Newspaper Page Text
« HKLP WANTI-D—MALE. SOLICITOR—Experl 809 Shipley dec5-tf. ADVERTISING • i enced only need apply, street. AUTO MECHANIC* -re never out tu" graduate» ""our'ïch^Yhe* and best-equipped auto and tnM iL to school. Radio course free. AArite fur our fr*e catalog. Pets Automotive ftchool, 8 N. 20th St.. Philadelphia. Pa, janS-13-20-27. J——---7773^ BARBER—For evenings and Saturdays., Janl9-2t. --- — BECOME RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS— 35: com Wrtte^lmme l^f.HAN CUT MEN with $100 to $1.000. with or without services. In one the biggest money-maklns. legitimate business ever offered to make real; >ney invented fully secured. 4*. Jan20-6t. DETECTIVES needed every where. Work at home or travel; big pay; In t"Testing work. No experience free Information. International Baltimore Bldg., Jan29-lt. Apply 71^ Spruce St. $133-1192 month. Men. 18 * tfgm education sufficient. aminat ion questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. ••*•**» janS-13.20-27. dialely. Rochester, N. Y. rgmey; m« O Box 323, city. eary; In-tective Exchange, Chicago. 111. and 827 -' cents per c ....> Co.. Janl6-6t J _ M HAT CUTTER—Experienc'd onljr. ^'all Sunday, between 9 and 10 A. M.. 2525 Washington St. Phone 1433-W. * ian20-ll. MEN WANTED experience «îan jr, ^ Louis. BRAKBMBN—Beginners. Write Railway. FIREMEN. IffO monthly. M-92, Evening Journal Office. i«n1-6-8-13-15-20-22-27-29. COOD ERRAND EOT for d«l> Fridays only. • l«nlS-3l. oyster place, «1 -Madison St, IgA BORERS WANTED—35 hour. Apply Waller U. Marfhe Terminal. detective w ®rk; unnecessary. Write J. Ouv t. ..... U 8 MAIL 8EK\ 1CB Esoerlence unnecessary. for former Experience un make secret in ports. Salarie*, expenses. Detective MEN—Age 17 lo 55. necessary. Travel; wstagation*. *■ Amer.' an Foreign 2"4, St. I «oui*. Agency. Jan30-lt. MEN FOR * 111.'» to 1190 per month. correeiKjndence Write E. 8. Bishop. Drawer 579. Jop lin. Ma Jan20-lt. • -• firemen. , men wishing positions l»rakcnien. colored train porto Experience' lar*a Delaware roa»i*. writ. at ion, 1125-1200 month. Inter-Railway. Dept. Jan 29-23 U ■ 1 1 unnecessary. tndianapoli*. Ind. .MW OR WOMAN as local representa tive; good weekly income. All or *!>***j£P C /n *n r n. and knitted baby uear, at 8at_.and ii|i. • No capital or experience. g*£ lu * lve e errltory. Act quick. Ajeno Mf*. Co., Dept. T-7, 49it No. Crawford Ave^, Util Jan-U-it. n«i,wi.r«i f— tin-0.1t . - r t'iï p'^^'r^^nor^AMOST Weal Virginia. Established trade. Splendid opportunity for a real hustler, Sell.ns experience :n palntlTsvarnlshc«. tfisecticldea absolutely essential. Keply, will he held strictly confldentlaU Ad dress The (Hidden Co.. IDS W. St.. Ualtlmore. Md. Janl9-3t. KKLIARLE MAN to sell guaranteed nursery stock; appoint agents, pay, ^ e Tan20-*lt! r cago. » PI.CM BEK—Apply at once. Employment Agency. 8. E Front and Shipley 8ta. weekly; new method». * series, Rochester. N. Y. Apply) Sei SALESMEN for bread w«t»n. Vandever Ave. anti Jea.up St. • Mr I^tcry. janl8-3t. - In SALESMEN—175 easily earned commission, following live leads in • * Addreae W-55. Evening Jan 2 ' • references. 21 . Jmirnal office. 1 w » i «com i vxrtFR—Fstahlish h nerma >ALMM.VNa p rma „".înèk *N>«tlaî l«ïï ÏK inve«' '.rVond rSaulred Ilnbm ^uüde" Synd?c»te Tru»« nids i. unter. . .ynuioav i»n'0-lt ! WANTKD-Men to .ell book, by mMI. h>»y. pffilitable. Literature furn »hed '»«ÂT 8 ÏSI ! "b.: ■ «•lerka nr Address A a <3 rest Home • St. Louis. Mo. I , 1 )—Names men. ome railwgy 1er»; . \V \ N1 me il 1 $133 month, ing Journal Office. Ing b mall ca W- 15, t ja n8-l$ -F KM A LB. HELP WANTE1 ladle« to travel, dem- 1 flft *o 975 ( îoodrlch AT ON^B—Fixe nnstrate and sell dealers; week: railroad far« paid. Drug Co., Dept. 101-OGG, Omaha. Nebr. Jan6-13-20-27. with 1 tIPOK KEEPER — Experienced. Apply Superior Markets,. ** Janl9-2t. w/e rence. 4 W. Fourth St COOK—Reply In own handwriting to steward »»f the Elks Club. 1119 St. Jan20-2l. th. Mar .MUES AND CHILDREN S DRESSES. Coats nnd Salesmen * 'apes. sam s.II on weekly payment«; W*°Nlnth r M n j«»;"! , îi n 1 1 M VfDS—Apply to housekeeper. Moapttal. 11th and Washington flte. j n20-3t. I" lUllflll alii 18 ( »-nlng». » .' r - J MIDDLE-AGED WHITE WOMAN, with or without child, to cook In country Addr-wx F-85, Evening Journal Jan20-3t. hotel. •office PHOTOPLAY IDEAS, new» Rem» I wanted; 123-ljtK) paid. Experience I • I'Miccrsaary : outline free. Write Pro ' -.-era' League 1"7 St l»ui». Jan20-lt. '.uccre League, t.j. nt. Louie, ^n. | For general hou-e-!*« wage». II«. Ref-; Applv 9«7 Shipley Jan2»-It. RELIABLE GIRT wnric an«I cooking; •'«•rêiK/s required. street. REFINED PROTESTANT LADY for . pleasant, worth-while local position. ' On© interested in church or child wel Splendid salary. work preferred Excellent opportunity for advancement : .r capable, (live address and telephone Address Box K-84. K\cning J in 20-It. fa •number. Journal Office. T5VO GIRLS and one hand ironrr. Ap - ply I -N. L. Laundry, Sixth and JanlS-3t. „•a.^r.kf'cc X.- . . . . — WAITRESS—ExperlanMd. Apply Go %ato« Lunch Room, Eighth an.l, M»r-1 Janl8-3t. . . WOMAN—For housework. In suburbs; .*V« ? er we * k ' p ' Box 307. City. afecfO-lm. 'orange St». WAITRESS American Restaurant. Kirkwood Sts. 5Vhlte. experienced. Eighth ami Janl9-2t. WHITE 5VOMAN—For general house work; good home. Phone 5542-R-3. jan!6-18-20. ■VoM AN—White, housework ; good wages family. Muet have JMtone 2638. reliable, for general and small good reference. Janl8-20. WOMAN—White, for housework; Mrs. W. S. Wilson. Park Place, Newark, Del. . Janl8-3t. no washing and ironing. HKLI* W.ANTlvD. JtOVS AND GIRLS—Must hn over 1| years of .Tge. Apply Jute Works. 