Newspaper Page Text
SUNDAY CONCERT PROVES BIG HIT Hundreds Crowd Aldinc in First of Free Afternoon Musicales MUSIC COM. DECIDE ON OTHER CONCERTS Encouraged by the unexpectedly* large attendance and enthueiasm shown by the audience which at-; tended the first free publie Sunday! al'tejnoon concert yesterday, the c Commission is arranging for a second concert' next Sunday after M n»on. it now appears probable that the program for the coming concert will be furnished by the Delaware Music Teachers' Association, of which Mrs. oilwmmS teachers throughout the city and . • m 1 r rt,,u Tomnr- y "T „ , , concert*t h é a " 5 ° 0 a,l " n el'it hén r - L t» .si?* X #th îîft' . P T Th f'^" Wh f h W " pub ' iphpd m tr wiRmki Journal on Saturday, t wor , ror two I'-r : h ; . ? ran , plaP ' > ''' some Frank It.,.. ha.I» I ill , I • k ' " b , 'V Hampton. Tr n n«y* n p F^Church 'direldeT hv T Is>sli. c'arn ml r h oél , d 1 4 A* early a,i* o'clock the audience 1 ' - I as mbtlng In the Aldine, al though th.„cert was se, for an 'he entire low • floor was filled and a half hour l a,er Hie crowd had filled th- bnl eevera - U O.* and wis t llfirriving. in nu To cope with the onru*h. Branding room spare had to »>. pop ed off. Fully one hundred persons M; al here threughou' the concert, wh,ch '"«cd for an hour and a half. Mayor Harvey, who appointed the ii ic Commies.on .ami i* it» honor president, arrived early ir.a a seat on the main floor. of the concert, he ex berö £ •cupv At the ci 02 »: pressed gratification at the size of tile auii.eni e ami the appreciation it i, played. Several members of City Coun c 1 also were present, and Joined the mayor in expressing their delight at. the euccess of the first free public concert of the Sunday afternoon serler. leadership of J. provided tjie program, Leonard E Wales, soprano, and Mrs. E P. Burnham, cornetist. as assist Norns Robinson, with Mrs. at;y blue In,' artist*. uniforms the handmen made a glow ing picture as the curtain rose, showing them Seated on the stage against a woodland background with waving palms. The b;g audience demansh'd rn * of practically every •suit otthis the pro gram was lengthened a full half hmi". although it is the Music Com n>; s.on's purpose to limit. *o far as is possible, the concerts to an hour only. - Such works as "Sylvia" by Deli $>°s. "'Oberon," by Weber, the Dedf Attired in '••re, at the <■!( num A.s'a and Benediction from "Ln * 1 "genots." by Meyerbeer; "The F'a an/' by Saint Saens end selection* from "Falmt." by Oounod. formed ♦he j$r neipal offering of th** band. Mrs. Wale» gave "I Heard the Voice of Jchus Say." by Harris; "By ♦b.e Water» of AT nnatonka." by I.Ieurance. and 'Take Jov Home." by Bassett. She was warmly ppplaudod 1 pon her entrance, and like the Philharmonie players, was given encores. Her notes carried beauti fully to the extreme* of »he large *u1itorium. M f Margery cation ton Hill accompanied Mr.». \\ ales, flret on the pip«» organ and then on cornet the grand piano. Mrs. Burnham played a number with band accompaniment. She won applause and encore by the effective d^nXXMi,. hand «ve * * nK num oer i ne nana ga\ the "Star Spangled Banner." The audience rising t though the hour As > its feet. E yen i» late the crowd I.ppeare.1 in no haste to leave and many «ought out the players and n-s sting artiste and personally con ....... ...... , „ r . NEW YORK. Jnn. 22—One hun dred and seventy thousand students !r Russian universités are to ben' fit by the additional $5(1,000 recqnt ly appropriated by the American .Towish Joint Distribution Commit tee for student feeding in Rusaa, according to a statement made hy V''\lX