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I Special Sermons and Music To Be Heard In The City Churches Tomorrow \ ^ - V t ID PREACH ON HOD'S CALC Dr. A. W. Sonne to Talk on Interesting Topics at West Church SONG PROGRAM AT NIGHT SERVICE o'clock, pastor's sermon. "A Ready Hesponse to God's Call." Dr. A. W. Sonne will make a strong appeal West Presbyterian Services at Church tomorrow will he as follows: worship at 10:30 The morning for immediate service in a great work that is being organized, and soon to be launched. The organ voluntaries, by Miss F. Viola^ Mof ntt. will consist of "Grand Chorus Ti 1 ' " 1 ■' C." by Oounod. The choir eelec tions, under the direction of * r '" , 3 \p' iL lyn î. Wr, a u*K I-ord Is My Shephard by ' r. n. soprano so o. Godla Calling. M-ssick. by Miss Anabel Orov s. and . ofr '' rtory ' " s< ' nd ° ut T y Iji * bt ' -*?-°° Un0d ' . . , The Sahbath school at 2o clock w.Il be conducted by Professor W K, ^ertter, assisted by a large staff of departments heads and aide. The lesson for the day will be the study of the Son^ The orchestra will play inspiring selec. tlons and accompaniments. Th| singing will be under the direction of J. C. Clymer and C. E. Ochel The Men's Class will be ad dressed by Dr. Sonne, and the class male quartet will render a selection. The Christian Endeavor Senior Socldty will meet at 6:45 o'clock and consider "Evangelistic Missions at Homs and Abroad." The slng Inglng will be under the direction of S. Harrington Jones, and th" pianist, Mrs. Charles Cleaver, will be assisted by the Endeavor Or chestra. Miss Madeline May, chair man Of the Missionary Committee, will lead. At the same hour the Senior Society meets, the Interme diates of the church «-ill meet in an adjacent room to organize an Intremedlate Society, with Frank f< ssor très. Ballantyne. Intermediate Societies of the City Union, will be present to assist In thia organization. The Senior So ciety will aid in this new and pros pective work of the Intermediates, The evening worship will begin at 7:20 o'clock, with a popular eong service of twegty minutes, under the direction of the choir The pas tor's sermon. "Mind Tour Own Business," will deal with the slock objections of men and women, in and out of the church, with affairs that do not concern them primarily and vitally. The music selections of the evening will consist of a pre lude. 'Intermezzo." by Rheinberger; "Postlude Jn D," by Tours; an an them. 'Around the Throne of God," byBrown; a bass solo and chorus. "Fearless I'll Folio«','' by M. P. Hastings and choir, and another anthem, "Seek Te the Bord." Rob erts. by the choir, and Oscar Stleg ler, soloist. I j GLADNESS," THEME AT MADELEY CHURCH .6 ' Methodist I Sorvlces at Atadcley Episcopal tomorrow will begin at 9 j o'clock with class meetings leader, i William Henry. At 10:2« o'clock. public worship »"mon by the P"'" 1 ;.. au ^ ,ec . t ' Word? Sunday School at Zîloj o'clock, John H. Ford, superintend ent; Epworth League eervlce at 7 o'clock. Miss Kersey will direct a song service at 7:30 o'clock, which | will he followed with a sermon ' the pastor. Rev. L. M. Broadway, 1 stfbject, "OladneoB." On Monday evening John H. Moh ring will meet with his class at. 7:3« o'clock; Tuesday, Mr. Abbott will meet with his class at 7 o'clock, and Rev. C. W. Rutter will meet with hi« nt 7:3« o'clock; Wednes day, at 7:30 o'clock, prayer meeting with the pastor in charge. Thurs- j day evening. choi| practice. Friday, Epworth L"aguc. business and so cial meeting in the church house. PENTKOO ST A L CTTTRCH. Service» lomnrro» at Tic rente cAsrtal Church. Twenty-third and Pine streets, will be as follows: Prayer service at 10 o'clock followed by preaching by the Rev. William Cnxe; Sunday school, at 3 o'clock followed hy