Newspaper Page Text
I* MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1906. ft* Mlf CM|fc 8yH|| tt«t rids the ijitm «f I a cold ky acting as a cathaitte Hm bowola la I BEE'S LAXATIVE HONEY nTAR tNOt tklMt, l«ag lit W|M l(N Imi ~i—1 fir Ha alnawrt aafl kMM Mttof thm PtOtaM MMttmtM. '—-r tiiii Laiatlve OeaahSynp, eapalls Nlbtma, *r «Mtiy botu« ui kmis, ss.tsssr"' r. Threshers Supplies Oils General Hardware Builders Hardware Tlnwarea Etc. J. F. BRANDT, W. S. WEBER. Ticket Agent Talapkona 67 Train No. 1 Arrives. I S :00 p.m. 8:05 a.m. 7:50 a.m. 11:01 p.m ss S:05p.m 10:41 p.m. •111 •IS? •*06 •aoi •189 a ll:S6p.m. 7 :86 p.m. 11:45 p.m. 14 10 S4 •11S 7:45 a.m. 138 7:45 p.m. •14* 10:66 a.m. •201 1:40 p.m. •SO* 7:20 p.m. Trains No. 111. other train# dally. Ask the agent Dakota" and the N. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP E LAX THE DACOTA FEAEMAOT. DRESSMAKING SCHOOL OPENS DECEMBER 1st NOW READY FOR PUPILS MISS FENSKA, 310 Kittson Ave. Money to Loan At Lowest Rates Upon Ninth Dakota Fanns. Local Agents Wanted. Partial Payments Permitted GEO. B. CLIFFORD & CO. GRAND FORKS, N. D. FARM LOANS Unlimited Funds for Loans on Good Farms at [Lowest Rate of Interest and with On or Before Privileges QALL OR WRITE DAVID H. BEECHER Union Natloaat Bask BaUdisf, Grand Forks, N. D, Grand Forks Monument Works VE HONEY-TAR It JEFFREY Frtp Marble and Granite Monuments and Head Stone*. Cemetery Fencing. 411 kinds of Foreign and Domestic Granite. Superb Styles and Designs. Residence Phone Tri-State MSM. Office Phones Trl-State 292S. A W A E In short everything pertain ing to hardware. Having recently added a complete stock of harness we are in position to furnish the farm er with all his needs in this line. Call and inispect stock and prices. The St Hilaire Retail Lbr. Co. IS SELLING DRY OAKWOOD AND ....DRY PINE SLABS.... Cheaper than anybody else in the city. We have them both sawed and in fonr feet lengths. C. SORENSON, Agent. GREATrRH HIE En»t Grand forks BOTH PHONES No. 24 w\ Crookaton. W. B. SINCLAlk Freight Ageal Telephone 3A THE COMFORTABLE WAV WBST AMD HORTH BOUND. Departs. 8:16 p.m.—For through points west. 8:86 a.m.—Local (or points west to Minot. —Prom St. Paul via Fargo. lS:S0p.m.—Local for points west to Spokane '—Loom from Duluth, Oreenbuah and Crookaton. 11:00 p.m.— Connects with No. 8 at Larlmore. 8:20 a.m.—For Ardocb, Grafton and Winnipeg. 8:46 a.m.—For Bmerado, Larlmore and Hannah. 6:00 p.m.—For Bmerado, Larlmore, Mayvllle. 4:46 p.m.—For Ardoch, Grafton and Walhalla line BAST AND SOUTH BOVND. 12:40 p.m.—For St. Paul and Chicago via Fargo. 8:26 p.m.—For St. Paul and Duluth via Crookaton. 12:01 a.m.—For St Paul via Crookaton, for Winnipeg via 8:00 p.m.—For St. Paul via Fargo and Wlllmar 8:10 a.m.—For Crookaton, Greenbush and Duluth. 8:60 a.m.—Local for points South to Fargo li —From Winnipeg, Grafton and Ardock —Local from walhalla and Grafton. —Local from Mayvllle and Larlmore. —Local from Hannah and Larlmore. 112, 188, 140, 201, 202, 206 and 208 dally except Sunday, all for the sailing dates of the steamships "Minnesota and T. K. Seattle to Japan and China. A. L. CRAIG. P. T. M. St. Paul, Minn. IN THE KANE CASE AT TOWNER, N. DAKOTA RICHARD KANE Who Was Convicted of Killing Kelley in Row at Drake. CHAS. D. DONNELLY Attorney for Defendant. KANE PROMISES 10 LEAD It BETTER UFE Convicted Murderer Says He Will Change His Ways Af ter Release From Pen. Special to The Events* Times. Towner, N. D., Dec. 17.