Newspaper Page Text
The Evening Journal I FIRST IN NEWS CIRCULATION ADVERTISING THE WEATHER Rain today nnd Sunday ; trmp^ratur«» above freezing, fresh eaat to south winds. w :t no- r CIRCULATION YESTERDAY 20,582 'THE FIRST NEWSPAPER OF THE FIRST CITY O F THE FIRS'I STATI WILMINGTON. DELAWARE. SATURDAY. JANUARY 20. 1923 THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NO. 190 16 PAGES. FINAL EDITION TWO CENTS. EXPECT GERMAN A TTACK ON FRENCH IN RUHR; MILITARY GUARDS ARREST COAL BARONS STATE POLICE PROPOSED IN SENATE BILL Hardesty Measure Provides for New Department of 13 Members WOULD DO AWAY WITH HIGHWAY FORCE Correspondent. DOVER, Jan. 2*» Carrying mit hi* J pans announced several days apo Senator Hardest y of Dover intro duced in the Senate yesterday after roon a bill to create a Department ( of State Police to consist of a Su- ! . perintendent, two sergeants and te privates and another bill to abolish ihc State Highway police force. According to the hill the new po lie® force would he largely under the supervision of the State Mili tary Board which consists of the -Governor, the Adjutant-General and ranking Held officer of the National . Guard who at this time is Lieuten ant Colonel John P. LeFevre, of Dover. This auction of the bill i* meant to keep the department out ' of politics, according to the intro ducer: 'The superintendent of the department and the members of lh?'ion. flate police force shall be appoint ed without regard to parry affii a-' tion or political influence. aive partisan activity on the part of the superintendent and members i of the force is hereby prohibited "! The head of the department will Offen he a superintendent, appointed by the Governor, by and with the ad vice and consent of a majority of the Senate from a Hot of not le*s j than three persons suggested to the » Governor by the State Military (Continued on Page Nine) SDSPHT Hi AS HOTEL BURGLAR j. C. Williams, Caught at Easton. Pa., Had Jewelry, Hid Money THINK HE ROBBED DUPONT GUESTS Detective* arrested In Easton. Pa., yesterday a man gfvlng^the name of r. William«. 25 year, who i* he. renl through the room« Jieved by the local police to be the man who of Mr, and Mrs Henry Offerrnan. Troy. X. T.. at the Mold duPonl. on January 8, taking Jewelry valued «t 11.500. At the time the robbery wn. d!a man who 'checked out" of the hotel ehottly before, was acapected and a description obtain c.l by the police. The description ' ,, W with that of the man suspected of lh« robbery hers. * Superintndent nf police Black this morning wired the Pennsylvania of-' fleers asking for a photograph nnd • further description of Williams, and if satisfied that he i* the man want Continued on Pag* Nina. . closed, a ! I PHONESAYS"MURDER! COPS NONPLUSSED • -ries of Murder! Help!" coming over the telephone at the police tion last night caused considerable excitement as it was thought that some one might be murdered. Kf forts to locate the source of the ca 11 resulted in the sending by Captain of Police Warden nf roserte police to Front and Poplar, Second and Poplar and Robinson slrccts, but t" re "STI'NT MfilIT' The Men's Club of West Presby , terian Church will feature Its month-1 ly meeting in the church parlors next Tuesday night with a "stunt night" profram. Every member will contribute to the entertainment., Tito meeting will start at 8 o'clock. 1.00 P. M. .42; real any injured person. r « MEN'S CLUB TO HAVE TOI» \ VS TKMPr.K ATI KK At Tbr Kvcning Journal offl« «*. s no M• .34 Jrt.OO A. M. .38 12.91 p M il six iv t> Tinr, - DOST-On Wednesday l«;o dollar ami J a hslf gold piece charm. Reward If r«*- 1 tinned to George K. Ball. .Marshal« Jan20-2t. j i . 7.11» A. M. . . . . .5.03 IV M. Fun rises . .. Sun sets . ... llruil «if I lirintiiin» High water 2.03 A. M. Low wafer 9.40 A. M. 2.2S A. M. 10.15 IV M IiO£fT Offir. (Continued on Page Fifteen.) INCREASE IN CITING COST, TEMPORARY HooVer Blames Seasonal Conditions and Abnor mal Factors DECREASE IN FOOD COSTS L AST YEAR WASHINGTON. Jan. 20 (United Pres*».—An untiaual increase ln th« mat of living In the last thr^e months, in the far»» of crease.