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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
Social and Club News of the Glasgow Section Church Women's Groups Have Many Meetings The Council of Church Women met Friday afternoon at the Christ ian church. Mrs. Orville Teichrow led a devotional service and Mrs. G. R. Austin presented a text book chapter cn the theme "The Back wash of World Empire on Dem ocracy." and led a discussion later. Mrs. H H. Morion rep:rted plans fer the World Day of Prayer set vice. After the meeting tea and cook ies were served by women of the Christian church. Mrs. Henry Skil lingberg and Miss Agnes Skilling berg poured. Several aid societies cr circles cf vaiious churches met last Thurs day afternoon. The Altar societv of St Rachael's chmch met at the club heuse with Mrs. Milton Kabeary. Mrs. T. D. Keating and Mrs. Irving Tjoms land as hostesses. The purchase of new clubhouse curtains and a com plete cleaning of the church was planned. A food sale was planned for Saturday. At future meetings the greup will devote a half-hour period to a prayer service for world peace. A luncheon was served. The Christian Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Henrv Skil lingberg. Red Cross sewing was given out and the group planned to meet, again today with Mrs. Charles CliJ.on to complete the sewing, The hostess served luncheon. Mrs. Wm. Meyer entertained Methodist Circle C at her home, Mrs. Miabsl Miller of the Montana Power company service staff spoke cn the need of preserving vitamin food values. A food sale for mis -, 10 ns was planned. Guests were Mrs. Herman Lucke, Mrs. Wesley Patterson and Mrs. Lare of Fargo. N. D., A lunch was served. Mrs. W. A. C-Ilin= and Mrs. H. R. Dehlbom entertained Methodist Circle B at.the > church parlors A mission food sale was planned for Saturday at the Glasgow Meat Mar ket. The group changed their meet big date to the third Thursday of each month. There were several guests. A luncheon was served. Mrs. Fordyce McConnell enter tained the Harmory club of the Congregational church at her heme, Mrs. David Parke was reelected aresic'iaif. Mm. McCsnneli. vice president, and Mrs. John Nakken, secretary-treasurer. A family din "Z w 1 ?: iu Ma î c , h was Planned, psiw o i ™. rved f IU M Che °T n Tariiel of .,' he „ Lutbe,an Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Elmer J hnson. Mrs, J. C. Wisnaes con ducted devotions. Mrs. Rhea Carlson, who was here from Havre, received a handkerchief shower. Mrs. John son served luncheon. Mrs. Hans Eg stad will entertain the circle next mohth. n . ,,. Tl , le following greups met last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Bert Reed entertained Metli odist Circle D at lier hune. Mrs. pi m i % ..ij. L W ' I i i I l -j vm v ; w / r Ms ■ m £ ME? tEEElNG and coo»So rt * to ° 'em'. YOUE the are Brands set Star , w «rk evet 're soit on y<> ur without a man I Know ■wearin .and what s • • • A . i more they .easy able. • wouldn't be to wW m«*« 0 pair. con»tr««t' on Star with ">* n o< »*»• bis /A ■ lavorlt«* Know |Oo4 It* It taK«» *° . try » ■ « l' 8 5 95 n i // / sis* 1 J P i O V cS 7 . H.OHISIS PROP, r ' ' TORK'S EXTRA VALUE COMBINATION Tube Stag Bay Rum Fragrance SHAVING CREAM ond 2 Pkgs. Stag Hollow Ground BLADES Big favorite y cream and guar \ anteed blades. ^3c Value EXTRA VALUE COMBINATION SSEEŒiEllIS^i Full pint Pu retest MINERAL OIL and pkg. 50 Puretest ASPIRIN h Real Savings for you P-n. on needed items. IS A 88c Value BOTH FOR 'NISI .