HELP WASTED—MALI. SOLICITOR—F-xperl 809 Shipley dec5-tf. ADVERTISING eneed only need apply, street. -Z Z-Z a MOTS WANTED who have had man ual training or wood working eg iiorlence. Apply at once to Garold < o., '«12 W. Ninth St. Janl5-ll. Charles Murphy. __ Delaware BRASS MOUHDER—Apply Marine Manufacturing <'o.. Twenty jan!2-3t. second and Tatnall Sie. TIDE"—Mrs. f «27 Spruce street. '.'»Hs for the Wfase call at Office. HRAKEMBN—Beginners. Write Railway. J ; I of dalryl 19t. Frl-Mon- | * FIREMEN', »..«O mcnjhly. M -92, Evening Journal Office. Jan 1-6-8-13-15-20-22-37-29. •'ARMER— To take charge farm, free houae. md salary. Address Jan. rnal Office. Wed. MEAT CUTTER— Experienced. Ameri can Beef ami Provision Co. 404 Mar ket vSt. Janla-U. ! MEN—Between 25 and 35 years; neat appearing, energetic a i* d . a f ek '"* _ a p««i:ion where honest effort is r ^ co 5l nixed and rewarded by a successful and pm No stack sales i 'all between 1 and 4 ^inl5-lt. national corporation, man need apply. P. M.. 1048-50 duPont Bldg. SALESMAN—Magazine or newspaper experience. New clubs of Red Hook and American Magazine; pays I- l»<* r Money-makers Club, Itl Bulle tin Bid., Phlla.. Pa. order. SALESMANAGER WANTED— Pf rm» • nrntly. In Wilmington territory for well-known product by old-eeuhllrtied firm. Card. Knickerbocker Bldg.. New York City. _JanlS-U. \VANTED—Immediately, energetic, re liable man as factory representative. *o handle our business. Unusual op-1 portunlty. with fortune for tlie ; man. Experience unnecessary. Writ®, lullv. Syncro Motors Co., Battle Creek. Mich. janla-lt. I YOUNG MAN—To work at soda foun tain, evenings. Apply Liggett s Drus Store, Fourth and Market Sts. j anlo-lt . office work, with Slate age. YOUNG MAN—For knowledge of stenography, salary desired, etc. Evening Journal office. _ janl3-o» Address - I ^ ] -- In. k unit'. "ruii^Rodnev 'st ianl5-17. ( . Hllles, 1301 ltoan«y Pt. •;BB TIDE"—Mrs. Laura Merritt. 2116 rill receive two HELP WANTED—FEMALE. Sleep In. • *OOK AND SECOND GIRT. M tick , j Jefferson St., will receive two eLs for the Queen. If «he will please . all at The Evening Journal Office. --i ;rL _For general housework. Apply 'soi W. 18th St. J*nl5-2t. —-Market pv»r general housework 8'»o W. Janl2-3t. GIRT Sixth St. I ;|RL OH WOMAN wanted for house work. Immediately. 9:2 duPont St. Ianl5-3t. iIRL/S—T^esm to become atrendants; 140 month, board, room, laundry; REPINED WHITE WOMAN—To with housework; no objection to one t '•hlld Must sleep ln. P. O. Box <95.1 m iv ' • Janl3-3l. . _—-. WOMAN— Reliable, for general house-[ work; must sleep In. 2515 TatnaU oreet. Janl5-2t. j WOMAN—To work In restaurant, i Union Lunch Room, Second and Union janl 1 -3t. • xnerlenc* ner«*a«arx', meet employer , it Neuter's 1229 Arch St.. Philadelphia.! ianl3-3t. * -'410 WOMAN*—For hone-work, in suburbs: ! P. O. Box 307. City. I ,---- I YOUNG LADY—In manufacturing office. with knowledge of stenography. .State age. salary expected. etc. Address K 88. Evtnlng Journal ornes. Ja,., ~ ' i streeui. >10 per week. dec29-lm. AGENTS WANTED. --- START YOUR OWN BUSINESS , Make more money. Retail Kawlelgh s Good Health Food Products, Spices. Flavors. Medicines. Toilet Preparations. ere 180 every-day necessities ueed by minions. Largeet company; estab I,shed 38 years. favoraMy known all ■•ver America Products a«Id on time; lowest wholesale. No experience, nrac.. ,.cally no capital needed. Wo furnish « vrryfhing. leach you to mangg« your blg-paylnjr basin«'!«; Ji.un0-IR.000 yearly. Particular* free; T V *Raw*eI^h C C^r tl °Depl re 758* n Frecporti I i. nawi Ign o.. urpi. ; an1 l-l^t. - j I , SALESMAN—A large. New ï ork manu facturing Co. ha* a good opening for, a live hustler, experienced selling ape claity to retail grocers preferr«*d. Phone D. E. Samuels. duPont Hotel, II. SALESMEN' WANTED. for appointment. Janl5-lt. 1 I \VB NEED several automobile sales men. <'lean-cut, willing to work men the requirements. Experience »eressary. See Mr. Jacoby, Wilmlng Auto Co. Janl5-2t. SITUATION WANTED—MALE. 'O LOR ED WAN wants Job as dish washer. Arthur Slmpeon. atur 5t. 612 De Janll-St. I ACCOUNTANT—Books opened and closed, cost, system, etc. V. B Daw son. Tenth and Washington. Phone' 8390. Janl2-lm. MARRIED MAN would like responsible position on farm or in dairy barn; • < nee, n r< n nces. Address W-42, Evening Journal Office. Janl2-St. YOUNG MARRIED MAN— Experienced. wishes clerical position with fut.....,, moderate salary. Address W-44. Even .jng Journal Office. JanI3-2l. j J YOUNG M VN—26. single, desires cleri cal position; mx years' exper fc hest of reference*. Address W-2I, "Evening Journal Office. janl9.6t. ce; SITUATION WANTED—FEMALE. COLORED WOMAN wants washing and Ironing In bundle or rough dry. Beet reference; reasonable price. Rideout, 1199 Chlnpey St. Cora Janl5-2t. • m.