tarrjTng meeting at 3.15 O'clock; Toung People's meeting at 6.30 O'clock, followed by preaching Presbyterlan Church, the Rev. William Beishman, pastor, »-ill hold services tomorrow as fol lows; 10.30 o'clock. Communion ser ..vUjrf and reception of members; 2 o'clock, Sunday School; 6.45 o'clock, k Christian Endeavor: 7.30 o'clock, song service, sermon topic, "Refus ing To Go In." ât 8 o'clock by the pastor EASTLAKE PRESBYTERIAN. Eastlake njornlng worship, at 11 o'clock; the evening servlce at 7.30 o'clock. The "Willing Workers will ITALIAN PRESRVTKRI AN. First Italian Presbyterian Church. duPont and Seventh streets; Rev A. Daaiorl, pa«tor-^-Sund ay echooL Werts at 9.45 o'clock; meet at 3 o'clock. "Mother's Rewind Club" on Thurs-! day afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. ELSMERE PRESBYTE III \N. Services in the Elsmere Presby teriqn Church will be held at 11 o'clock and 7.45 ___-, o clock tomorrow, the Rev. Irwin F. Wagner will speak at the morning service on "Weak • p " Turned Info power," and In the Zeal." and evening on "A Consuming Sunday school at 10 o'clock Christian Endeavor at 7 o'clock » "A MISTAKE, SERMON TOPIC Dr. B. M. Johns to Preach ! at All Services in Grace Church Tomorrow iEVENING SUBJECT TO BE "LONELINESS" M. Johns will Dr. Benjamin preach at both services tomorrow I at Grace Methodist Episcopal j Church. Ninth and West streets, His morning subj-cl will he "A Mls j j take." In the evening Dr. Johns will preach on "Lonellneas." Spe cial music «ill be given at both 8ervlces ' , The program for the day is as f 0 u 0 „. a; io , d 5 o'clock, the chimes: ..p ra j Se ood from «horn all bless- I , nRB now," "Holy, holy, holy Bord | God Almighty," "Art Thou weary, art Thou languid." "My Saviour on ; the word of truth." 10:30 o'clock : ! I ° r « an prelude. "Grand Choeur," j DuHol»; proceal ,| onil | > 78; anthem, j " Aw ake, Put on Strength," Rogers, j 0 (f crtory "Bike as the Heart," Mori-j son; recessional, 430; organ post- ; lude > "Festival Postlude in G Ma- ; j or ," ga i ome . 7;06 0 ' C | ocki th(> chimes: "Abide W Rh Me." "O Mother Dear Jerusa-j | em: " "Work For the Night Is Com 7:16 to 7;30 o'clock, organ recltaI . •■ A negro Appassionato" (5th Sonata)i Oullmam: "Pong Without , Words,"; "Intermezzo." | Stebblns: proceaslonai. 664; anthem. | "There Shall Be No Night There," Wood; offertory, duett. "The Lord ; Is My Light" (Buck), Miss Copley : and Mr. Taylor; recessional, 76; or gan postlude. • Marche Nuptiale," | Loret. . There will be a nomination for | four trustee» at the close of; morning sermon Ail adult mem her. and pew holders have a right -eb' b , election win be held n the chape! on Wednesday even-, i-rr" ' he h0UrS ° f 7:30 and , ' I h T b h .M S ^ nday 8c , h , 00 »essions will be held at noon. Howard Jones will be the speaker at the Epworth League service at 6:3« o'clock. INTERESTING THEME , AT SCOTT CHURCH Services at Scott M. B. Church. Seventh and Spruce streets, tomor row. «rill be as follows: T. N. Gilbert'« cla*a mceta at 9.15 praise service, at 1«,3» o'clock. Hi»j «ermon theme will be "And ns Thy 0 ov , Sunday School meets at 2 o'clock, Profeasor Walter Belpold'» orchestral will piny special music. Herbert Van Dyke- will talk on; "The Rapidly Chankln B India." at the Epworth langue service, ot 6.30 o'clock. o'clock. The Rev. T. J. Sard pas tor. will preach at the morning! Servant Was Busy Hero and There, He Waa Gone." The evening song service begins at 7.30 o'clock. The pasfor will preach at thl« «ervice. on "1 Will Cause Them to Be Removed Into fhejtlngdom of the Bsrth, Because Cl Pna '' !,a ' Class for the instruction of chli dren will meet at 6.80 o'clock M _ ^^rJ.s c„^s Tt - 4r. 5 ' ' AlfrPll T w 'ilson will be .he leader the Tucsdsy night cl^s. nt 7.45 , . 