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M3 s m I I Courier Classified Advertising The Courier reserves the right to edit or reject any classified advertising copy Ads received by Wednesday noon will run In the regular classified section and thoae received Ja ter up until 10 a. m. Thursday will run In the "Too Late to Classify" section. Errors In advertising should be reported Immediately. The Courier 1 will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion. Advertising orders for Irreg ular insertions taken at the one-time rate; Classified Rate One cent per word with a mini mum charge of 3t cent*. After first Insertion 1 cent per word. o-u_ 1Q q 7 pi nrH «mina pvrpllpnt For Sale—19J7 Ford coupe, excellent condition. With only 25.000 miles, Good tires. $475.00 Elmer Fauth.l c o Mike Heikens, Nashua. 37-5t p FOR SAIC For Sale — Used lumber. 1,500 feet sheeting; 1,000 ft. shiplap; 1,000 ft. 2x4; 5.000 ft. celotex. $20 to $30 per 1.000 ft. 1,200 ft. 2x6, 16 and 20 ft. 37-2tc Power Plant. Wlieeler. For Sole — 8-room house, $600; two 14x24 chicken houses at $75 each; kitchen range, $25; Reo chassis with hydraulic brakes. $10; 8' centrifugal pump, $25. O. H. Baylor, Wheeler, 382tp Mont. For Sale — Pole wood at $2 a cord; block wood at $4 a cord. William DeMessemaker, Tampico. 39-8tp 1940 Buick Special, 4-door sedan. John C. Sierts, Glasgow. For Sali 39-tfc Beauty parlor business and For Sal equipment, including Nestle Per manent wave machine for sale. Lo cated in county seat city of 3,000 in irrigated district eastern Montana. Priced very reasonable. Write Box 3332, co Glasgow Courier, Glasgow, Mont. 38-4tp For Sale—1932 Chevrolet sedan. Mo tor overhauled, 4 nearly new tires. $125 for quick cash sale. Richard Watts, Nashua, at Chevrolet gar age. 40-2tp For Sale—33,000 lbs. corn, $1.50 per 100, f.o.b. Banish, N. D.. 60 miles east of Williston, on Missouri. Sam ple of com may be seen at Courier office. Write or telephone before coming. Fred LaRocque, Banish, N. 40-2tc D. For Sale—John Deere tractor, over hauled and in good condition. $275. Terms. Power Plant, Wheeler. 40-2p 3-room house; electric For Sale light plants: drill press: 25-lb. trip hammer; cash register; computing store scale: pipe furnace: gas range; >4-hp. 3-phase motor; wlndcharger; 3-in. centrifugal pump directly con nected to engine on chassis; 6.00x16 retread tires. O. H. Baylor, Wheeler, 40p Mont. ,. J For Sale — 4 gasoline pumps, 4 560- j gallon tanks. 2 750-watt light j plants, air compressor and tank, I steel grease rack, $1,000, Complete j moving picture outfit with 2 arc pro jectors and 120 1 chairs. Will demon-: strate. Terms. O. H. Baylor, wneei- | 40p er. Mont. Professional Cards I GLASGOW ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. THE JOHNNIE CAFE "Glasgow's Finest Steaks and Coffee" ART KOTAKI, Prop. GLASGOW, MONTANA Dr. G. H. Klein DENTIST J Office in Klein's Log Cabin Motel I Highway No. 2 Office Hours : 9 to 12 and 1 to o ! Phone: Office 479 Residence 2091 INSURANCE Otto M. Christinson LANDS, LOANS, RENTALS AND INSURANCE First National Bank Building QLABOOW, MONTANA CARPENTERS UNION No. 1211 Income For You If You Live. Comfort For Dependents When You Die. New York Life Insurance Co. EZRA N. HILL, Agent Phone 261 Someone has to pay the price tor life insurance. If the man himself doesn't pay It while he lives/ his wife and children have It after he has gone. Regular Meetings; FIRST FRIDAY—GLASGOW miRD FRIDAY—GLASGOW C. O. CHRISTIANSEN Financial secretary Glasgow, Mont. Peterson Mortuary LICEN3EID blM-B AI AfblFCS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 89 Masonic Temple Building GLASGOW. MONTANA to pay MISCELLANEOUS Valley County Abstract Co. OFFICIAL ABSTRATORS Phone 50 GLASGOW, MONTANA PHONE 36 Holland Funeral Chapel Courteous. Efficient and Dignified Services at Moderate Prices LICENSED EMB ALMER and LADY ASSISTANT PHONE 323 Twenty-Pour Hour Ambulance Service GLASGOW FLOWER SHOP Flowers for All Occasions. Phone 75 We Telegraph Flowers FOR RENT For Rent—Modern house, garage in cluded. Recently redecorated. In quire at Priedl's store. 39tfc For Kent—Five-room modern house equipped with electric range. In quire at 933 Second Ave. So. Phone 152-W. 38-tfC MIUEUANEOUf John Barrett Garbage C4>.