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The evening times. [volume] (Grand Forks, N.D.) 1906-1914, March 25, 1907, Easter Number, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of North Dakota

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-^vt^MONDA^ MABOH25, 1907. r*~-
By l", s. Seaator Haanbrough.)
The widespread interest manifested
in all sections of the country in the
amendments to the denatured alcohol
law enacted at 'the recent session of
congress shows that the people of the
United States are more than ever de
sirous that the policy of tax-free alco
hol for industrial purposes shall have
a full and fair trial, under the most
favorable conditions. No other eco
nomic question discussed in congress
during recent years has received half
as much attention from the farmers,
manufacturers, business organizations
and general public as tho proposition
to exempt from internal revenue taxa.
tion alcohol made unflt for beverage
purposes, and the sentiment in favor
of tiie most liberal legislation govern
ing the production, distribution and
J. S. & S. Marquisee & Co.
Grand Forks, North Dak.
u. S. Senator H. C. Hansbrough Tells History of
Denatured Alcohol Legislation* and What It
Is Hoped to Accomplish for the Farmer
this new Industrial material Is
History of the Legislation.
In view of the general misunder
standing which seems to exist as to
the nature and effect of the legisla
tion enacted by congress on this sub
ject, I think it desirable to explain
briefly the object of the law of June
7, 1906, which took effect on January
1, 1907, and the amendments to this
law, enacted March 2, which will go
into effect Sept. 1, 1907.
The original law was intended to
permit the use, free of internal reve
nue tax, of all aclchol rendered unflt
'for consumption as a beverage, under
regulations to be prescribed by the
commissioner of internal revenue. At
the time of Its enactment this law was
supposed to be entirely satisfactory to
both the producers and consumers of
industrial alcohol, but it was found
that the laws governing the production
of ."distilled spirits," under which term
alcohol and alcoholic compounds are
taxed, imposed conditions which tend
ed to confine the production of alcohol
to large distilleries, and to make its
manufacture by farmers or other per
sons on a small scale too expensive to
be practicable. It was also found that
denatured alcohol could not be shipped
In tank cars, a method of transporta
tion which was highly desirable, as
effecting a considerable reduction in
its cost.
As I had taken a deep interest in the
matter I was naturally called upon by
my constituents in North Dakota and
the advocates of untaxed a|cohol
throughout the country to aid in per
fecting the laws relating to this sub
ject so as to give the public all the
benefits which it was expected would
be derived from the. use of this new
material. Early in the recent Besslon
of congress I introduced in the sen
ate a bill authorizing the use of small
alcohol plants by farmers without the
constant supervision of a government
officer, and similar bills were subse
quently introduced in the house. The
nature of the desired amendments was
carefully gone into by the committee
on ways and means and the bill intro
duced by Congressman Hill of Con­
We have aa extensive collection of Waists of exceptionally high charac
ter* Without exception this is the grandest showing of beautiful Waists
ever brought into the city.
Plfl A TC & A P'lfPTC These Goats and Jackets are suit
JALlliEiia able for all kinds of wear, from the
Luxurious kind to the practical everyday servicable kind. All are of
the most fashionable and correct styles. They vary in lengths and
weight* Get our prices*
l^PHllv Wpfii* Clinic The management of this de*
necticut providing for the necessary
changes in the former laws was
promptly passed by the house.
Opposition of Powerful Interests.
When this bill reached the senate a
violent opposition developed on the
part of certain distillers, who protest
ed against the provisions for small
farm concerns, central denaturing
warehouses and the transportation of
alcohol in tank cars. For a timo it
seemed that the selfish interests of
these distillers would prevail, but the
Influence of the farmers of the coun
try (particularly those acting through
the great organization known as the
National Grange, Patrons of Husband
ry) and of the manufacturers in the
alcohol using industries, proved so
strong that in spite of the opposition,
which favored an amendment of the
house bill that would practically null),
fy its most Important sections, the
senate by a vote of 47 to 16 struck out
an amendment to this effect inserted
by the committee on finance, and
passed the bill by a vote of 65 to 1.