* some month* ago. 1* only temporary. Secretary of Commerce Hoover said today. factors, rked de Seasonal conditions and abnormal Hoover said, are responsi ble for th® recent advance. These increase» range from one tenth of one per cent to over three timber to December, according t figures Department from 31 representative cities. On per cent in the period from Sep ade public today by th of I,ahor. compiled the other hand figures for the year show a substantial decrease g°ner ally, ranging from four-tenths of one per cent to 5.7 Factors which, in Hoover's bpln have caused living costs to re hound are: per cent. 1. The revival of business and the ploymeni. bring ing greater demand with increased spending ability. 2. The higher cost of fini due to the coal strike. 3. The normally higher prices during the winter season for certain reduction of commodities, such as eggs, butter and vegetable« Figures of the labor department show that Denver leads the list of (Continued on Page Nine.) r HI DMMi fill. ENVELOP,') HIM William Klotz in Flames While Filling Auto Truck Tank URBANSKI IN ROLE OF HERO Attempting tc extinguish flames that enveloped an automobile tank belonging Company, that «a* bcins mid with oil at Sycamore and Harrison streets, yesterday afternoon, Wil Ram Klotz. 2632 West street, the the Atlantic Refining of^operaior. was seriously burned about ,h(> »"<> arm«. Me tn, treated at ,ll< ' recover. K!o1 *- *»'" h ' C«rment« ignit ^ became a pillar of fire, nnd ran ■'«•reaming into the garage of S:an 'O' Salan ' on on ' h - He »« thrown to ihc floor by Joeeph l r ''«' ,h ' - ,vilh a f1r «' «■xtinguish He will lelawar« Hospital. The fire which destroyed the machine gave the firemen consider able trouble owing to the inflam* niable material nearby that threat ened the garage which contained over 40 automobiles. The garage men. amj people in the neighbor hood, assisted In pushing most of a place of j hlch started In a clothes (Continued on Page Nine) er. the cars into the street safety. Fire. ti | /y/xmiT 4 /»l/Af TO sin-Jhp ((jl\ I AillOUS ' .r... . ni . _ DISEASE VICTIMS __ i Not since the "flu" epidemic, four ! years ago. has Ihc Board of Health had •<> many cases of contagious i diseases to handle, the total num her of all such diet iscs now num ! bering 4««. The highest number of ny on ■ dlesase is that of measles, with a total of 290. The next on the list is grippe with a to'ai ol 80. There were 210 new rases of con-j onjtngious diseases 'reported to the Board of Health for Hie past week, as follows; Measles, 15«; chicken po x, 15: grippe. 15: scarlet fever. 13; whooping cough. 6; diphtheria. 4. One case of cerebro spinal men ingitis was reported to the Boanl this morning. Hie victim Is Jam Blest, aged 4 years, 1912 Gilpin avenue. In the classified columns each day, will be found tho names of six per sons who are Invited to see tho leading moving picture shows. Read (carefully and see it your name ap ar .s today, Io see "The Strangers' * . „ . , . .. Banquet. at ihc Arcsdki. •'Snowshoe Trail." at th*» i 12 FREE MOVIE TICKETS and] Maje*tic. I Monday night. See page 15 today. * V Scours in Ruhr In rasion - J ' S&J «5* * > ✓ . ' f *U * à \ \ m V y Sr v V\; \\ * tf Z* * I MB JgM I ? \ affi* . * M / 'iß VCîs I S&-—* fsix ■ * Thl* photograph. Just received in this country, shows the actual French military penetration of the Here ar** shown poilus, fully equipped, entraining at Dunaeldorf for Essen. fîCI an industrial reg on. TO START SOON FOR PALESTINE William Topkis to Study Conditions There on Six Months' Visit NO INTENTION TO QUIT WILMINGTON A desire to help his unfortunate have not the op co-religionis:* wh port unity to settle in America, but who can make their homes in Pal estine. is the reason actuating- Wil ;|iam Topkis. prominent merchant land manufacturer of Wilmington, go :o Palestine. As an American Jew. Mr. Topkis will extend a help ing hand to Jew* of European coun tries. who have been victims of war and persecution. Mr. Topkis expects to sail Feb ruary 3 for Palest ne. his headquarters in Jerusalem. While in Palestine h* will observe •conditions and needs of the land. through the eye# of a business man. 