—Author ized garbage collectors. Phone 38 -tfc 273 Trade In Your Old Furniture as part payment on new. Glasgow Furni ture <k Trading Co. 38-tfc Lost —One light roan cow, 4 years old. branded S3 over quarter circle on left ribs, swallow fork right ear. has horns. Notify Royce Biddle. Glasgow. Reward. 38-3tp NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of John B. Wingard. sometimes known as J. B. Wingard deceased. Notice is hereby given, by the under signed Estel la M. Taylor. Administratrix with the Will Annexed of the estate of John B. Wingard, sometimes known gard deceased, to the creditors of and all P« rri0ns having claims against the said de ceai , e j t t Q exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Estella a J" y 1 i" l ; io « n ' al th " Ba 0 n f ' ice B ^dPng " Ä Montana, in the county of Valley. ESTELLA M. TAYLOR. Administratrix with the Will Annexed of John B. Wingard, sometimes known as J. B. Wingard Deceased Dated January 3 1942, J.B.Wi 4tp NOTICE In the district court of the seventeenth jud icial district of the state of Montana, in and for the County of Valley. In the Matter of the Application of Alfred Willhiam Bert Schumacher, Loy Clarence Schumacher, and Kenneth Theadore Schu macher. to change their surname to Hymer Notice is given that petitioners above named have presented and filed their pet ition to change their surname from Schu macher to Hymer, and that January 30, 1942, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the Court-room of this court, in the Court-house at Glas gow. Montana, has been set as the lime and ; place for the hearing thereof ; and any per- i non interested may file objections against j the change of «aid name at any time before said hearing. Dated January 5, 1942 BLANCHE GROTJAN. Clerk of Court. (Pub. Jan. 8. 15, 22, 29) ALIAS SUMMONS The District Court of the Seventeenth Judicial District of the State of Mon tana, i Frederick F. Smith, Plaintiff, ii nd for the County of Valley. Charles P. Smith Jr. and Levi P. Smith Executors of the Estate of Charles P. Smith. Deceased ; The unknown devisees of Charles P. Smith. Deceased : The *. Smith. l>e known heirs of Charles ceased : The unknown owners of Lots of the and Six of Block Tyvel Original Townsite of Opheim, Montana, Nora Mum ford. Treasurer of Valley County. Montana : and all other per sons claiming any interest in and lien the real estate hereinafter .. any part thereof. Defendants. The State of Montana to the Above Named Defendants, Greetings: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served and to file your answer and thereof upon the plaintiff's twenty days after the of the ease of your fail I : de upon scribed upon you. a copy attorney withi of this summons, exclus» service day of service ; and i ure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. brought for the purpose This action is „ of securing a Tax Deed from the County Treasurer of Valley County. Montana, and quiet title to the lands and premises de scribed as follows: to-wit. Lots Five and Six in Block Twelve of the Original townsite of Opheim. Montana. , , ., Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this 14th day of January. 1942. BLANCHE GROTJAN. (Court Seal) Clerk of the District Court. Thomas Dignan Jr.. Attorney at Law. Glasgow. Monta Attorney for Plaintiff. (Pub. Jan. 15.-Feb. 5.) ALIAS SI MMONS the District Couri of the Seventeenth Ju dicial District of the State of Montana. in and for the County of Valley. Charles M. Gonder. Plaintiff, Blanche E. Fallon, a widow : C. A. Reed V P .t county. Montana, a body politic ami corporate; City of Glasgow, a municipal possible claim of dower. in _. . ....... . te State of Montana, to the above named defendants, and to all other persona un -.•.r.seu • widow : John John f. Bytz. ; phlr- ■ Betz, deceit ed : end thé I •s of the West Heif of the Southeast m mtî oouinwesi wii;u wt «il Twentv.sev^n : the Fa**t Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty- ; corporation : and all other per known, claiming right, title, estate, or interest in, or incumbrance upon, the real property described in the complaint, or any thereof adverse to plaintiff's ownership, or any cloud upon plaintiffs title thereto, ther such claim or possible clai present claim choate s, un who might claim any lien t.f !