Newspaper Page Text
ItKLP WANTED— MAL». AiWW.TIPING SOLICITOR—Brperl pnoed only need* apply. 809 Shipley street. dec5-tf. WANTED—Thoroughly CLEAN CUT MEN with *10« to 11.00«. with or without services. In one of the biggest money-making, legitimate U« liners -ever offered to make real money; money invented fully secured. I . o Box 323. cltjft JsJi-0-st ————— BRAKEMBN-ßpflnner», Write Ballway. COLLECTOR experienced, for Apply Livingston's. 606 Market St. ^aa22-3t. installment house. KIR EM EX, 44 »0-1250 monthly, HI M Evening Journal Office, jan 1-6-8-13-15-20-22-27-29. KAR AI EU— To take charge of dairy 7 trm. free houee. State end salary. Address M-97. Evening .lo rnai Office. Jan. 5-9L Prl.-Mon. W ,1 MAN_White or colored, without fam-. to work on country place; must, how to milk and garden; refer D. MAN—To canvas« Wilmington ajid vl •unity; salary and commission; steady r r nd * A u P M b F W t en Nor?hcô 0 210 W. vî2îh *t P - **■ r ' A ' N " Jai>23-3t. __ -1,1'V1 HK.R—AprUy a. one.. D>l^., Employment Tgency, S. E. Ctvnerl , and chlpley «4... JanîO-lt. i' r V I NT SAI.BS.MAN-T« cover ^ Mary ■ land. D»law»re " n /?..'''™® h ^J Un [*î (1 ^ f u I ,,aia' L^IHininiiv^nr a real hustler bplendld oppo rtua lty c.-.lmç experience to J»lnf*. v»rnLh«». w.n.urtde« I ahaoutejy eaeeiiiia _ '"ly "" b T J" - vv Kavetto Si-?" Th '> t'lklden Co., 1"» ?[• Jan _L_ , v .... ., rm work mu , t y h^ah*, M to N ndlk jlmea Sandelwon. fi.méré Del Jan22-*t I. mere, Del. _ > _ MILLWRIGHT—For general conatmo 'tits work. Apply 1324 King St. _ J.»n22-3t. U : t nee« required. Apply William .Ml!l-n, Fifth and E'rench Sta. Jan2--lt.. Ii St., Baltimore, Md. SALESMEN—$75 easily -arned in commis* ten, following live 1-ads kj AVtlmkigtcn. Give pasi -xpcrlence and references Address W -55, Evening Jan 20-23 -24, YOUNG .MEN—Four, to .fake order«. . fr, per day pa •< ;Ät«. 88rjgw.*g g- - , , »nur« tn the steward of the L Elks Club, 111# Market ,St. Jan29-2t. | BANQUET"— •the strangers Mrs. J J Haggerty, 2«» V Broome «rest, will accei'e two ticket* for the Arcadia, if She will please call at The K'ening Journal Office. d.iliy i HELP WANTED—IKMAI-E roLORISD WOMAN for acmbbing In 512 King atrest. a©oMld, restaurant. fl'or. Jsn22-3t. UOIXJRBD 95AITV— For general houee "■ ork In family of four, und to help children. Must life »" 1 W. general hotaiework. SOP Jan22-3t. GIRL-Ft SiAth St. , Tt I Ft li—Colored, for general houa-werk. Washington St. t Jan22-ît •'.«I GIRL—For g««i-r»l housework. Delaware Ave. Jan32-3t. and housework For general - robkinc. no laundry, --age». 87 XV./Twentieth St. ;|R 7"1 Jan 22 -lt. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S DRESSES.) . v,«t« and cape«. pies, will sell on weekly payments; beautiful styles; good bsrgaln»; open; evenings. 1815 W. Ninth St. Jan70-3t. im>DL*-AOHD WHITE jao22-3t. Salesmen's sa ceneral housework, Wood lawn Ave. MAIDS—Apply to housekeeper, Delaware Hospital. 14th and Washington Sts. jan 20 -It. Shipley — MIDDLE-AGED WHITE WOMAN, with without child, to cook in counfry Addree» F*«5. PNenlng Journal jan20-3t. hotel. office. RKLIABLH GIRL—For funeral hous© wnife*. $ 10 ; ref-I Appîy work *nd cooking; erenc©* required, •treet. J*f »2 WANTED—Good, plain cook: stay at night. Apply 28M Delaware. Ave. . Jan22-3t. muit WOMAN—For housework, in »uburba; P. O. Box 307. City. $19 per week. deo29-lm. YOUNG GIRL—About 17, to help in Jen 22 - 2 t. Phone 2878-M. home. --:-'KLAIR'S WANTED—I^dy or genilemsn to a«-. stst in opening a permanent Cou© + >to suggest'on clinic. In vicinity of Wilmington by a man of flf:y; thor cmghly capable; c©rr©*pondence Invited. AMraaa Box R-M. Journal. Manden. Janîî-ftt. HELP WANTED. JVcnri AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS—To aell Lorraine Produota Jan20-4t. vfs\s R Jora 0 m U o2.° W R..*®f J R*w'e S ,L'. Co^ H«Rh ?^d' PÄ,. SplS; risYora. Medlclr©«. Toilet Preparations. ce. 1S» every-day necessities used by minions. largest company; estab Jished 38 year*. Favorably known all • * *13 Shipley St. lowest^ whol^ sa le ^* r ^o 's xpe r leocc nrac' uca'r y ;: #i ä n:4:rv: e ,uVnr.i een'Mrrninen 3 ' 1 '* 1 Me U pa vl ns*' "bust nenn rûé'onY5 r ro n ; n eâV, y b,8 -r P 7i5 n c'u.air in freT give age. occupation; r«fcrence©. n 9 nawW « h »CPI. 7Û8. Freeport. III. "THE STRANGERS' BANQUET"—j Mrs. A. VV. Bowers. 213« street, will receive two tickets for the»dla. If she will pleas« call at The Evening Journal Office. SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN to sollelt accounts for col lection from merchants, doctors, etc. permanent, well-paying contract. Also •wonderful side line Vstln.ial Merran «lie Agency. Martlln Bldg., Columbus, Jan22-lt. i emvle In IIELT* WANTED MALE « CLERKS—18 upward, for government, positions; 9120 monthly; experience! necessary. For free list positions now open, write R. Terry (former Civil .dVrviec examiner). 88 Barrister Bldg Washington, D. C. janl8-lt. 2.1 EN. WOMEN—18. -Railway Mall. I over. wanting Postoffic© position*, paying $1,409—$2.309. Experience un nec©©nary. Full particular* free. Write W. Robbln*. Civil Service Expert. Pop© Bld^., Washington, D. C. jan!6-«t. < : SlTUATIOy WA NTF D—FEMALE. COIjOHBD WOMAN want* small wash ing to take home. 313 Townsend £t. jan22-2t. (•01.0HKD WOM VN wi*he© work by rail 426 K. Twelfth ©trert. : ■3t. ja n £I/RSK DESIRES POSITION wieh " valid or as companion for elderlrt per -H! Apply Ml»» K. B. Adams, 21 bi. Tent h St.. Marcu* H ook. Pa. . - SITUATION WANTED—MALE. ACCOUNTANT—Book* opened and closed, cost, system, etc. V. B. Paw ^ori. Tenth and Washington. Phone Janl2-lm. *390. EXPERIENCED FARMER—With ref erence. would like to rent small farm. Y' tuld take maeiager's place; capable of handling any ©ixe farm. Address W-5 6. Evening Journal Office. jan22-6t. ROOMS WANTED. ROOMS—Two, *- unfurnished. between. 