«I Teilf MOOUCTJ EaïEamiœi 8 or. Size CHERROSOTE — for coughs due lo colds and Pkg. of 30 Ö Special COLD TABLETS Full pint Ml 3 / SOLUTION and Klenzo T 00 TN BRUSH ft ' Values like these go quickly—so hurry. > Get I eal relief from and cold symptoms cold coughs. $i.oo v.iu. 75c both for ' 74c Value BOTH FOR ' 69c REXALL DRUG STORES 79c 39c P *«i Mooucrs J totst GLASGOW — PHONE 20 NASHUA — PHONE 301 I; WSt A>( Sas* r*OOucrs - , Ellis Jennings of Baylor was a guest, and Mrs. Claude prcpper, a circle ! member,, was in from her farm home near Avondale. The group will meet at the church parlors Feb. 25. Mrs. Orville Teichrow entertained the Baptist Junior circle at her heme. Mrs. Mason Melvin presided at a business session. Tire group sewed and a lunch was served. Reid-Rice Miss Helen Rice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Rice cf Glasgow, and Donald G. Reid cf Seattle, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Reid of Glasgow, were married last Wed nesday night at 10. at the Baptist church in West Seattle, in the pre sence of 25 friends. The bride wore a navy blue costume, with f acoesu-ries, and canted a beuget cf white carnations and red ro ^ s - Her bridesmaid. Miss Leila Mil sten. formerly of Nashua, wer aqua blue, with a pink carnatlcn cor sage. Francis Glandcn of Seattle was best man. After the ceremony a reception was held at the apart ment where they will live, 1917 46th S. W. Seattle. Mrs. Reid was graduated from Glasgow high school in 1938 and later from the Great Falls ccm mercial college. She was employed as assistant manager cf Nor-Mont Dairies until January when she ac cepted a position at the Seattle Tacoma shipyards Mr. Reid at tended Glasgow high school and was employed by the Truman Bowen Trucking company at Jeffersonville, tod He is now also employed in the Seattle-Tacoma shipyards. ~ ' . Mr. and Mrs. Bjorklund Surprised on Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Bjorklund were surprised last Tuesday night by a group cf friends who came to their home to celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary The group was composed mostly of The group was ccmuosed mostly of members of the Baptist congregation, A program was presented which ; included a duet by Mr. and Mrs. ; Clint Halladay. a solo by Mrs Bjork | hind, witli her own guitar accomp animent, and games directed by Mrs. Dave Eckberg and Mrs. H. P, Widen. Guests present were asked to tell the story of their own courtship. A wedding cake luncheon, brought by the guests, was served A wedding cake baked by Mrs. Eckberg was CU i by the f bnde ' . A ,g' 0U P of county officers and employes, members of their families and other friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Bjorklund at their home on Thursday night in celebration of their anniversary. They were pre sented with a silver dish filled with silver dollars. Games were played. IA decorated three tiered wedding cake was cut and a luncheon served, Forty-five participated H. R. Bjorklund and Miss Hilmer Hultstrand were married at Alexan " j Their Anniversary ; Honored on * y in ;■ ■ ü N<' mi y lit it/ -*r ■>» ■ /-3W-., * •y-x mm ■'mK * ...a SiMMA . _ , • Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Bjorklund of Glasgow who were hon ored by Iriends at several gatherings last week in recognition of their silver wedding anniversary. Mr. Bjorklund is Valley county clerk and recorder. _]_ ikMk - Kp* Bel By yf ÜI1 » m m li* im myk , -!/ Mg/ V : x . - ■ ■ M < mm J ' dria .Minn.. Feb. 10. 1917. They came to Montana the following March, an( j located in the Grain community. where Mr. Bjorklund had established a homestead in 1916. They moved to Glasgow in 1933. Mr. Bjorklund is: : c cunty clerk and recorder. They are the parents cf three children, Mrs. Warren Brown of San Diego. Calif.. Russell Bjorklund, who ls a junior in Redlands university a Redlands. Calif., and Marvel, who is employed by the Consolidated Aircraft company at San Diego, - oavis-Huber Miss Geraldine Hübet, daughter of Mr and Mrs R P Huber of Glasgow, and Roger ' Hasbrouck i Davis cf Santa Monica, Calif., son ! ; C f Dr. and Mrs. William T. Davis 0 f Washington. D. C. were married a t st Alban's Episcopal chapel, j westwcod village in Los Angeles ' Wednesday night FVb 4 at 8°The R ev John A Bryant ' officiated Members of the imediate families ! and a few friends weie Dresent I ' The church was candlelighted for' the service and white flowers were usetl in deccraticn of the chancel 1 .