- 1 YOUNG WOMAN w chambermaid. ante place as av Fhone 2377-J. ress ian !3-2t. IIELI* WANTED—MALE AND FEli tr.K I I MAN AND WIFE WANT WORK—Man as houseman or chauffeur and cook ife as jan!3.2t. 89 4 K. Eighth St. _.STOP -I i WANTED TO RUT. PIPFI ugm*n , K ^ Tble^^ PliiVe in ? able. Phone «.97-J. JanlO-lm. | WM, I, PAY IT, Ford, janl'.-lt. CASH fur second-hand i 'hone 535Î-W, this cvsnlnu. BOARD WANTED BY YOUNG LADY, with «.year-old . girl. In private family, who will care for child while mother works. Please stale terms. Address W-t7, Evening Journal Office. Jan15-lt ' STORAGE FBIVATE ROOMS for household goods. I G. F. Lang Co.. 1205 Orange street. msr'.'l-lf. ROSENBLATTS STORAGE HOUSE Private rooms and space at reason able rates Apply 611 W. Front St. Phon e 1770. dec28-lm. PRIVATE- INSTRUCTION. Private, Individual In struction, raphy. Accountancy, roughs Calculator. Etc. Day-Night. HjneSi Stenog Bookkecping, Bur. . I«2 W. 22nd St. Iec22-lm. Estab. 1810. WANTED. COATS—Fur and cloth rellned and rc paired. Mrs. Dundon, 213 West St. Janl2-2*t-eod — —- I — ■ DAKF3V WANTS TO SEE TOU—Do you want the hlgheot price for Jewelry and diamonds? DAREV MONET LOAN OFFICE, 231 Market St. Phone 7735-J. Bonded and licensed to the oily. - -e. "EBB TIDE"—Mrs. Gilpin Massev. 401 K lng atraot, will receive two tickets FURNITURE, CARPETS BOUGHT— Prompt attention to all calls. Jacob-6-m-w-f-tf. WII.MINGTON ROOFING ft HEATING CO—Koollnp. »poulina, hr-atsr work; tin. tar. slar ro^llnB; Jobbing nrominly attended to. Shop. E 24lh St. Phon« oct9-lyr. 4054 -W. NOTICES. ---—- ON AND A FT Bit THIS PATH I will qot bo responsible for any debts unless contracted by myself j«nl.!-3t. ALEXANDER HIEDRZYCKI. UPHOL.'TERlNG~ of every dcacrlp ton. made to order: reupholstcring a specialty. RELIABLE UPHOLSTERING CO.. 810 Walnut St. Phono 75ID-W, apr!2-tf. Wilmington, Delaware, January 9. 1923. WILMINGTON TRUST COMPANY Not ice— T H E A N N UA L M EETI NO OF STOCKHOLDERS «.f Wilmington Trust Company, will he held at the Tenth street office of the company, «»n Thursday. J.'nuary 18, at 11 o'clock A. M.. at which tlmo election of direc tors for the ensuing year will be held. HENRY BUSH. Jan9-I2-15-W. Fd'rr.Ury. *' ! NOTICES j AXTHOW FERRARA. formerly of the American Rarber Shop, ton Market I »Irret, la now located at S. E. Cmn-f street, la now located at S. E. Certi-r lie will be 1 Fourth and Shipley streets, lie will oe *■»<* tu meet' some of his old pa ,r ? '". a , t hl * Place of business, Jnnwm. I «•«ROADWAY ROSE -Mrs. II L. MaJ er. V Connell street. will re iv« two tickets for the Arcadia, by ' "Hing at The Evening Journal office. — We. the undersigned, for the purpose reducing the common capital issued by The Permutlt Company. « 'corporation organized under the Uwe of the .State of Delaware, do hereby make, sign, acknowledge, flic and record this statement of reduction, and do certify I that the facts herein Mated are true: a"T„Ä stockholders of The Permutlt Company [wag held on December 27. 1922. for the j purpose of acting npon the question of! decreasing the common capital stock Is sued by said company, to Two Million |Two Hundred Thousand 4»2,2«9.009.09> Dollars. consisting of 23,000 shares of the par value of »100.00 each. SECOND: That by a vote of more .than two-thirds of the stockholders of « th ** sald company, at said meeting It, I wag resolved to reduce the common capital stock Issued by said company to Two Million Two Hundred Thousand 11$ Dollars, conslstmg ofj Shan'S of par value of • 100.00 j each? THIRD; That it was resolved that! said common capital stock Issued should be decreased by the surrender of every, B;«hare^older of hli shares and the Issue ^|lo him, in lleti thereof, a proportionately ■ decreased number of shares. fourth ; That all the debts of the| «h ]| y *» be " uch - a,ld ' having, first | | made known to them and each of; therm j ithe.eontents of sa.d statement. Jh«y did ' , y ^ V^l thV w . ' ie**î e^i nd v '.e^ *VLJl I a" r n „a .«eh d cn)U.d ih.t the fart* ?h2odn stated a^T'mdv set forth mTV i o nn nrti and seal o' A' 1 ' ",?£"» ST ye"? aforesaid ' c.m Vlv v WOLFF u-i„V. c™.., Notary » tioilt. King« ioumy. L, A..«». !<>irtifica^ ta Filed In New York ^ountr. i Uommiasion Expire-* March 39. 1924. I CARLSON K. WOLFE. Notary Public. Kifig « County. STATE OF DELAWARE. OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE. I, A. R. BENSON. Secretary of State of the Stale of Delaware. DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and Register*«« No 4181 going is a true and correct copy of , of Reduction of Capital Stock, issued by "THE PERMCTIT ! COMPANY.** a« roe« red and IU«d l«l this office, the twenty-ninth day oft December. A D 1922. 