29th street and .shellpo« Phone 4890.1 o::.U _/ WANTED. (DAREV WANTS TO SEE YOU—Do you want the highest pries for Jewelry I and diamonds? DA REV MONEY LOAN, (OFFICE, 231 Market St. Phone 7733-/. (Bonded and licensed to the city. | sept25-lyr. ■ ~ j F URNITUiiE. CARPETS BOUGHT— ( Prompt attentlon_ to all calls. Jacob Prodigal. Phone 3308-W. Jyl--lyr. -T—TTTTr-————————r— JIUL.NbtlULI) GOODS—l I>*y nignest cash price*. J. Skint. 303-307 Vv. Second St. D. A A. 3222-VV. jati23-!yr., COATS—Fur and cloth rellned and re paired. Mrs. Dundon, 213 Weit St. jan!2-26t-eod. HIGHEST PRICES for raw furs. Irvin J Baer. 623 King St. Phone 6677-J. i Jan8-lm. experience;-- HIGHEST PRICES PAID for second band furniture. Simon Spire. Phot»© 5373-J. 100 i W. Second St. Junel7-lyr. - pay highest 305-307 W. Jan21-lyr. _ HOUSEHOLD GOODS, office *nd store iHxturce bought and sold. Berger's, Shipley Sts. Phone 611J-W. Jyi4-tr i ttt t t f ^ 1 <*jbbs, 8J8 French St. Phone 2*9a. ^111 pay good price. Junc9-lyr. HAOS. paper., metals, furniture, men clothlnr. (unk. Hl«h.H t pries. Nsw niana*cm»nt. L. Frsnkel. 104 Madison y '- Phon« «710-W. J ar9-lyr. RTirsa Dima T.INOLFJI7M «LGc.. bo^x-.t^ .«9«!^ ( Cash < Kou... Sura, CHAH. S. HURLOCK * PON. ~'«r2.i-lj-r. Seventh and Poplar Äta. forareainuatier.,--( W ANTPa*~We desire tu purchase one hundrad used cars and will pay tha blfheat caeli price*. B^nx your cari ,here, go home with lit« money. Keil Motor Co.. Eleventh and Tatnall Sta. Phone 64*0. Open evenlunga. may22-lf — . . 1,00*RI, GB AN D l a:RPKTS TO C Le.\N —O»»' F. Lang Co.. 1.03 Orange St. HOUSEHOLD GOODS—I „ r**h prices. J Sklut. I Second St. D. & A. 3222-XV. lan2i-1 f. ROOM AND BOARD WANTED _ _____ REFINED YOUNG LADY desire* room' ith private funlly. Ad dres* It -h», Evening Journal Office. 1an.2-.t. IX>ST—White kitten, neighborhood 2 5th and Monroe Sts. Reward. Phone sr,, j, , Uw-.«! kas " " LOST—Black wallet from Fourth and Macket to 23rd and Market St».. Sat unlay flight. Reward 2207 I»amotte St. and board. lyOfiT . râ » BM #lav . LOST—On Wednesday, two dollar and turn#*] to George K. Ball. Marshals Jan20-2t. ««JJ - h . , .. , ''Nam- n .V JhS Inaid^ ' Elgin .mûrement. Reward if returned to thai iKventng Journal Office. Jan2#-2t. Office. LOST—On either Lovering Ave.. Dela I ware Axe. or on Washington St., be , tw****n Delaware Ave. and Delnwsre î Hospital, string of pearls. Finder please j J**"''"[ .'° 1 '• A,kl " ! '' .P'™"?" J Hospital. jan. j at. kOSJ Diamond end pearl earring, on Jeffe-eon M. between r>el»w»re Ave. and Seventh or r*eventh street, between Jeffenaon and Orange Reward Cal Room 312 Penney Ivan la B'.dg . fool of French sr. Thone 2«52. Jan:«-:t. nrj j M Office. BANQUET'— «Mrs». R L. Klltaon. 1319 Van Buren atreet. will receive two ticket* for the will please call at The STRANGERS' i WILL GENTLEMAN who picked up cameo in Gavoto*' Saturday evening, plea«** «er urn *am© to 701 Lombard St., or call 4105-R, and no question* will be jan 22 -lt. FOR SALE-^Ston. quarry busiBessand ^K?^ ' *sk<>d. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. -I stock and FOR SALE—Grocery ©tore, fixture*. S. K. Corner Third and janl9-«t. Madison St*. - J BUS. OPPORTUNITY WANTED. A MAN with food busineea experience. good running businee© or to tnveet five thousand or more with service*, in a good running busjnes*. Addree* W-19, Evening Journal Office. J*n3-eod-2m. wan's to buy a BAZAAR. Wil-ninglon, Del Auction sslca every Saturday, at o'clock. Horses at private ©ale at all 1 times. Klalr A Hollingsworth. aprC.lyr. - 1 PUBTJC RAL*6—B©o! ©©fate and p©r- ) sonal property of Peter Mason, de- 1 ceased, at Ms farm, on road -eadingis. from Ashtand, Del. to CeiUrevllle. onT^ half mil« from the former place on | Thursday. February 1. 1922. This consist© of 40 a©r©s*of land, more of praisic «saIjK. less, six acres of which are woodland,! balance unde- cultivation The improve- : Ä w".h* t .Ut." re îf? ,t 'tîîS w2 *©» W ' ,b 2 U r 'e* T f - ba,W - ! n Ç*.«î r S# t îi 1 ! 0 2Ϋrf P Hm» niAr« thr I , £'*'] at 2I..2..7 C -2Î! ÎSl£, '"*« p îriS iES? ^hliv 2 ",*' ° ' ha ^r,7u I ">ke. cM,?n. bay an" strath?, ton. Mt r;.s TermaTsd. known'on day if sal, 5 w bMCV\YIX>R ^° N ' Ad ' n ' M Waikir Attorney WM a "'' r ' wronAGE Oillra PRIVATE ROOMS for household goods. G. F. Lang Co.. 1205 Orange atreet. mar21-tf. ROSENBLATT'S STORAGE HOUSE ' P hona 177». - 1 ___ __ . . , , _ | CKHTIft'ICATE Oft' DISSOLUTION . btxtk or uei.awvre. office of SECRETARY i*' STATE. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To All To Whom These Presents May Come. Greeting: Whereas. Ii appear* to my satisfac tion by duly authenticated record of ! the proceeding« for the voluntary disso lution thereof, by the consent of all the stockholder* deposited In niy office, the Metropolitan .Vlortgage and Land Com pany a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated at 100 West Tenth street. In the city of Wilmington, county of New Castle, State of Delaware. Delaware Registra tion Trust Company. being agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may bo served, has com piled with the reuuirenients of the Cor poration Laws of the State of Dela ware as contained in 1!L. Section 1 to 2101.'Section 187. Chapter 65. of the Revised Statutes of 1913. as amended, preliminary to the iwtubig of tills CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. Now, therefore. 