16th Si. and Railroad Ave. JanlS-3t. TYPISTS—Earn 125-1100 weekly, «pare Unie, copying ' authors' manuscripts. Write R. J. Carnes' Author»' Tallapoosa, Ga.. for particulars. Jan20-lt. Agent, f TYPISTS—Earn $25-8100 weekly, spars time, copying authors' manuscripts. Write R. J. Carnet., Authors' Agent, Tallapoosa, Ga.. for particulars. v Jan20-lt. _ SITUATION WANTED— M 5LR ..A ('COUNT A NT—Hooka closed, coat, aystc »on. Tenth and 1290. opened ... ' v ' 15 r>aw-. Washington. Phone! Janl2-lm. and AGENTS WAlVTKn. AGENTS— To «cil Lorraine Producta. Jan SO-41 813 Shipley St. miTuae. n :«Hme? dally" b £ 0 DrT^'tJum ' Ohio ' Jan20-lt today.__ J , „ AOENTS—Snapplest household line on I "J* "Sl-îf 11 !® „JK" i RfftiSSiinl 09 n : r'Vafternoon, tart-selling popular-priced nécessit es, I&B"* 11 . G *L 5" fy ' write toda>. Posial win do. Amert-.and «W Products Co. 8217 American Bld* . J* kicinnatl. Ohio. jan20-lt. iotSTRlBUTORS^QuIekty develop" "^Tn independent husmetw. handling Scot-' (mints Yeast Candy: new Ford auto-1 mobile free, cxchmiv«* territory. Scot mlnU Company. 531 Scotmlnt* Building. Jersey « Uy. N. i. Jan20-lt. " NO DULL TIMES SELLING FOOD j People miivt cat. Federal cll*tribu-' tons make big money; 13,000 yearly and I up. No capital or experience needed, ; guaranteed s^les; unsold goods may returned. Your name on packages builds own business. Free samples to customers. Repeat orders sure. Exclu ! »lve territory. Ask now. Federal Pure : Food Co., 2335 Archer. Chicago. janSf-lt. , . „ _ # Retail Rawlsigh a Good Health hood Products. Spices, • Flavors. Medicine*. Toilet Preparations, |etr 150 every-day n©ce?sllies used by, mljllnns. Largest company: esUb i llshed «*5 years. Favorably known all America. Products sold on tlme;{btid «west wholesale. No experience, prac. tlcally no capital needed. We furnish I everything; teach you to manage your j «wn permanent, big-paying Imamov 13.000-15,000 yearly. ' t ,v •„?*!;, , jRawleiglr lo., Dept. j 1 • _ START YOUR OWN BUSINESS Make more money. 1 I Partlmilars free; references. W, uS. hr.eporl. jtnll-l.t. •rnmnivn . .. I wil? 0, !r % - 9 ** ^^* ^ 1 j®J«^-lo-order suits and over-[ f- 0 ®5ff p# 4 l L lh î2. Btor6 tecuM l'rrUoty*^ 1 Beautl'ul'aasortmen"' 8x9 swatciifp free. J. 15. 8impron. Dept. 521. 831 Adams, Chicago. Jssi20-lt. WR pay n« >ui «MV- TZ* ZTiri spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery; lnï'î«nïï ,ef V w,,rk 1 IVvfe^wîar . U "P CC K'' _ • ' ; orj^_Isold I,, ., pER — pa|d Ja 11.0-it. ' n **. Ijj workers aEX.'ORDS C »a ran teed with Ev©rplay pnotiot;raph needle: •,d.ffereni; cannot Injur i records; daily easy. Free sample to Ev. rplay. Md'Iurg Bldg , Chicago. iaa20-H. $ n * 4 ,N r AHH for your first month»!« work. No monev required, no trier-•* to buy. No heavy sample cae.-; to carry. Men and women wanted everywhere to distribute free advertls• ,| nc ,.) rL . u | ar , an ,( appoint local agcii». v ' rite B'enora l-aboralorles. 230] Nor W»l Blvd- t'hirafo jan 2»-lt - 7=^ - - ------- - - -- . -= MI'HSMUX WANTKD. ___—__(hereby ATTRAOTIvn .•ONTRA.T.^ for diiudu manager* and «aleemen leollrlt flrfouul.. t Minois Arfjusiln». * 'rporaMon. .. K Ian Buren St ' h c **» __Jan. b-n. cVt'i'BUirv-ti-. v errTTÖ SALESMEN WANTED—,12* L (necessary. 8enu seir-aadreaaeu, stamped en'«J»g> jjf . «» ar ^° ♦ High roint, N. < . Jan.O-lt . NEW SPECIALTY—Permanent, profit able; all retailers. Good me* -orders. Mfg., Box 392. Cedar Rapide Jan20-H. lf * Iowa. SIDE LINE Demand for toy balloon*.' advertising and plain, enormous. Sell »y Hurnn Rubber; Jan2«-H. # J I n <-«- \Mllard. Ohio. r round make expen sa If omet». SALESMEN—Don't mnnect until yon K et our sample» and particulars. HiTh-grade pencH* imprinted in gold or with the cu.tomerx nd It le.» ' |mn °«'d'hary pencils Why not make $23 " h » w > ou h "« - *»«. v »»lea: b'S commi»»lon«; quick promo-; tion to irener«) agency Write today— "vSw Tork'ât^lnM It llurcl> N,IW Torlc clt y- J»n20-ll - pJ^ OR ^ 7 r ,n ^^; *"»■<•* have been comnlefed Intelligent' -getters wanted 8ee Mr Jacoby. wiIminglon Auto ( *o. \ juni9-2t. r-r L-rvr-cf H j, , f/ERKS—If upward, for governmenti po*lt on»; ?!20 monthly rfl.perienc« unnecessary. Vor fre*» list positions now open, writ© It. Terry fformer Civil Service examiner). 58 Barrister Bid*., {Washington, D. C Janl8-4t. *î,1 UnB Twylne* 0 'E-.iKrl»nc7 'un*-' n»re,sary. Full particulars free Write <! W. Bobbin., tlvil Service Expert, Pope U"lg Washing Ion D c jants-si * ■ ■ ■ . _HELP W WTED MALE A KKMM.K m^v __ SITUATION \\ AS fl.D I I..MAI.I,. COLORED WOMAN wl»h-a work byi day. Call 12« E. Twelfth street. N — «MIDDLE-AGED LADY desires position! small family; no Address W-53, 1anl9-2t. ^ofts housekeeper. washing; rcferencea_ Evening Journal Office. NURSE DESIRES POSITION with In valid or as companion for elderly per «■' Apply MH» B B. Adam». 21 B. Tenth St.. Marcus Hook. Pa. Janl9-3t. „ _, ..... . RSB— Practical, capable and refined. or, n ,' HnaR 1 i "? housekeeper for couple. Addresa W -e2. Evening Juur i na * Office. Janlg-3t.l I WOMAN wants cooking or housework; no laundry. Address W-51, K\ Janl8-3t. Journal Office. WANTICD TO BUT. PIPELBSS HEATER—Must be reason able Phone 2297-J^ _Ja nlO-lm. I —————- ' WANTED. j DAREV WANTS TO SEE YOU—Do you j want the hlgli^t p/ice for Jewelry and diamonds? DAREV MONEY LOAN OFFICE. 231 Market St. Phone 7733-J. Bonded nnd Ucenaed to tha city. I 8e| ,t25-Ivr. FURNITURE. CARPETS BOUGHT— ( Prompt attention to nil calls. Jacob Prodigal. Phono »M.W. Jyl2-lyr. HIGHEST PRICES for Baer. 623 King St. Phone 687T-J. Jan8-lm. w furs. Irvin HIGHEST PRICES PAID for hand furniture Simon Spire. Phone 5373-J. 200% W. Second SI, junel7-lyr. HOUSEHOLD GOODS—I pay highest cash prices. J Skint. 305-307 W. Second St. D. &■ A. 3222- W. Jan21-lyr. I I HOUSEHOLD GOODS, office and store I fixture« bought and sold. Berger's. I Third and Shipley Sts. Phone 5113-W. JylS-l/ ^ I WILL BUY YOUR OLD CARPETS— Isaac Gibbs. 