdered in South W:l '1%. TJ ^ parent lv fearing an attack from a Cit-y Sc lie j tor (»reen, said Conti wm (Continued on Page Fourteen.) I __ i SAY McDANIEL IS OF UNSOUND MIND The Evening Journal. WASHINGTON. Jan. ». —K. Psi >el.. wh Speeds; t jty « McDaniel did not appear himself.; but an Interne at «the Washington Asylum Hospital, where he is con- fined, testified that McDaniel is of unsound mind. He was no other jwise represented. McDaniel, of Wilmington, ral weeks ago rode to the White House in a taxicab and demanded an audience with President Harding. '. e a hearing in poQce court this morning on a charge of insan was give McDaniel will he given another hearing on January !#'• VICTHOLAS HEP\IHEI> Work guaranteed. Called for and delivered. Short's, S W. Fourth St. 'phone 4426.—Adv. Explaining he save that Imagina tion I which sa ve "I cannot") always wln , will power (whirl! Ml ye -, will' i. And. he add., what real lv co „ n t. 1. the unmnariou. helng Itlat wor k, all the time, either un ( |er one'a own ma.tery or outside of ;» "Never pronounc«* these words: Dif ficult. Impossible. Stronger than I Cannot." "What. then, will people be like 50 or lOu year* from now?" M. Coue'f tongue twists under hi« newly actjulred English and In this strange language the' little French pharmacist doc« not express himself «I well, except in his prepared «•arefuily rehearsed speeches. So, it this question, his interpreter do|«ame to the rescue. -Ah. 50 or loo years from now you will be what you train your tin , onsrjnus being to he by conscious autosuggestion. Ne e'eat pas? Su perlatively good In every way—even to being better editors, better arti sans—if. *nderd. you and better every day. really mean to be. own mastery of yn grow better Bui you muai AnJ by your DOVCE BOOSTS SUSSEX HIGHWAY Conçressman-Élect Declares Seaford-Reliance Road Important Link UP TO LEGISLATURE. DECLARES BENSON an«l Reliance, \Vho uppeared yesterrlay afternoon before Special to The Evening Journal. DOVER, Jan. ;i n k. none was rr. \ ox j, tvouM benefit large num }ipr r it| Z ens as well as serve large section row without Improved roads . . tween Sea ford the High wiij State were Congressmxr.-elect William II lission. Conn Boyce, former e? it«» Senator E«lwar«l Dntton and Postmaster Willey. Sea ford. Judge Royc» declare«! t'ie as n moot Important connecting needed in Sus Brief addresses also were made by Oliver • A. Newton, of the Sussex County Highway Improvement Fommisdion; S. T. Smoot. Galeatown, Continued on Page Fourteen) i r i n iw Tiir i 4on I £|AK (Ii J lit 1 I HFl KS AImPO THFFTS L'lllivllk) iaUA\/ 1 lliJi AO Yet y few complaints have been received by the Bureau of Police so nr th.* v^ar of stolen automobiles. that class of thieves evidently pre- ; ferring to operate where the whip- 1 ported stolen sin«'e the beg fining of th«* year, with » total valuation of $200,856,' accoMing to reports re reived by the Bureau of Police. ; I Il I g xhp Evenln!? j ourn ,i. Stornier caught a large otter on Captures Large Otter MILFORD, dan. 9.—Charles .f the Mi*pi1lion river yesterday. Tho animal wa* found in a muskrat trap. Otter* are *r*rce in thi* sec tion. but Mr. Stornier had th«* lurk to catch one ln*t year In the sam* locality. the hank ino year, from now." aald the Inter prêter, "it I. to he regretted that' Monsieur Cone ha. nm .aid more c oncerning hi. Idea* about opening t ^e doors M C by*somebody who wg» trying th dl« out of him a good recipe to cure blushing' 'Speaking of what mav be 50 or g dragged away f us \ ln ms and Jails tu those who really are neither insane nor criminal. in tiios«* da cm He ha** done some rork on it. There is inu«'h more." M. Coue—a stocky, rotund figure. a smile hidden under his white whiskers, and his tufted chin Jutting n«l bobbing up and d«*wn as he chews gently with invisible lips— sums it all up. his present wrork. and his vision of the future, too, in his twisted English: "I ha n e none o Anly—and f the magic— mais, you show you hoW you yourself non! must know } he ser« i\ perfect race • his! — can do!" in 1973 sf his .