1 o'clock P. M IN TESTIMONY WHERE OF. I Iisve hereunto set my hand and official seal, at Dover, (SEAT,) this 29th day of December, In the year of our Lord one thou ■and nine hundred and twenty- | • Received for Record December 39; 1922. DARLINGTON PLINN. Recorder. -— two. A. R. BENSON. Secretary of State. Janl -8-15. December 19, 1922. To The Stockholders of the Commercial Aircraft Co: Please take notice that at a duly con vened meeting of the Board of Direc tors of the Commercial Aircraft rom a corporation, organised under of Delaware. 1922. at 2 P M . » trect. Chicago, resolution was adopted by a majority of tho Board of Directors to-wlt: '•Resolv j\any. the laws of the State held on Dererpber 15, at 3123 North Clark Illinois, the following 'hole that In the judgment of the Board of Directors if deemed advisable and most for the benefit of thi« company that It Is should be «Unsolved.'' You : hereby further notified that a »jM-cial nwfing of the Stockholders of the t'ommerclal Aircraft Company a Delaware Corporation will he held at the principal office of the corporation at 7 West Tenth etreet. In the City of Wilmington. County of New Ca«tlc and State of Delaware, on January 29fh, A. D. 1923. at the hour of 2 o'clock M., lo take action upon said reso lution adopted by the Board of Dlr«*c J " tors ant * ^ or transaction of such other business as may come before such meeting. JanS-15 - NOTICE-The 76th annual meeting of the Odd. Fellows' Hall Company, of Wilmington. Delaware, will he held In it? Building. Tenth and King streets, this city, on Wednesday next, January 17. at 2 o'clock P. M. Attest: A. L. JOHNSON. NIELS BUCK. President. Serre tar>*. Jan15-2t. NOTICE—The annual mooting of the III be held In tlie Delaware Hospital. hospital building. Wednesday. January 17, at t P. M. All persons who have at 1 any time contributed Jiao to the funds of the hospital, and all annual sub scribers to the amount of 85 are mem bers of the corporation. JOHN B. BIRD. Secretary. Wilmington. Del., January 17. 1973. |anl5.7t. NOTICE. Wilmington. Del . January 5. 1923. The annual meeting of the members of th«* New Castle Comity Mutual In surance Company, will be held at the office of the company. No. 8! West Tenth »tre«*t. Wilmington, Delaware, on Monday, the 18th Instant, at 10 o'clock a. m.. for the purpos«» of elect ing five (5) members to servo a» man ager» for three (3) year», and for the transaction of sucii other business as may come hfifore It. The polls will open at 10 o'cjO'.k a. m., and close at 2 p. in. All policy holders In this com pany are entitled to vote. B. O. STRICKLAND, Secretary. jan8-ll-15. I « FOU SAUF. AIREDALE DOG—Male, 9 months old. Call evenings, 5096-J. JanlS.St. I A LARGE PAPER PRESS—Cheap Apply 22 Vandever Ave. Janl5-2I -s- AUTO KNITTER—Rrand new. N Phnsie MM1J J.mU-21. " ——————— A CABINET Sewing Machine, good sa , new, # It K. Harman. 62« W »II. St --krnvKitrn 6I13-W. Janl5-3l. stock-- ■ a GOOD SECOND-HAND COOK STOVE an«t double, Har.el heater. stow Repair House. M0 King St. jaulâ-lf. __-___ i. . P(lrtihU «. n - #r ««wlnr Ma S r H '"v ''i.n" - -.» Iiarman * 6 -° " Nlnth ® l * Jan, ° A CARLOAD OF STOVE KUPAlRb—-• Bricks, grates, pipes, elbow." now 1* the time, jobbing reasonably done. Stove Repair Hou*«. 610 King St. Jyll-tf. A SI x GER sewinc Machine: drop-head; aU attach menu: cr>at |88 ou new; about 3 months. Big bargain. B. E. Harman, «2 _ Ja nl - lf um Ea v payments. Ninth St. u A PAIR of Dutcher Corduroy Trouaejs for you. If they rip you get. »1 J*®*} a new pair; also tac back ^ button that comes off Ephraim * na | Ephraim. 3 and 5 W. Fourth st. nov4-tf. ATTENTION. Now Is the Time STOVE REPURS *u make, of etovee. IlTlcka. gratea. ' pipes, elbows (Jet them at Berger s. Third and Shipley Sts. Phone 5113-« aug«-]yr. 1 - -I I v?nih 7t Mr till Jîéue Ninth St., win P*«"®! .. c. ^ i BARRELS AND KEGS of all kinds bought and «old. Dralrr in ompty barrel» and krgs Ph me 1182. Auguat 1 H. Sauer. 701 South Market street. Janl6-lyr. BROADWAY (Jolty, 1306 W. call at The Evening Journal Oftlce, two tickets on the Arcadia. I CINDERS—Real slokered cinders, free from clinkers; delivered any plac«. | any time, in any quantities. Phone 353. Afur hour., Mendenhall. 15. N. B. Maticlll Cd., 835 Tatnall St. Jan4-lm. | DROP-HEAD White Sewing Machine. 115.00. janI5-lf. B. E. Harman. 820 W. 9th 2>t.. ; FURNITURE—For three room#. practl-J cally new. reasonable. At hou>*e all 811 Madison St. FIREWOOD—All dry. fine lot of hlrk ory. clarence T. Weldln, lll-R, Holly Oak. jan8-lmo. --- - -— — FIREWOOD—Oak. hickory, eto.; any. length. First City Wood Co., A an-J South Market Sts. Phone 8944. dec20-lm. i !