838 French St. Phone 2995. Will pav good pHce. junef.lyr. RAGS, papers, metals, furniture, men's clothing. Junk. Highest prices. New management. L. Frankel, 104 Madi«on St. Phono 6710-W. jan9-lyr. RUGS. RUGS, RUGS, LINOLl.l .M New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Cash house, ir'urc cure for installment germs. CHAS. S. HURLOCK & SON. mar25-lyr. Seventh and Poplar Sta. WANTED—We desire to purchase one hundred used cars and will pay the highest cash prices. Bring your car here, go home with the money. Kell Motor Co., Eleventh and Tatnall Sts. Phone 6100. Open eveniungs. may22-lf. 1.000 RUGS AND CARPETS TO CLEAN —Geo. F. Lang Co., 1203 Orange St. jan28-tf. / NOTICES ANTHONY FERRARA, formerly of th* American Barber Shop. 400 Mirket street, I» now located at S. E. Orti*'T r'Mirth and Shipley streets, lie will be* ''ry glad to meet some of his old pa. irons at h!s new place of bueineee. janl-im. i - t . V . X „ T 4 ,-—----ALL-WOOL .ANNUAL MEETING of the share holder* of the Ijibor Temple Building Association, will he held Saturday, J ff lu,lpy -*• 3 30 o'çlark In the: in R,u,m 1. of the labor Pefnple. Tenth md Tatnall stn ©Is. WII ■**! "* ton - Delaware. Election of officers necessary routine business lo be transacted. * JAMES O'K VNK Pres j,.n20-2t KREÜ " bTlERLK, Sec. - BATTERY PRICES *o up soon. Better have jour generator and battery e.< amineJ now. fre.« D.. and Nlte se-vlre. 1301 French St. Phone 8308-AV. **Presfo L,te " i aug7-lue»-thur»-*at-lf -—---- IF TOUR PETS are sick, send for free booklet. Radium Supply Co . York. pa. ja»20-ll. l*«,----used MEMBERS AND WOMEN of Moose heart Legion. No. 3$U are requested to meet at Moose Home. 703 French street. 21sl. 19 — on Sunday ©verting,« January . nt 7.30 P. M eharp, to at lend the funeral service* of the late Legion-• c er Katharine Thompson. Signed Sarah m. Golden. Record, r. jan20-lt. . ■ - - -.Third MEMBERS OF MIN'QFA TRIBU No. 8. | 0 K. M . ar© asked to attend in e body. the funeral of William Duncan, nje tnher of the Tribe, which will be. at 2 o'clock, on Monday afternoon. fr „ m hiH , ate residence. 28 East Twenty-. third stre.t. — I JAMES S. McGEACHIK. Chief <»f Kecfirds. jnn20-lt. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART NKRSHIP Notice i« hereby given that the part-J nersHIp heretofore aubai^tkig between;" the undersigned. Floyd H. Turner «nd %v Herber Potts. :o conduct » general Insurance busincee. ha« beet« dissolved 1 ^ mu * uil — W linuotl by Floyd H. Turner Individually. 1 .. 9 ! 5 h J^ ra , n l ** hv^th*' J -jiJlumrt by the alw ?M r rli!n7r ""P>]bfdlvidu»' 1 / All money du« and "»ingI tu the raid Arm should be paid to th. Klovd B Turner , D.trd ati Wilmington. Drlauare. Jan ." MERBICRT POTT "-. RESOLVED—^That in t he judgment of Herbert Polt* retires from the iiald frm of Turner & 'Pott* and the business here'ofore con ducted by tlie said Arm will be con Its board of director*, it is advisable and most for the benefit of WEBSTER-1 REESE rOMPANV. that said company ■h»»uld he dissolved: and to that 'land a.*< required by law. that a meet ing of the stockholders of **id corpo tion to take action upon this resohitio be an«l it hereby is called to be held at he office of said company, located hi ]H Hast Long Ate. in the City of Du ! Bob«* county «»f <7learfleld. Slate of. i Pennsylvania, on the third day of Fch Iruary. HÎ3. between tlie hour, of 10 »clock In Ihn forenoon and 3 oVI"<-k in (the afternoon, namely al 11 o clock In ! the forenoon of that day, sod that th eecretary of this corporation be and j* directed-, within «*n dj\« l ^„ a " n ,.;; f hî7 tnlreeoiution !•• ho mailed to each stock , Hid corporation r-«l<linc In l-|ih.- United Stales, and also be»lnnln K Wll hln ten days, to cause a like notice to Mr Inserted in a newepaper puh 1 ^»llState nt Delaware, at least four »cek«. , u cce**i\e lv on re * w^k nrvr nr*. •# .1 Ins the tlm- app.dnted 'as aforesaid' } or meeting of g(ockholders'* ! J anl 3--0-.i. (within ten days, to cs to be inserted ici I llshed In the- county Castle of UPHOLSTERING descrip of every ton. made to order, Vf a reuphn! specialty. RELIABLE upholstering CO.. 11^ Walnut St. Phon* T549-W ap »E* : -tf. Are due »nd p.yabU In .dvance, at the office of the , .. ^ iltGr DCpal'lnKMlt * New Public Building Tenth and King Sts. - — WATER RATES , , , Non-Meier Cla»»--Annual R^tes qulred , , If not paid before the first day of March. 1923. the water may i>e shut off rj \i- ■ IVIfter UHaM— lYlinimuin rvaico if paid during the month of January. 1923. 5 per >v*nut. diacount; a.1er Janu ary. Hie fac« of tho bill will be Required if not paid before the fi r «t day of., March. 1923. the water may be shut off. Meter Class-Quarterly Rates If P»l«l »ithln 30 day, after th. clc e ,h * n uart ; r ' J r f " "f^r 30 day. from I he etos. ^ the qu«. ter the face of th« bill will be required, j If not paid within «** days after the close „I the quarter, tho »ater may »• »hut off offlcf opPn f ron , % a. M. in S r M. n l n . f Sn rlw "w x-ratn^-nuUtMlnyi-ni 'BOARD OF WATER COMMISSION ERS i I MAH LON BBTT.S, Registrar. Jan2-eod-lm. = BUSINESS NOTICES. ANT MIRROR RE-SILVERED— French process. L. H. Eitler». Sr. 1547 Van -1 deter Ave. Phone 28«.. June9-Iyr. | ALL MAKES talking machines re paired. Called for and delivered, Sortman s Unale Shop, « W. Seventh I St. Phone o83--R. feb?3-lyr. _ elderly(BUSINESS NOTIGE— I wiéh nounce that I have entered the field of Public Accounting work nnd would be plea«çd to hear from those who have accounting problems Specialties; In come Tax Report, Financial Reports, Books Audited Systems Installed. R. B. IsJink. 2909 Washington street. Phone 5322-J. JanI6-12L _ poLL HOSPITAL—All parts, wigs and heads 414 Orangs 61. Phone $433-W. June3-lyr. POLL HOSPITAL—Combings mrfd 629 Madison St. Formerly 61S Seventh St. .. .. . HEMSTITCHING. PICOT1NG nCJVUJIULn P . 1 HXtj, 8c PER YARD ELIZABETH JOSEPH. 791 Orange St. Bottomley Apt». ('hone S3.'.l. Junel9-lyr. * up. t\ i imi'l-lyr. PLUMBING AND HEATING HEY BOLD BROS.. Phone 8124. 