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LIFE'S GROWTH Hanks With Leaders in New Business and Insurance in Force OVER NINE MILLION GAIN IN PAST YEAR Praise of the highest kind la con tained In critical comment on the fifteenth annual report of the Con tinental Life In«uranee Company with head offices In tha duPontj Building. Referring to the growth j M (he < lontlnenlal's business during 1922, one of the leading business» ■ Journals of the country states; "We H ' try much doubt whether any other ■ life Insurance company in the United H States will be able to matejt these ■ i cures of proportional gains from 1.'31 to 1 922 in new business written ■■ im) Insurance in force." With Its H millions of assets, this Insurance ■ f mpany now rates as one of the l.irgest business enterprises In the "-täte. With local management and local ownership largely It Is one of «*hi<h Delawareans can Justly feel H proud. Commenting at some length The .'economic World cays; "Quite In accordance with our ex perience for a number of years past, ! >e first annual statement of an American Insurance company, sum marizing the results of the business lone by it )n 1922, which has come nlo our hands In these early days of 1 923 Is the Fifteenth Annual State inent of that always exceptionally In ..Testing younger life Insurance com Pany. she Continental Life Insurance ■ ompany, of Wilmington. Delaware. ' 'Z*. 1° W m ^ 8t W ". rormer a annÖ,r y , , °'' r !* T'* Issnv »? h T"'" greatest respect for the resolution, . energy and skill which Presl lent Burnet and his associates in the 'ftanaçement of the company's af-1 fairs have proceeded with th© devel .tpment of a program designed to :;eep the underwriting and rhe flnan ■ l.'il sides of the company's business *n such balance and proportion that ihe margin of reserve financial strength »should always be much In egress of what Is generally deemed necessary, while at th© same time the I volume of life insurance written shpuld fully reflect by its growth the eleadily increasing financial capacity of the company to provide life insur oin^e protection of the moet unim Reachable kind. We have been con ^latently confident of the entire sue c^ss of this program, and we have frequently expressed the opinion mai no great number of years would he required to make its virtues so widely appreciated that the business "h»t h r a md cumuT'°t U,d f eRin ,0 f hOW nat rapid cumulative Increase from • _ \ear to year which presages ultimate magnitude of an Impressive order. • eh " t ' h * "?»">-• b V now e.tehed the stage of proportionally very large annual gains Is Indicated .y the Statement for 1922, a sum m «ry of the principal Items of which will he found on another page of tht» ' apt. IV h s t first Impresses a stu- j d»nt of American life Insurance as lie reads this summary I» that the I 7mw business written bv the company in 1922 showed sn increase, as com. i pared with that written in 1921, ! whlch was vastly greater than that I ■achieved by the general body of life I nsurane« companies In this countrv. Complete figures for the life insur snee written by all the companies n 1922 will, of course, not betvall-I ..hie for several months, but from j -urh statistics as have been compiled 1 .. the course of tha year It seem» I improbable that the average Increase m new business ln 1922, as compared ; %itn i.-I W!I1 prove to have been as I much as 5 per cent and It be found to have been considerably less I than this. The 39.039.763 of nowln-ji I T.ife insurance CoVp.