Newspaper Page Text
* î 14 The Evening Journal K Largest Paid Circulation Today's News Today ¥ NEWS HAPPENINGS IN DELAWARE AND MARYLAND TOWNS ¥ m URGE BRIDGE OVER NANIICDKE: State Highway Department Wants Government Sanc tion at Early Date PULPIT CHAIRS FOR DOVER CHURCH Special to The Evening Journal. DOVER. Jan. 15 —C. D. Buck «chief engineer of the State High way Department, has sent the fol lowing letter to T'nited Ssates Sena lors Ta. Heisler Ball and Thomas h 'Bayard, as well as to Congresamm Dr. C. R Tjayton. relative to a new bridge over the Nanticoke river, f Beaford. Del., Inasmuch as the river Highway î Is an Inter-ataie stream: "The Delaware Stale "Department d* »on ns pr»v s hip to construct across the Nr.nt - coke river at Sen ford a substantial and appropriate bridge to replace• the one at present spanning thl«, river., which upon recent exam Inatlon we have found to be unsafe •®nd unsulted to the traffic that is* Required to use it. Upon application <o the War Depaitment for t «»i approval of this project we are In-; formed that as the Nanticoke rlter js an inter-state stream, an ai t of Congress -will be necessary before * jiew bridge can be built and for reference they Invite our attention to section 9 of the River and Har- ! fcors Act, approved March 3 1S9ÎL j In view of the condition of the present structure, we belle\e it most Important that this connection. •* l!n> in our main highway between j l>over and Delmar, be provided with ; is suitable and m«»dern b rid go. an.I we I reapectfully request your consi«lera-; tlon and assistance in securing the State the passage of a hill which. rill permit us to proceed, with this project. ! Very triw yours. State Highway Department. C. D. BUCK vu the recipient yesterday of a »et The chairs were intended : ! • I Chief Engineer, * Christian Church The People*' pattern. 1 j I ISpechLl to The Evening Journal. DELAWARE CITY. Jan. 15.—A Silver alms baj»in. a memorial to the late Mrs. Mary Duckett Uhler, wa nonsecrated by the Rl. Rev. Philip Cook. Bishop of the Diocese of Delà •r are, at last evening's service, in Christ's Episcopal Church. The ha t«in was presented to Bishop Cook . for consecration, by William B. Jes- 1 1er. in behalf of Mrs. Eliza Uhler ; Vandegrift, daughter of Mrs. Uhler, Th© inscription. "A Doving Tribute | to a Devoted Mother. Mary Duckett of three pulpit chairs of the latest , .!•> liÉèi In ah pp ' The donors wei • Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Massey, mem then of the church. Mr. Massey be-1 jng on© of the deacons and Mrs J Massey superintendent of the prim-' •ry department of the Sunday school. CONSECRATE ALMS BASIN IN CHURCH fhler, from her Daughur, Eliza j Vandegrift. 1923," is engraved on the _ exterior. Jlr«. Fhler and her daughter, Kliza. In It will he 50 years next April since Ver© baptised and confirmed Uhrlst'» Church, by the Rt. Rev Al fred l^ee, the (1rs Bi-h.»n of tb-* i * ■» , xv a* Ihililt In 1857 and consecrated by J>ishop Lee In the same year, at Hrhich time Mr»«. Vandegrift was a ^Irl of 8 year». Mrs. Vandegr ft • - h irch school, xx-hen It was instituted a few years ■ HEBK-eattl. 2«5T: sheep «nd lambs 630': hogs TSÔ2: C.htt 311!« BEEF- Cattle »t»»dy. non good to rhoice. •.«tlaio.W; fair to gond H .,aa!».o,'. ^ common to fair 7.3„a« ; cow, good to* choice 5.00a5 85; fair to good ( ,'OaS.O«. bologna. ,s to uaallty 1 >Oa 3 .: 5 . bulls y a . .-..00a« »«: fair to *ood 4.00a« Calve, steady, extra to choice l«.50a iio,:- ÂÎ5.«r - T«iîSli" : rhSK; S3.00aI2.Mi; fair to good ».»»all.Of, °°5Ä.*Ä^rLAMBS-F!rm sheen i xrètîier» extra 8 T.ia»*:'.',; good to choice ; *.i»a7.»: medium ».Wa&.iO: common. I ;3 # "a«. 00 : ewe*, heav^ fat «.«W»0;| SlToaXB.i" ;°*çommôii 11.»ill.00; Penn rylvanla*. : BOQ6—Quiet; beat western 10.30a ; «JK'VUTh.ndy weight »...aio.oo, I ST. GEORGES' AIFFAIRS. . Special ,o The Evening Journal ST. GEORGES. Del., Jan. 15— Albert Jacquette. 74. died in the; 1 before. STOCK SHIPMENTS TO PHILADELPHIA • Delaware Hospital late Friday af-. ternoon. He has been ailing foo ; widow, Mrs. William Hammond i. ill at her home with grip. Levy Court Commissioner H. V. Buckson left yesterday for Chicago ä— ,... tueetlnz of th© Home and firhool Association will be held Wednesday VZTSrJ"****"' " r0gr * m h " et. Georges' Canning Company ghlpped 1000 caaes of corn from Armstrong's factory Saturday. N'ewila Buckson. who ha* been • »ending th. automobile show in he,T s\n r k ' N"? 