0 oc B ' ' ' ' . * ,, ,he . me ' r 8 r _ 1 K ' * * «I Ht H <*l son-sermon, "Life." Sunday School at II o'clock A free Reading Room at 4«3 In dustrlal Trust Building. Is open t the public week-days CHRIST, SCIENTIST. First Church of Christ Scientist. Park Place and Van Buren street. will hold services tomorrow morn-i ing at 11 o'clock, and In the even-1 Ing at 8 o'clock: subject of the les from 10 o'clock until 9 o'clock, except Wed-' nesday when it closes at 5 o'clock.! SWEDISH BAPTIST CHURCH First Swedish Baptist Church, Rev. C. A. Chader, minister, will hold services tomorrow as follows: 10:45 o'clock, morning worship subject. "The High Cost of Revival:" J2 noon. Sunday School; 3:45 o'clock, young people'» meeting: 7: 3« o'clock, English service, ject, "A Cloud of Modern Witness es." An offering will be taken at this service for the suffering mil lions and meet in the home of .Mr.«. Conrad Leaf. 2315 Pine street, on Thurs day afternoon, su li f Europe and the Near East. Prayer service» he Ladies' Wednesday niprht Aid Society Mil FIRST u. p. CHURCH. First United Presbyterian Church. Third and Broome streets. Rev. N. X. Calhoon, pastor, will hold ser vices tomorrow as follows: school at 10 o'clock; morning ser vices at 11 o'clock, theme, shine Souls;" Christian Society at 6.45 o'clock; evening *er vices at 7.45 o'clock, topic. "Does it Sabbath ; "Sun Endeavor Pay to Re a Christian ?" prayer ser vice Wednesday evening at 7 45 o'clock. GILBERT PRESBYTERIAN The Gilbert Presbyterian Chui-ch, Rev. William R. Rutledge, ■ pastor, will hold services tomorrow as fol lows; 10.45 o'elock sermon. "The Divine Trinity"; 12.15 o'clock. Sun day school; 7 o'clock. Christian En deavor Society, Miss Amie Fonviile, leader; 7.45 o'clock, sermon, "Life's Greatest, What?" FATHER TO FILL SON'S PULPIT Rev. C. L. Hubbard to Leave After Sermon To morrow Night WILL SEEK HEALTH ON FLORIDA TRIP Rev. Carlisle L. Hubbard, D. D., will preach at St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church tomorrow at both services. In the morning he «ill preach on the topic. "Jesus Our Ex ample," and at the sermon on "A Modern Cure for Sin." Dr. and Mrs. Hubbard nil! leave o'clock 7:30 vice for a trip to Florida. The Rev. E , L. Hubbard, Ph. D.. of Cam W |ll till h.s pulpit on Sundays, .Ten uary 28 and February 4, Sunday School at 12 o'clock, noon, William K. Skellenger, superlntend en t; assistants. Mrs. Morn McMIl ani j. Chr.slian Endeavor prayer meeting at 6:15 o'clock, led by Miss Emily Fllnn. The subject will be "Evangelistic Missions ' * Musical numbers for the day. as arranged by Professor Charles T. Edwarda , choirmaster, ing: Arnhem, "Break Joy." Simpers immediately after the evening «er bridge, Md., father of th** pastor. Frank Davis, C. H. Hayden. Morn Forth Into are: , .... .. Heid Back" (Mi.«), B.e«or Ô* I Kemery. Theresa Downey, Wllmer \ Edwards, j Lord is I Boddy, Charles T. Evening: Anthem, "The King," Brown; baritone aoio. "The Boddy. ! Only Way" (Ackley), by Wllmer 8. Violin solo, "The Wander er," Charles LaBouhe Edwards. Organ numbers for the day will Morning: "Serenade." Schubert; "Meditation." Bemare. Evening: "Salut D' Amour." Elgar; "fanta sie." Ashford: "Meditation." Kind-| poatlude, "Grand Chorus,'j ,,a0kS . „ U Thp Woman s Homo Missionary Society wilt hold its monthly meet ing at the church on Monday nt s o'clock, and on Tuesday evening the ladles' Aid Society will meet. j HAZARDOUS CHOICE, PASTOR'S THEME Bethany Baptist Church. Elm and Jackson streets, the Rev. A. F. 5ViI llamaon. D. D.. pastor. Men'« meet 1 o'clock In charge of J. I. jCTonsan. Preaching servira at 10.20 I o'clock. Dr. Williamson'« «object, [ "Privilege and Renponsihilltv," monelte to the children. Sunday school at 12 o'clock, «pedal «Inging nt the opening services of the Sun day school, th»» Bethany male quar ,Pt ,h *t disbanded about 12 years as-o, will he present and sink at the Sunday school service» tomorrow, j t», P quartet is composed of Messrs Ratikh, Clifton. Green«ell nn d Cain ! The Senior C. K. ! o'clock, . «er meeting at 6,45 In Chanre of the mission î arj- committee, will meet In I rhll rch auditorium, ; the The Intermedi C. E. at (he same hour ale will , meet In the chapel. S ',. n y and preaching servi 7 . 