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SOCIAL, PERSONAL AND CLUB NEWS Fort Peck 239 Milk River Drive Phone 6X4-J Mrs. Richard Eriksen Bride-to-Be Honored Mrs. J. B. V. Paasen entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Antoinette Knaff, who is to be married soon to W. Whitaker, Friday evening at the Paasen home. Twenty-nine guests were present. Miscellaneous games were played and Mrs. C. G. Murphy won high prize and Miss Gertrude Price, low. The prizes were defense stamps. A buffet lunch was served. The invitations were "confiden tial" weather forecasts. Each guest received a corsage of paper roses as a favor. Miss Knaff Complimented Mrs. Verne Hagenah complimented Miss Antoinette Knaff at an evening party Thursday at Mrs. Hagenah's home. The evening was spent play ing cards and the group presented Miss Knaff with a gift. Miss Knaff, who will be married next month, will leave Sunday. The guests were the members of the Dunn bowling team, Mrs. Joe Norman, Mrs. Delbert Liv ingston. Mrs. R. E. Hillman. Mrs. Esther Janes, Mrs. LeRoy VonEs chen, Mrs. Gladys VanHee, Mrs. Hagenah and Miss Knaff. Episcopal Guild Meets The Episcopal Guild gathered for a social meeting at the hotel club rooms Monday afternoon. Mrs. Al bert Van S. Pulling and Mrs. Homer Sells were hostesses. A talk on Ben jamin Franklin was given by Mrs. Richard Eriksen. There was an excellent attendance. Women from Glasgow present were Mrs. G. A. Clark. Mrs. Cecil Harri son, Mrs. Ellen Knight and Mrs. S. L. Rugg. W. M. F. Holds Meeting The Women's Missionary Federa tion of the Lutheran church met last Wednesday afternoon at the church parlor. Mrs. Harold Aus, president, presided at the business meeting at which further plans were made for Steel Typewriter Stands Complete stands with drop down leaves on each side, complete with casters. An ideal utility stand for home or office. $ 5 while they last! The Courier MATCHED OUTFITS ADVANCE SELLING OF MATCHING SHIRTS AND PANTS . . . NOW ... AT PENNEY'S . • f Sanforized Herringbone Weave ;n. I! lean Shirts Drill Pants m Shirts $1.29 Pants $1.69 /ft//. \ j J2.98 « Choice of Three Vat Dyed Shades i • Textan • Taupe • Texgreen ARMY TYPE Matched Outfits P a "ts 2.29 Shirt sizes, 14'â to 17 Pants sizes, 29 to 42 MEN'S PLAID shirts 1.98 JACKETS • SUNTAN • TAUPE Heavy weight . .. Fine finish ... All sizes All wool products Bargain priced! Sizes 36 to 48. $298 I I I j SLACK NECKTIES each 49 e Hand tailored! Cdmplete your outfit! PENNEY'S C O M: P .A N/Y;,,. I n c. il Ai a musical tea, Feb. 18. The program for the afternoon was composed of papers on the islands, Wake. Midway and Guam given by Mrs L O Fjer stad, Mrs. Rudolph Koetitz and Mrs. Martin C. Nelson. Mrs. Max W. Burke played a piano solo, "Southern Isles" Mrs Aus and Mrs Clinton BlWeii, hostesses, ^servecT refresh ments C. H. Blivens Have Dinner Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bliven were hosts at a dinner Saturday evening at 7 at their home. Bridge was play ed and Mrs. Lester V. Wetzbarger won the prize for high score for the women and Bob Ebersole for the! men Mrs C L Maxwell was the Crowleys To Leave Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crowley will leave Saturday for Washington | where Mr. Crowley will work for the ! Bonneville power administration. ] They will make their home either! at Portland, Ore., or Vancouver, Wash. low prize winner. I Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. George P. Karcher announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter Sunday at their home. Dinner Guests at Blivens Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Bliven had as their guest W. J. Bliven, Don C. Bliven's father, of Glasgow Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoff man, and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bliven were guests during the evening. Celebrates Birthday Dolores Hargrove, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hargrove, celebrated srr dayitapartyFri - The candy baskets, birthday cake and ice cream carried out the pink and white color scheme. Each guest was given a gingerbread boy. Those present were Marcia Ellen Funk, Marcia Ann and Wayne Hanson, Mary and Gus Lightfoot, George Rhymeer, Joan Voldal, Beverly Ann Wimmer and Dianna Zuelow. Weil Reports on Mexico H. L. Weil reported on a book "Mexico" by Stuart Chase and show ed movies of Mexican life taken on a trip there, at a meeting of the Book Club at the Weil home Friday evening. Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Rich ardson Selee and Mr. and Mrs. Weil were hosts. A chili lunch was served late in the evening. Wisnaes Pupils Have Recital The piano pupils of Mrs. J. C. Wisnaes held a brief recital at the Lutheran church parlor Friday even ing at 6:30. The parents were invited. Dinner at Snells The Bert L. Snell family had as their dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Simons and children and Lester Noble. Sewing Club at McCanns Mrs. J. L. McCann entertained her sewing club at a luncheon last Tues day. The group spent their afternoon doing Red Cross knitting. Mrs. Pulling Entertains Club Mrs. Albert Van S. Pulling was hostess to her bridge club last Wed nesday afternoon. Dessert was serv ed at 1:30. Mrs. R. E. Stroman re ceived the high score prize and Mrs. J. S. Quidor the second high. Mrs. A. H. Buckley was low. The prizes were defense stamps. Mrs. M. J. Dunn and Mrs. Mark Kotkin were substitute guests. Mrs. Rudberg Hostess to Club Mrs. E. G. Rudberg was hostess to her sewing club last Wednesday af ternoon. A lunch was served late In the afternoon. Mrs. Thatcher Leaves I Mrs. R. J. Thatcher, her mother,) I Mrs. Patty Burdette, and son Jack ! left by car Pri day for Slidel, La., ï) bere tbey make their home. ^ bey were dinner guests at the home of Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Rich ardson Selee Thursday evening. The Albert Van s - Pullings entertained ®^ ls * 'Thatcher, Mrs. Burdette, Jack I and Colonel and Mrs. Selee at break fast Plida >' morning. -— 3Irs. Brown Has Sewing Club Mrs. Francis H. Brown entertained 1 her sewing club at a dessert lun- | cheon last Wednesday. The regular members were present. " Aux| hary Luncheon at Zeizes Women of the American Legion Auxil iary sewing club were enter-1 tained at a luncheon by Mrs. Charles, F. Zeige Thursday afternoon. The af ternoon was spent knitting for the ! Red Cross. The members decided to | sus P end the meetings of their club j untd the Red Cross first aid classes 1 have been completed. Miss Knaff Enterains Club Miss Antoinette Knaff was hostess to her club last Thursday evening at the hotel clubrooms. The mem bers spent the evening sewing. Contest to End Feb. 18 The Americanism essay contest sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary will be closed Feb. 18. The subject is "The Characteristics of a Good American." The contest is open to seventh and eighth graders. Dinner Party at Fraziers M r - and Mrs. J. W. Frazier were hosts at a bridge dinner Monday at their home at Wheeler, P 16 * ere Mrs - M - J ^''and^rf Dunn^Mr^anTw?' - iSmS'JS'-jfs Tourtlotte were the dinner guests. . H ° n ° red . Mrs ; Mark Ko,km was surprised j Pn day morning by a group of women the Amencan Legion Auxiliary, j A J all opy breakfast was the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brekken of I Glasgow' were dinner guests at the | Martin C. Nelson home. | - Mrs - Condon Has Foursome Mrs. Lois Condon entertained a foursome at bridge Thursday after noon - Those present were Mrs. M. Dunn. Mrs. Lisle D. Langley and Mrs - William Rutledge. - BREVITIES Miss Ethel Floren of Miles City is visiting her sister, Mrs. Edward H. KIoss Jr. Guests at Nelsons _i Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hostetler and family have returned from a yaca non spent in the east and Florida. Mr. and Mrs W. Hyslop left for; Bremerton, Wash., Saturday, where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Meek have left Fort Peck to locate on the west coast. Mr. and Mrs. Leo B. Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Collins and daughter visited at the Albert Van S. Pulling home Sunday. R. P. Erpelding has resigned atj Port Peck and will report Feb. 2 to Geiger Field. Wash. LeRoy VonEschen has returned to his home from Fort Peck hospital, where he underwent a major oper Mrs. Norman N. Puller returned to Fort Peck Saturday from Walla Walla, Wash., where she was called J. several weeks ago by the illness of her mother. Mrs. Puller's mother passed away Jan. 17. House Assignments Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Jessen are making their home at 701 Mussel shell. They came from Sunburst. Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Burns and family have moved from 525 Chey enne street to 1140 West Kansas street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pattison Jr. have arrived from Forsyth and are living at 220 Sioux street. Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Peck and family from Glasgow have been as signed to house 917 Missouri avenue. Mr. and Mrs. M, C. Estenson and family are living at 611 Cheyenne street. Mr. Estenson has recently re turned from an airport assignment. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Rexford have moved into house 525 Chey enne street. Mr. and Mrs. John Rhode have moved to 515 White street from 304 James street. to Jordan Coulee I By Mrs. Clarence A. Nelson Ben Eaton called at the Andrew Stiley home Monday. Junior Megan spent the weekend at his home in this community, re turning to school Monday morning. Mrs. Clarence Nelson drove from Hinsdale Thursday. Mrs. Nelscn and Bonnie Lyn also came out Saturday to make ready for Mr. Nelson's re turn home Monday. Andrew Stiley was a Glasgow call er Tuesday and Wednesday MISS KOLSTAD HONORED FRAZER—A linen shower was giv en Miss Helen Kolstad at the L. E. Stratton home last Wednesday eve ning and 54 guests were present. Miss Kolstad left the following morning for Bremerton, Wash., to become the bride of Roger Berge. formerly of Frazer, who is employed at defense work in that city. An Expectorant (or COUGHS —that's a "Honey n Compounded from rare Canadian Pine Balsam. Menthol, Glycerine, Irish Moss and other splendid inrredients. Buckley'. CANADIOL Mixture is different—more ef fective— faster in action. Get a bottle to day—take a teaspoonful. let it lie tonpue a moment then swallow .lowly— feel its powerful effective action spread thru throat, head and bronchial tubes. OuKhintt spasm ceases for rijtht away it starts to loosen up thick chokinK phlecm and open up ciorved bronchial tubes. Now Jvnu'll know why over 10 million bottles of Buckley's have been sold in cold, wintry Canada. Tork's Rexali Drusr, Hall Drug and your own drupgist has this great Canadian dis covery. on your (Nov. 20. Jan. 29. Mar. 19) « | j VANDALIA f By Sadie Mulflnger - 4 > <* Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright drove to Glasgow last Wednesday. Mrs. j Wright remained in Glasgow until Friday. | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Uphaus visited at the Jess Hoke home Sunday, The Jess Hoke family attended the movies in Glasgow Sunday night. Hazel Cherry was transferred from Frazer to Bowdoin Sunday. Several in the community are busy with their ice harvest this week. Dave Watson and Harry Wright hauled ice for Harry Tues day while William Wright packed it in the ice house. _ , „ ... Paul Sowa delivered gram to the elevator Tuesday morning, Mi. and Mis. Henry Mulfinger ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Homer Claypool and June to Malta and Dodson Sunday. house by the school Sunday to be with Daryl near the school during the winter months, There will be a Mrs. John Btez moved in their Red Cross card party in the Vandalia school Sat urday night, Feb. 7. There will also be a fish pond in connection with the Party. Everybody come and help, Our Red Cross needs our help, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cain called at Mrs. Georgia Cain's home Monday afternoon. <£■— WHEELER 1 1 By Elya D. Pehrson ». Donald McNulty left Saturday for Underwood, Minn., where he will vis it relatives before going to Madison, Wis. He expects to get employment with the Truman Bowen Construc . j lJÏÏ£PJSLltv was a week guest I of WheeledSds ! The house at Miles City Avenue ^ r c r ed ! Saturday to W?fafmsoüîth jof Wolf point. The Charles Harris ! Moving company of Scobey was in charge. Alfred and Robert Wagar of Scobey former Wheeler residents, were here ever the weekend. David Pecora Jr. was taken to a Glasgow hospital Sunday where he remained for observation until the following day. He is now recovering and is back in school. Low Lee Stanley visited friends ( in Glasgow ever the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Frazier en tertained a group of friends at a 7 J.'o'clock bridge dinner Monday even-) ing. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. ■ |Albert Van S. Pulling, Mr, and Mrs., Ira B. Tourtlotte, Mr, and Mrs, M. ! J. Dunn and Mona McNulty. High | scores were won by Mi-. Pulling and I Mrs. Dunn, — j I I 1 : GENEVIEVE— C. P. Martin and A. L. Parker of Saco were business cal jlers at Genevieve Sunday. Mr. Mar ti n reported that the Genevieve store building had been sold to Paul utter of Saco, who intends to tear it down, haul the lumber to Saco and build a house. STORE IS SOLD '/t r T/i ÏA I ★ * ♦ * * * * ♦ ♦ * Looking Toward Tk Days Mead ★ 3SII1I THE ADVENT of war, wc are facing new problems every slate we serve. These become more complex as the arming of the nation gains impelus. Directly or indirectly, every one of us will play preecdcntcd endeavor in a more important part in this un as momentous days roll along in 1942. Naturally, in this emergency the country turns to the telephone for quick communication. Not only arc more calls being made from each telephone, but the average length of calls has increased. We are adding new facilities os fast as obtainable j where the need exists, but shortage of materials has already curtailed some of these planned additions. First things must be kept first! We offer these suggestions with an appreciation of your past cooperation: J. Don't trust to memory or old lists for telephone numbers. A tcrong number is a wasted call. 2. Answering your telephone promptly saves time and facilities. 3. Give persons you call enough lime to answer. 4. If there are delays on your calls, we hope that you will realise we are exerting every effort to keep them to a minimum. If k f JSL. ; f r ( A/iA y • /t f The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co, k I w J\eeji them \ f ► buy ^bc^enSe bonds an J Si ci mpi I f • if ♦ * jf * 4 * 4 ♦ r OSWEGO I ( By J. L Long ' •t Theo Berns and M. A. Johnson were Wolf Point business visitors », ' V ' Mrs w. A. Storm made a business trip to Wolf Point Tuesday. George Costello, south side ranch er, was an ove, night guest at the Q. P McClammy home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Standing were skidoo passengers to Glasgow Wednesday, returning in the eve-; ning Mr and Mrs. Ray Long and chil dren were Oswego shoppers Wednes day. I Jeff Nix. who has been visiting in the Big Dry country for several weeks, returned home this week. When he left we predicted that he would return with the first arrival of birds from the south but, per haps, the spring-like weather has made his saddle horse long for the; buffalo grass in these parts. Steve Standing made a business trip to Poplar Thursday. J. V, Rankin and Tom Dorr are wooding near the Missouri river this week. [ Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Wold accom panied Mrs. Zealon Adams to Wil liston, N. D„ Saturday, on a business trip. They returned that evening. A large number from Oswego at tended the REA meeting in Frazer Saturday evening. There was a good representation from Beaverton to Oswego, the length of the proposed rural electrification. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook and grandson Pat, Mary and Leona Greufe of Wolf Point were Sunday afternoon callers at the J. L. Long home. Gust Thoma, north country far mer, who is spending several weeks in Wolf Point, drove up Sunday af ternoon. Miss Alice Cool visited friends in Wolf Point over the week end. August Knapp and daughter Char lotte made a business trip to Glas gow Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dubbe of Fort Peck visited relatives in Oswego over the week end. J, L,. ' 111 lne senes WU1 De ncla 1 ' CD - y - MANY AT PARTY HINSDALE — Mrs. Forrest Steen and Postmaster Lewis Rutter were winners of high prizes at the whist party given Monday evening by St. Albert's Altar society. Fifteen tables of progressive whist were in play. Mrs. W. J. Trousil, Mrs. Nick Court. Mrs. Henry Weeres and Mrs. James McManus were hostesses for lunch. SIGN FOR REA GRANDVIEW—Karl Reddig, P. P. Fast, William Zerbe, J. K. Fast and Peter Bergman spent several days last week getting signatures for REA membership in the community. In the Volt community Henry Fossum and Julius Gess made the rounds. Friday evening they all met at Berg man's and the results were taken to Opheim Saturday