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PAGE SEC il W-. I'' !f ii.i, The superior facilities for those seeking a thorough legal education afforded by the University Law school, are conceded by everyone. In the re cent examinations the report of the board of examiners shows this con clusively, as all those who failed to pass were not in attendance at the DEAN ANDREW A. Illtlli:. H. IX. B. Dean, and Professor of Agroncy, Dam ages. Carriers. Constitutional Public Policy ami I'umniiin I .aw Pleading. law school, but attended night schools in other cities. The University College of Law was founded in September. 1899, and at that time it was decided to follow as near as possible the method of in struction prevailing in the Harvard and Columbia Law school, and in near ly all the subjects the instructors adopted the case system as used in those schools. There were nineteen graduates this year from the college. The faculty numbers in its ranks nine of the fore most lawyers and jurists in the state. Thr Snv I.anryera. William Maloney, president of the Law class of '06, was born near Hud son, Wis. received education at the Larimore high school ind at the Uni versity of N. D. received his law edu cation at the Law department of the U. N. D„ being a member of the first class. Will probably practice at his home town, Wtaeelock. N. D. Le Roy A. Foote, secretary of the class, was born at Melrose, Minn., and has resided in Ward county since 18S3. He will practice his profession in Montana. Samuel Mosby, one of the class ora tors, came to Iowa from Norway when three years old. After graduating from the Decorah, Iowa, high school, he attended St. Olaf college at North field, Minn., and received a degree. In 1903-4 he was the teacher of Eng lish at the U. C. Normal, Madison, Minn. Came to this city in the fall of 1904. Viggo H. Johnson, another class ora tor, was born in Glenwood, Minn., at which place he received his common school training. Besides the U. N. D., he has also attended the University of Minnesota. He expects to practice law in this state. John J. Sampson was born in Ice 1 ft '"A &i&$1 W/ land twenty-four years ago and came to this country when ten years old. He received his general education in the public schools of Pembina county and also took normal work at the Uni versity of N. D. He taught for some time in the St. Thomas public schools and read law in the office of Hon. H. I.I THER 13. BIRDZBLL, I.I,. B. Assistant Professor of Contracts, Sales, Bills, Notes and Partnership. G. Vick, now judge of probate. He was a member of the Forum debating teanf which defeated the A. D. T. the last winter. THE kiZ. J. Apsley Smale is a graduate of Beloit college having received the de gree of A. B. in 1901. Instructor in Sciences at St. John's Military Acad emy 1901-3 after which he studied for two years at the Kent College of Law at Chicago. He entered the U. N. D. Law school the last year. HOW. ROBERT M. CAROTHERS, 1.1.. B. Ex-Probate Judge, Grand Forks County, North Daokla. Lecturer on Wills and Administration. C. O. Ulness, although born in this state received his high school training in the Minneapolis schools. He spent two years in the Law school at Minne sota and one year at the N. D. Law de partment. Mr. Ulness expects to lo cate in this state. John E. Williams, one of the Law football stars, was born in Wisconsin and brought to this state when six years of age. He received his educa tion at the University of North Da kota and is registered from Cathay. He expects to locate at Turtle Lake with Fred Larsen, one of last year's graduates. Frederick ,1. Graham was born in the state of Michigan in the year 1881 and is now living at Monanga, N. D. He has not yet decided upon a loca tion. E. C. Kurtz was born in Renville county, Minn., in the year 18S2. He received his general education in the public schools of Renville and then studied law for two years at the Aus tin Law school. The last year of his course was spent at the U. N. D. Gudmunder Urimson was born in Iceland in 1878, but his resided in this state since 