Newspaper Page Text
1 1 if ', hi it 1 1 S I ii 1 iiv PAGE EI0H1 Went to Ardoch. Miss Dennis of Ardoch. who has been teaching school near Merrifleld. passed through the city today on her way home from a vacation. Public Stenographer. Laura Daubenberg, Room 2, Clifford Banding. Phones—98SM. S. TV., 292 R. Tri-State. Went to Maple Lake. Miss Marion Dinnie and John Din nle, Jr., went over to Maple Lake this morning and will spend nest week there. First Class Dressmaking And ladies' tailoring at the French American dressmaking school. Miss Fenska. 319 Kitson avenue. Tele phone 367M. REAL ESTATE W. H. KELSEY No. 20 N. Fourth Si. Both 'Phones No. S O For Kent—Five-room house near Winship school. $lf per month. For Rent—Seven-room house: city water and cellar tree water. On 1'niversit.v Ave. $10 a month. For Kent—-Seven-room house, city water and sewer, on North Fourth St. Close in. $25 per month. For Rent—On North Sixth St. Five-room house, city water free, cellar. $16 per month. For Rent—On Cottonwood St. Seven-room house, nice lawn and shade. $12.50 per month. For Siile—All modern house on S. Fourth St. Fine lawn and shade Cement walks. Close in. Small amount down and easy terms on balance. J. W. Ross, the architect. W. J. Edwards, the other architect THE GUY IN Wanted to Buy. Want to buy second hand books. J. H. Burke, 316 DeMers avenue, phone 402 N. W. Visit at Osnabrovk. Miss Lulu Byrne, a teacher In the Central school, went to Osnabrock this morning for a visit. Took Part of Trip. Dr. Engstad reached home last night from the Commercial club trip. He was called home by a telegram from one of his patients. For the Ladies. Bring your shirtwaists to Mrs. Emma Deering's and have them made up-to-date for $1.00 and $1.25 apiece. 121 S. Third street. Alternates Xanied. Congressman Gronna has nominated Mr. Thomas Lindland of Sykeston, N. D., as first alternate for midshipman in the United States from North Da kota also Mr. William Herbert Noll man of Grafton, N. D., first alternate for admission to West Point Military academy. Walter W. Webster of Far go and Roscoe Allen Fawcett of this city are the regular appointees. Bangs Retained. The Leeds News states: Geo. A. Bangs of Grand Forks has been re tained by E. B. Page of this city, and A. H. Noltimier and C. T. Studness at Churches Ferry, who have been sued by the received of the Minot National bank. John Bnurke of Devils Lake, will be associated in the cases of the two last named. Roosevelt Cabin. The capitol employes at Bismarck unloaded the Roosevelt cabin yester day and the historic log house will be rebuilt'on a permanent cement founda tion in the southwest corner of the capitol grounds. The cabin formed an object of great interest in the recent wl"1. n'co wellonpremises. Let ua For Sale—New. seven-room, all modern house, on Belmont Ave. Nice lawn and shade. Cement walks. Full basement. Hard wood tloors. $4!00. For Snle—Six-room cottage on Walnut St. Oak finish, city water, cellar, brick foundation, nice lawn and shade. Rents for *tS per month. Trice. $1575. For Sinlr—Seven-room house, all modern but heat. Fine lawn. I-ot. 69x110. ood shade. On Wal nut St. $3100. For Sale—Five-room house. City water. On University Ave. Rents for JI. a month. Price. $1100. Kiirgo stale fair as it did at St. Louis and Port land. Will Live Here. B. G. Whitehead of the Evening Press went to St. Pall and will return 'with his wife and they will hereafter make their home here. The doctors used to bleed mankind, For every ill that they could find. But now they're wiser, said one to me. And give instead Rocky Mountain Tea. —Lion Drug Store. From Galesburg. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Allen of Gales burg, Mich, are visiting at the home of Mr. Allen's son. L. F. Allen, agent for the Underwood typewriter in this city. Found. One bay mare, weight about 1,000 pounds one gray mare, 4 years old, weight about 1,000 pounds one suck ling colt, color bay. Owner can get them at Bacon's barn by paying charges. —Chief Lowe. Pastor Returned. 1 Mr. and Mrs. F. E. R. Miller of the Baptist church of this city reached home yesterday after a pleasant out ing at Lake Bemidji. Jennie—Treatment for pimples and blackheads calls for absolute cleanli ness. Pimples show that the body is absorbing poisonous substances and needs Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents.—Lion Drug Store. Arguments Monday. The arguments in the J. G. Gunder son case are to be entered upon Mon day morning at the district court rooms. Mr. Gunderson is being sued by the Aneta Elevator company. Minnesota State Fair, Sept. 3 to 8. On account of the above the Great Northern will sell round-trip tickets to St. Paul and Minneapolis for $10.05 dates of sale, September 1 to 8. Final return limit, September 10,1906. Chil dren under 12 years of age, one-half of the above. Agent Weber Promoted. Agent W. S. Weber, who has been in charge of the Great Northern sta tion in Park River for a number o£ years, has been given a position in the superintendent's office in this city, and will enter upon his duties just as soon as relieved at Park River. Mr. Weber in his new position will have charge of the cars on the Dakota division, a position recently created, and while it brings added responsibility it also carries with it a substantial increase in salary. Miseh-Duston Nuptials. The marriage of Miss,Anna Misch of Parsons, Kan., and Mr. F. N. Dus ton, Kansas City, will be solemnized at the home of the bride, 2610 Belmont avenue, Wednesday afternoon, August 29, at 3:30 p. m. Only the immediate families will be present. Mr. and Mrs. Duston will be at home after October 1 at Kansas City. Both are well known in this city, the bride having SCHOOL AND OFFICE Furniture and Supplies N. W. 'PHONE 1099 GOOD AGENTS WANTEp IN EVERY COUNTY Geo. W. Colborn Supply Co. 510 N. 5th STREET. GRAND FORKS. N. DAK. ent Realty & Investment Co. CITY REAL ESTATE*— OWN YOUR OWN HOME 27 then have a respectable* considerate gentleman for a landlord, and you and yours can disport themselves on the premises to your liking, without let or hindrance. The sense or freedom from the petty and chafing: restrictions of a rented property cannot be overestimated In the life of a family, to say nothing of the immeasurable relief and in tense satisfaction which the possession of so coveted and cherished an object as a home alo^te can give. 9R50 for a fine fifty foot lot on North Sixth street with small building on same. Another room or two can easily be added, making a cozy home. Look this up. 1253. £uys jJ f°.°d two room house on Dell avenue, fine fifty win ii? J°* erarden: board stable and good show this to you. 1240. •1,350 buys one of the nicest little homes In this city. It a**?. 5oz? room cottage located on Jennie avenue fine «*ty foot corner lot with large shade trees, well fenced in. Good barn on premises which rents for *3 per month. House has brick foundation and good cellar. This is an excellent property and will please you. 124$. 94*800 buys a fine ten room house close in on Chestnut street: *th and furnace brick foundation foot corner lilfe lot with nice lawn and shade trees, good barn on premises. This is a first class property. 1109. OPEN EVENINGS The Kent Realty and Investment Company but recently removed to Parsons with her parents after a residence here of four years. Brother Improved. Mrs. Wni. Giles came in last night from Gilby where she has been for several days caring for her brother who has been very ill. More Bin Arms. It is reported that the city board of health will require all pupila in the city schools to be vaccinated be fore they enter or enroll. Spoilt Summer on Farm. Mrs. James Coulter came in this morning from an all summer's stay at the farm near Warsaw. A Thompson Guest. Miss McMennoy. aftera pleasant visit with friends in this city, left last night for her home in Thompson, ?s\ D. For His Coinpauy. Mr. F. B. Wadslev, manager of the Wisconsin Grain & Stock company, made a trip to Larimore today in the interests of liis company. Will visit"Hire. