Newspaper Page Text
: The Evening Journal IN NEWS CIRCULATION ADVERTISING THE WEATHER » ft Fair toniylit and Saturday; alijrHtly colder tonight : freezing temperature, freeh westerly windj. CIRCULATION YESTERDAY 20.382 , k "THE FIRST NEWSPA PE R OF THE FIRST CITY OF THE FIRST STA TE." WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12. 1923 ' THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 183 24 PAGES. FINAL EDITION TWO CENTS 1 PARIS MODIFIES CASH REPARATION PLAN, 1 ESSEN RECONCILED TO POILUS ' OCCUPATION; FRANCE BALKS COMMUNISTIC PLOTTING J * , , FACTIONAL SPLIT STIRS DEMOCRATS • v " e House Majority Divided Into Culver and Holcomb Wings at Dover BROGAN REPEALER OF FILING FFF GOES IN StnfT ( 'orreepondent. STATE HOI SR. DOVER, He!.. Jan. 12.—Representative Brogan, of Wilmington, introduced in the House this morning a bill to nholish the >3 filing fee in the act to pro for school purpose». There promises to he some spirited fighting over the** propos: lion before anything definitely done, although both partie« advo-fjj * rated its repeal in the party plat forms last year. Some members are of the opinion that it is a good * thing and that all that should he done is to change the name of th? tax and the method of collection. * Others,' while believing that it should he abolished in accordance with their party platforms, feel that vide revenue < so m-» p an should be worked out to raise revenue to take It.« place be fore the filing fee low is repealed. * Still others advocate repealing it at once and then trying to devise a plan for raising revenue to take its place. If the demand of the Democrat* in both branche* of iho Legislature for detailed information a« to em ployes and salaries continues to grow, the various State depart ment*. it is suggested, should sus pend all other business for a few days and furnish port to the Legislature t of the question finally. Although the State Board of Edu cation recently issued a statement giving iho officers and sauries paid under the .«tale Board of Education, Representative Cray introduced a House resolution this morning. which most minute re dispose was adopted by the House, calling for more detailed Information as to claries of superintendents, teachers. (Continued on Page Twenty-two.) 102 YEARS HI D, DIDN'T KNOW IT William Heavlow Birth Record in Old Family Bible Finds IS IN HEALTH. DARNS OWN SOCKS William Heavlow. living now* wi»h Mrs. Mark Townsend, a daugh ter of his third marriage, at 1343 North Philadelph.a, nnd a native vvarean. has Wananwker »treet. West Pela Juet d!«covered he is 302 year* old.- He made the discov ery while visiting his niece, at Clay ton. While looking through an old family Bib.le he found a record of h.s birth and when calculations were I Continued on Page Twenty-two.) ■ — MORE AUTOS Bl.MP. A Hupmobile touring car, owned A. Spahn. Ill collided at Fourth and Van Huren »treet». this mornlng, with a Ford touring car owned and operated by Ell!» "pier eon, of Hocke««in. The Utter car wa. »lightly damaged. Several automobile accidents oc nnd operated by J. West Eighth street, rurred on Penny Hill last night. One I'ennsylvania ear was ditched and two other» figured in collisions. Lit tle damage was done and no one was injured. HKTVIKL UOVUURUNui: TONIGHT The third quarterly conference of Bethel A. M. K. Church will be held in the church thi* evening. K** ports from all the departments will hs mads. All the members of the ehurrh are Invited to attend. Today's tempebat; he At the Evening Journal Office. Ran a. M...19 12.01 p. M..4I ln.on A. M. .41 1.09 P. M.. (6 p M. 5.20 P. M 7.22 A. M 4.54 P. M. SI X AVI» TIRE Sun rises . . . Sun sets IVeiifl of Christian:' High water R.07 A. M. Low water ill A. M LOST lyOST- Small geld S. p. jan!2-2t. (Continued on Page Twenty-three.) ratch ; initiale .1. Reward. Phone S785-M. 88 SCHOOLS, AUXILIARY'S STATE GIFT $1 .960,079 of P. S. dul'ont Fund Already Expended, Report Shows NEGRO CHILDREN ALSO BENEFITED WII vr \l MI.1 \HV n \s DONC. IN TIIIII I! Y KARS Organ red in August, 1919. New ftrhool* erected. £3. Number of classrooms. 