1 ' Week ' end at Red Bank, N. J. James K. Roberts started the ferrctlon of a store and dwelling Sat urday, for William R. Calhoun. about a year, and one »on, Albert Jacquette, of Schenectady, N. Y. He leaves a «GOSSIP Of NEW CASH! Baptist Sunday School to Celebrate Forty-seventh Anniversary MANY RESIDENTS ILL WITH GRIP Special to The Evening Journal, NEW CASTLE. Jan n 1 5.—Final rehearsal of the musical and liter ar y program to b. presented at the forty-seventh annlvermary *of the or ganlzatinn of the Sunday school of lflP First Baptist Church ai O * c | oc k tomorrow evening took plaoe^ yesterday afternoon. r hurch auditorium will he decorated this aftérnoon ami tomorrow by the r0 mmittee in charge. The program. 7.45 The f . nIi i , j "our Rallx Pall." follows Singing. "Rally for Service," by •bool: responsive readings rit | loo | ; prayer by the Rev. F. W Overhlser; recitations, by Dairus M . Howell, Frances Hewlett ami Kein« Jarrell; duet nn.l chorus. "A U or| - for you." by school: récita llotia by Mary Edwards. Verna J.elb jfjeorge Ford and Edith Mcpglnson. tinging by primary class; «h glng ; **Heed the Call," by school; récita fions. Myrtle Alfree, Anne Lanças t#>r .William Billings and Frances || arr ison: singing, "Rally for Jesus," | j, y H( .hool: recitations, by Janette f'j ar k, Ruth Jarrell and Fatherin«* Harrison: exercise by Mrs. Percy MacMIcklng's class: singing. Who will Go." by school; recitall'll. by Norma Leih; duet, by Catherine j larr | BOn 8 nd Myrtle Alfree; e*cr singing. "Christ Shall Be King." by school; recitation, hy Les Walls; otT.'rinj:: address: presen tation remarks; singing. "Fall Into |.me," by school; solo, by Verna i.^Hb and distribution of randies. ('hartes Lieh, superintendent, will bv An orchestra ; The pupils of the school will h«* awarded for at tendance with books, Bibles and «»„ndi#.* to he distributed by Santa he in charge, assiste«! by Mrs. 8. H Hewitt. Mrs. Percy MacMicking and Mrs. F. w! Overhlser. will furnish music. ton, caused a scare In that vicinity yesterday morning. The flames were soon gotten under control hy men isnd hoys using wet brooms and brush. An alarm was sent to the* Good Will Company, which, on ar riving found the fire extinguished. Mr and Mrs. John L. Sullivan ofU* Second and Harmonv streets are re reiving congratulations on the <blrfh 1 of a daughter. Mother and dsugh-j ter are doing well. Miss Mary Putnam, teacher o' home economics In the local schools. an d coach for the girls' basketball team, had her coat burned while | enroule by nuto hur from Frederica to this cllv. on Saturday. Mise Put nam accompanied the team to Fred erica to play the girls' team of that place, Glaus. . ,. v uqder the direction of Major C. W Williams, W ||| he held In the high school as eembly room this evening. Fire, due to hoys setting a match to dr> grass na fiel The weekly meeting and practice The basketball and a Iso destroyed. heating pipes cover were It Is all«*gnd the along the orheated, I Anne, jhe five-year-old daiiKhter 1 of Mr. and Mr«, .lame» R. I.anraater of \Ve»t Fifth »ireel, I» »erlou»lv ||l.'l • running {sides of the car became ov« Mrs. John Smith, 1 j •Ith pneu- ! monta, is improving. Lewis Smith. a son who i« employed on the penn sylvania railroad, ha« been for the past week-end. upon :<• to a n( a grip p most recent sufferers are : Mrs. Che* vith her »oral physicians are being called ' I duetec| U |n , 'th!^*Fl*»t" BaptlM CU t£h ' ' 01 " in 1 ' ''"T'h. , •' , * k «- P 1 »" Thursday even- , in*. The session, which last, nhoui nnP hour, will be taken up with th" " " u ' 1 ^ UP , In , |election of offlcirs and outl>,ng of ' a plan of Bible study to be per » u , d (or , h e next ten weeks tk. Ladle*' Aid Soclett .. I at nantis? Church wif, hold ^ ha^e aaTe !j„ Jones-l-aneaster lee cream par-, «<T». on Wes, Fifth street, next Sa,- j urday morning beginning at 10 i o'clock. Rose Hill Grange will meet In bi- I weekly session in the Rose Mill I school house next Wednesday even In(1us , ry council. Jr. O. 1'.' A. M.. | will meet In weekly buMne» session ' » Maaonlc Temple, tomorrow even m* The 1.1,tie Sunbeans, the Melh- I t©r Blak©. West Fifth street: Joseph Armpriestor. Harmony street; [.Mias Bess!