Newspaper Page Text
f The Evening Journal IN NEWS CIRCULATION ADVERTISING THE WEATHER Fair today and tomorrow ; no change In temperature. 19 .111 CIRCULATION SATURDAY 'THE FIRST NEWSPAPER OF THE FIRST ( in OF THE FIRST! S] VTE." WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1923 THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 185 14 PAGES. FINAL EDITION TWO CENTS. LITHUANIANS, FRENCH FIGHT NOW IN MEMAL ; ALLIED WA RSHIPS RACING TO THE RESCUE; POILUS OCCUPY MORE GERMAN TERRITORY RAPS SCHOO! OFFICIALS AS TYRANNICAL • Representative Melson Says State Education Hoard Is '"Bureaucracy" WILL OFFER RILL TO CUT DOWN EXPENSES St *r Correspondent. i'ATR HOI'SK. DOVER «curing the floor on a question of personal privilege this morning Representative Melson In the House said that regarding the transporta tion question with the State Board Jan. 1 .V i itlsm was being *h««wn although he would not make that direct charge. lie accused the State Hoard of being the most Tyrannical bu reaucracy that ever existed In the! State** and said tomorrow he would introduce a hill to cut overhead expense of the board. Mr. Melaon's remarks were the result of the following letter that he h d received from S. I>. Moody, of Rear Nation relative to the trans portation of school . hildren. which le. ter was read by the clerk: ' Mon Khvood F. Melson. Frank ford. Pel. 'Dear Sir: I noticed in a newe phper that you are interested in the school affairs of the State, and arn if you can And out. why the money provided for trans ition purpose* runs out. I am enclosing a card I received which (Continued on Psg* Twelve.) wrong to a-k p..i COUNCIL ASKS CONTROL OF * 1.000 less th in the total quota, and SCHOOL TAN OF AO TO LAW the Interest ami spirit shown by the , members *»f th* Jewish community attending, there js every Indication ^ of an oversubscription of the amount re«juested of Wilmington's Jewry. announced In advance by the » Wilrndngton committee, no contri butions were accepted at the ■ meeting. Team captains ami work *rs began th**| r systematic visiting of every Jewish home in the city this morning In behalf of th* cam » paign. Three stirring appeals. acquainted with such affairs never been equalled o _hy Representative Has Bill to Amend Law Affecting Wilmington .McManus Destroyed Market for Stolen Cars in Delaware, He Says mass WOULD LIMIT SCHOOL HOARD APPROPRIATION PRAISES WORK OF TITLE CLERK HANDY vhich lb. said have Wilmington. Mise I.« marie. vere f New York and (Continue.« on Page Two ) • n. Staff Correspondent. STATE HOUSE. DOVER. Del.. J*n. 15.—Representative McManus, «*f Wilmington, introduced a' hill In 1 Staff Correspondent. I STATE HOUSE. DOVER. P*l. Tar 15.—Secretary of state B*n*on I 110(111 I TTrilRT »hki afternoon presented to th* jl||\l|W AI I T M M I Senate the report of th* expenditures /|||(JU1 1 /ill 1 | of th* automobile titling department under r;r. 'X irr Pfll IfP flFfl 4RF |ia«.«pd tivo y rars a«» Thi> report | (j|^||jL ULUL/HIL is made by the Secretary of State pursuance to a Senate resolution offered by Senator Murphy and adopted by the Senate asking for a detailed statement of the expends (Continued on Page Six.» the House this morn ng to amend o law which gives the Hoard of Education of Wilmington authority taxes in that city for school ould take away rd of Education that f his » o a punies. The hill from the B 1 Firemen Find Oil-Soaked ( Rags and Paper in Restaurant rATTIAMAI DrilADT rvwmuidm fAl 1 IUf\ A L A trim I -: STIRS DEMOCRATS NEN0S - proprietor. UNDER $5,000 BAIL authority. It would give Council the right say whether or not there shall f bo any apical tax assessed against t '*al ?state for school purposes. The ■ referred-to law was passed at the «»f the Legislature, but been availed of by the Board of Education be ca us* there were no available copies «»f the House Journal and its exist ence was disputed. Under that law the Roan! of Education has the au thority to compel Council t last i*»ssion has never U*i1i"l»igli v . , v- m .