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Losey arrived this morning from Emmetsburg, la., and will visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sturtevant. A Surprise I'arty. Misses Edna and Nellie McMullen were surprised by a few of their friends on Wednesday night and a pleasant evening was spent by the company. A Lakota tJuest. Miss May Bradley of Lakota arrived in the city last night and will be the guest of Miss Amanda Trotter. Both will go to Maple lake tomorrow night for a short outing. Greer Will Travel. R. W. Anderson has taken a position as night clerk at the Hotel Northern to succeed Mr. Greer, who will take a position as traveling man for an eastern firm. Lindstrom's Father-in-Law. W. P. Hobbins spent the night he*e on his way to Langdon from Minne apolis. He will visit with his son in-law, Editor Lindstrom of the Lang don Republican. Editor Here. J. F. T. O'Connor, editor of the La kota American in the absence of Edi tor Beveridge. who is sojourning on the Pacific coast, arrived in the city last night and will return to his edi torial sanctum today. Through to Valley City. Alex McDonald, superintendent of schools at Valley City and formerly county superintendent of Cavalier county, passed through the city last night on his way home from a short visit at Langdon. Go Down the Lakes. Misses Gertrude, {Catherine and Myrtle Mooney left last night for their home in Detroit, Mich., after an ex tended visit with friends in the city. They will go first to Duluth and then take a trip down the lakes to Detroit. Arrested for Assault. Deputy SherifE Oden Overby last night brought in from Arvilla Fred Sullivan charged by Chas. Rosen of that village with assault'and battel and committing a public offense. The case will come up in justice court some time today. Union Held Meeting. A meeting of the Steamfitters and Plumbers local union was held last evening with nearly all members in attendance. Considerable business of a routine nature was disposed of, but nothing of importance to the reading public. Price in Town. Robert H. Price, acting manager of the Harold Nelson company last sea son and now manager of the Great Mc Ewen, is in the city today and will remain for some time. Mr. Price is well known to the newspaper men and theatrical people of this vicinity, he having spent a portion of his sum-1 mers here and at Crookston. Miss Fontaine's Success. Miss Alma Fontaine, the Crookston singer who chose a career on the stage last year, is now playing prima donna parts with a leading comic opera company in Canada and is mak ing a hit. Her friends here will be pleased to note her success. She was with the Harold Nelson company last season and appeared here. Leaves for Canada. C. P. Lond and family are soon to leave Grand Forks for the Canadian northwest and already Mr. Lond, who was formerly a conductor on tlje Great Northern out of this city, has accepted a position with the Canadian Northern. They will live in Edmon ton. Entertained Forty. Mrs. Sig Wolff entertained a party of friends at the Wolff residence, 86*8 Belmont avenue yesterday afternoon. The party numbered about forty in all and was given in honor of Mrs. Wolff's sister. Mrs. Ackermari of New York. Mrs. Ackerman has been spending the summer here. Lakeside Closes. Manager A. E. Logan of the Lakeside hotel at Maple lake announced today that he expected to close the hotel for the season next Tuesday. The season has been fairly successful and es pecially the last month the hotel has been crowded. Next year larger crowds are expected, as the hotel this year was just getting a good footing. The service accorded patrons could not be excelled anywhere. Nelson Improving. Emil Nelson, the young man who was injured by being thrown from a buggy a few nights ago, is improving and will be out in a few days. It seems that Mr. Nelson had some heavy iron materials in the buggy and when It tipped these were thrown heavily against his shoulder with the result that the collar bone was broken. Visiting at St. Thomas. Dr. G. A. Badlng and wife of Mil waukee, who have been spending three weeks at the delightful home of Col. .and Mrs. Grant S. Hagar at St. Thom as, were in the city today on their way home. They were accompanied as far as this city by Mr. and Mrs. Hagar, the latter being a sister of Mrs. Bad ing. The doctor holds the important £nd responsible position of health officer of the city of Milwaukee under ,the present municipal administration, and will stop at Minneapolis, St. Paul pnd other points to Inspect the gar bage plants of these cities In order to .obtain points for the construction of •'fcif.