*• contingent, including any accrued. Defendant«. The State of Montana, to the above known. Greeting*; You complaint in this »«'Hon which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served uj>on you. and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiff's attorney with in twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service : and in case of your failure to appear answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. This aetion is brought for the purpose of quieting till« to the land aituated in Valley County. Montana, and described as follows : Ix>ts Eight (81, and Nine (9), in Block Sixty-six (66>, of the Original Town site of Glasgow, Montana. Plaintiff asks for such further relief a 4 to the Court may seem equitable and for his costa against any answering defend ant. For further particulars see complaint file with the Clerk of said Court. Witness my hand and the seal of Court this 27th day of .January. A. D., 1942. BLANCHE GROTJAN, Clerk of the District Court. hereby summoned to answer the id (Court Seal) Thomas Dignan Jr.. Attorney-at-Law. Glas gow. Montana. Attorney for Plaintiff. (Pub. Jan. 29. Feb. 5, 12. 191 ALIAS SI MMONS In the District Court of the Seventeenth Judicial District of the State of Mon . in and for the Countv of Valley. Mortgage Corporation, a ta Federal Fa corporation. Plaintiff. Joseph! of the estate of John Betz, deceased : Jo- j <ephine Anderson Betz, a w Betz, Jr., same per and Lillian Betz, hnshand and Louise JaroliNon : Lillian McVee : lotte Rusher. Paul Betz and Tola Betz j husband and wife: the unknown heirs of j John Betz, deceased ; the unknown de of John unknown owne> the Southwest Quarter, the Southeast * Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of i Anders Betz, as administratrix! vis eight the iNonncast uuarter of Section Thirty-1 three: the North Half of the Northwest Thirty-four: all in North. Range Thir Quarter of Section Thirty-four: hB in Township Thirty-one North. Range Thir-1 . East of the Montana Meridian • and I.ots One, Two. a->d Three, thé Southeast Quarter of the Northwest ship Thirty North. Range Thirty ■even. East of the Montana Mer Southeast Quart« th? U,, South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section SRaSÄta* the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, the F.a-t Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Two. Town-Wp Thirty North, Range Thirty-seven. East of the! Montana Mend,an. more part.eolarly H •H .ide line: Be " ; Northeast Quarter of Section Thirtv Hi scribed as follows : A strip of land 60 feet wide, being 30 feet the following described renter pinning at a point the Fast line the Southwest Quarter of the Nortln Two. which point long said mibdivisi t Quarter of Secti hea North a distance of 331.1 feet from the F and West g Two: thence from : <t f said Sect id point of begin ning North 72°40' We-t 1382.« feet to a point : also a strip of land 80 feet wide, being 40 feet wide on each side of 4 he (..„owing Begin thence North 72 ''in' West 1382.6 feet to the point of intersection with the Wet line of said East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Two. said point of in-; di r v1rt'on ,n |i^Ta n rfi^nee ^("Tiss t feet" front the Fart and West Quarter line of said Section Two; containing in all 4.44 Southwest'' On mV. er of "the" Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Sec ing at the th y. i beginning at the renter of Section Two, 1 VTV'l.VoVVf"'VV Vv,lo'rVVo '-1 n S ?l'V h mid-section of sa)d Section Two 710 feet. les», to intersection with the Tw . Township Thirty North. Range T hirty-'Cven. F:ast of the Montana Merl dian, and South *>f the F'ederal High more South right of way boundary Ii of Fed Highway, thence South 72°40' F;a«t along said South right of line 1382 feet. way boundary less, to inter-| ith the Fast Quarter Quarter ; line of Section Two, thence South I along said East line 800 feet Southwest Corner Quarter of the of Section Two. the Fast and North mid-section Ii Section Two 1320 feet, more point of beginning : Thirty North. Range Thirty-seven. Fast of the Montana Meridian, containing 15.1 acres, more or less ; also a tract of land Iving in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Two. Townshin Thirty North. Range Thirty seven. East of the Montana Meridian, and South of the Federal Highway, be ginning at the Southwest Corner of the of the Northwest Two, thence