45 oV lnck the subject. "A Hazard I ou» riioicp," this service «-111 be of evangelistic af ,hl ' ' Mr« Keis.-r tP I h ' " meeting ,, f , hp teacher« nss(»»Mation on Tuesday evening ni S o'clock. I-rnyer and praise service Wednesday, evening "t ■ ■*5 o clock. The monthly meet ing of the Men's league on Thurs da> at S o i l... k. Services tomorrow follows: nature. Sing ng at alt •vices by the leadership of J. R. Slawter and the sunshine choir under th** lend *nior »'hoir under T VISITING PREACHER AT TRINITY M. E. ; t Trinity . . rh.m h will be 'ting at 9.30 o'clock, S. W. Elliott, leader; preach- j ing nt 10.30 o'clock by the Rev. Methodist Eplscopn Class <lo,in Collins; ^evening service at 7,30 o'clock, singing led by Pro fessor Bowers: pastor's theme. "Th Prodiga Brother.'" Thp weekly meetings will Baracra class Tuesday at 7.45 ° ,c, o<'k: prayer meeting Wednesday at "- 30 o'clock; class meeting Frl day at 7.30 o'clock, led by the Rev. -lohn Galloway. Son and His Elder he KINGS WOOD M. K CHURCH. Klngs«-ood Methodist Church, Rev. George Episcopal W. Bounds, pastor, announces servit*« tomorrow 10.30 as follows; 'el k, worship Subject: and It's 'dork, regular Bible school; 6.46 League service, president; 7.80 Sub Gâlhered About and sermon by pastor. "God's Ancient Airplane Lone Passenger"; 2 session of the o'clock. Epworth George A. White, o'clock, sermon hy the pastor. Ject: The City Him." progressive The Progressive Spiritualists will hold Sunday evening morrow at 7.45 o'clock at the First Progressive Spiritualist (Pythian Castle Hall) Street), Klien M. Goff messages and Klleu Goff. SPIRITUALISTS. services to Church, 906 West Licentate. trance lecture by Holy o'clock, church OLD SWEDES CHURCH. Old Swedes P. E. Church, Sev enth and Church streets; Rev. Robt. Béll, vicar. ro\v as follows: Communion; school; 11 o'clock, Morning prayer ill hold services tomor 8 o'clock 1 " and sermon; 7.30 o'elock, prayer and «ermon. even ng WILL YOU ACCEPT THIS INVITATION? It means more, far more, to you than any invitation you will receive Each week the churches of Wilmington, through the medium of free and paid advertising space, have been inviting you to come to church. They extend this invitation because they have something to offer you of which you should partake—worship of your Maker and His Son, through whom you have the promise of eternal life. It is perfectly safe to say that were there no churches in this city you would not live here. But is it con sistent with such belief, that you do not assist the church in her work by attending her services? And those services are meant for you; for your comfort; for your spiritual need. That you accept the invitation of the churches of this city is their wish. Where you go to church does not matter. What does matter, however, is that you do GO TO CHURCH THE NATURE OF GOD By the REV. GEORGE HENRY DOLE What manner of man is this, that even the winds and obey Him?