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Hurricane's Gal .. >< > m IK. •v is» ÿstm Y ■f Y Û m m 10 j t xA'vj t 1 : _____ Dorothy flips - TKUloce Beery md Hertmti? mVtu.rne-o*** AaJ~ Dorothy Phillips is being seen in the picture at tlie Savoy today. il S' Q AT THE MA.IESnr Majestic audiences meet a new Novak. star today—the lovely Ja Having seen her on innumerable oc __ leading ladV for many celebrities. «he'wlll not be al «*aj»ions as nftale together a atranger to them, film, "The Snow-Shoe Trail," gives ♦•very promise of being w*orthy of her as an initial «tellar*vehlele. Her Th» «tory of 1 The Snowshoe Trail" recount* the adventure« of a y bung society girl .who venture* into the vastnes* of ttie./aruorth-iand to seek out her fiance, from whom ehe had no word for a year or more. Her eventual discovery of the man i* preceded by man.vuhrilling adven tures. • Face to face with a man-eating grlzxly: grappling wiih the snarling brute till the man tottered on the vary brink of eternity; hurled Into a «Urgiqg. Ice-Jamnaed river in blinding snowstorm to rescue a B^rl who was caught In the swift cur rents are but a few.of the thrills. a ,i I AT THF OFFKN Theatre will show the photoplay •Clarence" this week. Wallace Reid i* the chief player of It and never ha* a thoroughly exploited his delightful art batter than this plcturixai-ion of Booth Tarktngton's comedy. "Clarence" I* a lovable, uncon cerned somebody. Hia utter lack of interet In ordinary thing* of life mark him as a creature for study and Clarence neither Invite* nor de nies .scrutiny. Women meant little or nothing to the bespectacled Clarence. HI* In terest center* in bug*, but he forgot these enough to enlist In the army during the war days. HI* Idealism «•f service found an outlet handling -Missouri mules for 1'ncle Sam. With (he same gentle inoffensive persist ence as he always used, Clarence conquered the mules. But all that happened before "Clarence" entered the Wheeler household, where he was put by the harassed father and husband to try to straighten the tangle.s of their live*. The same tactics he used on the mule* aided calm Clarence in <his latter enterprise besides win mng him a wife. AT THF. ARC\PI \ "The Strangers' Banquet," that striking American novel of a great shipyard, written by Don Byrne, has at last come to the .'♦crecn and will be seen at the Arcadia Theatre be ginning today. It has been filmed by that master director. Marshall Neilan. in association with Hold wyn. The us« of an entire shipyard \va« obtained for Aiming the ex teriors. The story is a thrilling end dra matic romance amid the busy yards of a great shipbuilding concern. The There is never any doubt as to which side of your bread is spread when either side is spread with Nucoa It's the Better side BURNS r Easy Electric Washer $125 $139 $155 Sold by us for 10 year» to hundred» of Wilmington homes who are proud possessors today » Impllclty, fewness of wearing part«, •ase of operation, low cost, large tub. no cylinder to handle—lhese and other ad vantages make an Instant appeal, have not examined the It today or tomorron. Electric Clean« If you new model, «ce XNo The Royal Ft en oo Ironcr. i. Judson C. Burns I N 9 c. 112 WFKT SEVENTH STREET. Just Below Hotel Cassidy Phone 787 Open Sat. W. C. Porter, Mgr. founder, Shane Keogh, leaves the fortune he has accumulated through I the yards to his two children. John and Derith. There are many who wish to fes^t at «(rangers «hi. golden banquet. of their partial frustration. The romance in the building mighty «hipa haa been nd the stor>* is success and final ; I f I caught in this film and made