Newspaper Page Text
-f * The Evening Journal IN NEWS CIRCULATION ADVERTISING THE WEATHER Pair tonight and Wednesday, colder tonight Froiih to strong northwest wind«. 20,555 with frrozing temperature. CIRCULATION YESTERDAY "THE FIRST NEWSPAPER OF T HE FIRS I CITY OF Till FIRS! STATE ." WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, TUESDAY. JANUARY ÜÜ 1923 T 18 PAGES THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 186 FINAL CENTS. -w FEAR GUERILLA WAR BLOODSHED IN GERMANY; DEAN OF UNIVERSITY OF DELA WARE DEAD; GOVERNOR REAPPOINTS JUDGE H. L. RICE . VEA « S E. LAURENCE SMITH. 20 I ME I HIER OF DEL iWA RE E I Cl L T). VICTIM OF PNEUMONIA ATTACK I " I - Graduated Emm In - 11106; Studied at st ila lion in Then Cot urn hi ti l niversity and in Paris — Be came Instructor at Delà ira re in Professor of Modern Languages in and Dean in 1915. II as "Big lint!her to l ndergraduates ! ■ 1903 ■ 1901 99 El \ERAL FRIDAY; ER HU rt s I OICED ini to Thr Kvt-nin* .Itinrnal. ■ NKVVARK l»-i Ian. 1«. — rMward l.turt-nrr Smith, ngrd 4. r . yrars. Dran of the I'nlversiiv of Delaware, pro d head of the modern lan guage department of that University, and «»n«* of the he»t 'iked men in the State, died at hi« home in Delaware. Ylock this morning. r «**»sor a I avenue at on Death wa» «lue which he had etiff**red Sunday following a «-hill he w»« »tricken while attending a ■ «nt at a in the Building in Wilmington la*«t Friday night. lie felt unwell before going to the «'amata Dean Smith wa.« ac-_ compared by hi« wife when firat, »tricken and hi« condition on Satur* pneumonia from »•nee last vith which Century f'lub New day wa« «uch that he wa» compel led to remain in hi* bed. On Sunday Dr. il. D. H. Koliock and Dr. Charlea H. Blake, pro nounced the a:lnient as pneumonia. h nd a trained nur.«« wa.« engaged. Kverything known to medical .science was done for Dean Smith but hi* • ondltion gradually grow weaker ast night. It was realized then that hi» condition was critical and he wa.« kept alive throughout the night by the admin stering of - i n * 11 oxygen. He had 1 »inking .«pell at 4 o'clock, when hi« heart weakened md ho expired an hour later. Drs. (Continued on Page Fourieen) ! j ' FOR FLIi AT SCHOOL HOARD ' O. E. McKnight, Middle town, Writes in Defense of Officials j SAYS LAWYER SHOULD ■ FIRST GET EVIDENCE ... „„ . - "Î ,tp „ . I, , . „ _ n !.. M .I- , K. '* r 't . « n J Kn . t. nt - IZ fi t ,° f . th " , DC,a r r ! r'il.J.L Awocmtlon. which non nA ° M ha 'l,. a membership of MOO, mostly public school teachers. - sent a letter to Representative .Mel son today critlclxina him for hl« at tack on the floor of the House yes . let-day on the State Board of Ediica-' lion. At. Mr. Melson's siijrçpstion the letter was read In the House by Ihe clerk. For .-lover Palrv ftaTe Milk phone , 15 40-1 r» 41_\dv < Mr. tative Mr-1,on McKnight advised Represen o inve*tigate hi» facts before making an attack on the (Continued on Page Fourteen) TODAY'S TEMPERATURE. At The Evening Journal office. . « m A. M..11 12.01 t>. M .. . . 1# 1".»» A. M. 18 1.00 P. XI. 30 SUN AND TIDE . Sun r!»«'« Sun sets . . .. . 