Newspaper Page Text
The Evening Journal IN NEWS CIRCULATION ADVERTISING THE WEATHER tonight and Tuesday; rojder tonight, with frceslng trmpcruturv ; moderate northvieal and north winds. Cloudy* and unsettled CIRCULATION SATURDAY 19.901 •THE FIRST NEWSPAPER OF THE FIRST CITY OF THE FIRST STATE." WILMINGTON. DELAWARE. MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1923 14 PAGES. I THIRTY-FIFTH. YEAR. NO. 191 FINAL EDITION TWO CENTS RUHR MINERS, RAILROAD WORKERS ON STRIKE; GEN. LUDEN DORF REVIEWS GERMAN ARMY 9 i ASKS SCHOOL Delegation Wants Change in Referendum: Oppose Special District m Ur,HTS FOR AUTOS IN PARKING ZONES "F'afT Correspondent STATE HOI SR Dover, Del. Jan. 2-—Delaware loggia Tor* ran Into a vinter ttorvn ray to Dover rhia morning. There wraa enow a« « ttr aouth a» Towneend early this morning. South of T LnMn.l snow did not fall until arter ID o'clock. A . few minute.« aft ^ *l«»wn the the arrival of the arted to) enow, following a drizzle of rain, and kept this * Neither hoti rain at Dover it I» until early noon. ' transacted any busi n-"«s this morning. The House met »rid recessed immediately until 2 «»'«•lock this afternoon. The Senate was not railed to order until after 12 o'clock. Between n and 12 »'clock the F» nate an«l House •ommittees on «•location gave a h da ring the members of the State Board of Kdti * cat 1 * n ptMposed amendments to 1 he school law nn«l other proponed « «liirational legislation. The« inzs will h<* hear »ntinued every day f *r a time. .\ deieaition from the (' avm^ni special school district was before the Joint committees. This committee wants some changes triade ip srhool law. particularly the* r referendum feature in voting on proponed bond issues and also wants f'laymont 4 left riet to ceaee to be a epecial school district. There were about lax-payers of the fth«* delegation. William J. Straw fhr ilge was < hairman of the delega tion an«i among «»there in the party war# CoP nel James C. M.cComb. *^T*hfgs Dodge. G enra«* B. Hutton, CContln»ied on Pag# Two » ' I J twenty-five hool «Hatriot in STRICKEN KITH -1 RARE MALADY JVlan Suffers "Sleeping Sick ness," Uncommon in This Climate P J3ELJFVED BITTEN BY TROPICAL FLY it la Wilmington has a case of "En «ephalltis lethargies." or. ss "sleeping commonly known. The patient a man has being given* •more - *iokne*s." b*en Isolated and is treatment. Owing to the rarity of . ibis disease In this climate local physician« are much Interested in the case. s "Sleeping sickness" is a common * «disease in the tropics and is caused by the bite of the tsetse fly. how it originated here is undeter .«»»I tautlon 1» helnr oheerved. The disease if taken in time !* nor ' ,* necessarily fatal, but If not treated in time send* the patient into a »talc O.ter she had been summon-;, before the judge by H. K. King. « iter or °f reaearob of .the State by the Judge that she must see , 0 .Jt that her child goes to school. ;.'»1 P. M. .3* ' i.oo P. M .30 ^ j 1 I : . mined, but It I« thought possible that; -me or more of these flies might have '»»pen brought to thi.« city conceal- | e(i ln bunche« of banana*, or other "tropical fruit, and it« won! 1 he w?l! rfor any person .«tiing by buge or fifl»« lo Immediately consult a ph/slrian. • ^"hile it is possible ft transmissible disease it is not thought probable in! thi* climate' that others will ii;*ve the disease unless bitten hy one 0 f . Ihese poisonous flies hut every pro-• o, coma resulting in death. >irST SEND CHILD TO SCHOOL. Anme Gondele, promised Revident Judge Rice, that »he "Would see to It that her nine year-old child would attend school. Mre. TODAY» TF.MPKR.Vri KK At Th« Evening Journal Offl.»e. " \ M. n:» 7 ".