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NASHUA By Mrs. George Fisher The Van Guard Home demonstra tion club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Abe Friessen. Bus iness was transacted and a buffet luncheon was served. Mrs. P, Peterson, who spent the winter at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Fran Jimerson, left last week for her home in New Effing ton, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. William Hyatt of Bimidji, Minn., were guests at the D. B. McKee home last Thursday. They were enroute to their farm in the Larslan community. The Altar society was entertained Thursday afternoon at the Catholic hall with Mrs. Mrs. H. E. Hill and Mrs. J. D. Irwin as hostesses. A food sale was planned to be given Sat urday at the Farmers Union market. Jalmer beenden, who spent sev eral weeks in Seattle, returned home Sunday and will be one of the Val ley county men who will join the service this Friday. Corp. Norman Nybakken arrived Monday morning ta spend a ten day furlough at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Nybak ken. He is an instructor at the air force school at Chanute Field, Ill. Miss Prances Jimerson, who is a senior nurse at the Deaconess hos pital in Great Palls, visited from Saturday until Monday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jimerson. Miss Mere dith Geer, who is a senior nurse at the same institution, spent Sunday and Monday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Henry and will leave from Great Falls for Warm Springs, where she will con tinue her training. Both girls gradu ate in June. Ardis Orth, who is a graduate nurse employed at the Deaconess hospital in Great Palls, spent the wee end visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Orth. Corp. Harold Kalstad, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milford Kalstad. came Monday and surprised his parents. He is on a ten day furlough from his duties as instructor at the ad vanced flying school at Williams Field. Phoenix, Ariz. Eunice Ann Murphy of Inverness spent the week end at her home here. Group 1 of the Lutheran Ladies Aid was entertained last Wednes ROXY 7HJF MODERN THEATPF SHOWS STARTING Saturday and Sunday, 1. 3, 7 and 9. Week Days, 2, 7 and 9. Thursday-Friday April 23-24 ~~Z t IT'S AMUS-ICAL! i •iff i /J] n 3> ' ! ■/ ». fin I 3 MW i'r MGMPICIUat V Also } \ NEWS Saturday Only April 25 *TH0PPY'S ■1 IN ARABIA! yr in 1 1 A > < with BRAD KING ANDY CLYDE £ m f BMisssa y - Also NEWS and SERIAL Sunday-Monday April 26-27 Preview Saturday, 11 p. m. His LIES Were All WHITE... and the / GAL Thought Them 7 ALL RIGHT! r ^ i B , t.j.; Vi'Àl iT»] , « î \ mtruffy'] !i Ê NEWS — COMEDY Tuesday-Wednes. April 28-29 2 — BIG FEATURES — *5 Bring a Guest! or UHU THt W) // Cwutbncfl BENNETT - Jeffrey tYHW — and 'tutgfO* ■' Jinx Falkenfaurg • Chos. Buddy Rogers KAULITZKA IN TEXAS Private Mickael A. Kaulitzka Glasgow, who was inducted into the army in March, is now at Camp Wolters, Texas, according to word received by B. P. Langen. He serving in an anti-tank unit, he writes, and "I like the army fine." He has gained 15 pounds since he has been at the camp. OSWEGO V ■ ■ By J. L. Long I Mrs. Metta Bridges visited friends in Frazer for several days this week. Louis Haefner of Bainville. shoe salesman, called on the trade in town Tuesday. Mr. Haefner was a deputy game warden in Bainville for 18 years before he went cn the road as a salesman. Mr. and Mrs Louis Dubbe of Fort Peck are spending a few days at their farm home near town. Mr Dubbe is putting in a crop. j:e Ccx seeded wheat and oats for Q. P. McClammy this week. A large number attended a meet ing held in the agency hall Wed nesday afternoon under the direc tion of the reservation extension staff of Pcplar. Discussions were held on the uses of vitamins and plans for spring farming and gard ening. , , , Russell Lowe was the successful bidder for the south mail reute beginning July 1. He is the present carrier. Mr. and Mrs. John Strachan. who own a ranch north of Oswego, were