Newspaper Page Text
The Evening Journal I* IN NEWS ADVERTISING CIRCULATION YESTERDAY 20,074 THE WEATHER Fair *t»d colder tonight, fretting temperature Thursday, fair temperature * Hide. i ith rising northweel diminishing I THE FIRST NE WSPAPER OF T HE FIRS T CITY Ol THE FIRS! STATI WILMINGTON. DELAWARE. WEDNESDAY, JANUAR' P :> THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 181 16 PAGES. FINAL EDITION TWO CENTS ESSEN TENSE WHILE FRENCH TROOPS MARCH, PARIS ARRESTS PLOTTERS AGAINST EUROPE; WASHINGTON RECALLS TROOPS FROM RHINE * f PARLEY OVER RIPPE» BILLS Some Suggestions for Raid on Republicans Approved in Caucus it PRODDING BOARD ON JOB AGAIN TOMORROW IQ „ . . . * ° n ' r ** n< **'*• «.c occupied another amir, lea.* Istive day yesterday »Uh liule ac compllshed Arra„ S «m*nts for .he public hearing*, on .he hud get which Started iodr.v before Joint ot the two houses wa Ih. mo« important work of .he dav. With the .essinn now on its aecond two hills had l.een intro do red In the House and about n I in l-e Senate up until adjournment y»»WK1|y afternoon Republican member*» are ii a hard proportion to put in the' lime. mom of the caucuses and con-' fereme« being naturullx closed to them Senator VIven. however, j* an have stroll- 1 k a ee»*. meeting and did not notice e for a minute 9 r two Hr then excused himself and • !epped out. • T he Donor Staff Porreapondent. Dover Jan. Plate House. 1 or ratio week bn He 1* Deni ■a i<i It eption. et* into « 1 *•**«•• y af;ernoon and »I« evidently thought .1 uue * ' h<* diffère »rnmlt» an«! House re ported at a caucus of all the Dem- i «»or*tic niember« of both -j .1 »I«' Meeting I hou«e* j ue program of proposed leglalation | «itggMted by the adviaory commit* '•*# *l a meeting on Monday. Thi *»»ogr»m. which via printed in (Continued on «'age Thirteen) lji** BEGIN HEARINGS ON NEW BUDGET Senator Murphy Extravagance at Univers ity of Delaware ASK EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION St Aff Correspondent. DOVER. b* President oro-i<*m Murphy »hat '•fiVlal* of the I'niversity Delà Charge« De . Jan. ware are extravagant in rhe hand , lirvg of the Slate money and that he for e will probably favor a cut j ng down «»f the appropriation to the the I'niveraiiy, were made ■first open hear!rm of « ommittee this aftern at th«* This com mittee. whioh ia composed of mom House « ommlttee and the Senate budget i»er* of the ppropriations finance* rommlttee. i* conducting hearing* to agree on the State budget for th** »»ext two years, under the new htrd get The joint •mmitfee will hold rings daily to hear representa »f various State departments h< , fives and ageneje* a* to t H elr financial need* from the State for the next Representative Colline, of Joint committee, pre * ded at today's meeting. Owing to the fact that the pro ^ontinucd on Pa»:e Four). two years. * hairma I CHAIR THROWER PAYS FOR FLINfii ■ ■ Accused of throwing a chair at 1 the proprietor of a restaurant atj ^Fourth and Adams street* an«! Jbre«king a window in the pia«*e last Saturday night. John M. Kelleher •was fined $5 and cost*, on a charge) of disorderly conduct, by Judge ^Hastings, in Municipal Court, thi* jtiornins. The youth sal-1 he had (been drinking. Francis Skelley. who wa* arrented Nxith Kelleher. wa* dismissed by (be) tour!. i • « P M 140 P M ronw« t Fur» k\ti hf \t The- E'.vcning Journal orn« e A M . . "T A. M 12 01 r. M . .4« • M.. 3 » 1.00 HI > %M) TIDF ^ in rise* . Run sets . .7.22 A. M. , .4.52 P M. 1 llni.i nf ( liUtinnn High water 6 «»S A. M. Low water .00 A. M LOST - I V II-* LOUT—Wallet, containing drlv cense If found, return to party bam a Is primed (Continued on Page Fifteen ) Inside