—Matt, viii, 27. tea The miracle shows the manner of] He Is. If He can still the a " rt '""I"' ^manner«, man ^ delivered the one obsessed, - " tho observers asked. "What this? for with authority] and »hing Is commandeth He unclean spirits, and. (hey (Vhey Him." He Is the man ner of ninn who cast out of us all He raised the dead, ^aùngHTs power to raise up from Y'Jhln sn dUcou rage ment, and Rscen W a msn ran « gas y tlirneA on thP g H ,. h , ln the trun i( an d left note Tire not »nth . nickie." . ... j un f 0 rtunate man's wor th the living. It hpsrt * as n0t , to the life In Jesus He was dead before Could he once have Christ, would have desired to live that he might give it to others h The Lord cured diseases. have not tasted It. ilisrloiilnK Hi» power over physical He restored the blind, open the dlsorders. (Hostratios HI» power I blind to spiritual truth. He eyes restored the withered hand, showi-u make whole withered Hos works »haw II to be the manner of man that can minister to all of our spiritual look inks and make us whole in Hlit sikht. But mark you; He could do no mighty works where there «-as no Faith 1« a first essential, that He can moral power. l)U HARRARTTft ''**• O/iDD/llll IW DUS' ACH TD (JRI S » Uh/U II H* UlIlLO faith. ! f servie« at Harrison E. Church. Rev. William will class leader; Th#* ord#»r Street M. E. Hnbbart, pastor, tomorrow 9:20 o'clock. service. ; follow«: meeting, G. B. J 0;20 o'clock. Prelud«. "Largo." anth#*m after prayer, "A Dream of ffertory anthem. he CroHsan. preaching Handel-Whir ing; "The Paradise;" Lord Is My Strength " Simper; ser-( bject. "The (îlory ted. Will la ! on by pastor, of the Croft«;" «oi Wallace; b#»n*'d : ctlrtn; pontlude. «eierte*!. School. I. «el* long meter 2:15 *l»»xol**gy ; o'clock, Sunday Ferry, superintendent; 6:30 o'clock, j Epworth League, study of Elmer V 1 India. 7:20 o'clock. Prelude, song service; "O I»ord How preaching* service: Sheppard ; ' I , "Romance." anthem after prayer. Manifold." Barnby; aornion by j "Things That Ex Mr. Wallace: benofllc Long Meter Doxology; post- j offertory solo, select; pastor, subject, cel;" solo, lion; hide. "Improvisation." Th« sermon at. night will he ad- | the Girls' Athletic A» dressed t ,, a „ on • ! 1 BROTHERHOOD RALLY. Church will hold services as follows. th#* Rev. W. Ernest Gr»»enfleld. min ister. Class meeting at 9.15 o'clock; preaching .it 10.30 o'clock by the pastor and music by the choir; all the department« of the Sunday school will meet at 2 o'clock. Samuel H. Pippin, jiiperlntendent. The Ep wnrth League service at 6.45 o'clock! special' mu«lc by the young people's choir; at 7.30 o'clock the annual] rally of the Brotherhood at which I lime the following program will be given: Hymns hy the congregation Devotion« hv the chaplain. William II. Rot ; anthem by the choir, se lection hy the male quartet, of Trin ity M. E. Church; solo by J Francis Blaine; selection hy the quartet Brandywine M. E. Church; s**rnion appropriatp to the occasion by the' pastor; slnsin* by the men. MISSIONARY ALLIANCE. Service« tomorrow at the Christian and Missionary Alliance. 504 West Fifth street, will he as follows: 9 30 o'clock, prayer service; 10.20 o'clock, morning: worship ai|d sermon by the pastor; 12.30 o'clock, Siftiday school; 6.30 o'clock. Yount? People's meeting:: 7.20 o'clock, evangelistic service including a sermon by the' pastor. FRIENDS MEETING. Friends' meeting, Fourth ami West streets. First Day school 9 45 o'clock, meeting for divine worship First Day at 11 o'clock. Lewis M. Watson, director of Public Education j an< X Child Labor of Pennsylvania, j will address a meeting 1 o'clock, subject, "Child Labor and Amend 2.30 Constitutional Proposed ment." for the Lord acta from the insid** He violated no law in doing out. 1 m ' ra ''"* but demonstrated a spirit,.». power inflows. faith, we must act. for power with effort. heavy weight by must exert spiritual And second, having a; man can^ lift a wondering over it. all his law according to which mn N He Then with the effort power flow« In to the muscles from his will. pow strength. A celebrated athlete said that he « a weak boy and gained his superior strength from will-power. Bike wise one may become a giant In spiritual power if he sufficiently w'iiis for from the fountain of nipotonc«* might inflow.