North] section Quarter 1 less, to thej of the Southwest Northeast Quarter West along the] f said r less, to Township Quarter •• all i Southeast Quart Quarter of Sectio along the North Quarter Quart Section Two 1110 feet, tersection with the South right of v boundary line of Federal thence South South right-of-way bound» D-et. more or less, to intersect! the North and South mid-section said Section Two. the said North and South mid-* Ie*s, to rente Two. thence West along Fast and line of Section Two less, to point of be hin Thirty North. . Fast of the Mon Highway, along T line 1382 with 40' East line of South along line 70»» •lie i. feet. Secti» West îil-sevl i feet, more 13 Il i Tow ginning : Range Thirty-<ev Meridi . containing 27.4 nty. ta Valley C II i less : , Defendants. The State of Montami to the above named defendants : M»mt :er the hi»h is filed in moned t»» a re hei'eby » plaint in this action the office of the Clerk *»f this Court, a hich is herewith nerved upon copy of you. and to file your copy thereof upon the plaintiff's att» •nty days after the serv exclusive of the day of of your failure to . judgment will bo tak swer sind ? of within t this summons. 'ervi<*e : and in appear . _ against yon by default for the relief de manded in the »«omplaint. Said action is brought for the purpose of securing a judgment for the unpaid balance due on a certain note in the prin < ipal nu m of $2,400.00. dated the 1st dav of Mnv. 1934. ma»Ie. executed and delivered by John Betz. Sr. (now deceased» ami Josephine Anderson Retz. lh»*n husband and wife, to the Land Bank Commissioner. behalf of the plaintiff herein, tgage securing the s for and and the interest, advances, attorney fees and costs, and to foreclose that certain mortgage to secure said note, which said Book 9« of , with given mortgage is of Mortgages at page 542. records of Valley County. State of Montana, and which er« the following »lescribed real property Valley County. State of Mon ■ord i situated i tana, to-wit; The West Half of the Southwest Quar the Southeast Quarter of the f Sect i ter. Southwest Quarter seven : the Fast Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-eight ; the Northewt Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty-three: the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Thirty-four ; all i Thirty FJast of the Monta Twenty Township North. Range Thirty-seven. Meridi Lot« One. Two. and Thr»*e. the South east Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Two. Township Thirty : and Alvord's COLD STORAGE Lockers THE ULTIMATE IN FOOD PRESERVA TION . . . ASK ANY LOCKES RENTER! F;. I HINSDALE - _ Rcbert Ga'par, who recently en listed in the navy at the Seattle re crairing office, has been assigned to the navy training station at San Diego, Calif., according to word re ceived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Caspar. Postmaster and Mrs. Lewis Rut ter and family, George Reckert and Miss Clara Adams attended services at St. Raphael's Catholic church in Glasgow Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Drabbs and _ _. _^ son Tommy were callers In Glasgc Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Tuttle and sons LeRoy and Norman and Mr. and Mrs J. A. McKay of Port Peck. Mrs. J. P, Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Tuttle. P. H. Hopwood and Mrs. Pern Hopwcod and children. Prank, Arthur and June, were Sunday din ner guests at the August Enseleit home. Miss Clara Adams was a Sunday dinner guest at the Lewis Rutter Mrs. Anna Kamla of Glasgow at- | tended the basketball game here Saturday night. Her daughter Ailene accompaniel her home to spend Sunday. Coach Edgar Murray, Bennie Al bus, Patricia Berry and Alma Nel son, Mrs. Anna Kamla and daugh ter Ailene, Prank Nelson and Philip_ Morehouse visited the H P. Tuttle I I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gysler, I Sunday evening, returning to h«r work at the Deaconess hospital in Glasgow the following morning. Ted Ncrdhagen. Billy Timbcrule, Mrs. Nellie Lanager and Mrs. Lizzie Erickson of Westby visited Mr. and Mrs. Willie Stcrdahl from Friday evening until Monday. Mrs. Erick s on is a sister of Mrs. Stordahl. The j entire group, including Mr. and Mrs. Stordahl, spent Friday evening at Saco. Mrs. Frank Jones and Mrs Dave ; Hershey drove to Bczeman