1. A. It. Benson. Sec retary of State, of the State of Delà war e do hereby certify thai the said corporation did. on the 2fttli day of January. A. D. l»2;t. file in the offiee. a duly executed and attested consent. In writing, to the dissolution of »aid cor poration, executed by all the stockhold ers thereof, which said consent and the records of the proceedings aforesaid, are file in my said office, as pro Private room» and space at reason« able rate*. Apply «H W. Front St. dec28-lm. ' now on vided by law. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hèreunto • • set my hand and , , Dover, this 20th day of Jan., In • the year of our • • Ix>rd. one thou sand. nine hundred and twenty-three. • Secretary's Office • • 1855 Delaware 1793 • • 1911. Jan 22-1L A. R. HEN,SON. Secretary of £tale. NOTICES ANTHONY Ferrara, form»rlv of th* American Barber Shop, ton Mtrfcet street. Is now located at S. E. ; Fourth and Shipley streets. He will , very glad to niest some of his old pa trons st his new place of business. Jant-lm. -—--,-. ANNUAL MKETivn of the share hoM.raof7* ILbor T.mél. Ri'ldlnt AawH'latlon, will q, held Saturdnv January 27. 1923. at 3 30 (. clock in the afternoon, In Room !. of the Lahor Temple. Tenth and Tatnall streets WII mrtgton. Delaware Flection of officer. ; und nfCPMarv rniiMn« h-uCn»«« tn h*» | transacted * tlft# bU8,n *< s lo 0 .1 AMES O-K tNR Pr». FRED w.stiÏrLE See. r i an 20-It ! -J_,__ ^ t .. .... t L December 19. 1923. To The Stockholders of the Commercial Aircraft Co. ' Please take notice that at a duly con vened meet in* of the Board of Direc lor* of the Commercial Aircraft Com pany, a corporation, organised under the laws of the State of Delaware. i held on December 15, 1922. at 2 P. M • x t 3123 North 'lark street. Chicago. minois, the following resolution was adopted by n majority of the whple Board of Directors to-wit: -Resolves that In the Judgment of thft Board of Directors It Is deemed advisable and most for the ^ benefit of this company that It ^°u aro^he^ehïVu^her notified that ", , h , ; *,'Iff ,!„JTin'rilal A1 r?™ft j Corpôrlt^nTin I the principal oftlo« of the corporat.on .,7 W«t Tjml. .miThe n.y of on i A. •' \ Ki ; *' ' h,1 ^ 0 " r ® f 1 «dock I M , to taka action upon aa.d reao lutlon adopted hy the Board of Direc-( tors and for the tranaaottan of such I other huslnees as may come before such meeting. I yiEt.B BUCK. Freeldent. Jan8-tS-22. —--—-- I.B.IVIXO FOR CHICAGO. Saturday, , )jin 17 Young man of good charac t „ r w n| (qifln any commarclal or prl cbmmfaafnns Address VY-X4. Etrn-1 Jan22-1t. 1 Ing Journal Office. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART \ ERF HIP. Netlcerl« hereby given that the part-; nurahip'heretofore aubsistlrg between the undersigned." Floyd # R ' Turner and W. Herbert Pett*. ro conduct a general insurance buslne*». ha« been dlaeoKed Jb v mutual conaent. W. Herbert Potta! of'retires from the raid firm of Turner A Potts and the biisine?« heretofore con !.••• i .• the frm =Sirs"".?sï.iêrsaajasan."« to the ?aid firm should be paid to thel said Floyd B. Turner. J^ted a ^Wilmington. Delaware. Jsn-j FIjOYD B TURNER. W HERBERT POTTS Jan29-3t. UPHOLSTERING of every descrip ton. made to order;' reupholstering specialty. RS LI 1BLS UPHOLSTERING CO.. 81^ Walnut St. Phono 7149-W aprl?-tf. _ —■ BUSINESS NOTICES. —~~ ~ — ANT MIRIIOR RE-SILVERED—French| proeeea L H. Ehler« cr, VH. Ven dever Ave. Phone -««7. Jnn • ljr. --- — ALL MAKES talking machine» re paired Called for and delivered, SoTtman'l Mue.c Shop. 4 VV. Seventh feb23.1yr. BUSINESS NOTICE—t wieh to an-! nounce that I have entered the of Public Accounting work and would be to h***r from those who arcounnng problems. Specislt!*»; In c^me Tax Report. Flnanoial Report«. f,,ai|ld Sve'ema Ineialled R 5^ fsik »0» W-üïîlînrin aw»;!«-« JanlC-l 2 Phone 5SS2-R. St. POLL ,IOSP IT AL—Combings mad. up S2ft Madison St. Form.rl* «18 tf Seventh St. _ JUBel-Iyr^ rrr:.J^y|HBawrg^.gaoinw&!^jg^J^.^:|^ 8c PER Y AKU ELIZABETH JOSEPH. Bottomley Apts. Junelft-lyr Phone S322-J. DOLL HOSPITAL—Alt parte, wigs and 414 Orange St. Phone »433-W r head*. l" ne:, - lyr 791 Grenze St. Phone 8354. plumbing and heating keybold BROS., • Phone 1424. «11 W. Sixth St. iunelO-lyr. SHAFER * WITKOWSKI—Carpenter*, csblnelmaking a epeclalty. Window lO'sercens. door» and porche« encloaed. 2515 Market .St. Phono «1*2. ,-—-— • «. « —^""""""i STor THAT LEAK—Repair your roof. with Barrott s everla* roofing, in rolls or cement form. Wa aell^or apply G. William»* Brea. Co.. Third «nd Tatnall Sta. mon. 3«4. may2«-m-w-f-tf. farm;-„-.-.n!. WILMINGTON ROOFING Jk HEATING CO.-Roofing, »pouting heater work; attended t^Sh^rl^ octft-lyr. & 4»M-W. - - WILMINGTON NOTION NOVELTY CO. = 7 E Thlçd ,St. 7t.7i. We Carry All Make© of ✓ RAZOR BLADES Big Discount to Dealers jan 22-1 KMTTRIC.U, VR.VI \ TITRES A STATORS REWOUND _Electric Ians, rooters, etc., repaired Alexander and Steward. Tenth and Washington Sts. Phone 6735-J. JylO-lyr. FIXTURES, lamps, wiring material, radio supplie*; all reduced. Gross Electric Co.. N. W. Corner Fourth apr2S-tf. • . man and Orange bt*. WOOD WILSON wires your house without breaking your floor*, plaster or pocketbook. Pfloo# 4764. 