M. Warburg, chairman of the ..Inmittee, "This student feeding," states | Warburg. "Is. of course, conducted rei a strictly non-sectarian basis, has always been the policy of the Joint Distribution Committee. When] H* American Relief Administration] began It» welfare work In the famine regions of the Volga where there are practically no Jews at all, ("it organization contributed $750, 000 toward the fe?ding program, and afterwards made a special con txibutlon of $25.000 In food pack ages for the physicians ln the region. , "When the American Relief Ad ministration In the spring of 1922 Introduced Its feeding program in the t'kraine the Jewish Joint Dis Lihutlon Committee contributed one and a half million dollars toward this work and since then two million dollars more toward the support of rhildren and adult« in this same re gion. All this work was done hy both organizations on a strictly non sectarian basis. "Although, of course, there is no war of telling just how muck of th» grntulated them rn the excellence o? their work. RUSSIAN STUDENTS BENEFIT BY FUND me EMPLOYES CET 54,000,000 FIRM Gustav Hottingcr Turns NEW REORGANIZATION Hottinger who came ns an Jmmi gram from Vienna. Today it i* the ^ Holdings in Terra Cotta Co. to 36 Helpers WILL RETIRE AFTER CHICAGO, Jnn. 2Î Press).—-The 4.OOO.OOO* (Unlted ,Northwest •■rn Terra Cotta Company was turn ; ed over to 38 employes by Gustav , Hottinger, its owner | j company was formed in 1873 today. by ! j j . and I , f,Pp out ' hp 8ald ,oda > ..j. ^ lone hppn mv .plot. , « ! turn the company over ,o thé m'n j who helped to make it." Hottinger »H. "Among the Sr* workmen who were wMh me when I started." , n order , 0 accompIjah hjs (ft Hottinger purchased the Interests l f hrlrs nf hj ^ aa partners I n re-organization 30 . 00 « share, ot non t k Twenw-Mx thousand of these shares were given to th- 38 employes at 2rrlr':'Ä'Vs. ■ ed 11 . nor, and started in a frame shack. Tb» firm met with instant success and Its growth was rspld. "The time has come when I wnntl to rest." II ttlnger said "Aa *o.. n as the rcorganizat ments gets running smoothly I will| lnrge.-t in the world. Hottinger will remain as Preei-i see the new *tep out. "The iron who takeover the plan! are men w ho helped to make 'he business. They have' given the best years of their lives to ; the company. It is only right that they should now have a chance reap the rewards of their labor." CONTINUE FIGHT AD AIMÇT DAR A DES! fmw.xllxk'l UilllilllUJ 1 Clifford V. Mannering, attorney for owners of adjoining proprrties. this morning filed with Clerk of Council Homer C. Simmons, a pro feat, addressed to City Council, «gains • >. • re :tion of l « garages I »m. the !nt betwi Twenty West str et ,-, for Twenty-first. and •n Washington which permits have granted by Building Inspec tor Breston to ('•. W. Dunlap (2». I«. X. Walker. I«. K. Brown. S. J. Horn j f2), J. (». I «a miner*. W. R. Dare (2) * î' n 'P» Winger. Harry Fisher. A,orr * Foreman. H. I*. Buxine, A. •[ Mowbray. Thomas Leonard (2), Meharg and S. B. ilearne. The*-» permits were issued Friday - *t'*rnoon by Mr. Preston, following revoking of the permit granted l,v Hearn Brothers for the Kama buildings, on orders from the h,|i lrting committee of City Coun A«fhe protest is addressed to Coun r '* " presented to that body then probahahlv referred to the build ng committee. i ! WHIP CÎTV ( HARTER INTO SHAPE EARLY Plans are hein«r made hy I.eon Walker, chairman, for holfllnc a final meeting of the General Citi zens' Charter Committee prohahly next Friday, to finally consider draft of the bill for the proposed char ter. n meeting of th«» suh-commit tec in