-- ; GENTLEMAN'S DIAMOND RING— blue white stone, |35 for quick sale.. 911 Orange St., third floor apartment. Janl3-3t. J janl 5-3* off- ... — ■ — — ■■ HARDWOOD—Any length. J Swift* R. F. D. No. 2. North East. Md. jan9-6t. ' -—-— HOUSEHOLD GOODS — Second-hand; bought and sold. Morrison & Lane. 122 King St. Phone 4756-W. June8-lyr. -housekeeping, HALF-PRICE SALE of suits, overcoats. I trousers and odd coals, at the Mlstlt Clothing House, 10Ï-4 Market etreet. June«-lyr. —--——- - — . . . I (J «, c STORE AND OFFICE ' .,,,t f.. mine Bmi a ml flat h M, 2£ later/ •''«"ine" »»? KS*'".,. C ?, U| P™?.L" tl t|"«J" And exchange all ot " ^ AtSÎ A/stll !>»• I«n f 113 Market »If««! I'bOtK' febî-lyr. " •* _ |F TOU WANT A GOOD PIPELE8S HEATER, buy a Nett Idea Heater. 'No better made. See White Brothers. Front and Orange Sts., or Phone 7830. an '* Rel PHcbs and terms. de_c:7-eod-în, 7ZZTZ-7" JOIN J , J MCMAHON'S CHOICE COOK STOVE First-claa* condition. »35. 1509 \ Third St. fore-1 Our (400) sewing machine club In nineteen plenty three. Parvis, 913 Market St. Robert A. jan9-lyr. wTbLAUKISTON. 121 Shlnlry Kl. Complete line of ueed office equip- ( : ent. Including furniture, typewriters. ! (adding machines, etc. Also dealer in ithe new Remington and Corona Port able and It. C. Smith Standard Type writers. Phone S985-W. dec29-tf. W. Janl5-2t. MACHINERY—Motor, lathe, drill press and emery wheel. Can be seen run-' mg. Apply .<-83, Evening Journal Office ! diefi-a, —— ---- ■ — . ■ j I.VRW PI AND—Franklin Amplco, ropro-1 ducing. must be seen and heard to {appreciated. Must sacrifice. Party le«v (mg town. 1505 W. Sixth St. Ja«i!3-2t. ----- — . —. ; ORIOLE CABINET GAS RANGE—In I perfect condition; will sell cheap. Jan 15-31. -----{the OLD-FASHIONED FURNITURE— Wal- 1 nut desk, high post bed, low boy, «of«; and other nice pieces. Repairing all ! kinds of furniture. Special antique work. John Florlck. 1213 Elm street. Phone 7495-W. Jan9-Bt. Phone 2989-J. POODLE DOGS—721 W. Third street. Jan3-12t. POOL TABLES—We deliver and erect tables In playing condition, with newj cloth and pockets for »100 and Grady's. Eighth and Orange streets. marl-lyr^ ) -(deceased. REPAIR YOUR ROOF with fibre coat ing and elastic roof cement. Stops all leaks. S. G. Williams & Bro., Third j and Tatnall Sts. Phone 361. Janl9-lyr. J RESIDENTS OF UNION PAUK Wo have complete grate repairs for your furnaces. Phone and we deliver. ( O. O. Rob«'rtson. 2012 Market St. decl8-tf. -—--— I RAYMOND H. STOUT, Phono H16-R. ! GARDENS I s * j 998 French St. New and Second-liana IUCVCLKS, Tire«. Parts, Repairing. UNITED STATES TIRES and TUBES! Sales ami Service Depot. AUTO ACCEdSORIBB. Genuine Ford Uarls. decl-lyr. STORE—Cigar, candy and poolroom. V. McGee. 2111 Market St. Janl3-lS-17-20. Mack Ephraim & Ephraim, 3 and • West Fourth street: SPECIAL PRICKS on oct27-tf. STIRLITHS—PHONE 1201 Scrap irons and metals. I-beams and j pipe. Front and Tatnall. no\I5-1yr. I * SINGER Sewing Machine, »S6.00 Thl» machine is slightly used, will «ell for $32.00. Call .it once. II. E. Har man. 620 VV. 9th St. I SINGER SEWING MACHINES, Jail 15-tf. ist. like new. f35; one Wheeler and Wil son and one white drophead. all at tachments. Easy terms. N. Omenn 671 W. Fourth St. Phone 351D-J. oCt6-lyr. UNDERWEAR BARGAINS m single garment* or umon suits. Ephraim Ephraim, 3 & 5 W. Fourth St. oct27-tf. WILL SELL CHEAP—New Ilcckcr Bros. Player Piano. P. O. Box 463. or jan!2-6t phono 4389. WORKING GLOVES of all kinds and prices. Also automobile gloves. Eph raln & Ephraim. 3 &. 5 W. Fourth St. oct27-tf. Bicycles, wagons, velocipedes and doll carls. Phone 52. 837 Tatnall Ft. Open augV-lyr. evenings. ' ROOMS FOU KENT. ATTRACTIVE ROOM—For gentleman : private home. 121» West St Phone, i 3293-M. decft-lm. "BROADWAY HOSE" Archibald Clane, 302 W. 20th street, will Please call st The Evening Oftlce, for tyo tick et* ■ n_th. At > lia '. _ „1 I RONT BEDROOM— PUyste nome near Boulevard. I hono .» ..-R Jsn»-«1. nrwau ir..e lieht house __ _ 1* LODETTE" HOTEL. 807-809 ri r * nc ,!î 1 #t.—Rooms, all heated, hot and cold rnnning * r4ltr * n "very room; the oe Place home Me Journal town to your you can * roo»n b Y the week '»r :^ou r * n live there In comfort as long as ? 0U ,,v# * °. r * ou °* n f el a 7*?? AJl er f " ,w'mo, -- 1 ROOM—Uu* nlshed; all Phone 2842-J. ROOM—>NVxt to bath. In private home, io e. 13 h st. jantft-lm. »•onvenlenoes. jano-dt.-eod. ROOMS—Nicely furnished. Ita4 Jeffer son St. janU-2l. j ROOM -Large, furnished keeping. 70J. West St. Nicely furn front, 134«) West Sixth janl2-lna ( for bouse Janl2-3t. ROOM | ROOMS—For gentlemen lences. 12 E. 13lh St. all convcti dee2€-lm. — Two, furnished or unfurnished, all conven-■ janl5-6t. light 1.1 IROOMS for light houaekepelng. lences. 