». rm'l tV\$
*»,j •'•v
For Sale—five-room house on
North Seventh street, close In.
Price $1,060.
For Sale—Five-room cottage on
North Eighth street Price $1,150.
For Rent—Nine-room house on
Belmont avenue, all modern but
heat. Good location. $30 per
For Rent: New, all modern
store building, full basement. Good
location. $75 per month.
For Rent: Eight-room house, all
modern but heat. Furnished. $30
per month. On Cottonwood street.
For Sale: Eight-room house, all
modern but heat, corner lot. Full
basement Hardwood floors and
hardwood finish. Good barn. Would
cost $4,000 to build. Price $3,000.
For Sale: Eight-room house, all
modern but heat, on Chestnut
street Nice lawn and shade. $2,750.
We have a lew hand
embroidered and
hand wovenrutfs and
table covers, made
in Norway. They are
dyed with the very
best oi vegetable
dyes and guaranteed
not to fade. They
cost from—
$4 to $11.30
J. W. Ross, the Architect
W. J. Edwards, the other Architect
C. 8. CRANE, M. D. (Specialist)
Eye, Ear, Nose sad Throat
Always see J. H. Lambe's line of
wall decorations before buying.
Dr. Pierce, Dentist, removed to IS
South Third street Office With Dr.
Japalac rejuvenates everything
about the home, from cellar to gar
ret Try a can at J. H. Lambe's.
Reach Home Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Budge are ex
pected home on Wednesday morning
from a trip through Mexico and the
southwestern states.
Returned to Cavalier.
Dan Laxdal went through this
mornning enroute to Cavalier from
B^argo. Mr. Laxdal was at Fargo on
private business matters.
Body Shipped Through.
The body of Julius Heckons, a well
known resident of Bowesmont, whose
death occurred in a Drayton hospital
last week, went through the city over
the N. P. bound for a town near Chi
cago in Illinois where interment will
be made. Typhoid fever was the
cause of death.
-?:^i!:i''::'^'i ^v'Sr
Na. 20 North Poarth Street Both fhotci No. 20
Hansen & Go.
202 S.
Gome in and see
M. W. Hansen
[& Company^
Both Phonos lOl
2J^T :-iS,TH(S^iSCS^^E^5f3e^5^aP!Ke3^«aSKK3KSES!WK!^l^^,SS^^
For Sale: Seven-room house on
South Fifth street AU modern.
Hardwood floors. Nice lawn and
shade. Price $4,000.
For Rent: Forty acres of good
land 2 1-2 miles north of the city.
For Sale: Xew eight-room house
on Gertrude avenue. All modem.
For Sale: All modern house on
Walnut street. Close in. Hard
wood floors. Nice lawn and shade.
For Sale: Eight-room house, all
modern. Corner lot. Hardwood
floors. .Vice lawn and shade. $3,500.
For Sale: Four-room house, city
water on University avenue. Price
For Sale: Seven-room house, all
modern but heat. Xew. Nice lawn
and shade. On Xorth Eighth street.
Price $2,900. Easy terms.
W. H. Kelsey,
Buy your rugs of Panovitz. Large
assortment to select from.
F. 1. Dixon makes a specialty of
steam and hot water heatinc Both
phones 123.
Snndayed at Larimore.
Roswel". Merr :i spent Sunday with
friends at Larimore. Mr. Merritt
formerly resided in that city.
We bay, sell or exchange nice, clean
furniture, carpets, stoves, etc. Grand
Forks Furniture company, SOS Soath
Third street Pho^e 6S0.
Lots Sold.
Two lots on Cherry street have
been soM by the Boe-Kulstad agency
to Carl Magnesson, the consideration
being $325.
The tight Honse.
For anything in light, call np the
Light Honse, 438 both phones. Gas
and electrical goods, Honley A Smith,
Panovitz' Carpet Department
Complete lines of Bundahr Wilton,
Wilton Velvet Axmlnster, Brussels
and Kashmir rugs now ready for your
inspection. All sizes. Come in and
see them.
Builders' Exchange.
The North Dakota Builders' and
Traders' exchange will hold a meet
ing this evening in the club rooms.
This is the regular May meeting of
the exchange.