charg«» of drafting i^atur jdav afternoon, the provisions of th«» measure were gone over in detail |provision for exclusion of the Board I n f Harbor Commissioners from the jurisdiction proposed com "T'™ " f pPr " il re<] to remain 1n the measure, as was also proviso that the salaries of the commissioners shall be only $<î00 ai y<?ar instead of $2000 a year as was propo . ( , d ln thp ,.,, nrtp ; „ i:I jntro . duced [he ,,„ sj , Ia ture two years! a MRS. McMAHON NOT mtIn cr, nnnnm AIMOMD TH|INF* PRk^HTMT ftlllUltU inUOD I liCiOuif 1 word has vet been received [from Mrs. Mary Springer McMahon 50 pld , , vho rpported tobe „ ' hpr W1V fr „ m r > dflr Rapids Mleh to Wilmington to est i blish . , " r „. of ,p e a ,ieged es-l ta|p of 'ehnl-ip., Christopher Sprin- l w u 0 |* buried in Old Swedes church yard here. ; Watch for Mrs. McMahon has hern 1 kept at the office of the Mayor, as U k s anticipated that should ' ,,hp arrive, she will call upon him ' for assistance In her quest. ! as- NEW BEILIHN'G PERMITS . 'nspector Preston this morning I i„ûed the folowlng building per mits » ' j u '|| an Estate. 612 French street, alteration $100; Charles Julian, builder. Charles J. Kenney, rear of 1902 Market street, garage. $100. V. Fred Robertson, 227 Ford avenue, garage, $ 160 . THIS BODY ENEL AIMED. The body of Louis Savage. Negro, removed from 6 Klund street to tho morgue, «-as still unclaimed today. Savage was about 11 years old and is supposed to have died from a puli monary disease. $50.000,000 collected by American Jews for relief abroad has been spent in the aid of non-Jews, I feel safe ln eaylng that a substantial part of this sum was spent without regard to race or religion." 1 FORTUNE TOLD, THEN LOSES S 11 ' Now Matleno Charges Span in Municipal Court tomorrow morn ing, on charges of larceny and prac in each case 1» Luigi Matheno, of ish Girl With Larceny, Witchcraft MONEY DISAPPEARED FROM HANDERCHIEF Rosy John, a bright-eyed Spanish 217 girl, was arrested at street, this morning, by Detective Pierce and Vlrden, who took her to Market police station. She was held under $500 Sail for her appearance s " uth Va " ««•«• Laiigi. according to his explana-j ^ , . * days a *° callPd ° n Ro * y> wbo opposed 0 bp aMp to ff "* ln, ° ,hp ,u,ur "' nnrt had hi * " for tune told." Rosy, h '<* * n 5'*. *°1' 1 him to plac* all his 'money in a hankerrhlef. which he dld ' nnd af,Pr ,hp h,,ndl - exehang pd handl ' a ' VPral times he was di- I rpCtPd tn h:dp « without opening ! the handkerchief for three days. ! «-"mplied with her instrue l,on *' but on op ' nln * ,ha h «ndle , Ä. ,,, Ä'^ VfülX RI (IUT i , JlJj ] ni I ! |\ , I IdUUU ULUlI nnOTHITIfT Ml l\ I I Ir r 11 I" | (|U I Ul I IIjC. f nTr a > n, A w A \ j I. \ I ÇQ — H t 9 T III jMI.HI ticing wltch-raft. The rompl&mam U i bl IL - (Continued From First Pag.) : ley's home l, about BO yards from' to|the store. Nothing of ca*h value In the *afe wa* overlooked* hy the The content* included five fmo and I flve $?5 treasury certifloate*. which yeggmen on ' aI '* ln p^toinre, a $100 i,'b er ty bond belonging to Jesse R. Mll ! 1er. of Hockessln. left with Mr t Gormiev to he cashed In 'Wilmington, $115 ln eta since , , ... , Nitro-glycenn and electricity make safe breaking easy. Insure with COVRTLAND E. PIERSOX COM-1 PANT. Odd Fellows' Building.