8U W. Sixth St. junelO-lyr. second-1- 1 -1 SHAFER & 55ITK05VSKI Carpenters, cabinetmaking a specialty. Bindow screens, doors and porche« enclosed. 2515 Market St. Phone 7482. may5-tf. — ■ . ' "T" WILMINuTON ROOFING & HEATING CO.—Roofing, spoutings heater work; tin., tar, slag roofing; Jobbing Promptly attended lo. Shop, 4% L -4kh St. Phone 4054-55. oci9-lyr. A DM I N 1STU ATX HI'S SALK. ADMINISTRATOR S SALE To be sold, on the premises. 823 Wal nut street, *m Janvarv 25, 1923, at 10 o'clock A. M . all household good» of the late Ransom If. Hockaday. consist ing of complete parlor. d4hIngroom and b©dr(M>m suites, player-piano, Vlclrola. range, carpcte, etc . .and numerous other articles; all in excellent condi tion. Also on© 55'lnton touring car, 7 passenger. ISAAC R. BROWN, Jr. Administrator. Jan20-4t. MUSICAL I N STBUMEVTS. V1CTROLA RECOlfDS — Bring oM record ami 10 cent» and iztt a ncwl Joseph E. Clough, 1001 b, Lorn-'sell Janl9-6t. on©. bard St. FOR SALE ANTIQUE BEDROOM SUITE—1620 W. Fourth St. Janl$-$t. A CABINET Sew Inc Machine, good M new. B. B. Harman. 620 W. 9lh Si MACKINAWS, CoâlJ. some sheep lined; men's site only; all specially priced Ephraim Ä Eph ralm. 3-5 W. Fourth St. Janl«-lm. -—— A GOOD SECOND-HAND COOK STOVE and doubl« Haael heater, Stove Repair House. 510 King St. JanlS-tf • U A CARLOAD OF STOVE REPAIRS— Brick* grate*. p|p f * elbows; now Is the time; jobbing reasonably • done.} lStove Repair House. 510 Kin* St. jyll-tf. A SINGER Sewing Machine: drop-head. ad attachments'* about 3 Easy payments, Moth St. - A Electric Portable Singer Sewing I C °* °° neV% V **l reji.sonabb-. Easy pajments. B. llUr.nan. 5^ W Ninth St. l»nU-tf. ,1 r'"i',,r~»in' B. E."Vurmfn. " janls-tf. cost ATTENTION. Now is the Time STOVE REPAIRS fnr make* of stoves Brick*, gratss. P'Pes. ,dhows Get them at Bargar'a. and Shipley Sis. Phone » u »6-lyr. *---- a,BLUICHBR B-Flat tenor Saxophone., Apply 411 Rodney St. jan20-Jt. BOURBON RED TURKEYS—Fine Mock. Phone 3-H-2, Newark. D< ~ t ~. ___1 BICYCLES sold, bought, excliangrd, hired and repaired. bÆt«M w.n.jd Vantl-lm __ T T1 ~ s jan 19-8i (also bicycle frames, Phone 1399-W. - BARRELS AND KEGS of all kind«. bought and sold. Dealer lu empty u — ow — ,,#t a •,••••» PhcW> CORDUROY or Piuah Caps. Ear Bobs. JPecjal hi »0c. Bahrain, A Bphralm, *1*^ M. Fourth St. janH-lm ■ CORDt-ROV |CIXDi5525u>I MalterX «IXsw. fr>«| from clinkers: delivered any piece. 227 K. bought and sold. la and kogs. Phone lift. August H. .Saner. 701 South Market street. ja«il7-lyr. Harvest Home. Oriole gas range and caah register. Jan20-St. COOK STOVE—N> any time. In any o.iantities Phone 353 After hour*. Mendenhall, 15. V B. u Maf»cl?l Co., 125 Tatnall St. Jan4-1 end. charger, Address 8-93, ianl7-4t. RECEIVER LAPP-BASTHAM stops complete, tubes, phone». . batten*. B battery, means''»», home coat érÔA; will sell for >100. Evening Journal Office , V(> hav< j 500 feet I and 2.Inch oak. rJ , lldom W j d ths: also S-lnch poplar. 1 .i nch chestnut and f-nce posta xv <Srll ,, b * Son , Jti w. Front »... WII., hei,„, j-imne l«71-M Jan2ot-t-«-i:t. - - , '' ,0r -" B ' I> W ' h "' S ' Wln ' "«Mm. nmr , t - ce . Ir - A Tr nc 7.MPIRE PIPELElSS HEA 1 LKb ! W CHEAP LUMBER - $1.1.0«. ß B. Harman. «20 W. »Ul St.. jDnli-tf. suit u* before buying; 509 in Wll-J mingfon a>*d vicinity. 8. G WILLIAMS £ BRO CO.. Third and Tatnall Sta. Phone 381 decll-eod-tf. Any kind, any length.I Janl9-' FIRWWOOÏ Call Halsen. 4311 -J. — FIREWOOD—All dry. fins lot of hick « larenc© m tll-R. Weld in T ory Ja nt-1 mo Holly Oak. * .HOUSEHOLD GOODS — Second-hand, bought and sold. Morrison A Lane. 122 King RI P one I7M«W. junel-lyr. -— HALF-PRICE SALE of suits, overcoats.. lr| unn »nd odd ro»i". .»> 'be »*«•«( ,Cl f™M° U, V #î ' 4 * Jniie$-lyr. / H Äc S. STORE AND OFFICE FURNITURE CO. t r.uj »nd flat top d.sks. filing btuchcr»* »nd r grotYrV cqulpmen' 1 "«'? jr.ed in stock and soli at reasonable! .'*. We buy. sell and exchange all kind* of office /■litxiifhr« and grocery) equipment. 113 Market sirott Pltone a«22-.i. feh2-iyr. Poultry Tarda York Pa Jan'*«-ll lo»l tr> s n*. ork, i a. jan. . ; .r; * JOIN 0nr dot» sewing machine Hub In 1 nineteen plenty three Robert A. parvl* 913 Market St ianf-lyr. _' - - ' BLACKI8TON 821 Shipley St complete line of used office equip- i ment Int-luülng furniture, typewriter». i w" , R*m"n«« 0 n* < m I1 d A oC r on7r 'î-ort^ 1 l.hl. and I. t' Smith standard Type «b. aao Tyj^o writer», i n on e .*»» n. _French ..... v./.-tr.,, , , nrt MAltOGA.\\ \ K TBOI.A J »"" d l.„d"hlileJ RI P one SIU-W i.nlt-31 , *n<l Shipley flt. Phone silï-w. janii-Jt , ■ MACHIN BR Y — Motor, lathe, drill press and emery wheel. Can be eeen run- 1 ling. Apply 8-83, Evening Journal Office, j dec29 I OFFICE FURNITURE—Desks. etc. Must He sold at once. Apply 2»»91 ian20-2t. ! chairs. W. Eighth St. PERFECTION OIL HEATERS—Gov ernment slock. Special, »3.98. Hart'», I 80S and 715 King St. J«nl9-tf. j pool TABLES—We deliver and erect I tables In playing condition, with new [cloth and pocket« for 1100 and Grady'«, Eighth and Orange streets. marl-lyr. ! POULTRY PLANT—WeII-»quipped. eluding one himdrcd and fifty «ingle! Comb White Leghorns, three hundred egg strain: several blue ribbon winners among them. Also Barred Kooks. Thompson «train; g.»od enough to win In any ahow. Two 60-egg and one 100 egg oil Incubators, one 200-e** electric' and on© 400 nnd one 6'»i-egg electric incubators. Brooders, fountain», poul-' try wire and «II accessorie«. Moving in another locality or would not sell for three times what i part or whole, e fence. Janl9-3t. asking will sell Flr.t"comf; ««'"nrï" C , - - — * - - J * REPAIR YOUR ROOF with fibre coat ing and elastic root cement, Stops all S. O. William» A- Hro., Third Phone 361. Jan2«-tf. leaks, and Tatnall Sts. RESIDENTS OF UNION PARK GARDENS We have complete grate rep» I your furnaces. Phone and we deliver. G. O. Robertson. 