Newspaper Page Text
The Evening Journal FIRST IN NEWS CIRCULA I ION ADVERTISING THE WEATHER Fair tonight and probably Saturday, «•older tonight with freezing temperature, moderat« northwest winds becoming variable. CIRCULATION YESTERDAY 20,511 "THE FIRST NEWSPAPER OF T HE FIRS I CITY OF Till FIRST STATE." WILMINGTON. DELAWARE. FRIDAY. JANUARY 19, 1923 THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 189 24 PAGES. FINAL EDITION TWO CENTS. FRENCH SEIZE GERMAN BANKS IN THE RUHR; TROOPS HOLD COKE MINES; ARREST DIRECTORS TO BET DOWN TO BUSINESS Senator Hardesty, Demo crat, Calls on Senate to Adopt New Basis SCHOOL LAW REPEAL MAY GO IN MONDAY Special to The Evening Journal. JT ATE HOrPE, DOVER. Del., Jan. 19.—Aa noon a* the Senate convened thl* morning Senator Hardesty, Democrat, of Dover, «tat °d that he thought it was about time the Senate was getting dowi to a business basis, and with that in view he moved that the Senate to allow for commit recess until two o'clock this after noon in order t©e meetings and the budget hear ing. and at the afternoon session get down to actual 'business. The iro ion prevailed. In the House the same proced ure was followed, recess being tak en until two o'clock. But 29 of th« 35 members of the Houst responded today to roll call. ih« smallest number yet reporting in one day. Three of the House members are touring the different counties today with the rural school supervisor« who win try to demo ï straf© to th© members of the Legis latur© th© necessity of retaining the school supervisors. No bili* were presented In elth hon*« and not even a comnuinica non was received this morning. Representative Gray's bill to re P©al th© present school laws and re verting hack to the laws under which th© school« were operated prior to 1919, will likely be Intro duced In th© Hou«e on Monday. * FRAUD LHARGE Community Finance Com pany Officers to Face Trial in New York W1LMINGTONIAN IS COMPLAINANT! • • NEW YORK. Jan. 19 (United Urea*).—Indictments were returned | against nin© individuals, including Austin Howard Montgomery. Austin Howard Montgomery. Jr., both of « Baltimore, and William L. Cunning ham hy the Federal grand Jury be fore Judg© Winslow in the United , States District Court today, charging us© of th© malls to defraud In con- < necflon with promoting the opera* tion« of the community Finance Company, The Community Finance C 5ÏÏT 52 'STr'al^r. 'WJÏ more. Wilmington, Del., Washington and Philadelphia. According to assistant U. trict Attorney Peter McCoy, the d© fendants S Dis presented the company; m which was dealing in desirable secur (Continued on Page Twenty-two.) SELL BANKRUPT'S PROPERTY Georg© W. Lilly, trustee in hank ruptcy for John S. Bogucki, a for wer merchant at 414-416 Maryland STS 5TSÄ » XZZ Solomon. The purchase price t* t* |12,600. Th ■ «took of the store was sold several week* «ifio. q'lie prop erty was a three-story brick build ing. ATTORNEY-GENKR XL RECOVERS Attorney-General Sylvester D Townsend, Jr., after being confined to his home since last Friday with ihe grip, returned to his office duties this morning. Mrs. Towns end and their son. Herbert Ward Townsend, are still confined t<* their home with the sai Illness. DECEMBER Oil, INSPECTION AIh©rt A. Serson. inspector of oils| and fluids, reports 8i.04 t gallon^ 1 " December and fee* collect ©d amounting to $435.23. ...7.19 A. M. 02 P. TODAY'S TEMPERAT! RE At The Evening Journal Office, 8.00 A. M..42 A. M. .43 p. m .. 14 1.00 P. M. .44 SUN AM» TIDE Sun rises .,. Sun sets. 11 (* n«l of Christin High water 1.24 A. M. Low wafer 8 40 A. M. 1.45 A. M, 9.20 P. M. IjOSTT WHITE RABBIT DOG—With dark tan spots. Reward If returned to .1 Jl. Horner. 