3529 Washington St. - ROOMS—Two, housekeeping. service. ROOMS—Two. furnished, board If de sired. Phone Janl >-«t J«;i W. Fourth St. fumlabed for lirai and irlrph 3Ô3 Washington St. jaiil5 ROOM—UenUemen only; large front. I ,, cetrjc hfat hot water , ul)r „t, IPhone, 508 \V Fourth St. Janl3-l»-t0 ROOMS—Two. nicely furnished; elec-; tr | C an( , , loaL j:0 ; Washington St ph one 277-J. jan!3-3t. .. ROOM—Nicely furnished: all onnv • ie«s: reaxonablc. 522 E. Eighth St. jnn 13-3t. ROOMS-Nlcejy furnished; heat, elec (fic> p i, onr board If desired Washington Rt. 1221 Ja nl2-6t. "•ROOMS—Two. Urge. bath, very reas Apply 1313 Walnut St. janîî-^r ROOMS—Two. furnished. beat; i lernen preferred, J6 per week. West St. Janl0-6l. gen 2113 ROOM—With or without board; no ob jection to child. Address R-77, Even | nK Journal Office. Jan6-lf. j-- - - ■ - -■ - - - ' ROOM—Furnished, for lodging. 800, Washington St., next to corner house. Jan2-tf. ---- ROOMS—Four unfurnished. all con veniences. 908 Vandever Axe. U«n2-lm. ROOM—Dr.lrable, furniahetl for young gentleman. Jan8-ltno. 901 W. Ninth .trect nfurtiished. private ROOMS —Two. »Ink. heat, and electric, hath and jiise of phone; reasonable. 2505 Wash ington St. J;ml5-3t. I -■ ■■ - ■■ . .. .) ROOMS—Two. unfurnished, for light running water and uee of phone, *12 per month. U'35 French! fltrrct JafiI3-3t. _I___ ■ ■ ] ROOM—Furnished, tor one or two gen t lernen reasonable; one block ( Hotel duPont. Janll-IÎ-ll-U-17-U • - I E. Twelfth St. EUNTSHED ROOMS. ONE ROOM—Furnished for lodging; electric and well hen te l. for Indy or gentleman. 1007 Washington atreet. Janll-tf BANKRUPTCY SALK. THE UNDERSIGNED. Trustee in bankruptcy for John S Boguckl will f John .S. Bog January 1.8, at ten o'clock A. M., offer for sale upon the premls««. pro perties 414-418 Maryland Ave., Wll mington. Delaware, consisting of one} largo threo-etory brick »1 dwelling, free ami ch ar of all liens of •ord an«l free of the dower right of Boguckl. wife o! uncollected hook accounts of Terms of sale 25 per .'base price to be paid when • »truck off Balance upon confirmation. The day »et for confirmation 1» Jan uary 28. 1923 at 2 I*. M i GEORGE W. LILLY. Truste« in Bankruptcy. And jurfo, a So j Q hn S. Bog»ickl ccn t of pu Janl2-3t. REGISTER'S ORDER. .... »... ESTATE OF EDWARD K KANE. DECEASED—Notice Is hereby given [that Letters Testamentary, upon th** estate of Edward F. Kane. late of Wll mington hundred, deceased, were duly be;granted unto Cecelia M. Kane Chappie and Security Trust A* Safe D«'p«»vlt ( »» . 'on the lllh day of January. A. D. nnd all persons indebted to the »aid deceased, are requested to make pay (ment to the executors without delay. ,and nil person* hating demands deceased are required to exhibit and present the same, duly probated, to the said executors, on or before the IDh «In v of January. A. D 1924, or abide by j the law In this behalf. CRUBLIA M KAN'B CHAPPLB, | SECURITY TRUST A SAFE DEPOSIT ("O.. Executors. ( Address Security Trust A Safe Deposit Co Wilmington Del. Janl6-eo«l-9t. | -1--Jy29-lyr. ^'fUVNSTOv!' DECEASED— NoMce "is that letters Taetamen*| pon the « »tat«- «»f Lewis Harvey ■ »n. late of Wilmington hundred,! ere duly granltMl unto Mary the I2th «lay of! and all persons up.'hereby giv •tary. n Gratis tr \ Etta Cranston, on January. A D. 1923. debt ed to the »aid deceased quested to make payment to tho execii-i Strlx, without delay, and all persons; having demands against the deceased lar«' required t«» exhibit and present thei are re Uame, dulv probated, to the said exrcu-1o'clock. on nr befor«* the 12th day of ; faniiary. A. I» 1921, or abide by the law- j lhi5 behalf. MART ETTA CRANSTON I T , I I ■ ; . Address William T. I.jmam. Attorney. iat-Kaw, h>|Oitable Bldg.. Wllmingtua,l\| Del. Janl5-eod 9t. ! i _ fvubl.PTBRlNO ^SjJieriate for sa Corner Fourth and Tatnall Sts. Phone June27-lyr. UPHOLSTERY. f the better kind; Sparks and Son « • ! 1112-W. life and character HEADING January 15 . The sIkii Bovernlnft this« Is Ojprlcorn, the »If» of the Boat and the last sift" of 'ho Earth Trip The governing planet 1» Sat Hetty. urn and the ar>r»l colors are black, and filver-gray. The blrth onyx stone Is a white onyx or a muon »tone. Tha diseases most likely to nt tack persons born on this date arc Indigestion nnd melancholy. They often the victims of overwork. determination to whatever they undertake, and because of their lack of powers ot endurance. These ailments and all others known to man can be entirely dom inap'd, forever cast out by those who realize that mind 1» tho mas ter and the body the servant of mind. are because of th«**r achieve brilliantly .Musical irfttrument.s. pianos and vlrtrolia are advertised in the Want Ads today at reduction prices. Be sure to follow the Want Ads daily. AUTOMOBILES FOU SAI.E. AUTO TOPS AND CURTAINS—Stern. i rear HP3 Rodney St. Phono «116, mar:o-tf. «attkhV PRICES c.o UP SOON H«'tt«*r have your generator and bat I, • y examined now, fre • Da It Nile »"»le^Phon« *3«I-W. _-L__——_' oct!9-lyr. 1 __ b| 4K( ' T RIC REPAIRS — Motors and «.tieraiors. armatures in stock, etc. Houghs, »old. exchanged II U Ca nn. gu - W oIIaston at. Phone 1269-R. f, b23-lyr. 1 HAROAINS In second-hand truck: air French Street Gai Phone 285. sii«*s. ; ** r ench St. 119-2 Janl0.1S-K 1 ■ ,v ",VdL. 0 «!!i a new car guarantee with a used car. cars sre as good as new Look them over and be con 9 ei j f reerv rADQ_ ( UDC.LJ because onea. vlnced; 192! Dodge Sedan. 