«O A. M . ..IS Kt > AM» mu: rises . . . • f: ...7.17 A. M. . . .3.05 T. M. ^||n sets Ilratl of « ti riot la mi High water 3.39 A. M. I*«»w water 10.40 A. M 3.58 A. M. 11.20 P AI. ! I/OSTT ' -< I -, .¥£ . . „ , tiv way of Fourth street trollev Re- |to >■. rti if returned tn Evening Journal *' r,ir '' Jan22-lt. (Continued on Fag* Thirteen) ,OST—Ten dollar bill, from Front and t I POSTOFFICE, Mud Tracks in Hockcssin Store May Prove Clue to Dynamiters CLIMB TREE, WALK PORCH TO GET IN Forcing an entrance to the Hoek , caaln postoffice and blowing a email saf®. veggman got away with about $850 in treasury orrttfloate», mamps. a IJbertv bond and a amall amount _ . , . ' of ra,,h ' " orn * tlm - ,hl " morn,n * TAfl n ° w money order hooka were J i nlao In the haul. It is believed that theae can alao T»e converted into* cash. The thieves gained entrance to the postofTlce, which Is located iq a < orner of Joseph A. Gormley'e gen eral store which fronts on the Un* j «aster pike near the Yorklyn road intersection, from a second story • porch window. It is believed they : climbed a branches reached |Jip porch. Ap pearances pointed to the thieves be* « ing familiar with the building. After forcing the second story win dow they proceeded downstairs to ths store, as shown by mud tracks which Indicated there were t|ro in t the party. The building is unoccu pied except for the store, the tipper floors b%Jng used ss a stock room. An automobile tire tool, used to force the window, was left behind. and from the I The thieves eecaped through a rear door. ' The eafe blowing Job had all the appearances of being one committed ; by expert*. The front door was; blown completely off, nltro-glycerlne evidently being uaed. and the Inner* door wa* opened with a hammer and j chl*el. The report of the explosion w»» evidently muffled a* It waa not heard hy any resident*. Mr. Gorm (Continued on Tage Seven) CALIFORNIA LOAM SHAKEN r» •,. « . /-»» « beismograpn in C»lcvclând Also Records Farlv f , ' Morning Quake GM IVtCCTGAACT UfN W LJ 1 LUAj I NO DAMAGE SAN FRANCISCO. Jan 22 (ünit ''d Press).—An earthquake shock varying in intensify in different lo calitles shook Northern California, shortly after 1 a. m., according to reports received by the local weath o r bureau. It was felt lightly in San Fran clco at 1:07 a. m. It seemed to Red Bluff. Orland and Chico. Calif., all In the Sacramento Valley, consists of three shocks. reported feeling the tremor. At Orlsnd apparently, it was the ..... ^ .... ClvF\ BUAND. O.. J«n. *. (Fnlred Press)—An earthquake w,. "'■ord *d early today on the seismograph In .the observatory at St. Ignatius Col- 1 (Continued on Pag. TWO) i I ' — - . ,, „„„. ' p " ' * f ' R . pressed today. [ fifteen ships were re-| ported to arrived at Llnguayen . Gulf. 100 miles from .Manila, report* i here w, " rp , * ,aI * cv rn others should have reached the gulf on ihat day. j rite shiijs originally were held a' Vladivostok by the soviet govern-, niçnt. Their crews seized them and ' took them to Shanghai with some j 80 refugees front Siberia. They j were refused landing at Shanghai heaviest, being described as of great duration. It was arrompam«d by rumbling« of the earth. No damnée has been reported, »Marysville. Calif., the quake waÄ sufficiently heavy to stop clocks no damage, Telephone from Gerber. near, (Marysville were to the affect that the »»bock was heavy there Many sleep ra WÇT > «wakened FEAR FOR SAFETY OF RUSSIAN REFUGEES ■ and «started for Manila where the 1 . advance guard arrived Saturday. i^HAn American destroyer has gone *- in kuayon Gulf and «til escort the fleet to Manila