8<*0 Pine St. Janl9-2t. (Continued on Page Twenty-three.) ! TU yssen I f / T. V i'-J v * j ' j RERUN, Jan. 19 (CnltM Pr«w) Th- French today ord«r*d lh. Mayor of Mulhsim to eaus« the ar real of H»rrThvs»«n and other j Ruhr industrialists and to hav«th»mUo escorted to French Headquarter« atjy Beedeny. aroordin* u> »'I'i'-e* from Rssen. The Mayor replied it wa« lmP°« , l'>le. He had notified Thyssen «nd the others, but they had re fused to obey. HONOR COLLEGE DEAN IN DEATH j p rom j nent Delawareans at : | ■ Funeral of Prof. E. L. Smith at Newark ASSOCIATES SERVE * ç DAI I DCA DCDÇ r/ALL-DCMiv n i\o Special to Th, Evening Journal. NEWARK. Jan. 19.—From 10 3« o'clock thl* morning until 1 o'clock Lhl* afternoon hundreds of persons from ail parts of the State and wlakg ' of life viewed the remains of Edward J.aurence Smith, who at the time of his death was dean of the I'niveraity • of Delaware. The body was taken; from his home on Delaware avenue to the Newark Presbyterian Church where the services were held at 10 o'clock this morning. Prominent men from all part* of the State at tended the funeral. It was because of the illness of Mrs. Smith that the body was viewed at the church. She is critically ill with plural pneumonia at her home under the care of two physicians. Her condition was improved this morning and her relativ friends are now hopeful of her re (Continued on Page Twenty-two.) and DEATH THREAT J j Cleveland Man Held on Charge of Demanding ! «5,000 From President 1 white house is SILENT ON SUBJECT CLEVELAND. O.. Jan. I (United Press)—A man who gave his name 19 .— Frank Fox today was j rhagred with wrongfully using th© 1 malls in «•onneorion with thy» mailing j of a threatening letter to President • en Elyria, Ohio, ad (trees J In addition to the 925.000 another 91.000 was tl< manded for attorney fees, the name of an Elyria attorney ! being mentioned. After working for some time to : locate the writer of the letter, federal ' operaive* followed the trail here, j Decoy letters were «ent to a local address. Fox was arrested on re | \ ; (Continued on Pag© Fifteen) DR. ABELS VISITS. Dr. and Mrs. M. .?. S. Abels, of Altoona, Pa., formerly of this city, will he the guests of friends h<»r-» 1 over th© week-end. Dr. Abels will luct the service* tonight nt th© ( . jjprh Shalom »Synogogue. Eighteenth . in<1 Washington streets. n on | n tschool auditorium, un* «1er the auspices of the Sisterhood , of the Synagogue, will follow the I MR. XVHjKIXSON' AND XVIEE ILL A.* O. Wilkinson, business admin M.jistrator at the University of Delà A recep services. his home in Wilmington for several clays, was slightly improved to day hut his wife is now ill with the same disease. Mr. Wilkinson's i condition was such that he could not leave his home to attend t't© funeral of Dean Smith today at Newark. | ware, who has been ill with grip at ) FAMILIES OF OUT BÏ FIRE Representative Reynolds' Home at Hoekessin Fire Swept Today CARRY CHILDREN TO ADJOINING ROOF Climbing out of their bedroom windows onto the roof of a porch early this morning. Representative an< i Mra. J. H. rtsynolds and Mr. find Mn , j. S|uhb . of H «r-k»s»ln. wl,h fhildron. mado th«ir way saf«ty while flame» licked up the oom , they had Juat ieft. None of Ih(( „ , ,*v«d clothin«. * J Thf flames destroyed their home, a large two story structure, having Irngulfed the lower floor before the 1 crackling flames aroused one of the Stubbs children who gave the alarm., The farm, located on the creek road, is owned by Mr. Reynolds. |.