1921 Auburn Six 1922 Overland Touring. 1921 Overland Sedan. 1932 Knick Roadster. 1920 Kswex Touring. 1921 Essex Roadster. 1921 Ford Coupe. 1921 Ford Sedan 1919 Dodgo Sedan. 1920 Dodgo Touring. 1920 Paige Touring. 1920 Cleveland Touring. 1920 llupmoblle 1920 Dort Touring. 1922 Dort Roadster. 1920 Bulck Road at er. 1920 Studehaker Touring 1920 Hudson Touring. 1920 Ford Sedan. 1920 Podge Touring. 1921 Cole Eight. 1921 Apperaon Eight. 1920 Motorcycle, doubl i a. Je car. * 1922 Hnlrk Touring. 1921 Studehaker Coupe. 1922 Dodge Touring. I I We dr our own financing Are strict-; ly confidential. Just you and we ar« I Included In the deal. All we ask I» you. word of honor. LIGHT FORD TRUCK—Covered body, ' cheap Apply H. O. Williams A Rro., | Third and TatnaU St. novtl-lf. ! KEIL MOTOR CO. ELEVENTH AND TATNALL Phone «100. novl -m-w-f-tf. 1 I I SILV ER TIRE CO. 1 I Special. 3-inch used Urea. 12. •and up. $3. 202 King St :f 28- lyr. VIM TRUCKS—Used and rebuilt, »150' Terms IfANCE MOTOR TRUCK CO.. 70» W. Fifth St. up "*ÏÎÜï tr " WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS KEIL MOTOR CO. 11TH AND TATNALL. mar»-tf. 192'» FORD SEDAN, bargain. 1250; 1922 I Ford Road»ter, like new. trad*«! in on coupe, bargain; Ford Touring, like new. bargain: 1920 Font Delivery, In k<* 819 MARKET ST.. ROOM 39 PHONE 1*381. S2c.n Clockma hne Am hall clocks. work. ~ A t'ALL FOR MALL. 3:T«-J— 51« Mon.i'' et, for lit;lit hauling: ra(«-s reasonable. , | . nf . . oem ^s-im. I I ^ r«»e »» long distance; d«c22-Iyr. ( ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE— Mov Ing. express and storage. Personal Jaupervlalosi. MumJy Bros.. 811 King St MOVING AND HAULING. I HM I or Phone 7290 Jnne20-tf. BROWN. HERBERT II.—Hauling; prompt; reasonable; long distance. 305 West St. Phon«! 7899.J augl9-lf. CONSTANTINE A LESTARDO—Mov inR an d hauling 2t»9 W. Second St. :: 128 -MU JuatÜ-lyr. DELIVERING A LIGHT HAULING— James I Passwater. 312 Sixth Ave. phone »872. jan2-Jrn. i 1923.-high* poll GENERAL HAULING AND MOV'- j 1NG, call Donsielly. Phone 5617. 701 Harrison St. agntnsl- HAULING A MOVING whe age. or 2i9 Maryland Ave. —-1 MOVING^ A^ HALLING— C. II. Thorn, ton. 132- VV. 1-ifth St. I hone «997-W. . 701 ' sept6*ljrr. . ...Any Um«, ativ Phone 4473-W Keystone Gar oci21-lyr. -- — - LIGHT HAULING—Local and Jon tance. Alexander Gagnon, 6ifi ■on Öt. Phone 3969-W. g dls Madl. dec.'9-lm. MOVING AND HAULING of any kind. - - l . ' n ^ t ' B» Durr, J09 Phone 5728-51. i *epll3-Iyr, TVr ~ MOVING AND HAULING—Go where. Call Lane. Ks, In-Thonc 4.BI-VV. maya-lyr. KLAIR'B BAZAAR. Wilmington. Del. Auction sale# every Saturday, at 10 exrcu-1o'clock. Horses at private sale at all t imes. Klair & Hollingsworth, aprf-lyr. 1 ; -—-——- ' ELKUTRICAIj. -------- armatures a stators rewound i. Washington Sts. Phone 6735-.I. Jy 10-1 yr. | (fixtures, lamp», wiring material, radio yunplles; «»reduced. Cross-, man Kleitrlc Co., N. W. Corner Fourth and orans.- Sts. *pr:9-tf. ( I --, , .-IliOANS. PUBLIC SALK. _ Ma nder WMhinrt« WOOD WILSON wires your house without breaking your floor?, plaster I Buren St : augl2-lyr. I ' / ^*'* Your «pare time can be either your ALLY or your ENEMY—th.' former when you Invest If, the latteivwhen you waste It. ENROLL TONIGHT 13BACOM COLLEGE. aug23-lyr. Tenth and King streets. 1 ; ■ PAPKRII ANGINA., ARTISTIC PAPERHANGING—teadore Fishman; work done reasonable. Sit W. Second St. Phon« «H9-R. Jan .'I -1 yr. HOWARD WHITTEN—Wall and draperies. Phono 8587. hangings Washington St. aug7-lyr. I rooms P>* 830 %\. Second SJ. Phone may.ô-l yr, PA PERHANOI NO—Wallpaper for sale. A. Seidel. UJ U Fourth St - Pho,„ Jyl7-yr. * «ÂÎÎ: 814 MARANTZ—Paperhanger; pel ed, »4 up. «223. •405-W. PA PERU ANQING — Harry work done reasonable, given. 60 r N. Clayton St. Phone 6753. aug22-lyr. QUALITY WALLPAPER prices. St. Phone 6010. S. LEVENK RON * SON—Practical paperhangers and decorator««. R«'as onable prloee. Phone 3573. aeptll-lyr. at quantity Harry Kershaw. 610 Adams oci2-IyT. tn«' r m d 7-| If ^ Bx 1 HLi /A • nr ' L tide Harry Talks 1 haul "Poor Richard "What arc wv going to talk about tonight. Uncle Harry?" a«ked Jim m V- j about a activities ranged all the way from correcting smoky chimneys to helping to draft | The world , ils going io celebrate his two him- j Jdndfh anniversary this coming "If we could do one-fifth of the; things that Franklin wa« able to do r TV'Tk I'T W ,l W0 ','l J ! out a Job. said Joe, thought fully. "Unci« Harry. 