the vivid hack-|j< ground for a very human, emotion arousing'drama of American life. It ha« ar. angle of appeal for every lover of pictures and is told only sn j such a master artist as Marshall : j Neilan can depict It AT THE SWOV The .sea »nd the air have been j liberally utilized by Allan Holubar In making "Hurricane's Gal." a First National attraction which i • comes to ihe Savoy Theatre today | for a week's presentation. Dorothy Phillips remembered through a long j line of Mr. Holubar's successes, | from "Hearts of Humanity," to • "Man, Woman and Marriage," is , starred in this production, and bas ! I a role of a wild untamed girl of the sea, who had been left by her? father a heritage of hate and law r - leesness. . Hydroplanes, deal rover» and a big three masted schooner figure promi nently In the stirring action of the picture. The rected by Mr Holubar from a hydro-' plane, from which he controlled by radio, the movement.» of another destroyers scenes were dl and the plane th schooner. "Brownie the wonder dog" in a two reel Century comedy entitled, "Sting 'Km Sweet," 1« the added attraction. : | I "Take n Chance" Everybody dance*, in the n«' M Ï O f û O li — Mb o AT THE PLAYHOUSE I musical production. 'Take a Chance" which Harold Orlob will offer at the Playhouse on Wednesday anti jrhursdaj^iights. Thi* was the composer-producer*.' QUICKRELIEF FROM CONSTIPATION Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets ,lnce "E Edwards produced Olive Tab lets. the substitute for calomel, Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician for 17 years and calomel's old-tlm» (enemy, discovered the formula for Olive Tablets while treating 'chronic constipation and torpid livers Tablets do not contain calomel, but a healing, sooth ing. vegetable laxative. That lx the joyful cry of thousand« patient» for Dr. Edward»' Olive No griping; is the "keynote" of these little sugar-coated, olive-colored let». tab They cauee the bowel« and liver; They never force them to unnatural action. If you have a "dark brown mouth"—» bad breath—a dull, tired feeling—«irk headfehe-torpid liver—conet'pation you II find quick, sure and ple««ant «ult« from one or two of Dr. Edward» Olive Tablet» at bedtime. tM * nrd9 Thousand* take Ju»t to keep right. 30c. to act normally. rc them every night Try them. 15c and "The Snowshoe Trail I I «I i iß. V M ■ WM Jane Novuk is being seen in picture at tlie Majestic. *t ! a di after the Appli requisite east. At his elbow, during the early | »f rehearsal, he always kept j f the famous danc- j f Adelaide and Hughes. Hughes has been engaged to di of 'Take a day* John J. Hughes, ing team the dancing numbers Chance,'' and he helped Orlob se lect the terpsichorean talent. Everybody acts. »n Chance." John McKt*e, reeled the staging insisted that in lv he must have "Take who this musical ooi real actors. rdlngly. A. Hughes had passed cant #* dancing ability. McKee grilled him in histrionics. • n "Take a a i in Everybody sings. This is not surpriain*. in Be Chance." fhe prod „ rtion 0 f R fore . composer. Chance." orlob was a successful writer "Take a known only With his sensitive ear of music. .for musicaj quality, lie had to have good render his "Take So a Per a player rship of Mc Hugh es for voice* chance" score, bad ee for dancing, he had t in d sing. The result give« a cast of unusual I accomplishment, — passed the re acting, and tune up for Orlob T.ionel Atwill In "Tlio f oniotllan T.ionel Atm'ill will appear at the Playhouse on next Friday evening. nights, or An engagement a matinee on Saturday, under ^c direction of David Belaaco, in *|*he Comedian.'' a comedy of tern . -—rr,-r rrr: rr.