You're to be the judge we leave it
to yon to decide all we want is your
verdict—will Hollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea make you well and keep you
well? That's fair. Tea or tablets, 35
cents. Lion Drug Store.
To the Lake.
Alderman George Buckingham was
a passenger to Devils Lake this morn
ing on matters connected with the
fulfilling of his contract on the F. W.
Mann building in that city. Work
men have been engaged on the struct
ure for several weeks.
Returned to Hllisboro.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Sarles, ex-Gov
ernor and Mrs. E. Y. Sarles and Mrs.
Taft returned to Hillsboro this morn
ing after spending a day and a night
in the city. The party attended the
university concert at the Metropolitan
last evening.
Will Cat It Down.
A telephone or telegraph pole,
nailed to the ice break of the DeMers
avenue .bridge, will be cut down pro
vided that the owners do not remove
same. This is the ultimatum given out
by Alderman Day, chairman of the
bridge committee of the city council.
Brother at Page.
A brother of Michael Connell, an
old time lumber man, who died sud
denly at Minneapolis Sunday, lives in
Page, this state. He has been notified
of the death. Mrs. Connell, wife of
the unfortunate man had to be taken
in charge toy the police, the shock
seeming to have affected her mind.
Enters Journalistic Field.
Another eligible has been added to
the lists of the Grand Forks Press
club in the person of Harry H. Coop
er, who has accepted a position with
the Herald as telegraph editor. Mr.
Cooper has been managing editor of
the university weekly Student for the
past year and as he made more than
good on that paper it is expected that
he will be able to fill the bill on the
Associated Press desk.
Have met with most remarkable suc
cess everywhere. The construction,
insulation and service rendered,
places it above all other makes. The
walls are well Insulated with miner
al wool (best non-conductor of heat
and cold known) and insulating
paper. The exterior case is of an
tique oak. The lining is either of
white tile, opal-glass. Zinc is never
used, as zinc corrodes and generates
poisons which are absorbed by the
foods and cause disease. The door
trimmings are of brass, heavily nickel
plated. We can supply special Mc-
Oray Refrigerators for grocers, hotels, restaurants or florists use delivered
at any station in North Dakota. LET US FIGURE WITH YOU.
Leading Hardware Merchants
Opera Honse Block Grand Forks, N. D.
122*124 Sooth 3rd Street
Grand Forks. N. D.
L/owney'a Cocoa,
%-lb. tins
Lowney's Chocolate,
per lb
Baker's Cocoa,
^-lb. tins
Baker's Chocolate,
per lb
Van Camp Hominy,
Pickles. Sweet Midgets,
(bulk), per quart
Pickles. Gherkins (bulk),
per quart
Pickles, Sweet Mixed,
(bulk), per quart
Pickles. Dill. Extra
Oavey. (bulk), per quart.
Pickles. Sour. (bulk!,
per quart
Olives. Extra Mammoth
Queen, per quart
Olives. Ripe,
per quart
Holland Rush, Dry
Toast, pkg. per quart
Pie Plant.
per lb
strawberries and Fresh
Vegetables fresh every day.
oi the
Is the Carburretor. To
insure lontf life to your
car let us put on a
Schebler, the one best
State Agents Cadellac Cars.
Repairing and Supplies.
Inspect Panovitz line of rugs and
lace curtains before buying, you will
save money.
It was stated in Grand Forks this
afternoon that among the claims
burned over were those filed upon by
Dr. Love, of Thompson, and Dr.
Irwfin and T. Kennedy, the latter of
Grand Forks.
Occasionally one has the fortune to
meet women who are ideal in looks
and figure. Ninety-nine times out of
a hundred you will find she takes
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea
or tablets, 35 cents. Lion Drug Store.
Mi's. Stinson III.
Mrs. A. T. Stinson is reported very
ill, threatened with an attack of pneu
monia. She has been confined to her
bed for several days and physicians
aire in constant attendance.
Uncle Is Dead.
W. J. Higgins, local organizer of
the Loyal American lodge, has re
ceived word from Stratford, Ont., of
the death of John Thistle, an uncle.
Hie deceased was 76 years of age.
Preached at Bowesmoat.