«* Toman. West street, and Mias Mrs. Fourth .Annie Brown, of Sixth and Delaxvare streets. The organization meeting of th© odist Sunday school class. Mrs. R j E- binder. ,eacher C eared »30 from their bake-sale held in Tobin a meat market Saturday morning. | Miss Christina Nolan, who left her home on River road, in Apr. of ast | year, to visit relatives at Limerick. Ireland, is expected to return here tomorrow. Mise Nolan before leav -sérias» w. day for New York City, to meet her. , Miss Nolan will arrive on the steam ,rf ' IJV,rP00,> Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Reggin. and son, Charles Reggin: Miss Mar" guente E. Wise, H. S. u. Wise and Nolan J. Highfleld West Chester Pa.; and Mr* and Mrs. Bamu Tc. Robert* and daughter. Miss Dorothy Roberts, ttilmington, were the Sun day guests of Mrs. Mary C. Roberts, South street, Miss Mary Moore, Burlington, ICOLLEGE DEAN SERIOUSLY ILL E. Laurence Smith Suffers From Pneumonia; St. Thomas' Rector Better SCOUT EXECUTIVE TALKS TO YOUNCt Special to The Evening Journal. 1 5.— Dean R. NEWARK, Jon. Laurence Smith of the I 'Diversity 1 ith pneumonia}' Delaware avenue. of Delaware, is ill hi his home Drs. H. G. M. Kollock and Charles j H. Blake the other e and one ' with the «lean J p in attend as ; most of Saturday night and yester day. day night and pneumonia was fear-| ed from the atari. From the ime that Dr. Waller Hnlllhen. president I ..f the Fnivera.ty. went to Johns l ' Diversity. as taken ill Fri Smif h I >«*i Baltimore. Hopkins early In November, to underg«« an operation, until he returned to thej | Diversity la* ha( j in , lltut ; on . owing to the development of a ^ of diphtheria among the stu- 1 , 8ui> .. r ,ntef.«lent Owens «.n, „oiinced last night that the high ! - ac hool would he closed for several : during which time the build-1 n ^ W J11 be fumigated. Lydia Young daughter of Dr. and Mrs. 8. Tayior y oung. is the student III with dlph herla. ; There are a large number of grip : case.* <and a few cases of measles in Newark and vicinity. Glenn Franlj. editor of the On- j uiry Magazine, will give th»* thlr«l an d fourth of a m*rie« of t n lee ttires that he Is to gi\ versity «»f Delaware during the win-: ter and spring, tomorrow. The Ser- J Dean Smith I acting pres dent «if the week. at the Uni-! 'A vice Citizens of Delaw; through the University of Delaware • Press, has arranged for Mr. Frank I to give this serious of lectures un- j Ming der the general title. "An American j Looks at His World." and the ten I lectures will later bs printed In hook form by the University Press, Thoae fortunate en«»ugh to hear Mr. Frank on the occasion of his first visit for this series lain month. practically all agreed that It was. the greatest lertiir« they had ever heard. Tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. Frank will lecture to the students and faculty of the uni-, versity. In the evening at S o'clock he will lecture in Wolf Hill to the general publie on the Democracy at the ('rossroads. There Js every indication that Wolf B"*' " be crowded tomorrow Frank A Creenhawk. State exec ut,v * of ,h * Bov * >f America, an inter-atlng Illustrated talk) 1 fh, ' Sundav evening service of! ,h * rf ' Cf ' nUv organized Young P League of 8t. Thomas' Hpiaco- I p ? ! rhuri ' h in # ,hat rhuroh ' nnl n gbt. Mr. (»reenhawk was * n j rhn W of * 1; »rg«* delegation nr Boy subject. ( rom this country who visit- ( 7* & ^ va,,atr ' d - wtlons of f ' r » ne#l j n,, ' w,ir to "j** 1-1 " ,th ,hn orK 1 1,0,1 a,wo ,0 ,,ranrP 'n organizing the foment. The slid«* pictures shown nÄt n Kht " rp aron ^ ! of that * Hon of Franco, dova.ta.ed by th^ «•ar and which Mr. (Iroonhawk and ! Ihn scout» visite, I ' assist »rout ; president <*f the I caguf. presided, j '• l° oa l Scout mas- . "jibe Paul Conrad, ' ounc People»' |P '' 'h' »peaker. of ,h ' "f "'e local troop of scouts attended the meeting. Guv M «».