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WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28,1906. Y- C. A. COUNTY FAIR WILL OPEN THANKSGIVING The second annual Young Men's Christian association Mid Winter Country ftolr will open on Thanksgiv ing afternoon with the production of the main show In the gymnasium room at 4 o'clock. Prom then on until Sat urday night, there will be a continual show. The arrangements for the fair this year are elaborate and complete in every detail, with the experience* gained In the last fair those who have charge of the fair this year have been able to make more complete the de tails of the show and when the doors of members of the association and they have everything ready for the opening. The main show, will, of course, be the feature. This part of the enter tainment is to be given in the gym nasium, and is composed of fourteen numbers, which are as follows: The Zobo Band Dumstader's Min strels High Bar Performance by Kim ball and Wallace Hand Balancing by Dr. E. F. Adams and Running Junior Drill Flying Ring work by Running and Woods Zetzenhelmer Kids Boy Acrobats Strong Man German Horse THE GTHNASIW. In Wkick the Big Show Will Be Given. Tke Gymnasium Is Capable of Seat ing Several Hundred Persons and There Is a Fine Gallery Also. are opened tomorrow afternoon, every thing will be ready for the fair, which is one of the most important events of the Y. M. C. A. calendar this year. The fair is held, of course, in the large building on North Fifth street. Parts of the basement and first and seeoiyl floors are utilized for the fair which consists of the main show and four side shows. In the basement, in the swimming pool, the Aequatic show is given. On the first floor, the main show and the Hall of Mystery shows will be found, while on the third floor the "Hiawatha in Pantomine" and the "Art Gallery" will be found. Each pne of these shows Are in the hands work by Dr. Adams Rooster fight The Vernone, tumbling Parallel Bar, Running and Woods Trick Bicycle Work, Caleb Shepard. The side shows are also very good and those taking part have everything down good. The Hall of Mystery on the first floor is sure to be one of the popular places for those who attend. The show will be a good one, and no pains have been spared to give the best. This show is in charge of Geo. Elton and Ralph Perry. The Art Gallery on the second floor will also be good. This show is com posed of fake pictures, silhouette and living statuary work. Theo. Wells CALEB SHEPPABD. Local Trick Bicyclist, Whose Work Has Caused Muck Attention In tke Past, and Who Will Appear at tke Y. M. C. A. Fair. G. 0. WALTON, Traveling Passenger Agent. ST. PAUL. NAME YOUR ROUTE To Eastern Canada. It is important when purchasing your ticket to Eastern Canada that you reque the ticket agent to make it read over the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, if you want the best of train service. Five daily trains from Minneapolis and St. Paul to Chicago—including The Day Express, affording a day light ride in full view of the beautiful scenery of the Miss issippi river. Canadian Excursion Tickets also accepted without extra charge on The Pioneer Limited and the U. S. Government fast mail trains. Round trip rates to points in Eastern Canada, $40. Dates of sale, December 1 to December 31, 1906. Liberal return limits and stop over privileges. W. B. DIXON, N. W. P. A., 365 Robert Sti. St. Paul, Minn. L. K. McCONNELL, TravelinK^nMen^r Agent, ,1. CADWELL, Special Passenger Agent, CHICAGO. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry Where the Aquatic Performance Will Be Given. Finest Pools In Ike Northwest. and Paul Griffith have charge. The "Hiawatha In Pantomine" is an other good show. This show is one of exceptional merit, «nd special scen ery for its production has been se cured. The following Is the cast of characters. Iagoo and The Chief Arrowmaker, Rollie Secord. Minnehaha, Sum De- In connection with the shows, just THE LOBADOO. Tkeir Living Statuary Received Muck Favorable Comment Last Year and Will No Doubt Be Well Received This Year. K. D. BOVIti, "«(f P» ST. Traveling_Passen^er Agent, THE EVENING TIME8, GRAND FORKS, N.D. THE SWIHING POOL. nii M. Ml II. 