« with th** effort. As we «• !1 the blessed things and from God hacks up his will. • m in the Lord. He will All the measure to overflowing. When the storm comes, turn to endure. Believe that you have the power to withstand the tempest, and stand fast. In the fullness the storm come a great calm. As fore the mind will he Ailed with f time Mil abate, and there will the divine truth. Anyone can prove Like all truth. It ever be sunshine and sweet peace will pos sew the heart, for the lerrd crowns This Is every victor with His life. it for himself, proves (self to the life, is the manner and lower. •evesI His power, hleaelngs. and Himself to every faithful fol The Lord f^^pian thus t SPECIAL SERVICES AT ARMY CITADEL O'.nipany meelinif lfl.3« o'clock, j Mrs. Julia Irwin. V, P. S. M.: Men's Bible class, .1 Women's Bible class. Mrs. Marcir»; Saylor, leader. The Salvation Army will observe* th#» third anniversary of the Eigh nth Amendment tomorrow. En sign John O. Simpson will conduct special service« at eight o'clock in Salvation Arm/ Citadel, Fourth nd Shipley streets. Other services will be as fol lows; ph Turner, leader;! | ] | I | i loll ness m ting 3.30 People's Legion. 6.15 Norman Sutor Y- P. L. 'clock. Young o'clock, secretary. Ann! versa ry 'clock. testimony and song, ajxi address by Ensign Simpson: "Poison Gas." service 8 MK'ABK M. E. CIIVRCII. at McCabe Memorial ! Methodist Episcopal Çhurrli. Boule- j rder:!l° k. preaching by the Rev.: 'clock, i 'clock. Ep- 1 r. Adam Stengle. D. D. Service« vard and Twenty-s cond streets to nrrow will l 10.20 o'cl In their usual Adam Stengle, D. D.; Sunday school; 6.45 worth League; 7.30 o'clock, preach ing by the Ri WESTMINSTER 10.30 A. M. 4.00 P. M. John A. McCALLUM, D. D. THE CALL OF DUTY || |j jj H ff U CHARLES L. CANDEE, D. D. THE WESTMINSTER CHORAL CLUB WILL ASSIST AT THE VESPER SERVICE ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL METHODIST The Friendly Church 99 if Dr. Hubbard mill preach 10.30 A. M. Jesus Our Example. 7.30 P. M. .1 Modern (hire for Sin Subject, ff (t j) Subject, SUNDAY SCHOOL AT NOON .. .Vo Rented Pews Xnrserp for small children Everpbodp Welcome \ GREATESTTHINQ IN INE WORLD" ■Hanover Pastor Also to Preach Tomorrow on "Acid Experiences" PLAN MUSICALS FOR CHURCH FUND In .Hanovpr Presbyterian Church. Boulevard and Eighteenth street, the Rev. Charles H Bohner, pastor tomorrow morning, Mr. Bohner will preach on the subject. 'The Great-' est Thing in the World." Mr. Boh ner's evening subject will be, "Acid Experiences." The evening service wlll be evangelistic. The church quartet will sing the; following numbers: Morning- An-, them, "O Taste and See How Gra clous the Bord Is." (Goss), and solo. Miss Madeline Reed, "HdThat Dwell (Prout). a Closer (Foster), and "Mercy " eth in the Secret Place," Evening—Anthem. "O For Walk With God." t*»nor solo. C. A. Hume, ( Manna-Zucca). The Sunday School and the Chris tian Endeavor Societies will meet at the usual hours. The Girls' C4ub and Westminster League will meet in the church on. Monday evening. The pastor will conduct the mid k service on Wednesday night. Department w , The Junior .f the hool will present a musical and literary entertainment in the church on Monday night, January 29, the proceeds to be applied to the new building fund, Pupils of Sn)ith wl u Frederick Stanley musical pro church on Thursday present in the gra î The proceeds music en ing. February 1. of this evening of go to the church building fund. ill also OUR ADOPTION, TOPIC AT FPWORTII n At 9.20 worth Church. Tenth and Lombard 'dork tomorrow at Ep streets, the Sunday morning c! d