2500 Van Bur«n_SL__augli-lyr. ~ Bl'SINKBS UOLLEGES ho follows the crowd usually getiT CROWDED OUT. Don t lag be BE A BUSINESS LEADER and Well help you to hind. get crowded itt. succeed BEACOM COLLEGE. Tenth usid King Streets. aug23-lyr. LIFE AND C HARACTER READING January 22 I , „ th „ d.te Dorn n " * The person come* into th© of Aquarius, the ■uaftpi* Kpn î*©r. 11 11(1 th© lö*t MSB Of th© wattr beaier. an sicn % 0 vern* rni's .i^n *o\ rni < the leg 1 « and feet of the grand man. It i* the negative pole of the Air Triplicity. Air Tripllcitv. It governs the physical Irr -Is spiritual duality it of the Divine Sophia, the memory. Ih the «ign attribute* being soul, memary and diffusive knowledge. These people are naturally en dowed with great posnibilitles. when understood and appreciated, take them to supreme heights of strength and usefulness, and when ignored, them to be creatures of !m cause pulse and fluctuating desires. The governing signs of this date are Uranus and Saturn. Th© Want Ads are the best med ium in the world for locating ken nels If you desire to purchase a thor oughbred animal of any kind. Use them continually. I FOR SALE WTIQUK BEDROOM SUIT»—1SI* W. Fourth St, J»nl8-8t. Cctsief-- be'A SAFE, sectional bookcase and coun ter. I. Borget-, Third and Shipley streets Phone 5113-W. Jsn!2 -3! --- A CABINET Sewing MsShlne. good sa n * w B. H. Harman, 920 W. 9th St. JanlS-tf. " ' GOOD SECOND-HAND ' STOVE and double Hasel ! S ' j 0 , V * Ii R * f pa,r Hou * < '- M0 Kln * ?t ' ALLaWnoi. uii'ipvivi '*• y-v* all spec ally priced Ephraim A Kph calm. 3-3 w Fourth St Jan18-lm. COOK heater, , - }A Electric Portable Singer Sewing M*-j « chin*, cost $83 09 new. Will aell very. reasonable Exhv payments B. E. Harman. 520 W. Ninth St. JanlS-tf. !-—-,-— A CARLOAD OF STOVE REPAIRS— Bricks, grates, pipes, elbow*, now Is j Jhe time; jobbing reasonably done. 'Stove Repair Houne. 510 King St. Jyl 1-tf. ■ r^,., . ATTENTION. STOVE REPAIRS ,or * M ir*k.. of ,lov«. Bricks *r»t*s. P'P«». slbow» Get tham at Bcrrar'a. 1 "!:?*.«" d ««, «I» Phon. MU-MJ. ? ^ _ ' BLI'ICUFR B-FUt '»Ih!__ BOURBON RED TURKEYS—Fin. for »took Phone S-R-2, Newark. Del. J ---- ri.'TCLE.« »M, boueht. exchanfed, hired and repaired. BICYCLB8 wanted. >)M b| cv , ; |, (rames. 227 E. 4th 8t. Rhone 1308-VV. Jan18-lm. , HARRELF AND KF.«S of all hind« bought and «old. In atnpty, harre!» and keg« Phone 1112. Auguet H Ssner. 7 rt l South Market street. A SINGER Sewing Machine; drop-head; j ail attachments; coat 149 00 i»«w; «Md about 3 month». Big bargain. Kaar payments, u E Harman. 6.9 W. Ninth M. JsnH-tf. ' tenor Saxophone. Jan20-3t. Applv 411 Rodney St. î jan 17-1 yr. ^v Rr x r « AT * *r Vadilk '.»Jl« 5 'iJats 'Vnhrai .,x îv r n ?ri I »i tin I in» I " m - 3 ' 5 W fourth »I. Janlt-lm. I rtsosj^esisssssss M * nr!,! Co » f,a Tatnall St. Jan4-lm. Harvest cash register J Jan2ö-3t. I ___! CORDVROY or Pluah Cape. Ear aperla! a: 90e. Ephraim A Ephraim 3-5 W. Fourth St Janlf-lm ; COOK STOVB— New Oriole g» a IPhone 4377 J. nge and , breasted t Ä — î DROP.HEAD .White Sewing Machine. flu O«. B. E. Harman. «20 W. 9th SL. j jealf-tfJ . FIREWOOD—Any kind, any FIREWOOD—All dry. An* let of hfck-Tw. T. Weld in, 144-R, janS-lmo. Jauil Call Halfen. 4311-J. ory. Clartno* Holly Oak HOL'SKHOLD QOOD.4 — Socond-hanA; bought and sold. Morrison A Lane, 122 King ^f. Phofie 4756-YA JuneS-lyr., HALF-PRICE 3AI.E of auits. overeosi*. i trousers and. odd coats, at the Mleflt | Cloihlng H.iuse, 102-» Merket atreet. I Jun»«-lyr. ——-—————— f-f & S. STORE AND OFFICE , FURNITURE CO. ! Roll and flat top desks, safe«, filing cabinet, floor cases cash registers. hatcher»' and grocers' equipment car r ;«d in atock and aold at' reasonable I prices. We buy. sell and exchange all kind* of office furniture and grocery equipment. 113 Market etreet Phono fleldj3*23-J. feb.-lyr. want a r.rtnn pipet ES<? YOb WANT A uWö I ll b. i»r^ > • HLATEk. uiy a IflM Hmter | No better made. See White Brother», Front and Orange -rs . or Phone «*' price« a.vd terme, dac27-.od.2m. t. o,.r liant .»«in, machin» club in n,n r e,ü?'n"«Tl ,, *,h7i e Kobiïr A. • Parvis, „3 Mark., St. J- ^„BLA CjaSTOsV.. ,»«l. Bh.Jdey,,».. m^ indludlnV fuieiïtur# lypîwrîwr* sd(JlB ', ln aclil„-a etc. Also dealer in ■ . . . MEN—Scout Shoe, special »1.18; also complete line of other work shoes I Ephraim A Ephraim. 3 and S W^ourth street Janli-cod lm. JOIN I MACHINERY—Motor, lathe, drill press ry wheel. Can be seen run S-93. Evening Journal Office. and erne '•ling. Apply <1ec29-tf. _I jrt'R VtTURB Desk a chairs i ie u .,bi tnM stonee iaplv-oj eighth «t Ja«i' , o-' , t* W ' * _1___~ ~ ' rnRrRcnoN* OIL MBIT BRS—Oev. ! Snerisi Vi «« m.m'. King Sf P Janl9-tf ' — ■'» lying Bt. _debied TABLES—We deliver and erect ttble. In playffi* condltUw t?lfh iîîr clifh and pockets for 1100 and up. ,; r adv© Flchth and Oranc© ©t-cct© • . r ,©am**rnuly marl 1>r ' _trlx POULTRY PLAN.-Wel,-equipped tn Co ^n$hr| n .LÄms.%t;i ,y huÄ a mo n g' ' Ui e ,n ! ' ' r a' IJ :, ' 1 ^ H,, - : ■ i' Thompson ©train; good enough to win In any ©how. Two 6*'-egg and one 190 •*gg oil incubator*, on© 200-i>gg electric a»id on© 400 and one «09 -©gg electric incubators Brooder©, fountains. i»oul try wire and all aece©sori< ©. Moving to another locality or would not ©ell for thr©© time* what am asking. Will sell part or whole. First ©r©nc©. Janl9-3t. RESIDENTS OF UNION PARK GARDENS We have complete grate repairs your furnace*. Phone and we deliver.' O. O. Robertson. 