Friday. returning home Sunday evening. ; __ _. . , __ _ i_,. l They were accompanied home by Mr.S. Jenes' daughter Blanche a home Saturday evening. Mrs. Gudrun Premo visited her I wj s tu- ! dent at * . . ? Will spend several VVeeKS at rlll S" dale recovering from a recent ill dale recovering frem a recent ill np __ * ness - . , Miss Ailene Kamla has been sick this week. Ml'S. H. E. Boissens has been teaching the fifth and sixth grades during MixS Kamla S nines. Mr . and Mrs . H . P. TUttle. MTS. J- P- TUttle and Miss June Hillman drOVC tO Glasgow Thursday evening, *" * i_ __ . - FRAZER TEAMS PLAY FRAZER — The Frazer Indepen ^ men>s basketball team was d e oflfeated by the Nashua Independents: ; by a score of 64 to 29 Friday eve- j ning. The Frazer women's team also i played a game the same evening at j the Nashua gymnasium against the j Nashua women and won, 33 to 14. | A number of fans accompanied the teams on the trip. FAR £ WELL PARTY HELD HINSDALE — Miss Betty Schultz, . . , r who left Fuday morning to attend the State Normal SChOOl at Dillon, was honored with a surprise farewell party Thursday evening at the home, 0 f Mrs, Charles Harris. The evening I Was spent pulling taffy, followed ' lunch. MISS SchultZ. daughter Of Mr. I Mrs. John Schultz, was a ] mid - term graduate of Hinsdale j high school. Her brother, Raymond Schultz, is a senior at the Dillon a SCHOOL I North. Range Thirty-seven, F^ast of the Montana Meridian : The Northeast Quarter of the South st Quarter, the South Half of the; Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty-five, j Township Thirty - one North, Range Thirty-seven. F:ast of the Montana Mer idian : excepting the following described J tracts of land: A tract of land in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, the R Rast Half of the Northwest Quar Section Two, Township Thirty North. Range Thirty-seven, Fiast of the M Meridian, more particularly de follows : A strip of land 60 feel 30 feet «»-»h 1 I * ! tn scribed wide, being •h side of the following described center line: Beginning at ■'» point on the East line of the Smith of the Northeast Quarter > pi . which point bears N« dist west Quart of Section T along said subdivisi h ; 381.1 feet from the East and West (j« ter line of said Secti said point of beginning North point : als ide. being each side of the following : Beginning at Two: then' fro 10' West 1382.« feet to strip of land 80 f»»et feet wide described renter Ii next above described point, then»-» 1 North 72°40' West 1382.6 feet to the point int< 1" I with the W»*st line of f the Northwest Quart Section Two. said point Wearing North along said aubdiv »lista nee of 1153.7 feet from Final and West Quarter line of s containing i less ; 'f East Half •ti %\ 4.11 all Two : Se< 4 . . A tract of land in the Souths* ' Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Two. Township Thirty North. Range Thirty-seven, Eart of f lhe_ M"'j; 'ing at the i.nt.r ■ a Meridian. eral Highway, begi »if Se»*tion Two, thence North along the SrrGon "tL^tÎo of irs's! to intersection with the South right «»f way boiindary Ilne^of South right of way boundary line 1382 feet, more or less to intersection with îür„ Two. XZ T Ä^ioär-iid KOJ Quarter Quarter line 304» feet, more or less, to th.* Southeast Corner ».f Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Two, then.-e West along the East and North mid-section line of said Section Two 1320 Township Thirty North. Range Thirty East of the Montana Meridian, e o r i<r" : Duarte"/ Of Section Two. Township ' "of the seven, containing 15.1 a« A Iso a Southeast rt«*r Thirty North, Range Thirty-s »if the Montana Meridian, and South the F'ederal Highway, beginning a» Southwest Corner of the Southeast Quar-1 r f itrN h oTk t9 .C r .'i;' S Ä| Quarter Quarter line of Section Two UK) feet, more or less to ' nt " r >" with the South right of way bouriiiiiry_ of Federal Highway, thence South j id South right of j a O I 72° 40* Fla «I along way boundary line 1382 feet, more lees, to intersection with the North »»» South mid-section line of «aid Sect»* North said Two. thence South along and South mid-section Ii or less, to center Ii Two. thence W»*st along Käst »nd W*st 1320 700 feet, said Sectio »»f Secti»» ns, to point of begin ni Township Thirty North. the - . id-secti feet, more all i Thirty-sev Meridian, containing 27.4 acres, less : Kang Monta • f Fast ,1 wiit^r And including all water rights used upon or appurtenant to property and however eviden»'ed ; Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments anti appur ces thereunto belonging appertaining: for such further relief as prayed for deemed proper by the court, all of which more fully appears in complaint filed herein. Witness my hand and the Court, this 27th day of .1 BLANCHE GROTJAN Clerk of the District Court. .