„j n i ra ,. tw wrirWroom's father 1 ÏÏ" Mrs Srr Huber " a * matron of honor b nde wai given in mair ae P bv her hrother Rohe t Hubir hriHe's costi me was a rrse ensemble ïïïïf Lt to ™atch black and wW e accesscr es and a c tsl of wh e orchids Mrs Robert Huber were „ rc ""' "| IS «open Huoer w-re accMsories "and r'corsage^cf gar Kenias The brides mother Mrs. R. P. Huber of Glasgow, was among the The those present. The bride attended Glasgow high school. Milwaukee-Downer college i at Milwaukee. Wis., and the State university at Missoula. Mr. Davis is a graduate cf Princeton university, a reserve army air corps officer, and i a junior executive in the sales de partment of Douglas Aircraft. After a short wedding trip to Springs, Calif,, they are at home at 633 Ninth street. Santa Monica. 1 ; Palm : Third Birthday Celebrated The third birthday of Eugene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Culver, was celebrated* with a party at the Culver home Friday afternoon. i Mrs. Crane Honored on Birthday A birthday club of neighbors In the southwest part cf Glasgow honored Mrs. Betsy Crane on her birthday last Wednesday at her home. She was presented with a gift from the group and a lunch was served by Mrs. E. A. Combs and daughter, Helen. j Miss Clowes Honored Miss Joyce Witt of Port Peck en tertained 12 friends of Miss Clowes j in her honor at the home cf Mrs. Mary Sweitzer in Glasgow last Wed ' nesoay night. Bingo and other games i were played. Each guest brought a kodak picture of herself for Miss : Clowes mid she was presented with a shower of personal gifts. A lun ! eheon was served. CALENDAR TO2 I o 2 (t TONIGHT 8 p. m. — Degree of Honor ex ecutive meeting at Allen cafe. FRIDAY' 2:30 p. m. — World Day of Prayer service at Congregational church.. 7:30 p. m. — high school. FEBRUARY 1 * 8 4 8 6 7 A 8 io II I z is 14 IS 19 11 1« IS 20 21 .*• *3 24 26 26 27 26 . > IMl' MONDAY 8 p. m. - Eastern Star at Mas °nic temple. O A. Hallett will speak cn the Americanism program. TUESDAY" Nutrition class at 4:30 p. _ Royal Neighbor Juveniles at Oignan hall, Mrs. J. A. Holland hostess. ! 8 P- , m - — Glasgow Woman's club at civic center room. International I relations program, WEDNESDAY' III 2:30 p. m. Methodist Circle d at church. 2:30 p. m. — Congregational Ladies Aid at heme of Mrs. Gertrude Weiss, 2:30 p.m. — Baptist Junicr Circle at heme Mrs. Kon Fuhr man. 8 p. m. — Past Noble Grand Circle, with Mrs. Henry Burger. THURSDAY 2:30 p. m. — Methodist Circle C at home of Mrs. Dave Watson. 2;30 p. m. — Altar society at Catholic clubhouse. 2:30 p. m. - Catharine Vcn Bern circle at Lutheran church parlors. Mrs. O. B. Osen hostess. FRIDAY 2:30 pm. — Deaconess hospital guild at hospital 2:30 p. m. — Harmony grouty cf Congregational church at home of Mrs Paul Magruder John Redfields Are Honored at Silver Wedding By Courier Correspondent OPHEIM — Mr. and Mi's. John Redfield were honcred at a surprise silver wedding anniversary party at their heme Saturday. About 45 relatives and friends were present. Cards were played and musical en tertainment was provided by the Watteruds. Mrs. Ellis Jennings made the three tier wedding cake. A gift cf silver from all present was pre sented to the couple by Milo Jen nings. Francis and John were married Feb. 20. 