• Nicholas Ncnos proprietor of the >jiaff roiT« «pondent. ssess up for schools, about *834.017.63 obsessed valuation of real Wilmington. on the dollar which would amount to present ho • ■ 'î estate In w TH- M, hill would Rive to ,h ° PnBPr ,0 , "' ,, ' rmln '' lh ' T "npvoprlmerl ,he nouM h«. n '" n - Ia « ,e? h , V , '',7'. inn in "*'" m *' ter but Is compelled to give the school board the sum It nek® for in Its budget. It might ni'-an an ' cents on the $10« e«'hooIs alone In Wilmlngt McManus bill provides that Mhe Council shall hay«» the right to f 7 mills on the dollar If the people of Wilmington ,a »•* willing to pay that sum. If the present law stands Increase f assessment for f 53 n. Th* niake an assessment It is un* (Continue«! on Page Twelv#.) today** ri Mi i imi in ». At Th»* Kxpning Journal Offl. * J*.«« A. M A M. .. 43 . H9 12 «! P. M. 1.0« P. M. . . 44 . . 4.1 SIN Wll TIDE qtun* rises .... Bun sets ... 7.21 A. M. . . 4 58 r M II *>«•«! of UlirUti High water 5.02 A. M. 5 2« A M. 4 37 P. M. « oo p M. ! —ater MIST long bar; three Jsnis-ll. (ti 1ST—Oreeti gnld pin; I sapphire*. s^(tf-j. vC-nrinued on Page Thirteen,) Bill PROFITS, STRIKES, AOD TO COAT COST * ommission Warns That Unless Industry Reforms, Government May Act SAY NATION MUST * BE FREED OF MENACE WASHINGTON, Jan. IT». «s » —Wideapreai over development of mining Indus try. and recurrent strike* during the last few years were blamed for the present high prices of coal by the United States Coal Commission to ( United profiteering — Pi day In Its first report to Congress : on the national coal problem. The commission warned that un less the. Industry reforms itself through the elimination of frequent I strikes and surplus miners, federal regulations will be necessary. "Whatever the cause or the j merits of the labor ci clear that a these crises in the production and distribution of coal would be intol • mroversy. It Is indefinite repetition of enable.** try and freed from the menace the report states. "Indus fhe borne alike must be •f constant interruption of their coal supply.'* The major findings of the com mission which will be supplement-! ed In later r®ports include: I. Th.- number of minor« in the industry has increased during the* last few years until it is now 2 ««. non in excess of the demand. The present number is sufficient to mine« tons (Continued on rage Two ) j ; • of coal a year or BENSON TELLS OF BENEFITS DOVER. Del., HOUSE. *j a STATE f ornlng the Demo-j 15.— F«»llow*ing the session he House this ,. ra t members of th* House nebl a f the Democratic the House very nAich to hear*. A A < • 'he caucus this morning some of ihr short caucus. It wm report« d tha* lhft rpo ,- of , h „ rall( .„, to »'Hnd oui ir there were .wo fw .o,,, am0 nR Ihr majority H»u«e m ml, r«. a« «tate.l m The Evenln* Journal of laut Friday. Some 1 House members apparent 1 " took the statement relative to tw fact lota a in ! members said »he report that then fi lierai .lin-rronr*-.. wa. were any a mistake. Notwithstanding this method of the Democratic House members to as certain if there Hie two factions on f the Hiiu.e. thcr«, cry Imivulon th«-, th-r- urc : wo (action,, nd Ih-r. ar- furher f -ha I fact bceomina nor* appar at lr the near fuMi.-c the majority side is indlca* : ons I RIBAT DEAD. PARIS. Jan. 15.— (United Press) —Alexander Ribat war-time pre nce during the «torn y days from March to Septemb r. 1917, died here Sunday a* Iho age i of 81. Ribat married Miss Mary Burch, «ff «'h ago. H ■ loaves* one son, i>r. A. Ribat. mier of K 4 Army Iransport Sails for Rhino Troops — ■ÉM V . k. ITÎT ■in '•■Î70ÏT »■mu *ai limn! I fi is . ■ f .T, f s> « mm MUntW 1 -«** skî j* m in # The army transport St. Mihle! commanded by Captain Woodbury Oliver (Inset) is shown here steal ing up at her dock in Brooklyn. N. V . at the beginning of lier voyage to bring back the American troops on the Rhine. ID, 000 ALREADY FOR PALESTINE Jewish Homeland Campaign Managers See Fund Oversubscribed STIRRING APPFALS AT BANQUET. MEETING N« mp.iicn In Wilmington, and perhaps In many other Kiven a greater beginning