whore It will he (held pending an investlgatInn and orders from Washington. » Here's How German Troops Took Today — A a |fe. ' , t A V ■■ wk k . m ' >1 V' v ... ■ " S;., I »rna J*. This picture, ergapped in Berlin, show« the uniform and equipment of the poat-war German ' army** or llitla. aines Germany under tho Veraalllea treaty, 1« allowed to keep only enough troopa to maintain In order. If Germany claahea with France, troopa Ilka this will do »he first fighting. ÜLI STORE OF "DOPE Drug Thieves This Time Take All of Harmonson's Stock BLOODF1ELD" GETS THE STUFF on « 'ne dealer» in •Bloodfleld," late Saturday night Narcotic drug thfev». mad* an other big haul Friday night and the supply thua obtained 1» eaid to have been distributed store was and «*aTly yesterday morning Some time after the closed Friday nlghf thieves broke into the buibiiuf. of the llArmipaM Drug t'ompanv. * 1 9 Maryland ave >î»n n nue, and took every narcotic drug in the plar^. except a imuU quantity of The thieves were evidently familiar active in Philadelphia. with drugs as nothing but (he nar icotic varieties were taken. Since the Federal defectives have become where most of the illegitimate sup 1s secured, dealers exper I ply sold here. oth?r than druggists have j ienced considerable difficulty !n re tiring a sufliçlent quantity of "dope" to meet th*» demand, and attract ; ed by the high prices offered by J wholesalers in this line, thieves are now turning their attention to the »uw»*,. Th*»* m*n »r* »«Id to xa'n th*lr information througrh »om* on* o*nt lo th* drug »tor* with » pr*»c#lp "° n f ° r nlrrotI, '* <1rtl*«. who watches where the druggist gets the ' "dope." * the thieves to work quickly they gain entrance to a store. - This information enables once | The dietjibuiion f these drugs I.« *a!d to take place usually In the early morning hours when few per One man sons are on the street, suspected by the police of being en caged in this work travels in a fine limousine, with Negro chauffeur, and carries his stock In a medicine ease similar to that used by physicians. Week before last thieves robbed 1^** store of the Spruance Drug Co. f narcotic drugs. <5unerinf«*nd#»nt nf Pnlio superintendent or Police Black thi. i In^tT.d been "lv!*d n n ::;nX; nf the Riirean nt Pnil.e te n.v fer ike . litnmnhii. whiet, ..... ......h.t several week* ago at Kighteenih and Market .treete bv Patrolman Ri«lion whn f 1 ( , t ' tj attached to the ^ . Slrno - r , ph , r of the attorney-general'« of of * ,t8r "V * ° f ., Solw pollr , m » n haV e v.luntgrlly contributed to a fund which is he-j 'in* collectrd to help defray the ex-• penne for repaire to the car." naid Superintendent Blark. "hut no one Is compelled to pay anything. '"Sergeant Foreman through hi» kindness In borrowing the c„r for Milnor, haa run himaelf into debt to: -J---. PaTolman Bishop whose only' puniKhll , ont so fnr ha , been his b *| n g transferred from duty at the garage to street service, was au«i mond before the Department of p„y| c Safety last week, and the directors are said to have endeavored 1 to persuade him to at least assume a portion of the indebtedness, but ; Bishop is said to have declined to pa> . any nmoU nt of the damage. ., -— TOPS VOLUNTEER TO PAY FOR SMASHED CAR KI BIIIsn FIRE CM,1/S FIREMEN Engine Company No. 10 and Truck Company No. 2 yesterday morning extinguished a tire in a pile of rubliiah in the cellar of the home of Abraham Garn or, 240« Market street. The loss was trifling. ASK FERRY DOCK ON RIVER FRONT Agitate for Short Run for i MTilmington-Penn's Grove Boats OPEN NEVT STREET . OR USE TERMINAL in, advocated by Mayor Robert Kidd and the council of