7.21 A. M. j 4.59 V. M Head of Christiana. High wgter 11.ns A. M 1*)W water ,1 jj p M ' 7 00 P. XI I : j . - ; JJ «.20 A. XI • r IXÎST LOST—One package containing A - shirt and army pants, he, w ren Fifth and King and Fourth ami Xlark t Sis. Xlrs. I 'lighten. Hi "or - ..i ICouUnuad au P age £cycnlcfiii.J J Dean F. ! jut rencc Smith wwk ' t A m y e ■y*<A 'A.. ■ / y mm A ■ Ufer j , ; i , -> ■ Ï0 DEAN SMITH ■ VOICE TRIBUTES President LVndall, 01 Alum ... m, Names Committee ro Attend Funeral DR. HULLIHEN SAYS COLLEGE IS STRICKEN Many exproaninn« of regrot over [the death pf Penn Smith of the. University of Pria ware, were voic cd today. Harry \V. Lyndall, president of the University of Delaware Alumni Association, who is in Chicago, this : I i morning > nt a telegram to Judge. the Hugh M. Morris, of State» Court for the District of Del- i Unite«! aware, designating the following committee of well-known alumni to t represent the nsaocintion ot the fu neral of Dean Smith: Judge Mor ins. Jurig* Richard S. Rodney.. Har ri» Samonisky. George ]»ckwnod. j the Rev. and Carl Harrington and George Morgan, of Philadelphia. Pr Walter Hullihcn proaMcnt of! th<* L'nivoroity of Delaware, in sp-ak-ity :1ns on the. death of Pean Smith. said: 'Th.- L'nlveroUy U sorely stricken ^ !,1P <,pa,h of Dean E.lward Lau-! rence Smith. The college lose* a « i*e and efficient exeeutive. the fa, -1 uUy „ valued CO || eaB ,„.. anil t ,„. . stU( j Pnt(i a much-loved counsellor j and frlPnd ,.. ! Karl Brandt, president of the stu- j dent body of the university, said: "The death of Doan Edward Lau- ■ rence Smith comes as a sa il and i overwhelming blow to the student body. Our best friend has gone; his ; sympathetic understanding ami just '> ways endeared him to us long ago as j our kindly confessor. We have many ! appreciated his humor: w have been inspired by his faithful I »««-"da"'-" t °" r "' hl *" C we have thankcil him in the past' j times (Continued on Page Fourteen.) CANCEL LECTURE OF GLENN FRANK As a mark of respect to the latei Pean Smith, of the University of Delaware. Glenn Frank, editor of the Century XIagajine. today' cancelled his lecture this morning to the faculty and students of the fnlver-'j Ihe public In sit}'. His lecture t Wolf Hall, Newark, ton glu wa» also .. ..,i WORK REVIEWED __ COUNTY ROAD p.ruhh Fnoinppr Rprnm VJUIUU, CilglllCCI , rvctuill mends Elimination of Rail road Grade Crossings 185 MILES NOVT OF GOOD HIGHWAYS Charte» F. Crubh. County Engi neer. ha« submitted the ninth bl cnninl report of the New Castle^ (County State Highway Commissioner to the General Assembly. The report contain» fourteen < typewritten pages and show« the work d«inc ami other details of the county engineers of offl« e « the year. Mr. Grubb sdbmits the following recommendations: that 1. That the requirement S:ate Aid roads he roads running in a generally east and west direction he eliminated. of Stot* Aid he authorized sufficient in amount to match appropriation made available for State offer Coun durinp the next two years. 3. That highway protection, by uniformed police force he rstah. Halted. 4. That tractor.* with cleota be restricted in use of coumy improved road.. 5. That team, traversin* hi.h way» at night he required to carry lights showin* in front and rear. Thr r-port is acromponlrd by a main under penalty of fine. regulation streets of suburban realty develop tuent* be subject to officiai approval as to alignment, drainage and width, nation adopted, 6. That f 7. That a program for the elimi of grade crossings be map sh tig the improved road sys-j (Conlinticd on Pasc Sixteen.) n Cold II are Soon A cold wave of marke«, inten sity will grip practically the en tire eastern section of the coun- , try tonight, the Wa«hingt«m | weather bureau forecast« today. .The wave will involve the south, and freezing temperature and frost will prevail in Florida. Alabama. Georgia and the Caro linas, the bureau stated. Snow was forecast for Penn sylvania. New York and th» northern New Knclan«! State». , t SUOGESTED TAKES FORM Borrowing Limit Fixed to 10 Per Cent, of Prop erty Values. $600 SALARY FOR EACH COMMISSIONER Limitation of the city's borrowing capacity to ten per cent, of the «» j*c»«cd value of property was agreed (Upon by member.