\lr. Stubbs works the place. Roth! famille» lived in the dwelling The origin of the fire is a mystery, the •only fire known to have been in the I building being in the furnace. It is thought that gas accumulating there, exploded. Neighbors ! «f the Reynolds' form ed a bucket brigade and endeavored I ,o rombat the flam«» but their: j work >«» fruitl«,». Word wan «ent to th« Kennett Square fire company j which responded. The pump of the ï Five Pointa Civics Association also 1 went to the scene. The Five Pointai (Continued on Page Fifteen ) ; ' I ! i f \[ 11 | D C h ADC InJUKCU AKC , I BALKING TRIM HIT,') TROLLEY Three Persons Slightly Hurt When Ladders Smash Window SENT TO HOMES Three persons ere ©lightly cut and bruised when a motor truik owned by William C. Alexander , ....... . . roofer. 511 East Fourth *treet. back led Into trolley ear No. 121 of the I-obdell line of the Wilmington and . -, . Philadelphia Traction ( omnany, on fourth street, uear line, this morn -rh. ininr.., „«• Mrs .lie. n... The injured at Mr.. All* e Bur jri*. of Rose Hill; Mias Bcesie Bruce, 701 Jefferson street, and Mrs. Henri etta Rutherford, of Lobdell.^ Dr. H. (Î. Buckmacter took the injured to his office, 400 East Fourth street. where they were given treatment. Later they were sent to their home©. The accident occurred as the trol lev oar was running east on Fourth The motor truck, loaded with street. ladders that protruded beyond the body of th© machine backed out of th«» Alexander Arm's yard directly int«i the moving car. Severn! windows ♦ in the car were broken. The street r.r-ST' *.. JURY HAS DAMAGE C AG?!. 1 FITY l/AOEi mlrtliWl V 11 I ... The jury in the case of Mr*, f Frances M. Spoe.-le and her band against the Mayor and Council of Wilmington, an appeal taken by! the defendant from the decision or i'onimon rieas, was orning by Judges the Court of charged this Richards and Rodney, but had fail ed to reach n verdict when the court took its noon recess at 1 o'clock. her husband ask damages for Injuries sustained hy the former, which incapacitated her for homework, hy falling into A trench at Thirteenth and W-ash Mrs. Spoerle and ington streets, on October 5, 1921. Sergeant Fox, thony McGranary, An * Motorcycle Of fleers Blackiston and Vandegrift. this morning, rad «1 the home of ; Antonio Padovono, near Four teenth and Claymont streets, rested him and confiscated two bar-I of 1 POLIUE CONFISCATE XXTXE. Patrolmen * aj* violating State liquor laws and sell ing liquor were lodged against the« man. He will be given a hearing in j Municipal Court tom«»rr«>w mornng j For Clover Dairy Safe Milk phone' J540-1541.—Adi*. rels «of wine. Two charges First Fuel H hen Europe Flume Breaks ■w n r A V I I \ ' M éj J jV'ri e t \ f A ' VvK k » v* r * ; Vi sal i .1 So ji 4 *| *1 \\ r ; Li W f V >r r. t Ï \ ♦ Cr * * . ■+*. V /!; lw ■ -.J 0* * tJ s.S i * I 1/ > V '«if V > • Wfc • • - l K... ^ t i •v 31 •v -—■ [' r i Not ! ve troop movement« are reported rear the Polish-Russian frontier, the Red Army which Trotsky has under arms. 1'olJsh recruits which may break out at any time r>n the left are members (right ) are being drilled for the •f 1 urfare JESTER TAKES IN $1,441,721 STATETAXES Commissioner Has 110,000, Accounts; 10 Per Cent. Are Delinquents GRAND JURY TO GET AFTER DELINQUENTS ! ! Staff Correspondent. STATE HOl'SE. Dover. D©1. Jan. | 19.—M. Howard Jester. State Tax Commissioner, this afternoon the Budget Committee of the Legis lature that his offlre has 110.000 ac counts of taxable?« in the Sjate. that 10 P<' r '* f ,hcn ' arP <l 'H"l»nU * na thai of this 10 ,,rr Z"' ire residents in Wilmington whe |h< . opposition to the »3 ming fee exists, according to his Judgment. . ï-,» fn r)er*«>mIter 1 in the State 1 •* IO |,rrpm Pr i in me 90.762 person.