1 believe that man did everything I have never heard of any one human being that ha« accomplished so much." "He had a very active and curl "We hit K»inK to talk many-elUed man whoso the Déclaration of Independence,'* rered Uncle Harry. .* Wednesday—January 17." '[ It I At. ESTATE—FOU SALE A RARE CHANCE to get that Ideal home and pay like rent. J. G. Jus tie Co.. Nevport. Del. Phone Jll-W. •eptl-tf orfh >f Newark; milk I ark FARM—Three ml lea 50 acres; nuitt* combined. Del. lot of fruit trees; II. P. Jones. N jan 15-17-19-22-24-26. MODERN HOUSE—Flv porch, enclos« ve rooms, front a screen. Io*. 11x140 Price 13,100.Ou. Possession 30 days. Ap ia ward street. Elmhurst, Del ply 201 Jan 12-3t. 1311 DU PONT ST.—Modern, 9 rooms, : porch««. Make offer. Apply above address. JnnS-lrn. S-ACRE POULTRY FARM—Eastern Shore Maryland; gi»od land. |w«>-atory house, poulirv house and yards; In sight of bay oysters, clams and flah; short, mild winters. Full particulars. A L. Allen. Glrdletree, Md. Janl3-3U FOR HI NT. HIM. F.STATK APARTMENT-Private. three room. ; and bath; southern exposure. nui nrXnALOW-At Elmhurst. 6 room* and bath; 18x56 ft. cemented base t J G Jusn* Co, Newport, pel. • - W. r.;. decla-tf. SMALL FARM FOR RENT—Excellent ground. 2^ mile* from Wilmington. Addrm W. E. llarkn«***, 301 West Wilmington. Del., or JsnI2-8t. Isirt ORANGE .STREET—Sevan rooms. Applv Carroll W. Griffith, Ninth .St. 221 W. Jan3-tf. 913 CLAYTON ST.—Possession Jan. 15. Phone 1554-R. Will sell or rent. Jan2-lm. APARTMENTS 1*011 RENT. APARTMENT—Three room*, bath, gas ami electric. 2804 Main St.. Urxo'lle. Janl 5-It. Del. West Si ianlS-6t. \l*,\RTMKNT—Three rooms," sepsraTe Until, electric and gas. Phone Î99V janPl-.'i. . . .. , ... _ APARTMENTS—Three or four roome. with i'ver>* convenience, furnish**«! or unfurnished. Apply 2320 Market street. JanlJ-il. _ A ! *A RTM KNT— 3 room# tin™ hath furnished, all conveniences; reason ab!c ' immediate possession. 816 Jeff 'er ■^ an "* 1_ APARTMENT—Three room* and hath, execll.-nt location; all, Immediate possession, j !l * < ' nn< , ° r ' 1 Av> ' \ljw ' Market von sire«!. ■■ set — APARTMENT—Prlvalr. six rooms, cas • . 'ä'bo^San^FÄ Utreets. Junelô-lyr nnd posses APARTMENTS—Thirtieth rooms. five streets, y desirable corner; porch; sion January 25. Apply Baker's Drug Store, 30th and Market Sts. Jan9-6l. TWO OR THREE-ROOM APART M ENTS— Furnished. |4 and »5 peri feb23-l yr. | — vania tiliab 301*5 W t St. week FOR S\I«E. F\HMS FARMS FOR SALE—Farm. 127 acres, I in gu«»d coalition, adjoining cnnrreio " and ' .'nn en r^';I tillable, 7 acre* In (Kinds, ami mile from both' A O. Station«. fruit trees s of timber land ; house, large barn, new granary, out' tao seres ■ of .i' 13 'li-n hou.r. and h., ponr aT. ' "oui buildings In A-l cndltlm price r«as terms made to suit pur-, Apply John Kenn Mill Kood.'horao Del., o»- Market Stand. Wed- 1 and «viable; chaser. Newark. Del., o nesday nnd Saturday, King Sts. Fifth JanII.12t. at I K ., ... „,-vt IX»R SALK OR HOUSE—New two-etory. end has«- ! ment building. 1129 and 1131 Orange St., suitable for llsht manufacturing or : ÎkÂ'SÏ ' orm/s* 7 rt>d.' •on ui.M REAL KSTATM 3 ' Phon e «6 ——" - WANTED 8U itsb!c non nlnB |.. , VB moP.TOAOB MONEY—In larqe nn Mark. ; or Klnq street prop ,„.r rent, of assess. nx«n, ;' deal cllre. t; no »pent«. Ford Bldg, or Phone 256-W. in even Janio-etxi-im. -apartment. * . »59 to fl.900. one year or less, j week I v payment plan; no chattels, n pawn«*-, no salary assignment: character uni earning power the basis of credit. WILMINGTON MORRIS PLAN BANK, i INDIVIDUAL OARAGES—Water amb electric, f6 month. 301 \V. 28lh St. «Iec30-lm. WANTED TO RENT. TO RENT Store Room. *. Good loca Address W-43 Kve jjtn 12-fit. for meat st Reasonable. rnal Offl«* MONEY TO LOAN. 3*«8 >n *' ' IX) ANS «»J ;im 9 Shipley Street. Tuesday Ev.nines Until 8 O'clock. Ope janS-lm. MON BY TO LOAN—On mortgages, in. Mime to suit, if you have good secur ity. Address W.Î9, Ktenlng Journal I JanS.lm. Office. TYPEWRITERS J, A SMITH TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Ml makes-lTid. roods. !.. C. Smith. Itorals Remingtons, Olivers—sold, i rented and repaired all mmchlnoa guar. an teed. - West Seventh St. I'honcti 91.73.2775 __ _ decM-Iyr. j TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED—Buy new 1 ,.,an. »5 month: rent 12 month. Bar- ! igains »10 to »o0. Aildtng machines rented, »ol«l. P>pewritor Supply Co., I Seventh and Market S„ septl.-Iyr, | --— N.! Bldg Phone 4010. Underwood Typewriters for rent. »3 per mo. Phone 8227-W. dec22-lm S3 DKTECTIVK AGENCY. HAMILTON'S DETECTIVE AGENCY Licensed and bonded. 