0. EAMA3V. Secretary of tke Boy's Work Depart ment Who Has Had Muck to do Witk tke Fair Arrangements. Remer Hiawatha, Stanley Higham The Boy Hiawatha, Leltoy Carter, Jr.: Reader Ed. Blue and Taylor Thomp son. In the water pool the Aequatic Car nival will be given. This consists of an exhibition of swimming, life saving and comedy sketches. Archie Cooper has charge of the show, and those who take part have been drilled for the past two months, and are in line shape. Is One of Ike to give it a real country fair appear ance, there win be candy booths lunch booths and an ice cream soda booth. Everything will be run country fair style. The money raised by the fair will be used for the Boys' Department of the Y. M. O. A., which department has chttrge of the fair. Secretary H. O. Eaman, of the boys' work has had much to do with the fair and he is entitled to much credit for the manner in which be has conduc ted the preliminary arrangements THE VERNON TROUPE. Tke Above Quartet of Acrobatic Tumblers are AH Local Boys, and Their Work Is of tke Best. ORLEAN8.HAVANA SERVICE. %Moctatcd PreM to The Rvealac Vtmem. New York, Nov. 28.—The magnificent new steamship Monus, built for the Southern Pacific company for its New Orleans-Havana service, was turned over today to the Morgan steamship lines for its trial trip to New Orleans and return. This trip will determine her seaworthiness, and whether she will be placed in the service of the company. It is said that there is no doubt that she will be accepted and that she will meet all requirements. KANSAS VS. MISSOURI. (uwlitN Ptcm to The Bvnlw TImm. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 28.—The big gest football event of the year in this section takes place in Kansas City tomorrow, and the followers of the qui vive in anticipation of the event. For the sixteenth consecutive year the elevens of Kansas and Missouri uni versities will line up to contest the supremacy of the gridiron. Of the fifteen games played since 1890 Kan sas has been victorious In eleven and 'Missouri has won three. A tie game was played in 1900. CHRISTMAS TBEES. iMWlHIrd PrrM to Tkr RvcbIm Tltue*. Belfast, 'Me., Nov. 28.—Maine is al ready beginning its annual shipment of Christmas trees. Maine furnishes a considerable proportion of all the I Christmas trees used in the United States, leaving others to trim them and hang the gifts. Belfast is the center of the business, and the accumulation of trees is now of great proportions. Last year a long freight train loaded exclusively with Christmas trees was sent out in one day from Belfast, be sides ordinary shipments and the general prosperity is such that it is expected that the present season's de mand will break all records. PHILADELPHIA BENCH SHOW. .iMMiflmeil t*r«*NM to 1'bi» I'iVt'iilBK Tliu«*a. Philadelphia, Nov. 28.—Aristocratic dogs of every size, breed and des cription, nearly one thousand of them in all, are in the hands of the judges at the exhibition of the Philadelphia Dog Show association, which opened today in Horticultural hall. It is the most extensive exhibition or dogs ever shown in this city. The benches con tain exhibits from all sections of the country, even as far west as the Pa cific cost. The list this year provides for 317 classes, and all of them are welt filled. Two new breeds not seen at previous exhibitions here are dis played—Samoyedes and Italian grey hounds. DENTISTS DR. L. L. ECKMAN, DEKT18T. Both Phones—466M. tort F«ria, Hwtt Dakota DRS. FLETCHER SAUNDERSON, Successors to Dr. Robert S. Ramsey.. DEMIST. Clifford Aihl Grand Forks, Ji J). DENTIST. Office Over Union National Bank. Phone 1»L DR. B. F. ADAMS, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. DR. J. D. TAYLOR, PHYSICIAN AND 8UBGE0N. Office in St. John's Block. Office hours: 9 to 10 a. m„ to S p. m. 7 to 8 p. m. JOHN FAWCETT, M.A..M.D. DISEASES or WOMEN AND 0ENEBAL SURGEON Office over Stanchfield Store Phone 261 DR. J. GRASSIGK Office Northwestern Building Corner DeMers Avenue and Fourth St. S. W. RUTLEDGE HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. 1S8 8. Third 8t Grand Forks. N. D. DR. F. J. DUGGAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON—Spe cial attention given to diseases ot wopien. Office, Beare Block. Office hours. 