callers in town Friday. They leased their farm land and are now living in Wolf point. Miss Nona McClammy and Miss Frances Long were Sunday dinner guests at the August Knapp home to help Charlotte celebrate her six teenth birthday- They all went to the matinee at Wolf Point to see Charley McCarthy. left for Seattle to make their home, Mr. Julum is employed there. Alvin Julum will finish the school year here and is making his home at Donald Burns, who now lives at Fort Peck, was in Nashua Tuesday enroute to Portland, where he will 1 for several weeks. Mrs. John Hatch of Great Palls | was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Hen- 1 Bunk and Mrs. August Hoff. She j left Tuesday. The society of the 1 day afternoon at the church par lors by Mrs. Adolph Ellingson. Arne Ulvestad Sr. is on his vaca tion from his duties as section fore man for the Great Northern. Robert McMasters returned to work at the depot, having been ab sent from his duties there for a month due to an appendicitis oper ation. Warren Van Buskirk. who had been here, left for Havre. Mr. ami Mrs. Robert Murray of Glasgow and Mrs. Harriet N. Car ver were dinner guests at the Lau rence Benson home Sunday. The Melvin Bollinger family has moved to the Oliver Julum residence. Tlie W, F. McCoys, who lived west of Nashua, moved' to their residence in town. The Ralph Taylor family moved to Glasgow Monday. Mrs. Oliver Julum and children the Oliver Orth home. Church cf tile Nazarene will meet Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. F. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Daly re turned Monday from Denver where Mr. Daly lias been attending an air Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Ouren and Mrs. B. Stenbakken dreve to Glas gow Monday evening to visit Mrs. A. Mourn and Mrs. Knute Berg at the Deaconess hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rolandson cf Circle were overnight visitors at the Eddie ouren home last week. Mrs. Claude Roberts was honored at a farewell handkerchief shower given her by members of the Wo mon Foreign Missionary society at the home cf Mrs. Paul Dots n. Mis. Clara Allman returned from Seattle Tuesday. She left for her; farm home north of Nashua the same day. craft school. * 1 I V I I r I Defense workers! Make an investment in long, dependable, low-cost transporta I I I i tion! Buy an OK used car from your Chev rolet dealer and con serve time and energy for your job! Good buys • • • Good prices Convenient terms. * I f H I I 111 w If ij • • • ★ I;. • : : », SEE YOUR LOCAL CHEVROLET DEALER TODAY! Glasgow Motor Co. T;T U ; : ? T ■V n * .3 . 121 Fourth Street South Glasgow, Montana Phone 64 Hope and Goddard in New Comedy e . Sjt . jTT 0 » r 4 il m V ■ i ■ ./ •• 7 J » . • Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard indulge in more fun in their latest comedy, "Nothing But the Truth," coming to the Roxy Saturday night at 11, Sunday and Monday. HINSDALE Wyatt Grant, who arrived last week from Seattle to visit his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Grant of Malta, before enlisting in the navy. is spending several days visiting friends at Hinsdale. Mr. and Mrs. Enfred Faulk arrived last week from Seattle to visit Mr. Faulk's mother, Mrs. Roy Hatton. and Mrs. Faulk's parent^ Mr. and Mrs. Prank Jones. Mr. Paulk will leave soon to enter army service. Miss Hazel Samuelson and Harold and Leslie Smith were in Glasgow stntnrdav Miss Marcella Faraasen, who is employed by the J. C. Penney com pany at Seattle, arrived Saturday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Faraasen. Isa bell Rlggin and Vivian Barnard were in Glasgow Saturday afternoon. Miss Aileen Kamla, fifth and sixth grade teacher spent the week end visiting her mother. Mrs. Anna Kamla, and brother Bob at Glasgow. Jean and Barbara Duncan and Marguerite Van de Wiele were shop piers in Glasgow Saturday. Mrs. Mollie Hovland and son Les ter. John Wiler and Mrs. B. E. Schultz of Westby spent Saturday night and Sunday visiting at the Willie Stordahl and Lloyd