j»nin-lt » 4 p SffS PFRII INDIRECT PRIMARIES Senator Hall Says Convcn-i tion Plan Is Safer for Nation POPULAR PRIMARY GIVES MINORITY SWAY "While the convention meihod of nominating candidate* may not he the he*t noMMihle plan obtalnnhl®. to m # || jj, infinitely .safer tor the fu of ollr ,. ountr) . lhan „ th , . . , ;e<t pr, n.ary a^rted Senator L J Bl,,! ,n » l « ,h * ban4 «"« nf the M.Mary Order of Foreign Wan. at .he Hoi* B»l . vue-Stra.f-md in Philadelphia la*. I n '«h' **"«"or Bail said he reaiiged that by taking this position he might he termed a reactionary, an ultra-conservative Hi* speoch arou*cd much inter**! among hi* hearer* Me pointed out that the direct prim» y »yslem ha« | opened the way to forestall the ma jorily party in power from carrying >»ut a legislative program to which it *tands pledged. By direct prim»r>e* with several candidate* in the field the «olid inority **f of candidate* who do not the will of rhe majority. mik<* nuuiination* •epr««ent * Sena»or Ball «honed. 'Thu«, my gre«te«t objection to the direct primary i* it« tendency to de «troy partie« and party power." Sen a tor Ba. added , Another serious 1 , that the direr: hies cities with dense ! population to always hold the power, in making nominations. Senator Rail« «pee« h va« heard by | (Coni I rued, on Puge Thirteen.) object on prima w va.< I " ! , AUTO OHM, TWO MEN HUBE Charges)Salesman and Companion Thrown When Car Hits Bridge Timber NO LIGHTS. ONE VICTIM DECLARES Collin. We* «treet. Stanley F. and Thom«« Higgins. West *rree> rare jniurrfl »nd ,helr ....nmohll. wh-n .h. car struck a pile of planks and plung ed down rhe embankment of Blchard demolished Iasi son's HUn. on .he du Pont road Pollln. who i* a salesmai r Rlsmere. for Harry Kenyon, tobac* on!«t. with home ' hla companion, was I route after a business trip to Richardson Park. Collin sustained revere ia< of the face and hands injuries t' •rations his right knee and probable internal in vere Both Juries Mr. Higgins sustained Mcerations of face and hands, men were taken to their home« h> th ho was <*alled t< Mr. Kenyon, scene of the accident. n. hav Collin I« an oversea* vet ing operated an amhulan«*e In the government service during the World War. He has been employed by Mr. He Kenyon for more lhan a fear. is considered a very careful drlvej* The car. is darnag*'«! beyond repair The bridge i* undergoing repairs and th«* planks had been piled in th«* t raffic. Collin obstructing • oad eaid there was no light on the planks and he did not notice the obstrue - ntil it was too late, to avoid lion the collision. FOUR MORE DIE ! 1 a i IN MENE BLAST BIRMINGHAM Ala., fd'niled Press).— Four miners were killed In an explosion In Dolomite Mine Number 1. of the Woodward «'ohI and Iron Company, near here. • '■ The body of another Nemo was believed to be in the entry of the mine where the explosion, believed to be caused by accumulated gas or dust, occurred * today. The botlle* «»f Frank Lewis, fore man. and three Negroes« have been •>. overed The ninety men who perished in November were In » mine nearby the explosion took hat in whir h . ace lod *y. f II here French Troops H ill He Quartered 3 A ' y n J. A d*9 sr fjÿkm PÄTT: M V >4 a T.5 E«*en. called the gardei Hiring center, w. 1 be oily of Germany. and former!) Germany'« ne of the drat eitlen moat important munition« manufao iove« into the Kuhr region to collect Gor» upied a« France ^ç^* (^HStlc VComCP AlariTI çd NX Hcfl Robed Fi^UfCS rCCf reparation«. ri t i HUNT IN VAIN FOR DISTURBERS ffperial tr The Kvening Journal. NEW CASTLE. »0 — F v# di»gui«ed men. thought to b* mem 'J." of . ,h " K " Klu . x vi*H^ lh " rl,v raue-ns a " * r " a ™""» resident« of r< "^ w, ' r » 'eported to ofh Mrs. Brown. Young e having been «een l»\ reaident the and a rroeelng wgichman of KaiWoad, of «treet, the Penneylvanla near peering through fihe ran to the he * hat *eoi *he «aw the men .her kitchen window. ary. Brown declare« , home f a neighbor, leaving prepiarlnr for «upper food «be the kp< hen er If ie bun ^Continued on page Thirteen.) TREASURER GETS AUTO REVENUE Secretary Benson Says Re ceipts of His Office Are Handed Over WOMAN S RIGHTS RILL PASSED BY SENATE Staff forrespondent. STATE* HOrSK. Dover. Del.. Jan. Sei-reiarv 10. of Ben*on morning S ate thi* up the ♦ f the depart ment has supervision, denlly through misinformation there was some confusion mad«* j statement lia i entirely clear* tion a* ti mobile which he situa fund made by the»» State Auditor Thornp (Continued on Page Thirteen) i th-* receipt* mto ti'ling y#r Kvi ■er thi develops that the receipt* from this department are the State Treasurer rhe same turned ver t( receipts from any other State department, and the account« a audited by th® Slate Auditor, last report of an audit of the unts of the titling The ac department ; Robins Sing in City und Suburbs Workmen and officials of the !|j jj : I [if Spring is due. unie«« th»» pro verbial visit of the robin fails a* an indication nf the kin«l of vi 11 have from n<»w until March 21. This announef lent will b* glad news to housewives In view of the pres ent fuel situation. Slate and County Hoepltal at Farnhurst »»re eurprleed this« mornlnz to hear the eon- nm-* of parly »prinx On Inveetlgat Ins. Humphrey B. Campbell. 36(1» Weel Sevtn'epnth el reel, a j j there, silling in the he wall« of the main building, singing Us early morn ing greetings. If is reported that during the en» plover! machine«! found » robin hate 'been heard^"n" the rentrai I pjt of the city. This morning | ro bln was seen. f>lher spring , bird* have been heard chirping Vhe rural sections. No win- ; „(.now) birds have visited H. .„v V. according to per- I lh • • . -ith bird i(| xinc* on I GOING AFEER COAL GOIIGER Investigate Complaint SI.50 Overcharge on Ton of Anthracite of VI *V Dr rvrrccivr MAI r. \l L\M V K Iphia that a . jury . ... r... .vo'. TAM PRICE OF COKE * oal dealer ha« *ie» DUcovery In Phi Ida tonier» » t than a c«»nt h pound. the information tod»;, that rti«tomer«l i have been overcharged by *oj^f * dealer« I n/Wllming ton. '~ r f th* State Coal Pnnt nv etiicating the rom that « e' tain or ni i Mem her« ml*«i on «' plaint« of dealet inrp thiin the have charged price« fixed by the com i*«'.on. and plan action calculated abuse «top th« n«ta nee. {learned toda>. a customer had been than the it one i rate fixed Although the State* rommission without authority of law to compel dealer« to charge price« fixed »« fair I: I* of the opinion that publicity and public sentiment are weapon* at hand which can be u*ed effectively if such abti«e .<4 are not «topped. A member of the commission today, (Continued on Page Six.) -f AAA I7II I rr\ m? 1,000 KILLED BV RUM LAST YEAR WASHINGTON'. .Tan 10 (I nited Press ) — Poist liquor took a death toll of approximated 10«0 ;n 1922. n t newapaper « lipping* rnllected he pr<»hibltion bureau the sanie period, it mated that about 400 person* were hv drinking bootleggers* ron 'iroctlons In additio»» the health of! many hundreds was «ai«l to hav ibeen ruined by had li«|U«»r. The bureau, while empha sizing that its figure* wer»* purely estimates, announced that it is planning to or-' garnie a division which will keep a «•lose tab on the number of person* killed or injured by poisonous liquor, ,n (bis way. the prohibition depan i » Id he in position t«» send by