1882. He received a B. A. from the University of North Dakota in 1904 and an M. A. the following year. He held a scholarship at the U. of Chicago in '05 and '06. C. Arthur Saunders was born and reared at Hastings, Neb., and received ^1 Jsf* sF J,1 is THE EVENING TIMES, GRAND FORKS, N. D. THIS CITY IS THE DISTRIBUTING POINT FOR THE NORTHWEST-WATCH GRAND FORKS GROW! College of Law Tillman Smith was born in Leon, la., "in 1S74. He graduated from the Leon high school and subsequently took the degree of B. Ph. at the Uni versity of Iowa. He then taught Latin and German in the Corning high school for some time and was also superintendent of the schools at Port Arthur. Texas, and principal of schools at Churdan, la. Mr. Smith came to North Dakota in June, 1904, and has been employed as librarian of the law library and in the law office of Skula son & Skulason. Truax W. Greer was born in Walsh county, N. D„ 24 years ago. He grad uated from the Grafton high school fob Printing and Book Binding flThe Evening Times is prepared to do all classes of work on short notice and in the highest degree of workmanship. flThe material in all departments is new and modern in every particular, and each department is in the hands of the most skilled workman that money could procure. We intend to please every patron by furnishing him a little better grade of work than can be had elsewhere. Give us a trial order. Call and see us. VSv IIO.V. GUV C. H. C'OHI.ISS. Ex-Cliief Justice, Supreme Court, North Dakota. Professor of Torts, Conflict of Laws and Equity. his high school education at Central High, Minneapolis. He received his knowledge of law at both the Univer sity of North Dakota and of Minnesota. His residence is now at Page, N. D., but he expects to change his location the coming summer. William H. Padden was born at Hud son, Wis., but when quite young his parents moved to Glenwood, Minn., where he received his common and high school education. He has attend ed the law schools of the Minnesota and of the North Dakota universities. Mr. Padden will practice in this state. Elmer C. Rudolph was born in Le Roy, Mower county, Minn., in 1S82. He graduated from the Austin College of Law in 1904, receiving the degree LL. B. He received his general education in the public schools at LeRoy, and later went to the Dixon school of ora tory at Dixon, 111. William Langer is a typical North Dakotan and was born at Casselton, N. D., where he graduated from the high school in 1904. Until two weeks ago when the juniors succeeded to the administration, he was president of the Forum—a law school society. P' and then taught school for three years. He came to Grand Forks in 1904 and will probably practice his profession in this city. GEORGE A. BANGS. Lecturer on Criminal Law. "Eaves Dropping." Mistress (severely)—How did It hap pen that I saw a policeman with you in the kitchen last night? Maid—I suppose, madame, that you must have been, looking through the keyhole. A 10-inch steam whistle uses 109 pounds of coal per hour of running. A third-class Daboll trumpet uses 10 pounds per hour. A submarine bell uses less than 6 pounds per hous. ,/ iffy,, 4* '/i *iji -1 A Big SALE Extra'fine Surrey HARNESS SALE Gran^Fojr^^N^D. futfiw j1- 'a* tpf'&tett 1 MONDAY, JUNE 11,1906. HOTEL DACOTAH Tie Finest the Northwest—Bates $ 2.00 to $4.00 Per Day, Grand Forks, North Dakota. St Business Brains ADVERTISE Try 2 The S Bacon & Van Alstine Livery and Hack Stable 0 TO IS N. FOURTH ST, TELEPHONE 131 Grand Forks, North Dakota Special Bargain In Surrey Harness—the very latest type. This week only.) Sorrey Haraew at 940.00 .*',.31, /•*-,, *7 I 3WWR* ''ISV 1 £w[* $ Times JW In addition to this we will allow IS per cent discount on all up-to-date single and double Harness ana a 25 per cent discount on all Lap Robes—the •ery latest styles. Fine Harness rtiade to order, subject to your approval. Repairing cheaply and promptly done, we solicit your patronage. NICK SCHttEEWEIS* UP-TO-DATE HARNESS SHOP Mall Orders Promptly Attended. Opposite Opera Howe. Both Phoaea 47SL. Gnat Forks, If. D. V"- V»