« had paid the $.1 fll- \ inK fep and of lhj , number ]o..n:>!the P«id an income with it so that this ]?ft g0 <5ft r( , sl , |pnt , wh „ „imply paid the S3 and had no, received suf Aden, income to require |Mvn ,s nt of income tax. fp to November 3«. .Mr. Jester told the committee, his offlre has collected $1.441,721.66,! and since December 1, he has col lected in delinquent taxes $18.354.73. >n Wilmington. Mr. Jester said, he has collected as filitiB fee» $ ) «S.S 1 « 949. In rural N*w Castle county. (Contimre«! on Page Four.) DCCTATTD A \]T flRETI IALaJI/ lUIl/tll 1 I lllljl/, DON'T KNOW GUILTY .'itlrc. but that there was no evidence connect the restaurateur with .the alleged hus-lcily Solicitor' Oreen, in Municipal j Court this morning, nolle proesed the charge of arson against Nenos When Are broke out in the resta ur ant. it is said .that oil-sbaked cloth and paper was found in the place by ihe firemen. The incendiarism. Assistant did little fi re damage, RESCUES CHAUFFEUR . PTPn . ArTr R AinTi SMASH ™ 1IJII GUIV kJITI.-lUIl Narrowly escaping injury when th© automobile in which she was riding, collided with another car yesterday afternoon, at Torresdal«*. Pa.. Miss du Pont, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Francis I. duPont. of spruce street, Philadelphia, aided in the fronts of the the wheels locking. 1424 extricating the chauffeur of the oth The two cars met headon. er car. cars rearing an«i Although Mb's duPont was thrown against the side her car she escaped injury, Prlaes. D. O. li. K. Sat. Eve.. 9 u I» X\CE Pythian Castle, THE K1MMKY ORf'HKS 12. TRA.- -Adv. 4 KmR BILLS TO BE OPPOSED Dissatisfaction Over Mel son's Onslaught Against Schools of State FEAR CRIPPLING OF THEIR EFFICIENCY Siaff Correspondent. DOVKR, members of 1 9. — Republics Legislature have derided to oppose many of the dm Jan. the tic 'ripper'' bills introduced and proposed hy the Democratic major Ity. Some of these bMle are out and political measures and others out efficiency of some of the depart merits. The Republicans have de are evidently intended to impair the nous, it I« understood, to cided in stand as a unit against eome these "rippers,'' hut just what ones has not been announced a* yet. Representative Mrlson's rrusad.. against the State Board of Ed ion which, if successful, would mean the crippling of that impor » look department and handicapping opportunities of Delaware chil ''re-n in an educational way. is « ho ' < ' m ^" bp , r " " f « h «' '••'*■■•*•« n.r e who have studied the si,uauon trouble to date has been th. (Continued Twenty-two. Page on 1 ANOTHER HEIR 10 CLAIM CITY [ Grand Rapids Woman This Time Coming to Get Springer Estate RESEARCH SHOW S CLAIMS NOT VALID ! CHICAGO, Jan. 19.—Dr. Joseph Springer, coroner's physician, thinks ,he has emerged from (he obscurity of a doctor of medicine to the real f a billionaire. A littl«' woman. 50 vears old. claim 1h X; of Li ' l m1ip r Mar> Springer S\ - Mahon# oni s of no heirs to a ha f billion dollars, and had with h«*r » suitcase full of documents to prove what she 'was tellHig Dr; Springer. Th© woman left late yesterday for Phlladelphia, where she hopes to lo tale a John Springer, the thirty-I The property was de ninth heir. (Continued on Page Thirteen) THIS COUPLE UNDER BONDS. Mrs. Mary Monico, 215 Weit Sev street, Monico. of 815 and ** her husband, i. «lu Pont se pa rated, enth Michael fiom whom ©he is were ea«h placed under $200 bond lot ©ice. following a hearing Magistrate Gluckin tn The woman was represented keep the before night. by Leonard K. WfiJee. SOBS HALT I GIRL 18 HEED Appeal Filed Two Days Late. Olga Coes to In dustrial School FRIES AND HUGS STIR JUDGE AND ONLOOKERS t ' Sternness» of th© law obstructed efforts of the sister and brother-in f a 15-year-old Inmate of Girls* Industrial School to have her i„w released, and cause ; scene in Room Nt». 2 of the Su I perior Court this morning. Olga I >0 berste looking child involved. pathetic [ .