1917, at Glas gow', and have made their home near Opheim on their farm which was Mr. Redfield's homestead sev eral years prior to their marriage. Mrs. Raymond Watterud of Opheim. Mar garet Redfield of Opheim. Walter Redfield cf Kalispell. Mrs. Gerald Brough of Kalispell and Elena Red field of Opheim. The two grand children are Gordon and Lillian Waterud of Opheim. They have five children, Colonel Selee to Speak at Program Saturday Evening By Courier Correspondent PORT PECK—Lieut. Col. Richard son Selee will be the speaker at an Americanism program at 7:30 Saturday evening at the Recreation al hall. The American Legion Aux iliary is sponsoring the patriotic pro gram. The Girl and Boy Scouts will pre sent The Colors and lead in the pledge to the flag. The two groups will sing "Marching Along Together." The two prize winning essays in an Auxiliary contest will be read. The subject is the "Characteristics of a Good American." The school band will give a selec tion followed by a reading. "Loyalty of a Naturalized Citizen" from "Life" by a school boy. Colonel Selee will then speak, Paul Koetitz will sing a solo and the audience will sing the . national anthem. At the close the Scouts will retire the colors. Music Instructor Directs Lincoln^ Birthday Program By Courier Correspondent j OPHEIM—Music Instructor Ar thiu' Aslegaard dii'ected a coin's birthday program Thursday! afternoon in the school auditorium. The program opened with "The I Gettysburg Address." a reading bv I Dan Tichenor. ( Fifth and sixth grade students, j accompanied by Royal paus. sang Civil war and southern sengs. The ■ audience joined in choruses. I Tile band played "American Pa | trcl" and a trombone novelty and | closed the program with "The star j Spangled Banner." GUEST AT LUND HOME 1 Mrs. R, P. Clark of North Holly- I "'°° d ' CaJif • sister cf James G. i s^udin^Ä S home 8 se ' eial weekf> at Ue Lundi I Vl.l, FOR CITY Noli. W.YKIl \\Ts liol.lor« ri, - v " r "arrant J.nV. P 0 i .luv In berebr givin I. lilasgotr l'ark F <■ that llio •gotll.T t Die I of nisi.•rod ! •I following i ii t **r Tiv.-isii 1!MJ. it Ii *r. i the i the \os. I ut-a hi* If v .f V Warm ms o MO lut*. • hi that ilatf. !*s nloroNt ill MAKTl.V MII.I.KR. ■asiiror. t'ily of tilasgow. I 4;t. City t Speaker to Launch Emergency Million Program on Saturday The "emergency million" campaign of the Disciples of Christ will be launched in Glasgow by David A. Byerlee. missionary, at a pro gram in the Glasgow Christian church Sunday night at 7:30. The public has been invited. The campaign is to meet the em ergencies of the educational and missionary work of the Disciples cf Padgetts, Opheim Brother and Sister, Are Both Married Mr. Padgett grew up in the Wild Rose community, where he attended the Green Valley school, and at Opheim, wdiere he was graduated from the opheim high school in 1937 . He en ]i s t e d in the army air corps, Dec. 2, 1940. His bride is a By Courier Correspcndent , OPHEIM — Two former Opheim young people, a sen and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Padgett cf Opheim. recently married, the son in a ceremony at Payette. Idaho, and the daughter at Yuma, Ariz. Dean Padgett, who is a file clerk at Pendleton field, ore., was mar reid to Miss Georgen.? Wlieeler of Pendleton at the residence of the of the Christian church there. Jan. 19. teletype operator at the army post. ! They are now'living in Pendleton, j Miss Lois Pearl Padgett was mar ried to Richard Barnby of Torrance. Calif., at Yuma, Arizona. Jan. 4 ! Attendants were Mr and Mrs Don aid Clark. The brid- was a student! in the Green Valley school and ! the Opheim high school, graduating in 1941. Last October she accompan-i led an aunt and uncle on a trip to Long Beach Calif and has been living in California since Mr Barnbv is a formpr rpsiripnt I C f GhnlZ and Is now emnloved ss a we der in defense wc, ^ as a " elaer ln aeiense " C1K - Mr and Mrs - Barnt> . v will live at. Torrance. Calif. I Red Cross Dance Benefit Grosses $65 at Glentana By Courier Correspondent GLENTANA—A large crowd at tended the dance and lunch spen- ! sored by the Glentana community for the benefit of the Red Cross. The total taken in was mere than $65. The only expense was for the dance band from Glasgow. The Catholic