'and will make periodic reports ■tiie national committee of the Pal I esti ! Vork city. In an interview today Mr. Topkis f his Intended visit to Pales svhere he expect^ to remain He made the state ments in response to que*tiona of his larg • circle of friends concern ing the t r i i that he intended forsaking He will ke to Foundation Fund in New J rnM I tine, * x muiuh.« and als« to a report WIN in ngton, where he ha* played an StiMm *T have no intention of leaving Wilmington, the Arst city In the Arst State, where 1 have spent most of my life and where I was given opportunity to become a useful citl sen,'* said Mr. Topkis. •Wilmington will . a 1 wavs have Arst plac® in my heart, and all the -esources of the Topkis family will always be used to further lie growth. and spread its fame through America. There Is no idea In my mind, contrary to some ln nuendos I have heard, that I con template spending larg® sums money ma/ie in Wilmington to build up Palestine. "I was dumbfounded the other of (Continued on Page Nine) T'A TM>lf llAnP rAD ID III! itlUllfc MIK . . ... „imnimrt HKRKlIM MUKULKtS -• MARION, HI., Jan. 1*0 (United j, rw) ._ W j'|ji am »on county today . „ the second of the niur d( , r trja|!l grow i ng out of the Herrin massacre lost luné rt .,„ Iv prosecute the aeroni j ,.. 1S) . at any time the court is r , h( jy," C. K. Middlekauff, speeial assistant attorney-general, declared today. M lih the first trial resulting in ac dU j tta | f 0r the five defendants charged with the murder of Howard i|o(y,„ ail t i lc . stale planned to call for lu s ' OCO nd case the IS men in. dieted for the murder of Antonio. Mulkovlch during the riots. Indictments against five of the eighteen will be nolle promed. Mid dleknuff Intimated. Toe five men tried for the murder of Hoffman ho defendants in the second case. The other eight against whom the charges will be pressed are. Hugh Willys. Charles Rogers, Percy Hall, Dallas McCree, James Brown, Jens Childers, Oscar Howard and Phillip F/nlaneta. Brown. will als •ard and Fontanila, together with tho five d** fendants in the first trial, arc held without bond* If Childers, TO MAKE STATE SCOOTS THE BEST ' Friends of Boys Want Them to Live Up to,"First State" Ideals ARH DINNER GUESTS OF HENRY P. SCOTT "it is my earnest wish that the coming year shall he the biggest in 1 the history of the Boy Scout move ment," declared Henry I'. Scott, t^e Tryst Company and also of the Delaware State Council Boy Scouts of America, at a dinner to the council given by h m last nigh- in the club room of the Hofei duPonl. Mr. Scott was emphatic In his dec la ration that the Delaware division of the Scouts should live up to the name of the "first State." He called upon the State Scout Executive. Frank A. Greenhawk. to give a sum rnary of the condition of the organ I i/.ation in Wilmington. Mr. Green .hawk replied that the various troops : were active and ready for advance ment. A program for the ensuing year was thereupon taken up. It was de termined that each captain should enlarge his particular troop as much as possible and that should be organised. new troop* Chairmen •f the various commit tee* of th** Scouts gave short talks (Continued on Page Nine) FLOCOERS REST Oft;« WEEK END A Harrison Vigilantes to Take Up Government Reins Again Next Week 300 RAIL STRIKERS ' I, FLEE IN FEAR I HARRISON. Ark., Jan. 2 « fi nite^ Press)—Vigilante« who seized con trol of tho government in Northern ; Arkansas took « vacation today after " , breaks following the lynching of B. C- r * re eor. The mass of firmem and business men who gathered Monday to probe alleged sabotage nets of strikers against the Missouri and North Ar kunsas Railroad drifted back to thrir houses for a short rest b foi up the reins of gov ernment again The vigilantes declared they prob ably would ronllnue (heir rule until the county grind Jury meets. "So far as Harrison is concerned ,hp *« r, ke of railroad