«( R- Ford. pr«*s!dent of the Kiwanis Club, of Wilmington, lead in the singing of several hymns The pro gram also includ d a Iwrlone solo Ryden, and selec lions on the organ bv Miss Elizabeth McNeal. by Prof. G. H. i Dr. Edgar Jones, rec'or of the church, who has been ill for two weeks, is much Improved, hut l« »till confined to hl» home. •'« r —■ 1, and one of their children are no "' 1 i Former Chancellor Charles M.| ""^ I mor ning and he also attended tha I f. ' young peoples' me-ting last night The .mini,I Iiinlor "nr„m" n( the \v I Ml ol Ih . Womens ( ollege held at the «>1-1 lege Saturday night, proved an en Joyable affair. The room« were at- i iraetlvelv decorated ln^" a ! L 7. , ^ "„".'.V tShr'C bv Madden'* orchestra Tl, 1 ron» and paironessL Inelujed I're^L' idem and Mrs Walter Hulllhen ; Itein Winifred J Robinson Profes.! I s„r and Mrs. (ieorge K Hutton '* Prof ssor George K Rrlnton. Miss 1 Rachel W. Tavlor. Mis« guaesita c Drake. Miss Laura V Clark Mr« Emma !.. Wilson and Professor and | ' Mrs F M K. Foster i The Jett and MotC per, y ' held | he h . 1 , . ^ ' Cht hy I h«h *, hool students wa« large-| ' J ' , ' b '' stu ''' n,a an, l P are nts, " ^ J n . er J" n 7 er fh , ' am ''* , <l,nrlnE anrt >»e re. 1, treshmem*. ! - '"*<• ' , rilKST ,.« RTn J?v 'mo , L ,lS | 1 '^•.TERTOWN Md Jan. 15 — : J h '^o^ow 7? < . .. e P1 , ovt rth/ rüniH"" 11 ! 1 ohick , PnS | ha,< ' hln,r P' lr 'mscs, making quite a ! ° f . r '' venut> ,or the farmers h,k vlc,n,,y ' W Ham«, ha« returned home ' ' Hrtrrv Milev ,,n,l Oeorce „ Philadelphia »pent the xveek-end he. e with Mr. Miley's mother, Mrs. Anna Mlley. NEAR DUO IN AUTO SMASH-UP Rounding Corner at Hill, Men Arc Hurled Against Fence FAST DRIVING GIVEN AS CAUSE' SNOW HIM* Md., Jan. 15.—Two j young tuen of Snow Hill had n i (narrow escape from death yesterday} fternoon w hen the automobile struck a 1 which they were riding ree at the corner of Church and. Martin streets. I The car was (0 Avprv Tnli , ti | ora | «nd Its driver was light six belonging ( taxi driver, ' 'arl S. Bonneville, rfs accompanied by Del Bonne ville was Jr. who ben Rrncklehurst. at th© wheel. Imme, a It. momentum seemed to incre a*e Bef«»re turning int.» at reet „roper Hie roadw-if « urfe wh ch s hard < negotiaie when traveling fa«=t f .... ' tr , .? '* ' , ' * ^ * . " .*] . .? w, ' nM, i* * > * P j ,no,:},n n S ,ert windsnield , mar .V» e ' , f Brocklehurst was thrown clear of ,,iar ^ nc * to be>«n«l l * ,f, dew.«Ik against an iron f^nce whichI .surround» the grounds around the, home *»f former United States Ben-} ®tor J«»hn Walter Smith. Bonneville | found hanging over the side of f»'oni s Spectators say that! (be car was traveling at a high rate) speed and as it approached the 1 j machine with blood streaming eral cuts his face. H«>thimail 'onscious and remained so; - ' •• Landers attended the young men. Ofisisted by Miss J. Alice Wilson,. county health nurse. Dr. Landers some time. Dr. Aurthur E. f« said that he thought neither of the victims was badly hurt. Reduction In the number «.f tax i, collection agencies now operating in ■ î • ONE OFFICE FOR TAX COLLECTION 1 : Talk of Bill to Consolidate) Revenue Gathering Agencies J t r^CW 1 \f T* V r A IA CTATC UUUiN] I AINU MAI C J TO APPLY TO CITY, n,.| an . ir e may be considered by the ;^ nrr „i Assembly in Dover, before r adjoin-^ns. The state has three main tax col the State Income Tax Depart- i c ■nt. with main offices in this city, , e *0'* T , r T U . r "'" ^ Z f v m \ The State Income Tax office col-! These lecting agencies at present. arc lect» the State income tax, the stale cor p 0ra tion tax. th«* corporation franch lse tax (on corporations char teref | ^ere and doing business out side the State) an«l the $3 filing fee. The State mercantile tax. all local business houses, stores .«nd manufacturing plans, is pai«l .directly t*» the State Treasurer, and automobile li«*enee and titling a branch of the Secretary levied on !" fees Stale's office. The Stale Income Tax off*«»*, of which M. Howard Jester is head, handles the greatest volume of busi new with the smallest staff of any il:(X aif ,. ncJ . , h e State. A. „res ont t ) l0 »,aff comprises the collector, {wo d a nellI nK „ nt an 1 H- e clerks the latter number including '* 0 k J kk * The two book .TÄT-ÄrÄ 1 J, . ln N,,w Castle county four taxes are olleeted. the tax on real and personal ,h. "5 rent school tax the P ,0 l Pr| . -' J re ' p< l° r l,,x an ' ta P ltatlon tax on • «» male» over Î1. own'ng property. In the apeclal »ehool dtatrlcta there "" addltionai special school tax. ,n ,l ' 1 ' ciI> most of the laxe« (low th - ,wo «»* otnre,. tor the ortl * , ' rn an ^ South «' rn <H«flet». the Slraet and Rewer Department and 't* Council ind Mayor's office. T *' r l ' vo ,: ix office« oolieoi the on ani1 P»f ,ona ' property. the city dchool tax .the (old) paving nxr * ??