«elf mastery formula in followed. BIOS ON SHOE FOB CLIVMOIW Number of Offers Received by Board Now Being Tabulated SCHOOL AUXILIARY TO REVIEW FINANCES c; zr srz «nd opened Th** bids now are b** ine tabulated at the office* of the Delaware S«*h«»ol Auxiliary. diiP«»nt building. The hl«ls. It wa« stated, ranged high and were mostly over the price limit.* By making combination of bids offered by contra« tors for dif ferent portions of the work, it is f i hoped an award may he made. i A $275,000 bond issue was floated I j to build the new schuol. which will i be located on Franklin avenue. Clay mont. It will contain 19 room» and provide accommodations for pupils. The building will ho feet long and 6« feet wide, in ad-i dition to Alas* r«»oms it will contain 950 286 an auditorium and gymnasium. ware Schoo] Auxiliary Association bas been called for 11:30 o'clock Thursday morning. In the offices of . association. Dr. Joseph H. (Continued Pn T'age Fourteen) PFMMA AITVOISIT*! 1 Eilll! /i. /UJIUIOIO FINED BV SOI IRK - H ' 2235 South E. Watson. Robert Seventeenth street. Philadelphia, and Joseph l.eavesly, of McKinley, Montgomery county. Pa., were fined $10 and $15, respectively, with cost*, by Magistrate Black yesterday sfter noon, for operating motor vehicles with 1922 tag*. They were arrested bv Lieutenant 'McVey, of the State] highway police. Theee were the limt fines imposed for that offense in this city this year. SI I : THE MOVIES TOMORROW. Invitations to »he Movies are ex tended to six persons today through Advertising Depart- i Look through the classified advs. and if your nimo is there com, to the Journal office and receive fre# iwar tax paid) t* «pedal production. Clara Young in "The Hands of at th- Majestic and "Thejby f Palomar" at the Queen, our Classified ment. ticket, for too see the Kimlm!. Nara ' Pride Wednesday night. See page 17 today, ' FIND GERMANY IN DEEM LEEK INCH TROOPS ADVANCE Uri tain Casts Only Vote in Reparations Commission 1 gainst ittilude of France. Mighty War Machine Massed 1 lon^ KhinelanR 1 waiting Pnincaire's An nouncement of \alion's Plans Thursday <> MAY THROW CUSTOMS HARRIER AND COLLEl 7 FOR REPARATIONS •Ptills. .Inn. » (I nllcd l*rc«n)— Hie French f«»rel|ni offltT today tir» filed n*|M»rln from Wnslilniifoii tlinl the I hiitcil stale« Imil proienlrd In mi) manner nanlti«! nelnin* of the Ruhr. It iliMilril Sei'rctnry line lie»* plan f«»r an International i»mml**tr#i had »nslder repaint l«m* ever I »een •>uhmitte«| In Franne 9n any to |>rpcv.) , MR). Order*, to pnt punitive measure* Into esrmtloii will he at once, it wa« annmitifvd. \\ \KniAT.TO\, Jan 0 »IIicimI- of the stale l>c aninxe |M»ricil statement from the l-Yeneh foreign otVIoe «li n il** (I'nHe«l part incut today expressed mont at tile , reach a (ifrman rep-j i |Ycii<*h D«»vcrn»m , iit hail n«N rc«*clv cd In any ay tl»c pr«» «»f tin I tilled stale*. f«»r an Internatbinal committee t Hratlons figure. The lilgli<«M «»Oieial« of tlie dé liai they • »offer I »art men I reit« •rated unlay **al«t >T*stertlay In tw «•n«v»s at the department, tliaf the ' pro«.