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LEI WOMEN MAKE CLOTHES FOR MEN? NO # ■ Let women make men' clothes? Never, . say these Evening Journal artists who have rallied to the defense of their meeker brothers. They were Jolted Into action by the publication of an , NEA Service story dealing w'ith . a woman's attack on men's 1 clothes. "Our dress may be ugly." they cry in unison, "but we can help ourselves." This is how they propose to do it: ! j I ( 0 POCKZT* 7V) r à «• i * * ^ : aX7j y POUCH ron pi pc A*t> ^TOOACCC ETC. they can't bag at THr: ENfTCS - p » » By K U. HIGGINS NKA 6min> smfT Artist. You ar* right lh" bunk at present! Men'* clothe* are The above design i* offered as a a general for helpful suggestion costume for men for all purposes toi be worn thicker In winter ond thin- • It would*be sani well as ncr in summer, tary and inexpensive, ai beautiful and the play of brilliant colors would brighten the dullest office. The annoyance of collars and cuffs • ond boiled shirts would be elimi nated. Trousers would no longer b ig at : he knees, and speedy dress ing woula Vie a cinch. The blouse, in low neck Rol*he-1 viki effect, is shirred at the waist ami held in with a loose belt, say! of blue rhinestones, although this is j optional with the wearer- The full, beauty of the masculine adam's apple! will be exposed. You will notice that, although thei model Above is a man of mature! years, the esthetic elegance of the j SHE SUFFERED : FOR 20 YEARS Felt So Bad at Times She Thought Sh,e Was Going • to Die the only thing in the world for a person who suffers like I did I# ! Plant Juice declared Mrs. Hanna, Ashmore, of 86 4 Beatty street. Tren- ' ;on. N .1 Jnrlnsa rfi -nt comer** t on with The Plant Juice Man at | that city. / SAYS PLANT fUlCH HAS RELIEVED HER Y j I! ■ \ N ( J 1 wr : , MBS. HANNA ASHMOKK more I zniT.'ieJ i » from klein*' trouble, «tonnich :r,'tihlr anil «ai.irrh." Mrs. Ashmofc con linunil. "1 etirfcr<''i nearly all th- j hrsd which ! "For 2" ><• time from pu ins in my *■ begun to affect my hearing and j ras due partly I I had pains in my ami chejit nearly all th»' ! t.nit» and could not sleep or get any i rest at all. Once I was told that ; >' trouble was gall stone«. J don't know myself Just what the trouble I got so bad at felt like I was going to I is told that this tp the catarrh. ^ stomach was. but I know * times that * die. "Finally, I besan 10 read in 111 " :>.i|i"r* about Flam Juice and how rh" people here were s-tting »ueh sood reenli* from thix medicine I started taking it. able to describe fully what I'lant Juice ha* done for me. for it ha* simply made me feel like a new wo man. I do not have an ache or a pain now. my head i* aa clear a* a bell and J feel stronger every I am eating and sleeping like a child since taking Plant Juice. » that jour Plant Juice Is the only thing that ha* ever given me such relief and I can and do recommend v this medicine to everybody and 1 want to say in this public statement that it is ail it is claimed to be." Fiant Juice is sold in Wilmington * nt the Miller drug store, 406 Market street: In New Castle by K. Chal lenger and Son; in Newport by c. B - Whit.-: in Newark by W. E. Brown — tAdvJ. ml I will nsvrr be way. I know DANCER GOT $1500, NOW PENNILESS I 22.—John XKW YORK. Jar rot, 32. who a few year* ago was paid $1,50« a week as th n danc ing partner of Jo*n Sawyer, was be fore Justices Kernoch in. Kdwards Jan. charged and Mr?nerny yesterday. v\th tiie theft cf a cheap overcoat from a Broadway store. Jarrot told the court that he stole in order tn got money with which to buy drugs to which he un* ad dieted. A probation officer reeog-| nized in him the man who. a few, year* ago. had been arrested a* a drug addict. At that time, the po liceman said. Jarrot had only be-1 gun use of narcotics. The court imposed sentence of six months in the workhouse, making a notation upon the papers that upon the conclusion of his sentence he was to