workers Is "ver." the vigilantes commented re ferring to their activities. Thf ' fow »Hikers in Ihe Crooked (Continued on X'age Nine) || Rain. Snow _j Weather outlook for the period January 22 to 27, in clusive: }j v . .. ... ., , North Atlanti«* Mat*** at the l»e ... . . . ginning of the week, and again Thursday or Friday: normal «/■mpo rature; South and Ka*t tiulf States, considerable cloudiness. North and Middle | States, | Atlantic conisitlcrnble cloudiness, rains over th«* Middle Atlantic and rain* and «now-« over the DEATH CALLS i ; 1 IN 1 INE RAM ROAD PflPTV CI\/P VP YDÇ I v-/i\ I I -nve I r.rtrvo Thomas G. Pennington. Re tired P. & R. Conductor, Succumbs to Grip Th» years. ger conductor as G. Penning.on. aged 70 vldely known ret'red passen* f the Wilmington and Northern division of the Phlla- ' at the home of h daughter. Mr. Kills. 2410 aon-lfi-law and and Mrs. Ralph T. Penns) Ivanla avenus*, h*re he res dad. this morning. He more than a had beei ill with the grip for week and h. art compli cations developed. Captain P n nnington, ns he was known to many frienifa. after serv ing with the road, went wltl\ Hi«* Wilmington and Northern Raüroad in IR77 as «y I va nia Rail a freight conductor on the French Creek branch, from Glvernon to St. Peter. After several y rare* service as a freght conductor he became I duct or. and for a pa«s«*ngnr on the many yearn nerved in that capacity Wllininrlon-Rcaillnc run. Eiahl year, a,n he dev loped trouble with hin eyes and went on the retire«! list. He was operated on for the removal of cataracts, and while he was able t (Continued on Page Two ) ® well HONT ALTUR AS D«B KILLER ! i Los Angeles Convinced Fritzi Mann Was Thrown Into Surf DOCTORS LETTERS FIGURE IN MURDER ' DOS ANGELES. Jan. 20 ( United j Pros, l—Fritzi Mann, dancer, whose ' half-elail body washed ashore on I !„„ Torrey Fines beach. Was thrown | «live, poli, e l.ell.ved to,lav shr »Pvnt the night before her '' '* , in ;1 ' ° t,aK ' "„ , ' H • loM: ' « "h a L >;l '' nio '. c nctor. ,i ■ ording to , ' virt *' nre vath-red by authorities, s "'"e lime during the night Miss Mn,,n btpeed into unsclousness ami r ' 1 h, ' r *° h< ' <-lirr «*»*• hurled her hi,i " r condition. • sv ,rt 'h for the movie actor was under way. Roger \ B Clark, movie pro durer, was released when he prov- ; cd hr was not with the dancer on * th- night of her death, Captain I.ewis Jacobs (Continued on Page Nine.) of Camp ; ; NEGRO ASSAILANT GETS TWO YEARS Judge i Cannon, assaulted I Workhouse. Kolllck the prosecuting showed three gun *hot wound« inflicisd by Cannon. Special to The Kvening Journal. DOVER. Jan. 2«. —Before Harrington today Cordova j Negro who murderously ; I.ewis Kollick a'so a Nefrt), some , Meeks ago pleaded guilty to assault . . and batl.ry. He wa. ^ntenrvd o j ,wo ,n ,hl ' N " w Co,,n,y wit GERMANS CHAFING UNDER RUHR INVASION: EXPECTED TO STRIKE BACK AT FRENCH ITALY READY TO MEDIATE FOR PEACE « Mussolini Believes Ruhr Occupation by French Is M ar Breeder UNITKI) .STATUS SAID TO APPROVE WASHINGTON. Jan. 20 (United Italy bn® made a virtual ffer of mediation to bring about ttlemeni of the reparations nnd Ruhr crisis, it was learned authori tatively heiv today. This important siep t the first deft- | nite move by any nation io readjust *" E " ro J' '>"* ; Italy, the I mied Press under stinds, has made known to the 1 nlted States and other Interested powers her atcitudo regarding tha ' T,,t ' K ,,v -•»-rwr'^nt of Benito Mu»-, snhni. Ihr It.tlian Fa sc! «11 leader. believe* that the situation in Central J Kurop• brought about by the. French occupation of the Ruhr not ly threatens the peace of Kur ope hut Is n n entirely untenable nnd impossible one. 2. Italy standi ready to do what she can to compose thin su nation Continued on Page Five. . j i RILES PUPILS i j High School Sophs Disap-J n r r ! pointed When Exemption Order Is Missed ! CROWD TEACHER. BUT NO RIOTING Objecting to marks received for examinations and other vork done last the commercial WHnrngt outside «Merk le. courses. onth. about 100 sophomores of department of th** on