thart that , of the $20,000 drive for the Pa les- • tine Foundation Fund. Keren Hay- [ eeod which was launched with a »m of the mass meeting In the Majestic Theatre last night. The campaign will continue In WIN mlngton the next three days. Approximately $9.000 was nounced as already contributed at ( the And of th** banquet and with this more than ample starter, only was cities. banqti« t iq the grill Hute] du Pont nd an Apollo restaurant, 305 West Second street, was a Treated yesterday* fol lowing th* «Recovery of a mysterious f business. In his place was charged with altem pi «*d arson. The blaze was discovered by Patrol man Elliott, who saw smoke issuing from the biifding shortly after 5 He o'clock yesterday morning and sent ,n * n alarm, which brought Engine Company No. 7 atid Truck Company No. 2 to the scene. Firemen on en trrin * building sav they foujid oil *°* k * d ra ^ and P«P er »ottered the blaze was about the room whe ■'•Rwovevpd. hut pxtlnRUlshed the Are before it had gained much headway, N'enos when arraigned in Municipal Court this morning, requested a con tlnuance and hearing was set for Bail was fixed at $5.000. •' r . l _ d J ,y ; .... .... /he hulldlng. wh ch lx a ,wo-«ory * fTl » lr '*- lh " ro "' nt hulwln B' lhal h!,v " M,,ndln * for * nm * " m ''- ' rh, ' ir «-"'>"1 ruction mnk j I •er Dnlrj Safe Milk phone ( them easy prey for a fire. The res taurant is owned by Michael Brown and is covered by insurance. Mr. Brown, who lives next door, wauj awakened by the firemen, and he : •'•nd his family rushed to the street their night clothes. After being (Continued on Pago Twelve) For (' lilO-1541— Adv. HECTOR DENIES CHRIST DIVINITY Dr. Grant Says Few Clergy men Believe Jesus Had Power of God SAYS MIRACLES LIKE COUEISM NEW YORK. n of the rhnrcb is a survival of the «g» of Witch «Ta ft. mage and taboo" in the etand ! taken by the Rev. Percy Stlckney J 'Orant today. Hi* (TefiunrlnfToh of the theory and practices of the present day clergy has stirred New York church circles. powers o' priest and derlm«! th.i the nation Jan. United Pres* Dr Grant. pastor of the f.irnoua Fifth Avenue uhurch of the Ascen ecored the so-called "®acre«I s and clergvmen f the churchei economic «ion. «*f because th •e maintained only for l u e clef g The church, the minister said, •levotr«l where not come from priests, who have no power to make marriage more than it Is. but from its "essen tial characteristics'* j should he partly i needed, to une as a civic or poli ti Jcal forum, I accept the power of the priesthood, j while the clergy, he «aid. largely 1 was recruited from the uninrellect bacredne«* of marriage, he said. live« of the nd peopI«> involved. The .educated classe* do not ac cept the possession of miraculous consecration because they do not ual. who are credulous of the (Continued on Page Two.) 1 MUST CLOSE THEIR STORES ON SUNDAY Impressing upon Peter Tucker. 11 East Front street, and Annie Gold-' J berg. 100 East Front street, that ! h ' y n °' kePP T r ' ,or ", open ; for business on Sundays. Judge j na«ting« hi« missed the man and wo m ,n |n Municipal Court thl*> mornin R on rhnrac« of hrcaklns the Sabbath by c*po«lrs Rood» for «aie n, y soncor c. r ee n m,, r ke<1 to ,h '" app<,irÄ ! to be a general practice of store* in •.. that neighborhood to do business on , BURY MRS. DOI'GL \S niMimilDW AITKIINOON lotte Elizabeth Douglas, wh the home Funeral services for Mrs. Uhar died At f her son, William B. »ougles. 1005 Monroe street, on Sat urday. will be hel«| from the Mon roe street residence at 3 o'clock to morrow afternoon. The Rev. A. \V. Sonne, pastor of West Presbyterian 'Church, will officiate, assisted by the Rev. Richard W. Trapnell. rector of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. * In terment »ill he in Riverview Ceme tery. The pall bearers will he J. K. Ford j. f. Phillips,' C. H. Simmons, w Simmons, ||. n. ' St a y tor and H A. George. 