the New .leraev borough. Rgtenprlve tmprov.m.nt. to the transportation facilities between thla r!»y and Penn'. Grove X. J , are be The al«1 of the Chamber of Commerce of Wilmington wlM be It proposed »hat the solicited. ferry a y aU m a^d Philadel phia-Wflmlngton sts am boats be op »rated from 4 he Delaware river thereby greatly shortening the routee and making the trip^ be front, tween the two point« more frequent. Pome are advocating a Delaware ■terminus for the Wilson Line at Edge .Moor, while the majority favor the , construction of a terminal at the foot of Seventh or Eighth streets This «•rested by the many motorists en route to the New Jersey Seashore reoorts using %he Wilson Line boats ■ on the Delaware River from. demand for a shorter route has he I | for transportation a«*ross the rive/, These motorists became «*o numer Pago Nine» (Continued o IIIROR FOUND ILL ON STREET Charles H. Otwell of Laurel,' Unconscious After Leav ing Court UNWELL. HE WENT OUT TO GET AIR 1 When the nqm* of Charles H. Ot-1 weif, aged 61. of Laurel, was called 'thi* morning In Ih* United State* Dl.trlct Court, where he had been summoned on the new panel of. i uror **- failed to respond, and the ....... ' . < ourt ordered him set down as non , A f#w minute» later a man wa* found lying tinroneciou* on the Aide ' v,Ik ln Sh*P' f V »«reel. He apparent-; * ,,f * »uffereel aafdake. The police ambulance wa* called and he wa» taken to the Delaware Hospital where he was restored to conscious !„*«*- He proved to be Mr. Otwell. It was feared flrat that he had , suffered a paralytic stroke, but upon , examination rhie wa« not borne out., H- will he taken to hia home thin afternoon. Mr. Otwell had attended the court this morning to serve as a juror hut suddenly felling 111 he went out in the street to get some freah air. He säs .tr*" - « - F.XCA.MPMI .VT DKt; R l.KS. Mutual Encampment. J. O. O. F.. will confer the first three degrees on a large class ot candidates at a meeting in Odd Fellows' Hall to morrow night. The degree team will visit Hock essin on Wednesday night and con fer the degrees on a class rff can didates there. - PRAYING BAND SERVICE The praj-ing band will meet In As l>ury M. K. Church at 7.SO o'clock Pert flraham. The publie j ! tomorrow evening veteran of the "World War. will have charge of the service», i- Invited. 1 .. MOREHOUSE KLAN SHAPES DEFENSE!: will Try to Break Down Murder Terrorism Recital AS "HOODED" MEN 3 IDENTIFIED rOt'RTHOl'PK. •T*n. 22—(I'nit.d rrc.«»i BAST ?IOP t^i _Th. .igir of Louisiana today entered upon the final chapter of It. attack on the forces of lawle*»nc»* that have ruled Morehouse Parish and arc h«»ld re sponsible for th»* harl»arous murders of Watt Daniel and Thomas F. Rlch-^ arda. i»ral A. V. ith Attorney Gen-) Simultaneously *o*s statement (hat the states investigation thus far *hm%-e«l *hat the Ktl Klu* Klan was respnn slhfe for condition« fn Parish it wa« learned that fives, other than th«sr of the Federal Department of Justice ; n this se«-tlon. Tlyv gaf;ng from the standpoint n accused of the murders and other* crimes, all the evidence that has been presented publicly. Witness after witness has testified the Ku Klux Klan played a prom in«*nt part in the hooded terrorism d*t*r ork are at are investi f those of the parish* but the announce ment that it is a "finish fight" bus (Continued on rage »even.) TO PROBE CAUSE ff OF "FLUNKING Board \X'I1 Ttake Up Corn plaint of High School Pupils TAKE EXAMINATIONS AFTER LOW MARKINGS 'Th* trmib,* at the High School last Friday afterntion will be in 1 veatlgated hy the Board eof Public ' Kducation at It, regular meeting at 4 o'clock today." said a member of the Board this morning. "an«l j I . • . . i propose jro know what Is back of; !