In addition to the provisions allowing
the operation of small denatured alco
hol plants without cumbersomo bond
ed warehouses, and permitting the
transportation of denatured alcohol in
tank cars, the act of March 2, 1907,
provides for the use of untaxed alcohol
in the manufacture of sulphuric ether,
which had been prohibited under the
construction placed upon tho origin-ii
law, and for the establishment oi cen
tral denaturing bonded warehouses, to
which alcchol produced at farms or
other denatured alcohol plants may
bo shipped and thero denatured. The
use of tax-free alcohol in the produc
tion of sulphuric ether will greatly re
duce the cost of that material, and
permit its general use for many in
dustrial purposes, one of the most im
portant of which is the production of
ethyl chloride, a material which pos
sesses many advantages as a refriger
ant for use in small meat packing es
tablishments and for similar purposes.
The establishment of denaturing
bonded warehouses In various sections
of the country, under the more liberal
terms of the new law, will be a direct
benefit to tho small manufacturers of
industrial alcohol, as they can ship
their product in tank cars to these
warehouses, where the alcohol can be
denatured and conveniently shipped to
dealers or users.
The enactment of these amendments
perfects our laws relating to this sub
ject, so that It is believed they are now
itbe most liberal of any country in the
world. Congress has opened tho way
to this great industrial opportunity,
and It remains for our enterprising
farmers and manufacturers to take ad
vantage of it.
Plants With Locked Tanks.
The effect of the amendment per
mitting the manufacture of industrial
alcohol by plants with locked tanks
on a small scale without constant gov
ernment supervision will be to make
possible the establishment of manu­
y'Wfif* 'M'
-iX *,
wear vJUlIb partment have done themselves
proud in their masterly selection of handsome models. It is worth a
trip down town to see the elaborate showing of Ladies Costumes*
The Alcohol Potato an Insurance to the
Farmer Against Losses on His Grain Crops
factories producing ^not to exceed one
hundred gallons per day, wherever
their operation may .bo economically
profitable, so that 'the product may be
denatured on the premises. As is well
known, the sections of the country in
which the materials from which alco
hol is produced can be secured at the
lowest cost are, generally speaking,
those In which the petroleum distil
lates are sold at the highest price.
There would seem to be no good rea
son, therefore, why those sections of
the country should not be enabled to
produce denatured alcohol at a mini
mum price, in such quantities as may
be most convenient to the farmers or
others who'may engage in its produc
The farmers of the country have a
two-fold interest in the perfected, un
taxed denatured alcohol law. As the
largest consumers of kerosene for
lighting purposes they are naturally
desirous of securing a competing ma
terial. It has been demonstrated that
alcohol furnishes a brilliant, steady
light at a cost comparing favorably
with the price at which kerosene is
generally sold in the farming sections
of the country. Since alcohol Is free
from the disagreeable odor of kero
sene, burns without smoking lamp
chimneys and is absolutely safe, it
follows that a further reduction in its
cost would make it a formidable com
petitor with kerosene.
Liquid Motor Fuel.
The farmers are also more interest
ed than any other class in tho ques
tion oi an abundant supply oil liquid
motor fuel for the internal combustion
engines which are coming into general
use on the farms in all sections of the
country. The marked Increase In the
use of these engines during the past
few years has had the effect of ad
vancing the price of gasoline, now the
only available motor fuel, fully 300
per cent, and, unless some substitute
can be secured, its cost will become
prohibitive. In testimony submitted
to the committee on ways and means
by Prof. Blihu Thomson of the General
Electric company it was shown that
extended experiments had established
the fact that when used in a properly
constructed engine alcohol is a highly
satisfactory motor fuel, a given quan
tity producing as much energy as the
same quantity of gasoline. That the
substitution of denatured alcohol for
gasoline is not merely a theory, but
an accomplished fact, is shown by the
experience of Germany, to which Mr.