10 a .m. to 18 m., 2 p. m. to 4 m., 7 p. tn. to 8 p. m. Both Phones ?«.' ARCHITECTS. J. W. ROSS ABCniTECT and Superintendent of Construction Office 1% Third St. Grano Forks. N. D. R. L. SMITH ARCHITECT Both Phones. National Bank Bldg. W. J. EDWARDS ARCHITECT Northwestern Bldg. Grand Forks Nortkwestern Phona 466L. OSTEOPATHY DR. ORR SANDERS, DR. MAY E. SANDERS, Chronic and acute diseases success fully treated. Treatment at home If desired. Suite -5ft. Security Block. Both phones 642. Orand Forl». North Dakota EVILS OF MODERN UFfc. Harm Done by Hurry and Worry of Our Modern Civilisation. Not long ago, while traveling, I chanced to stop at a village on the river Rhine, where I found an aston ishing number of old people. There were a dozen over one hundred years age, and many from 80 years old up to the century mark yet straight and vigorous. One woman nearly a hun dred years old was earning her living by picking hops her grandchildren were middle-aged. It was quite won derful. But there was no mystery about it it was merely the effect of a simple life spent largely in the fields, with plain diet, consisting of a few vegetables and fruits, little meat, and native beer and wine for beverages. Nothing can be more obvious than that the very complexity of our mod ern civilisation is shortening our lives. But of all the evils that afflict us the worst and most destructive arc hurry and worry. Hurry drives the body machine beyond its capacity, while worry racks it inwardly. Of the two worry is probably the worse. This might. Indeed, be called the age of worry. Because of the intense nerv oas strain to which wc are subjected, we do vastly more worrying than did our forebears. The average man of to-day is continually surrounded and pursued by phantom troubles, which, though few of them ever materialize into realities, haunt him continually, ruining his peace of mind and injur ing his health.—Dr. John V. Shoe maker in the Reader. SETTLED CASE RIGHT THERE. Revenue Officer's Argument Cogent and All-Convincing. Miss Dorothea Klumpke, the as tronomer, was talking about the dif ficulties and intricacies that astrono my presents to the lay mind. "For Instance," she said, "there Is the well-known case of the meteorite that fell on a Vermont farm in "96. It was a valuable meteorite, and the landlord at once, stepped up and claim ed it. 'AH minerals and metals on the land belong to me,' he said. 'That's in the lease.' "But the tenant demurred. "This meteorite,' he said 'wasn't on the farm, you must remember, when the lease was drawn up.' "The landlord perceived the Justice of that claim. He thought a moment Then he said, decisively: 'I claim her as flying game.' "But the tenant was ready for him. 'She's got neither wings nor feathers,' he said. Therefore, as ground game, she's mine.' "They continued their argument, and In the heat of it a revenue officer arriving with a truck proceeded to put the meteorite aboard. 'I claim her for the government,' he said, 'as an article introduced into the country without payment of duty.'" Why is it most of us believe good nature is cultivated and 111 nature Is natural? CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED ADS TAILORS. PHILIP AMON Tailor. SUITS FBOM IIS UP. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. Call and Deliver. Trl-State Phone 181L. N. W. 349-L. Buttons made for Ladies' garments. No. 12 N. Third Bt. Grand Forks, N. D. latest Styles oa flssd Perfect Flu Gssrsateed Paulson Bros. Merchant Tailors 118 Seslh Third Si. GRAND TO1IS. N. D. MANUFACTURERS. GRAND FORKS MONUMENT WORK8 B. JEFFREY, Proprietor. Monument*, Headstone*, Cemetery Fencing Trl-State 292L 484 DeMers Ave. Grand Forks, H. D. DON MCDONALD TENTS, AWNINGS, SHADES Waterproof Covers for Harvesters Threskers and Grain Stacks Comer DeMers and Fifth Grand Forks. North Dakota MISS DELA ODEGARD Phone 766L 603 DeUers Ave. East Grand Forks. Minn. Manufacturer or high grade cigars suck as Grand Porks EAGLES. Globe and tke A. 0. U. W. Rasmnssen, Bemis & Company Wholesale Dry Goods. Notions, Etc. BIND TOMS M. DAiOti KAUFMANN'S BAKERY, JACOB KAUFMAN*, Prop. East Grand Forks, Minn. Phone Ki J. B. WOODLEY. Wholesale nnd Beta!! HABNESS, WHIPS