—Richard Kane, the convicted murderer, who was found guilty at the present term of the district court, and who has been taken to Bismarck to serve the two and one-half year sentence im posed on him, promises to reform after he is released from the state pen. ane is not ordinarily a bad man, but seems to have become mixed up with •bad company. He is said to come from a good eastern family, and he has a fairly igood education. Kane was convicted of shooting a gambler named Kelly in a row at Drake, this county, last summer. The shooting occurred as a result of some alleged crooked work in a game of cards. In the trial, of the case, the reputation of the dead man, and of certain witnesses for the state resulted in the jury returning such a light sen tence. The iguilt of the prisoner was shown beyond all doubt by State's Attorney Webber. GRADE SURVEYORS ARE BUSY Claimed That They are Working Through Eddy County for the Great Northern Railway. It is claimed that a gang of grade surveyors are working near New Rockford, Eddy county. The line be ing surveyed, it is said, is one that the Great Northern anticipates laying be tween Ayr, Cass county and Minot. The line would shorten the run be tween Minot and the Twin Cities a matter ol about sixty miles. WAS KICKOYT HORSE Cavalier County Young Man Died Two Weeks After He Had Been Injured. Wilhelm Platikow, a young man living near Langdon died as a result of injuries received by a kick from a horse. Platikow was working in the barn when he received the fatal kick. For two weeks he suffered much pain from the results of the kick, and fin ally death came on Sunday. HAS ANENDEDJVERY TERM Governor-Elect John Burke Made Trip lo Cuudo Twice a Year for Six teen Yearn Past. Since Towner county was organized in 1S90, John Burke, governor-elect uf North Dakota has not missed a single term the district court held in that county. This remarkable record is probably the only one of its kind in the entire state, where an attorney has been present at two terms of court each year for a period of sixteen years. Not one Towner county district court term has John Burke missed during the past sixteen years. Each winter and each spring he has gone to Cando to attend the term of court, and when the sheriff called out, "Hear 1'BimiTiwn THE EVENING TIMES, GRAND FORKS, N. D. ALBERT WEBER States Attorney Who Prosecuted. {/Wife .••» '/.II Mm 'i Charitable. Mrs. Bacon—So your husband went to church with you? Mrs. Egbert—Yes. "What was the minister's subject?" "Charity toward all." "And did your husband derive any benefit from the discourse?" "I think so, for when the minister asked him how he liked the sermon he refrained from replying."—Yonkers Statesman. Diplomacy. "My son, let me teach you a proverb that it will be well for you to remem ber always. It is from the Bohemian, and runs this way: 'Do the hard thing first.'" "That ain't any good. If I'd 'a made that proverb I'd 'a' said: 'Get some body else to do the hard thing by tellln' him you'll bet he can't.' "—Chi cago Record-Herald. Our Language. They were watching the antics ol their firstborn, who was performing some lovable inane evolutions on the floor. Mamma said: "Now, just tell me be isn't cute!" Papa said: "Don't ever tell me he Isn't cute!" Which goes to show that "reverse English" is not necessarily a billiard term.—Life. Patriotism. "Can you tell me who was the great est pitcher that ever lived?" asked the baseball fan. "The greatest pitcher that ever lived was a woman," replied the old historian with a smile. "A woman! Absurd!" "Not at all." "Then who was she?" "Why, Molly Pitcher."—Chicago Dally News. New Use for the Honk, Honk. Mistress—What on earth are you do ing with the auto horn? Bridget—Ol always carry wan, mum, to warn the mistress to kape out av me way.—Judge. Rivals. He—I wonder what makes this horse act up so every time he sees an automobile. He can't be afraid of it. She—fton't you suppose he is a lit tle bit jealous?—Detroit Free'Press. DISHED h«iii itr D. .T. O'CONNELL Attorney for Defendant. ye. Hear ye, etc.. John Burke was seated in the court room ready for the court work. The district court is in session in Cando now, and if Burke misses at tending it, it will no doubt be because he is getting ready to take up the du ties as chief executive of North Da kota. DESERVES A REWARD. "Whatever makes Muldoon look so happy—some one left him a legacy "No, but he's solved one of the most important questions of the day." "What's that, an easy way of meas uring the fourth dimension?" "No, something far more vital and useful than that." "What, then?" "Why, it's been his birthday and his wife has again presented him with a