*Dy C °"""mH.T I however, was no lojs^tha'n I* per i'n"V7"ïhîto?h t s ,, »40 O 0™7 Tlnl ...ranee which fheVomnanv hsd tn fogee on December 31 1933 repre sented a net Increase of 13 n'er cent rr tho mount in force nr the emi of, 19-1 " tv« verv much! V, - ' . r> i,/ rtuc , do bt «nmnsnv i , TH .We^o rnTtch these portlona^ga'ln» from new business written and In Insur-! ance in force. ' Upon rhis financial side the Con tlnental Life Insurance Company has been no less exceptionally successful di*.ing the past year. Here perhaps th. most notable feature of the com sftranco [ pany's annual statement 1» that, not w.hstandlng the large amount of new burines» written and the almost i equally large Increase in the amount of, insurance In force—these In creases, of additions to the company's actuarial reserves—both the -accounting pltis and the surplus to policyholders are found to have Increased by Im portant amounts during 1922. On tX comber 31, total admitted assets were $5,526.330 an amount which was 145 per cent. -o' the total liabilities of $3,822,799— or conversely, the total liabilities at I the end of 1922 wereGtnly 60 per cent. Of the total assets. At the end I Or 1921 the asset« of $4.660.312 course. Involving heavy sur 1922, the Company's rep rr-pnieil 143 per cent, of the llablll 1 of $3,195.100—or. conversely, the *"T hilltles were equivalent to 70 per I jnt. of the assets. The significance II of such an Improvement In the al f r^ady exceedingly high proportion I borne by the assets to the liabilities I as these figures show I _year when the reserve requirement« ! vCere greatly enlarged by a relatlve ! ]y heavy gains the amount of Inrur I ance in force—will be readily appre [ o.tted by all actuaries. As would be I expected, the explanation ot this un [ anticipated Improvement in the pro I portion ot the assets to tho liabilities I appear» In the figures for the com I p iny'« surplus proper and eurplus to I TJ^'- vbo,der8 - T be surplus proper I "Ts found to have Increased from I $673,148 at the end of 1921 to $987, I 921 at the end of 1922—a gain ot no I *4> ss than $314,773 in a single year; I >^,vnlle the surplus to policyholders,— r i. e., tho surplus proper plus the [ assets representing the company's I cïffital stock.—rose from $1,864.092 I to $1.703,531. It is scarcely neccs nary to say that so large a margin of nd that In a u FOLIX)WING CHRIST, SERMON SUBJECT n Th« Rev. R. K. Stephenson, pa»-1 tor of Sllverbrook Methodist Epis copal church, will preach from the theme, "The Promise of the eer Father." at the 10.30 o'clock vice tomorrow. The ewan numbers for th. day will Include: Mornln*—(Nocturne In R flat, Chopin; march, Letrazost. Evening —To a Wild Rose, McDowell; last Rose of Summer. Transcribed by Auer; grand chorus. Angela. At the morning service. Edward Hobbs will sing. Sunday school meets In all de partment« at 12 noon. There will be special music by the orchestra, and Mrs. J. A. Byram, will sing a eolo. Bp worth League eervlce at 6.45 m1m -Ruth Ley will be the leader. At the 7 30 o'clock service Dr. Stephenson will preach on "Follow ing Christ." The meetings of the week iwll! be: Monday, 8 o'clock. Young Womans' Auxiliary; Tuesday. 8 o'clock, class meeting; Wednesday, 8 prayer meeting; Friday. 7.30 o'clock, standard bearers; Saturday, o'clock, 2.30 o'clock. Junior League. On Thursday evening, under the auspices of the Men's Bible Class, the famous deMoss family, will ST. ANDREW'S P. E. CHURC H St. An Eighth and 11 give a concert. morning prayer and sermon at „'dock; evening prarer and sermon, - «'clock ' Th# off , rtorv at morning eervlce w| „ , e0ntra „ 0 solo. "Oh Rest In , h(> Mendel «.ohn. sung by Mis» Elizabeth Gallagher; In th. evening, the anthem by the entire! ch0ir Wl11 b * ■ -Th0U W1!t Ke * P Hlm in Per,eCt Pe ' C *'" E Ba,,#ra * r vrrtw.av nmtr H UNITARIAN CHIDCH. In honor of the birthday armver eary of th© great Philadelphia printer and statesman, Benjamin Franklin, the Rev. W. A. Vroom&ni will preach a sermon In the Unitar-J Ian Church, West street, above* Eighth, tomorrow, at 11 o'clock, on "Benjamin Franklin; Printer, States-j man and Philosopher.