12 rilKU. MOVIE TICKETS In the classified columns e.i« h day, will be found the names of six per* sons who are invited to eee the leading moving picture shows. Read carefully and see If your name ap pears today, to see "Broadway and "Ebb ! ; | Nobis Cifetcn «. '»th St. Entrance Wll. Savings Fund Bldg.—Adv. Rose." at the Arcodla. Tide." at the Queen. Tuesday See page 13 today. — light. N. C. UAITIJS • 9 REAL MÖRDER TALE Oil! SOON 70 More Witnesses to Tell of j "Hooded Horrors" in Louisiana RECKONING DAY COMING. KLAN SAYS COURT HOUSE Bastrop. La . Jan. 15 (United Pre*«>—"The real story*' . . , . f * r# '* n t-rror n Moorchoaaa an 'l brutal murders of Watt D*nrie| «nd Thema« Richard* will be *°^ ,n the open hearing here thig; week. State officiais promised today, That the series of sensations which have followed In rapid order In th# list eka have but barely ntima:**d scratch«*« by Attorney-General Coe he announced the surface. vv< today he evenly wit- | reveni detail* «»f •s were yet U nei | hooded activities. Fifty of these w expected to proceed »long f evidence, ,1 was entirely new j indicated. ' There is a day of reckoning coming, when we'll have our In nlngs." ('aputin J. K. Sklpwlth, Ex I tilted Cyclops of the K. K. K., d«* blared today. "Every story has two I sides,** he said, thumping his urn-! nesses a brella on the pavement. j one s ue. you hear.* Sklpwlth refused to add to his -titemenl on advice of friends. "Don't judge when you know only l»ont' believe very thing Word that the Ku Klux Klan Is '.mr ti (lull off the b ggest stunt ever." was whispered around More (Continued on Page Six.) I EMPLIES SHOTS INTO DWELLING s^r'~r' ott^v -t- t GET SHOOTER _ j j I Mary Dumpson, Investiga-J ting. Is Spared by One of Bullets POLICE HOPE TO Two shots were flred through ! the front window* of the home of Harkett.. colors. Oil Pop » lar street, about 10.30 o'clock last night. Mary Dam paon, colored, 90 3 Wll ; son street., who was sitting In the 1 ! : I parlor of th* ; noise outside lnokc<l and saw a col . «»red man draw a revolver from his ; pocket and fire the two ahots. She 1 narrowly escape«! being struck by j the bullets. the room ) the «hots. Immediately following the shoot house. hearing a A lamp on a table In *as shattered by one of Ing the jnan Jumpe«! int waiting automobile ami accompanied by an other colored man, drove away. f Detectives Benson as Capta li «lgn*d Detectives Kempski and Sut ton to the job. hut no arrests have been mad*. Captain Bencon said morning the detectives had learned who the man was as several witnesses to the shooting recognized this him. an«l qn arrest will he made as soon as the man can be located. ; -— STETS HR AT INAUGURATION. Recorder of Deeds Albert Stetser j will attend the inauguration of I Governor-elect Pinchot of Penney! vnnia at Harrisburg tom«»rrow in respqnee to an invitât on received 4 .hi h' j. WAR IN BALKAN STATES THREATENS TO ENGULF ALL EUROPE AGAIN r ENCIRCLED er FRENCH STEEL WALL Poilus Increase Area of Occupation lo Include Stinnes Steel Plants BERLIN POLICE QUELL OUTBREAK BERLIN Jan 15 (United Press) Prompt action by Berlin mounted and foot police. broke up anti French d«*nmnstrot ion** throughout the Herman capital Sunday. I D*m«»nstral of "national mourning'* over •cupation of the Ruhr swept down towards the French -mbassy, only I •n hr dispensed by a mounted poller, arn. erf *• participating In a of who brought stretchers from by buildings and kept aplcuoualy in readiness as the lice got Info'action. Barg-» Herman "down with Fra «"h® rg« with rifie* n*ar them con po mbs shouted Otherwise the «lay passed peace fully, BURLIN', Press».—French 5.