« of the Mayor a Advisory Board at another confer- ! ence with Ieon Walker, rhairman of the Citizens' «'harter Committee, \ e«terday afternoon. Provision of limitation of fifteen per cent, wan made In the Charter hill introduced in the lîeneral A a- j •mbly two year«.ago. Thie year the ; «'harter Committee ha» reduced the j limitation per cent When J Mr. Walker read the revlaed provl «ion to the Mayor'« adviaora yeater Fund nd teen per cvnt. would make it diffi cult to market municipal seouri Another Important change in the present draft of the Charter bill compared with that «»f two year« ago relate» to the gulnri*« to be paid > the five cotnmi»»ioner«. which are to len day, jt at on* e met w ith approval Member» of the CommlMlnn and other official« »pon«ihle for the city'« finance«, fa vored the lower figure on fhe g that an extension of the limit of fif Sinking tie*. form the city'» adminlatrative or | councllntanlc body. Two year» ago It w'»« provided tha< t*a«-h commis ioner »hould receive »alaiy of $2000 a year with an ad«lUi«>nal $500 for the ronimi 1 * oner velec t#»d a« Mkyor. The present hill rut the »alarie« to (Font in lied on Tage Fourteen ) 1 I r > rrt ; | Trr n IS ÜTY NEED 1 , r Dr. McBirney Tells Women to Keep Awake to Health BETTER MARKETS ' Demands URGES CITIZENS TO CO-OPERATE Pr. Robert S McBirney. secretary f the Board of Health, told women f the New Centfury Club, this morn j nff that ihe subject of hotter mar kets for the city is becoming more Important to the city every day. He also told the club women they must the needs of the 1 ; ■ho I. oha.r keep awake t city. Pr. McBirney » subjest was "The Relation of the Board of Health to the Home and Community." a«ldress the member* He ss invited t |of the club ot t h** invitation of Mrs ICiawson S. ll.immltt. the household econ«»mics man of •ommlttee Dr McBirney Among the things Pr. McBirney iid in part : "A board or commissioner who is wake to the situation and a wake -aid: [ just a bit before thé rest of the peo (Contfnued on Faae Ten ) EXPECT FRANCE TO AGREE TO U. S. PLAN 16-—France o straighten the reparation« problem as suggested by the United States, according to a belief in well Informed quarters today. High authorities of the Ameri can government think that .is soon a* France h i* realized the futility of her experiment in the occupation of , h , rirh Kuhl . va „ PV ,, f r „ take up in some form the proposal for an interna tional commission of economic and WASHINGTON. .Tan will eventually agree effort to _ to make an i»ny shp wl „ gla.Hv experts to recommend a German reparation sum. Already there have been some in dications that the Poincare govern ment wa« considering «uch a step. hut *o far there has heen no ollicial confirmation here of these reports. : financial WASHINGTON, Jan. IS (United Press).—Roland W. Boylen, Amerl can representative on the reparations commission, has not been author Izcd to submit any plan to the com mission, it was «aid at the State Pe partment today and he has not done so. Alundx Bros. S = V Furniture--Adv. SALARIES ARE I SAVS BENSON Cut Would Impair Efficiency of Auto Bureau, His View HITCH OVER MILEAGE FOR ASSEMBLYMEN Staff f*»rre#»pond#nt. ST\TK HOVffi Jan. Seerotary « legislature the ftret hearing« of State depart ment« before the committee which 1a oft. the total« of the office for 1922. wa« lee« than 2 per cent, of th* total a Del . DOVER, submitted • n to the by 16.