George Booker. The morning hour of wor ship will be at 10.29 o'clock. Rev, Rsaell I*. Thonns will preach on the subject; "Our Adoption." The Sunday school. Willis L. Over r. miperiptendent. will convene at nek. This will be decision day; Epworth League will meet at evangelistic services will he held at the evening service. Mr. Thomas' 2 o'cl the 6.45 o'clock: on ng subject will be f Christ." James A. Alexander'« meet on Monday night prayer service will he held Wedne« day at 7.45 o'clock. Friday afternoon the Junior Epworth League will he held. At th** evening service tomor row the chorus choir. led by Pro George E. King, will lead in "Confession rill and the cias! feu ; nein g ami give sev i'i:.\i\si i. \ MimimnsT PROTESTANT CHURCH. At Ihp srrvic-ps of th« IVnfnsuia Mothodist i*rnt««tant Church, Wash ington and Twrntifth sfrrpts. lomor ro«', the Rev. Leonard B. Smith will preach on the frlio-vlng the 1«.30 o'clock. "The Eider Brother" k. "A Happy Separation" or "Spirltuii Snr «cry.'' or "Isost t Home"; 7.20 oVli The musical program include« th*» following «election^: Anthem. "More Love to Th»*e." by Edward«; "Be Thou Exalted. O ^iod!" by Edward«: "Songs of Praise the Angels Sang" Brown: quartet, "The Declare." by Judson. John Ornhcy. Mis« Edith ('r*»n»»y and Raymond! Lllley. The Sunday school will meet nt noon, and the Christian Endeavorers at 6.20 o'clock. ^- v Heavens M»*. and Mrs. ELAYMONT M. |*:. ( IH ID II. Clay mont M. E. Church, Clay-1 mont, the Rev. W. A. Hearn, pastor,: services tomorrow will he as Xpl W5,: 9.20 o'clock. Sunday School; 7 0.45 o'clock, sermon, "Carelessness Toward« Christ Inexcusable;" 6.45 o'clock, Epworth Leigue; 7.45* sermon. "The Tragedy of Rebellion Against God." o'clock, PHILADELPHIAN TO PREACH HERE Dr, J. A. McCallum to Preach at Westminster Church Tomorrow "THE CALL OF DUTY," VESPER'S THEME Ah ha.s been customay for several years past, tne pastors of the West Walnut Street Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia, and Westminster Pres-1 byterlan Church here, will exchange pulpits for the morning service to morrow. The Rev». John A. Me [ Callum. D D., of Philadelphia, will jeome to Westminster Church, to preach the sermon and Dr. Charles; L Candee w II deliver the sermon in West Walnut Street Church. Westminster' Choral _ . . . . .. . , , . , ludes and the chimes, played by Mr. Thoms, will help in making this a The «hich has scored many triumphs this season will assist at he vesper! service, Splcher's Fear Not, O Israel. 'Charles L. Candee will preach a ser mon on the theme, "The Call of The usual fine organ pro with two elegant numbers: 'Gounod's 'Send Out Thy Light." and Dr. most impressive service. The Sunday School will meet at, •noon, with classes {or all depart-' ment», Miss Marjorie Webb «-ill lead the) devotional of the Christian Endeavor meeting at 7.30 o'clock. Miss Gladys Engle will present an address on the subject. "Duty." There will be spe cial music and genuine good feilow «hip. Th** Men's Club will hold its n Tuesday even This will be the ting 'clock monthly m ing. at 8 annu<1 i "Stunt Night." ( ' . Continuing the study of the r.o* pel of St. John at the morning worship in the F rst and t entr-i Proabvterian Church, tomorrow, Dr. Aquilia W.d.b wll! preach on Fore DR. WEBB TO PREACH ON ST. JOHN'S (iOSPEI, runners of Jesus." His sermon at the evening service will be on The , ,*J î j : i F nal Payment." Leslie Cook has arranged the fol 1 lowing music for the day: Morning, prelude, "Melody," Paderewski: a j them. "From Egypt's fi ■ Come." Page; trio, "My î Father, While I Stray," Schnecker; postlude. "EtudA," Kullak. Even ! ing: Prehtde, "Choral," BoHImann; i anthem. "The Twiligth i Fall," Wood: Through the Coming Night." Cursehman; solo by Mrs. MacMil lan; postlude. "Grand Chorus," Sa lome. Bondacs My God. . Shadows trio. "Pro* ect ! MT. EN ON BAPTIST CTirnrif. Ml. Baptist Church, Rev. A. G. Scott, will be as paotor—Services follow«: 10.20 sermon. 