—Adv. P* and stamp motk»y and th»* ten new money order book* Mr. Oormley *ald that the robbery must have been committed some time after mldnlaht the store about 12 o'clock last night to secure *n a* he was in e home supplies and medicine which he hbd forgotten during the day when he had visited The thieves did nor bother anything in the store a small amount of change in the cash reg ister belnij overlooked, bery wa* disrov^j« il the store. WRa opened at f».16 this morning. A p# » nr ji w Rh sticky matter on the end looking like molasses and believed to j, e nitro-glyeerine waa found near Pa fe. This and the tire tool were the only clues found, The yeggmen evidently came into ifockessin in an automobile although no tracks of the car could be found Tho running engine of a machine was heard during the night by one of the residents, but it is believed The roh hen the store that the automobile used was park ed some distance from thy store. The Wilmington postofflre and In spector J. H. Robinson and the Washington poatofTW officiais were notMed of the robbery. The blowing of the postofllce safe recalls an incident almost strfUl about four years ago when the ««fe of the .1. II. Richards' lumber and coal yard was blown. Mr. Richards ha* left the safe unlocked then and ha- a sign hearing the in scription "This safe is not locked," hung on It. i - BURGLARY. _ HR. MUDGE WITH Dr. Lewis Seymour Mudge. Inter national executive secretary of th» Presbyterian Church In the Cnlted Klwante Club at its weekly meeting P " B . a .r r i' rnom ° f ,he du ^°fi'- on «\ednesday. Dr. Mudge is an honorary member of the Ro tary and of the Klwanls Clubs of j Harrl * bur *- Pa The Orpheus Club double mah qU * r,et prPS ' nt , a tunpfuI * ram Thp entertainment commit lPe ,hl * week la cor - , P rls ' d °L chair- j m L an ' r ' porKP H Kprr ' J - Frank Ayres akd Harry H ' rrp,l >' ml,n - | TTT H « ... ^ MRS. JACOB STRAHLE Y DEAD | •" r "' Bridget ^Strahley. wife ef| dnc °h Strahley, (li years, died at Yi er [ h°r»ie at h rdnkltnville, N\ . !.. on Bat-j urda - v ' of pneumonia- She Is sur vived hy her husband. Funeral services will take Place j nt n O'clock on Wednesday morning from ,he residence of her nephew. W illiam J. Lutz. 407 Jefferson street, Requiem mass will he said 9.30 o'clock at the Cathedral. Inter m<, nt will be made at St. Joseph's Cemetery. CITY KIWANIS TERRS HANG JO ANN ID ES. PARIS. Jan. 22 (L T nited Tress.) John Joannides, well known In the United States as representative In the Near' East of Washburn Crosby and other companies, «-as hanged by the Turks, according to an offi cial Near East relief dispatch from Smyrna. TO BKVKLOP KINO STUF. FT Notice* have been sent out for a meeting of the King Street Mer chant* Association to be held at the club room of Hotel duPont at s o'clock tonight, to discuss plans for th© progressive development of King street as a shopping district. IBS WORRELL 80 YEARS OLD! - Friends Shower Her With The anniversary wa» a quiet one. .Mins Worrell suffering from a severe cold. .Many friend* Muring the day and offered oongratu'ation*. She was also the jrerip:ent of a large number of birth d ay rai d greeting. 1 », and flower*. Mis* Worrell ha* always been a leader in th * intellectual life of the Cards and Flowers on Anniversary y LONG INTERESTED IN EDUCATION Mlas Emma Worrell, one of Wll day Is celebrating her 89ih blrth day anniversary, at her home 1407 mington's most notable women, to Rodney street, . , . city. f»he ha* taken a prominent par . „ , hP wom „ n ., 0 ,„ h BOtlv;tt c. of Wilmington. She was one of the Anders of the Wilmington Century Club, which dut. célébrât ed Its thirly-flfth anniversary last Wednesday. Miw Worrel hai seen the club grow from a membership of 35 to a membership of Ran. She a tended the relehratlon at the club last week, .and was greeted by many friends. One of th^ delightful fe«- | lures of the funrt.on was Die sln«-F ä 1 —. . .. : T;;- r prlnr,pa ! " r h 1 l ' ,m she also •* st T. c, *rtson Taylor. Academy and sinêe"^"^,, éi,'."" "„ „ . 