—(United j 1 In the Jan. troops hum today. Re- ( Ruhr moved on R fr«»m the t-jsaid French advanced fr« (weg upon the »capital of the and Infantry f Réi mportant industrial ntereeis •rtttliiy im the little City Stinnes. MufO of Occupation (Continued on T*age Twelve.) of Bochum. even ALLEGE HOOCH SALE NEAR .LAO. ■ I ' Marked Money Taken in Payment for Whisky, Constable Charges ALLEN GANG UP FOR HEARING EARLY I j Burrarllll's place is next door to I fh«» Newark Jail and firehouse on j Acadeniy street. He was locked up ' over night nnd this afternoon will | brought to this city and arraign- ; cd hefor-» Unite«! States Commis sioner Pann. Charged with illegal liquor, B. Buecarllii. proprietor of a soft drink, shoe-shimng und cigar stand in Newark, was arrested last night by Constable Leon S. Ell son. of that town. sale of 1 ' Constable Ellison, who came to Wilmington this morning lo make!,, arrangement* C#ir a hearing, said he had been watching BuccarllH's place for pome time. Frequent complaints concerning it have been msde by citizens. Yeoterday. Sun day. the constable avers, ho noticed, numerous youth* snd men about the (Continue«) on Page Twelve.) aro confined to heavy cold#. j ■ COUNTY CLERKS ILL. Arthur Gamble, deputy prothon- J nlary. and George R. McDougall. J clerk In th^ prothonotary s office, I „ ■ ... .. î Protnonotnry Hafvey Hoffecker..'lew too. is suffering from a severe cold, 1 their homes by h,,! •as at work today. In the absence of Mr. Gamble. ) Ralph E. White, clerk of th* Court I of Common Pl«y»s, acted ns clerk In one of the court rooms of Superior) Court today, while Mr. Horkecker was clerk in the other court room, --- ■ ■ " V. C. C. A., educational films will *»*• shown the inmates of the New ,Castle County Workhouse, each Tues (<1ny evening, during th* recreation .hour. The films are both Instructive MOVIKS AT WORKHOrsK. Through the kindness of Frank P. Mitchell, religious director of the and entertaining. French Troops Beaton Hark From Tronches Outside City of Montai —Hungarian Troops Enter Rumania—Greece Moves Mare Men Into Thrace—Blame Outbreak on Ruhr Situation New conflict of arms, aftermath of the World War. broke out In Europe today. Lithuanians and French fought In the street® of NemaI and Hungarian troopa were reported mobilizing on the Ru manian border. French troop* are making a desperate attempt to hold Nemal. while Allied warships are racing to the reacua. Th* attacker*, seizing upon the Ruhr situation to handicap the Allien in defending the Prussian border city, drove the French troop« hark from trenches outside the city. If The Rumanian minister In Paria, aald that war cloud* again • re towering over the p.alkana. in a report that bands of Hungarian troop* have already entered hla country. In the Ruhr. French troop* moved forward to occupy addi tional territory. Including Bochum. A dispatch from Merlin aald that the advance guard of the French have entered that city, th® capital of the great industrial interests of Hugo Stlnnee, War In the Near Fast may be added to the turmoil. If the Lausanne conference falls. , Greer# is reported moving troops to Thraca, RERUN. Jan 15 (United Pres*).—French and Lithuanian troops battled for the possession of Marnai today. The Lithuanians entering the city, drove back a handful of French troops who had entrenched themselvp* before the gates, dispatches sV 1 British and French warships were Menial to reinforce the French troop*, League of Nations. report ed Saturday enroute o Menial Is a neutral zone under the It i- on the Pniaafan border, and is *«red by l.lthuan «. whose irregular troops are taking advantage of tha Ruhr situation to attack. PARIS. Jan. 15 (United Press.)— {have made Incursions Into Rumanian territory. frontier. Premier Poincare was notified by the here today. Hungarian troop*, hands of ahlch ntrating on the Rumanian minister Polncara aaked »he Inter allied military commission In Budapeat to investigate tha report. 1 are roi Scientists Kxpect to Add lo ) ears to Unman Life ( WARHINCT« »V. » — If Iin 15 (United medical pm gré**** during the next 5n years as it hss during th* last 5« years, the avenw span of life will h* increas ed fifteen years. I»r George M. Kober. dean of the S«'hool of Me'dl cine at (Seorgetewn University de - dared today. This Increase would mean an average of 70 years, he said Th* average today is 5« \e.irn. he stated. Suppression "elixir of life. I»r. f disease 1 s th® real Kober stated. Steady progre«« ha* been mad* in the task of curbing ep.demies, thtt MEXICO BANISHES PAPAL DELEGATE MEXICO CITY. Jan 