«. l»r<»p«»«jil «»f .s««Telary lltighew had iH'en Hftit menl. alth«.iig|i i uf. m mi II « -till in * In (lie French Ciove HOLB ALOOF IN INVASION* Cabinet Considers With drawal of U. S. Troops From Rhine «ringing about worse european situation It) A. I,. BRADFORD. Cnited Press Staff \t A SHI NOTON, Jan. 9—With the Corre#p«uiD , nv r* the Amtrlcttr European described in diplomatic quarters as similar t«» the erfsi» in 1914 that developed the world war. the United State« government today 'conaidered recall troop« of o« cupat ion from the Rhine, President Harding and his cabinet are scheduled to meet at the White House today and it is highly probable that the French move into th-' Ruhr and the advisability uf bringing] home American troops as racent y re quested by a Senate reso.ution will he foremost subject to t>o dis-ussed. Whether or not order* are issued within the next few «lays for with Germany, the government had ma«le it clear that under no circumstances will they be copie involved in any trouble resulting from the French seizure of Germany's principal in (Continued on Page Sixteen ) » ARD COAL RECEIPTS SHARPLY DECLINING ^ Shipment* of anthr*<ite to Wil mington have been declining stead lly the pa»f w iday by Robert D. Kemp. City Fuel Distributor. Where«», the ration land substitutes in the bias of local last Keek waH aPPfQ*'-, "lately 2.000 pounds of hard coal to j , ' 500 of substitutes, the figures now j have been reversed. Thi* means that consumer* will have to usv substitute» os much a* possible, in ,«s stated to >k. it f anthracite i i order to make the anthracite go »? far as possible. Mining companies and Jobbers also report that they see no posai bility at present of increasing the output of anthracite or of increas ing the alloimenta of fuel to Wll mingtnn above the «0 per cent, fixed the Federal Fuel Commission [and the Pennsylvania Coal Cnmmis felon. t a pfrftctlj ilefinlle way. Ihreiifh the r«*inilnr nfllctnl <h|»l<»inaf i<- rh»nneln. RKRIilN. Jan. 9 . I nlted Prc*»)« — \n ail%H»»i*e guard «f I'n'iH'k tr<under General Dégoutté, haa arrived at Kettwtg. near rinnen, a «» « on!lug to a diapntcli from the lat ritiiens of Fasch were *nr terrify. prisesl that the French did not enter last nlglit. Railroad* and Imtcle were ready to rroHve them, / PARR, Jan. 9. i I nlted I'reea .* I ranee held the iiiihii imnlem use machine ever known ready for «c* lion today, as Dermany waa f«am.| » M,l| J r üf *» dellverln» f** 1 ^ " reparation» to »a| Censorship alinout like that of war-time shrouded troop movement.« .«long the Rhine, hut it was impos* -ibie to conceal the cavalry, |9H lery, infantry and » «nd ta't.ks which for several day* b»« hem pushed up to the Rhineland borders. an immense ar Silently, speedily and with as much secrecy a« po-eible. the Fren. b concentrated. t»ne hundred French engineers besides Belgians and Dale * <'on!inued on page Fourteen) r | TO HER DEATH ON SCAFFOI 0 1 UldMJ Mrs. Thompson and By. waters. Youthful Lover, Handed in London she unconscious at time of execution ing. LONDON. Jan 9 (United PrHÉB .Mr voon« was « ray jail for nitir f her husband. October \t r. In I'entonville prison. d * lo\ * of tt\# < rio»e. wa Hundreds gathered fn dl(lmt t llolf morning der the same h Frederick Edward rain outside the pri»on* awnitinr lbs l**nin dang *»f. the ddltb single bell that announced the executions, One woman boiv a pbmard: "Mur» der cannot be abolished by mur» der." Mrs. Thompson, who made va n appeals for clemency to the la»t # was the first woman executed iq Only official* wer# permitted t* witness the hangings High board fences had been «-rected about th** scaffold» and the public saw noth ing of the executions r of th# (Continued on Page Foui ACCUSED OF GETTING GOODS BOVS STOLE William Woods, who eonducCf % saloon at 14 E «-* Se«-ond street. ^ ■*• held In $1.000 hail for a hearing on Friday on a charge of receiving French street station', boys are now in the custody of Th# Juvenile Court. .tolen goods, consisting of garettes, cigars and candy, that are alleged to have been stolen by hree hoy, from the Uni News stand at The three Woods was also arrested yeaterdav. together with his bartender, Charte, H. Emmons, a charge of selling liquor on a warrant sworn out >/ Frank E Haley, special agent for tha Law and Order Society. The; *e * held for a hearing before Magittra., Black, For Clover Da ry Safe Milk ,h 1546-1541.—Adv. V,