•I te ified the vi al of this V. 1942. (Court Seal» Thomas Dignan Jr., Glasgow. Montana. C. Pr»«**tbye. Welch Building. Spokane, Washington. Attorney-« for Plaintiff. (Pub. Jan. 29. Feb. 5. 12. 19» WITH THE ) i i | 1 j j | \y m BOWLERS fi I ao n ve rfJ m ^I < ''' ___. .... r, . on «yr Mont-Dak 1 - 2 . christinson *' * lnch 3 ' 4 - Dunn's NewV'iri! Friedl'* _ Magruder's . Holland'* __ Markle Transfer . (:real tau» n«r . ___ »«nw. Texaco loil.ClasgowCleäner» ioiio Ka l " l ^ v ^ 0 u # a . 1 ' stem *■' N e ss. n. j, Jïi' Schedule for Men's League Monday Feb 2, CITY LEAGFE *. Great Fall* Heer 1-2, Far mers v*. Glasgow Cleaners 3-4, City Market vs. Dunn's News 5-6. 9 P. M. Messenger 1-2. Markle Trans Magruder'a 3-4, American Legion Friedl'a 5-6. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Tuesday Feb. 3. 7 p. Snow Whit« Flour I n. Hull and 's Texaco fer m vs. Hamm's Beer 1-2, . Poet Office 3-4, John - tombing vs. Courier 5-6. . . , , 9 p. m. Idea] Laundry vs. Riverview 1-2, Buttrey . Reese Const. 3-4. STRAIGHT-AWAV LEAGUE Friday. Feb. 6. 8 p. m. CITY LEAGUE Monday Jan. 26 Team City Market ... Glas Won - 10 Loti ret. ssa Cleaner r armer* Amer. Legion Texaco . . •» 3 .750 .50* .588 .583 .500 : . 7 5 ■ > Mh. 6 >00 »• 6 V .417 I Jl 8 4 n.r - 2 Season High Scores Team, three games. American Legion Cleaners A Texaco 2876 : one B 292«. Glas three games. Wat 615, game, Meyer 236, Friedl & hagen 235. Weekly High Score* . three games. Farmers 2817, City Market 2790 ; one game. Cleaners 1000, F mers 985. Individual, three games, M. Kotkin 573, Meyer 559 i one game, Meyer 236. Stern hagen 235. Glasgow Cle -- J. S. 547. Kal •s Cool 622. Meyer 449, 451. Heiland 495 ; 79 2644. Messenger — Kotkin L. 467, Haliack C. 422, Evered 415, Haliack D. in M. 452: 819-849-913—2581. Magruder Hodapp 513, Wiley 456, Schott 622. Ness 593. Crain 481 : 941-911-920 2772 _Farmers — Johnston 428, Mittlestadt 477, Newton 541. Wagner 466, Aitkin 439 ; 855 892-934 2681. ,-J ,u 2 n '* Nc "; SSJ'.STKS' - ? . r u 994-91:1-912—2729. t.reat »alls Beer Miller 422. Botterbuach 40Ö. Morgan 399. dummy 4U; '- ltri . x 50( { : 774-924-M5—2o8J. „ ZSTm. Wdei. ! .163: 927-1022-I00S—2952. Texaco Hesjer 1 ' 543 1 35 , „..Hand - Holland 432. Fey 458. Stensli j 405. McPherson 424. Bollinger 406 . 87 .-863 F-ssÄi 476, Mark 399, Hoffman o»0 . 890-:884-862 ^ Markle Transfer—Krazich, Jim 42). Smith 386 , Bjorstad ao6. Wall. John 441, Blanchard 4,a; 880-888-848 -2616. 2759. LEAGUE . 27 COMMERCIAL Tuesday J .500 ' Courier _ R , t i c Buttrey: RU. rvic !J"'| ,n b;lu „ ry 1 ' _ s. w. Flour ; " 9 »st. . 1 14 4 18 .66 4 .333 6 3 .3:53 w 4 l ' eer fcï «AwSth-m»-- 2717 Hcgg Paddock M*. Initia ton 4 ... M |„| e . HtacU°498^ Chase 425, Ness 487, Coo 447 ; 873-936-934 2743. Reese Const. 478. Wiley 564, F'uhrman 469. 866-973-1027 2866. 8 .333 4 Plumbing Johnsi Post Office .117 .444 _ 4 Sav vay Larimor Plumbing- Briggs 488. 342. Yoder 291, Wag 2497. Post Office H* Henson 401. Gucker 4*6, Stern 543. Johns« 40*. 43; Heller 402. 37 885 es 302 i 467 ; 821-825-897 ci huge Bastrom 476, Rutledge 416, Lang Ideal Laundry^ 375, Newton 477, 446. Rasmus 11 1. ""J! vi stem . 456 |)ro '(Vn^MrCié ' -986-942 - 2863. Courier Holme» 349. Irving 479. Van H my 140 Schulz 262: 861-869-87.-. 2605. Bnttrev's Forfeit—Bollinger 146. dummy 150. dummy 131, Marron 135. Hanger 150: s:,3-799-84T. Season High Scores Team, three games. Ideal L. 2974. Reese onKt 2938: one game Ideal L. 1036. S. W |c| our 1022. Individual three ga ton ,j 0 4 . on ,. KH Weeklv High Score« Team, three games. S. W. Flour eese Const. 2938: one game Ideifl L. 1036, Larson 455, Stom Blam hard 550 ; 926 Studer 450, 437. dum ii mes. Reese 621. New Dunnell 247. Reese 244 30. W. Flour 10 Individual Carlson 525 260. Stompro 531, 201. Reese three games, one ga I . C STRAIGHT-AWAY LEAGUE Hash-Finch Mont-Dak 'christinson OM eer L. 3 «67 4 .556 6 !.. 