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rrr S)(P. n O ) AT THE PLAYHOUSE **Thc Mias Blanche Latell. of the "Black mailer«'* Company, which appear« at the Playhouse tonight, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night«, of fers the following sugge«tion of "Home Rule." "Th« wife should rule the home, of "I'm strong for feminine course : self-determination In domestic af o say that no I'll venture fairs. • ally happy tinless the hns* band thinks he's running It, and the wife is really running It. "Our brilliant French guest. Clem enceau allowed himself to be gently hoaxed by some of our mischievous young women Into a belief that wom en really prefer the cave-man bus band. That Is all nonsense. It's ail very well to let a husband pose a» the M boss" of hi« family. He enjoys it. It helps him to think well of him self. •'Husbands are very nice when properly trained by competent wive«. There's only one efficient home ruler —and that's a. wife. '•The Unloved Wife." "The Unloved Wife," a new three act comedy drama, which has been extolled by the critics everywhere as one of the most satisfying produc tions of the season, will be the at traction at the Playhouse next Sat urday with a Saturday matinee for ladies only, although at night every body over the age of sixteen can go. "The Unloved Wife" Is n symphony In color and effect. It is a play of the American home. exquisitely staged and acted with skill, and In many respects one of the most note worthy productions given to a local stage this season. This is the play concerning the Important question. "How much de ception should a wife tolerate part of her husband?" play is over, the problem has veloped into the question "Has every married man a double personality?" There are sufficient thrills to till any evening, and the various mysteries dangled temptingly enough be fore the «yes of all I«» keep the gusalng and guessing until Just be fore the final curtain. n tho Before the .le "The Tho Playhouse will be the scene of a Belasco premier© ning. January 20. \ time in this country. Lionel Atwill, in the "Comedlnn " t ■ omed.v " ments adapted by David from the French of Sacha Guitry, for engagement of two nights, with a matinee on Saturday. Mr. Atwill appeared with marked and "The on Friday eve hen David Be f tempera Belasco. an "Del»urau" success in Grand Duke." two other Guitry piny», which led to Mr. Belasco'« dert»i to present him In this new comedy from the pen of the »» "The Comedian" enjoyed n long and successful engagement ln Pari», and the English version, which has been made by Mr. Belasco. is said to preserve all its original chym. N. Y. Symphony Orchestra. symphonic poem "Manfred works author. The which will be among the' plâycd by the New Y or *. P ^ Ovcheetra. undei . »»*r * PUWU conductor, at th« concert in the Playhouse next Friday evening was composed by Tschslkow^ky ■BHfeV Upon the occasion of Its first per« in Petrograd, in H as awarded a prise of 5«0 rouble. offered by an anonymous donor for the best musical novelty of the-sen. It 1» based on Byron'» poem, formanc« »on. and the »core contain? a program ' Indicating the particular portion» of f the work which the composer has selected for musical treatment. Tb" ■' > "The Fairy of the Alps appear? Gregory the following text ; to Manfred In the rainbow of the mountain torrent." Daniel Mason has written the following de scrlption of the movement; "Manfred's motive appears in the violas and horns, answered by a Of the fairy eong this time return in C major with some development. Again, after a crescendo and fortis simo. the Manfred motive returns in the strings, the excitement gradually subsides, the