«•»«• -rouble which o.u.ed th.Tpan rebellion of one hundred or more : i, u nil*. -jf (|) , ,e ar he r , nr teacher*, have i,een unfair in their rating of any pu pj; I want to know it. On the ,„ hpr han(i !f th e pupil* are In the wrong the Board has a right to know „ and will take euch steps as! prevent a recurrence of tho trouble . | am no( prepared at thin time ; to cen * ur e either teachers or pupiln. but ] will be before this investlga nnshed." Examination» of pupils who fail cd on their term average* began at th hijfh school thi.« morning. In- j J, h a,„e,l the nu^N who^ were ' over thJir low marking* ' dcmons'ratlnn icninst ■ (Continued on Page Sev»n ) __Improved. _ * " 1 ' Tn ;he classified columns each day. will be found the names of alx per sons who are Invited to sen th» leading moving picture »hows. Read j carefully and «ee If your name ap- : pear* today, to see "The Strangers'. llanquet." at the Arcadia, and 1 "Snowshoe Trail." at the Majoatlc. Tuesday night. See page 13 touay j For Clover Dairy Safe Milk phone I 1640-1641 — Adv. GENERAL suspension of WORK IN OCCUPIED AREA IS EXPEC TED THIS WEEK RUHR AREA London Hears Berlin Also Prepares to Institute Military Conscription FRENCH INVADERS LIBERATE AHERNS I «ON DON. Jan. 22 (1 nlfral Pro*«). Germany Is on (Im* rtr,of InstItuting military cons«'fiptlon wMch the Vor eflllcs treaty forbid* antinllnf lo tlie Dally Mali's Miyencv d»rn»ep«nMl» , i»t. PARIS. Jan. 22 < V nlt^rt Piths) — (.encrai l-iulcmlorf I» al Mnrnster where Ri»lm*hwehr an* ««»niTnlrHUHl. ncmnlliig I«» llu* Matin** Duwrldnrf mnwpnndriH. Tile fnmmi. (.rmljin mmmander of ill.* world wwr I. re P°e |M l «' , •>«'<■ redwid iroo|w. with In « Ini mllr« of tlir Itulir. Ttao War Oopnrtmonl ri-fiiM— 10 l«Ur «er . «-port* tliai an, con-ldcrahlc number of Kclccliwclir arc at Mucn* «ter, prnfCMwinit belief tluit the umial I garrWm of alM»ut 2000 in ab« nit all \ that Is there. LONDON*. Jan. 22 tl'nlted Preas). Xurnerous Bolshevik agon's ar-» gc five In the Ruhr adviaffif rhe work ers to »•/> patient until th»* Russian army. hi«*h is being hurriedly re ^ * »«eganized. ready for war against nre to liberate Germany °x* peeled egrly this summer, accord ing to the Times Berlin correspond ■*"*• pa i:is. J«n I) (United Praaa). Marshal Koch and the French cab!-* net today decldsd upon new mean urea of a military and economic (Continued on Page Nine) PICKS GEBHART FOR P. M. AT HOCKESSIN Special tn The Evening Journal. WASHINGTON. Jan. , 22.—Pen , «tor L. Haloler Ball tnday recom mended the ap|v>Intment of Fred crick Gebhart for postmaster at Mockessin. Del Other applicanta for this position were J. A. Gormley, and Willard H. Dixon. The recommendation of Frederick Dodson on Saturday for poatmajner it Smyrna, which Senator Ball for w«rded to ifie Post Office Depart ment. will probably he sent to the Senate within a few* days. The President is expected to act prompt ' v " n *His appointment. an«l on that .if Loroy W. Hickman, who ha* fn k*.',*!,"* iT^tt/*!) minaGonrn«v "tmilngton. Both nominations mat •'»» to th - at the eame ' im '' A< " on on Jlr ' Hickman 1 » *' < >tninatu»n would probably I ,av * been taken last week, hut for the J«««, ih**t i*r*>«idenr iiirtlimr h«« Iact inttl 1 resiaeni naraing 'on«"*d to hi. bed with a * pv »re «oui, Senior Ball today canceled an invitation of the Washington Stock Exchange-Board of Trade dinner, owing to a cold which h* "'»««' 1 * wl,ile on a visit 10 Wll mlngton. ! » was sa.d at Senator Ball 1 » "f. A«* -hat he «parted to go to Wll mlngton on Wednesday to attend a