5 4 .'it Season High Scores S. Christi Team, three . Nash-F Mont-Dak 949. Allen 647, •h Nash-Finch & Christina Individ land «00, »73. I. three gam . All Weeklv High Scores Christina» Hel g a Team, th game*, i TAMPICO i By Agnes Molviff Eddie DuBeau cf Port Peck was a . , Tampico caller Thursday. Mitchell Etchai't Of Bozeman VlS jtpd hjs parents Mr and Mrs. John Etchart. from Wednesday until Sat urday C. J. Maalei ud hurt his shoulder I and went to see the doctor Friday, Floyd and Morris Moeii were em ployed at Motzkau s during the ice harvest. I. Felton is the second trick oper atOr at the depot. He came irom Dodson ' ... __ .. j /-\ r i Mrs. William Hallam and -son Ol - va l were callers in Tampico Tues H av nftprnnnn aa y afternoon Alvin Combs of Glasgow spent Saturday and Sunday visiting his cousin, John Arrotta. Mr. and Mrs. P. E, Nelson. Floyd •^ r - an< l Beverly Ann and Morris j Nelson were supper guests Friday at the John Kl'ailSe home in Glasgow. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Arrotta and SOM Visited at the Irving RUSSell and Clifford Combs homes in Glas-; , .. gOW Sunday afternoon. j^ r ant j Mrs. Tony Bengochea and | children Mary Theresa and Mitchell attended the show in Glasgow Sun- j day afternoon. Gene and Mitchell Etchart left i Sunday for Miles City. Uphause's finished hauling hay from the Pat Connerton place this ; week. Among those who attended the play Saturday night at Glasgow j were the Hulse Billingsleys. C. J. ' Billingsleys, Lloyd Henningsens, Sid ney Cottons, Elmer Cotton, Olaf I Qualeys and Mary Schuster. Tampico School Notes Hazel Enkerud and Margaret Kir wan passed their agriculture tests with good grades. Report cards were given out Wed nesday. Those who were on the hon or roll this six weeks were Sherron Porter, 92; Carol Lee MolvTg. 93; Dorothy Ann Molvig, 92. and Hazel Enkerud, 90. Nawh-Finch 2620 ; one game, Christinson 973. Pioneer 927 individual, three Käme*. Allen 647. Max el 571. one «ante Allen 244. «.»■ *»• Beecher"^ 477 . Lane^tu, Crain sas— 2399 Nash-Finch Watson 555 . uian-1 -i's^ d 8 p 6 »oo U 888 ^ 26 lo' dummy 483- Ness ° pioneeV Heiland 651,' dummy 4S9. stem ha«en 509. Schott 522 , Reese 5>4: 927-826 842 2595. christinson Hazel 571. Hodapp Im'-sm— 2772? 2 ' ° ls ° n 4M ' * <,n 64 '' !,u, i adies I eaoue standing for Week Ending Jan. 22 T«am won Lost Pet., R««© Const. .- 8 i -JJ9 ÄÜ?. C fSL'e Room . 6 3 Dunn's News_ s 4 .556 Markle Transfer - - 5 4 656 Johnn?* Café III i 8 !ui Fort Peck Buttrey - i 8 .in Team, three game«. Messenger 2588. Bert's Rose Room 2565 : one game. M «enger 944, Reese Const. 891. Kal Alive Individual, throe games. 519. Gladyce Saindon 496 ; yce Saindon 196, Jane Anderson 194. game. Glad Weekly High Scores Team, three games. Allen Cafe 2498. game. Allen Cafe & Messenger 884. individual, three games, Alice Kaiuza 519. one game, Gladyce Saindon 196. , A P UI, , n '' N f ) "f Hagenah 373. Hillman 30.», Janes 269, Livingston 280, Van Hce 347 ; 756-772-685- 2213 . Markle Transfer— Reese 368. Schellinger 358, Holland 345, Combs 312. Lecy 343 ; 766-744-755 2265 Johnnie Cafe - Ackerman 371. Sund Ü-Ü' Tvn rn A c J i îî. 42 2k,A 0l ô n, ., 25 D Ml, ' , ' nson J acobémi" 7 447 * ' 'ßemum %V Beecher 398. Ness 362: 770-807-80.» 2382 Allen 84 ^ fe DeKaye H 44 V 1 Miske d 872 0n 7 Ä 7 l' 884-852 2493 . Messenger -- Bjorstad 425, BertHch 430. Haliack 446. Saindon 496, i.eistiko 4io: 884-4 54-842 -2480.^^ 4 4 j Morgan 438, Uebers 385, Brix 411, 800-856 793 2449 . Fort Buttrey--Dunn 40 .° Kutledge 308, Condon 313. Sells 384, Kotkin 454 . 682 - 787-750 - 2219 . N Kal Reese Const. KKMi V, >s POWER In a hurry! Uncle Sam's fast-moving ski troops put military power in the right place at the right time. America's electric companies have done the same job with industrial power. They were ready when the crisis came! They powered new plane plants, tank factories and shipyards almost overnight — and rushed reserve electric power to key points over carefully interconnected systems. As the demand grew greater, they speeded new construction. Last year, alone, they installed over 2Vi million more horsepower— enough to light one;quarter of all the homes in America! Good business management made this possible. The same companies, the same management, will go on increasing the