picture of the fall with which the m ed returns, there Is a final suggestion of the Manfred motive in the Eng llsh horn and clarinet, and the movement ends." ,at©r ©m©nt open _ The concert of the New York Symphony Orchestra Is under the local management of the Delaware ; Musical Association. showing :nf a » This attraction, ' Ph.n der," features the greatest of all »»rial queens. Her Majesty Pearl W1 ' ! , t , e ' , ,■ . All ages and clasee= can apprecl ; ate a chapter play such as this one It )• clean, wholesome and hae an "abundance of thrills. . . . ... Chief honors for the vaudeville performance belong to JtSobby Jar ïî vl*, whr with three charming young WSSSy a m".»lcar r Tomedy; LadieS Newhoft and Phelps have a whole ! list of new songs that are to be heard In their act. "Tuneful Tales " : are used by International 1 AT THF. ADIN F. In addition to the regular pro vaudevllle. (Tram of picture« and the Aldlm» theatre inaugurât©« to day .«omethlng new In th© The largest drums and xylophone ever manufactured Le wir Parehley, th • instrumentalist. A delightful young couple are the principal« In 'The IF YOU HAD A NECK -2 A8 LONG AS THIS FELLOW, AND HAD SORE THROAT AIL i THE i - WAY I DOWN > »< TONSILINE 4* ■ ifc SHOULD QUICKLY RELIEVE IT * . ièc. sod eoc Horpitsl Site, (1. »I '®' ALL DRUGGISTS t I« Miss Blanche Laltell * i I * • '0 She will appear at the playhouse tonight. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in "The Blackmailers." Dove Burglar." They are Thomas Monroe and Helen Mae. Mr. Vernal lilt,v Himself Noel Lester Is an animated deflni-| lion of the word "versatile." He i« Juggler, dancer, wire nd ventriloquist. i snappy The reg comedian. a walker, magician Kd and Ida Tin Dell offer variety of novelty doings, ulnr photoplay feature on the bill 1« The Unknown." starring Richard Ta 1 madge. "JOHNNY GET VOI'll GUN" m! ,n of (lib mock ployer» nt the Garrick theatre haa Ihe greatest opportunity; of hl» Wilmington career in ' Johnny Get Tour Gun," which the company presents this evening for Ihe flrnt Ihe role of Johnny. leading Kenia n Crlpps, Ilf hi time. originally undented on the stage by Louis Bennlson. structlon an«l the speaking; singe dips for a few momets Int el-land to introduce the The author take« "stunt" pict a fashi and gives him the chance of a life time to enlighten the Hast on the ways of the real wild west. The «tory of "Johnny Get Y Gun" is set in a highly humorous vein and the' playing abounds with numberless situations that will cause outburst« of laughter. in hero. • w-puncher. a man in a California motion studio, transplants him Into) ana hi© Bland home I »on g m wm if.:: 0Y0 Ther« ar© many fine, big thrilling points In the phoroplay "My Friend the Devil," which commences today at thp Majcvtlr Theatre The Btory waa adopted from th e celebrated novel "Dr. Rameau ' by the noted I'rench *author Georges Ohnet. It is a tale of faith, or to he more accurate, the lack of it Dr. George Dryden 1» ln hl« a kinv sympathetic soul, a great] surgeon yet a man whose acta arc guided and coIoreiUby his belief that | AT THE MA.1E.STir. »cler.ce nnd not God rule» nil human beings. in love with an artist whose life the ha? saved. He does learn of his wife's unfaithfulness un Hr marries a girl who has faith but he does not give her the love and sympathy «he craves. She falls doctor t.I Just before his daughter Is t married, long after both his wife and th? artist had died—two deaths that furnish a big thrill i — not be role of "Broadway Rose", comes to the Arcadi AT TOi: ARCADIA. Murray In With Ma© h© st©Ilar which Theatre texte 3 said to surpass even ley" ami "Fascination." moilon picturegoers will so© th© star jn