1 ™ Tj' '"i'T-UZ other movements 3 nertalnln t to tht Worrell suffered New 1 i , uinr** thru hn« heon mnfin.fl to hr home for the Vreaternart of "he «me. She Is a member ofthc Friend»' Meeting. Fourth and West 1 *tre**t*. CHILDREN'S FRIEND tO SHOW PICTURES This combination of names Rur gese-apd Finley does not indicate that a minstrel show or circus is coming to Wilmington. At 3.30 wril „| lq P the throw upon the screen friends ° ;d and new. These friends are so num erons that should Jie fail to mention Peter Rabbit or Old Ml»«ah 74uzzard. there would still be Reddy *"*• a ^J' a "" éfmh^^ééd who w T ;r,d no^ W. téh méted ^second TmE not lot e to b ". ' n ' d#d ' a 'f' " ° a H ' , . b fh mar\*»lou* motion pIctvrM b> the C *«om ted nt,. William L Finie,. wl.l foirow •Mr. Burg.., In the afternoon. At n . e ; ht . a .. P ,- R > a . . v ai™ o clock. Mr. Finley s Nature film «il he lie main, feature 1 ; by a short illustrated talk h, Mr-, Burgess. Mr. ,n e, « as i v u recently a large salary- by the of Oregon tn advertise Its natural beauty and resources. ! 11 is sail hut true that only 2001 ticket, for children of lltgh • chonl age are to h" had for »0 cents for the evening lecture, so secure your U sh?„l,r?ou be a mlgh'v hunter the Mrtting Aims of stalking ami { shooting big game in the headwaters of the Yellowstone will appeal. Are you more lethargic in d ^P" ' on ; you can cruise along the Gulf Coast admiring stately herons. comical, p*»llcîln* dipping into .«rhools of fish. | You may lazilv watch royal ternj and laughing gulls while above the. "and wash you maj- see vultures; floating In smiling skies ! Troop 12 of Boy Scouts of Trinity parish, will .act as ushers. 1 — ~ 1 ■■■; — 'clock in the afternoon. Thornton rideiy kno«-n f '■children's nature hooks and Canada. W. Burg»»*«. T'nlted State* , i DOCTORS REPORT MUCH SICKNESS following up measles* to the end. according to Dr. McBIrney secretary of the Board of Health. 'would "result "111 'th* 1 removal'"of r,rds from hom<>8 'han at present. There .are several cases of j measles which have resulted In "- a >h aB -he result of compile« tlon, developing after the physicians make t.hetr first visit. Fifteen new rases of measles were reported this morning. Other diseases reported are: scarlet fevpr. 1; pneumonia. X; chicken pox. 1. I>r. McBIrney reports a great amount of sickness In the city. The measles situation he reported about ^h » game, while the scarlet fever condition is bettér. ___ D/XITMIA I ID MIMt? |\UU!$U LI ItLMj Rom© doctors in the city are not '■ ' j Dog Catcher* Kopp and Wall» started out for unregistered dogs j thi* morning, securing nine whoso owners had failed to obtain a license j during the twenty-one days' grace allowed them. I p to midnight 8&t urday exactly 1,000 llcenwe* had been issued, leaving a shortage of 1,250 as compared with last yeaf's total* number registered. The dogs captured this morning wer© taken to the dog pound, where they will he kept for a short time, then killed unless claimed by their owner*. In all oa*es where the owner's HOGS FIRST DAY name i* learned a warrant of arrest i will be Issued nnd fines Imposed In M,ini«iA.,i Municipal » ourt. Messrs. Kopp and Walls started out again this afternoon and they expect to make a larger haul. ■ l STOVER DROLL OF MOTOR [Iff - Trails 35-Mile Hour Driver, d»nt of the city Itoar.l of Assess , ... eyrie cop l n Delaware avenue ai\d obtained the conviction of Arthur Donnelly on a charge of exceeding speed limit, in Municipal . s m ° rn n ** Prefers Charge; Don nelly Fined TOLLIN ALSO PAYS FOR SPEED Colonel