** A special Invitation to attend thl«| meeUng U extended to printers ond all admirers of Franklin. Miss' Wales will ring. Kindergarten and. church School opens at 10.46| o'c'ock _ WESLEY M. F. OITTIWtH. . ... * . . J*} 1 ln . ^ esley Melhodlat _^ p ! 8 ® op 1 f l " UP ® h ' row at 10.30 o clock with the preach z'*** wSis^wîî? 1 ' ^reacT ^on ^he "RO.I Brothorhood;" Sun j , . _ , ... . . ,, , i dav school session will be held at ,o , K „.-.„.i, «-u. . . 1 . Mr, i ' M Desflva a naUona "worked f^r I w r T _ ni u Th , ; a,» w'll h* under ,h. ™e«lon of Frof^r G.or« R 8 i ciarke the newlv plecfed rhAPiit.r oo* 1 » cho rister. 710N i UTtfi-'n tv raii'iroK * | Services tomorrow, at Zion Luth-jjn eran Cburch . Sixth and Jackaon ' r ' et '' the P '* v ' Roderick Hasskarl, a *tor. will be: Morning service j 10.30 o'clock; subject of 'rimm, "The Transfiguration of Our 1 Lord." Evening service, (English i. -T» o'cloek: sermon. "The Great Re Bolr «-" Sunday Schools 9.33. and . '» 5 o'clock. ~ ^ - I GOSPEL MISSION. ! Sunday services at the Full Gospel j :Mm»lon. Ill E. Fourth street, to morrow, will be: 9.30 o'clock. | prayer hour; 10.30 o'clock, sermon Services tomorrow, In drew 1 » P. E. Church, Shipley »treats, the Rev. Richard M. Trapnell, rector, will be as follows: Holy Communion. 8 o'clot'a; Church School and Bible class, 9.45 o'clock: : school; , 3 o'clock, experlebca meet-! n g : 6.30 o'clock, young people's aUn ^ , ' 3 ° f' 0 ' 0 '"' *" m ° n by th * aaai SllnS paat0r ' SFOOND M P ' < Hl lU:I1 Second M ' P ' C h "n*' Fifth ave " Ue an< * Aneh " a8e B * re , t ' t ' 8ervice * 'o 1 " 0 " 0 "' wll > be ," follow.: Sun i ay at " o'clock; Junior C. E ' at o' c l° c h: Mis* Mary Hln^ i derer, leader; evening worship at 7 " 5 ot the ••«•OR. ' Bo0kkeer,in * ln neaven '' The F ~ B ~ P " t0r ' ST • rK p.« rnrinri | , , . „ , , Pt ' h , -" k ® " «»'wiBam L^mmmc ! th h ' ,b f P William lemming, I p " tor ' wln b * **, , , ow *' f hu f cn !' Sch ° o1 at , 10 oclock : m . ol ! n; "* l prayer and serm0 " at 11 o clock: | evening prayer and »ermon at <.301 mid-week eervice Wednc?-j | | ° cI ° , day n| K ht - I _ . services to Sunday , Epworth League, 7-30 o clock, preach-' HOLLY OAK M. E. CHURCH. Holly Oak Methodist Episcopal' Church. Holly Oak, the Rev. ,F. C. | Louhdff. Jr., pastor, morrow will be; 10.45 o'clock; 6.45 o'clock: ing by the pastor. BREAKFAST MISSION. The Sunday Breakfast Mission will hold meetings every night, at 8 o'clock. Speaker ibnlght, Joseph DeNlght. Tomorrow night. William A- Satterfield. Sunday School at 1.15 o'clock. IMMANUEL CHURCH. Immanuel P. E. Church, the Rev. Charles W. Clash, rector, will hold services tomorrow, as follows: Holy communion, 7.45 o'clock; School, 9.45 o'clock: morning prayer and sermon, 11 prayer and sermon, 7.45 o'clock._ protection to policyholders over and above all legal requirements as this last figure represents is almost cer tainly equaled nowhere else in the domain ot American life insurance. The achievement of a financial posi tion ot such Impregnable strength In conjunction with a very exception ally rapid upbuilding of the life In surance business ot the company may quite properly be regarded by President Burnet and his fellow offi cer» In the Continental Life Insur ance Company both as amply Justi fying them In the sagacious program they hav.e followed »nd as warrant ing them in great pride by reason.of what thsv have accomnllslied." Church o'clock; evening ' TIMELY TOPICS AT EASTLAKE N. LI | | Rev. A. W v Goodhand to p re ach Oil Christian Life 1 and Experience MUSICAL PROGRAM AT ALL SERVICES Services tomorrow et Eastlake M. E. Church, Rev. Arthur W. Good hand, pastor, will be as follows; 9 30 o'clock, class meeting. Wllmer J Baldwin, leoderf^l 0.30 o'clock, pub lic worship, organ prelude. Osear Cale, organist: anthem by choir, "There Arose a Great Storm." Al bert E. Wilde; duet, selected, Mrs. Plummer and Mrs. Haverstlck; preaching, »ermon theme, "Growth in Christian Life and Experience." 