box of cigars, beastly things with gor geous colored paper rings round them." "And he has had them drop upon the Are accidentally?" "No, he's transferred the paper rings on to real good smokes and drop* ped the cabbage leavesdown the drain, and now it doesn't torture him when the missis insists upon him enjoying himself by sampling the box of cigars that she bought him." DENTISTS DR. L. L. ECKMAN, DENTIST. Both Phones—466M. Grand Forks, North Dakota DRS. FLETCHER ft SAUNDERSON, Successors to Dr. Robert S. Ramsey DENTIST. Clifford Annex. Grand Forks, N J). DENTIST. Office Over Union National Bank. Phone 101. DR. E. F. ADAMS. PHYSICIANS ft SURGEONS. DR. J. D. TAYLOR, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in St John's Bloek. Office hours: )toUa.m. 1 to 8 p. m. 7 to 8 p. m. JOHN FAWCETT, M.A..M.D DISEASES UF WOMEN AND GENERAL SUBGEON Office over Stanichfleld Store Phone 261 DR. J. GRASSICK ^^Offiee Northwestern Building Corner DeMers Avenue and Fourth St S. W. RUTLEDGE HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. 128 8. Third St. Grand Forks, N. DR. F. J. DUGGAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON—Spe cial attention given to diseases of women. Office, Beare Block. Office hours, 10 a .m. to 12 m., 2 p. m. to 4 p. m., 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Both Phones 80-L. ARCHITECTS. J. W. ROSS ARCHITECT and Superintendent of Construction Office 1% Third St. Grana Forks, N. D. R. L. SMITH ABCHITECT Both Phones. National Bank Bldg W. J. EDWARDS ARCHITECT Northwestern Bldg. Grand Forks Northwestern Phone 466L. OSTEOPATHY DR. ORR SANDERS, DR. MAY E. SANDERS, Chronic and acute diseases success fully treated. Treatment at home if desired. Suite 66, Security Block. Both ghoneB 642. Grand Forks, North Dakota Buncoed by Spelling. Church—Well, this is the limit! Here they have gone and printed eggs on this menu card with one "g." Gotham—That's the new spelling system. They evidently want to lead us to believe that there is something new about the eggs.—Yonkers States man. TWO OF A KINO. Mrs. Brown—I met Mrs. Peck just now, I do think she is such a horrid, spiteful woman, always running people down behind their backs— Mr. Brown (sweetly)—Well, yeu needn't imitate her. How It Impressed Him. "This," exclaimed the guide, ai they stood at last on the summit ol the majestic Himalayas, "is the rooi of the world." "It is, hey?" panted the American traveler. "Well, it's a blamed rough job of 8hinglin'."—Chicago Tribune. Source of Information. Mrs. Smith—Mrs. Brown seems to be an unusually well-informed woman. Mrs. Jones—No wonder her cook has lived with all the other fomilies in the neighborhood.—Chicago Daily News. Reserved. "That Miss Wadleigh Is rather re aerved, isn't she?" "Very much so. I reserved her for life last night."—Milwaukee Sentinel. Of Course. "Is she a blonde or brunette?" "It depends on whieh is in fashion." —Houston Post Avoiding Vengeance. After Miss Screamer had sung "by request" a gentleman was observed to leave the room with considerable ce lerity. "I call that rudeness," declared one guest. "Don't you?" "Can't say," answered the guest ad dressed. "It may be prudence. He looks to me like the man who did the requesting."—Louisville Courier-Jour nal. AOS CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED ADS TAILORS. PHILIP AMON Tailor. SUITS FBOM tlft CP. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. Gall and Deliver. Tri-State Phone 181L. N. W. 349-L. Buttons made for Ladles' garments. No. 12 N. Third St. Grand Forks, N. D. Latest Styles oa Band Perfect Fiit Gaaraateed Paulson Bros. Merchant Tailors IIS Soath Third St. GRAND FORKS, N. D. MANUFACTURERS. GRAND FORKS MONUMENT WORK8 it JEFFREY. Proprietor. Monuments, Headstones, Cemetery Fencing Trl-State 292L 424 DeMers Ave. Grand Forks, N. D. DON McDONALD TENTS. AWNINGS, SHADES Waterproof Covers for Harvesters Threshers and Grain Stacks Corner DeMers and Fifth Grand Forks, North Dakota MISS DELA ODEGARD Phone 766L 603 DeMers Ave. Bast Grand Forks, Minn. Manufacturer nt bub grade cigars