2012 Market St. dcclS-tf. for RAYMOND H. STOUT. Phone i 116-R. Second-Hand BICYCLES, Tire«. 7*arts, Repairing. UNITED STATES TIRES and TUBES Sales nnd Service Depot. AUTO ACCESSORIES. Genuine Ford Parts. 908 French St. New and dccl-lyr. SAXOPHONE!—C Melody; 1145-J. « -til new. Rull I SS d • ' 91 __ STOKE—Cigar, candy and poolroom. V. McGee. 2111 Market St Janl3-15-17-2U. SEWING MACHINE, cape, dres» and other articles. $02 West St., side trance. ♦•II Janl9-2t. SMALL KITCHEN RANGEΗ Also ahe-t iron parlor stove. 2520 Tatnall St. JanlS-3t._ SPECIAL—In men'« overcoats, all wool, small sis© only; rflies 34-35-30-37. Price 910, |12. and $13.50. Ephraim & Ephraim, 3-5 55'. Fourth St. Janl8-lm. STIRL1THS—PHONE 1201 Scrap irons and metal«, I-beams and pipe. Front and* Tatnall. novl5-lyr SINGER Sewing Machina. JS6.D0 new This machine ia slightly used; will for 132.00. Call at once. B B Har man, 620 W. 9th St. Janli-tf. KO H SA I iE. SKATES SHARPENED 837 Tatnall Street , VA J i 4 SINGER SEWING MACHINES. * like ne*. 155; one Wheeler and AVII {»on and one white droph.-sd. all ;*l tachment. Easy t-rms \ Oi.ieim 62! w. Fourth St. Phone 2MI-J. ..pts-ivr 1 ° Ct * lyr ~ WOOD—J. T. Eastburn, Cbnstlana. pel. ; Phon© 214-R-3. Newark. Jaul6-i.od-3t N o h t y M(sIiQim©yV au*7-lyr. . »4. Mi-:..-.,... STRANGERS liWül'IT' Misa Marv Kelley. 507 N Van Buren . « i, r «©elve tw » tickets for the l" A '^adt,. 'r will ?l«lc call it Th« Evening Journal Offlct. ' WORrtlXa OLtOVKS, nrlvtnr niovtii and mitts. Ephraim & Ephraim. 3-5 U s I l.-MBUB niMXU.lOoJI «'-ITK-' Solid mahogany. Ph one 9 05. janl>-3t. t —— ' BOOMS I Oil liK.VT. . . m B JPflymla home. 1-10 " csl ,21 1113-W..dei-f-im KOR HUNT—Kurnl.bed or' rt, * 9«1 Shipley! Jnnl7-*l- ! fur light h«uiekr«pln(. «treat. -rLODETTK" HOTET.. 4B7-IO» Fr.-nch SI.—Room., ell hearet*. hoi and cold the be.t running water in every room; piece in town to make your home. iou » '»«7 1 , W tt k i,?n« > 7s « ••- îo*om ".'heî." ;^ or mght; the Tow prices for a plartf like thl« will surprise you. 1 nd»*r new management. d«cl4-2mo _ . ON» LARGE ROOH-NloMy fumlahed. second fluor j ^ K °0^ 'JLrljST' en ces. 13 »T lltkd t._^-^ j ROOM — Furnished . for 791 West »I. light houaekeepittg. jan!9-«t electric bed*. twl room—F ront. ... ^ . . mmmmm and heat. 712 W f «shlngton St. Janls-sC for two men janl9-3t. | - —— tailt-lm jam* ROOM — Bright, plea**nt. boarder*. Phone 531-W. ROOM-Desirable. neatly 1213 West St. w F »#, f î r gt ll ^hune°| U, * C * W. Mfih 81 . Phgie 43 9 » . ROOMS — Furnished, keeping. jsn30-Sl. OMR—Four and bath, second fl nfurniehed. conven furnished or lanc e*. ? keeping. able in price. ROOMS—Two. nicely furnished: elec-l trie and heat. 1207 WashhiRlon 277-J. Janl»-ît. ROOMS— F 0 tail shed, for l.wlpin, houaekeeain*; electric ga* 27» Wes, fl, Janl9-3l Phi«,, »2S-M light hotiae Furnished. all convenience». 503 E. ,8txth 81. Janl®-2t. for and ROOM8—Two. unfurnished, for i** ht housekeeping. running water and t of phone im mnch *«. J»nl»-0, . __ . - - I nge. Jan19-2t. furnished for light 1111 West 81. T'hon Jan18-3t. third Phone 6957.1 ROOMS—T housekeeping. 2352-W ROOMS—Two, unfurnished. » floor: very reasonable, (anl8-3t. ROOM—Fumlahed for on© or two gen Phone jan18-8r. conveniences Innen ; 5271-M. a;i mmmmmmmm mmsmÊL — ROOMS—Two, furnished or unfurnlahed, all conven Janl5-6l. i -j Iigiit houeekepeing; . 2529 Washington St. f ie ROOMS—Two. furnished, board if de 1821 W. Fourth St. Phone I,-*« Jaati-tl _ - — I KOOM-Dealrable. furaiahed for young , »'"C"'»"- 901 W - Nln,h * ,reel - Jaal-lmo. RuoM-w„h , i« c V™ In» Journal offlea. ROOM-Fiirnlsh»d, for lodging, Wsshleigton 4M., next lo corner house. J an --*r. "£"> »... .... "■ n . street, will receive two ticket«* for the %rradia . 1f phe will please call at The Evening Journal Office. _- - - mMIll ll \IJST NOTH E ____JNO. I. . . ... tl FIRST PROORESSJA E ^ritualist_.— Uhurch. W4 West St. Sunday even j"* ««rvlce. 7.4a. Message« and trance [ »y tur « by Kllt " n ° n janH-at, TUB ROSE OF SHARON Kplrltu.ll.t ' hunh. hold their meeting. e\rry g^ |l(J>y ari(1 Tue.dar night, a, 711 »tree, Mr- Oracht the Krllade with national Spiritual!, ta Awociatlon. JanW-lt. , ..... - - —.. = UPHOIATERY. without board; no ob Addre«, K-77. Even-1 J«nS-tf. *°° — j Con " 1 ' ROOMS--Four venienres. aii tin rurni«h*'d; 908 \»nde\er A%e. BANQUET * UPHOLSTERING "f material« for sale. Corner Fourth and Tatnall Sts. Phone ,U * the better kind; Sparks i i Son, June27-lyr. IjOST I . , I Friday after-1 Reward If returned^to^ U21| IX)ST—Small black and white dag. name "Tiny." Return to 1^8 Win chester Place. Reward. Jan2<y-lt. LOST—I'earl necklace, noon. iduPont St. I i IX)ST—Watch. Thursday. Jan. !«• Nam© D. \. Schaub inside. Eljrin movement. Reward If returned to the fchenlng Journal Office. janS0-2t. • nrttV kl( | ff » OVÄ for P j- ht vand k v Fmirtî» si îlfd ^ «'T, t.wSrd lf re urned tn f n ?- «•ward If returned to 5 >ourtn ' janis-Jt. \ LOST—On either Levering Ave.. Delà ware A\e. or on Washington St.. be-; Delaware Ave. and Delaware Hospital, string of pearls. Finder please return lo C * Alkin *'- Delaware i Hoaplul. Jan30-3t. i LOST—Diamond and ' fST Z ST Z , Jefferson 81.. between Delaware Ave. Seventh or Seventh street, betweeni î Jefferson and Orange. Reward Gall Room 312 Pennsylvania Bid*., foot of, French St. Phone 2852. Jan20-St. • ■ M an' I.OST—Deposit book on Artisans* Sav ings Dank. No. 25024. In the name of McClintock. -Ir. and Vll Application has been Pa riled I McClintock, made for a new book. artisans savings bank. J«8il$-eod-3t. , Î WHITE RABBIT DOG—With dark tan spots. Reward If returned to J. H. Horner. $00 Pine St • Janl9-2t. I — _I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. . »lock and Third and J«nl9-St. FOR SALE—Grocery »lore fixtures. Madison Sta. S. E. Corner 55'eat j LIVE MEN who can talk facts to ;iufo mobile owner», ran earn 52.5« at every Mu'; /imrantees'recovery'of car. or'paj^.