« pretty, demure as com milted to the school October 4 on last by Judge ITi«k«tt in Iuvenile Court on a.charge of incorrigibility. Appeal from that (decision came before Resident Judge Rice this morning, but when Everett K. Bor ton. representing th© school, po.nted 'as hied two out that the appeal *d legal rt was compelled «lay« after limit, th© C the prescril dismiss it. The scene that followed ful. From the ought inti Olga sobbed ï of .Mrs. Emma Jacks« «•nt of the Industrial School. When j rh*» court announced that it wa.* powerless to go further with (Continued on rage Ten j ras pit! lime .hat she was th© court room, little she sat by the side . superinten RECORDS SHOW 305 CITY MEASLES CASES I [ On«» hundr©«! rnd twenty-eight f me a© I©?« have been purted to th© Board of Health, week, more tban have be«»n for'any w«»ek since th© beginning ' the present epidemic. The number, «>f cases In the city is now estimated at 305. ported new cases total Other contagious diseases reported th:« we¥k show th© following gains: 13; scarlet fever. 11: ! influenza, I ehlckenpox. 11: whooping cough. llphfheria, 3. ?h© lau requiring th* r* por ng t Ih.» Board «>f Health «»f this dis obr, the Board has a more than 80 cases In the city, Dr. Robert S. McBirney. secretary of the Board. Is urging* a more fre quen; ffu.-*hifig of the streets, con tending that nHicli of the illness now prevalent can be traced to dust and dirt from the streets. While it is admitted that the Board of H«»alth records <!o not show the real < omlition here a >f Jnflucnxa, n\ ©girds the ring to a sen* record 12 FREE .XIOVIE TICKETS In the classified columns each day. will b«» found the aarne* of six per .'sons who aie invited to see the leading moving picture shows. Read carefully and see if your game ap "Grandma's pear« today. t last-/Boy." nt the Majestic and "KSb Tide." at th«» Queen. Saturday nisht. See page 33 today. \ BERLIN ORDERS RAIL WORKERS NOT TO ASSIST COAL SHIPMENT try mm FOR ALLEGED Blood Flows When French Communists Fight Over Charge GUARD ACCUSED DEPUTY'S HOME I« (United Press) PARIS Jan. n t otls y threw a cor don shout the residence of Deputy Cachin. to prevent his escape while « —Pol.ce at da legal formalities t ! i\ ere completed. enable his arrest Cachin. a com be arrested on t< munis*. j charges of treason, arising out of i radical activities In the Ruhr. • The ehambtr of deputies, after a scene extraordinary even f^r Raj lstormy hint ary votod tYl to its to suspend Cat hin'* parliamentary Im muniiy. What developed into literally a "battle royal" was staged in the Chamber last night as deputies warred with wr rds and Anally with fists and feet over Cachin'* alleged on. Actual fisticuffs started serra live accused the unlst of cowardice. "Pig" re ! " when a comi (Continued on Page Thirteen) Harrison Quiet Today; Tiro In res ligations Start I (Copyright, 1923. hy'T'nited Press.) _. »..i. Th» equation a, Harrison. Aik, >rderly" Governor of Arkansas said is "quiet and the,Thomas (\ M< Ren in a telegram H« wa s naked nhout r epor ts railroad to the United Press as under "moi» rub*" that the tot following lynching striker, ami also asked • f a hether ll tro llis reply follow©: "By Thomas McRea. Governor Arkansas. Little Rock Ark. at Harrison. Ark.. I« quiet and order |y following the lynching of one rail ror.d striker* for alleged sabotage. and armed resistance to cltixen*. • f The altuation , Th© uprising of the citlr.©n.s of to ' Harrison and vicinity was due to H>ridg^lni rni ngs ». n«l other sabotage f the Missouri and un and grand Jury are now 1 | along the rout© North Arkansas Railroad. The ; PRESIDENT STAYS IN ROOM TODAY 19 (United WASHINGTON. Press).—President Harding, while showing gradual improvement from his attack of grip, was still confined to Ills room today at the order of his • : personal physician. Dr. Sawyer. On account of the President's ill-1 ne*s, the usual « abin©t meeting wa« other mem IT today. called hers «»f the cal»ln©t, Secretary of La •ostmaster-Geneml I I »*« Da vis Work, who .ire at home ill. would nut have . able ,o attend the!