15 (United I i religioua meeting in the op?n air in violation of th** federal constitution. Although President Obregon plained that the expulsio Press»—Monsignor Ernesto Philip!, Italian Apostolic delegate to Mexico, has been given until leave the country because he tomorrow to , .. , «tlh Mexican policy that foretRier« must observe the laws of the coun try." the move tira 9 interpreted by many Fasclsli leaders, exponents of Catholicism, as the beginning cf .a "religious warfare." The*« charges are denied !n gov ernment circles. e\ !s in line Vnnmlttee of \ Fairfax Lodge. I O BOOST! Tl S V KKT TI * RSI) A V. Fairfax Boomers' ( * in Tuesday night instead of Monday. in the future. This Is owing to the committee being deprived of the use of the grand scribe's room In Od«l Fellow's Temple. Tenth and King freets. The committee will meet mmorrow night and all members r£>d to affend. Among the Irn Ohio. •are portant matters to he taken up will he the degree work f«»r Friday night, and the trip to Cincinnati, which is to be taken in a short time. SDNO SERVICE WITH REVIVAL. Dr. and Mrs Dorsey X. Miller,, who are conducting revival ,- r . ». .a 1 , ...... at St. Paul M„ E Chtmh will »»old an old fashioned ffoapel song .service as a special feature in con nectlon with this evening's meeting. All requests for songs from the audi- ence will be sung, The Women's Home Missionary Society of the church will attend in body, headed by Mrs. E. B. Huffington. president. Elmer P. Budd. charged with ob taining goods under false pretenses from a Baltimore store, who was arrested here yesterday by Dotec tlvea Wallace an«! McDaniel, was turned over to Detective Harborn. of BAI/TIMOKK WANTS HIM. Baltimore, T eater day afternoon. m »ho m ddle ages washer) out af* most whole popu'at ons. he said. Smallpox is practically eliminated, tuberculosis is on the wane. fant immortality has registered a tremendous drop and all other dla ease*, except on»*, are retreating be fore the advance of medicine. Dr. Kober stated, Cancer has Increased 100 per cent, during the last 40 years he said, th*s is due to improper food with conse quent progressing of the blood and «*1 her detrimental effect*. Insanity has increased during th»» last 40 y*ars «lue t drugs, he stated. ah'ohot and CITY ON GUARD AGAINST SMALLPOX Although there smallpox In th s city, th* health of fiel« Is arc expecting it. owing to I he cstv's to PhU.a 10 cases delphia. where the «lisrvaae has as sumed epidemic form, and every preparation has been made by the Board of Health for ORhtinR tit— here a« anon a rase mak^*. its appearance. Owing to the Vapid spread of »+»* • mallpox. 9»»u people, under < pollcq regulations, were coin pel I sd to sub mit to vaccination in Philadelphia yesterday, hoping thereby to check the rapid advance of the disease over .1800 persons have been com pelled ;o submit to vaccination since the first of the year, hut an fast ns caJIty It breaks out in another see tion of the city, that every one be vaccinated once whether living in the Infect ed districts or not. us there is dao N* r ,n <*v?ry street r»r or In any place where the public a^semblea. City Council last Thursday night appointed four vaccine physicians for 'thla city ami they have supplied thepiselves with an ample supply (of virus and are ready f Dr. R. .S. McBirney. secretary of the Board of Health, announced at The Bureau of Health has urge*! a: business. . . I ."»on today offl. .ala of the board and employes will be vacln nat ,d. This Is to he done not only foj . e v f ^ . . . ' . . . j hoard and employes, luit to show the I public the board believes in th® effi cacy of vaccination and hopes th® public will follow the example set them. FINE TWO FOR SPEEDING. On charges of exceeding the spe?d limit, William A. Simpson was fin ed $15 and •costs, and Lewis DeSalvo wo« fined $30 and coats by Judge Hastings in Municipal Court this morning. They pleaded guilty to the charge. Himpson was arresf«*S by Motorcycle Officer Bla«*klston and Deflalvo was arr®»t*d by Mo'orcy« Officer Carey. v.