221. Location of schools by coun ties; New Fast le, 22. 51 rooms; . * Kent, 30, 57 rooms; Sussex, 36, 113 rooms. j Community organizations formed. 250. Average attendance by 25. ' 000 pupils in State increased I 41 day« per largest increase of any State in j the country, »i Receipts from P. 8. cluPont. KducaUorval Fund. $2,033, , 494.50. . K-hool year, the Expenditures, $ 1079.26. Balance on hand. $73,413.24. ' s Eighty- *|ght ntaining 221 erected *Vh school room«, have buildings, been to date by the Delaware 1 Auxiliary Association with the funds provided by P. S. du Pont for rebuilding ihc public i of, delà ware. R« -rhooi. ipts to date h ivs been $2.033.494.50, ond expenditures $1,960.079.26, leaving a balance of $73.415.24. Thi» association was ga nized in Augu».. 1919. The program for construction of colored schools or will be practically >>' rebruary 1. with the buildings, one each at Iron Hill and New Castle. Work .on these buildings is underway. This? program embrace^ so school« of 1 is room,. Tom I cost of ail tion and « $1.025.000. furnished exception of tu . construe luiptnent is estimated at For white - hoot a the ha* expended 5771,000 and i« to cooperate of Kducation Auxiliary ready fith the State Board or other constituted , (Continued on Page Thirteen i SNAGS IN PLAN OF DEMOCRATS "Economy Program" Looms Up as Possible Legisla tive Boomerang MUST GET MONEY TO REPLACE FILING FEE Staff Correspondent. ST.VTE HOUSE, Dover. Jan. 12.— Members of the Democratic Advisory Committer and the Pemocrati' s-teerinK Committees of the two hou*«'S. held another conference yea terday afternoon to further map out the proposed Democratic leg'slative program. While b number of mat ter.» were di»eu»sed, it was announc ; ed after the conference that no defin ite action was taken on any particu : lar subject. Some of the member« of the Ad visory t ommittee suggested that the majority member« of the Legislature should fir«t aaeertain ju»t what It is going to coat to run the State govern meut economically for the next two , year», then find out the estimated re- j cetpt* for the two year». Thi». they argued, would give a definite Idea ai to how much avili have to be raised ; I by a tax of^some kind to meet all ex (Continued* op Page Twenty-two.) THINK CONTAGIOUS DISEASE CHEE KED ' Although SO new case* of measles have been reported to the Board of s.. far this week, the in ks below that of a week ago. health officer* are inclined to Health crease and think the disease in checked. Little change in other contagious diseases Is noted. The report for in misleading, not through any fault of the Board of Health, however, hut through the failure of man physicians to com l"ly with the Board's request for such reports. fluenza shows only six new cases in ithe city, but Is Fourth. Phone 4426.~ ; »Adv. V H TROL V-RECORDS I ("ash or credit. Short's. 8 West "Pack ip Ruhr Trou hies in ) our Old Kit Rxi^ a — V fl 4 pf Li ^ t« I ►* ' ■ 'Äfc Étj mMaÇfîv. f r > IS v A X y ■■■. In came the French and ou: marched the Americans. Here are F. S. doughboys on the Rhine pre paring to quit the tinder-box. which may burst into flaming warfare at the fine clifh bet wen native «1er mans and the invading French. LAWS TO HALT MIO MISHAPS Legislature Asks Public to Submit Suggestions for Legislation I • RECOMMENDATIONS UP TO JANUARY 16 Staff Correspondent. DOVES. Del.. Jan. 12.