Rev. O. D. Cannon returned last
evening .from BOwesmont where he
conducted the Sunday services dn the
First Methodist church. Rev. Cannon
states that but little progress toward
putting in the crop has been made in
that vicinity.
Another Company Admitted.
The Mechanics Fire Insurance com
pany of Milwaukee has been admitted
to do business in North Dakota. Boe
& Kulstad have been appointed local
agents of the company. This is one
of the concerns that paid all losses
sustained in the San Francisco fire.
Complete Plans.
It is announced that plans for the
Empire theatre will be about ready
for the contractors to figure on tomor
row. The plans call for a splendid
house, of which the Evening Times
has made previous mention. The con
tract for the building will toe let at
an early date, it is expected.
Will Reside at Mlnot.
Mrs. W. A. Crary, who tor several
weeks has been the pleasant guest of
Mrs. A. W. Crary at the cozy Crary
home on Eighth street, today left for
Mi not where she will Join her hus
band who has been appointed state
agent of the Northwestern Insurance
company, and will have headquarters
in that city.
Attends Conference.
Presiding Elder M. P. Burns of the
Methodist church preached the Sun
day sermons in the First M. E. church
in Pembina on Sunday. Today Rev.
Burns is at Drayton attending the
quarterly conference of the Drayton
church. Rev. H. P. Cooper, formerly
of this city then presiding elder of
this district, has the pastorship at the
hustling town down the Red.
Gave Concert
A. Kahn and wife, violinists, pian
ists and singers of rare ability, left
this morning for Fargo after several
days in the city with friends. Last
night they gave a delightful concert
at the home of M. Ftshman, and the
large crowd present pronounced their
work the best ever heard in the city.
Mr. Kalhn is a graduate fthe Berlin
conservatory of music.
.' '-..\ V." v*"
Ladles Auxiliary.
The ladles auxiliary of the O. R. C.
held a meeting this afternoon.
Daughters ol Norway.
A meeting of the Daughters of Nor
way lodge will be held this evening.
Acacia Chapter.
There will be a meeting of the
Acacia chapter. No. 12, E. O. S. which
meets this evening.
Paid a Fine.
Maris, the Greek, who was charged
with assault and battery, paid a fine
in justice court yesterday.
Ten gents' or ladies' for high-class
employment in Grand Forks, all. oi
part time, highest pay for balance ot
month. Apply P. O. Box 319.
Moving Day.
E. .1. White is moving his family
and household goods into the Mc
Canna residence on Reeves avenue.
Set Dates.
The May term of the district court
opened this morning and Judge C. P.
Tenvpleton set the dates for two mlnot
Guild to Meet.
The St. Paul Guild will meet to
morrow. Wednesday, afternoon with
Mrs. A. C. Wonderlick, S56 Belmont
It's too bad to see people who go
from day to day suffering with physi
cal weakness, when Rocky Mountain
Tea would strengthen them. Tea or
tablets, 35 cents. Lion Drug Store.
Married Yesterday.
Yesterday afternoon in the offices
of County Judge Hassell, Jeremiah
Caulfield and Miss Adelaide Mis*ell
•were married, the genial judge offi
ciating in his usual happy manner.
On Annual Trip,
M. F. Murphy left last evening for
Cincinnati, where ho will attend to
business matters, afterwards con
tinuing to Chicago and other eastern
points. He will be away several days.
Resigns Position.
E. G. Frederickson has resigned
the position he has held with the First
National bank of East Grand Forks.
O. L. Nelson, also with "that institu
tion, has resigned his position, to take
effect on May 15.
Visit at Home.
Miss Widmnnd, who has been em
ployed in the Benner, Begg & Garvin
stores in this city, left last night for
Mankato, Minn., where she will visit
her parents before leaving for Port
land, Ore., to accept a very desirable
Horned Toad.
Miss Dorothy Wells, today received
a present from Salt Lake City, Utah
in the shape of a live horned toad.
The reptile was shipped In a little
box, and came from her big brother
who is engaged in the mining busi
W. H. M. S. Meeting.
The Women's Home Missionary so
ciety of the M. E. church will hold
its quarterly meeting tomorrow after
noon at the home of Mrs. W. A. Crary,
417 North Seventh street The pro
gram will be under the direction of
Mrs. E. M. Snell. A silver collection
will be taken.