* •nf of $5 per day for 30 days, Uost of Ä7.5n P wl'.! # b,^ÄrVo« ST5*«l! m< D Strict agencé given i .11 who msku gwd. Small cash <le ("^it required. Underwriter»' Automo-1 hlle Ideeitiflcation Bureau. 73 Fulton ' street New York City. Jan20-lt '-^-^——I ^îd^STne^of f0 coa«It£ï d *btaSÎÎ. , l <5end models or sketch and description 1 of your invention for our free opinion of its patentable nature. Highest rof erences! .Prompt attention. Reason unable term» Victor J Rvana & Co., 135 S. B-uad St.. Philadelphia. Main Office. 89 7 Ninth St.. Washington. D. C. j,.n6.13-:«-27. , FOR SALE—Slone quarry business and plant; fully equipped. * ?in,h j n: : dec-8-lm. Ai mMOMIMS roil SACK. At T TO TOPS AND CURTAIN'S, stern. rear 1103 Rodney St. Phone 6146. mar 20-if. CALIFORNIA BUICK LIMOUSINE—Run 3.500 miles; been out of city, >1,500 Otteni. Phene ;I870-J E. Jan29-lt. HUI« 'K—7-passenger; »II dll Ion ; will l>e sold very reasonab«e. m jan!9-3t. good con Phan.- 7683-W -US TOM -M A DE H. P. AND TOPS, naintirc and trimming Bo**«, ns Concord Ave. Phone 55®-W. ocllD-Iyr. ELECTRIC REPAIR.- — Motors and n * t 'Sr** lW ?Ä ,rn l alur » ?ou*h(. sold, exchanged I! R Cann. •"■JVolta.tBB 'it. Aon. 12M-R. FORD TOURING, starter. Ford Road .«ter, starter: 1920 Ford Roadster, ri's.n back; 192 , > Ford chassis. Ail re uilt Can be wn Sunday. 715 Wal nut St J»n:0-«1. — — . . . . " ■■■■ — — SILVER TIRE CO. »-'«h tlr,. r: 4-lnch nt< >lp ^ - ' K>ng '* ocl -i-l>r. ..JM TKUUK8—Ui*d and rebulll. 1150 .'Iri Term* f H AN CE MOTOR TRUCK CO., Phrtn t J?*' .iprT-lf WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS KEIl. MOTOR CO. •turn and tatnall. mar9-tf 192« OAKLAND TOURING—A-l shape, good rubber good m price right 8© ay and A St, leal c Mr. Bra janl®-2i. di »««-W. .. l«*'»" aug:: ti er. .t PAI*IUHA\(iIN(3. ARTISTIC. PAPRRII ANGING— Isadore Fishman: work done reasonable. 811 |W. Second St Phon« 8119-R. JanCl.lyr. hanglrga 111 Washington SL augt-lyr. f o w AUD w ! I ITT BN—Wall and draperies. hone ' M\R ANTE— Paper hanger; room* pa-, pered. 14 up, 830 W. Second Hi. Phone 1223. mayl3-lyr. f.iroiahe.i-- --- - - PAPBRHANOINO—Wallpaper for sale. x Seidel. 420 H Fourth St. Phone jr17-yi. - Harry asonable. 881 N. Clayton Si. lyr. Shnme*; E*timaves Pht»ne 8753. < |, ru . , Harr) Kcrsh.iw, « ir* V^dams o ct2-ly r. St Phono 8*» 10. •IS. LBVENKRON A SON-Practical pap*rhan*»rs and decorator». Reas onable price*. Ph*«».- 3571. aeplll-lyr'clock. Uim'S. 1*1 BIJC SALK. - BAZAAR. Wilmington. Auction sale» every Saturday, at 18 Korse* at private sale m all Klalr & Hollingsworth aprl.lyr .PUBLIC SALE—Real estate an«! per sonal property ©f I*et©r Mason, de (ceased, at hi* farm. « from Ashland, Del, to ( !l* ,f n ? ,,c Thursday. F* ruary 1.1 «*«!«• of «n acre* of land. less, six arcr©» of which are wuodluml. r.»a*l b-adlng ° nr * »»• balaiu e unde,»- cultivation The Imiwovr■-' nient* consist of an H*hl-ro»*m. stone m>u*c. with »late r.»of; frame barn. |4".x5ü feet with slate r»»of. Those build Inr* are In good repa'r. Also at the sume time and place the following personal property: One riding one drill harrow, cultivator, hay H wagon bed, milk wagon, hors* ke, churn, ha© and straw by ton. lot of lumber and other articles loo •»••«•r. Sale at 1 o'clock. of sale. Wll ntrevllle er place, n| . ThU fa plow. fist. I mention «»»u« Terms made v EDWARD H. M A80.V V*. FRANK TAVI.OR. And Fjmuc « M. Walker. All . Del. \dni. "ml n g -- MOVING AND H M 1/IN'G. ~—w—-— --- - —a v r^I.t, For tlALL, 527*-J -11« Man. r - Mreet. for l.«h. h.ulln,: lovai or Iona dl»i»nce. rate* reaaenable. dec25-lyr. Mov i*: tot. n DELIVERING é LIGHT HAULING— James 1. Pa at water. 313 .Sixth A%e. Phone 8*72. Jan2-lm. i__——- FOR GENERAL HAULING AND MOV call Dunttelly. Phone 5817. 70| 'Harrison 8t. s«pi6-lyr. ■- - ... uuxO & MOVING—Any time, any where . Phone 4473-W Keystone Gar |>gr ur Maryland Ac-. .ci21-l yr L1 , ;MT haUUNO—L ocal and Ion» dl», , aBc . Alexander Cagnon. <!( Madl. Phone 31M-W d.c;»-lm. Harrl»..n__ \io\TNO A HAULING— C. H. Thorn, , 1222 W. F.flh S,. Phone 75J7-W ly-Q-yr 1 ' - _^"th ■MOVING AND HAULING of any kind, E Durr. 909 Elm St. Phone ; any SL ALWAYS AT TOUR SERVICE mg. expreaa and storage Perxonal -'»upervlalon Mundy Bros.. ,U King St. Phone 72»*. Jn«e3»-,f. - Hauling; distance. : HERBERT prompt; reasonable; long 30.» 3Vest St. !'hon<» 7?99.J. DROWN.' CONSTANTINE A ing and hauling 3321-M. LESTA R DO—Mo\ 209 W. Second St. Jun lyr. Ph - '*cptlo-lyr. AND HAULING—Go 122 King xnayj-lyp. ! MOVING where. Phone 4756-W. Call Lane. STRANGERS' BANQUET"— "THE Mia« Haarl Davies. S07 N Kranklln street, will receive two ticket, for the Arcadia, If »he will idea»« call at The ' Evening Journal Office. _ —- - - - ~—— _ HUSI XFES C O LLEG ES i the FU-, Begin your i Th * ill wl " Tudî^l*""'' 5 foVrsielif * J 1 j. 1 ** -mirMTonlthf Huslness ^ourse J-onigiit. au« 23-lyr •-* 'OLLEGE. Tenth ard King Streets. --'jzr :— T ~ '..a. ,—• PIANO TUNING. pi \NO TUNING done accurately and promptly Also piano nnd player n inno repairing. R. W. Driscoll. Phone .8592- feb28-tf. . -— _ ~ . ~ pi\NOS «rt ,A »* 0 » S tuned..nd r.p.bred jSÄ Sit I, " P GEWEHR prA ,^.° w°v«»,*w a» June!3-lyr. -16 55 Ninth St. ' .» n wirnarwi vrs TUNING AND REPAIRING—Player work a specialty. All work H. J. Amon. 3310 Market St. jant-lm. teed. Phone 2760. • , • 0 life AND f HAHACTKR HEADING .Ianmiry 2«. • * * * * The Bo^rning plan,! of (hi. date Ih Saturn. The governing sign 1» < ap rlcorn. the goat, or the last sign the Earth Tripliclty. The birth [stone la a moonstone, and the astral colors are black, garner and sllver »ray. Th© children, I k© their elders, of th.s birthdal© have not been brought Into harmony with spiritual truth. and they reason only from an ex [er nal. mntcr!«! standpoint, and are "Pt <o feel that they know It all. To make these children willing servers. «"wearied pains should be taken «p cultivate In them a desire to Ml others rather than themselves. It ls ..