Weller E Stover, presl ment, driving his Essex rear on Sat urday, played the role of "motor speed and out him. ear could not make Its best speed, but did make thirty-three miles an. hour. Dj-iving at this rate Colonel Stovsr stated, Dnnne'ly outd stance 1 him. hut at Delaware avenue and Washington .tree, the traffic ec,„n phore was .ig.iinst the nu tomnbllist and. as a result, the youth wn " an ea *> duarry. st ( , «imit " ' " u,t,,rchlI, without an »p-ratora •er said he observed Donnelly driving an automobile at Hn exceptionally excessive rate of He Slid that because of the slippery condition of the streets his Deputy Judge Lynn lined Donnelly $25 and costa. Colonel St f curiosity trailed rules when Court. Joseph Tolli ; <h:.rge of exceeding limit and was fined $25 and eosts II« -Vi. arrested by Mu'orcyclc '.'Hi re lilackbi l ** '«n*c. with the explanation that h<? a l.cenee after hi* nr-1 " " Wp (i the former cnrtitfe ten-I ru*pended while on the latt-T charge he wa* lined $10 ami •»■t car min. rip u SHAPES DEFENSE (Continued From First Page) warned th» accused and the klan 'X'y mUSt prpparp * P a „ [ ' . . - . _ . «-ith the ' investigators co-op»rat» m or th. int estlgators Three citizens have b»en identl as members of the blackhond ( ' d mob. which when last seen. had Daniel and Richards as prisoners. q*he*»» thr»»e are E N Gray, church deacon. T. Jeff Bur formar deputy »herlff. and a man nam „ d '. gmlth ... who former . ly worked in a blacksmith shop perf Aisg idem fipd hy one wltn-ss "by thfJr « IOI „ p , nnd form - , r „ Oliver Iskipw ith. youngest son of Captain j K sklpwith. cyctops of the par .,,, hran ch of the "invisible empire" am! J>mith Stevenson. . - - - -j-.- ,, . ., ., PölJUfcj [ () ULfcAN UP rt n EEXTIEICII irif | . ctp GREENWICH VILLAGE - XEW YORK. Jnn. 22 (EnPed presa) _ The „ . Rtand _ | ,hg place where the girls wear their I nnd fhort and the m( . • VTf>ar , h( , ir9 , ong _, 3 bp •• C | eaned up •• nreonWK . h VIIIngR famPd for beauteous arfsts' models, erratic hut frc , ]UPntcd mostlv by I youths and maidens- from the sub-i ' urha. ha» agi n been placed on the ( police books and the tea rooms with \ trick names and fancy prices will] , The cleanup started early yester day morning when the police raided Cushman's fe and dance hall. Eleven high ft-hool girls and several f Ollege youth : fell Into the arms of , fonk th „ ir AHnthttrt , from Ma ., on hflu , p p ark , n fhplr t , nmr , ln Flushing and Klatbu«h L^'left'homT"for'hè h movier" Klrl ' < Twenty-three were arrested in all ~ rs n «mit Pfll nCTUAT , I |J\ Hfl I UULLkr ■ ■ ■«» I _ _. _ ,. _ >'* 1 IlMIl I (J rbronic coti^hs and persistent colds lead to perl»»©* lunjr trouble. Ynu can stop them now with freomulslon. an emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take. Creomulsion is n new medical 'discovery with two-fold action; it and heals the inflamed nnr1 k[]]n the Rcrm of aI1 known drugg> creosote 1« recog pizcif by the medU-al fraternity as the grf>atest healing agency for the treat 0 f chronic coughs and colds and other forms of throat and lung troubles, creomulsion contain*, in addition 'to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the inflamed membranes and stop the irritation while the creo eote goes on to the stomach, is absorb ed into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble ami destroys the germs that J to consumption, mem* Creomulsion is guaranteed satisrar tory in the treatment of chronic coughs snd colds, bronchial asthma, catarrhal) bronchitis and other forms of throat *nd lung diseases, and la excellent for building up th# system after colds ori Iths flu Money refunded if any coughl cr cold, no matter of how Jong stand J Ing. is not relieved after taking aceord Ing to directions. Ask your druggist. | Creomulsion Co.. Atlanta. Oa.