2012 Market St. declS-tf. c. get pref C. A HOURTH. Holly Oak, 2«2-J. t REPAIR YOUR ROOF with fibre coat ing and elastic roof cement. Stops all leaks. and Tatnall Sta. S. G. Williams A Rro., Third Phone 384. Jan2J-tf. RAYMOND H. STOUT. Phone 4416-R. and Second-Hand BICYCLES. Tire*. Parts, Repairing. UNITED STATES TIRES and TUBES Sales and Service Depot. AUTO ACCESSORIES. Genuine Ford Part©. 99g French St. New deel-lyr. "SNOWSHOK TRAIL"—Edward S:.-w art. 20"3 VV. Sixth S* . please rail at The Evening Journal Office for two; tickets on the Majestic. '1 SPECIAL—In men's overcoats, all wool. small size only; sizes 31-35-36-37. Price gl ». 812. and 813.59. Ephraim & Ephraim. 3-5 W. Fourth St. Janl6-lm. STIRLITH'S—PHONE 1201 Scrap irons and metal*, I-beams and pipe. Front and Tatnall. no\15-lyr. Machine $ new. q»hi* machine »s »lightly used; will| »©11 for $32.i»0. <'all at once, man. 620 W. 9th St. \ P. E. Har jan 15-1 f. SKATES SHARPENED 837 Tatnall Street aug7-lyr. SINGER SEWING MAÜHIXKS. $81. r. $33; one Wheeler am! Wil son and one vrtdte drophead. all at tachment». Easy terms. N. Omenn. «21 W. Fourth St. Phone 2519-J. oct6-lyr. ilk WORKING GLOVES. Driving and mitt*. Ephraim & Ephraim. 3-5 jan 16 Glov W. Fourth St. DETECTIVE AGENCY. HAMILTON S DETECTIVE AGENCY —Licensed .tnd bonded. 519-511 Ford Bi(U rhone «040. fcoi-lyr. I ROOMS KOK RENT. ATTRACTIVE ROOM—For gentlemen private home. 1210 West St Phone 2203-M. dec29-lm, FURNISHED I« ' communicating room. door front. PH W. Sixth SI. Jan22-«t. —- toil RENT—Furnished or unfurnished. L.'?:. "* ht housekeeping »l.SjilJrift) s reel for light housekeeping. Second - - ^ODETTE ' HOTEL. 807 * M-Room. all heatsd. hot and cold ruining w.xtsr In every room; tha b**< piace in town to make your home. V ou can have a room by the week or you can l|ye there In eon*tort as long as you live, or you can get a room tner© for one night; the Tow prices for a iplaco like this will surprise you Under ° rTV management. d ■ 14--mo ... a . , oU 7, a Î; 1 ^ .P. y J*nl7-©od-Jt ROOM.'—Three and bath. street. ROOM—Front. twin and heat. 712 Washington St. Janls-ct. ROOMS-Two und klich»n«tu. nlshod. Addrca« R-*5. Bv.nlnx Jpnr- ns, OMc. r " ROOM-larf* imf-irnlshsd. all con vcnlenree Inquire be'wcen . and 8 p M in.,« Delaware Ave Ja«i«-tf. —-- ROOMS—Two. furnished for ll«ht houeekeepln*; second floor. II wr «e.k. 2«2 XV.iahincton St. J*n22-8t. (-— --ROOMS—Furnlehe.1, for light house* keeping «"SU Fifth St. Rh etc lit,, Jan?»-3t H«*ctric b*da. ROOM—Bright. Iileasant, for two m*n bfjsrdere I'hon« Ô3I-W. Janl9-3t. ROOM—Dr« r .bie. neatly 1.13 Wem üt. — ROOM—.Nicely furnished, second floor front. West Slx»h »». Janl2-lm furnished. Jsnll-lm. all wtivai dcc2yim. ROOMS—F r gentlemen tenece. 12 K. 13th St. fur oppoel t e furnished. Call St 1 W Kiev* rtil Jan22-lm. R' »OMS —Newly Hotel duPont. street. - ROOM S—Four and bath, second floor. conven-j« furnished or unfurnished, ience* Phosis 929-M ~ »»•.. « *si»S!r— ...—— Home.__ ROOMS—Two. nicely furnished trio and heat. 1Î07 Washington St. Phone 277-J. Janl9-3t. . ROOM—Furnished, for one or two gen tlemen; ell conveniences Phone Jan 14-ft el«c 32T8-M. - ROOM—Desirable, furnished for young gentleman 994 W. Ninth etreet. Janl-lrno. ROOMS—Four unfurnDhed. vrnlence*. 904 \enderer Ave. a con - 1an2-lm. ROOMS—Three, unfurnished. second floor. ""Ti**at. gas and electric, ' VV »shlngton J»n22-3t. laundry and phone; $24 per month. immMlatf possession; no children. N. Comer Thirtieth an street. PIANO TUNING. „j TUNING done aceurafoly *nd T ,. ompt i y . AIM p»a«o snd player, pi*no repairing. R. W. Driscoll. Ph-»n* «592. feb2«-tf. rtANOS AND PLATER PIANOS . m ,u and :ei>alr-d and rebutl: Kti' ma' ee free. Steinway repreasu tallv**. F . . nivr> pfl GEWEHR HAVO CO.. J unel3-1yr. _ 31ft W. N in th R*. T i" A ir Ml«.", „ . wini SNOW SHOB TRAIL laugh. 71» E. Sixth »U-Jl. >** c* ye two tickets for the .VlaJesilc, by calling at The Evening Journal office. TUNING AMI REPAIRING— Player work a specially. AU work guaran* H J. Amon, 3110 Market St. jaaft-lne. tee<l Phone 27W RKG1STKR S ORDER. ESTATE OF EDWARD F. kAN'E. DECEASED—Notice I« h»rebv Riven that Leiter« Testamentary, upon Hi. *—'• of Edward F. Kanc.late of j»». •"<« »" persons Indebted to ihe s«id' |deceaa*d. are requeated *.<>. nake^pay. IpraftARt th© MUif, du I probated, tu th© «aiM executor*, on "r before the 11th dav , of .L I9 '*' ° b d ® by lb. ^"kaNE CH APPLE. SECURITY TRUST A SAFE DEPOSIT CO . Executors, addree© Security Trust Ä .Safe Deposit Co., Wilmington. Del. Janl5-eod-9L HARVEY ESTATE OF LEWIS CRANSTON. DECEASED—Notice Is hereby give-. UiU Letters TeaUmen tary. upon the estate of I.ewts Harrey U'ranstun. lat© of WUmlngton hundred. d n*f . uer© duly granted unto Mary Kita Cninaton. on the l?tli day of January. A. D. 1923. and all person* In to t I « .aaed are re to make payment to the eve, mi. «rt*- «'•»»"" '•»•■y. und all persons 't»»litE demand» «gs'tiet the dereaaed are required to exhibit and present th* pro ha ted. to ih** «aid execu <m or before the 12th day ©f f n a "":Vh.l^ " y ' he ETTA CRANFffiV Addr. .-« W ',.»01 T Lynann. in«. îi. 1 '**' ta( l l,ltab,e y IV1 - j.*nia-eod-9t. MER. DECEASED— Notic© i* hereby given that Letter* of Administrât if>n. upon the ©©täte of Mordecai S. Plum mer. lat© of rhrisfiana hundre 4 |. rfo ceased. were duly gr*nte«l unto Mnrp E. Plummor. on th© 17th day of January. A. D 1923. and all persons Indebted to said deceased are requested to make payments to the Adminlatratrtx. with ouj delay, and all person© having de mand» «gainst tii© deceased are r© quired to exhibit and pre©« nt the same. duly probated, to the said administra trlx, on or before the 17th day of Janu ary. A. I). 