—Report» ►f ätate Hem Budget Committee at preparing the budget for tue next two year« showed that the expen«° of the office in collecting $1 378.627. Hint i-olleofed Secretary Henson «urprirod »om* of the member» when he explained that although the. - 1« what i« called \ $25.600' renting vt fund for «h* office, that all «alarie« and other ex penaea for conducting the htisin of the office cornea out of that fund and a «perlai $5 oan appropriation. He »aid,that lie ha« not contingent money for hi» own per .-*onal u**w Benson »aid. that if «ailed away on o f ficial business of the office he ha« paid hi« expen»»** out of hi« own ^ui;kPt and ha» not put in a bill to he State for that expense. It ha« been »suggested to C« ricral Benson. r cent For in«iance Secretary ht wever. by a mciuher of the T«egis .a'ure that he -hould put in a hill or »uch p* tvonal expense when call »d away on offi< ial hu«ine»» to the' «laima committee .1» he (» entitled to he reimhur»ed to that extent. Secretary Bon«on al»o tohl the (Continued on rage Sixteen ) riX'IY I''A 111/ 11 If 1 STREET PARKING t Proposed Ordinance Would Limit Car Stop Privilege to One Hour ' TO BAN MARKET WOMEN KNITTERS FORCE NEW RULING A resolution prohibiting the park ing of nutnmohih« or other vehicles °n Market, King. Shipley. Orange and intersecting street«, between the southerly curb >f Front street and the northerly curb of Eleventh street, for more than on** hour, was given it« first and second reading by the Street anil Sewer Pirectors ' .'this morning. The public hearing on ,.he resolution will be held at 10 o'clock next Tuesday morning. | It was .«aid by the director» this morning the introduction of the ro.oiut.oi « «listrict» of th«* city, violating a pres ♦•nt resolution governing parking in the business d.strict*. The résolu ,j mobilists wh tion« amends the present resolution adopted February 5. 1920, and ap proved February 9. 1920 and amend ed on January 2, 1922 The amending resolution strike out Se« tion 3ft and in»e new section, to be known as Section 3ft. which reads: 'That the section of th«* City of Wilmington 'lying and being between the southerly curb line of Front «•m street and the northerly curb line 0 f Eleventh street, and the easterly curb line of King street and the westerly curb line of Orange street, *h a U be designated a parking district ' No person or (Continued on Page Fourteen) 'restrict««! Pinchol for Dry, Silzer Wet State Pennsylvania New Jersey should be wet. These were the inaugural as iu*t he dry. sertions of Gifford Pinchot and Georg«» S. Silzer as they were sworn in today as Governor« of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, neighbor States. Pinchot declared that "above i I j all else" hi* decision is to make Pennsylvania dry. Silxer urged the Legislature to pass a reso lution asking Congre*. to amend the Volstead act so that light wines and beer may he legalized. ■ I ; J Judge 11. L. Rico Iff t V >**■ |i ' % u 4 — Photo by Kill« Studio. It« i vi|»l»4itiit4«l lt«**d<tnit Xsonrinte .Imlge f«*r PtHie-year tiovfmor Penney Indiijr. JUDGEIIICE AnnOlinCOfflCflt bv (iOVCI*nor ill TOR 12 YEARS 1 j | WAS FIRST APPOINTED bv i^)v. pennewill Denney; Requires Con firmation by Senate j PhVRfi, Del., C An " l,,nr for the conatitutioiiul term of twelve years. Judge Rice'« present term of' onice win expire March 1 . «-»'."tirit «ppomttd 5, iuhTI"'..'"",. " ov ' rn ( nr p * n "T" ln ,sn w «ppointment will have to he con firmed by the pre»ent State Senate, and no opposition 1« expected to hi» confirmation. He wa« generally en «lor«ed hv member« of the Bar for reappointment. STATE HOUSE, Jan. 16.