—(Adv.) 1 UAH WOMAN FOR ROM SAFE - Judge Morris Refuses to , . .. „ Judge Morris n l lilted States His ,r,r * r ° ,lr! today refused to mpose a fine Instead of the usual Jail sen y.cted Of violating the Volstead act. ln imposing the sentence of four months' imprisonment, fudge Mor n * * a ^ * le nf1 * ® r * how he could CourtABjwHgsLHilliBsjiBLwwHiiBBSLwiI Make Distinction Because of Sex DAUGHTER. IN COURT, WEEPS tence In a case of a woman eon raised her fain ly despite this handicap. Following imposing of the sen-1 '»nrc. a daughter of the defendant. | « pe tty young woman w ho had | I n .... the rear of the rourt room, was b ad sol. hing from the court room. The cries of the mother | and daughter were heartrending , Anthont - "" ' charge fled against .he woman Pa d changed her plea of not guilty (° on » of guilty, through her attor ney. J Frank Rail, in court today, Mr Ball asked for- mercy for his client, saying she was married to a man who would not work but had a good mother, sex. The defendant. Mrs. Mary Ora kewskl, 54 years. 901 Chestnut St , and Clarence tl « harp* and Lewis a«i;n*t Mr* .Mary Wlc* Ooh«n. th»» latter nf Philadelphia, were rontlnued. owinp to the il'nee* of the defendant* «re charged u th relling or trafieportlng whiekey. VOUTHS FINED FOR DISORDERLY CONDUCT Accused of creating a disturbance! by using loud and profane languag«. a- Sixth and Spruce streets, j ester-1 day morning James A. Crossan and Th ? ma * N > la n - a, ' h "n- d »*' ani ' and Mar,ln Hessian and ",s«s. by Deputy Judge Lynn, in „Mm.ic.pal Court this morning Taylor, according to Officers Dolan and A *kins, tried to «trike Doian Watkins and I^roy Mlnker.! «-harged with dlsor-Wrly conduct in' the l ,ar:< in K "' h ' b * tr eet par ' K ' «'* r * 15 and afld *> and roB '». Officer Boyd told the! j couri lh * tWo youth» were u*ins Jp r «f*ne language and trying to make a Punching bag out of the Iatt.ced work of the build,ng. Miss Frances Ellen Titus, daugh fe r of Mr. and Mrs. John Titus 1022 Tatnnll «tree!, and Albert Leroj - Mil 1er. son of Mr. an.l Mrs. Alhert .Mil 1er. 209 Wert Twenty-second street, (were married Saturday at the par sonage of Trinity M. E. Church, bv tho jj, , R H Collins. Mrs II Moo -, of Philadelphia, a efu- n of the bride, wa, th» only attendant. If- wedding , p. Mr *'<' 3» wUl live a, 1022 and Taylor were each fined $in* TITTS-MILLER TU] ■L* SSL i « I r-. m3 tfc wlf all 2^. \ Druggists zof * jTH ci'fiS VOUl* jf "-J ' . ÿ Ol'OtCCtlOn V. M aOdinSt ColCLS V U £, V j X il ^Mil Is GlSCaîd IWuide \| j UumiDC aCtS ât Once II J ^. . . ,. c I! j dHO OlVCS QUICK. rCllCl. Ij 'It rRcclf«: Cold«; in r i CneCKS 10 /: V 24- hoUfS.LdÛîTppC 1/ V • t L v „„ J-../L // A ill ITIlCC UdVhJ /; \A // W H Hill Company DETROIT . f V without this \\ ire Your Home 6 ROOMS AND BATH Including Brass Fixtures Domestic Elec. & Mfg. Co. 704 Orange St. Phone 821. CHICHESTER S PILLS TUE DIAMOND IIRAM>. A 1 I .««!!. •! Asia your Urnfflat f r «'»il rhr« trr'ff IMffWo«JTlrwnd. miff in nr«t an ! Unld metallic Take Hrufffl i>ia\!« other Buy of jour y Atkfoe« III.