} wha ' l!, , kno ". n a * » homes $ " **' n " ' n< ' r " ° '^ y Counrll through the office of the clerk collects the mercantile „„ a „ Ätoro . businesses in Lu-tria* and manuf .ctunn* plants '"<1 professions. I nder special or » 1 tax „ are „aid to this agency. The mayor's office collect» license I fees or taxes on theatres and other a.uusemc!„ pinces i Thp S|n(>t an(J s „„,Wartment ol!,( '' s ,h - '«ve« the (new) r-. jzsrz il,,. vommont i., t > i w itrr Drinrtnvnl ind Board of n '"' ro , " , " nr f °rms of MtoJr taxes. TO BAU IKK Kl V PLAYKUS. PITTSBURG—Adoption by the Hockey Association of a one-year residence rule jo stop the Canadian - rholesale migration players into the league will he nsk ©d at the next meeting by Roy D. Cooley, secretory of the association. Î DELIVER MAIL IN PARR SOON SnowiService to Be Inaugurated in Suburbs Tomorrow Morning W. E. SEIDELL ! . . . » ' HAS SUB-OFFICE Special to The Evening .fournil. RICHARDSON BARK, Del., Jan. ! ' 15.—Acting under orders from H. H. 1 in'BILany, fourth assistant pos'.m ister 1 general. James J. English, post mas- | K*r at Wilmington, will Inaugurate th® house to house delivery of mail The mall will be «le Here tomorrow. îivered twice daily to homes Uu car-j 1er office through the Klsmere station. orking from the Vilmlngton } II Is to be addressed the j il inten«le«J for Wilmlng-j the words, Richardson j 'ostrnaster English has informed j Five ! same as on with The «»f street numbers for their homes. Willard E. Seidel, druggist, who I wLI have charge of the sub-post bad completed all arrange )nYents to handle si mips, money or- 1 dem and parcel post packages in tended for mailing. The new service Uat'k added, • the mail committee of the Point Civics Association. Galen Jor- j «lin. chairman, that the fourteen res- : idents along South duPont and the! Middlehorough roads could have «aine privileç,*} they were given box numbers instead j res idents here and i in comes effective at 9.15 o'clock to morrow morning. The few dwellings that mi mbered had r.ot equipped with* '«'re placed ln <*onditi« been boxes by the Saturday. owners MIDDUirrOWN ROLL OF HONOR PUPILS The Evening Journal. MIDDLETOWN. Jan. 15.—These pupils of the Middletown public schools are on the honor roll for th«' (month of December: Twelfth grade—Mary Atwell, Wal Margaret Mar dal a ga re: Harris ('aroline Fouracre, E«1 Jward Hart. Minerva Joseph. Harmon Money. Harmon Reynolds. Marjorie ; Records. Kl-vonth Klizahoth Clayton. Er ihrr Shnllcm-s. K-ih*r llutohlnanp. Mary Watts Dorothy Railedge. Helen ^ Kates, Harry Armstrong. Dorothy ( caulk Harris McDowell. Alfred fol ins. Margaret Brady. ' Tenth—\ Irglnla Johnson. France»Uj Clark. Bradford Wilson, Mary Steele, j Mildred Manlove. Katherine Conley. , . I 'arlton Lynum. Ninth grade—Rolen Fouracre. Ella Eliza Me- j •ell. Holen Moore. Margaret Shall- I j os.«. Martha Weldon, Eunice llor I îravett. Frances Harris. sev. Wa 1er Lee King, Winfield B»*lts. Horace Otwell. [ Julia Atwell, Virginia Johnson, Path- : . r j ne Beast on, Helen Johnson, Path-J Eighth—James Thornton, Julian c ine Carpenter, John Donohoe. Jr-j seph Beaston, Joeffry Newsome. ; Seventh—Margaret Denny. Helen ('leaver, Margaret Baker. Anna Fnul-j ^ r ° *^ l,rr ' urak. ('hurles I'ope. Sixth—Margaret 'I'hornton. Doro Paul Ohl, j m\ »*r. thy Ratten. Katie Reed, Anna Money, Virginia Truitt, Mar ian Ifeidmyer, Tle'cn Foard. Robert t Dorothy Armstrong. Evelyn Elliott. Phillips, I-* i f r h—Wanda S« hultfe. Lena Lea- * Bradley. Frances At- j Almeta Roberta 1 get*. Fannie well. Minnie Sweetm.m. f.enrce Ree- , or,Is, Elizabeth Burge, Helen Beck. Alice Carey, f.illian Klhert (Solder. Fourth—Jtynes Jump. Dnlla.