Goebbels of the Otto Gas Engine com
pany refers as follows:
"As to the total number o.' engines
in use at that time (in 1903) in Ger
many, statistics show that one central
station in Berlin alono had contracts
for supplying 1,011 alcohol engines.
These were distributed among various
industries as follows:
Agricultural purposes 544
Pumping plants $4
Groceries 63
Electric light plants 52
Wood working machinery 45
Flour mills 40
Bakeries 33
Motor trucks 30
Boats •. 30
"The rest were used for general
power purposes."
Will Steady the Prices of Grain.
One great advantage of the agricul
tural interests of tho entire country
We are Representatives for the Renowned R. & G. Corsets.
will be secured as the result of a
workable law providing for untaxed
denatured alcohol is that the price of
those farm products from which it
may be most cheaply produced can
never fall below a 'point which would
give the farmers a satisfactory profit.
In other words, this legislation prac
tically give sthe farmer a policy of in
surance against loss in growing corn
and potatoes. Corn at 30 cents per
bushel would banish keroseno as a
source of light and heat and gasoline
as a source of power at present prices
of these articles.
At the present time gasoline of a
poor quality costs the farmer in the
northwestern states 22 to 30 cents per
gallon, and all indications point to an
increase in those prices, owing to the
constantly Increasing demand in all
sections oi tho country. With the
greater safety oi alcohol at equal, or
nearly equal, prices it would be pre
ferred to gasoline, and tho demand for
it as a motor fuel for farm engines
alone would create a market for all
surplus corn at a price of not less than
30 cents, and probably at 35 cents per
bushel. With the assuranlce of an un
limited demand for corn at a price
that would avoid tho necessity o.! its
ever being sold at a loss, and an en
larged demand for potatoes, etc., the
farmers can raise without fear oi a
glutted market annual crops of these
products very much larger than even
the record crops of former years.
Co'Operathc Manufactories.
In my opinion tho most practicable
way In which alcohol can be profitably
produced by the farmers, for the pres
ent at, least, is through the establisn
ment of co-operative plants by a num
ber of farmers in suitable localities.
I believe that in such plants can lie
utilized inferior and rejected grain, and
at certain seasons starch-yielding veg
etables, so as to supply the local de
mand foi» denatured alcohol for light
ing, heating and motor fuel purposes.
The Alcohol Potato.
I am advised by the United States
department oi agriculture that they
have recently imported samples oi po
tatoes grown in Europe which have
been found to give a very high per
centage of alcohol, and that thero are
varieties grown in this country, with
which the department, is now "experi
menting, which show a largo starch
content In view of the fact, as shown
in the report of the committee on ways
and means perfecting the alcohol laws,
that in the fiscal year of 1905 Germany
used 91,148,182 bushels oi potatoes in
the production of alcohol, there would
seem to be no reason why in many
sections oi this country tho cultiva
tion of these special kinds of potatoes
for use in the production of alcohol
should not be found profitable bv our
A matter of great importance in re
lation to the capacity of our farms to
produce practically unlimited quanti
ties of the materials from which in
dustrial alcohol is made is the fact
that the growth, of these farm crops
does not exhaust the soil. After the
alcohol has been extracted from corn
or potatoes these materials are still
serviceable as cattle feed, in which
form they ultimately find their way
back to the land.
Some disappointment has been ex
perienced over the delay on the part
of our manufacturers to furnish alco­
Supply and Demand.