—Member* of the Legislature yesterday • ; reduce the number of accidents, due to motor mishaps, , .. — , . „ | reaolutlon. ofTe-ed by Senator Wir ;o«k a step In their effort toj rhen. by joint f de*ty. and adopted by bo h hrancheaj they invited to the public and any organization to submit recomnten la-. J n the motor vehicle law of the Sta.e j ii«ms and suggestions f&r change* The resolution fixed Tuesday. Janu the titre limit for the sentation of tne recommendations and suggestions vhich may b* < m I bodied into the of a bill or . bills. the court have ,»ub! y announced that the l.i ws se< kihg to regulate ve hicular traffic hav • ficient insofar a* jGie preventing « motor accidents, makes this q i. * The fact that the death ra r e in insilf proven tion one of the most important that any State and particularly •ware, has to consider at this time. Usually ii is the custom for the Legislature to wait until hill* on any subject ore presented to It. In this ca*e. however, the I^egisljture has asked either citizens or organi zations to present their ideas to the (Continued on Page Twenty-two.) LAY RUNAWAY STOLiE BIUYUUES 1«5:> runaway New York boys, were arrested this morning by lietectives Kempski and Siitton. ch.irBeil with the larceny of They have been turned I i Waiter Simpeon. 1R.14 Amsterdam street, and Albert McMahon. Amsterdam .«treet. two bicycles. over to the Juvenile Court. One bicycle belonging to Charles Wadley. a mee««'nger living at 1014 Lancaster avenue, was taken from in front of the Western Union Tele graph office. The other bicycle he hinging to George Daniel», colored, 27 Klut.d street, was taken from in front of 91'3 Market street. J. J. n\YKS RECOVERS. John J Haye», prenaient if the Retail Uredit Men's Association. t( the Diamond lee md and hi* duties illnes lading *ev suffered secretary Coal Company, resumed today following a eral weeks. Mr. Hayes from a severe attack of the grip. COURT CHAIRMAN SICK. Levy Court Commissioner Frank R. Jon*»* is confined to his home by an attack of grip. FHEE MOVIE TICKETS )2 In the classified columns each day. | will be found the names of six per ns who are Invited leading moving picture shows. Read carefully and see if your name ap p.virs today, to see "Hall the Woman." at the Arcadia, and "Good to see the Men and True." at the Majestic, Saturday night. See page 23 today. For Clover Dairy Safe Milk, phoned 1540-1041.—Adv. i YOUTH SAYS Hfy p| QT|fl) STORE THEFT Offered to Furnish Him "Jimmy'' for Breaking Shop. Boy Charges ALSO BOUGHT STOLEN GOODS, LAD AVERS A shocking story of h*» alleged efTorts of William W<y>d*. who has lead thr*e «erved t*me ,n firi^on t lad* ! hoys to break into a store and pro acting as a was unfolded Jn cure overcoat* for him. and of his fence" for the Municipal Court this rith a even furnished the h< 'jimmy. * Judge Hastings held Woods, who r.T HFD m | U I || | |1 . | [ 11 \ ■ illllLsIlj ULIil « now -orviPK .1 year» M>nt*n<* on . chaire ..f sellins lu, nor for the (Continued on Page Twenty-two.; ESCAPE FLAMES Otliosons Awake While Fire Licks Up Sassafras Home SECOND BLAZE IN TWO YEARS Special to The Evening Journal. Md . SAS8AKHA.«. Jan. 12 — Aroused by the crackling of flame» carI >' »•>'* morning Perry C. Otho *«»".« farmer living In the old man " ion 0,1 th * nr< ' ka relate, found the | owe r floor of hi» three-story dwell in,e a Iri,,, s of flume*. Mr. Othoson '1°'? Kar! ' ■ and they barely escaped wilh their lives. of neighbors. .\ w*as *T*nt to the »Middletown fire company but the firemen were unable to reach the burning build ing because of the had condition of (Continued on Page Thirteen) Both men left- the building in their night clothe». They made their way to the home call -— - 1 I j I j ! ! Mothers-in-Law Home Wreckers, Jail For Them I , CHICAGO, Jan. 12 (United Press).