« Ol- , Katherine Mullen i well. John IM»er. F.lizabeth Isaacs. Alvan Batten. Mar garet Tvler. Franc*» Ellison. Dorothy* Hufnal. Adelaide Green, Kthel | | lnllh I)p |„ n Tl1 » h . Grace Morris. ; '1 r i7 ,h.ih <?iv, er Mar Michael ' ole. Kaza th . | . • • j garet Spicer. Holton Kvans, Eliza- . heth Swain Frences Fisher. Mollle ! Heed Thorn Th.rd—Helen Schultz loin Thorn ton, Dorothy Todd, Albert » romp ton Helen Spicer Steven Cole Kr nest Tiuitt, Ethel Ibom , . Adams. Everett ï^wta. »»rry Ä ; Savin, .r a • e Grace Harris, More head. gene Thom,on. Robert Hrj n.-e. William Harris. Moon, - , y <" ■ on. . a a l'-iii „'.'.«worth Pauline cross, t larence Elllngsworth, I aullne WinHm» C< Reed''.^mbl 'wm' s ,Jib ros«. ' Fred Shallcrom. Hoyden 'Caulk William inglish. James Piser William Thomas. Eleanor Blackley. Charles Crompton, William Leager. George Tihbett. Irving I.-esin, John Haubert, Clara Mullen. Alice Smith, Biggs, Arthur Poore. Elwood Rhoades. Fred Ellis. J. B. Thornton. I James Tyler. Edward Johnson Kd ward Behelttler. Joseph Dulin. Ml- \ Sewell BSkps. Anne Brag- i Mary Shall- I Clifford Clifford 'lam Morehead. Bradford Poore. First—Vaughan Truitt , Franklin pennexvill. Thornton, IMith Seamans Louise Hufnal An nabel Meselck. Elizabeth Peacock. ««„.ban.-. M.nne... Bertha i.reka, Lio n Lincoln. Stella Leager. I = I 1 Apply Brasilian Balm to , I any chapped, chafed #r , affected part of the skin 1 and immolât# r# hof. turnout tor thfo Lj9ÜÉÜÉiK) gan9rat,ona 1 # ^^ .VilTTl I î I *#• W A I P • T 4 I Sea ford Pupils Sot New t 1 1 tondu n ce Record 1 ,h Special to The Evening Journal. SEAFORI», Bel , Jan. 15.—The attendance at a ford public school for the month the !T'" '" tage " f of December was the best history of the school, of those having perfect and good at The names tendance for the month wer?: grade—Perfect : Tate. Parris, Charles Georgie Isabel Dorot hy First ! Klnehelmer. ' Keed, Annie Marie Husu.n, Jack Gordy, Day. Eva Marie Carmine. Mary Ida ( Sood: ,1 Maly Allen. I >onald Tracey. J .a wren ce A'lims. Harold Srittingham, Monroe Stanley Hardesty. Miles VanSant. Harold Lloyd, Vic 'asswaten, Robinson. Ernest tnrine Moore, Edna Marvel, Marga ret Cassell. grade—Perfect : Wilson 'ollins. Marion Bramble, Everett . Flora Coulbourn. Dom inico Monaco. Edward Moore. Irene Marie Duvall. William Katherine Bl Second Coulbourn. Neill, Horace Pay lingsworth. Martha Lloyd, Lauri Martin. Henry Phillips, Leonard Porter. Marie Moore, Ups, Norman Pusey. Josephine Tib ' lit. Charles Rlchaids, Marion Wainwrlght, Essie Welch, Marga ret Wheatley, Ralph Smith. Horace «d; I ; M'lba Phil-1 ley, Harlan Tull, Montgomery, «mi Coulbourn, Elizabeth Catherin * Marie Jones. Mary Morris, Markowitz. Esther Markowitz. Lu cille Owens. Florence Stein. Marga Warren. Solomon Harrington. G Burton Marvel. Margaret Preaton Marvel, Dorothy thejoiiv?r Wright. *°n. Charles Coulbourn, James Dry *|en, Robert Favinger, Melson Hur I« igo. Stewart. Third grade Perfect. Robert Ai Royce Pusey, Lai-ev Griffith. Frank Loretta Berridge. Na- | Ronald Lloyd. Elliott, j Huston. M argaret James. 1 Ro.«e ret Stack, l.oulse Wiley. Margaret Workman, Pauline Workman. Thel Waller. Good: Wilson Adtms, Barton Graham. Charles Hollis. /Henry Lingo. Isra?l Rosenberg. IMrry Short, James Eskridge. Al ton Eskridge. Agnes Henderson. Alice Bryan. Fourth ggrade — Perfect; Allen. Charles Bramble. Oliver AI ! Oscar len. Millard Benson. Emmett (îrifflih. Donald Johns James Moore. Frank Monaco. Ever .. • I ' Billy Covey. aft Smith. Richard Trimble. Franklin Wheatley, Paul White. Holen Col lins. Martha Coulbourn. Virginia Harrington. Gertrude Warren. Eliz- | a beth Welch. Berkeley Sellers. Sin Phillips. O I i n flood : Spicer. Blan. h • O'Neal. Ida Moor*'. Mary .la Li ngo, Todd. Everett Thomas Adams. Alexander Harrington. Vincent Sul Alle Flaniga n. , ,, „ ... Mat .0 «»«»rt. Rwiu Uhoa T n rPn *' on ^ 1 P ,"' ,a 1 Bryan. Anna Mnv Bryan. David Rohinjlon> Fiflh Grade—Perfect: Hargadlne Allen, William Graham. William a jj n arrv Eank. Hay man Lank. I XV } j t ., r t M on tg 0 rncrv. Russell Por . ft . Mi, bourn Berridge. Edna Lyon», Hazel Dryden. Helen Twilley. Fllra | Stack. Ruth Workman. Beulah Mar j Pn herg. r.illahan Tihb ' ■ ... vel. .Haze Hall. Good: Varden A -I . .. .Tillius Rosen Thompson. Oliver I Lott!