One difficulty which has served to
delay the general use of untaxed de
natured alcohol for domestic purposes,
such as cooking, heating, etc., has been
the high prices charged by the retail
druggists, who, so far, are the only
dealers handling this material. It is
evidently not yet understood that as
an industrial material denatured al
cohol is on a different footing from
that of tax-paid alcohol, so long dealt
in by druggists, and that it will have
to be sold at a much lower rate of
profit than the latter material. I am
advised that tax-free alcohol is now
being sold f. o. b. at Peoria, 111., for
31 cents per gallon, while the general
retail price is about 75 cents per gal
lon. This would indicate that the ex
pense of handling and retail dealer's
profit are much too large, and if the
conditions under which the retail price
is so high are in any way due to the
regulations or restrictions placed on
the sale of the denatured product, it
will be necessary to have these regu
lations modified so that not only drug
gists but grocers, hardware dealers,
etc., can handle it.
It must be remembered that this leg
islation has been in effect for less than
three months, and that its enactment
found the country entirely unprepared
to take advantage of the opportunities
which it created. I am confident that
after the amendments perfecting the
law go into effect on September 1st of
this year the production and consump
tion of denatured alcohol will be very
largely increased, and that all of the
difficulties which have tended to hin
der its use will soon be overcome. The
United States should produce denat
ured alcohol cheaper than any other
country, and in view of the greater
consuming power of our people the
demand for it for industrial purposes
should be proportionately large.
.InoriMtd Prraa Cable to The Erealai
Dresden, March 25.—Henry K. Lack
land, son of .Mr. and .Mrs. E. C. Lack
land of St. Louis. Mo., was married
here today to Miss Eltse von Ende,
daughter of Baron von Ende, major
general of the German army. The cer.
emony was a brilliant one and was at
tended by King Frederick Augustus
and numerous persons high in official
and social circles in Dresden.
Pittsburg, Pa., March 25.—The Rev.
William Graham, pastor of St. Pat
rick's church, today celebrated the
twenty-fifth anniversary of his ordina
tion to the priesthood. Father Graham
was born in Ireland in 1858. He made
his theological studies at the St. Sul
plce seminary, Montreal, and afterward
attended the American college in Rome,
where he was ordained March 25,1882.
Our display of high grade Millinery is not surpassed in the northwest*
Every hat the Latest and Best for the occasion, dress or walking hat.
1 7 ?vepy Pair to your hand. All
the sprmg shades to match your clothing.
hol burning lamps, stoves, heaters and
other alcohol-using apparatus, similar
to that used in Germany. I have per
sonally investigated this matter and
find that American manufacturers are
preparing to put on the market in the
near future lamys in which it has been
found by carefully conducted experi
ments that one gallon of alcohol will
give as much light as two gallons of
kerosene. I havo also seen samples
of cooking stoves, heaters and other
alcohol-using appliances which will be
on rale in this country at an earlv
Arrangements are being made by the
managers of the Jamestown exposi
tion for a special industrial alcohol
exhibit, to which an entire building will
be devoted. In addition to the various
kinds of alcohol apparatus, automo
biles, internal combustion engines and
motor boats operated by alcohol will
bo exhibited.
Mens and Boys' Clothing
We have a large stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing.
Ihese goods are made by the best factories in in the
country. They are excellent quality, neat and dressy and
give entire satisfaction. We can fit you out from head to
foot at little cost. We handle very dressy shoes as well as
shoes for working men. Our Mens' Hats are the newest
things out. Look at our Spring Top Coats.
and shades Neckties. The latter in all the latest colors
Columbia, S. C., March 25.—The In
terstate National Guard association,
which has for its objects the better
ment of the militia throughout the
United States and the unification of the
several organizations of state forces,
began its annual convention in this
city today. Officers of the several
branches of the military service of the
United States, the military attaches of
several of the foreign legations at
Washington and the adjutant generals
and other representatives of the na
tional guard of nearly every state of
the Union were present when the con
vention was formally called to order
by the president of the association,
Senator Charles Dick of Ohio, the au
thor of the law now governing the
military organizations of the various
In addition to President Dick the
other officers of the association on
hand were General Armfield of North
Carolina, vice president Col. Carroll'
D. Evans of Nebraska, secretary Gen.
John D. Frost of South Carolina, treas
urer, and Gen. James A. Drain of the
state of Washington, chairman of the
executive committee.