« lf> ».TFR*» OKU BRAND PII.I.S f c J»5 Reliable I Beit. Safest. Alw O» SOLD BV DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE » FEDERAL AGENT LAID ROM TRAP - Entered Into Partnership 1 . . . , . Owing to a number of defendants charged with violating the Volstead nrt e h« n glng their pleas of not guilty to that of guiltv In the I'nfted D1Mrlct Court toda y, but one j ury >vaH ra ]j od Th „ 0 lher Juror* w#re dismissed until February 3. when the civil list will he taken up. With Spry to Operate Blackbird Still ON TRIAL NOW BEFORE JURY Man.hin Rash. F. Charles Le Comp t.., William Crowd. Ellwnod Souder. John W Jones. Harry Clark. John It. R,rd. John Covatns. Henry P. Scott and Walter F. K'lth Ended State. District Attorney Hugh-, today lodged another • . i? hn ■ «ovsmmsnt fl#d 'h"' he antere« P>H. P with Hpry to m^is , '! ' ''. ' ,V"' /T", ' h ,he federal '-".ï "V" PT> " bl " * harp " '' n "' r ' " n<1 ,he> The one case called before Jury today wns that of Clifton Spry. 1202 West street, this city, charged with violating the drug law. Spry u not represented by counsel und defended himself, questioning the witnesses call' d hy the Government. This cross sxaminatlon was still on when court recessed at 1 o'clock un til 2:15 ' " he clock. The Jurors drawn in the case were Norris S. Short. Chester Townsend JAS. T. MULLIN At SONS' _ M'ŸtouJta ÔOWTV v.% ), JlU ' ■ •-.-»w ■ a J -1, I « fj\ ' On 271 Suits Now 25%, '4 Off $25 Suit* now $18.75. Saving $6.25 $30 Suits now $22.50, Saving $7.50 $35 Suits now $26.25, Saving $8.75 $40 Suits now $30.00, Saving $10.0 ' $45 Suits now $33.75, Saving $11.. $50 Suits now $37.50, Saving $ I 2 . Sizes .'14 to 4(î Some Xew Specials $25 and $30 Heavy Blue Serge* $25, $30. $35 Silk Mixtures $15 and $18.75 Basement Specials Come in. Look them over. in's Clothing Store 6th and Market Mull H I i 1 T n if T T r.. , ~~1 . yr liFfi :ir T —c. ; ■ ! - • D ! r rCpr » \~ =0? Even the most inexpensive closet can have graceful lines » * * —And our showroom is the place to ree cloeMa. They are here for all bathrooms, whether plainly or elab orately fitted up. A- feature of these closets Is that they make little flushing noise. Incidentally all our closets on display are connected up to the water supply. Of course, these closets h%ve vitreous china flush tanks. These, with their hard glistening surfaces, are so easily kept clean. Closet seats are oak, mahogany and white celluloid. Why not go through our ehowroom some time this week? You'll find many accessories for the city and country home. * i Speakman Company 816-22 TATNALL STREET Wilmington, Delaware. SPEAKMAN * 0 TO PROBE CAUSE OF "FUINKING M (Continued From First Page) th»t Instructor on Friday. There was no semblance of th» Ill-feeling this morning when the examinations began. Principal Charles Coxe on Friday told the pupils he would In quire Into their protests and coun seled them to appear today and take the required examinations. Ell wood .Souder, president of the Board of Education, today said no formal complaint had been filed wlth , h(i board th# board mpm . would dtscuas the wholesale "flunking" this afternoon and seek lo team the exact situation. EXCHANGE (UR HEARS PREACHERS Members of the Exchange Club who attended the weekly luncheon meeting of the organization in the club room of the Hotel duPont this afternoon were treated to an effec tive symposium on "Making up a S*rmon." "nr~ l>ound ^^ ...... ho h.i ' p u nda of au ** r . one éak^s and five Mno£°of^U Vîhîi which they toldé e h i Lm «m «m«. oS\£ï 33 menu had been made with the Federal agent who was in partnar. ship with Bpry "pnr dsnlad the changas made «■ the agent and when Court receeeed h. ws. examining , he Government wl, "" a First the Rev. Aqullla Webb, D. D., pastor of the First Central Presbyterian Church, president, of the Exchange give an entertaining discourse the subject. ^ min M Johns D. and Club. on Then the Rev. Benja r. D.. pastor of Grac, M. E. Church, told some of his own experiences in the art of sermon making. JAS T MULLIN * SONS'