meetm*. ~ n . n H ARDIMG ST4 YS IN IlAIlUlllU Ol/l IJ 111 , RfMYll AYHTUFR DAY ilUUIfl imï lUI HElIi I/xx I -— — -.. âtvæ «»onse today abandoning h.s inten- ! «'»n «> return to hie desk In the ex ecutlve offles*. Tl '* 1 President'» comlitinn I» much Dr. Sawyer said, after a call at the White House, but he ad vieed the President to slay away; lfrom his office for another day that ; be may make a complete recovery before resuming hia duties. Senat ar Lodge and Wat*on, Rc publican Senate leader», expecting to fl nd the President at work, called , at the executive office this mornnig| hut the President declined to ihem in his room. Th< naval and dedclency »ppro-i prlatlon hill- were sent to th* Pr**i- ! ident today for consideration. Mon Refuse to Work Tils and Operate 'Trains l nder Trench Bayonets— Poilus Hopeful of Breaking I loan Passive Re sistance—Report Troop Movements From M neuster PARIS, .Van. 22 (United Prr*«t).—\ courrai «trike of minor«, motifl worker», railriifiri«. poM.-» and (olograph rmploffw will ricielnp In the Ruhr I Ida ifok, the* Prill ef«»nrtiar« l>ti«c< a l<lorf o nrrrepoiHloni rrportr«| i «nia >, In nm Ihr train.««. ' , rrn< ' h cr '"" ■ rr f» 1 )' FSSKV, .Ian. 22 (United Pn«*).—German miner* tlinwiglwut the Ruhr today narrfnl «»tit tlirlr Mrlkf tlircat and refiiM«d in work. Mine« iliat supply a runeiilrrnlile pan nf all (.emiaiu's fuel flappljr wen* Idle. NOT READY TO MEDIATE America to Pass Italy and „ , . , ' (.ermany s Appeal on Reparations (I'Bit cd Prc«.),— HUGHES, HARDING AGREE ON POLICY PARIS, Jan. 22 'rnmv lias mlsrd fn*r r**|M»n»ll«»t»® plan ami item has it mnlf f«»r tlte »: «*omml«-lon Chief f «*«t(ires are: «Illion fluil she nh- an Interna «I f 3,000.04MI,0(NI g«»l«l purs' moratorium «»n the «f>n ilonnl In« t%\< hi«*h ÔOUJNMMMM» may h«* used io Muhlitz«* th«- mark. (In* rest mark«, «»f lo go t< » Germany*« creditors. , ' ' «»Ile« K*fnl>li.«dimriit «if «(at«* nmnop « »II tolNUVO, MigMs anil In (imnuny nuilchrft, al««»h<»l. inisnllns. sail. .1. t'liHfrmis an«l c%|>«*rt tat«®« to he t urne«! mer lo (lie \111«*®* who an* lo he permitted («» «"»illeet the «»»al (a*; and other «l«*tAll« -.Hollar Polneare's previous plan. I«» BERLIN. Jqn 22 fl'nlted Press)— An offer of mediation In the repara tions dispute was received by the (Continued on Pa^*A Two ) '.ASK $1,000 FOR PINE NEIGHBORHOOD ' i j The Pine Neighborhood Associa-! tlon Is conducting a drive for $1000 to r et>uilct the children's in«1oor win Plans for remodel * n * lh< " bul,<1 > n * »< Fourth and Pine j-reet*. have been prepared hy Bu perlntendent Mack. of the P»rk Hoard. The Aasociatlon i« endeav-1 orinjg to provide a place in which ».«.j . . . .. . [the children of that section can play without having to u»e the »tree.», l-ollowing i» an excerpt front a letter »ent out by the Association : The Pine Neighborhood A**ociation j j* organized to provide place* in «•on-jwhiçh children of district can grow up with a reason able degree of moral and physical safety. The Association Is doing good I work and thrpevto •« -»»• •««»«« * u8 " rI ^..'TdTimItar . fTort, To ' .* _. rM „ rv fund* for malntuin- ' th Amoclation ' Contributions wili be acknowleded ! ~n! ». ore- I 1 O Box 174 Wilmington T 'he«# rfllrrn« have endorsed the ' ..rsrlrSs Wilson. David Snellenhurg. Robert [ItT.Tdê'p duPonf H^Tv Ind Renee d P. duPonf Har\ej, and " llll>ra <5. Cnxe. The funeral of John Gifford. 78, who jied at the Masonic Home, on £ot U rday, was held thi from Chandler's undertaking par or , The service» were ln charge of „ p nn t I-atdae A F A A M In terment wa , mOreenhill cemetery. I on , he Kennett Pike. receive_ " N ' r ' WAH1.KS. , Noble Cafeteria. 