he s«nt to Welfare Is are' land for treatment. THREE HUS ACROSS SK A SEVILLE—Airship being built Aire* to which regular trip* between Spain Argentina, the voyage lasting only three day*. stations iter«' and at Buenos hous(* passenger planes; promoter* hope will make and blackj«* tight) BLAC K SATIN. Pari*» is sponsoring the satin gown with the long, sleeve which ends in a circular cuff nt the malarial which quite covers :he hand. Frequently a white lace or georg tte collar ;s the only folor relief ends distinctive grace to The skin-tight knee breeches of gray jersey and the plaid golf stock ing*. as well as the bright yellow costum the ensemble «andal#. all combine to give the dis rim nating male a sheik and win-, some appearance. as S WILMI/YCTOWO k LEADTK6 xSTORB CH WARTZ • BR 0 S*(o!* 610-612 7-1ARKBT ST. V*/ Continuing the Sole of the Remaining Stock of Warm Purchasing Orders Accepted We Solicit Charge Accounts I Winter \ Blankets & Comfortal)les At Greatly Reduced Prices r> c * ! K?<A ' r. & fX\ Five Groups of Blankets Savings Average J <3 and More ' hJashtlYl WnohlSTt) lil* if UUlftClJJ Bl(l}lketS Five Groups of Comfortables Savings Average Vi and More $3 so Cotton Filled Comfortables T\ro attractive lot*; one with figured satepn renter and solid oolor border and back; the other with beautiful all-over fijr ured covers of fine quality silkoline; all colors. Wool Filled Comfortables Pure lamb's wool filled romfortablrs in larjrr bed sir.e, with attractive sateen with fignirrd centers and plain color borders and all-over figured backs. s3-50 Soft, fluffy, warm blankrts in large double bed size, in white with pink and blue borders . and crochet edge. Esmond's Navajo Blankets Large bed blankets in bbie. brown and Fi'*".'' with multi-colored Indian patterns in pleasing combinations. $3.75 $3-95 cover* / *• * Cracker Jack Wool Filled Blankets $7== Dimity Bed Spreads Specially Priced * 2 r* J 2 = 1 = 5 95 Soft, warm, wool-filled blankets that will give service and satisfaction, in white only, with tan, blue and pink borders. Excellent erinkle quality bed spreads (hat require no ironing, in *eveal good looking patterns, in the three popular sizes; plain hemmed. * * Cotton Filled Comfortables These are regular $5.95 sellers, made with good quality satine covers with figured cen ters and solid eolor borders. Filled with lOOCf sanitary cotton. $4-9S Heavy Cotton Blankets Extraordinary value in large double bed blankets in grey and tan. with blue and pink borders and crochet edge. Limited quantity. * $2-25 Baby Crib Comforts Attractive comfortables for baby's crib, in pink and blue with good quality silk mull ! coverings, with figured centers and solid color borders. Large size sanitary white I cotton-filled. j $2-25 $4-75 Nashua Woolnap Blankets Exceptionally heavy weight cotton blank ets with fleecy woolnap finish, in large double bed size, in white with pink and blue borders and crochet edge. • * m ■ IbW J 1 Jo John .N. Oloih-, ... 9 55 p. in.—United States Naval Observatory time signal 10.0J p. in. l nlted States Today's Radio Program (Tunc of .MH) Meters) .Station WOO, Plilln., Wann maker's 4.45 p. m.— Grund organ and trumpet*. 7.3« p. m.—Ewning concert by ihe Madrigal Male Quartet; Thomas Morri*. /Tfat t*nor; 1er, second tenor; Fred. C. Homer*. baritone; William M. Mill, bass and I Margerite Follette, sonrano; Myrtle Kav , r plano . ,_ ljlu Mar!e 0runPr _ oontraHo; Katherine O. Loman and Lu cy Kilpatrick, accompanist*, 9 0 o p. m—Grand organ recital m1m M ary K. Vogt at the console, weather forecast. station WIT Philadelphia .<1 raw bridge A. Clothier 6.30-7.00 Half Hour; Stories by Cousin Her trude. Department of Agriculture produce market and live >tock reports at 1 « 'hildren's p. m Own closing price* on «tuck*. grain*, coffee and sugar. 6 .ÜU p. m.— Kusine** and a- m. and 2 p. m , on 485 metre#, Station W.IZ, Newark. \. j, 5 30 p. m.