an ©lahorat * product n which is "Peacock Al The story concerns a country girl. who. by her extraordinary ability as a dancer, becomes the Idol Broadway. The heir of an arlst cratic Fifth avenue family falls In ;th the man sh» loves, Rosalie of love Luebcrt's Nox 'Em » m \ H E U M A T I S IV1 TABLETS A V * " ILL RELIEVE RHEUM VTISM sc| kFAITOOi' r's VoTYrb BKXe'' FIXED \T ONCE PRICE .Oc y \M J|UE MAILED TO SUFFERERS ^'OI; j DO NOT SUFFER. GET A BOX NOW . \ A L P - 11 f) • tn G D Xm. * 1 il V» , , n , _ tor all Headaches. Neuralgia Orlnn# Fic»..rhe. Toothache and p*m of an kind. Relieves in half-hour. Prices, 3»r *fn 3,1 tlru ^ l:iitÄ or «Ample Lueber.;* Blood* Nerve Tablets A .V f> V F T H ENG 1 1U G TVER 1A KER Composed of the best known tonics for the nervous system, they invigorate and tone the nerve«, enrich the blond and rPBtorp vim and vi^nr to th«* ©rtir© body AVh v draz through the da vs feel! Ing miserable and forlorn, when yn-j get this time.tried remedy at' little cost ? Sample mailed. 10c alle, at druggists or bv mall, FOR VERMIN AND NITS In school children's h©arD I«arksnnr Head Soap. Its prevent* Infertlnn A dellahtful aham poo; leaves the hair s'»ft and fluffy Splendid for kllllna fleas and lie© fancy dogs and cats, p druggists R 80 Pr Luebert's eekly on . 2ôc. mall©d. Mfg. Oh«« AND ORDER PRPT Lincoln Highway. Coal ©avilie. Pa. A. Gustav Lubert, P. D. LABORATORY 336 and .!« K is. NATIONAL THEATRE TUESDAY NORMA TALMADGE IN— POPPY" WHD.. -LEATHER PI SHKRS" Plunder 55 « • e* • mi I#!* £ few » \ , gtfflfl wiäm) ' This pearl White serial will bp seen at the Aldine beginning today. ' consents. To avoid an open rupture wkh his family the marriage is kept •ret but the discovery of the sltua lion by the father precipitates a crisis which almost wrecks Rosalie's I f., and happiness, AT TUB QUEEN. In addition to Round Three '•Leather Pushers" the Queen program feature the f which are ell-known to give It mmendntion of enough j j 10 theatre lias >ponsors end players s'ifflelrntly f„rro In make It popular with the theatregoer», It is |t,e plcturlzation (> f Robert Lou » Stevenaon'a «tory „j s:ini |ypj r . a l of th t era and development». A conglomeration o advance n name. The tale la author in Its chamc f remarkable ssembled In "Ebb es are tm«"* characters that are rare in one's ordinary round of life. Thre^ derelicts of manhood—one an Ox ford student down and out; ano'her a dishonored shipmaster who had ed h s boat to go on the rocks while he was Intoxicated and a third a ne'er-do-well London clerk. An oddly-assorted trio «arrive on a bond boat at an Isolated South Sea IsIp inhabited by natives and a pearl fisherman adventures that n v.tga and his daughter. The come to these per ake UP the plot of the pic sons ture. AT TOE SAVOY. Bared upon the wondetful theme of the reclamation of criminals of certain types through the rebuild ing of repulsive features, Thomas H. Ince's "Skin Det'p," Savoy Theatre today 1 un. superspecial photoplay, Is coming to The for a week's thp # «vLÏÆhsr B .Mh If carries a story of th© und«r wor'd, the regeneration of a danger oil« crook, and a love romance that will find « welcome place In your heart. Bud Doyle rill win the Interest of everyone who watches his fight for right. portrayed by Milton Sills For Burning Eczema Apply Zrmo, ihe Antiseptic Liquid—Easy fo Use From any druggist for 35c, $1.00 for large size, get a bottle of Zemo. When applied as directed. It effectively removes Eczema, quickly »tops Itching and heals skin trou- 1 Mes. also Sores, Burns. Wounds andi Chafing. It penetrates, cleanse.» ami 1 soothes Zrmo Is .i clean depend»ble | a nd Inexpensive antiseptic liquid. Try it. a.» we believe