parish hall, lights and heat and food fcr.the lunch were donated. All proceeds were given to the Red Cross The Glentana people wish to thank the community for the splendid cc operation shown. Many people 1 the dance. Mr. Goodrich was chair man and wrorked very hard to make ' it a success, VENETIAN BLINDS SALE! TWO WEEKS ONLY! l£TAPf SAVE as much as ch *te Au 1" * oop *ur 15% » on Genuine Wood Slat Venetian Blinds only £|csq.ft. installed CHECK THESE FEATURES: • ENCLOSED HEAD OF WOOD • BEST QUALITY OIL BASE ENAMEL • KILN DRIED 2-1N. BASSWOOD SLATS • AUTOMATIC CORD LOCK • SMOOTH WORKING WORM GEAR • CHOICE OF 16 SLAT AND TAPE COLORS PHONE 303 FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Sale on (or Two Weeks Only! FURNITURE BALCONY Christ, both of the continuing work and that brought about through national defense and the world at war. local sponsors stated. The national effort aims to enlist 10.000 individuals giving $100 or more to realize $1.000.000. Mr. Byerlee, a graduate of the University of Oregon and the Eu gene Bible university, appears under auspices of the united Christian Missionary society. He and Mrs Byerlee first went to the Belgian Congo in 1920. A former printer and newspaperman, his work has been to teach native boys how to operate presses for distribution of Christian literature in native language. Nine speakers are conducting the campaign in Montana and the state's gcal has been fixed at $4,500. HALVORSON ENLISTS BUTTE — Harry M. Halvorson, 30, of Hinsdale enlisted in the mar ine corps here. With four other Mon tana men, he has gone to the re cruit depot at the marine corps base in San Diego, Calif. Halvorson was a construction worker for Valley county for five years. Save on 0 • t 6 GLAMOUR Permanent Wave If Kit ITALIAN BALM Reg. 50c. Two for HINDS— Reg. 50c_ LUCKY TIGER SHAMPOO ___ JERGENS $1.00 reg. _ 49 c - 25 c 69 c . 89 c VITAMINS Check a cold before it starts. High Potency A-B-D-G 98' «1" s 2 98 PUBLIC DRUG COMPANY Cliff Combs, Mgr. Hinsdale Man and Family Unhurt as Car Leaves Road By Courier Correspcndent HINSDALE!— Ice and snow on the surface of the road caused a car driven by Henry Westrum of Hinsdale to leave the highway on the Buggy Creek hill between Hins dale and Glasgow Thursday after noon. The car skidded as it was proceeding up the hill, struck the guard rail posts and then went off ; ÇVto&mol V W0/ m SAyp ■ ■ ■ -wr a "High-count," Silky Smooth Texture Yard PERCALE PRINTS 25 c Conventional paterns, adorned with fiow'crs. Color-fast to washing. Now Ace-High in Fashion's Favor... Yard SPUN RAYONS |C M-m-m-m! Such soft, smooth finishes! Look and feel like fine woolens. YOU NEED ALL THESE BIAS TAPE— 5 yds. percale or 8 yds. nainsook THREAD— J & P Coats Fine quality. Rustproof Thimbles 5c — Steel Needles 5c — Tape Measures 5c Hooks and Eyes 5c — Snap Fasteners 5c — 8-inch Scissors 25c Toilet Pins 5c — Zippers, from 4-inch to 36-inch RICK-RACK BRAID — Black, white and col ors. 6 yards _ FANCY BUTTONS— Styles for all of your needs. Card .. 5c & 10c 4c a 8c 10c 10c FEDERATED STORES <«■■■ '••.'•''N f. % ■■■ W •• .1 : # It : ! Z' \; T' r & \ ■■ ! pK P## /Wk i H a • JERSELLA • LINSPUN • GABERDINE • HOPSACKINC • SPUN RAYON • NO-FUL-IN CREPE • BEAU-ARTS PRINT % « / > V fl W f \ w As low as . . 59 c w / yd. B m y- ■ \ y h m. 8 r f: K % A V K - y ■ V- \ Complete Line of Notions Buttons - Patterns - Tape Ruffling Dress and Skirt Zippers r Thread BRIGHT, FLOWERY YARD PERCALES 19 e Washable patterns, full 36-in. wide. As low as l GLASGOW, MONTANA the road, but remained upright. Neither Mr. Westrum nor his wife and son, Tommy, who were accom panying him to Glasgow, were hurt. Tlie car damage to tire front and right side was about $65. - Cor Sale—Special DeLuxe Chevrolet sedan. 1940 model, purchased Aug. I, 1940. $750, Inquire No. 523-Ccurier. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I I ®—