—Mothers-in-law are the •eckers of today. Judge Joseph Schulman of the Chicago Schultnan will jail mothers-in-law who home Municipal Court, declared, persist in interferring in the affair«* of their children. "The mother-in-law puts the finishing touches to more mar riages than anything else." Schulman .said in an interview today. "She always butts in and blows up at the critical time. "The newly weds of today are badly handicapped any when they start out on their matrimonial venture because salaries ire much lower, comparatively speaking, than in past generations. Either the wife must go to work or the couple must face staggering Jebts. I I ay ') '| "They struggle along doing their best and usually working out heir own salvation when mother-in-law steps in. "She upbraids the husband for not making ore money, or he wife for being extravagant in clothes or household expenses, -he nags until finally the infant home becomes a daily battle trotind which finally lands Its casualties In th» divorce courts, will put the trouble : kers out of the way behind the liar.«.'' Y =3 1008 TO NOIE FOB HEATH CLUE Friends Suspect New Ro ma nee in Dr. Gordon's Life ; : W/AQ SFPARATFH FROM HIS WIFE, NEW YORK Jan 12 (United J Preset—Motive for the suicide of Dr. Percy Gordon 60 , until recently, assistant rector of the St Bartholomew* Episcopal Church! was a mystery today. Dr. Gordon was found dead a bui fashionable ' let wound in his right temple, in a b<liitub at the Hotel Wolcott where he has been staving since his return from a trip t dead several hour* and several mors hours e apwod before the discovery was reported to polir« who said the case was one of suicide. Paris. lie had been William N. Singreen. manager of the hotel, declared that the last time the minister was n he was laugh ing with a group in the lobby. He* received a special delivery letter fllnrreen said, and hurried to hi^ Dr. Gordon left two letters, one a<1<|res9ed to his son at the Amsr can embassy in P to Dr. Leighton Parks, rector of St. Bartholomew* sealed and police tion. j room. r:.«t and the other Roth letter.« were ithheld Informa Friends and relatives **id Dr. Gordon had been displaying "er ratic conduct" ince before his rr«ig mn accepted at 8t. Batho lomews two months ago. Fashionabl • member* of St. Bar holmetv* included nation Mrs. Cornelius (•ilmnn Scribner. Vanderbilt. Sr.. Mrs. \v. Thompson. Mr». •Mr». John A. Dn-xel. Mr.«. W. Hirkn»».« ami Mr». J. H. Choate. For month.« it had been reported rh.irles L (Continued on |\ik(> Twenty-two. ) RUM, NOT CHILDREN, GETS FATHER'S LOVE when John H. Woodall wa.« ar-, ,-algned in Municipal Court this! ,„ornin; i.n a rharge u f brexch of th<', peace, Assistant City Solicitor Green explained that the defendant's main ' ,roub| e 1* too much drink and that j hn has thl .^ e children thit he does not care for a0e Judge Hastings sentenced John toi three days' imprisohmem. - j STATE AIDS COUNTY. Until the Levy Court elect* an at torney. the attorney-general's olfice 1 « handling the legal business of the ' court. j MORA TORIUM FOR RERUN \FTER MUSSOLINI IDEA CLEARS EU KOREAN SKIES 1 I EOROPE'SREDS AFTER PLOTS Plan Involved Bringing Bol sheviki Army Into French Territory SEARCH HOMES OF PARIS RADICALS PARI*. Jan 12- (United Pre**>— An international the hanks inti» comniun ist which was to bring the Bolshevik •rmj across Germany i of the plot Rhine and Franc». wa« charged tmlu again*; |4 * pu,y C ' ch '" .. . ' er* arrested in Thursday's roundup The minister of Justice filed a re quest that the Chamber of deputies raise Cachin'* pairlamentary im Tmunltjr ho that he might be arrested and prosecuted on this charge. Cachin. Monouaseau, Semard and Traint are to be aroused of foster ing a »revolution in Germany« in wdvlch the Russian army w as to In tervene. It U charged that Trein- ( stated that If the red army reached I ,l '" nlin '"' d an T.,ni)-i,o.i French In coders Retire to Outskirts of Essen: Civilians Offer Smiles FSSFV. Tan. 12. (United Pr**n)— Essen was quiet today. Puing the night the French with • from the heart of the pity, and when citizens appeared about their duties this morning they encounter cd only an occasional blue coated '«entry pacing the down , dre< town *.».