indi< ate. Ii va* esti j , ment «pedal squad« of agents into dis tricts where a large mm\ber of (death« are reported. he num According to the clippin* ber of deaths in New York State during'the year was clo«e m 200 . an increase Cleveland «oroner reported 42 such death« during the first sexen month« I Charged with larceny of S75 from Frank Bobcki, at his home, where he boarded. Leon Kowalski was dis pilssed by Judge Hastings in Muni ripai Court this morning The youth denied the .barge that he took the fron» the sideboard in the the previous year. The of the year. ih:mf.s thkit. ihsmisskd. money house and deni«*«! ne »ship of a found In the house. e that would bunch of keys Among the keys open the * d«'board draw e as on .. , W «IlliUh Rev. A. F. Williamson, pastor of the j church spoke on ihc subject "World Wide Evangelism." Meetings will be held every nigh, this week In ihe chureh Dr. Williamson *1 speaker each evening. ...— I 1540 - 1541 ,— Adv. 1 l-RWKIl Slinnt'K XT IIKTH.XXV. "The week of prayer" is being oh - in un : p kb "Mange Cure," "Coal Oil " Go Into Drain When Saloon Is Raided WOODS GOES UP FOR 12 MONTHS , Chari*. II Ein mon«. *t'**r rharg* of «ellinc Iqu«»r again«? him had been abandoned. te*tlfled in ntv ' ourl ,nrti " ,h *' **" the d»v the oon of W I urn Woods. 14 East Sec we* t aided, Wuod« a tKfj mind I hr huainaw e h. le he '*** »* lunrh and gave him or 1er« J f. if . h. |H**r V SM-d ,h. piv. «hoold th- v.c.d«r»d und »tree* him to led^H^^ntent» of a pitoher into the .leain. ,»fj ^'ood*. who ha« previoindy «erveil j time In the worWh t «»ffen**. wa* •»«nten<ef^^| | mon 'impr «ontiienr on 4 < h«rge «e ling liquor. 1 An addition«! P'barge of Illegal po««e*#lon of iquor wer* a»- «e f.*r the «a me ♦ waive j no ' # f ,r Kmnmn« and 1 ^'Of»d« ra,gn»*d together and K Haley, «perlai agent for the Law and Order Society, had Emmons told the court that he in no way connected with the «aloon. •■ed after Frank - testified. aid he has been frequently K - .Ue, und sire.. eatablleh »d«. Km mon« « > x H J He W< »••-.I the . requested him t « » care for the bu«i-! ne*« * Jtructed him to po he pitcher into the dr*| bile he w at lunch and in nfent« o ; he ii case a wav made He «aid that the inued on Page Six.) (ft NAME POSTMASTER EATER THIS WEEK Special to The Evening Journal. WASHINGTON. Jan. !.. Helsler Ball, of Delaware, on hi« return from Philadelphia where he made an address la«l i night, whom he 0.—Senator èiioice for the today •a* nAn-«'omm|ttal a* to •ould recommend for the '[appointment a* postmaster of WII Thre#. candidates. I^erov an. Frank Ï». Wilson and Charles A. Bud«»lph are eligible. Senator Ball sa;d he would not he* ready t nungf W. Hi. k announce hie recommends-j tlone until the end of ihr week. AI- : not indicate his | po*tmaster*hfp, there is an impression here that Mr Hick man will he his selection for the of fice. . though he would i CANAL SUDE THIS TIME AT SUMMIT j i j \nofher slide occurred rester- 1 •lay in the Chesapeake and Dela-I*** Can,] aiomr th. deen mt ' t.inai along the deep cut gee- ( tkm of the Summit Level, but oc r i,*j on ^| jjttle delay to navigation, \ 1 ' va ï Such "slldea" In ihp "little Cule bra." as the cut lias become known, are anticipated from time to time | 'olonel Earl I Brow of the r Knglneer Mffl.-e. -aid tod«> a- ,, suit of the exravating work hv th«* GahStfan firm, which is removing 5. fiOA.nnn cubic yards of earth —I- „ 12 FR, K MOV,K TH KKTS In the claesifled columns each 1 day. will be found the names of eix person* who are invited to see the leading moving pleur- shows Read ., ,iic and e. ■ >m. ap .pear* .odav, to see Hail the Woman." at the Arcaa'a. and • Goodj ue at -he Majeatlc. I Th ii»day night, «ee p ge 15 i >day. f r *m »long th«* Navigation w few hours by y is delayed ■sterdav* 30.000 POILUS READY TO SEIZE GERM I V COAL MINES AT DAYBREAK CALES ARMY FROM RHINE [Withdrawal of American Troops Follows Movement of French Troops Into Ruhr Section CONGRESS PLEASED WITH HUGHES' ACTION By A. L. BRADFORD U. P. Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON, Jan 10 — American troops today were or dered withdrawn from Germany. Secretary of Stale Hughes, af iif r a ,en * th V conference with President Harding, .»sued orders Of Hie prompt return to this country of the American Army a f Occupation on the Rhine. . . . . UW "* «"*■" «— 'r" 4 ""* «»n Swreiipjr Hugh«- fnllmts H«e |m nge by Ihr Son« te of vrn«t«»r Reed i resolution rtpri*«liig the view of the j upfM»r Immim» (liai the Rhine fori «hou Id )«• \t it ImIi h \t n. the Riilne «inrr the anni«ilce, mm niini)M»r« nh(»iir f.onn nftttrrw and m«*n '111«» ortin «»f fl»r I'rewirtnii an«l The imop* arc niMl«*r tin* com ma ml of Maior General Henry T Allen. IniiiiciliafHi upon hi« return In he Stair Hepaniiicni. Hugh«»* mini the (xinrwpundenls who luul j UN , hail I heir regular eonfer.-nee ... Herman PMINpa mmd (Continued on r age Eleven.) PINK CANDLE BURGLARS BUSY i) b Lower Delaware Mystified by Band That Loots Many Places DIPS LEFT BEHIND - COLORFUL TALLOW' Special »o The Kvenlng Journal. ing band ««f thieves is now spreading SEAFORD. Del . .Tan. 10~A dar lower Delswme and ihe adjolnins ount.«*e of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. This band whose head «luariers the authorities believe, is close to Seaford. is known to the po lice as The pink candle burgl because they invariably use pink candles in home* and business place* they rob. Candle grease and butts ping candles Me been found in' np.arl) place they have en that the o«*eiipant« of the home never xwaken during the r \'i«lt. The thieves first heg.m to oper * n i,n '^ vicinity during • ^ pa!,, • ummer * w ' hen ,hev # * nter ' d and robbed about 25 place*, a great majority of which were homes every ered. and so, cleverly d » they work and In each instance they escaped without even being heard by the or cupant* of the hous?. Since then (Continued on Page Six.) 1 CONTAGIOUS DISEASE NEAR HIGH RECORD K.silty HP« of ooni.ts.ou« dtaeappp havP hsen rpported to tha . .... 1 , aUinK a ;, previous record* since ; flu" epidemic The new case* reported are as <ol-1 low. measles. 55: chlckenpox. ,j : J .-arler fever. 6 ; influenza, «; dlph-! U.rlH | - I» \\< I lOMt.ll l Th* Auditorium; Oeo Madden's Orrhaatra—Adv. l Markers In Retaliation Call One Day General Strike. French Com mu nisi Lenders. Plnltin 0 In Seized Territory , I re \rrested. Paris Ex plains That Only Mines ln Ruhr 1 re to Be Seized Tomorrow. Troop Trains Hall Out side Occupation Zone. tr I POJXCAIRE l\FORAfS GERM 1 V)' AS TO El LL FREXCH PL 1 \ France'» military machine (hat is tn effect the peaceful occupation of the Ruhr tomorrow at daybreak, marked time along the Rhine today. Troop trains that had hurried through the night towards Essen were slowed down and sidetracked to await the final word to advance. American troops now on the Rhine were ordered home, and this action of the Washington administration, coming at a moment when France is about to act in punitive fashion against Germany, may have had an effect upon the troop movements today. Arrests of "Red" agitators in Paris disclosed an Europe-wide plot to seize upon the Ruhr invasion as excuse for a communist revolution against capital. Six prominent communists are in jail and the arrest of Deputy Cachin, among others, is sought. Germans at Essen have steeled themselves for the encircling of the city by French troops tomorrow. A Ber lin report said Lithuanians had taken advantage of the sit uation to cross the border and move on the city of Memet, which they hope to seize. Headquarters of a coal distribution syndicate at Essen was moved hastily to Hamburg to prevent seizure by the French. « flie Quai D'Oriay admitted having heard of Secretary Hughe«* plan for a mixed Cuinmiiiion to consider repar ation«, but «aid France had not considered herself formally informed of it. » LONDON, Jan. 10.