■.. j Juniper Tar COMPOUND j GIVES QUICK RELIEF FOR Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat I 2 Dose* le 35c a Bottle At Druggists DON'T EXPERIMENT! Tbit old reliable medicine h-* Uoeed thousands —It will relieve you--Try it Today. n 'A | j ! y\ i'V j Du| r j i Children s Class in Dancing Saturday 1 p.m. Washington Heights New Century Club Tndrr Ihr iH*rsoiui| Ninn of XI r*. rllff4>r4l Y«hing Telephone 3502AV Discount Sale Continues X OUI S No'4 . *v m This is Your Chance tc ■ pESRj .«t* K ■ St> .* »j** 1 SAVE MONEY it? R I«; r A .. 4 ■ r N By Getting . I Your Gas Range NOW f"« iÿ *£| 9 . 1 '" « [. f-tCyi ■ An Old Worn-out Range Wastes Fuel and Should he Replaced by a Modern One Our Easy Payment Plan Makes It Possible for Everyone to Have Modern Equipment '• V- "'Tj r. M v : <| fAS \IT4 Place Your Order CO I JL JWIN Early l 827 MARKET STREET Phone 5390—Our Representative Will Call at Any Time e. i L David Belas This comedy gives every promise of adding another of notable sure given to the A meric« The title role is said to be un usually well suited ia Mr. Atwill and provides him with a totally dif ferent part from those he had in "Deburau" and the "Grand Duke.'' the other Guitry plays, in which he previously appeared. This character, it is declared, affords him unusual opportunities, of which h" is «lire to take full advantage. by the long list has Mr. Belatoo Theatre. new "Thumbs Down" Coming What promises to be the m«l onramath? treat of the J928 theat rical «eaeon wIU be the presentation at The Playhouse on next Monday end Tuesday -nights Oie play of "Thumbs Down" a play of thrills, laughs and surprises. This play which is being present ed by C. C. Wanamaker, Managing IF YOU HAD A ' JA NECK AS LONO Afl THIS FELLOW, AND HAD SORE THROAT ALL li the ■ WAY I» down it „iTONSILINE SHOULD QUICKLY RELIEVE IT Me. tnd 60o. liowplul Sue. |L ALL DKUt«(>IST8 SY -— ELECTRIC HOME NECESSITIES Violet Ray ê In Violet Ray machines many find a sure relief for neuritis, rheumatism, neuralgia and poor circulation in hands and feet, as well as a cure for headaches. These are well made, powerful and durable. GARRETT, MILLER & CO. Fourth and Orange Sts. Director of the Walnut Street The atre Philadelphia, was written by Myron C. Fagan author of "Belle Donna" played by Kasimova; "Haw* —thorn U S. A." played by Dougins Fairbanks; "The Siren'' and other successes. In "Thumbs Down" Mr Fagan treats in an original dramatic man : ner a human aubjert that carries ! the heart interest and appeals to the ! finer senses of playgoers. It abounds with thrill, surprises and comedy. Optimism in rare proportions and of durable quality if* radiated from the glad play "Polyanna," which will be given by the stock company at the Garrick Theatre for the first "Poljyanna" the glad girl Is one of the most refreshing characters that ever appeared in a book or on She is the personlflca POLLYAX N \ time thUp evening. the stage. tion of generous optimism an inex-jny haustible fountain of cheerful generosity that lias its effect on all about her. a Is'e Smith will find wonderful opportunity for a person al triumph for she is to play "Polly ! anna." The character lends well to Miss Smith s personality and she is also the physical counterpart of the role. The charmin'* cheer fulness that is nMable in all of the little leading lady's work will be put to a very useful advantage in her glad-role. The character will prob ably provo the greatest that tfhe has ever offered. M is* | | j j itself AT THE ALDINE Two big acts, bQ?h of a musical nature, but very different in actual performance, .op the bill that opens I I Safe Milk P-,. Um. ' i The Original Food DHnk for All Ages- j QuickLunchetHome.Office^Fountains Rich Milk, Mai ted Grain Extract in Pow derfc Tablet forms. Nouriahing-No cooking. 