« remark i streets. The hulk of the invading for«* rithdrawn to the *uh had been urbs The absence of tanks, armnm car* and machine gun* ed upon. German traffic police were charge throughout the city. Surprised at the absence of war like demonstration«, citizens of Küpen who acted sullenly when the grotip* of French officers appeared. The French rominandered the | city first wa* seized, were apparent ! | v engrossed in an effort t (> master German Stiff their resentment. 'smiles were exchang'd as DEMOCRATS OPPOSE BOARD MERGER Memb?r * of ,h, ' Democratic City Committee at u meeting !a*t night Jllo l'" 11 « ' solution condemning proposed merger of the Moth-| er " Pension Commission with the ® ta 'f Board of Health Atlas Frances A - secretory of the commis *l«lon, spoke of the commission s * ork ' Th >- resolution also urges that an| increased appropriation for thej work, which is being asked by *h« commiaalon. be approved by th** legislature. The work of the com mission was strongly commended In ,hp rM olutlon. _ OLIVER (ilTVfi till MON I \ po m"iTv the nnZl point! d by tne nnan. e comnmie. «»t City Council to go after «Mlnquent licence fee-, reported thi. morning that many are paying up on demand. A.« Mr. Oliver I» authorized to bring m.ult if the payment is refused, most of tho«e called upon have promptly j »ettled the account rather than add usele«.« expense to an already over d ' account. SAY BUTCHER HADN'T LICENSE. Passmore, charged with meats in w ithout a I'rense. u morning by Patrolman Birch, will be given a hearing in Munici pal Court tomorrow morning. Samuel the sale of Wilmington rested this II, MR. TOWNSEND ILL. Attorney-General Sylvester D. Townsend. Jr,. Is confined to his home suffering from a heavy cold. Mundy Broa. Sell Furniture.— Adv. 3 NO VIOLENCE BV GERMANY El. S. ASSURED Berlin Also Says She Will Not Renounce Treaty Despite Invasion SIMPLY PROTESTS HI HR INVASION her 12 ( United Germany lias given the United States that as a result of the French occupation of the Ruhr she will not meet violence W ASH INC TON. Jan. word t Press K with violence. This And the fact that Germany declare* she will not renounce the Versailles treaty were the out standing points in a note from the Berlin government t «• the I'nlted Stales which protested against the French invasion of »he Ruhr. Word that' this note had been received •'.■•re was announced exclusively ye* I nlay by the United P While the noie is an appeal to the United States to place her In fluence on the side of Germany, thie (Continued on ha** Twenty*two) Ksiserhof llofe| evicting both perm anent and transient guests and press had thi« a* their The engine«!« con and a group of correspondenis wh* headquarters, trol commission French ofiTcers moved in. Unsai - expressed regard pk hat may transpire tomorrow which iners have corne In from 1 fields, and drink rather The g<»v< rnmenUs action ness . the is pay day wh been accustomed t the c he* vily. in guaranteeing the miner's pay ha* «unie what relieve«! this fear, how | ever. I The ammonia producer** union and also th»* customs office has moved it* papers and hook* fr<frn Bochum fear-j in* invasion l»y the French. It has unofficially reported the next, ove of the Ruhr force would be enclose Bochum. Karl y today there was no evl I dence that the Frencji had marched beyond Essen. | ! n SOLD RUM TO SOLDIER, APPEALS JAIL TERM pd _. r . <urin . or . 