1924, or abide by the law this behalf. MARY B. PLUMMER. Administratrix. Address J. Frank Ball, At torxiey-at - Uw, Equitable Bldg., Wilmington. l>e'aware. Jan19-eml-9t. MOVING AND HAULING. IA CALL FOR HALL. 5278-J— 81» Mon roe «trect. for light hauling: local or! long distance; rates reaaonabl*. dec22-lyr. ————;—~r ——— ALWAYS at voir SERVICE—Mov-1 Ing. express and storage. Personal Mundy Bros., 814 King Jnne2'J-tf. supervision, Phone 7290. HERBERT H—Hauling: prompt; reasonable; long distance. 305 West St. Phone 7899-J augl9-tf. -TjU'.TTT! . -__ CONSTANTINE & LEoTARDO—Mov ing and hauling. 209 VV. Second St. Phone 332S-M. BROWN. t>ELIV*ERING LIGHT HAULING_! James I Pa**w*t*r. 312 Sixth Ave. Phone 8872. jan2-lm. --- - FOR GENF.RAL HAULING AND MOV. ISO. call Donnelly. Phon© 5617. 704 *«pt6-lyr. June22-lyr. Harrisoo St. HAULING A MOVING—Any tlm©, any where Phone »473- W. Key*!on© (Jar 219 Maryland Ave. oci21-lyr. age. or LIGHT HAULING—Local and Iona dis tance Alexander Gagnon. 8,8 .Madi son St. I'honc 3969-VV. dec29-lm. MOVING t HAULING— C. IL Thorn. tun. 1322 W. Fifth SL Phon« 7997-W. )y2t-lyr, _ MOVING AND HAULING of nnv kind. B. Durr. 909 Elm St. Phone 6738-M. septlo-lyr._ AND HAULING—Go any Call Lane. J22 K*tig SL ma>3-lyr. MOVING where phono 4 . • ua 756 -W. UPHOLSTERY. UPHOLSTERING of material* for sale. Corner Fourth and Tatnall Sts. Thone li lZ - W. june27-Ur. the better k:nd; Spark» and Son. AtTX>MOHILl:S FOR KALE. ;ACTO TOP? AVP CURTAINS—Stem, vv Phone €14«. rear 1403 Rodney St. mar20-tf. UI'lfK—7-passenger; sit In good con dition; will be-sold very reasonable. laalMt. BATTERY PRICES r,o UP SOON. B©tt**r have your generator and bat J trry exam Ing« now. fret» Da a N«t© ' French St _ augT-eon ft. CALIFORNIA AND CUSTOM-MADE TUPS, painting and Unitize H P Boggs, 11, Concord Aye. Phone S»9-« ei.WTRIC repairs — Motors and k«*»» rators. armaiur s In stock._ e exchanged H. R. Cann. *<'7 Wollaston St. Phone 12tt-R. octl9-lyr. , ,, feb28-lyr. FORD TOURING M*Pt#r; Ford R<*»4 *t*r. starter. 1929 Ford Roadster, ex press back; litt Kord «basais All built Can b« »een Sunday, 715 Wal nut Ät. 1an20-tt. - 9 ei ^CFT l -rO TF USED CARS— Notice—Wa ar* the only need-car bouse in the .«»ate that will give you n**w car guarantee with a u#**d car, b* cause our cars are as good as new ;on«e Look them over and be con vinced : 1921 Dodge Sedan. 1921 Auburn Six 1922 Overland Touriflg. 1921 Overland Sedan. 1921 Hudson Speedster. 1920 Essex Touting. 1921 Essex Roadster. 1921 Ford Coupe. 1922 Ford Sedan 1919 Dodge Sedan. 1920 m»df« Touring. 1920 Paige Touring. 1920 Cl* veland Touring. 1920 Hupuiobile v 1920 Dort Touring. 1922 Dort Readster. 1920 Bulok Roadster. 192« Studebaker Touring 1929 Hudson Touring. 192't r.»rd Sedan. 1929 Dodge Touring. 1921 foie Eight 1921 Apperaon Eight. 1922 Buick Touring 1921 Studehaker ' oup«. 1922 iv»dge Touring. 1921 Oldsmobils C 1922 Studebsk*r 5-passenger. 1919 Hudson Coupe. j ! I pe. I IVe do our own financing Arc eirlct !y confidential. Juei you end ». ere Included In the deal. All we aek la you j word of honor. I . KEIL MOTOR CO. ELEVENTH AND TATNALU Phone 6190. nov i-m-w-f-tf. 3-Inch used liree »• , n d*un. 83 Ko; M ocltt-lyr - - ITHB NBW VIM TRUCK CHARMS. SM 8 , „ f , rtorv I (w<l , n4 r^hoila Vlm i rurkl , use. 82»o and »880 llAV'cl MOTOR TRUK CO.. phone 12* 701 VV. Fifth St. "p r7 .,f y .SILVER TIRE CO. WE BUT AND SELL USED CARS KEIL MOTOR CO. UTH AND TATNALL. m*r9-tf. FAPERHANUING. ARTISTIC P APERH.V N'c.tN'ï — laadore Fishman; work done reasonable 111 W,sreond S. Phone ..Ift-R Janll-lyg ' ,, mv > Rr , WHITTEN—Wa'.l Fhon * „ tvT x—Paoerhanger: reems et. '*-•* *v-s-^^J* m . " PAPKRHANGIN*—W-altpapar for «ale. e./c'tv*** 1 ' 1 ' 4Î# 11 tourlh S Vv|- P ?r " U ' J X 114 WaiMniton St. ^ a ujr7 -1 yr. Shatnea; Estimates Phuua «783. PA PEKH ANGING — Harry reasonable. 601 N. Clayton £>t. work done given. aug22-lyr. QUALITY WALLPAPER at quanti".* prie»*© Harry Kershaw, «19 Adams Phone ««*10. St --rwwrnov , unv n. 8. LBJBNKRON * SON—Practical paper hangars »«able price«. Fhr».- J,73. septll-lyr. . H TR ... . ih .-•%<*«> 11< »K TRA 1. -J-. c-b »t*ele. * ft ourth atraat » -U plea« call at The ft.vcnm« Journal OWIc". lor twe tlefcele oe the MaJ « oct2-lyr. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION. a Privat©. Individual In* Mon. Ï raphy. D Accountancy. Bur " roughs Calculator, Etc Day-Night. .St©nog Bookkeeping. Estab. 191«. 402 W. 22nd St. Jac22-lm anteed. f073-'*775. dec2«-lyr. ~ --1— —. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED—Buy new plan. $ » month; rent $2 month. Bar cam*. «10 to' «5«*. Adding machine* rented, sold Typewriter Supply Co, seventh and Market St*. *eptll lyr { -- - - Underwood Typewriter* for 0*3 rent $3 per mo. Phone 5227-W. OO j dec22-lm. _J TYPEWRITERS J A. SMITH TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. \1I makes—Under»-,.ods, !.. C. Smith, Royals. Remingtons. Olivers—sold. ranted and repairad all machine* guar 2 West Seventh St. Phrnici - ADMINISTRATOR'S S1I.F,. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE To be sold, on Ih, premia,.«. *23 VVal I nut street, on* January 23. 1923. at 10 j o'clock A. M. all household goods of 'the late Ransom H llocksday. roaalat ing of complets Iiarlor. diningroom and bedroom »ulte*, player-piano, Vlctrola. St.'gae range, carpcie. etc., and numerous infher articles; all in excellent condi tion. Also on, Winton louring osr. 7 pastnngcr. , I ISAAC R. BROWN. Jr. Administrator. Jan20-4t. 11 AYE MORTGAGW MONEY—In large sum*, ©n Market or King street prop* axpii^y. Loa^i 69 per cent, qf h.