« meeting. It Is 9 likely the President will he away from his desk until next week, upon th«» insistence of Dr. Sawyer, ah© desires that th© Pres «lent fully «•over from hi« illness before tak- . ing up his duties again. advance engagements have been scheduled as vet. N lilt. WEBB XT E Xs IT. XK K The Rev. Aqullla Webb. D. D.. pastor of First-Central Presbyterian Church will preach tonight st the la«t of th© evangelistic meetings which hav© been held this week Mast lake Pre*byte»*ian Church. Following the service a meet in,, of the church ©salon will b© held. MR. SHOCKLEY RECOVERS Charles H. Shockley, of Dover, who recently underwent an opera tion at the Physicians* and Sur «eons' Hospital, has recovered ar.d returned to his home. •RECORDS Short's. 8 West X RTROI. X* cre«lit. Phone 4426.—Adv. Cash Fou rth. y Germany Luder H nr like Restrictions. French Troops Seize und Occupy State Mines in Ruer Re gion and Arrest Di rectors /WADERS TIG!FIFA HOLT LONDON. elan. 1» (United Prf*)* credit luniks. All branch (.ermsn Institutions and lax collectors' office» ln Ihr Ruhr were oonflscnlr«l hy th. On Death today, nccordln* to a Irai News d I* pa Ich from Brrllo. Hl.ltI.IX. .fan. It (Pnltffrt Prose). Interallied Rhineland commu nion today seized custom tat office deposits In Relehshank branches at M agence. Wiesbaden. Wontisblngrn Private deposits no! molested, <;«-niiaii> will be deprived of Ruli and Bonn. ere PARIS, .fan, I» (1'ntted Press).— incut d'affain* hen* today, rual altogether if she per«t*te In her |M»lle!e* of otistriictlng. ll»e gmem » the German charge DI MFLOORF, 4an. 19 (I'nlieil press).—The FYenrh today «cl*ed a (Continued on rag© Twenty-two. > fin session * at Harrison. , where * thorough Investigation I* in progr«*«. A „ lnvf .,, g , llon hl . b ,.fl ordered. "I hav© condemened both the sa hotage and th« lynching, and stand ready to furnish State guard troops preserve peace and order hut th© «heriff and other oftiriaU of Harriton ■ and of Boone county report that th© troops are not needed. ante rule HARRISON Ark.. Jan. 19 (United Ess)—Th© federal government to r»i .! . began an investigst on of vigril which has reigned her© with approval of county officials this veek. A committee from th© State Leg islatur© also was expected to begin « probe of the genertl situation. Fol lowing lynching of E. O. Gregor and the (logging of more than a score o t former employe© of th© Missouri and »(Continued on Page Twenty-two.) BURY G. T. BROWN, LAWYER, TODAY The funeral of George T. Brown. attorney who died from appolexy on Tuesday, will take place from his lau» residence. 1509 West Four teenth street this afternoon. Th© Rev Charles L. Cindee, D. D. pas* West m i nster Pr©»byteria n lor Church will conduct the services and interment will be in Rfvervi«*' cemetery. The honorary pa'lbeixers will b© _ „ _ . _ . B. Cooling. O. C^Purdy, Ml H. Coxe. Dr. J. A. hllegood, John P. Nields. Judge William S. Prickett. William T Lynam. John Biggs. J Frank Ball. Francis M. Walker. Thomas Davis. Willard Saulsbury. William K. Smalley. William %**. Hilles and Judge Victor B. Wolley. A deiegition from the B*r Amo elation wi!l attend. PREDUT UOl.D XVEATTIFn. WASHINGTON. Jan. 19 (United Press).—Cold wave warnings htv* been ordered for northern New Enx nd northeastern New York» the weather bureau announced to land day. Colder weather was forecast for tonight for practically all of th© eastern territory*. Stevens and Ja MIDDLETOWN HOTEL SOLD Transfer of the Middletown Hotel ■ ii v Burton Q. S mith to Daniel XV. K. Walls for $15,n<»0 has been recorded in the fi< © of the county board of oss©s» ment. Mund} Broe. fieb Furniture*