5ia-5ll Ford fcbl-Ijrr. ous mind," replied Uncle Harry, "and nothing was too commonplace or too trivial tor him to turn that mind to. We hear a good deal these days about 'service.* We hear It in school and we hear It In business, but probably there is no belter ex pie of 'service* in its best and highest eense than the achievements of Brtijamin Franklin. For a period of forty years he devoted himself unsparingly and enthusiastically to the advancement and Improvement (of his fellow men.** " An, ' >•«• rncl, Harry, he eeemed t0 j, aVe R good time and to enjoy whal he wa s doing.** said Jimmy. "Peuple who do n great deal (or their fellow* are generally happy and enjoy what they are doing," re plied Uncle Harry, with a laugh at .liminy'a Idea that ,'ervlce' and a ■good tlmo" aeldom went together. The key and kite and lightning are an old etory that every child knows, but I wonder It you know some of the less Important achievements of Franklin?" "Ho Invented some bifocal lenses for his own use," said Helen, polish ing her own new horn-rimmed glasses." and he founded the tiret American debating society when he was about twenty years old." "He was a newspaper man," add ed Joe. "He published the Penn sylvania flasette and the Poor Rich ard's Almanac, and ha waa evidently very proud of the fact that he waa n printer, for that Is what he call« himself both In Ms wilt and in his epitaph—'Benjamin Franklin, Printer.' " "I learned Just the other day." said Jimmy, "that Franklin was a very line ».Immer, ond that he wat nekod by .«how people to (rive public dcmonatratlons of hl» skill. You know. Uncle Harry, that makes him seem a ot more human. I had never thought of him In Just that light before. I pirtureil him ns a kindly, spectacled old man leaning, over a book." "Ite was very fond of books," re plied Uncle Harry, "and founded many libraries, proverbs full of homely advice and philosophy are as widely read and as true to the needs of human nature now as they were a eentury and a half ago. In the life ot the author. He was a very human sort of person and very wide In his interesls and sympathies. You see ^ llv,,d ' n England .ml In France tor a good many years of his life In connection w' h his diplomatic mis «» highly revered on the other side of the water as he is here in America. His discoverlee and experiments are the forerunner _ -, . ,, .. Inionllon.i in m&ny H'es thnt have completely changed the whold scheme of the world. He was keen *Y Interested In public life and held ' many Important oUlre*. He woo a mem her of the coiAmlttss to draft tho Declaration of Independence, a member of the Continental Congress, Deputy Postmaster-General for-the Colonies, nnd President of the Penn sylvan in Commission of Safety.** j "Hr load a useful Ilfs, nil rl»ht,^ J r : Mo9t **<»'* rssl that had accomplished a good deal if Ihe5 r could bring about even one of the Improvement« that crank Un was responsible for.** GASOLINE FUMES NEARLY KILL HIM Eltrnod Godwin, shortly before noon yesterday saved the life of his h >-«>«h«r. Rnlph Godwin, of 300 West et. who was found lying In an unconscious condition In ^ °fi streets, by placing ht« brother on hi« back and carrying him to hla a block away. ... - revived the man nfter labor. A physician an hour's Godwin bad gone to the garage abnut 11 oV1 ° ek lo re l><* lr hl« auto mobile nnd while working under the rar Wft * overcome by gasoline fumes and had laid in that state some time before being found .by his brother. WhIK' »till In a weak condition [from the effect« of the fume«, Mr. ENTIRE EQUIPMENT—Of including dishes. Ice Godwin is not expected to suffer any ill ofTvctH from his narrow escape from death. IIOI'SK PAINTING HOUSE PAINTING—Save the surface and you save all. James Keettan, 16oi \v. 16th St. Phone 7492-W. . mar9-Iyr._ MI SICAI, INSTRCMI »11 VriTIlOU REiXJHDS—Brin* old cord nnd 10c and get a new one. Joseph K. Clough. 100U4 Lc ard St, JanI7-6t. pe PRIVATE BALE. 3-room (chest. Vietmlg, etc. Party must sell. leaving town Jan. 20; fUMouabl«. In quire third flpor. 1502 West Fifth St Phono 5731-R Janl2-3t. TRANSPORTATION. I LEAVE WILMINGTON French St. Wharf, » P. M. FREIGHT ONLY |^îtî LEAVE PHILADELPHIA JkMgKPiqc 10, North Wharves (Race Street) 6 P. M. iiiii i 6 W ISDN UNE 1.2 Phlla PpDR X fiTflVP CnPMfir rllMd., rCIIII Ul UVC, UHCaiCI Schedule of Trip« Fourth St. Wharf. Wilmington , r r h phfi a ,iHnhl»*f'or wlm'ngton ^st A^ M .T'" O nion* 13 »77.30 P. M. ,, n Sun. and holidays, " "Vit tUys. except S.L Wllmlngton-Penn'* Grove Route Leave Wilmington *6.15, 7.45. ta. 90 A. M , 12.00 noon. z3.45, 6.00, 8.00, 10.00 ari 12.00 P. M. laeave Penn's Grox-e, *5.35, 7.09. 9.09. 11.0Ö A. M.. 100. 3.00, xt.30, 7.00, 9.00 and 11.00 P. M. Trips marked« (•) do not run on Sun. Trips mnrk«'d s leave at 4.00 and 1.00 P. M. on Sundays.