12 o'clock, meeting of Adult Bible |CIass, Rev. A. W. Goodhand, teach 6.43 o'clock. Christian Eryleavor meeting, Stanley M. Keen, pre»l Jdent, Mrs. demo will conduct 4he 1 devotional exercises;' 6.45 o'clock, Miss Clara Folsom will conduct the j Junior Christian Endeavor meeting In the primary department. 7.45 o'clock, public worship, or gan prelude; anthem by the choir, 'O, Give Thanks;" quartet. "Sweet the Moments," Mrs. Anderson. Mr». Clemo, Edgar Smith and Mr. Ksen; preaching, sermon theme. "The Di vine Pian In Human Life V er; 2 o'clock. Sunday school. Wal ter H. Ml»slmer, superintendent; ««rence. _ An orfran wi ." b f. by '^° rR ! TT , 7. Church, at 4 o clock tomorrow after noon, under the auspice» of the Near Kaat Relief. It will be open to the public. Mr. Day will Include In his pro *ram, "The March of th«^ Mafl Kings,** by the distinguished f rench) composer, Theodore du Bom. A characteristic and descriptive piece,) the lead 1 "* of the Magi by^the Star, being represented by a high sus talne( * no * a played by a weight be ingr upon th« organ key. Master 1 lerce Marvel, a n*w 11 3 r * ar * 0,d * op , ra J*° a0;0,!rt - ^ 1 aaslst with two well-known numbers, "Cantique de Noel." by Adam, and "Come Unto Hfm, from the 4 Mes «l«b,** by Handel, Owing to the rerlUl In the affer ^oon. the usual Sunday evening asr v j ce V iH be omitted tomorrow. A ten * m , lnute » ervlca recede the i" C ' ,a Services tomorrow at Cookman M. R * v ' ,or . will be as follows: Morning wor * hl P- 10 - 30 o'clock. Ths pas tOF on the theme. "Silent Unto God." Sunday school at noon, nfrerlrg for the bul ldlng fund; Ep worth League, at . o clock, led by Roy Lynam, continuing the studies India: evening worship at 7.45 o'clock, the pastor preaching on the theme, "Foolish Excuses;" Junior j League and prayer meeting, Wed nesday evening; Bible Study Class and forum, Thursday evening. - A. U. CHURCH. A v church. French street above 'Eighth street. Rev. J. W. Brown pastor. Service» as follows; 10.30 o'clock, preaching; 12 o clock, class ! meeting; 2 30 o'cloek. Sunday «chool 7.45 o'clock, preaching: Monday and 1 AVednesdav evening, class meeting; Friday evening official board and Wednesday night Dr. Robert Watt will conduct the prayer meeting, and convene the fourth quarterly con NT. JOHN'S RECITAL. ! I COOKMAN M. E. CTOVROR. c holr rehearsal. _ GRACE A. M. E. ZION* At Grace A. M. E. Zion Church. Third and West street.; Rev. J. H. beT^Tmo^^aUor"! iTcioTk! gubJeet; . Th6 Gospel Invitation;" Sunday school. 2 o'clock; Christian En(le avor. 7.15 o'clock, subject: •*Evangell«tlc Missions at Home and Abroad;" preaching, 8 o'clock, eub i ect . "The Lord's Paths." ■ _ SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH. Services tomorrow at Shiloh Bap 111,1 Church ' R * v - ®- T - Moore, paa t will be as follows; 10 o'clock, p ' ,yer service; 10 45 °' c ' lock ' «ermon bv Rev Ware; ;.jo o'clock. Sunday school: E. T. Whitten, superlntend e. t; 7.45 o'clock, preaching by Rev. ware. BETHEL A. M. K. CHURCH. Bethel A. M. E. Church, Rev. C. W. Stewart, pastor—Services tomor row as follows: 10.30 o'clock, preaching by tho pastor; 12.30 o'clock, class meeting; 2.30 o'clock, gun)Jll y «chool; 8 o'clock, evangelis tic service. Rev. W. J. Oliver, of phlIade] hl wl „ ch St. John's P. E. Church, Rev. Al ban Richey. D. D., rector, services tomorrow as follows 7 3Ö o'clork tomorrow as roiiows. 