Schultz homes. Mr. Wiler remained for a longer visit with his daughter, Mrs. Stordahl. as did Mrs. Schultz, who is Lloyd Schultz's mother and a sis ter cf Mrs. stordahl. T. O, Pritchard visited at the Alex Mogan home near Genevieve Sun day. Tom Mclntee of Portland visited ills sisters. Mrs. W. H. Jacobs and Mrs. Frank Caspar, last week. William Court made business trip to Glasgow Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Montgomery, Charlotte Seely and Lila Rennick | drove to Glasgow Saturday. Lester Pippin started building sev eral government dams on First creek south of Saco last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Caspar vis ited in Glasgow Sunday. | W. H. Jacobs made a business trip to Wolf Point Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caspar drove : to Wheeler Sunday. Private Robert W. Black, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Black, has been assigned to the material squadron at Will Rogers Field. Oklahoma City, as a carpenter. Private Black entered the army last year and was stationed for a time at Sheppard Field, Wichita Falls, Texas. Tony Garcia, who Is working for John ' David at Vandalia, visited triends here Sunday. ; I THOENY By Ruby ^_$ ' Charles Regers took Barbara Rogers and Leslie Smith to Hins dale Monday morning after spend ing several days at the Rogers heme Hammond Allie and Alex drove to Glasgow Sunday and returned Monday night. pi . ed Munger dr0V e to Opheim Wednesday on business. TI ... Mis- H llda Hl '^ er 8 rji d 5°? L1 " yci meved to the faun Thursday for the spring work. Miss Lenola Miller accompanied them for a visit with friends and relatives. Dan Thoeny. West Jensen, R. Sullivan and Tim Adlen, and Mary Stuber attended the dance in Glen tana Friday night. Frank Bronk drove to Glasgow Monday with W. B. Dolscn, who has p een v j S iting friends here. h.hhoiic dinner was son- , A . rL Muntrer Thos*. who at. Thoens West Tpn S nh _ rt o„iii vari a nd Tim and Allen «stuber * ' Mr. and Mrs^ Frank Grable were shoppers in Opheim Saturday. ^ _ 4 ; DC A\/CDTAM ! DCA V Li\ I U IN J _ „ , ... _ _ . j >_ ■ _* * Lloyd Barnard made a trip to Saco Wednesday. r a. Sudduth made a business trio to Glasgow Wednesday. h. K. Brookie and Grandpa Hill Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wilson and | children of Telegraph creek were! overnight guests at the Lloyd Barn- ! a rd home Friday, Mrs. James Smith and son Hugh of Oklahoma arrived FTidav to begin their farming here. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Jchnston went to Malta Friday to attend a grazing meeting. Miss Eleanor Koss. high school student at Malta, spent the week end at Lloyd Barnard's home. She is a niece of Mrs. Barnard, Friday night which stepped field work Saturday, Women of this community sur prised Mrs. Lloyd Barnard Sunday with a shower for her baby daugh ter Alice Isabella. She received many nice presents and a delicious lunch was served by Mrs B. J. Menge and Mrs. Alton Johnstcn. About a half inch of rain fell here OPHEIM By Olna Thompson I Mr. and Mrs. Norton Bergstrom and family moved to the farm Fri day. They spent the winter cn Hugh Cole place. Pete Gies and Gilbert Swanson went to Glasgow On business Mon Adolph Westby was a Glasgow caller Wednesday. Mrs. Westby re •timed home Friday. Myrtle West bv, who is a student at Northern Montana college in Havre, spent the weak end at heme. Mrs. Martin Grim and daughter Thelma left for Santa Barbara, Calif., last Tuesday where it is hop ed Thelma's health will improve. day. John Ameson, who was heme for a few days last week, returned Helena Saturday. d Mrs. Walter Smith and Mrs. Ro y paus went to Havre last week end to spend a few davs. Mrs. paus will als; visit at Chinook. Mr. and Mrs. Oris Aure n and daughters of Nashua were here the first of the week to rent the Amalia Rosholt farm in Roanwood valley. Mi's. John Whittle and FYeddie of Glasgow spent the week end in Opheim where they visited at the Fred Whittle home. Mrs. Rolland Amcld and daugh énc P V TÎchenor fe home yS " the Clai " Mrs. Graydon Edwards and son were in Opheim Monday. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Johnson and family and Mrs. Dorcas Fagan were callers in Peerless Sunday. Horn Wednesday to Friday at the e. Johnson heme. d. A Reddick and Clintcn Vick. with others from Glasgow, attended a Sunday school convention in Miles city last week. W. D. Ellis was taken to the hc.sp ital at Glasgow Tuesday suffering from a heart attack. All the children ",' ere summoned to be with him theie. Mrs. William Stevens stayed at the Ellis farm while Mr. and Mrs. Glen E1 | js a nd Paul were in Glasgow. Thp Farmers Union local met with Mr and Mrs Oral Quale Sat ' urday evening. About 35 members and guests were present. Following the meeting lunch was served. Clifford Holmes, son of Mr. and : Mrs. Sig Holmes of Kalispell. broke a leg oh his motorcycle at Seattle. according to word received here, Morris Munger cf Port Sill. Okla.. returned home Friday. i Mr - and Mrs - Blld Jennings and ; ! family of Glasgow visited at the I y hl° Jennings home Sunday. i Those who attended the Catholic district convention held at Wolf p 0 jnt last week were Mrs. E. C. Bohlig, Richard Bohlig, Mary ! Squires, the Rev. FT. Martin Whal- 1 j en of Glentana. Mrs. Jack Schuster. '• 1 Madeline Ackerman and Mrs. Ray 1 Belle. Mary Squires and Richard Bohlig 1 took part in an essay contest and were chosen to attend the meeting j to be held at Billings in the near ! future. The Beim family were released frem scarlet fever quarantine this week. i Mr. and Mrs. Art Paulson and - ê I I« ' y \ K'i h 1 / G ; »«i«j 4$V i ^ _ >0 A mNM t ■ la V-« GRASS SEED H ms® ton \ feted V e Ve ULLI» 7 Popular mixture. Carefully seed" KJ Wended domestic grass with high germinating Kentucky U Blue Grass, Red Top, Rye iffttlBi Grass and Wheat Clover. uin »taSS! <jr **n / <* /> tit an <f/e ,V/. 1 25< • 2. ^1.25 i;MIXTVU' LB. RO V; r. \ r;-©-, *> o r Sterling Lav/n Seed A «elected fop quality blend of grasses to produce a velvety lawn. ft— I •^5 of % 1 Lb.. 48c— 5 Lb., $2.10 7 l> Li Sn^inkling :3 •7 n M' Kjsfe ' fV. W p VO 1 * 'f QÛ C Ä.>' •W* 3, -i ■ S, ?s 0 y 10-QUAKT SIZE f| to« sp° $J19 ■ BALL-BEARING LAWN LAWN REQUISITES 33 c &69 € . 1 \QC Hi. * r, 'n 9 •• w GARDEN CULTIVATOR ° AdjujtabU height. Axle fitted with steel bushings. Furnished with 3 tools) polished carbon mold board, high carbon reversibla doubla point shovel and 3 prong weeder. Complete With Attachments V«S GRASS HOOKS GRASS CATCHERS . . $8« «5f \ 0 « to GARDEN SUPPLIES $1595 33c BRASS KINO HOSI NOZZLI . BRASS SPIKE SPRINKLER . RUBBER HOSE WASHERS, 12 for . GARDEN HOSE CLAMP . GARDEN HOSE COUPLING, Male or Female, Each . . . CARDEN HOSE MENDER . RAINBOW LAWN SPRINKLER . 21c $069 Continuous Pump Sprayer Quart Size 3/2 Gallon Pump Sprayer Shoulder Strap Style . 5c 29c ./ 5c 12c .3.79 Sc a PRUNING SHEARS Hardened and tempered blades. Light weight. Nat- ~ ural tic handles . Visit Your Gamble Store Regularly 1.13 65c t SEE YOUR GAMBLE STORE OUTLET FOR A COMPLETE GET EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN GARDEN TOOLS AND SUPPLIES AT GAMBLE'S » A LINE OF GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS DUTCH KLEMPEL, Manager . J u Jennings Writes Letter To North Area Service Men -$ j Milo Jennings of Opheim had a ) fine idea when he decided to write ! a letter to every man from his north Valley county community who is in service or working in war industries. 1 But he didn't recken with the magnitude of the task until he be gan making out his address list. Before he had finished, he had 76 names on the list, reflecting the frequently expressed opinion that the nortn country has sent more ycung men to service, according to I { îLTÎjp. sta e ' And the l st wasn 1 ( co ™. p ete ' I The problem was solved by mim 1 eographing copies of an interesting ! aIld newsy letter about the ccm mui ]tty. With it went a copy of the mailuig list of every man, so he location of his friends, The llst , shcws me n in the service fr° m the east ccast to the Philippines. The plan has brought much com ! ment for the effect it is certain to have on morale. - NaSHUU StUdCUtS ^^j|| ElltCP StStC Scholastic Meet By Courier Correspondent NASHUA—Nashua will send six contestants to the high school meet at Bozeman the last week in April, j 0 Ann Tade wen the English 11 contest and Edna Sevier in Home Economics 11 They will write at Bozeman for first, second and third place in tire state. Doris Nickel will write cn the major social science group , T h . orl j T ,, C l t 7'77 wil1 wlIt e as pentathalon entrants nf thrM tn ' da n a ?