«» Tracey, Alice William Lloyd Fol- j ». F 1 i w b ° r h Wilson. * Elizabeth j stein. Ethel Messick. Ellentine Mar- ! V ej. Phristire Martin, Sixth Krade —I'erfoct: * Ralph I Kin*. Frederick Mile». Avery Phil lips. Sara Fields. Elizabeth Graham. ' Vivian Kenney. Jane Lankford. Phristtan Lord. Nola Marx* *1. Mor i Sarah Scotten, Alma Txrllley. Good;, Wilbert Allen. William James. Ern est Wilson. Calvin Lyons, Efither 1 Harrington. Mildred Wheeler. Hat-) tie Bryan. Helen Elliott, H«*hn Mar vel. Norah Marvel. ■ Seventh grade-- Perfeet : Glen | Allen Cannon. Edward Conn way. George Culver. Allen Hastings. ; Fred Lank ford. Leon Messick. Robert ! Simon. Edward Stack. Albert Tull. Parker Know!-, Bowen. Messick. Stanley Irene Glen Mears, ton. James Willey. Helen DexTtt. i Elizabeth Marvel, Victoria Mill thea, Helen WIDy. Good: ; Lincoln Harrington. Ray King. Leslie Coulbourn. Eighth grade—perfect; James Adams. Harry Darby. William Gnf- ; Nelson Taylor, l^on Tull. Carl « '* Alton Allen. Herbert Friedel, K || tal „., h Br) , o a ,| vs Rrvan Nellie ' ' ' ,, . .' . . « "Ulbourn, Amanda < ulver. Mar, Kills. Sara Catherine Graham, Mlr i/,n ' Hoffman. Bmerett Knowlton I.arrimore ,,Bnk ' ' nnn More than a Tonic I fl I ' Health and Strength ia th# M#st Palatable Form [ONE Aids Digestion Stimulates Appetit# Rebuilds Tissues CKEKCâteoB No Laxative Effects distributed by n. b. danforth. SOLD BVj p ranc | a R. Gallafcher. 2004 Market j| w; Kitrer. Fourth and Uni«)»; nlrev{ ; : star Uharmacy. Seventh and Ti , tna |, Stray, r'a 1 »nig «Sture, , u \\o 9 i Tenth street; W K. Brown. rnarv. New « Mstle. Delaware; Kconomx Medn-jne Stor.»* In--, Marri-. H -k « , .. w , v . , I u.h Ml"*. Bertha o Neal, Francs. 1 ay ne Katherine Kawl Ina. Nettie 'ifrlf n c ! « Mary fc"« beth 'White. Good; Brooks -Marvel, Itose Holt. Helsn Jefferson. Elila 'V n :r i N'nth grade—Perfect: William Barnes. S. P A.len J. B. Allen, Harry Bell, Allen < htpman. I.eon aid Darble, Frank Friede), Carlton James. Walter Hatfield. Hallas Hastings, Ezra Hill, Ruth Elliott. Helen Handy. Clark K us, William Elton Knowles. Charles McNeilly, Edwin Marvel, Claude Records, Melvin Riggln, Richard Stack. Howard Stein. Adrian Willey, I Clara Lloyd. Anna Marvel, Lennie Marvel. .Marian Marvel. Canaria Kinney, j Neal, Margaret Phillips. Tillie Kofi-j senberg, Fannie White, Paulin^ j White. Good: Wright Robinson. Al Black, Gertrude Lessley, Marga ret Morgan. Alice Pusey, Hostei , Sutherland, James Fogle. Dorothy | Harrington, Alice Houston. Ir -ne Kinder. ! Tenth grade—perfect: Franklin | Cîeorge Huston. William) I Lank. R'.chard Miles, Harold Stack, j Allen. Gertha Waller. Inn Mac Benson, Louise Coulbourn. Anna Culver, Louise Fanny Goodman, Elizabeth Hollis, Ethel Link ford. Maude Knowles. Francis Martin. Anna Mae Moore, ; Evelyn Marvel. Nellie Payne. Eva Rosenberg, Erma Tull. Myrtle Wes sels. Julia Wheatl?y. Eleventh grade - Margaret ' Favinger, . Ella Hill. Eva . Beatrice O'Neal. Elizabeth Eskrldg . Lucille Covey, Ellis. Grace Virginia Hudson. Mattie' - ; Gr b.* | »lohns j Prettyman, Hattie »Short, Emily Tuil. i 1 Granville Culver. William Elzey. • Theodor•> Fleetwood. Frias Graham. Edwin Huches. Dallas Marvel, Fred Nevlns. Alton O'Day, Glenn Pusey. 1 Leslie Stein. William Truitt. Tru tt ; Tull, Randolph Waller. John Willln. J Good: Naomi Allen. Alice* Burton. I va Carter, Edith Hill. Helen Mor I birse. Gra Mary Riggin. Nona »• Owei Twelfth gride—Irving ('arpenter. ! William Darbie •e. Eunice Dovitt, Herman Elzey. Branch Morris, Morrison Frank Short. Mary L Martha Harringon. fîood: • Howard Purse, James Ross. Marga cet Miller. The percentage of attendance for | I the month by grades was as follows: ' 1st. 82.6 per c ° n t; 2nd, 93.5 Kraft. | cent; 3rd, 97.2 per per cent; 5th. P^ r *nt; 4 th. 94.7 84 per cent; 6th. •enf; 7th. 87 per cent; Sth. per cent; 9th. 95.5 per cent: loth. ;<>. rnnl : llth. »S prr r-m ; 87.6 per 93.8 • 2th, 98.3 p»'r cent. , .... „ * \NM.HS « HKEPKI h. ATLANTIC CITY. Jan. 15— A gçn jeral note of optimism is evident in iH« canning Industry, according to a ■ statement issued here by a commit-j I tee arranging fo- the annual sessions of the National Tanneries Associa ii n n, the ('.inninj Machinery and j | Supply Aseociatlon and Hie National Food Brokers' Association. , , . , . The statement issued