( S1) yltallv necessary that 11 1 mi.wij nur». arj tnai theac children be taught discretion In eating, as they like the thlnOT of life anJ arr apt t0 Inak ' gourmands of thamielvM. The Want Ads will find positions , " w. „„a ntt„L for stenographers nnd filing this week and next. Bo sure to .,.. tr h them tnd profit bv their tm m ' an ' 1 T ' ront n > ,nelr, truth. , \ HOUSE PAINTING ' HOI'SB PAINTING—Save the surface save all. James Keecian, Phon« 74®:-W. I and y ! 1601 AV. 18th St. marl-1 y r. AGFN'CY. »ETKCTIVI HAMILTON'S DETECTIVE AGENCY J —Licensed *nd bonded. Ford feb4-lyr. B.dg Phone 1010. STTORAGK ~ PRIVATE ROOMS for household gooda I G F l«an* Co. 1 , 1205 Orange street. I marSI-tf. .. . . — ' _ ■ ■ 1 I ROSENBLATT'S STORAGE HOUSE ; Private rooms and spice 'able rates phono 1770. ex-'—— STORAGE—Clean, light storage rooms j for furniture. Oawlhrop Storage Ware hen«'*. Inc. 7»S urai>(« 31. Phon« 7J . marIC-t.t-s-lyr. . I-- = - --"~'* 1 ARXt 1 T i'HES a STATORS REWonvn —Electric fans, motors, etc . repaired. iAlexander-, and Steward. Tenth and | Washington St*. Phone 6735-J. JylOclyr. at reason Apply Oil W Front 81. df c2t-lm. ; FIXTURES, lamps, wiring material. 1 radio supplies, ail reduced. Gross man Electric Co., N. W. Corner Fourth and Orange Sts. TVOOD WILSON wires your house f « Ithout breaking your flours, plaster or pork>■ [book I'none 4741. 7.700 Van Boren St. autt!-lyr. PHIVATI! INSTUtCTIOBf. 1 -, Private. Individual In I struction. raphy. J Accountancy. roughs Calculator, Etc. Day-Mghi. 2IG32 Steno*« PlQg. Bur Bookk ^j<>* \y **2 n d 81 I J#c Estab. 1910. j TYPEWRITERS J A. SM»TH TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE All make*—Underwoods. I«. C. Smith, I*. Remingtons. Oliver*—sold. B| i guar Phones d«c28-lyr. ; R°: . ■ ._, ,, . . rented and repaire»! all machinée anteed. 2 West Seventh St. 1 8071-27 "8NOWSHOE TRAIL'*—^ahsta Saif neir. 819 (»rang© street, will please call Inz Journal Office for two ... •*! The Ev ticket« on the Majestic. tains. |1° to Adding machines rented, sold TvprwTitcr Supply Co.,. Seven th ,and Market die, s ptll-lyr irnderwood Typewriters lor 00(B t. |3 per mo. Phoue 5237-W V») s:{ I dec23-1 m. STATE OF DELAWARE, OFFICE OP SECRETARY OF STATE. CRKTIFICATB OF DIS.^OLUTION, To All lo Whom These Presents May Greeting.* Whereas. It appears to my satlsfac hy duly authenticated record of* the voluntary die I FUTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. tin. the proceedings f*»r solution thereof, by the consent of all Ih" mockhoWer, il.pueil.d >.< my offle», (in. 1'iMiiiiTn (créai < ompany. In corpo-1 rated 1 »rporation o( this 8tate, whose principal »»filer I* situated at 7 \y Tenth street, in the city of WHmlng t »»n. county of New Caatie. «tat« of| Delaware. Corporation Trust ( «mpany ,,f America, being agent therein and j n charge thereof, upon whom pro C cas may be served, liai complied with the requirements of the ( orporation Liw* of the Plate of Delaware, as con tained in 1915. Section I to 2101, 8ec tion 187, Chapter 85. of the Revised Statutes of 1915. ns amended, prelim }Inary to the Issuing of this '•RRTIFK-ATK o> n'SflDt rTIONV -, therefore. 1. A II. Benson. Sec reiary o, state. o( the State of Del» are. do hereby certify that the said d n; V?;i. h fl" ,, r n ,-n thè d omô' f \ Januiry. A duly executed end iitt»aied consent. Ip * r " ln «' *" LÎ'irdT» « Mhe etockhn»! ÄÄ i2ld "on.rnV »nî thr SJJ2J 0 f the procetdlna* aforenald. trr now on n)< ttiy »aid offlae, aa* : provided by law. _ ___ RFGlSTF.RH ORDER. 111 1,1 ' ,-nvrtu vr nr ESTATE OF JAM I» CONQWAT. DB ('EASED—Nonce » nreoy given that | letter» of A«lmlnlstratlon. upon thO|jr estate of Jam»*» unoway. J al ® Brandywine hundred, deceased, were ; , 1 ' l ! y . l ?"J'T | d v U " f° À n. i?23 and «II per*«» Indebted'to ujd rt f-,| M»Md are 1—qur.ted to make payment. th- Admlnl.t rator without delay, and ,,)■ p,T*>iw having demand, again«,' t 'i. , ' .t.«rd are required to exhibit and pr-x. nr the ram", duly probated, to th laid admlnl.t rator, on or before the day of January. A D lS2t. or| al.ldo by the law In thl. behalf. NICHOLAS M'lKI.KS i -, ^'l^unlstrstor. , -'ddrcM Mllliam F. Kurt». Attoimey. at la*» duPonl Lid* . " llmlngton. Delaware Janll-eod-H. ; 1 • ( IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto * * set my hand and I. BL-11 • .fii.,.I .,,1 .,1 ( I g£5g$i Sf&e* • Dover .hS^lSth . p© laws re 1793 • day of Jon.. In* .' sind n I n e|. tinnilwail ta », a twenty three v of Stats. A R BENSON. APARTMENTS FOB KENT. \ P ARTMENT—Furnished. Ilvlngroom j |„.rt r ..„ In , with private bath. 1l>ff ' on ft, 909 (an 18-end-12t. furnished, electric. 309 W. 21th SI. Janl3.eod-tf. ! APARTMENT—Two rooms. light houarkeeplng: gas, evenings. APARTMENT—Three room!, bath, gar and electric. 38*1 Main 31.. ilni'llr, I Del. Janlt-8L APARTMENT Mndarn: stram heated, janitor service. Apply uhsrlotib AiKirtinent», Jan!8-tf. I APARTMENT—Private; these roorna j and bath; southern exposure 304 West »t. Jan 15-81. apuitMENT Private, six rot ms cas! ;»*nd electric; 17 E Second Sf. 'Apply fJ^a'vBCom.r Second and 'Äh 1 Juiu ll-lyr. I "SNOWSHOE TRAIL*'—Harry L. Haler. | Jp N Connell street, will please i ca,i at The Evening Journal Office, for tWQ M the Majestic. guarsn-f__ hot water nnd Dr. II. P. Miller .8U9-811 Washington St TWO OR THREE-ROOM APART MENTS—Furnished. |4 and $5 per 301H West St. -rwock , - feb23-lyr. FOU HUNT INDIVIDUAL GARAGES—Water I electric. 96 mon til. 1 Phone 7825. and 304 W. 28th St. dec30-lm. — B STO RK-Sul.abl- fur barber „(.op or grocery business Rhone ofj;ss2-J. Jan20-8t. OLD STAND GROCERY, candy, clgam; first and Tatnall Sta. Ice cream, floor. Third Janl9-2t. Ikr> j, (Gai WANTED TO RENT—Store Room. nlblT^AddrVa*. W-"? yZ'. j oll n,aI (.»fflce Ianl*»-It J» 1 ».. r\H«' 1 '"II -'ll -- "'T'TTT FARMS FOR SALB— Farm. 1.7 acre«, ( condition, adjoining concrete' highway; one mile from both Pennsyl-i and B. & O. SUtlone; 100 acre» kindal^and 20 aîreî ofUmberUSd? 