production of power for protection —until skiing is a sport again, instead of a war maneuver! r THE MONTANA POWER COMPANY / y A SMBSK3 FARMERS ATTENTION! /looid tkU lUiyuanecÀeA f l eeli*iif ùt Uie coming ifea* i IS?? °Ou &T i T **es ' fkMIODl-tO , I rktcopjtfj '(t r it IT 9^ P** } You Can Make Your Bookkeeping Problems Simple and Uncle Sam's Assignment Easy by Using a S , tßlachboutn'i SIMPLIFIED B00KKËLPIÏC IVD INCOME TV\ RECORD FOR FIRM. R1VCII UÜ HOME The most complete, accurate and easy to keep Record for your farming operations you have ever seen. Latest Income Tax Laws now call for more and better book keeping for all farmers as all income brackets have been lowered which will require thousands to file reports who have not had to before. — SIMPLE — SENSIBLE CLEAR — COMPLETE. Come in and examine this splendid "up to the minute" Farm Record I THE COURIER So simple tbat a 12-yeaf-oU We also have Bbckbourn's Hönscheid Budget Books and Simplified Systems for Complete Office Outfitters Phone 44 child can keep k, aod cwo no more 6us every •TP' *— inrl 1 » n<J ledger. prüfe» ion. Luebbe Points to Ease of Handling Irrigated Pasture "Farmers in the Milk river valley can very profitably increase their acreage of irrigated permanent pas tures in 1942," it was declared by Donald J. Luebbe of Malta, associate extension agent on the Milk river project, who was a visitor here Fri day. Such pastures, he added, can be .handled with less labor than most other crops an(J they provide a good succulent feed during the time when other feeds are scarce. 1 "Dairymen who are increasing pro Action t0 meet the defense goals must do so largely through better mangement and feeding, and good pastures will help to provide feed : during the summer months and also : maintain milk production during the Period when cows usually go down in production, he continued. a good irrigated pasture will carry trom l'i to 2 or more dairy cows per acre during the grazing season. considering a oow produces 250 pounds of butterfat per year or 90 pounds during the grazing season. the gross income per acre WOUld be .._ ... , i 563 P er acre Wltl1 butterfat at 35 cents per pound. Mr. Luebbe esti ,, ■ , Huntley mixture is the best suit able mixture for mast conditions in mated. \ where good drainage can be pro j vided. Tile rate of seeding is from 16 to 24 pounds per acre and may . . , , be seeded alone or with a nursecrop. I The seedbed Should be Well pre narpr i ar «H i p ,. p i pr i parCd and leVCled i OPHEIM UNIT FORMED OPHEIM—A meeting of the local Red Cross imit was called Wednes day by Mrs. DeWitt St. John, chair man. Other officers selected were M rs . Ben wholf, vice chairman, and, Mrs. Fred Kilbourne Jr., secretary. Directors are Milo Jennings, H. O. i __ . . . ... .. T ° i Dohlen and Walter Irgens. the Milk river valley, particularly I State May Start New Elk Herd in Larb Hills Area HELENA — The state fish and game department may start a new elk herd in the Larb hills of Phil lips county. Dr. J. s. McFarland, state game warden, said. He said Jack Parsell, deputy game warden in charge of big game proj ects. would inspect the several hun dred square miles of grazing land in the area to determine whether it was suitable for an elk range and how many of the animals it could sup port. The game warden estimated that from 50 to 100 head might be moved into the area this winter. Dr. McFarland said petitions had been received from ranchers of the Larb hills asking for establishment of an elk herd, and they assured him a plant of the animals would not interfere with their cattle. i fafin lHC0Rie TaX * aaivwmv • »»am Rlanlrc A voiloKlo BiailKS AV3Il3DlC Farmers who wish them may se cure f arm f orm federal income tax ret um blanks at his office or at the office of H. R. Bjorklund, clerk an d recorder, it was announced by j j a mes K. McGibney. county agent. The blanks also may be secured by writing direct to the collector of in ternal revenue at Helena. HINSDALE — An assembly pro gram to launch the systematic sale of defense savings stamps in Hins dale high school and junior high school was held. Postmaster Lewis Rutter was the featured speaker. Short talks were given by Helen Duncan. Charlotte Seely, Helen 1 Swalheim and Orval Hillman. Su perintendent H. P. Schug also ad . ° ; dressed the group. LAUNCH DEFENSE DRIVE