8wTAvoid Imitations and Substitut-' The Strand The Theatre Beautiful. 24TH AND MARKET STS. TODAY ETHEL CLAYTON. In "HER OWN MONEY" 10c TO ALL. * at the Airline Theatre today. The first is "The Six Musical Nosses," an aggregation of two men and and clever The second is a musi cal skit "So This i* Broadway," built for nonstnse. four women, a 11 musical entertainers. "The Six Musical X have an established reputation for ability. ».«ess" They have been featured on numer mis 0 ( casions in su •essful musical' comedies and revues. So This Is Broadway." contains s to make almost everything »hat g up entertainment. There is fun and song and dance and color, Three clever, are "The Larks With I They are brothers and one sister. ! The fact that Marie Sparrow is j an Irish comedienne with a brogue ; should count very much in putting j her * i j audiences. talented Juveniles Birds" .ailed "Young: Worthwhile Songs." the good graces of her • She has a fund of fnn chatte** and ; unending stock I of amusing stories. Lew Lehr and Mae K inedy ap "Making Up,'' a story sung j and danced by this young couple who are patching up a quarrel. balancing Df Lillian exponents of pear in Sensational feats of featured in the act and Henry Ziegler, odern equilibrism. Photoplay entertainment comes in the comedy "Be My Wife, second episode of Pearl serial "Plunder" will be shown. a The White's ALL FAT PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW THIS Fat people owe a debt of gratitude to the author of the now famous Marmola Prescript loti, and ar** still more Indebted for the- reduction of this harmless, ef fective ol-wJty remedy to. tablet form Marmola Prescription Table obtained at all drug stores the world t the reasonable prjee of one d«»l them from the Mar ini A vs., Detroit. »•« no excuse for rctse for the re •erfat body to normal. be ts r for a case, or v«> seen recept of pri la Co.. 4« 12 WoikIw Mich. This now leav dieting or violent ext> ductlon of the direct *oe The Home of GOOD PletureeJOJ N wi 'I 1 Sensible Prices i«>~i NEW f JOPERA (j ^ Grand ITouse^ A __ _n V I . . j rk , Mr „ *0 g j NO Children , ^ I JtæX^ S I I 8 At All Time*. S' 5c || 8 TlmesO At All 8 8 TODAY 8 8 V Robert Z. Leonard Present« O X MAE MURRAY at Her Best, In V 1 O "PEACOCK ALLEY" jj X A gorgeously staged drama ofO A the night life of Paris and New» 8 Vork 5 A Also THE LITERARY DIGEST (orX Ô Fun from the Press) and Comedy.® '«OSOOOO«eOOM03COK»500oN __ GARRICK NIGHTS XT 8.15 MATINEES XVED. AND SAT. THE GLAD PLAY Pollyanna By Catherine Chisholm Cushing Based on the hook of the same name. By ELEANOR II. PORTER Lee Smith'" A Comedy for Grown-ups That Young Folks Enjoy PRICES: Nights. 2.» to 75c (Plus tax). Mat»., 25 to 55c (Tux Included). 2-NIGHT 2-4-1 PLAYHOUSE, 2 Nights. Beginning Next Friday MATINEE SATURDAY trst Time on any stage in this cofntry DAVID BKliASCO Presents LIONEL ATWILL -in The Comedian A COMEDY OF TEMPERAMENTS B» SACHA GCITRY ADAPTED BY DAVID BEI.ASCO M. Atwlii's supporting company includes: Joseph Herbert, A. p. Kave Albert Gran. H. PaJl Ooucet. Harold Scton william Lorenz. Will H?ndion Elsie Mackay. Evelyn Gosnell. Bose Winter. Maquita Dwight. SirVarSi Deny.. Myra Florian. Jacques de Wolfe. Produced Under the Personal Olrectlon of Mp. Belasco, Who Will Be Here for the Entire Engagement. PRICES_Nights: Orchestra, 11 rows. $2.50; 6 rows. $2.00. Balcony, 2 rows $ 200 : 4 rows, $1.50; 3 rows, $1.00; 2 rows, 75c. Gallery. 