— Resume musical program; Of sports; special features; bonde. indua trial conditions in the Fnited States observed by the National Indue trial Conference Board. 7 00 p. m.—Stone# from St. Nich olas Magazine. dolph Bochco, American violinist; 8.30 P. M.—Talk by Fannie Kil bourne, writer of short storje*. 8.45 P. M.—Concert by Charles P \\ ellner. tenor soloist st the Church of Epiphany, New York City. 9.1.» I*. M.—-''Our Hood and Faith fill Servant, Cork," by Edward Per. lor. 9.10 P. M.—Ampieo Ser;e4. of Dis tinguished Artists' Concerts, court e#y Wm. Knabe A Company: Ru Miss Penelope Davies, noted Ameri can mezZo-soprano. station KlikA, Pittsburgh 6.15 I*. M.—Dinner concert by Little Symphony Orchestra. Victor Saudek. director. 7.15 P. M.—New* letter from "Farm and Home." 7.30 P. M.—"Bedtime Story for The Children." 7 45 P. At — Report of the New York Stock Exchange. Weekly *ur ve y 0 f business conditions. 8.0« P. At.—Carolyn Rohelen. supervisor of county work of the Public Health Nursing Associating. will speak on "Public Health." 1 8.15 p. m.—"Pennsylvania's Tax Income and Admin.stration Prob leYn»," by C. C. C. Stotler. 8 30 p. m—Concert by John Itod da Studio, Carnegie. Pa.. John Kodda tenor; Lino Bartoli. violin: Delilah Potter King, reader: Hazel I. Drake piano and accompanist. Station WKAF, Xisv York 7.30 p. m.—Joint recital by Hettie Matthew#, soprano; Fred A Sem men*. baritone, and John Holan. pianist. 7.4 .*i and 9.3« p. Eolon hv Fred A Summen« _Baritone! .—Piano solos 8 no and 9 45 p. .. _ by John Holan. 8 15 p m —Songs hv .Mi*« Hettie Matthews, soprano: program: "Av* Msrla." Gounod. "Th* Swallow*,' Dell Aequai; "Yissi d' Arto," from "Totes." Puecini. City of 8.50 p. m.—Drum and Bugle Torps of the famous troop 1 .*.'.'. Brooklyn, Boy Scouts of America under the direction of Walter B Seymour, scoutmaster. PILOTLESS AIRPLANE. That airplanes can be flown with svazrar.-ipi alors on the ground directed thegi. SO I Til AFRICA WAITING. Radio amateurs in South Africa are still waiting for the installation of a broadcasting station there. power government biplane flew the Etampes aviation field. controlled it* movements. In tlurntial South Africans in America/ and England. however, are study ing this matter iffid promise soon to Inaugurate broadcasting for the radio fan* there. H \dio newspapers. More than 80 of the nearly 6«0 broadcasting stations in the country are owned or partly run l»y news papers. Nine of these are of the Glass I! type--special stations licensed to broadcast on 400-meter wavelength. DIMPLE CHIN GIRLS POOR STENOGRAPHERS PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 22 — The time has passed when a man must worry about selecting a st°nographer. All he has to do is to survey the applicant. If her chin is pointed, yea; otherwise, no; if it be of the "softly roundsd dimple, or even the square, sturdy type. It is a bad sign. And woe b? to the applicant if pable variety." with a 'Der cheekbone* be not high and her forehead large, for if employer* heed the warning which was g.v en at ihe National t nminercial Te#<'hers' Federation yesterday Dr. J. M. Fitzgerald, of Chicago. they wilt hire no girl* wh not these characteristic*. have Dr Fits gcrald told how new stenographers should be picked by practical ap plied psychology. ~ ^ ^ ^ ijjç M. Mc^ar y o Son Co New Homes and Old Homes Will Welcome This Announcement! i And it is simpty this — That February First will mark the opening of the Megary February Sale. It won't differ from other Megary Sales for we know but one way to conduct this sale—or any sale—and that is truthfully and honestly and with the unblemished reputation of Megary constantly before us. Of course, new homes or prosper • five homes will welcome this sale. Here are home furnishings that hare Quality, goodness and years of service built in them. i /TÆ%, iL « Here are home furnishings as new as the home, in designs that are barely off the artist's hoard—home -furnish ings that you know to be absolutely new and that you'll be proud