for the pres 'xi. , .. • . i idents of the three associations de I e'ared : ■ our convention in j 1921, industrial history h is been j made; but the time« indicate that the: ! r# tion of business has about fipent its force, and all of •const r 'ill I come to Atlahtin City thl* year with . - , ■ i j^iA I t f* I t Ç ' m VU vClD m. * Apply over throat and cheat —swallow small pieces Of— ! j : j VICKS w VapoRub Cher 17 Million Jan Yearly |j II INVESTMENTS^ JJ] LOANS~ ^ f 1 GOOD TIMES stop when you are troubled with money matters. A LOAN may put you on your feet again. Wilmington Morris Plan Bank 909 SHIPLEY STREET Open Tuesday Evening Until 8 o'clock ■ -T-, / i Splendid » il Sweater , Coats Ij'Jlj « $ 10.00 Just received another shipment of fleecy, full-fashioned Coat Sweaters. The right kind are rather scarce. MANSURE & PRETTYMAN î ■ duPont Building (Inside Tenth Street Entrance) High Grade But NOT High Price. FINE PROGRAM FOR CHURCH YOUNG FOLK V Special to The Evening Journal, NEWARK, Jan. Thoma „. p K Church Iast eveninK * MH . rKl| ^ were h „,., un „,,. thf a ,..plc«, of the Young I-eopleV L ,. ltgup Wlll Conrad presided. Th-v ,. hlef feature was an Illustrated ad dress on Boy Scout reorganisation and work jn Franr e bv Frank A tireenhawk. of Wilmington. State Executive of the Bov Scouts of America, the one Scout executive in lM uf »America who was selected' 1 , 0 po to FranC e to assist in uer forming that reorganization work chief ureenhawk was Introduced by ' ,| ohn s . shaw, executive head of the * Boy Scouts of Newark, most of I whom were present to hear the ad 15.—In St j dress and see the stereopticon pic- © tine«. Other especially phasing features of the evening s exen ises were a baritone solo by Professor «* G. H. Hyden. of the Universiiy of sing Gll * Kiwanls and a veil le.*; dor, ffiemted • 'hancellor Mrs. Ford of the longue. * 'ho was was prevented .If she b« * on next Sunday Delaware faculty, and « ing under the leadership R Foard, president of the Club of Wilmington. know community chorus Elizabeth R. McNeal. the organ. Formed Uirtls and Mist at Charles M. also by illness from doing ? able, she will sing evening. speaker were ■ guests Miss Elinor Duffy, soprano, io have su ng a solo. so. Announcement ade t hat the H next Sunday evening will Pyle, cremator of th*' Sett lernet in vas be Miss 8ar. People's Wilmington md its j reaent executive head. There * dll be a tine musical Iso pro gram. At the former Chan«*ellor Curtis he id ot ,he honor court of the Bov x.-oute and an Kpiscopul lay ducte«i the •ning service yest « î day i reader, • service, the illness on of ; the condoled the •rvice, the il)n«<4s J of the rector, the Rev Jones preventing him being present. Jones and their »on, Norman, also are ill. Mrs The Want Ads are a:ting i s«-4i by those w}io «Io not know this c j t y j ts ways. The want Ads . h€ spirit." are il friend and advisor as well as a directory which cannot be bettered. lighu-r hearts and an optimistic » The sessions, which will open Jan conrinu^d for five « «lays, a day longer than any previous convention, becaui program. Herbert Hoover on Tuesday night, nary 2 2. will be f the crowfled fill speak a . there are a number nf other notnh ee on th. list. Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Belter Than Calomel . Edwards' Olive Tablets are a Harmless Substitute Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets—th»* sub fititute for calomel—are a mild but ©tire t... . . „ . laxative, and their effect liver * th»* These little ils almost instantaneous. olive.color«»d tablets are «the result of I»r. Edwards' determination not f rea t and bowel complaints with colo bv md. The pleasant little tablets do the good that calomel doc», but have tm bad after , CtTenv' iineid» 11 "" ei'loni'Xl lll< ThVv"i!i'ke hold of the trouble and quickly correct t. Why cure the liver at the expense of rvoc^^xxdh the*°guma* <>rn So m «d« «trong ^ , , . . a u»-t Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take Its place. Headache«, "dullness fueling come from const ij«« \ Ion disordered liver. Take .Olive Tablets xx-ben you heavy." They ••clear" and "perk up" the spirits. and that !azx u and a Pr. Edwards' fe»'l log'. an«l clouded brain ^ 15c and 30c.