- THE EVENING TIMES, GRAND FORKS, N. D. the new one which will be built at Milwaukee. To Morden. Dr. Qislason leaves tomorrow for Morden, Man., where he will visit with a brother for two or three days. Went to Hillslioro. Attn Smith went to Hlllsboro last .night and will spend several days vis iting at the home of F. L. Goodman. Millers Home. Mr. and Mrs. S. Miller are home again after an absence of a week In St. Paul and Minneapolis, where they visited friends. Lund Seekers. J. R. I.iUitis, with a party of land seekers, was in the city last night en route to Benson, N. D. Mr. Likins lives in Platte county, Illinois. Tno More Houses.*" Two new houses are to be erected at No8. 214 aud 216 Chestnut street. They are to be of the one story type. Still Wears High Hat. Professor McEwan was a rsitor in the city over night. He went east this morning taking with him his high silk hat. Dean Arrived. Dr. Stration of Nortlifield. Minn., has been elected dean of Fargo college and arrived yesterday to assume his duties. Exit Slaughter House. Papers in a suit at Fargo have been filed to permanently restrain O. G. Moulton from maintaining a slaughter house in the city limits. A Xew Coach. Gilmore Dobie, the new football coach of the agricultural college, has arrived at Fargo and is conferring with the A. C. authorities ia regard to the football prospects. Hooked at Imperial. A. T. Rasinussen registered at the Imperial last night from Crookston. Other North Dakotans were E. J. O'Brien of Westhope, and W. Hillier of Hoople. A Busy Council. There will be three meetings of the Grand Forks city council during the the month of September and this weans a lot of additional work for the auditor and treasurer. Hegge Here. M. F. Hegge, a prominent politician and business man from Hatton. was in the city last night enroute to St. Paul where he goes on business mat ters. Juckson Moved. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Jackson have moved their household goods to Lari more where Mr. Jackson will be sup erintendent of school^ the coming year. Glass Entrances. Workmen have been busy for sev eral days installing the little glass squares in the floor in the entrance to the new Griffith block. Glass floors are laid in both the Third street and DeMers avenue entrances. Fislier Itobbers Released. A dispatch from Crookston this af ternoon states that the two boys ar rested yesterday and brought to Crookston have been released from custody and sent home on good be havior. His First Engagement. Professor McEwan, the celebrated .hypnotist and magician who has spent ,the summer at Maple lake, the popu lar Minnesota summer resort, has again launched forth on the road and will give his first entertainment at Bemidji August 27, 28 and 29. After Forty Years. Mrs. J. R. Church reached home last evening from an extended visit in Minneapolis and with relatives, the Elstons and Mclntyres at Muskoda, Wis. She had a very pleasant time, the more so for the reason that her last visit occurred something like forty years ago. Cones Here Too. Manager Myers of the Metropolitan opera house announced today that Mc Ewan, the hypnotist, will again visit this city making a three nights' stand. Mr. McEwan was here during the win ter months for a week and immense crowds turned out to witness his rais ing act in lifting the body of a young woman oft the stage without any ap parent means except the supernatural. The dates of his visit here are Sept. 3, 4 and 5. Eastgate Reunion. A reunion of the H. E. Eastgate family will be held at Larimore this coming week. This family is well known in Grand Forks county? Those who are coming for the event are Mrs. George Clark of Beaumont, 1 i-rt WITH KILLS in Assistant Agent at Standing Rock in Fargo Jail to An swer to Manslaughter. James Bristow, said to be a cousin of Postmaster General Bristow, and an assistant agent at the Standing Rock indlap reservation, was brought into Fargo this morning, charged with manslaughter in connection with the killing of Albert Smuttybear, an In dian belonging to the reservation. The tragedy occurred some time last win ter and at the time of his hearing, Mr. Bristow was exonerated of any and all blame. However, the Indians, through legal counsel, took up the matter with the authorities at Washington after securing additional evidence, and Bris tow's arrest followed. He is now in carcerated in the Cass county jail. It seems that the trouble arose over the fact of Sniuttybear's continued an noying practices toward the accused. Bristow, it Is