The program of the convention cov
ers two dayS and provides for papers
and discussions covering a wide varie
ty of topics connected with the state
militia. Among those who will address
E. G. Greenup of the Williston Land
company, wrote Senator Hansbrough
in regard to the chances for getting
Roosevelt to attend the opening, and
asked Senator Hansbrough If he
could not be present also. In reply,
Mr. Greenup received the following
United States Senate,
Committee on Public Lands.
Buster Brown.
The attraction for the coming Wed
nesday night at the Metropolitan Thea
ter is the record making Buster Brown.
Of all the musical comedies produced
in years none other has been accord
ed such great patronage as has been
the lot of Mr. Outcault's play. En
couraged by the success of the past
few seasons, each of which has shown
a marked Increase over its predecess
or, its managers, with a view to mak
ng Buster Brown the equal of any and
superior to many, even of those play
ing at $2—have spent money most lav
ishly. The book has been entirely re
written and is said to be wittles and
more consisten than that previously
an! ^or*' My guaranteed.
win be found a most handsome and
J. S. & S. Marquisee & Co.
Grand Forks, North Dak.
.... I
the gathering area number of officers
of the United States army, specially
detailed for the purpose. Maj. MillaTd
F. Waltz, of the general staff, will read
a paper on the subject of the educa
tional system for officers of the regu
lar army. Maj. Charles McK. Saltz
nian of the signal corps will deliver a
lecture before the convention on the
subject of "The Signal Corps in Cam
paign." Col. Henry O. S. Heistand,
military secretary, will read a paper
on the subject, "The Military Secre
tary's Department as a Factor in Mili
tary Training and Its Value to the Na
tion." Col. Valery Havard, assistant
surgeon general of the army, will also
be among the speakers.
Prominent among the national guard
representatives who are scheduled for
papers or adderesses are Gen Joseph
Babletter of Minnesota, Gen. Thomas
R. Robertson, adjutant general of North
Carolina Adjutant General Boyd of
South Carolina, and Adjutant General
Critchfield of Ohio, who is vice presi
dent of the national board of rifle prac
The state of South Carolina and the
city of Columbia have made elaborate
arrangements for the entertainment of
the many distinguished visitors. An
official reception and a banquet are
among the features of the entertain
ment program.
The Commercial club of Williston, is
making an effort to have President
Roosevelt, the secretary of the interi
or, North Dakota senators, represen
tatives and others interested in the
work, attend the opening of the Wil
liston irrigation project. The project
is to be opened some time in June.
E. G. Greenup, Esq.,
Williston, N. D.
My Dear Mr. Greenup:—
Permit me to thank you for your
very kind letter of the 8th inst 1
doubt whether I will be able to get
the president to attend the opening of
the irrigation project of Williston, but
shall be greatly pleased to be with
you myself on that occasion. You do
not state the date on which the open
ing is contemplated, but I assume that
it has not been definately settled as
Assuring you of my deep interest
in this important work and with best
wishes, 'believe me to be,
Very sincerely yours,
H. C. Hansbrough.
used The music with which the comedy
is interspersed is of the sort termed
catchy. None of last season's special
ties have benn retained but in their
place others appear of a vastily higher
order. The costumes which are new,
are appropriate and tasteful and the
scenic equipment more gorgeous than
ever, will be used for the first time
this season. The cast is exceptionally
strong and is headed by Master Helton,
"the littlest comedian" who, as Buster,
is so real that he is well nigh per
The Warning Bell.
Gordon & Bennett's production of
"The Warning Bell" will be seen at
the Metropolitan Theater on Saturday
for two performances. The matinee
prices will be 10 cents for children and
25 cents for adults.
Occasionally you meet a wise man
who looks otherwise.

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