such as Grand Forks EAGLES, Globe and the 4. O. r. W. Rasranssen, Bemis & Company Wholesale Dry Goods. Notlona. Etc. GRAND FORKS DAKOTA KAUFMANN'S BAKERY, JACOB KAUFMANN, Prop, East Grand Forks, Minn. Phone 854. J. B. WOODLEY Wholesale and Betail HARNESS. WHIPS AND SADDLEBY SUPPLIES. The largest and most complete stock of hand made harneaa In the two cities. Manufactured of Lappa Sons pure oak leather. A nice line of Riding Saddlea 500 paira of 6-A Horse Blank ets to select from at Jobbers' prices. Sole agenta for the celebrated wyeth Horse Collars alao a full line of hack and surrey harness a nice line of track and driving harness sweat pads, whips and summer goods at a Big' Re duction. Call and look them over. Tclepkoae 1100. AL COONS, Manager, But Grand Forks, S. G. SKULASON Attorney at Law. St. John's Block, Third Floor. N. W. Phone 815L. Tri-State 816. COPVBIOMT A MOST IMPORTANT CHRISTMAS CONSIDERATION is the coal qiiestion, as coal is some thing you must have, even to the ex clusion of turkey, plum pudding or mince pie. We trust you will get them all, especially the coal we offer, and we recommend it because there Is more of it received as heat than what goes into the ash barrel. A point of domestic economy that cannot be claimed by most coal consumed. Gibbs Grain & Fuel Co Phone 600 Office: 309 Kittson HAVE YOLK TEETH Properly attended to now and avoid pain and digestive disturbances of more or less gravity by consulting DR. COUVRETT, Dentist DE MEKS AND THIRD STS. Over Drug Store- PHONE RICE'S 602L VOB BACKS, DBATS, DAT OB NIGHT. WB MEET ALL TBAI1VS. Office, 416 DeMers Avenue. W. .KIRK, Prop. PAGE SEVCP MISCELLANEOUS. B. O. PAULSNESS Plumbing, Steam and Hot water Fit ting. Pumps and Windmills. Sewer ana Water Works Contractor. Lead and Iron Pipe and Fittings. Brass Goods, Sewer Pipe, Hose, etc. GRAND FORKS. N. DAK. JEFF'S TRANSFER Both Phonea SS. Hacks and Livery, dray and trans fer work, moving pianos a specialty Only low down moving vans In tks city. Day or night calls attended ta promptly. All work guaranteed G. W. BARTON. Prop. 612 DeMers Ave. Opp. G. N. Depot J. LAVERTY Minnesota Point Dealer in Live and Dressed Poultrp Cash or Commission. Phone 123L. N. W. O. Address Grand Forks. Call or writ*. The City Feed Store Bf. W. Tkoie BSO Trl-State 5M-b *V DOWNEY A PFEIFBB Flour, Feed, Hay and Wood of All KMa 4tS DeMers Ave GRAND FORKS LOGAN CAFE We 8erve Revere Coffee the Best In the World. 319 DeMers Ave. Grand Forks, N. I MAX RABINOVICH Honey to loan on all articles of value. 129 DeMers Ave. Phone 7S4 J. A. EVANS From London, England, teacher Pure Italian method of VOICE CULTURE Pupils trained for church, concert I stage. Phone N. W. 1140L. Stud: room 62, Security building. TO THOSE WHOM IT MA* CONCERN Everyone who .pwns a phonograj and reports their name at Getts' mue house will hear of something to the advantage. The M. H. Redlch HIDE & FUR CO. Northwestern Dealers in Fine Northern Furs, Hides, Pelts Wool, Tallow, Roots, Etc. Largest and Oldest Hide and Ftt House In the State. GRAND FORKS N. DAI Bacon & Van Alstfne Livery and Hack Stable 0 TO 18 N. FOURTH ST. TELEPHONE 131 Grand Forks, North Dakota We have a lew good country livery horses for sale cheap. Guarantee Stock Food Compa Iscorporstsd Capital Stock. $fl0,000 Manufacturers of Stock Food. Pe try Food, Worm Powder, Lloe Kill SK'cSSrfc^aSTcS?^ 55 edr and White Liniment •BAUD BOSKS. I. B. J. A. EVANS Teacher of Pure HaH«». Method of Voice Culture. Pupils be received on Tuesday morning) a. m. to 12 and every week day Ing. Room 62 Security building. Phi Getts Musio store. Columbia Hotel AND RESTAURANT OatsoirlonehM bar* white awaiting for ronrtrainaa Open Day and Ntrfht OSCAR KNPDSON, ftep't Bataai fl and ILS6 par day GRAND FORKS. N. DAI. OppaaHaQ. N. Depot SEALS Either Pocket .... or Desk Rubber Stamp Write for Catalog CADWELL, The Stamp N Grand Forks, W. I. CASH For all Kiads oi Jaak, CoaUatla| Scrap Iroa, Copper aai RIMS, QI lubber Boots sad Skew, Rait el si lisds, aad Bottles. Special Price for Car Loat M, FISHMAN N. W. Fhaas #17- mm UI vy'^