-—Governor Denney at the Th. Announcement of the reappoint Rice thl« morning ment of Judge was received with «ati»fa<*tlon among memhers of the Bar in this city. So far ns uld he !earne«i no other me had heen suggested for his place on the bench, Judge Rice is 4»'> years old and is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Rice of Claymont. formerly of this city. He was educated in the pub (Continued on Rage Fourteen) ai A V OTT I ill/ 10 lu fl I VI illJlA IV JtI/iJ, iJl/iS\I\ 111 rxx^ar^w» lFI' ||1 11111/ ill lr 11 I III |l /I Ml /I (11^1 1 I I tl 11/I IT ill I ; Army Offircer Has Been Colonel of State Guards Two Years , CAPT. HUGGINS IS INSTRUCTOR colonel of the msth Artillery. Or g«nizid Militia Jof Dola-waro. and ior instructor *>f the War Pepart Major II. W. Stark. C. A. C., • ment for the State Militia, has been ransferred to the Hawaiian Islands. Major Stark re< eivrd orders of his transfer' yesterday and is to report there the early part of July. Major Stark and Mr.«. Stark and two children hax«* bc**n living at 2445 West Eighteenth street for sometime. Major Stark will sail from New York on April Kl for his new post. Major Stark was graduate«l from the Naval Academy in 1911 (Continued on Page Ten.) ' ! 12 FREE MOVIE TIC KETS In the classified columns each day, j will be found the names of six per-1 sons who are Invited to see the leading moving »picture shows. Read; carefully anil see if your name ap-| to see "Broadway •Ebb . today. pear* Rose." at the Arcadia, and Tide," a I the Queen. Wednesday | jlmgh^ See page IT today. FRENCH ARMY Of OCCUPATION NOW HOLDS DORTMUND 1 I ill/ I HEL TODAY French Force in Prussia Border City Defeated in Bloodless Fight ORDER ALLES TO GIVE UP CITY . PA Bis. Jan. 16. (1 nlfoil f*ro«w) — % frone lia« hern rotabllshcil and a the neutral rone fixed rreneli ami the Lithtmntan« In the Mom* I arm. A con rail of AmNiMndm« incfl to consider tl»e situation fo morrow. France will Insist It I» re ported. t liât the autli«»rliy of the |M»wem must not Ik* disregarded. will RRP.I.I.V. Jan. 11 (T'nltrd Prr«»l. j—Lithuanian Irregular troop, held memel. Ea.t border city un tier JurJ.dlrtion of the League bf Na ttona. bv force of arm» today, hav ^TbUe^'Ä- Kr ' nph r::; °br ih. fdthuanian» yesterday, proved to be variety and the only mild of a caaualtfea reported were spectator», two of whom wounded. among were The Lithuanian» are reported to hate ordere«! the Allie« to withdraw f (Continu*«l on läge Ten) 1 Citizens IImiff R. R. Man Suspected of Sa bo taffe; Flog Strikers Friend HARRISON. Ark . Jan. 1Ä (Unit body of K C Pre»»>.—The t*regor, striking railroad shopwork er, hanged by Infuriated citizens. was cut down from a high trestle Orogor wa« hanged, according to Depury Sheriff A. B. Holt, after he resisted attempts of a mob of 10. ono business men and farmer» who wore seeking to Identify person» who have carried on a campaign of sabotage on the Missouri and North There were no mark» of violence on the body. Holt told the United I*re*a. Authorities had not made an arrest shortly before noon, al near her* today. Arkansan Rallroa«!. PAYS $500 FINE, GIVES $1,000 BOND After several postponements, it was announce«! today that States Commissioner Cann will give United a hearing tomorrow afternoon to Frederick Houck, Belair, Md., *nd Darlington. .Md. The|*t men were arrested early la*t Satur iday morning, st Union Park Gar-1 Harry Day den*, by Federal prohibition agent., (>n •' charge of transporting liquor. Rus Three companion**, sell. North Ea*t, Md.: Darlington. Md.. and Harry Conner. Street. Md.. will he given a hearing hef« Ernest