Purchased Auto.
David Brown, a well known farmer
residing north of town has purchased
a Cadillac automobile from Lyons &
Co. Mr. Brown is well over seventy
years of age and figures that a horse
less carriage will come in very handy
in making the trip between the farm
and the city.
Xorthwood Realty Man.
Nels Tanborn, the well known
Northwood realty man and broker, is
a visitor in the city on court matters.
Mr. Tanborn states that the farmers
in the vicinity of Northwood are seed
ing a little in the afternoon but that
owing to the cool weather there will
be no heavy work until the end of
the week at least.
Water Is Good.
Oscar Lystad, of the East Grand
Forks Transportation company, went
down the river last week on the
Steamer Grand Forks, returning to
the city Sunday night with a load or
grain and wood. Mr. Lystad states
that the water in the river is very
promising for navigation and predicts
a good year with the boats.
Moving Today.
L. E. Weiler is engaged today in
moving his family from their present
home to the residence of Dr. S. H.
Irwin on South Fourth street, which
he will occupy for the next several
months. Mrs. Irwin leaves in a few
days for the claim near Shaefer, Mc
Kenzie county, where sihe will re
side. The girls, Miss Temple and Miss
Dalton, will remain with Mr. and Mrs.
Weiler till school is out anyway, and
possibly a part of the summer.
Looks for Good Crop.
Jacob Dobmeier, one of the old
timers In this section of the state, lo
cated on a fine farm, two miles west ot
town, dn conversation with an Even
ing Times representative this morn
ing, stated that notwithstanding the
backward season he anticipated a
bountiful yield. Other years the
farmers were able to get their crops
in early, but the seed lay dormant un
til the warm weather. This year the
seed does the sleeping in the gralnery.
Suit of Botten Bros. vs. Panl Belden,
of Northwood, Has Interesting
The rather peculiar case of Botten
Bros. vs. Paul Belden, of Northwood,
is up before Judge Templeton in the
district court today. The action is the
outgrowth of a partnership arrange
ment, the peculiar features existing in
the allegation of the plaintiff's that
there is owing them from Belden the
sum of approximately (8,000 or 910,
000. On tiie other hand, Belden claims
that the plaintiffs owe him a large
sum and asks for the amount with in
Botten Bros, are interested in five
drug stores in North Dakota towns,
there toeing three in the firm. Hon. J.
H. Bogard is acting for Belden and
Attorney Scott Rex for the plain
A boy's idea of civic Improvement
is strengthening the home team.
North Dakota—Cloudy tomor
row, with rising temperature.
of Quality
Is Not
In getting hoys' clothing.
most people pm- too Uttlo, A
limn will give $18 to $30 for a
suit with quality ami styU\ To
get an equal degree of value
in a boys' suit .you must pay
a priee in proportion. This
means $5 at least and twin
this up to $10. Pay more than
you have paid. You'll find it
Our special line of Boy's
Double Breasted Suits is very
complete. They come in plaiu
blues pretty gray checks and
fancy mixtures. Sizes seven
to sixteen
years ..
$5 to $10
sixteen years,
N. Jacobson, of Rugby, is among the
visitors from the -west today.
Wtlliam Collins, of Bottineau, is a
business visitor in the state metro
J. D. Sather, of Langdon, is among
the prominent visitors in the city to
N. A. Stewart, of Willis
ton, was a
prominent arrival from the western
part of the state today.
T. N. Wright came in from Manvel
this morning.
B. G. Bowman, of Ardock, is spend
ing the day in the city looking aftei
private matters.
O. C. Hanson, Buxton, is registered
in the city.
S. S. Maxton was an arrival from the
prosperous city of Maxbass last night.
E. B. Olson, Wil'liston, is here for
a short business visit.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Sarles, of Hills
boro are visiting in the city.
Mrs. Joseph Powels, of Milton, is
visiting friends in the city.
W. Retches and D. W. Retches of
Grafton are spending the day in the
city on business .matters.
Miss Marie Porslof of Grafton is
visiting friends in the city.