7.10 o Clock, Holy Communion; 9.30 o clock, church school; 11 o'clock, mominr wwiw prayer and sermon; 4 o clock, brief servir© and organ recital. Near East Relief. ST. JOHN'S P. E. CHURCH. Juniper Tar COMPOUND i GIVES QUICK RELIEF Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat /à For r i À 2 doses 1c 35c a bottle at Druggiats DON'T EXPERIMENT! • This old reliable medicine ha» re lieved thoufande—f t u ill relieve you — Try it Today* f I rr WEEKLY TOPIC and SOCIETY ITEMS of ll}Cs CITY AND STATE UNIONS EVANGELISTIC MISSIONS AT HOME AND ABROAD Lu ko 2:45-58 CONTRIBUTED BY WILBUR. J. DRISCOLL Preas Chairman Wilmington Christian Endeavor Union Many are the phase« which might. be dlscueeed by one more familiar with mission's; however, the lesson it the familiar "last commission'' "Go ye into all the world and teach! my gospel, baptising them in the name of the Fether. the Son and the Holy Ghost." the Christ should treasure and as nearly as possible, carry out their Master's bequest First of all, the church of to-day must fully realize It« reflation to the church of yester-years and must be ever on the alert In carrying forth the work Instituted by the Shepherd of souls. The followers of Do you not remember the Incident of the feast of the po-wover at Jeru eslem when the Christ dhtld tarried behind after the days hed been ful fllled—while Joseph and ht» mother Mary, knew not of ItT you do. Certainly For three long days they searched and upon the third day found him in the midst of doctors, both hear Ing therm and asking questions. When questioned as to ht» absence, be replied, "How Is it that ye »ought moT Wist ye not that i am about my Father's business?" world, an)1 !our of a n mankind: loving Lord, able to save to the u«-j termost all who come unto Him by faith. Then, too, we have a Saviour | who Tightens all the way and sends the radlence out Into ths blackness \ of the earth, with Ilia word», "I am| the resurrection and the life." May we not find a new profound There Is a peel need of mleslonary work—the Father's business. At no tlma In the history ot the Church of Christ has thera been a greater need for evangelized mlaatona than at the present time, shoulders of Christian men and wo men of today, at home and abroad, falls a great reaponalbtllty. Upon the There Is without a doubt, some recladon among members of tho faith today, who constantly repril and beat back the thought ot evangelising those abroad. They say. Ah! let them take care of themselves. Dutyi begins at home." But do these very same persons begin at home?|o Many of us are phlegmatic In our understanding of the work which we must foeter both here and In all tho Again there are those, who world. are adept and proficient in their ap plication ot the principles of Chris tianity toward evangelism In mi« They, perhaps, do not have »tons. a phenomlnal understanding ot real conditions as they exist In America or In Europe and Asia; they do understand the Life and the Light ot the whole however. that Christ Is Chrifrt the Dlfe—troth beyond com prehension. hut not beyond experi It is Christ the Dlf© that Is ence. moving In human beert» today and'be compelling ehose at home to remem ber the words "thou art thy broth er's keeper." Christ the Light of the World— the light has shined. Is shining— shining Increasingly In ths Life of the whole of God's great universe. I Where the Life 1» there also In Light, •T,et your light eo shine before the world that men may see your works.] and glorify your Father which la In Heaven." Evangelestlc missions teach us that, there Is an estimable blessing that tho church must earn' to those who | sit In the darkness of sin. Idolatry' superstition—Christ the Sav a living and work of evangelistic missions and! seek to do everything In our power. •» Christian Endcavorers. to carry out the program of tho present day| counter much we will And relief «ho words of Habakkuk. "Although! «he ftg tree shall not bloom neither, *h«H fruit be In the vine»; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the flrids shall yield no meat; tho flock shall bo cut off from the fold and there shall be no herd in the stalls; yet T wdll rejoice in the Lord. 1 will Joy •"«•• ' God of my s.iva.lon. The While our efforts may not Christian Endeavor Notes On Friday evening. January 12, Carroll M. Wright, field-secretary, was entertained at dinner by thej executive committee ot