of. And better stilt, they are marked at substantial reductions. iXo wonder, many young heads are busily planning and plotting and deciding room or that. Hut there is no indecision or uncertainty as to where they It buy their furniture, for their mothers and fathers who know, hare said — do to Meyary's, of course And the mothers and fathers in their homes are discussing just how that living room style they"want in their new dining-room suite. Needless for us to tell them of Megary Quality or of the service they get here. The furniture in their home very probably came from here years ago. They KNOW what years of service it has given them and they come here now with im plicit confidence born of years of experience, to dress up" their home. Therefore, for you who would hug new fur nishings for your home, hear these facts in mind. fgfa k " _ ' «LiiV W)N-*-** v HL • j-* «I s T just what they'll put in this o/i r » It I« N LX i * s •» l suite will he placed or what wood and I 1 Li H" K m m Hk >vjînC' /» 4. V gjgya r I < k! < That this is not (t Sale" furniture hut the regular Megary stock of Megary standards. i price concession" or tremen »• That there has been no manufacturer's doits carload buying, for our selections are AL\\ .4} S complete and varied. That you're buying with confidence from Megary, a firm that tor more than fifty years has served well and satisfactorily most of your friends. And that you'll save—and the savings will he REAL, not prief-tag sav ings—on your furnishings in this sate. The^TMeSar^&Son Co 9:00 to 5:30 V YESTERDAY'S LATE NEWS AT GLANCE FOI1 BIOS. if miners in Ruhr Jtoilmen walk (General strike ordered for today, out nt Dortmund and threats arc made of complete cessation of labor. Dr. Hans Dorten. Separatist part> Duesseldorf to leader. Is reported proclaim French will offer no opposition. Rhineland p»lld(r a Premier Poincare. of France, completes reparations program foi i submission to commission for fïer if 3.000.000/100 gold many and loan marks. Fi mine Ing fs soon to »f Duke of York, who may ralge con Df Commons.« marry, troversy in House league of Nations Council meet ing in Paris tomorrow', expected to take up Franco-German controversy Codifions in Ireland sho ing turn for worse in last thlrtj days. nl,, K v DOM ESTIC. Hardener on estate of Mrs at Newport. Paul and his Fit* Sinon wife killed by ax slayer, who then attempts to burn their home. Twenty-five to thirty arrests and from seventy-live to one hundred indictments in Bastrop. l*a.. hooded predicted by Attorney mob case General Coco WASHINGTON. Boom for Senator Hiram Johnson for Presidential nomination in 1924 certain Conure* *ain impel tie in eional clrclM. SiM-retnry of State Hugh«** vigor oiisl.v denien report he and Presl-' dent Harding are not in full accord on foreign politics. MAKKKTS AND HIIII'S. authorities French certain aye their reqiiisitionul policy, as carried out In the Ruhr, will be vindicated by fair trial. British financial circles, disap pointed at failure of debt mission, modifications feel Fnlt# I -h'liild have heei States accepted. Complete disorganization of Her man economic structure ^ald to he inevitable if French occupational policy is continued. I For Skin Tortures |Zen)0, the Clean. Antiseptic Liquid. Just What You Need Don't worry about Eczema or other; *k'n trovhle* You can have a clear, h ^ Aj|hy skin by ising Zemo, obtained ■ f«r 35c, or extra at any drug st large bo trie st $ 1 . 00 . Z. mo generally r«mo\**i Pimples, Blackheads. Blotch#« mug work rn«l makes the skin clear aid Is a clean, pénétrât ing, It Is easily applied j Eczema and 7.ui he iltby. nntDeptlc liquid. and cost* a mere trifle for each appll It is always dependable. it'on, 2 * 11 LUC STRIKE GAPETT Its toasted 12; —: Start the New Year Right By having a Standard Oil Bur ner Installed In your rang# or iieater. A big saving In the coat • »(^ fuel Call for a demonstra- | ition at the sales and showroom. 841 ORANGE STREET V.