«s<'h> ment; deal dlret-t no agent©. 39f Ford Bldg or Phon© 2Ä4-1V l ling*. Janlf-e«»dj m. MONEY TO fX>AN. ©n LOANS LOANS, $59 to'$1. #»»•*. on© y©ar or I©©©, weekly payment plan; no chattel», no n», no »alary assignment; character «I earning power lb© ba*t* of credit. WILMINGTON MORRIS PLAN BANK, :»<»« Shipley «street. Open Tuesday Evenings Until 8 O'clock. paw __ MONEY TO LOAN—On mort****«. In •um« lo suit. If you hav, good aacuL "ofcce ' t ' enin fan57m*'i ft'OR SALE OR RENT -----— HOUSE—New two-# lory, and b.isr mem building. 1129 and 113, Orange St., suitable for light manufacturing or automobil© busin©** «Vpply Jo» ph 6 Ham iton «'• mune# St jan.5-9l Fru-Mon.-Wed. * jan9-lm. REAL ESTATE ROB HOME OF ' CASH AND BONDS _ Thief GctS Aw8> Wltll ^ 7 StTOne DOX FrOItl ReSi ^iivtiij; dua i iuiii ivtoi riu t ,, n USOte in ClKlOn DA II nnttv CT A DTÇ i\r\ I 1. i\\J/A [J j I n K I O TRUCK SERVICE ELK TON. Md., Janury 23 —Marlo n Pfost and William K. Mor-lson have;. been elected town commissioners of . Lewis. Special to The Evenimt Journal. George .Murphy, John L. Charlestown, this county, for the coming year. They ran on the Peo pl's ticket, defeating th© regular • HKAIi PTATproil SALE? A RARE CHANCTQ te get that Ideal home and pay like rent. J. G. Jus tl* Co. Newport. Del. Phone 211-W. sept 1-tf. BUILDING !Xm< at Minquadate. or will • x hangt for touring car. thquln i^*.* W. Fifth at. JenK-tt. FARM—Three mile etorth >f Newark; Vi acre., lot of fruit trees; milk rrnit. combined. H. P. Jone«, Newark. Drl. (an 18-17* 1ft-33* 34-38. HOUSE—lift VV Met St.. « room», bath. reception hall, fire pore lie IK alt mod ern Improvement». Prtee |3,50ft. Jan 30-It. 1311 DE PONT FT —Modern. 9 rooms. 3 pore he«. Make effer. Apply abeve jan6-lm. eddreee TOUR PROPERTY CAN BE JUDGED HY THE COMPANY IT K it a ealenbie. Our If its li*de*| with files Accomttuelate only pr»>perly-priced parcel^ Come in to learn how a listing I with* im gets your hokttnge before the!i largest number of potential buyer«. Wef hated and! »reu Ja rise thousands <»f proepectlve] I.,,y,re G.,r original and tm*tua plait <*f advertising brings thousand* of 1»* quiries 1 W. LIN WOO D D A SHIFT, L CO. RI AL I STAFF — FOR RENT. BUNOATjOW - At Elmtmrat. 8 room* Ka, I,>88 ft cemented baee. m , nI j , } . Juatla C*. Newnort. Del. 1 phone "M-W. decl8-tf. FOR RENT—112 W Fourth St . 1« roorn^ Apply Harry Tsrgcr. 419 m Janî4-tf IIOU8B—Flva room«. n#*r I»ob4©11. $10. Phone 1927-W. jan22-eod~3t. 4-lneh---- 1IOUHK—IMI Mt. Sa^m l^ana. Ephraim * Ephraim. 3 |r ° urlh r mrr y VT h-l.h porch healer Apply —3 Rod J ' JanT«-lm. n *V ,,r junta in*. HOrSK— 2193 W. f4#\*-nth store. at. with Jsn l«-«t. In - jsnl9-tf - eveoih St . ft room. Phone * NEW' HOME 21*7 VV Seventh Si. Ap. ply 21<>3 VV Seventh Sit. janl 6 -«t. • 18 ORANGE STREET—Seven room«. Apply Carroll VV. Griffith. 221 W. Ninth St. _ Jan3-tf. • 13 CLAYTON ST.—Peueealon Jan. là i Will eeli or rent. Phone Î854- R. I h ftbln. a «w 5 cT ÄastW l>r. H. K. M»ll©r II ftOft-ftil Washington AP ARTMENT» ft OR RENT. APARTMENT—Four rooms, hath and!' heat. I«a S. Broome St. 7727-W. jnm * j AP \RTMBNT—ThP©« room© and bath. *51 Oranx© St. ; J»nl*-1m. rhone 2297-J. h^rlot.e APARTMENT—Private, six rooms, ga# and rlactrlc: 17 K. Second St. Apply Leivl'e. N. E Corner Secetd and French' streets. Junell-lyr. -- ■ - - ■ ■ — , . _ ... , FOI It KOOMU-FemldUtl cr unfur*j 1315 Linden St. Applv a fieri nlsbed. M —- Walnut hto. „ ........ . n . u - TVV_o___oR ^ THRMC R^OOM _ Vf AKT. Voi î 2t vr P * f week 3«1<-. Meat fit. feb-S-Iyr. - jan 22-31. raft,,.,...« » » « „Tt.L VTj , THREW APARTMENTS—.7i4 French Inquire Harbor Sltop. Sixth and st. jan22-6t. roil RENT INDIVIDUAL GARAGE! electric. 14 month, rhone Tftîê. Water and 3»4 VV. 28th St. decje-lm aARGE STORE— 8ult*bl© for harbor ©hop or grocery buslnes* Phon© 2-J. jan20-6t. REPAIR SHOP—Space for three cars ! 'entrai Jsnl8-6t snd telephone. heat, light Garage, SI7 Shipley St. 27 seres. good ,condition, adjoining Concrete nitle from both Pennsvl., too acf es fruit trees of ail !*• price r, a.« i ro«* ! hen houses and hog i»en©. . buildings In A-l conditio«. triable. terms made to stjit pur IHiagtr Apply Jobu Dean. Mill li«md. Newark. Del o- Market Stand. Wed , neaday and Saturday, at I King Sts._ - -—- - - r — WANTED TO RENT. F \ It MS FOR SALE. FARMS FOR SALE—Farm. . __ highway; I vanla and B. A O. stations; ■ t l>ah|.. 7 acres In hinds, and 20 acres of Umber land; house, large barn, new « uanr All out - Fifth and JarUl-12t. ONK ROOM—Furnished or unfurnished. I for light housekeeping, inear B. A- O. station preferred dr»*©* W-54, Evening Journal Of with heat. V" » - VlfTRDLA RECORDS — Bring record and in cenls and gel s new! one. Joseph E. though. JOSH, Lorn bard SI - MUSICAL instruments. -id Janlft-ftt. HOUSE PAINTING HOUSE PAINTING—Save the ©urfac* and you save all. James Keenan, 1604 W. 16th St. Phon* 7492-W. mar9-lyr. _ t _ TRA N S PO RT ATT ON. LEAVE WILMINGTON French St. Wharf, 5 P. M FREIGHT ONLY |leave Philadelphia j Pier 10. North Wharves (Race Street) 9 P. M. | WILSON LINE Phila., Penn's Grove. Chester Schedulo of Trips • Fourth St. Wharf. Wilmington # or Philadelphia, and Chestnut st. Wharf. PInlaUeiphil J or 1 '* 1 •: 30. a».«".. I 0 ," 1 p V M • *' noon . -Runs* on Sat sun. and holidays »Run* on week e*c«Pt Sat. ,.^v!. m w*nTnc ' IMftJLtSa jo noon. *3.45, 8.00. 8.06. 19.00 and 32.» V. 3*. . „ Leave Penn» Grove. •«> jj. 7.9n 9.00. In*»* A. H.. 1.0*. 