AND SADDLERY SUPPLIES. The largest and most complete stock of hand made harness In the two cities. Manufactured of Lapps Sons pure oak leather. A nice line ot RlSinc Baddies 800 pairs of 6-A Horse Blank ets to elect from at jobbers' prices. Bole agents for the celebrated wroth Horse Collars also a full line of kuk and surrey harness a nice line ot track and, driving harness sweat pads, whips and summer sroods at a Big Re duction. Call and look them over. Tetephrae USS. AL COONS, Manager, But Grand Fecks, "Scratch." Some men who lazed the summer through Now have work by the batch, For, having donned their union suits, It's up to them to cratch. —Houston Post. 0 ro la S. G. SKULASON Attorney at Law. St. John's Block, Third Floor. N. W. Phone 815L. Trl-State 815. TO THOSE WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Everyone who pwns a phonograph and reports their name at Getts' music house will bear of something to their advantage. O. YOUNG WMcmIc firaitar* flans, CATFT.II STATIST Baddies, Bask asd Office Fsrsitsri US-UT'in South Third St. Grand Forks. North Dakota PHONE RICE'S 602L rot BACKS, DELAYS, OAT NIGHT. WB OB MEET ALL TRAINS. Office. 416 DeMers Avenue. W. .KIRK, Prop. Little Bess: "Mamma, 1 wish we had a piano." Mamma: "We can't afford one, dear. You should wish for a goose that lays golden eggs." Little Bess: "But why not wish for a hen that would lay a piano?" An argument is the preface to a quarrel. To err if human—to lie about it more human. He is indeed a busy man who can never find time to find fault. HAVE YObR TEETH Properly attended to 4 BOW MISCELLANEOUS. B. O. PAULSNESS Plumbing, Steam and Hot water Ht- Pumps and Windmills. Sewer Water Works Contractor. Ltand I"? Pipe and Fittings. Braes Goods, Sewer Pipe, Hose, etc. GRAND FORKS. N. DAK. JEFF'S TRANSFER Both Phones U. Hacks and Livery, dray and trans fer work, moving pianos a specialty, only low down moving vans In tke city. Day or night calls attended ts promptly. All work guaranteed. t1. *. W. BARTON. Prop. CIS DeMers Ave. Opp. G. N. Ptpirt J. LAVERTY Minnesota Point. Dealer in Live and Dressed Poultry. Cash or Commission. Phone 123L. N. W. o. Address Grand Forks. Call or write. The City Feed Store DOWNET PFEIFEB Flour, Feed. Hay and Wood of All Kinds a. w. 'Phase BSS Trl-State BSS-L. 129 DeMers Ave. Sia DeMers Aw. GRAND LOGAN CAFE $ We Serve Severe Ceflee ike Best in the World. 319 DeMers Ave. Grand Forks, N. D. MAX RABINOVICH Money to loan on all articles of value. Phone 7641. J. A. EVANS From London, England, teacher ot Pure Italian method of VOICE CULTURE Pupils trained tor church, concert or stage. Phone N. W. 1140L. Studio room 62, Security building. The M. H. Redick HIM! & FDR CO. Northwestern Dealers in Fine Northern Furs, Hides, Pelts, Wool, Tallow, Roots, Etc. Largest and Oldest Hide and Fur House In the State. GBAND FOBKS N. DAK. If you are among the one hundred people in this city wtto spend the greatest amount of time in reading and answering want ads., yon are among the one hundred people who have the best prospects of "getting rich.* Bacon & Van Alstine Livery and Hack Stable N. FOURTH ST. Grand Forks, ftorth Dakota TELEPHONE 131 Guarantee Stock Food Company Iscsrteistad Capital Stock, 9A0.000 Manufacturers of Stock Food, real' try Pood, Worm Powder, Lioe Klllet S«ve CurSjPlnk Sre Remedy, revet Core, Colic Cure. Gall Cure, Foot edy and White Liniment •BAUD SOBKS. W. B. J. A. EVANS Teacher of Pnre Italian. Method of Voice Culture. Pupils wlIft be received on Tuesday mornings a. m. to 12 and every week day even ing. Room 62 Security building. Phone Getts Music store. Columbia Hotel AND RESTAURANT CM roar toaebaa ban white N waiting far roar Mae a Open Day and Nlrfht 0SCAI KNBPSON, fte»'r Batac Hand II Jt otr day GRAND FORKS. N. DAB. OseorttoO. N. D»st SEALS Either Pock el ....or Desk.... and avoid His and digestive disturbances of more or less gravity by consulting DR. COUVEETT, Dentist DB MERS AND THIRD 9TS. Over Drug Store* K! Rubber Stamps Write for Cntalog CADWELL, The Stamp Mai ftai Porks. H. I GASH fsr si lisds el Jaak, Cnualiii l»s. Cawai asd Braaa, 011 •skfcer Baals aad Sheas, latfi »l dl lied*, asd BattlM, Special Price for Car Load N. FISHMAN R. *. Phase 1174.