50c. Matinee: Orchestra 13 rows, $1.50; 4 rows, $1.00 Balcony. 6 rows, $1.00; 5 rows. 75c. Gallery. 50c. All plus tas. Seats Selling Tomorrow. Play Young's Studio of Dancing HaLLIWELL'S ORCHESTRA . Itereption Ever)' Saturday Kvenli»«; >*4*loek—ADMISSION .'»O 4 * 8.45 BEGINNERS* CLASS, TUESDAY, 8.15 P. M. Telephone .'1502-XX' D. O. K. K. DANCE TONIGHT -AT- I Pythian Auditorium. 908 West Street Kimmey's Orchestra Prizes Wednesday Eveniug 9 to 12, Pythian Castle ' /&£& A DANCE I Music By Perine's Six Melody Makers, Real Music PRIZE ELIMINATION DANCE ADMISSION—50c. HOUSEHOLD NOTES. If you have cooked macaroni left _ver from dinner, mash fine, and a( jd, to each two cupfuls, four eggs. • Scramble mixture in butter, end the r suit tastes exactly like genuine scrambled eggs. The Want Ads will find positions f,, r stenographers and filing clerks this week and n**xt. Bo sure to their •atch them. and profit by truth. — To-night, make it 'TO-MORROW MORNING"! LISTEN : There's such foot-f rolicking Elkins cu when t* loose -trot Eddi with this f Columbia Record A-3745 that you'll lay-a-bet it's yesterday afternoon? On the other side is "Si* Seconds Ev*ry Minute. At Col \r bia Dealer*. 75c 9 VjSUcf gl&Tri B 9 o SAVOY ! TODAY » t •Tr < • i a : ■MF? » > » S / V Aa, FIBCT mix»iAL ja~niM:Txm / V' CHEAT RKKI.S OF STRIFE. OF STORM. OF ROMANCE, OF THE THINGS YOl HAVEN'T SEEN PICTTRED I.IKE THIS BEFORE. _ PLAYHOUSE Next thurs Nights HAROLD ORLOB Invites you to TAKE A CHANCE IT'S MUSICAL COMEDY By Harold Orlob and Tb I. Phil lips. with a Broadway caet, in cluding Frances Ross, Jean Newconibe, Qua Shy. Charles Stine, Joseph Schroede, Sybilla Bowhan, Lovina Gilbert. Charles Massinger, Joe Mack, Tomson Twins. Quartet and octet of hoy« and girls who are th** season'a best a »tigers and dancers. CHARMING MELODIES YOUTHFUL BEAUTY PRICES: Entire orchestra. $2. Balcony. 6 rows. $1.50; 3 rows, $1; 2 rows, 75c. Gallery. 50c. All plus tax. Seats selling. : r ALDINE! MARKET ST. AT EIGHTH ; D1RI t III ) N I \MES \ GINNS ? co.vrixrois i*i:hi okma\ce i . 12.30 to 11 P. XI. > J SUPREME PHOTOPLAYS Î : s nnr J ry E7 I HP * O î % ana • lvtii I M O f % n/%nl .. " n «ruirirwu t r H { POPULAR VAUDEVILLE j { TODAY, TUES., WED. » \ PRODi'r*no\ m: i.vxe * I The Six Musical*! Nosses * I in * s : MELODIES OF 1923J % A Review That is Different. { *. 6 Big Time Feature Acts 6^ So This Is Broadway S S \ : * A MUSIC AL COMEDY Photoplay Feature j Max LINDER j . In his latest comedy : ; Be My Wife I % 5 KEELS OF PI KE JO Y Î Pearl W 11 I I !] I ' * In tho 2nd episode of her J > greatest thrill ncrial % PLUNDER! •> V % I QUEEN NOW PLAYING se A (irrat I'icliiripatinri of BOOTH TAKKIVGTOX'S fircaf Stage Play * : I * \ WILLIAM DeMILLE PRODUCTION * I * r Clarence! Willi i WALLACE REID L \ AGNES AYRES MAY McAVOY % j a , Special Added Feature "WHEN KANE MET ABEL" j I 4TH ROUND OF THE j Leather Pushers j I ' * X. * : : it ! MAJESTIC ! NOW PLAYING A St il I >i* in Ions Dmmn of Super s Thrills S r ï % JANE ! NOVAK!' 7 > ¥ A ï IN THE STUNNING LOVE Î I DRAMA OF THE. NORTH ' ! * I / ! ! 9 : i : 5 r ; : BRILLIANT CAST INCLUDING v • ROY STEWART A Thrilling Snow Picture ; ! ARCADIA! Last Week*» Sensational Hit \ At New York'* Capitol Theatre •• NOW A t ![ K e 4 ib s r t % Î - t n IliHUl 5 J ^ Sa'/fËT i THE TERROR of the MOB ,1 ¥ ewopt through »hipyard» of tho K^ogh«! A i(»nc girl fought to »ave the logary of father. hp vast h*r I« the greatest work of a groat flireotor. with 1*3 famous star»! i S MARSHALL NEILAN - present* The STRANGERS BANQUET - j kv BONN BYRJ4B î w»th L ClAtr» WnrfMr.Hofcort Ho«wq«<^ « " j « D^mtG^ow^EI CUiMte C.illi* 1. ; *