claimed, warned the brave to desist or he would kill him, and the Indian, it is alleged, there upon took after Bristow with a re volver and chased him into the house, breaking down a door in the meantime. In the scuffle which followed, the In dian was killed, and In the preliminary hearing Bristow was completely freed from all blame. CAST HASDLE CROPS. Farm Laborers Scarce on the Soo and Fifty Men Wanted. Mr. G. E. Barr, a resident of Eck rnan, came in last night and when in terviewed by an Evening Times rep resentative, said* in regard to the crops: "Harvest has commenced in earnest, nearly every farmer in the district having made a start, and with continued fine weather there will be no let-up until all the crop is cut. The wheat is coming in very rapidly, but it is doubtful whether some of the farmers will be able to handle it in time to save a certain amount from loss by swelling. This district has been very fortunate during the present season, being well supplied by mois ture when it was required to produce growth and also when the ripening season arrived, the district has also escaped from the dreaded wheat cal amities such as rust, hall and frost and the only damage reported from the recent hot weather was the shelling of some of the grain. The average for the district will range from 20 to 25 bushels of wheat per acre and the coarse cereals are away above the average, giving promise of phenomenal yields. "Farm laborers as usual are scarce at' this point only an odd few dropping off here, the inclination of the eastern helpers apparently being to get as far west as possible and avoid the small points. Good wages are being offered by the day or month and at least fifty men or more could find ready employ ment in this district. "Considerable farm property has changed hands in this district at good prices." 1 vTexas J. C. Churchill of Fort Dodge, la. Mrs. Nellie Whitaker of New York: Harry, Thomas, Charles, Jacob and Al fred Eastgate, and Mrs. Earnest Hen .drickson of St. Paul, together with their mother, Mrs. H. E. Eastgate. LIBERAL PREMIUM^ For the Richland County Fair at Wuhpeton, Sept 23, 28, 27 and 28. The premium list for the Richland County Fair, which has just been Is sued amounts to $3,900.00. Of this amount $1,250.00 Is for race purses, $2,300.00 for premiums in the horse, cpttle, sheep, swine, agricultural and woman's departments and about $350 for special prizes. The liberal prem iums will Insure a large exhibit In ail departments. KERXIT ROOSEVELT. Second SOB of the President Now In North Dakota. A telegram from Deadwood says that Kermlt Roosevelt, son of the pres ident started Sunday on an overland horseback trip to the ranch on which his father first started his wild west career, located near Medora, N. D. Regular cow ponies are being used, and a round-up outfit provision wagon, with camping equlppage, follows the party. Capt. Seth Bullock has charge of the outfit, which consists of Bullock's son, young Roosevelt and several others, including Roosevelt's eastern friend. John Head. At Medora young Roosevelt will meet many of his father's old friends, men who rode with him during ths stirring days of the cattle rustlers war. The trip will consume a week or ten days and Is purely a camping trip, no hunting bqfng Indulged In. although some Ashing Is being done. Col. Frank Hansen came In from the west last night DIED THIS MORNING. Miss Minnie Olson of Langdon Suc cumbed to Operation. Miss Minnie Olson died early this morning In a local hospital after an operation for appendicitis. The young lady was brought down from Langdon night before last. Her parents reside midway .between Langdon and Wal halla and the remains will be shipped to the latter place tonight for inter ment. BIG GAME INCREASING. Deer and Moose in Northern Minne sota Multiply Rapidly. Game Warden Sam Fullerton of Minnesota has the following to say about our big game.' "The big game in Mtnnesota Is In creasing fast. There are more deer and moose in Minnesota today than there was five years ago. This seems a rash statement to make but it is none the less true. The reason is the increased protection afforded them. The lumberman and the pot hunters were the chief cause of the fall of the deer and moose in this state. These conditions are almost entirely elimin ated now as