nothing yoo have ever used Is ay effective and satisfying. or TAXI PHONE 40 THE TAXICAB CO. - / ^ / / < / 2 J # 4 St J / / HRST DANCE THIS YEAR ✓ ML'SICIAXS' VXIOX, SO. .Ill, ISC. Will B© Held at THE AVDTTORIVM ELEVENTH AND MADISON STREETS Tuesday Evening , .launaru Id, 1923 TICKETS. S5 CENTS Including Tax Oontinuonn Music 9 P. M. to 1 A. M. S TICKETS SOLD AT THE DOOR ,nv\vvwvvnv\.n\v\\n\nnnn\\\n\\nnnsnn\nnn\nnnn\w' / / /• /• v* / / * s /• / A * /• d TWO BIG ORCHESTRAS ✓ Length of service, utility and adaptability to details are the tests of MAMMELES PAINTS AND VARNISHES. They are guaranteed to give the same high-grade value for N7s-K 5Vft 7T^i years to come. Ml ...» ^ p » " f (ANBŸC-.. I * IN KTS OIUClASS.VAUdSHliKJSKJiu u » a eAsmnfST r.itutcw* txt I i ■ . Gang" "The child making the "grown >k to their laurels as fun entitled, Young Sherlock«" in which comedies. com e$l la ns a iipa" I. producers. DE STEFANO NOW CHEVALIER OF ITALY Title of Chevalier of the Crown ! of Italy has been conferred on O. JJefftefann, Italian consul, «a agent I for Wilmington, by the Italian gov-; ernmenl. according to official not!-, fleat'on received hero ihrough th? Italian consulate at Philadelphia. The honor, conferred at the per sonal direction of King Viclor Im manuel. I.« In recognl'tlo of the ser vice performed here by Mr. f)e Ptefann during the n ne years that ho ha been onioned bore. The 1 Italian representative haa been ac the In improving the condition of, Italians here and was a leading, figure In the war activities both on behalf of the United States and ■ Italy. . . - 1 A Splendid Hair Grower and Wonderful Beautificr Here's good news for men and women whose hair is falling out. who are grow Ing bald, and whose scalps are covered with dandruff and itch lik« mad. Any good druggist can now supply you with the genuine Parisian Sag« (liquid form), quickly and saf**Iv abolish every si^n of dandruff stop Itching sralp and falling hair and «1 hlrh is guaranteed to the rest, small as It is. will bo refunded Thousands ran testify to th results from Its us© ; 'some who fear baldness now glory in their abundant hair, while others wh with dandruff and itching head got a clean healthy us© of this simp!© trea No matter whether bothered with full ing hair, mailed, stringy hair, dandruff or itrhing scalp try Parisian Sage—you w ill not l»e disappointed. It's a seien- 1 tlfl© preparation that supplies all hair needs The first application will make your hair and scalp look and feel 100 per cent better tonight. Eckerd's Store will supply : ii:<sur. s -"Zi I for yea •alp after just a few days' 1 Don't delay—begin Danfonh's Drug A Uttlc itten abundant hair for (j 1 " > i ■ n years to come JW3The Home of GOOD Plctures'*cr i i C With Sensible Prices G INEV/ i ï OPERAS rand Houser Children Adults * NO WAR TAX I 10c I 5c At All Times. At All Times] TODAY Oh, Girls, L<#ok Who'« Herel RODOLPH VALENTINO. In Hl§ Greatest Picture Since "The Four Horsemen." and by the Writer, Rex Ingram, ••THE CONQUERING POWER" Also LITERARY DIGEST ( From the Press), and Comedy. Sai Fun Yesterday in Congress 2.55 SENATE. Met at noon and recessed at p. m. until today. Passed the agricultural appropria tion bill carrying a total of $73.586, ot)!), an Increase of $4,555,000 above the budget bureau estimates. An amendment was adopted to the agricultural bill, creating a revolving fund of $10,000,000 for the purchase and sale to cotton planters at cost of (nitrates and calcium arsenate, for the of stimulating early cotton purp« planting. f'aesed the postofTlce appropriation bill carrying a total of $585,000,000. Adopted the final conference re port on the Interior department ap propriation