High School, gathered the ofth'e of George W. teacher of commer<*|.iI nd demanded an explana tion yesterday afternoon. There was nothing unruly about the students, it was «aid. They only wanted to why they had received such mark*. •rh t _I > They had hoped to receive Li u higher marks which would exempt i. ... Z-«.., . , them from examinations this month. Uharles Uoxe. principal school, hearing of il to the third floor annex departments' •f the lie trouble, went h«re the commercial rooms and class fflce located • 1 pacified the pupils. Mr. Uoxe offered go over their papers personally! if they thought they ha«l bee justly treated. Fomented with rhl* ll,e > trouped out of the building and headed for home. Mr. Uoxe said today that rumor n ii ii r •hool on , hp Mr „, to efr , rt thft! therB had been n riot at the Mlgli School in which th» commercial depart ment students had figured. founded. Me said tlie pupils acted jn an orderly manner, merely asking UIVK/IDV nAinn Al) f loUIi 1 Dl/Altl) nrkn |*()K KLl UHLH ANN ' —— Special to The Evening Journal. DOVER. Jan. 20.— At of the Itepubli was un for an explanation for what they termed "low marking." meeting •;»n Slate Committee held here today General Alden R. Beneon. chairman, was aultiorised to appoint a committee of live mem ber* or th** j«iaro Committee and *l\ : Republicans outside of the commit from each county, to co-. lee. t operate with the Republican mem l»*»r* €*f the lat-selaturc relative io party and legislative matter*. Chairman Benaon will name thin committee in the course of a few days. There wa« a fairly large a tendance of th»* committee. At th conclue! n «f the meeting Chairman Benson said it was called to di«cua* party and legislative matter* other than authorizing the appoint ment «»f the committee m» action | was taken on any other subject be-j yond a general dlecu«slon of parly] mallsrs. ' t le ' nnd'that * Allied \alhorilies Informed Secret Organi zations Are Rushing Anns Into Rhine land—Paris Fears Attempt at Coup. Th yssen and Fire Herman Coat Barons Arrested and Transported l nder Guard to Düsseldorf ./ ML REVALUES FOR REFUSAL TO OUF) POILUS' \R\l) ORDERS V.OMIOV. .fan. 20 (I nlirri Press).— Allied milhorllle«* hatf been In* formed (liai (lernimi wrei org mil mi II« »ne arc |>n*|»»rlng an attack on all allied tn»|»s omipf Ing ihr Itulir, nottnllng to the Rldhangf Telegraph *• ••mis rorree pondent today. V •«■m il penalties for t.erniâiis obstructIng or disobeying orders In rol le«*||on of in hi I duties Includes Hues of 100.000.000 marks and Imprisonment up to flu* yearn, a Dally News dl»|»ale|) said today. ►"' A, .1«.,. »I (I'nlled Prr-i»._+rtt. Thymn-n. Indus,«.! leader. and » 1,0 lirmuii iimI boron« «era .rmird h. the French today nnd Iran« p«»rl««l under aimed guard to DmsMddorf. This uu* done hffliuw they refund | 0 meet th* I'lwh term* nnd work Hie Ruhr mines f«» r (he benefit of Krame, pari* .».,„ .-» ,^„ T lh( . liiltabUanls we »«'lint vor, de«|tondeni otrr <lr|uirturr of Ihr Vmerlrvau arm, of .Mviipnlli.n. mm scheduled for not laier than next Tueedav Troubto is u lien Hie French take over the I'MII«. .Inn. 20 (l ulled PreW. formation ihai lead® it to frtr the Germans will attempt a coup I Itulir In a few days, according to unofficial diapalche* from Dusseldorf today. I'he f remd» high command Has M» the TIm* «lUpafclie* said ihr French ofllHah has been advised important qua ni H les of arm® and ammunition have been secretly brought Into th«* Itulir by the German*. P\IIIS, .fan. 20 (I nil cd • ■ ' h n - ul . r 111 ...|^ ni... Ins fr.M .1 Kalian.It, In ill,- <llrprtlo„ -,f IRuhr .all.., wtiirh orci I-I.