12 roam liou»©, large barn, new granary. hen houses »nd hog pens. All out building» in A-l condition; price r. as term» made to suit pur chaser. Apply Juhi. Dean. Mill Road, Newark. Del., or Market Stand. Wed. n*»day and Saturday, at Fifth and King Sta. Janll-Ut. IMPAIR SHOP—Space for ihre.- oars Control Janl8-6t. it. light and telephone, «e. 817 Shipkjr St. WANT1J) TO RENT. 1.0.0. F. PUN n Grand Rally of Eastern Shore Odd Fellows to Be Held at Elkfon CECIL BANKS ELECT OFFICERS Special t-n The Evening D Journal. RnM'UN, Md., * Jan. 20.—Cecil fount.'. "1.1 Fellow, are maklnylab B p,,n " ,or « B,kton - pally In f all members of the order on the Eastern Shore early in March Hural mull route» S and 4 from the North East postoffice, will be In Charge of Cartef Simpers a«d Lynden Kibler, recently appointed carriers. A distribution of farm land« cf tho late John K. George, of Sudlersvllle, Md.. has been made, are valued at 1187.000 The (arms and wer«, divided between his nearest relatlve-ij Members of the Roe family getttna teo.000, the 00« and the George family m.OOO. On Tuesday the annual meeting of stockholders of the National Rank of Rising Sun director» elected were: A. I>. Buffing ton. Jesse T. Cameron. E. D. Carhar:, A. ta Huycklnck. Mark E. Floundes, John T. Wary. William M. Pogue. Charles 8. Pyle, W. M. Jesse Wood. Robert K. Wood, les S. Merrick family >62. was held and the Reynolds Char« u le was elected president **e W'ood. vice-president; L. Huj> rkimk. vice-president Flounders cashier and secretary to the Hoard. J, Mirk F. The National Bank, of North FasW»; : held this week their annual meotlntfjj C. A. Benjamin. Dr. R. C. UnderST wood, Andrew Anderson, K. T. Day2*l " • Blak*. Edward C. Wilson «rd. R. Reeder were chosen directorai r A was made prsaidentT Underwood, vice-prealdont; r. Iteeder. raahiar; E. J. Campbell? |a**t*tant cashier. : While cranking his hi* motor broke his arm. This ia the second * i Mr 1' pa has ■llfftTlj this misfortune. The Rev. Samuel Polk, a former pastor of West Nottingham Presby terian Church, died suddenly some day* ago at nia home in I^wrence* * ville, N. J. Burial wae on Tuesday • ... ... n r ' t Nottingham Cemetary. HI« wife died two day« -before Christmas. Revival service* will begin In War , . M th * lL k Methodist Church, evening and wll be conducted by the pastor, tho Rev. C. M. Cullen He ... . a d hv fh# , Rfiv w r 0llll wxu ,,r ®««i*h« o> me ne\. Mr. Quil-..« Han. of Smyrna, today and tomorrow. They will ape P |, Hw in lo,v,Mn|r lo« Article, and . , __ raatorina found artlfleg. If you have lost your valuables the Want* l^ s b * > our <1 * t * c,lT « ** enc y Watch them. tomorrow Watch carefully, the Want Ad»r , T REAL ESTATE—Foil SALE RF3HOBOTH. DEL —Fumlahed cottage, wtih garage on premises. Addrews 8-93, Evening Journal Office. Jan 17-39. „ „ . . , . . FARM—Containing 41 acre«, with three meadow, real ! » nd - »»rawberry patch; fruit ,,f «iiftarent kind». 2VÎ miles south of \»wurk. good barn: eight-room house. oP particulars, write G W. Russell. Red Men's Home, Newark, Del. Poa nrM m on March 1. Janll-3t. SMALL FARM— «5 acre.. In Br«ndy- w j n€ hundrei, on Marsh Road be*- tw#en 'Sllverrtde *nd H.rvey Road; T ro „ n , frame house, atone harn and wagon house, other outbuilding«; paaoh. pear and other fruit Dee»; will rent or sell. J. W Hamilton, ««I W. Ninth St. decl(-fc«l»-*t ' A RARE CHANCE to get that Ideal home and pay like rant. J. O. Jua «■ .. N.wp.rt, Del Phon. 2J1-W. L ' bl k -ohth • ewriai m ,or >*. with tools and equipment; also 7 * TOOMfl hOUSS country elands In N at a v»*ry low price, j*n:o-lt. This is on* of the beet ('»»tie county, F^ione 4981-W. HOUSE—318 W. 31st 8t.. 6 rooms, bath, reception hall, thre porches, all mod ern improvements. Price $3,500. Jan 20-It. LOT \T BBLLBFONTB. «7 feet front by 95 feet deep. Cheap. Smsrt, Wooaeide Phone 2^5-R. Molly Oak. William Ave.. H lllcreit. Del. Jan20-lt. 1311 DUPONT ST—Modern, 9 room», 3 porche». Make offer. Apply above address. Jan«-lm. WATER FRONT POULTRY FARM. ..«« POULTRY. FURNITURE. Horae, rowboat,, full Implements, etc . I included If taken soon; in one of the mi,: productive «actions. Eastern 'shore; only U4 mlloa county »eat; ex I celh-nf market«; 22 acre» for fruit. Ip'rttltry. vegetable»; 1« acres tlllabla: 6« apple» and peaches, grape«, berries; I . room bungalow with large porches 1 overlooking river: bam, 3 poultry house» To settle affaire, 83.800 takes *||; part cash. Immediate poaeeeelon. i,i U xt bring your suitcase. J, W. Funk. .Denton. Md. Janlf-80. „ ^ HKAIj kstate— for rent. BUNGAIiOW— At Elmhurat. « room, and bath; 18x55 ft. eamanted b«»». mom. J G. Juatla Co.. Newport, DeL Phone 231-W. dec!5-tf. FOR RENT—811 W Fourth St.. 1<v rooms. Apply Itorry Yerger, 41» Shlplev St. Janl8-tf. HOUSE—2103 W. Seventh store. St., with jan!8-8t. ML Salem Lane. In HOUSE—1104 „ . „ . . quire Ephraim & Ephraim, 3 Fourth St. JanlS-tf. 1169 5V. Seventh St., 9 rooms HOUSE bath. porch t heater. Apply 223 Rod-r, ney atreet. Janl8-Im. NEW HOME—2107 W. Seventh St. Ap. ^jy 2(03 W. Seventh SL Jan 16-8t. 810 ORANGE STREET—Seven room« \pplv Carroll W. Griffith, 224 W. Ninth St. _ W-tf iTTcLAYTON ST.—Powession Jsn. 15. 55'ill sell or renL Phona 1554-H. Jan 2-lm. £ lJ ° XSS - _ «« nan nn* v»*r nr w«. pawî»». no satary aaMgnmentro^^H aa»d earnlng power the baala of credlr WILMINGTON MORRIS PLAN BANK, 909 Shlplej Street, Open Tuesday Evening» Until 8 O clock. (an9-lm _ MONEY TO LOAN-On mortgages. In sums to suit. If you nave good •sour Uy. Address 55—9. Henlng Journal Office. JanS.lm. MONET TO LOAN. •■SNOWSHOB TRAIL 1 '—Ml«» Bliaabeth Stewart. 628 W. Third atmet, will re ceive two tickets for the Maleatic. by calling at Th« Evan ng Journal Offlcr.