12.45 school.; 6 o'cl tomorrow o'clock: j Sunday k. Baptist Young People's Meeting; 8 o'clock, preach ing. ►'clock ; Lincoln | near Delaware avenue; Rev. Peft ngill. NORTH BAPTIST i III RCIf. North Baptist Church. «treet. William L Preaching at D».20 pastor— 'clock and 7.45 »»'«Mock, by the pastor; ject; "The Voice morn'ng suh »f Blood:" even ing. "What Shall We Do?" School Bible ~ it noon. j FIRST CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. AQUILLA WEBB, D. D., LL.D., Minister ( 10.30—"FORERUNNERS OF JESUS 12.00—Church School, all departments 7.45—"THE FINAL PAYMENT" Gospel Song Service A Church Home in the Heart of the City ' • f GRACE CHURCH Sunday Services Preaching, Rev. Benjamin M. Johns, D. D. Morning Subject—"A MISTAKE." Evening Subject—"LONELINESS." Sunday School at noon in all departments. GRACE CHURCH IS EVERYBODY'S CHURCH /fE ,\i Second Baptist Church Ninth and Franklin Sts. Geo. D. Allison, Ph. D., Pastor «* t 4 Tomorrow, 10.30 A. M. 6 Receiving the Holy Spirit M t The Business Men'» Bible Class Meet»» at 12 Noon 7.45 P. M. * The Battle of Life G 1 1 'S 9 4 TIMELY TOPICS AI 2B BAPTIST "The Battle of Life," to Be Theme at Night Session Tomorrow MUSICAL PROGRAM AT ALL SERVICES "Receiving the Holy Spirit" will be the topic of the sermon in Sec ond Baptist Church. Ninth and franklin streets, tomorrow morning , . . ' 10:30 ° elocK ' Allison, Ph. D.. pastor of the church. will preach. The quartet choir, dl r?cted jj y p] oyd W. Harper, will „ oh Lamb f Qo< . .. „ stultB , » char!es ^ Boxlhe Edw . ard9 wll , The Rgv. Geo. D. play a violin solo. "Romance," by Wienlawskl. The Bible school «-ill meet at 12 o'clock noon and the Business Men's Bible Class «-ill discuss "Winning the Prodigal Son." The Baptist Young Peoples' Union will meet at 6:45 o'clock to study an interesting topic. At the evening service the quar cho;r "Even Me," by Warren, and a duet by Mrs. Ray moth M'.tchei! and Miss Mildred Mi son will be T Waited for the Lord," by Mendelssohn. The topic of the evening sermon Is to be "The Bat tle r*f Life." The prayer and mid-week prayer and praise service will be held Wed nesday evening. ' MUSICAL PROGRAM AT UNION CHURCH Methodic Fifth and T'nion Church. streets. Rev. Harvey Wlnfleld Ewing. D., minister, services tomorrow follows: Class meeting at 9:20 o'clock. E. W. Dunlop, leader; puh lie worship at 10:20 o'clock, sermon !)ubjpot . naniel s vision of the Kingdom:" Sunday School at 2 o'clock. IV. B. Bicking, superintend en( . Bpworth f . pn!r110 at K /{r, oVIock ,.>pic. "Tiie Rapidly Ch ing Episcopal Washington jng India •. i„ ndPr , Anna H an hy EvPninB worship at 7.3« subject, *'A Good Man's Plea For a Wicked City." Music for the day: Organ pr?lude. "Serenade." Andrews; nnthem, "The Lord Is My Light and My Salva n." Hogers; duet, "Just Inside the Eastern Gate" (Martin) Mrs. Rills and Miss Hudson; offertory Elegie. Shepherd; po.vtlude. Temp lar's March. Frysinger; organ re citai at 7:15 o'clock. M^iss^Johnson: anthem. Ring AlIeMiia Forth, Dudley Buck; quartet. "Th** Bow on the Face of the Cloud." Louden: offer tory. Xarc ssus. Devin; po^'lude. Fanfare, Dubois. o'clock. sermon t!i 4 Mr. olivi: rnmen. Olive ♦ Mt. Baptist Services at Church, the Rev. R. McFryar pas tor. tomorrow Will be: 11 o'clock, preaching by the pistor: 8 o'clock. Revival ♦ pr#*achlng. week, with the Rev. W. H. Dobbin«. services text ♦ D. D.. of Penn's Grove, N. J., i: fharge. 1 ÎTfGIÎTIf STREET R XPTI'sT. Eighth Street Baptist rhu^e^. Rev. H. C. Jones, pastor, pr^a^hing ai^i Rev. Gor*lon or I 0-3« 'clock tomorrow at 7.30 o'clock by Chester. i