1 1 r '° f' dwar f . pringer a * on DuPont », Joseph «.alrda, Third and Lombard month.«' imprisonment by ,n,r * * Judge Hastings In Municipal Court '»I« morning J Frank Ball. lornpJ . for th<> man gave noli ,. e of a a * n * * • ,n ' 11 was xe at j $ 100rt - Joseph Wisniewski, who was also selling liquor to the soldier, was d «missed. The ca.e» were heard .ever.l day» ~ ' 1 " * !1 *' »oiirt fined, Springer $50 and »*o#ts on his plea «" » , p | linjf ji nuo ,-. The « claimed ,„ at ||P |>11Ivhawd at lhje tvi»niew»ki „ tor , uvo wIIon , of llq)101 . Ih „ On a charge of selling Intoxical-] was fined $400 and cost« and «enienred .tree'«. were found in hi* place l»y the police., The arrest* were made by Police j Sergeant Devenuey and other officer* FEAR HE IS SUICIDE. The aid of the polite has been re quested in loratlng Roy Wallace, I'oy Williams, who wrote a let ter which was mailed in thi* city his brother in Marcus Hook. in j I Age. j 5 fee; 6 inches in height;' »miioth face. 1 ! I Pat. Eve., a tn 12. Pythian Castle, ja Prixe*. THE KIMMEY ORCHES- 1 j > •«' which he stated his intention of com-1 milting suicide. He is described as follows: 8 years: weight. 150 pounds: auburn hair and bine eyes. D. O. O. K. DANCE TEA.—Adv. * Re presen Inti vos Franco. Groat Brit ain. Belgium and Italy Moot Tomorrow to Bass on Modified Paris Plan of Repar ations Collection of GERM 1 YS IG YORE COM SURVEY LONDON. Jan. 12. (United ^ re **)—"There will be no fur ther advance by French troops in the Ruhr unless Germany pro vokes such a move," General occupation forces, declared to DeGoutte, commanding the Ruhr day in an interview at Essen with the correspondent of the Even ing New*. ___ boat* anchored in the Kaiser DUISBERG, Jan. 12. (United Preaa) —Ten French torpedo harbor here today. PARIS, Jan. 12. (United Pre**)—France ha* modified her plan for collecting cash ationt from Germany, and is will ing to consider a moratorium a basis proposed by Premier Mussolini of Italy, it was learned from semi-official sources today. The next payment is due Mon day. repar on tomorrow to consider Germany*« re q Ueg | f or a moratorium. A The representations will meet majority vote wUI decide, so if France, Belgium and Italy a^rec, . : (Continued on Page Twenty-two.) 1 TO "RIP" DEPT. OF ELECTIONS I Senator Mclntire Introduces Bill to Oust Present Members bi-partisan board OF FOUR PROVIDEL •""> ment of Rlectlons in Wilmington. . , - , " composed of flvemembers.andcFe atlng a bi-partisan board of four members to be appointed by th* C.overnor. Tha bill provides tn« board shall be bi-partisan at times. The bill, if enacted, would become effective March 1. Tho present department comprises four Republicans and one Democrat. Cnder the Mclntire "ripper" the terms of the five present members of the department would expire the (Continued on Page Ten) S'aflT Corre»pondent. STATE HOUSE, OOVKH. Del.. 12 —Senator Mclntire, Demn crat, today Introduced a "ripper" bil1 to abobeh the present Depart all YANKS OFF RHINE, BEGINNING FRIDAY COBLENZ. Jan. 1Ï (United Presst. —Next Friday ha» been set 'as the date when the stars and stripe* come down from Coblenz to'flagpoles and the American army of occupation leave* to embark for Ss The United State* troop» will entrain for Antwerp and sail alt the transpprt St. Mihiel. January 21. Local store* Immediately bln» «orne. I out with sales of souvenir«. to make last inroads into thednugh hoys' mark« before the departure. , American police yesterday arrested gang of cocaine peddlers and con flsrated many millions of marka* worth of (Luff*. vannah.