the West] Presbyterian Christian Endeavor So ciety. at the home of tho president. Herbert Lilleyl During the course ot the evening many plans were dis cussed and adopted for an aggros DR. ALBRIGHT Specialist in Rectal Diseases If you are troubled with Hemorrhoids iPilea): Fistula; Fissure; Ulceration or , any other annoying or painful Rectal idi^oas© „and would like to be cured without' operation, write for my Free Po^> kle * or call and let me explain my 1 ron .operative treatrmxit. Examination j free. No charge unless treatment is I*' vrn - Office hours: 9 to 3. daily, ex cept Sunday: Tuesday and Friday eve. jjjny 9t € to S. * 602 PERRY BUILDING 16th ami Chestnut 81s., Phlla. The Bank and the Common People i It is a mistake to suppose that a bank exists only for rich people. The poor need the bank more than the rich. This bank wants to help those of limited means to save. It wants to help the boys and girls up the hill of thrift. We wel come all depositors and extend equal courtesy to all. ARTISANS' SAVINGS BANK 505 MARKET STREET OPEN TUESDAY EVENINGS FROM 7.00 TO 8.S0 4% PAID ON DEPOSITS MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGES «Iva work during the enisling year, Among the many Intereating plans adopted, was one to form an Inter msdlale C. K. Society done next week. 1 success, This will he The Senior So clety. In order to promote Interest and enlhuelasm among the Inter mediates, held a "Childhood Social" Older member» came last evening. In the garb of a child reverting one's mind to their childhood day» with the result that the social was a great The First Methodist Protestant Society will hold their regular monthly business end social meeting In the church tonight from 8 o'clock until 10 30, At the business session, plans In connection with the mem bership content, will bo discussed. CarroKl M Wright, who recently attended th# fletd-secretarle»' con ference ln Chicago, 1» now at home and preparing a vigorous campaign Irrg In the Held. Trinity M. E. Church: 2 o'clock. Sun day school: 6.30 o'clock, Epworth League. themef "The Rapidly Changing India," S. pearl Lynam, speaker; 7.30 o'clock, sermon by the pastor ».i The Golden Rule." Some of the Wilmington Endeavor ers attended the Philadelphia Christian Endeavor Union rally last week and heard the lecture on Im migration by Frederick Wallis, ex commissioner of Hills Island In Holy Trinity Ohurdh. Mr. Wallis spoke of the condition» at Bills island citing many Interesting events. He told of the great work the churches have dona toward helping the Im migration problem. In part he »aid that "you cannot cram Americaniza tion down tho Immigrant's throat but that tho Influence» of Sunday 'fhools and of day schools were tho -eel method»of bringlngtsboutAmer Icanlzatlon among those wh to our ehorse." Nineteen young people are Chri»ti»n Endeav^ r era and have had a training that should qualify thera In the work of assisting those In close touch with o come million ths Immigration problem. There wIR be a meeting of the executive commute» of the Wilming ton Christian Endeavor Union in the Y. M. C. A. Monday evening begin ning promptly at 8 o'clock. On Friday evening. January 26. the Holy Trinity Society will hold their regular monthly business meet ing Which aril be followed by a "Mystery Social". At the business meeting, plans all he completed for tho Sour Kraut supper which will given Friday. February 2. at 8 p. at. inert week. for his subject "What Are the Right ful Claims of tho Church Upon Us." Hehrovj 10:19-26. pa i Church, streets; Rev. George White Dawson, pu tor—Services tomorrow will be: 9 o'clock, prayer meeting, W. J, Jones, leader: 10.30 o'clock, sermon by Rev. E. H. Collins, pastor of The Christian Endeavor t«plo will he dlscueeed by Rev. A. W. Sonne, D. D., of West Presl»yterisn ChurHi Dr. Sonne will take AfiBURY M. E. CHURCH. At (he Asbury Methodist Eplsco Thlrd