bill. Approprlat'on bill for the support of the Independent offices bill was re ceived and referred to appropriations comhiittee. An amendment to the postofTlce bill by Senator McKellar was adopt /roviding that no contracts for ed, carrying the malls shall he made with a foreign ship company when such mails can be carried an American vessel at a reasonable cost. on In a minority report night. Senator Norberk South Dakota, character the Denront-Anderson rural credit« hill recently reported by the banking committee as "an awkward and unscientific system'' of extending financial aid to farmers. indo public Saturday (Rep.). Ixed Commit!« investigating prices of oil and gasoline, disclosed through testimony of Vic© President Irish, of th© Atlantic Refining gasoline sold through vanla during the first half 'ompany, that it Pennsyl f 1922 at an average of about 3 cents a Ion above 1 prices charged by the Standard OH Company In Oh'o. the witness insisting, however, that this was due fi Inrrensed freight costs on crude oil. HOUSE. Was not i # n session; will meet to day for memorial services over dé ceased member», Representative .Montoya, of New Mexico. died .stricken with heart disease while shaving. Although appropriations commit tee added 110.000.000 to the budget figures for river and harbor work, advocates of these projects prepared suddenly yesterday -cawe IVÜiS ESSI* ^ fflrSafe Mill for Infants, Invalids Children The Original Food-Drink for All Ages. QuickLonchatHome.Officc&Fountains HichMilk.MaltedGrairlExtract in Pow der & Tablet forms. Nouriahing-Uo ccokiof* fi 50 " Avoid Imitations and SuktihiF 852*' m fj •1 J /r eyerr/»/rrrerrr/r» » GARRICK All Week—Nights, 8.15 { MATINEES Ult! AMI SAT. i 4 \ ; ; The Comedy Event : of the Season l K \ l ; . JohnnyGeti Y our Gun ; Aim: A SCREAMING , COMEDY In a Prologue and Three Acts by Edmund l! . 2 [/anTPiice Burke. Prlocts: Nights, plus lux. tax Included. 2."ic* to 75r, Mats., 2ôc und .15c, r."!' ilülSîlH^Z NIGHT 2-4-1 PLAYHOUSE, 4 K TS ; TONIGHT Mat. Mod., 2.30 Bom Scats #1.00 %■/ PRESENT -fy m: WÏ L | m ; . Hrji-'vacjS ■— \h i i It 'I v Mb öy ßa/e/ey Con ne ns A L\U»;inNG. SMASirtNC MKUiim.VM.vric far» i: .y -i m Presented with the same distinguished cast and beautiful production that will be seen on Broadway ITS A TimiLLFB—riJvXX, WIIOLFSOME PRICES—Nights: Orchestra. 13 rows. $2.00; 4 rows. $1.50. Balcony, 2 rows. $1.50; 4 rows, $1.»0; 5 rows. 75c. Gallery, 50c. Matinee: Entire rhestra. $1.00. Balcony, 6 rows. 75c: 5 rows, 50c. Gallery. 25c. All plus tax. SEATS SELLING I ithin the t fortnight. L Wednesday Evening | DANCE ■ r Music By Ferine's Six Melody Makers, Real Music PRIZE FOX TROT ADMISSION—50c. •! 7 J/, • I their plans to fight fo f a »5«. 000.000 j appropriai ion ascompiired with $37,-| 000.000 carried In the army blit. House leaders after a conference* ident Harding announced that the present was not the time to seek amendment to the debt funding law liberalizing the terms of settle .... . j with Pl ment, YESTERDAY'S LATE FOREIGN Howling mobs of Nationalists be siege French Embassy and head quart 0 !« of Inter-Allied Disarma ment Commission in Berlin. French to extend Ruhr control, taking Bochum as penalty for non co-operation of German industrial ists. | Fellppl, Mexico in President Obregon expels legale, against Mgr. from alleged Apostolic J movi Cathol'e aggr German »»ion. industrialists British coal to replace that requis itioned by French. buying are not policy In the Ruhr, America's attitude in Dausanne pence conference rouse« Ire of Turkish press, Brutish hear Italy and Belgium d with Franc© in ita n ace DOMESTIC Cone denies he disregards says auto-suggestion is i upled with religi Chris- ! t tonify more effective Samuel Oompers, in C conference. lays plans for drive ffy American Federation of Labor to ati JV To-night, make it WB "TO-MORROW O MORNING"! a LISTEN: There's such * f font- frolicking when F Eddie Elkins cuts Ions« r with this fo*-t Columbia Record A-3745 that you'll lay-a-bet it*« yesterday afternoon? On t u e other side is "Si Seconds Ev'ry Mi At Columbia Dealer». 