lumbering in Minnesota is fast disappearing, and the arm of the law is now long .enough to reach these pettty offenders. Besides peo ple have seemed to acquire a sense of shame, as it were, and no longer con sider the game and fish .commission"*, as a huge joke, but see it as a force to be reckoned with If disobeyed. "Why a few years ago it was posi tively dangerous for a game warden to make an arrest. As recently as eight years ago a party of Indians stabbed a warden to death, near Walker, for trying to put a stop to the slaughter say that in the state f&med far and near as the 'Deer and Moose state' tflere are today more deer, moose and caribou in the state of Minnesota than in Mains, anJ with proper protection there will be good hunting in Minnesota for all time." GOOD JOKON TAF! The Rotund Secretary of War Butt of Jests of the World's Comic Papers. Atnaclated Ptcm to The Bveilag Time*. Washington, Aug. 25. Secretary Taft has found his way into the comic papers all over the world as the re sult o( a joke Associate Justice Brew er of the United States supreme court told on the rotund secretary of war at the recent Yale commencement. The- pleasantry of the distinguished guest, it will be remembered, was based on a compliment he desired to pay on the chivalry of Yale! men. "Yale men everywhere are polite" said Justice Brewer, "but Secretary Taft Is the most polite man I ever saw In my life. Why, the other day I was in a street car with him, and he got up and gave hiB seat to three women," Scores of clippings based on this Joke reach the war department every week. It has found its way Into many .languages, but Germans seem to ap preciate it the most. Many of the German papers comment on the story at tength and say that at last the Yan kees seem to be developing real wit. 4 S $42Q0 8-room house on Chest T~fw nut street water, sewer, bath and licutlng plant. Beautiful location close In paved street Htono sidewalk. Reasonable terms can be arranged for. B-845 CWfin Good io-rbom house In a first-class locality. EOx 140 ft. lot. City water, etc. This is good bargain. I&00 to $1,000 cash handles it. B*416. $4900 On very reasonable terms buys a line thor oughly modern residence very close In In the south part of the city. This Is an elegant home. 13-661. £15(10 A Kood brick house In the south end on a BOx 140 ft. corner lot. The house has city water, hardwood floors and Is In good shape. Basement with good heating plant. B-602. $ On On easy terms buys a small house on Dell avenuo on a good 60x140 ft. cor ner lot. Well on premises. Look at this. B-846. OU end. A mighty good piece of property for the money. Barn, woodshed .etc. sorito nice shade trees. $100 to $200 cash, balance on time. B-844. CI Ann This ls- addition. WATCH REPAIRING Both Phones 788M 113 De Mers Ave. /v YOU CAN OWN YOUR HOME AS WELL AS PAY RENT' $500 'Small house In the north good 5-room tpxuuu cottage on north 7th St. SO-ft. lot fine stfadc* trees. A good piece of property. B-843. Easy terms,' 50x140 ft. corner lot In Skldmore's $125 E. 3. LANDER & GO. Money to Loan At Lowest Rates Upon North Dakota Fan*. Local Agents Wanted. Partial Payments Permitted GEO. B. CLIFFORD & CO. GRAND FORKS, N. D. Umbrellas were extensively carried in Grand Forks yesterday but there was only one in the city like the one carried about in the lobby of the Da cotah hotel by a long, lank young fel low with cadaverous checks and earn est eyes. He "paraded up land down the loboy witji his umbrella raised for nearly an hour before he was stopped by Clerk Peake. '"How's this? .What's up?" inquired the genial clerk. "Don't you know that raised umbrellas are against the rules of this hotel The young fellow looked dazed a moment. "Oh, It's her," said he. Evidently that constituted 3. .sufficient explana tion according to. him, for he resumed his march up and down. The clerk followed him. "See here, what is it? This Won't do. Tou aren't the king of Slam. The stranger stopped In his walk. "I'll* tell you," he said confidingly. "I've^got a farm out In Rolette county. I'm here to meet her, the girl I'm going to marry. We agreed to meet in-this hotel at 9:30 this thdrhtng. Each of us Is to carry a raised um brella so we can recognize each other* "Vou see, this Is how it Is: We corresponded' through a matrimonial agency, but