and Walnut I nj jsfips Colds ÇjfhrX teaspoonful f»U»T*ascntchy. cong»s»«df«*L Ing In yovrtbiosL Phlegm loo» •t;«, inflamed tissuess re soothed. Follow tjts direction» on th» bottle, éuch welcome relief I Foot cough eese* your cold ot when It'» «•tiens- »Sk yon » druggist for DTV-KJNCiS D1SCOVTKY -asrrupfor coHgksS'coUU bracks »p. Now Freeman Coal and Coke Co. Distributors of Domestic Coke ; 1 I Cheaper than coat, healthful, efficient, greater comfort. no gas: makes slate, there fore, no clinkers. Will not Injure grates or fire pot. Prepared In one of the latest and most modern coke oven plants In the country. Freeman Coal and Coke Co. Foot of Thorn Si. Phono 3535W more more economical; a cheerful fire: Phone 5037 DR. WHITE TO SPEAK MT. SALEM CHURCH The services tomorrow, at Mt. Salem Methodist Episcopal Church, the Rev. Leonard White, pastor, will ]be as follows; The preaching eer I vice at 10.30 o'clock. The pastor's !text, "What Think Ye of the Christ? ; Whose Son Is He?" The choir will sing at this service, j The Mt. Salem Sunday School ' will meet in all departments at "Near East Day" will he ob The Riddle nonn. nerved In the school. Memorial School will meet at the chapel at 2.30 o'clock. The Epworth League service will begin at The topto will be a oonttnuatlon of the study of India. Misa Ruth Whits will be the leader. At the service at 7.3« o'clock. Uxe pastor will preach on the text, "Holding a Form of Godliness, but Having Denied the Power Thereof." dar.tll.yn at « 45 o'clock. oHrnm of the NEW JERUSALEM At the Church of the New Jerusa lem tomorrow, services will be held at 10.45 o'clock, the Rev. George Musical pro Frederick Henry Dole, rector, gram—Festival prelude, Stanley Not. the Holy Spirit of God." «tamer, anthem. "Through Peace to Life," postlude in A, Wächter Protheroe; SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS. The First Seventh Day Adventist Church, Clayton and duPont and Ninth streets, order of services I» as follows: Prayer meeting Friday evening at 7.46 o'clock; school evry Saturday o'clock; preaching service» at o'clock, conducted by Elder L. O. Drews: Young Peoples meeting at 3 o'clock. Honrland »treat between and Eighth Sabhath at 9 45 it TRINTTT LUTHERAN CHURCH. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,! Rev. Ramuel Evsrlatus Wicker, paa tor. eervlce» tomorrow as Bible school, 1« o'clock: morning worship, 11 o'clock, the Holy Com munion: Junior C. E, 4 o'clock; In termedlat» C. E.. 4 o'clock; Senior C. E., 7.15 o'clock: Vesjfera, 8 o'clock, tho Holy Communion, eermon by the pastor: Blbls study. Wedneaday, 8 o'clock: C. E. E. class. Wednesday, 7 o'clock. follows. FIRST M. P. CHURCH. First Methodist Protestant Church Seventh street, below Walnut street. Rev. T. O. Holloway, pastor. Services I» as follows: 10.46 o'clock, morning worship; 2 o'clock. Sunday school; 7 o'clock, Christian Endeavor Society; 7.45 o'clock, song service. Sermon. "The Joy ot Salvation." New System of Fat Reduction Here'll a new way for mû fat people to laugh together a: that old bugaboo —Obesity. Thp saying that "there Is nothing new under the aun*' docs not now apply to fat people any more. | Here Is something new for them » new sensation, a new pleasure, a new and graceful figure, easily found by anyone who is passing beyond the' limits of slimness. Everyone haa heard of tho Marmola Prescription; that harmless combination of fat-defying ele one of the foremost, from the name high' the ; rm-nts perfected Jiy physicians. Now. authority, thor* comes another Ido Idea of condensing these samr. pure i harmless ingredients into a pleasant j ttl« tablet. Taken after eating and st I bedtime, they help tho stomach to ilt«-i pose of all the fatty foods, converting 1 them Into compact, solid flesh, muscle and energy, without dieting or exercise Mar mol a Prescription Tablets regulate ; the entire system—do for you what hod - i lly exertion and self-denial can not do. ' and the fat pneo routed, la gone for I good. You can prove all this at a trifling I cost. Marmol* Prescription Tablets are : sold by sll druggists or sent postpaid 1 by the Marmqla Company, 4613 Wood ward Avenue Detroit. Mich. A case— sufficient to bring results— I» but one dollar. » / > / / The Latest, Greatest Overland \ I IRCULATE—don't hibernate. Get out doors in this beautiful New Overland Sedan. It is easier riding, with Triplex Springs (patented) and oversize, first-quality Fisk cord tires. It is better ventilated, roomier. It is better looking, with higher hood and longer lines. It is more economical—twenty-five miles and more to the gallon of gasoline. Think it over. See the New Overland Sedan in our showrooms. c Watch for the New Overland announcement in the Saturday Evening Post of January 20th The. New mo Sedan V Touring, $525 Coupe, $791 Roadster, $521 AO frt«. /. .. b. T«ImU MOTOR COMPANY SALAMON Street Phone 1424-W 600 South Harrison „«.safer. E SERIES OF SERMONS AT PARK rmiRPH rtl l/UUl LnUIil/Il I The services tomorrow, at Rich ardson l'ark M. K. Church, the Uov. V. P- Norlhrup. X>. D.. pairtor, will bo as follows; Morning worship at 10.3« o'clock, with sermon by the pastor, who will speak on the sub ject. 'Why Am I a ChristianT" Hils will be the first of a «orle« of live sermons on "The Relation of the Christian to God, the Church and the Community." One to be delivered each Sunday morning. Special music at all eervices. Sunday School from 13 to 1 o'clock. Men s Bible claw st 12 o'clock; Epworih league devotional meeting at 6,45 o'clock, the Junior choir. Evening worship at 7 30 o'clock, with sermon by the paator, whose subject will be "The Impress of Jesua." Muslo by Prayer meeting Wedneoday even ing, at 7.30 o'clock. Junior I.eagu» Thursday afternoon, at 2.30 and 3 o'clock. FRATERNAL SPIRITUALISTS. The Fraternal Spiritual Church. Eden Hall, will hold service» tomor row at 7.30 o'clock; medium. Ml»» Webster. TF. I \J0 u 1 r ' ih J'j Vi f fAsw - 3' JXSCJr <r. i*i j i LOf-IE V y .e» * :\ -V \ a n '• • . T ' Baker's Cocoa V is the ideal drink for growing children Not only docs it* delicious flavor and oromn palate but it supplies the body> with a considerable amount of pure, wholesome and nutritious food. Children, owing to their almost ceaseless activity, frequently require as large an amount of nourishment as adults, and good cocoa is a ■Oaluahle aid in the carefully arranged diet. 'But its quality must be good and no cocoa can quite so well meet the requirements of dietitian, physician, nurse or housekeeper as "BAKER'S" appeal to the |l Mad« tnlÿ WALTER BAKER & CO.'LTD. 1780 DORCHESTER. MASSACHUSETTS Booklet of Choico Recipes sent free - - =3 Interested in Radio? . See Page 12 RADIO INSTALLATION CO. IO41/0 West Tenth St. GRAND OPENING SALE ADVERTISEMENT FOR PARTICULARS Mini, F LECTURE. Unto the Lord a New Son*." »HI he the subject of the lecture by John K Clendlnln* at 3 o'clock to morrow afternoon before the Inter national Hihle Students Association. In Jr. O. U. A. M. Hall. SOT Tat nail street. Bible classes for adult« will be conducted at this address at 2 and 8 o'clock, and special classes for youn* people and children at 2 o'clock. Lutheran Church, near Seventh, the Rev. Frederic I>oerr, paetor, will be: 10 30 o'clock, corning service. "The Joy of Right- - , I' ou " Impresstbleneas;" 2.18 o'clock, ST. STEPHEN'S LUTHERAN, Servicen tomorrow, At flt. Stephen«* Tntnall atreet. Sunday School: 7.80 o'clock, even ing service. A foreign missionary sterepotlcon picture will be the fea ture RESCUE MISSION*. At the Rescue Mission, 100 Cley mont street. South Wilmington, ser vice« tomorrow will be: ll o'clock, prayer meeting; 3 o'clock, Sunday School; 3.30 o'clock, preaching by the Rev. J. H. Glvene: 8 o'clock, preaching topic, "Samson and His Troubles." READ THE EVENING JOURNAL