morning. The total signatures in this and Volt community were 60. htf/A V, I CLENTANA By Madeline Ackerman Tony Hogle was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs Sau ber for the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schuster, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Isaacs, Miss Anna Schuster and Miss Serene Griffin were dinner guests of the Rev Pr [Martin Whalen Sunday. Madeline Ackerman spent the week end with Marjorie Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Max Heckner and Tony Hogh were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sauber Sunday, Max Heckner and Jim Zimmer have been hauling scrap iron to Op heim. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whittle spent the week end with Pete Stein and the Roman Stein family, Raymond and Lawrence Hiltner left for Helena to take a course in a defense school, Joe Zimmer helped Jack Dewey put up ice for a few days. Mrs. Mary Heckner, Mrs. Rose Ackerman, Mrs. Howard Isaacs. Mrs. J. F. Schuster and the Rev. Martin Whalen attended the Altar society meeting at Peerless. Mrs. Rose Schuster was a caller in Scobey last week. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. O'Brien were callers in Glasgow Friday. Mrs. J. P. Schuster, Miss Anna Schuster and the Rev. Pr. Martin Whalen were callers in Glasgow Sat urday. ♦ BEAVERTÖN J By Mrs. 1. W. Barnard « Ross Right and Mrs. Anna Yar brough called at the Beaverton post office R. A. Sudduth and Lloyd Barnard attended a meeting at Vandalia Monday. Mrs. W. E. Beavens of Hinsdale visited Mrs. J. W. Barnard and Mrs. Dave Hershey Wednesday. C. E. Pierson of Glasgow is help ing at the Alton Johnston home this week. Mr. and Mrs. H, K. Brookie re turned from Bozeman Tuesday eve ning, where they had been visiting their son Robert and family. John and Fred Brookie returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wilson of the south country visited at the Alton Johnston home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Brookie and sons John and Fred visited at the Lloyd and J. W. Barnard homes Thursday evening. A. Jerome Wall, county superin tendent, visited the school here Fri day. George Accola, H. K .Brookie, B. J. Menge, Lloyd and J. W. Barnard and R. A. Sudduth attended the electri fication meeting at Hinsdale Friday evening. you haven't tried our pie and coffee . . . IF DO SO! [ Allen 6 Cafe ■"•T f I I ► Montana's finest barley makes the malt for f I i f I i i - \ à ! k I »V ft à The flavor of GREAT FALLS BEER is perfect because it is made from Montana grown malting barley. This unsurpassed grain is converted into malt, and brewed into excellent beer right here in Montana, by the Great Falls Breweries, Inc., of Great Falls. Ask for GREAT FALLS BEER! It is sold on tap and in bottles by leading dealers in this community. I BUY DEFENSE BONDS BUY DEFENSE STAM PS ▼/1?, cl i f % ! GLASGOW DISTRIBUTORS Jesse Adams, Manager Glasgow, Montana STOCK DISTRIBUTED OSWEGO—A carload of 31 young heifers arrived at the local stock yards Tuesday from the Crow res ervation for distribution among the resettlement farmers south of town for foundation stock. Courier want ads get results! gvj .. y ~ V. . , - I y. j/i mm Wà TEST CAR v U DEATH TEST PROVED 1T1 of six duplicate cars. T' . till oi ig and engines no oil could be added. All _P Nfh _ 0 ut-hiileaged dead. °* b 7 '" d ^Swifor ».o-e than t»» the runner-up by 74* an ^ ^ Death . Teated rivals. the mileage averag engines ruined— -when They W eremere smoky sm^^^b^Thats the fill of Conoco ^ ord at Your Mile economy. Get the whole cerUfi want Conoco Merchant'sConocostationand ^ ^ age Nth prompt Winter CONOCO Y MOTOR Oil Oig-Ttos* y™* &T* Continental Oil Company WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR 316 First Ave. So., Glasgow E. J. Kjelstrup, Manager ■ Glasgow Motor Service Station RETAIL DEALERS Corner Fourth Street and Second Ave. So. Glasgow, Mont. Conoco Service Station "Fort Peck's Mileage Merchant Amos S. Moore, Lessee — Across from Recreation Hall JACKLEY IN AIR CORPS Phillip S. Jackley left last week for Havre to enlist in, the army air corps. He took his medical exami nation at Missoula and from there went to California. Jackley has been employed for the past few years as jeweler at the St. Clair Jewelry company.