Amos Dick. .. .. . n ^' Wed Commissioner Cann. nesday. January II. Following the arrests last Satur fouild carrving con deadly weapon and was with the alternative of guilty in *f Municipal « ouri i-onled a lined Satin. three months in the workhouse. He paid the flue yesterday afternoon land this morning gave $1.000 bond for his appearance in the Federal Hl» Court on the liquor charge. four companions gave bonds of $1.00# each last Saturday for ap pea ranee ln Federal Court, VltTROI. \s UEPURF.n. Work guaranteed, f illed for and Short's, 8 W. 4th St., | Phone 4428.—Adv. delivered. I First Military Rei/ui sHion of Coat is Made tty Roi las in Ruhr Valley — Germans Ugly Over Seizure , Threaten to Create Citizen Guard to Halt Invaders FRENCH TROOPS KILL AT BOCHUM BKRTilV, dan. 1«. (United Prew.) ; —The Berlin Btnine wa» In a porno fo«lny following drop of the mark to «tu ten thousandth* of a «ent or IA.OOO»to the dollar. PATUS. .Inn. I« (Tnlled Pr***)—. Ofl1i-1*l nnnr.iinre.m-ni nr m-i-upMImt of Dortmund by I'rt-m-h invifi« wan made today. Tit«* I rtgioh lino further ndtnnord lo Horde. First mllitury n*qul»ltloaH of eonl wen* nuule thl» morning. <;«UM % rnl Mngliiot reported to the cabinet ofTUdnl d«*tall« <if trouble at Honlkiiiii nt 7 o'clock. laM night. •'In rioting M»c«xi tàerman citl /ens and txwnmiinl'ge." Maginot re )M>rted. "one |M*r»on waa kilhxl. I.atcr a rr»»w«t of two iliouaand at tacked ^'renal^ troop». 'Hie latter were forced to fire. (Hie 1 German wa« killed and two wo u nded >•' Ui.> volley. Draatle mea«nre» to present further rhding are In force.** \ «•»Idler« wore htiri. BERLIN, Jan. Ill (TTnitod Press) —French troop« in the Ruhr pushed further forward over a fan shaped area today, and It 1« believed th® ln vaders will extend their occupation beyond, the. river .Lfppe a* far aa The outer arc of the occupied area reached this afternoon E it| (Continued on Page Sixteen.) though mob» of m»n still milled 1n the e'roe«« rounding up »trlkere for «mentioning regarding bridges which have been burned end other out breaks. The mob of clHzen« from sur rounding town« gathered here when the sabotage campaign threat ened to paralyze service on the road, (»regor's home was visited by a posse demanding hl» surrender, A search of Gregory's home wa« said to have led to the discovery of emory dust which was used in loco motive.« on the road. Quantities of high explosive» also were found. It Is reported. Similar discoveries were reported (Continuel» on Page Ten) DELAWARE RIVER SHIP MEN TO MEET Members of the Delaware rfver **®<*tlon of the Atlantic Coa*t Ship I builders' Association have been in vited submit in advance any sub ject they wish to he discussed at the meeting tomorrow night Bellevue-5*t ratford monthly the Hotel. Philadelphia. An Imoreatlm: program ha* been prepared and it 1* expected there will be a large attendance with every shipyard along the Delaware r!v# *r represente«1. The business se« will he prereded as usual by an informal dinner. si MBS. S. A. MILLS DEAD. Mr*. Sa llie Ann Mill«, aged IS years, died at the home of her son. J. Everett Mills, 1« Ka*t Sum mit avenue. Richardson Park, this , . ...... morning from heart disc t se. Mrs. Mills wa* the widow of John Mill* and 1« survived bv two son», Th* funeral will be held at 2 o'clock, Thursday afternoon with service* at her late home. Interment will be in Wilmington and Brandywine cemetery. 284 SCFFFR FROX1 -MEASLES. Forty-eight new case« of measles have been reported to the Board of far this week, bringing Health ihe totol number of ■>*<■* up to *««. Other disease* she« only si ght la [crca*e.