9th S'. Entrance 1 .Wll. Saving« Fund Bldg—Adv. . ter field house. I I this congested g ■ • n'XWl.XL OF JOHN GIFFORD. afternoon. )• * Grimy Westphalian workere loun ged about the pita with folded arm*. They appeared at the shaft head» at the usual hour this morning and were lowered into the pile. French troops rlflea were al*o at some till bayonet ted of ths mine«. No work was «lone at the State mines, the men Joining in the passive demonstration agAlnst the arrest and Imprisonment of the mine officials. Ruhr ralroad men nre also strik mg; a meeting of union «officials was to decide whether tieups of lines through the Ruhr should h** made complete. Work ha«« stopped on several lines, noiahlv on the Parls Herlln route that passes through oonmund. Promin.m mi oiucmu wer» «rreeted ruu«m« this «trlk.. Germane todiy declared that Frits Thyaaen and other coal barons Im prisoned at Mayence have been thrown into cells 'like ordinary jailbirds." They are to be court martialed together with 20 or HO other prominent German industrial leaders of the Ruhr, for refusal to obey French orders. The Frenc h are hop« ful they call Ho Tl», ,i * rm ' n y." n««lvc rc »t.turfc». The Cntlhl FTr.. w»* In formed I hat tuade flr*-i no attempt will bo o enforce labor at (he R'lhr mines. Th«- Fr*-nch high eonip» mand counts upon hunger and pri ' a(i«>n lo drive thr U 'ey» plia lian« to , " n ' k The l.itiei hsi • - ! of (heir government ; P« ; *l «hile they nre threatened they will bo are on strike an«I «i: 1 i prosecution if An endura nee test of j they work. W iIM is on Sum«- German.« are planning dlatanca other than passive, if per sistent reports can Many soldier« rr be credited. »f fortune and vet crans of Upper Silesian lighting aro j rP P"' ' ■ ■ - juaft bayond the neutral »one that mark« he limits of •copied Whether these bands plan , »nd enter the Ruhr nr in n. t In ih* territory* n unije that FFanee ••vent neutrgl »one. is uncertain. .. . f I ii i the eroa-ca There was a import - nnr German tr* »P nY vements w in progress Sun. : hat several train!«».i wahr had V Mu 3*1 «ter, arttl ■i of RntsclU arrive«! but French command «louhl.« this. ho even Vi 2 DOMEvSTIC RIFLS PATCHED IN COURT When Stanley Sn.irowski. charger» w*ith non-support, appeared In Mu* : nicipal Con • .» -» *i ns both he and his wife told the Court that thev had agr-ed to live together again, n?»' * «•■*<•". j S ««'o rn *r C" 0 *'* 1 - " ". *?• LL h ''. ^ fl h ' ' lc . n , , ' , ' Lynn placed n temporary order of Treaaury Department announce«! to atasr^jr-s; ntlm ber n.io50729A me FIvcFRs l\CMt\TKD " , ,. . ' , nA Charles Church, 25. -no ^'^ f h ."'"J- *'"* ' W , circular"«^ r * ht han, ' CUt circular ***. Saturday afternoon, wh: • working - 1 « «h* Plant of the American \ ni , »nlzed Fibre Compare trea'ed *t Ih* Homeopathic Hoap tal. for $15 a week against him and con tinued the case until February 24 Leslie Wilson. ;»!jïo charged with non-support of hi« wife and five children, agreed to provide hi> fam ily with a home in Atlantic City« where he is now employed. Mt« Wilson said she would accept h«»r husband's offer providing he would treat her right. The Court placed a temporary or der of $200 a week agnin«t Wilson and continued the ca*e until March 31. J. F. Frank Ball v >s counsel for Wilson. LOOK AT VOIH '»»'ft. Jan. 22 The WASHINGTON. Reaene note is on the Federal Rank, of Cleveland, with the check letter A and face piste No. 7. Th* name of William G. McAdoo* former secretary of the treasury ind John Burke, treasurer of the United Statft«. «tre signed to the note. The portrait on the bill is that of Grant. of the ape* imen is Th* West H» was