- 1 I hj th,. I'mrii, Thr •.Imiglli of tbk. force la unknown. »(lu la I «-»oflriiiNlioii of the rc|K»rt. There was no MtMtOV, ,l*n. *0 H i nil«« Pr«*»—Frrm-li In Ihr Ruhr «rrr.irri tr|,-. graph and U'lcpli«*ne «»IDcinU who refused to oIn*; orders Central New* Berlin dl®pati I» today, keen arr« ®i«il. the mliwr* ®t acusvrdhig to a After director* of some mine* luid IX>NI)«)N. Jan. 20 t United Pres«),« —T.eagiie of Nilli official* expect provlde France with a j''dignified way out** of the repara* t ion * nnd Ruhr situations. It va< j the leauue to be calle<| upon even tually l i learned authoritatively here today. j Proponents of this belief said that Ih * »»' ot ,h « >»•«"• «^nm ed resolutions urging closest atte AJ tion-« problem, revnils among many present her the repni tion t< general belief here that France will the Ruhr will turn to ineaeuree" In "forceful and after this measu [the league. The league ran act to open thel Mother ; 4 Tots, Among 8 Who Die in Hunting House 1 | I seriously. Th« M «me« swept through -a three Anto De d 20 .— I (United Press).—Right person* pér iment houee Are here Jan. Mass . LAWRENCE. jn A te | * wr,y today. o were injured "nil » half -«tory .tenement on him I., . street. The «lead: ... . . . ,, garia and her four children. Rose, Mrs. Joseph. S; Angel, ne. Miirv 3. Romano Reysha. 25. Mrs. Mary S. Ksleld. 55. Th#» injured are Angelo DeGaria. back and Joseph Garvey, fireman, broken wrist. Mr*. Degorla was rescued but re turned to save her children. She eluded tlie Aremen and piling* e«l Into the smoke-Alled hallway. I-it er her body and those broke f her mute and tragic story of happened. The heroic mother found her four little ones, and otlempted to lead them to safety. She lo.*i her way in the d* nse smoke which made the rooms black a« ink and staggered into a kitchen on the third floor. 8he gathered her Iitile brood around h**r and die«l hat had (CCAIII TITÏI RAW /lOO/UJLI Eilt Dl/OO ll/IIO "CIDfll " Ulll ft III/ F III li/1 * iILtI Bermi*e a foreman of (h* paint the Pullman Shop* dis I, Percy W. Kerr, when w ay to work th s morning, gripped him by th#* throat with both his' shop at charged hii wh**n he mot hi* former bos* on the, hands.'according to testimony heard in Municipal Court this morning. Deputy Judge Lynn imposed a of M5 and coala on a charge a*«ault and battery, he did not know until this morn ing that h. had hc-n laid off and fir of Kerr said he "lost control of himself.*' I» O. K. K l)\XCE. Castle. Tonight. 1» to 12. Pythia Th*> KIM M F. Y O RCH K3 Prir.o*. TRA.—Adv. « payment* tangle only upon petition f Interested powers. Nothing la in chided as to reparations ln th« agenda of the council's next m*ei ing. but the German-French situa tfon and its effect upon the allies In discussed inforni general will he .u> at im»i. HANOVER, Jan. 20 (United Press).—The hotel owners conven tion today ordered hotels through to hou«e relu» <>ut O.rminy to French ami Belgian.. vasion of the Ruhr. This is in re taliat on for the Franco-Belgian in t he children, stifled by the hot smoke and fumes. Her husband trapped on - the th.rd floor leaped to the sidewalk, He landed on hi» hack and is In the hospital in a dying condition. Th » building was a furnace when the tire department. delayed by snow, arrived. Th*» blare started In a coffee house on the ground floor and swept through the structure rapidly cut ting off all avenues of ?*c*pe. Fifty persons were In the burn tenement. M my of them were trapped and crouching to awa't death, when the Are department rescue squads en tere«!. jpg The people were then led difficulty through the dark, smoke filled hallways by police and firemen. dth 1 cellar of the building, Heved they passed the first floor In the dense smoke and found them selves trapped in the cellar, Their bodies were burned almost beyond recognition, The body of Mrs. Kaleid ws a found on the third floor. , h * son. Roman, were found In the It was be COP SHOT WHILE MAN RAN TO HIM "The officer shot at me hut I don't know why. for I didn't run away from hlm: 1 ran toward him." _ Judge I.*ynn. in Municipal Court thl'* morn ng, when he pleaded guilty to Joseph Young. Negro, told Deputy h charge of trespassing on the Phils and to keep warm, ho «•».« trying gel some coal from the coal dock at ih*> foot of B street when he was ar rested. Jo delpliia anil Reading Railway, seph was arroated by Special Officer Weldon. A I ght fine was Impose !. Young raid he I- a stranger here uiov *r Dairy Safe Milk ph«n* ! 5 40-1 5 41.—Adv. F* >