„ fc-c.. nomicl contest, Supei in tendent aiccompiany the sluaelus to Bozeman, Kenneth spent the week end in Glasgow, where they were guests at the Ed Saindon home. Ed Elllngson. who spent the winter in Welch. Minn., returned Tuesday accompanied by Dan Bowe, who will held him put in the crop, Dr. william Reed was a Glasgow caller Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Art Reed went to Glasgow Tuesday. There will be no Lutheran church services this week, as the Rev. E. B. Holte will attend the Luther league district convention Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Havre, Delegates from Opheim will include Vivian Curtis and Vernillie Smith, Mrs. N. C. Amundson left Wed nesday for Moorhead and Minne apolis, Minn., for a few days' visit. COUNTY LINE Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Miner and family and Bruno Meading visited at the Ludvig Schmidt home across the Octtonwood last Sunday. Margaret Ellertscn visited Anna belle Bingham over the week end. Mrs. p. W. Miner had Ladies Aid meeting at her home Wednesday. The Rev. and Mrs, E. B. Holte and many friends were there. A lunch was served by Mrs. Miner. John Green and Olaf Willison drove their cows to the creek Sun day morning for the summer. Former Residents Have Reunion in Cali(ornia City Fermer Glasgow residents held a reunion last week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. FTank Damn in Gilrcy, Calif., according to word re ceived here by friends. After attend ing a Jaycee dinner dance, they gathered at the Daum home. Others the party were Miss Hazel Maur er, who is now visiting in San Fran cisco; Charles Burtsch, formerly of tile Maytag store, now in the radio division, and Allan Hazleberg, form erly of The Courier staff, who was recently inducted into the army air force. Mr. and Mrs. Daum own and operate the Western Auto Supply store in California. SCRAP IRON Attention All Farmers! The Pacific Hide & Fur Depot at Glasgow, Montana, is starting a new drive for scrap iron, which they hope will speed up the collection of scrap iron throughout Valley county. They are now able to pay you the following prices which are in accordance with Government regulations . . , MIXED SCRAP IRON (free of tin). Per gross ton_ CLEAN SORTED CAST IRON Per gross ton_ WAYNE LAMBERTON, Manager $10 $U v, yx Thanks Sent (or Sweaters, Helmets Given Hospitals \ Appreciation for the 200 sweaters and 50 helmets made by Valley county women which were sent to the station hospital at Lowry field. Colo., was received this week by Mrs. W, G. Crawford, chapter chairman of volunteer service, from Mrs. Hel en H. Krupp, assistant field direct or of the organization at the hospi tal. Expressing appreciation for the "generous supply," Mrs. Krupp adds, "These sweaters are distributed through our station hospital recrea tion building to the convalescent soldiers who appreciate them very much. . . Will you kindly express our gratitude to the many kind women who have worked so dili gently to make this shipment of garments possible?" Mrs. Crawford said the local chapter is making shipments of ar ticles every two weeks. Now on the way is 150 pounds of army yarn to make more sweaters. Other articles will be produced as soon as material for them is received. WILL BATTLE THE JARS Members of the Filipino beet crew that worked at the J. N. Hay farm near Nashua last year wrote Mr. and Mrs. Hay they have decided to help raise beets again, "so we can have sugar in our coffee when we get to Tokyo."