7 75e Me# m C T $ vy I B ssaoK RS SAVOY All This Week Drama to grip you; thrills to get a gfisji—mystery, romance, remarkable portrayals. Milton Sills anil Florence Vidor head big-cast. L n à kâssà I 1 mÊÊÊKtfhti'WÊ ' V « tVé, - . 4 - • i • /? m • . /« fr« s n ■'N» 1 ^ ikM \ V amend the Volstead act. Chill. baseball umpire. land liquor party at Is shot and killed. New witness In 'Bastrop. - masked-mob inquiry promises to re veal names of two and perhaps three men who slew Daniels and Richards. President American League beaten at Cleve Oilie vhich one man La.. Harming . unalterably A 51 /A N R SAY "BAYER" when you buy Aspirin general. Accept onl> package which contain* Handy hpxea of Drug Unless you see the name "Bayer'' pain i •'Bayer'' proper directions, twelve tablets cost few cents, gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aplrin is the trade mark Manufacture ■I on package or tablets you are m't getting the genuine Bayer product physicia years and proved illlons for toothache, earache, neuralgia, hi prescribed renty-twi by over sa f e f Bayer bv headache. f Monoaceiicacidester if Salicylic-acid. neurit*«, and for lo go, rheumatism. | g A Q p f AT I , î \ I 1 - MARKET ST. AT EIGHTH A LUI JN L ■■™, OK»ANCA Direction .TAMES N. GINNS SUPREME PHOTOPLAYS AND s it r. m. ;• R * POPULAR VAUDEVILLE B. F. KEITH'S K U I ;s 8 TODAY, TUES. & WED. —THE SEASON'S BIGGEST COMBINATION BILL ft 8 I he Peerless, Fearless Serial Queen Pearl whites ■ m Plunder.!' flfteen-epl-ndc Patlic serial. Sim? it now! day, Tuesday, Wednesday for 15 weeks thereafter. \ SEETHING SENSATION IN EVERY SEQUENCE. 8 i: Sec It every Mon S i» 6—BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE ACTS—6 NEWHOFF & PHELPS In Tunrfu! Talcs •- 1 i BOBBY JARVIS & CO. 'Ladies' Choice" ill FEATURE PHOTOPLAY Richard Taimadge "THE UNKNOWN S' K •» • ' in \ tale of mystery nnd srnvtttonal thrills. QUEEN ARCADIA I 8 ^ HERE SHE IS! S s RIGHT NOW! S' V Here's Real Romance m M m « S' V {c j mM . S <2L m 8 ; & ®S/ rr ''N 8 mi TC®« Û 8 5 m 8 s p S 8 s r 8 // I f r .* 0 i 8 ÿ ■:K. / É ^ V L ' o ; vNN % w Mae Murray *» sj Broadway Rose j Qa'amoaßl \ f^kùtrr j 41■ S !u' GEORGE MELFORD PRODUCTION EBB YIDE 41 // ; A romance «f the most dan gerous street In the world. XOTK—Through fhi» courtesy of Go vat os Candy C*o., wo art giving a way to all patrons sam pics of Mae Murray Kisses, made from her own reel pc. On sale Ç af (ioval • S The Bevt smith Sea Story Ever Written Round 3 of the LEATHER PUSHERS Ihr < 11 i « ■ I. • -1 » ; » Bom* < ril-hrr" ^ ^ 0 8 NOW PLAYING MAJESTIC vS K AN INTENSE DRAMATIC PHOTOPLAY SOWtSSOr UCMTANO _ ,v DAPKNttt BATTIS COB / \ A ST RO W0 MAWS SOULV Li I Js PQi BR < 4 8 *$1 (. W'-h :■ 1 R. '(S I u i< * \ I yCâ s vyA m à m LA W^J -1 tL SCZ§ % 4N r mRY;MAN*HEART >^IS A QUESnöW|lAßK.> a MY pp IE N D | iTHE DEVI LI ;ooooaoeooooooo eoecoooo o aeaoaseo o o aoooco o B ooo e o s oo ù WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS 0 8 least until ef opposed io any European affiirs at British debt question is settled, bee Smith, of New York, receiving deep by Democratic load ter Governor of Presidential consideration ers In Washington. Illinois Republicans Indorse Rep resentative William J. Graham (for Republican floor leader of the i ■ x : Congress.