we ain't never met, and wis had to have some sign." ii iMhn iii llfcil dHl He looked at the clock. "She ought T. J. Balrd was in from Lakota last night. Robert Brownlee Is making the Forks today. R. H. Procter of Fargo vras among the arrivals last night. Sig Berg went to Minneapolis last night on a business trip. Scott Rex cam6 i& from a trip on the Hannah line last night. Hans Elllnger came in last night from the north to spend Snuday. Charles Beatty from Cando came In last night and spent the night here. Misses Gertrude and Lena Brennan of Ardoch visited In the city yester day. A. A. Crary, manager of the New York Life in this city, came in from the north last night. Superintendent Macy Nicholson came in last night from a trip of in spection ove rthe Hannah line. The campaign will be (formally opened on the part of the democratic party by a meeting at the opera house In this city on the evening of Septem ber 12. Hon. John Burke and Hon. John D. Benton will be the principal speakers on that occasion. Little Falls, N. Y., Aug. 24.—Mrs. Douglas Robinson, aged 83 years of New York, Is dead in her summer home in this county. Her son Is the husband of Corlnne Roosevelt, sister to the president. y-- I 0/'l' v. S SATURDAY- AUGUST 25,1906. ClSfl A lot for two nice lots jn Riverside Park fac ing on Seward street. Terms' to suit. C19B per lot buys two good 9J.GO i0t8 0 North 5th street. Easy terms. This Is an absolute bargain. V7R $5 down. $2.50 per W month for good lots on Dell avenue. Here's a chance to make a good Investment. CJiM on very reasonable terms buys a fine 60x140 ft corner lot on International av enue. International avenue Is hplng graded' to city limits and connected where Round House formerly stood. It will make one of the finest Btreets in the city, and where you have a chance to buy property at the old prices buy—It will make you money. on easy terms buys the finest 50x140 ft. corner lot oru^ewis Boulevard In River side Park. Keep your eye on Ri verside Park. It Is bound to be come otfe of the prominent resi dence sections. BUY YOUR LOT NQW. DONT WAIT TILL NEXT SPRING We have secured the services of an ex perienced Watchmaker and are now pre* pared to do all jklnds of WATlH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING at lowest prices Telephone ns and we will call for yonr Watches, Jewelry and Clofcks to be re paired. All work Is guaranteed. Have a number of PAWNED WATCHES on hand which will bt sold very' cheap. If. ZISKIN, Broker and -Jeweler to be here now—it's two minutes past!' the time. Wait a minute'and I will put the umbrella down." Anxious to see the outcome of the curious affair, Mr. Peake consented to allow the umbrella to be raised for a few minutes more. Just theikinto ^he lobby from the ladies' entrance floated a creature in pink. Her umbrella was up and from its stick hung a streamer of rib bons. She minced along and glanced about. "What's her name?" asked the clerk. Susie Elkins she's froifi Kansas City," stammered the young man. "I never thought she looked like that." He closed the umbrella prfecipitately and sneaked toward the door. "The Lord keep her from stoppln' me" he murmured as he streaked south tow asd the DeMers avenue bridge. Captain Sullivan who presides at the Great Northern depot is asked many unexpllcable questions. Last night a friend of the captain's sought to mix him and asked the following question: Q. If it takes 46% yards of calico to make a dress for a baby elephant, how long would It take a beetle with a wooden leg to bore through a cake of Sapolio? Captain Sullivan after a moment's thought gave the following answer* A. No matter how dark the night, she Is still your mother. Six Deaths Before Noon Today in Chicago and Louis ville. Chicago, Aug. 25.—The uncomfort able temperature of the early part of the week which was lessened some *?esterda.y' Prevails again today with the result that there were three deaths before 11 o'clock in the morn- Loulsvllle, Ky., Aug. 25.—The ther mometer reached 93 degrees at 11 o'clock today and three more deaths and one prostration from heat were reported. No relief is in sight. WISCONSIN MMI & STOCK CO. (Incorporated.) Dealer* la STOCKS, GRAIN, PROVISIONS Superior, Winnipeg, Duluth. Minneapolis BRANCH OFFICE He. 16 CUIIord Bljf, f, ft, WADSLEl, Rjr I V"