George Seiverson of St. Thomas is
among today's arrivals from the
Erick Erickson came in from Bux
ton this morning/
T. H. Kenyon is a prominent visitor
from Granville today.
Miss Martha Happy of Cavalier is
spending the day in the city.
Otto Paulson of Maxbass is here on
a brief business trip.
A. J. Helgeson of Westhope, A.
Helgason of Landa and W. R. Helga
son of Bottineau are all registered in
the city today.
Thinks More Perished.
John Heinan. the well known Michi
gan City merchant, is a visitor in the
city today. Mr. Heinan in speaking
of the recent wreck of the Oriental
Limited near Bartlett gave as his
opinion that nearly a dozen persons
perished in the smash, their bodies
being consumed in the conflagration
which followed the derailment.
Phone S48 402 Da Men Ave.
P. J. DOW, Manager.
18 pounds cane
granulated sugar
Bilk cocoanut,
per pound
Strained honey,
pint Jars
Crass & Blackwell'a
Fresh shelled walnuts,
per pound
Fancy table syrup,
per gallon
No. 1 Llpton tea,
per pound
No. 2 Llpton tea.
per pound
Oranges, regular 75 cento,
per dozen .UUC
Fresh pineapples,
3 pkgs Grape Fruit,
3 pkgs Egg-O-See,
2 pkgs Shredded Wheat,
fet/rv,^ •*:.*• s&v #3'T VY^
87H lot
2 pkgs Grape Nuts.
that ir you pour ride a
CHILDREN'S TOP GOATS.—These deserve special mention. We show, them in
plain tan coverts and pretty fancy mixtures Sizes 2 1-2!J IBB (DC!
to 10 years
.iJD BOu $D
BOY'S CRAVENETTES.—-The kind that is water proof, in good assortment of
styles and qualities. Sizes ten to din £i-| r\
sixteen years,
BOY'S KNEE PANTS.—These we show in plain and Knickerbocker styles.' Plain
and fancy materials. Sizes.three to Cfi
Tau^bol Sisters
407 De Mers Avenue.
Mall Order
irYou LooKterm
"had! Do
Mninnn THE OK IT
$1200 £ear,y new four-room
5.?i"Le °2
brlck cellar
terms. '®nU
Do Anb
i. ti!"|
Have just opened up a very
swagger line of—
Which we should like you to inspect. We
have them in all styles and at all prices.
Does away with the drud
gery of the chopping bowl,
chops all kinds of food, coarse
or line as wanted, rapidly
and easily. Three sizes, prices
.DUC tO $l«dU
$1.75, $2.00, $2.50.
side, cellar. bIga
per month'.lar' WHd8hed'
per month!
$1400 P"*8 a large six-room
ii« house in south end BOx
corner Jot. it's not close
!t'«a3llt «h..nt
house, but
1876 ca8h and
$1530 This is a large five-room
Cheyenne ave
ue, hardwood floors and finish*
large vestibule walls nicely cal
somined everything in first-class
flJS.p.ekiRJ?Pn #*on
Vr,ck founda
tion: 60x140 ft. corner lot best bar
?22.n °Tems toesulte"ted "°W
$1600 £SW five-room house,
VI Cheyenne avenue hard
wood floors brick cellar, woodshed.
$2430 §,lx"£MJ? house, close in.
North Fourth street, city
water, sewer, bath, plumbed for
f"' hardwood finish, nfce brick cel
lar, 60 ft .tot, nicely graded and
lawned, will rent for |27!BO.
W -1
$2100 Hou*e
TTniiv r«jen-ro°m
eDinn°Utian1' reasonable terms.
£uya ,.the best built
$3800 Sffif ?nS«oS?hr00?i
an ail modern six.
street, beautiful so ?V Chestnut
MfiOO eight-room11 h*11 *®0,1ern
in, full basement bo
large flhade SeJs.'
•l?i"or.«0m1 house 1,
street, city water .Walnut
lar, raised Tot. Vdc. .rA »^r,cl5
Lots ol Lots
rents for »20 ewyVrM.0 *reM'
J.?,*" Parts of the
prices and terms Don'^V-.H1"1"
us an opportunitv 5 5. to give
we have before yiwf buy7