— (United Pre«s )—A portion of the French advance guard has been withdrawn from the Duiaberf region, according to a Central New« dispatch from Berlin. due to Italian dissatisfaction with the occupation plans. _ The French are reported to have explained the withdrawal was for technical reasons but the German press interprets it as The above report come« almost simultaneously with a United Press dispatch direct from Essen, reporting a delay in the French troop movement through the Rhineland. BERLIN, Jan. 10.— (United Press)—Two Lithuanian ri ment«, profiteering by the international situation, are moving across the frontier for the purpose of occupying Memet, according to the Lokal Anzeiger. BERLIN, Jan. 10 (I nlffd Pri»«ei.— \ «»iw «lay »irtU ha« boon pr«* *lalm«»d In Keen. n«rordli»g I«» reports l«*lay and thorr »« p«»«*IMIMy «»f a gfiieml strike llimuglwiul the Ruhr in protest nuain-i Prrorli «xxmpatlon renrh lr«mp trains left ) —Thirty MAYKNCE, Jan. I« (l ulled Pre f«»r th«* Ruhr border today. I (UlI KN/,. .Ian. 10 1 1 i»H«xl l*r«**a).—Tuony iraiiilond« j (mope. Indadtac Spghl* and Morooran cavalry * hrf> «« h ,lore }nmi n,,r,,, J prMEliDORF. Jan. 10 1 1 nit• <1 (Conlintied on Page Six,). «»( French aial miKlilnr gunner«. Brösel. —Fifty th"»l SHWt EwkIi EUROPEAN COMMUNISTS' REVOLUTION PLOT IS P, I RED; ARREST LEADERS for a Europen wide revolution against capitatam were hared today when police ar , ^eied six prominent "red ' leaders, Flying squadrons of police still searching for five other communist agital Communists' plans unearthed documents showing the arrests probably broke |„p a well organized campaign to stir workers of Europe to revolt, The agitation against French occupation of the Ruhr, voiced »I a meeting in th«* Rhineland, was to be used in rhe attempt, evidence «bowed. Deputy Cachin. prominent com munist. is wanted by*» he police and • he Chamber !* t«i be asked i. commend hi* parliamentary Im m " ni, > ** b » b » «*»• >r<l of th- railway men syndicalist*, i* in hiding. Marrane «™"ry of the communist* fed ^lerfiont l, *wirker , e he s^d£ît«^ .77* ' Monmoueseau of the .ener. con federation of Ubm-are tn Jail. Their home, were sec n! ' H'«* "f I. Humanité, communie! dally snd many papers and posters * Theee showed the revolution wa* cSk ■» work era of « lerma-ny. Belgium. Holland. C»echn-S>!ov«ki» and France, Agitator* hoped to get »he revolu lion under way coincident with 1 strike* and possible trouble in. tha Ruhr, YOI'TH DIES OF MKMNGITIS John Cole. 21, of Middletown. [died In the Delaware Hôpital thi« afternoon from spinal menlngltie. He had been in the hospital since Saturday. The body will be taken to Middletown for burial, «'ole's re|* lives reside in that t< r n. TO ENLARGE SToRF. Inspector Preston ih s morning Is <"M » hnming P*rmi> to iM American Store. Company, to m.k alteration* to tne building at 1**1 Gilpin avenue at a com of K.i««: "' B ' bUlM * r ' IVTI) , lo . u s tTALJTT »QI ^ Rfc INTO ROAÜ I_«WUTT. Corraer CtarlM X Tkrtor will '"JT il», d the death of Ira Person «ho was killed by an autom h# *>»>* r«*ad. _ hat e _ Corner and It <*n Monday Tvp nur« K