3.#». *»-3«. 7-»«. ft.H, (and 11.00 IV M. Trip* marked <•> do not run on Su*- j Trtp* marked * leav* at 4.99 *nd $9« *P. M on Sunday*. Leav© i Black, El wood Heisler, Horae« (irahnm and Harry Murphy. Murray W. Bunce haa ofLrred a re. ward of |60 leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who entered his home on West High «Irret, Elkton. while he and hl« fam ily were on a visit to relatives In Dent on. Aid., and stole about 31.000 In cash, liberty bonds, thrift stamps and Jewelry. All the valuables were In a tin box, which was hidden un der th« t hlrd-tory step, only thing atoton. A skeleton key wa* used to enter the house—the thief or Uueves looking the door It warn the airain on Irawlng. farter Simpers haa been appotnt ml carrier for rural route No. 3. f *" om - N orth East post office, and Lyntfan Kihlcr has been appointed carrmr for route No. 2, from the amr po , t The Pennsylvania Hailroad Com pany has launched Its ftrst motor truck service on the Eastern Shore. S;x auto-trucks are to be used. They will be operated from Cambridge to Itagdon. Denton and Intermediate iminWt. It 1» planned to eventually honeycomb the peninsula with tbte service so that shipments may be both mode and received the same day. Mra. Josephine Simmons Fears, wife» of Joseph Scott Fears, died at l nlon Hospital here,-on Saturday, following an operation for appendi citis. »he waa 22 year« of ape. She la tha daughter of Gideon W. Clark, of thta county, one child. The funeral will be held Tueedny afternoon from the home of her aunt. Mr*. Oeorxe W Woodall, on AVeet Hi*h etreet, with Interment In Bethel eemetery. near Chesapeake <"lty. She la survived by XIra. Koara had been living at Westminster for the past year. St Hedwig's A. A. Dots A regular and combine meeting will ba held tomorrow night 1n the club rooms !. • BY "CIUKSB WHO. All men and women imembera are naked to be present a* new business Is to be trarmet etf. '/Ap' Boom' Bang! th© Goof©y will bo. on th« Job at tontghfa dance, Everybody out for a good Mme. matter, not going up Clayton street anymore? of town? W'hat's the 1* she married or out Newer mind boy. we'll, back with her again Military Ground, this summer when we start playing baseball, worry hoy. Every night a/ter tha i'haulkey" «Inga this song. "9ome Imdy tend me 8e to ride home?" Keep It up Chaulkey, you'll be a millionaire soon. Shampy leaning against pole crying: It Don't ■II Front î Muggtna), W hats the matter with you Shvnpy, (Rhampyt, I am tn >om. gin»: with ftrhom? (Shampy). live* tn the same atreet I do. to Burko: What's wrong with my engine? (Burke:) I think the brains wsre put In up. side down. Talk about fl»h «tories: one that • 'Cooney" brought up from the canal. He caught a ba»» weigh - It was so big that the I railroad company had to supply him »Ith u refrigerator car. It com* natural. Throwing peo ple is Just like throwing the bull, «ays. Kaiser, since he became a -tree! (Mug She Big Chief Here's w«w n *i*^ 'ha. Blucm© watch yti r — If at I SO wh „ K ,„ Wa)t#r hj , Cri)Bry '«pell. He Is awful with that rose bush In the Buffing room, Whltey is thinking of taking a trip to .Newark, N. J.. Easter week. Oh you "E." h© thinks th© world of h __ a nll , Vl _ _ ... # „ " er ' n p «ont blame you a bit Whitey. Go to It. Somebody ran down Buck Joa on . .. .. ... " n " en street th© oth©r night. suppose It was her father, tim© don't rtfn. We Next Ho wanted to know who you wc-e. time. Buck, you have plenty of time, oldtlmer. „ Racker. Alia« Stony, can't get fat by listening to mualc or going to the »hows so he haa started flirting with John'Barleyrorn ft* a last resort. Cabbage turned the farmer down He said he would have . Deep Take your on th© Job * stuff! Plnkey the club's Janitor doesn't see m to be doing planing any more, but is trying to tia the ;whole dance ball up with his new and old dances. Keen It up boy. you'll know when* ;t, tim* to stop .... . . ' Chick Little Is going wrong, About a month from now he will he seen planing with Eddie Everett. • Spike huckster down at the hog foundry, hasn't sold anything thUr b ko he'© eoinc to give theh 1ob -- " * **' , J^ ^! "I U D Wd go into a different business wit h "Horse". Jean lleaaion the club's beauty has a pimpl* on his face. , Bushes are low. trees are tall. But let me have the rose. That work* in BlumeiKhal'a. | Sung by Mid Walter. - Lottie call* himself "The Crazy Boy" and then Juat so there may be no misunderstanding, he demon-^ jtmtes most conclusively th. he Is entitled to hlg application. ' _ Doing« nnd Sayings About tl»o Club' ( Bones) stilt looking for rum • players. I (Peanuts) alltime dimming to* heaven. 9 Henry Everett trying hla new ». song for Chester show. (Buck Jos), teaching amateurs to* s:ep. < Eddie Everett) tryin* to break* '•his neck in his new act. (Spike) the tenor for the hog* foundry trying to come down to bas*. I (Johnson) figuring how much a* wedding (Apple*) always looking for aj, good chance to take it. POTATl» VV VREHOUSE BURNS. . LAUREL. Dftl.. Jan. 23—A stor- j «««house owned by Emory T. Phil lips, two miles north of here, and containing 3*0« bushels of sw*et, po utocs was destroyed by Hr* of un- ; known origin Saturday night. .Some! person* believe that It waa bred by * thieve* who have terr Laurel and nearby towns for the last-. few weeks in order to draw people ; »hev could rob#" JMB» their «ouffi Wft »them. Others think tn© n e # c*U**<l by an overheated stove Tn© loss i* $3009, with no »oeurance.