Newspaper Page Text
Social and Club News of the Glasgow Section . , . , With Od/°Feîlows Party With Odd Fellows , An anniversary party fer the « Fellows lodge, to be held at the 1 Odd Fellow's hall VVednesdaj . ' va L.P a v? n »äi H iiialu 3 it Rebekah lodge Monday night. It will be a "hard time party foi members of both lodges and in vited guests frtmi their famis friends. Mrs. R-ss Don presided. A luncheon was served latei by s - Bennie Sathci and Mrs. A g son. Daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Hapgood llauble Wedding Glasgow' lilends have ived invitations from Mr. and Mrs. L Hapgcod of Seattle, former Glas row residents, to the marriages their two daughters. Miss Dorothy Ann Hapgood will be married to C C Ekman and Miss Rhoda Mae Hapgood to John B. Britz Jr. at the Plymouth Congregational church in Seattle, May 8. Luncheon and Nutrition Demonstration for Club The Glasgow Home Demcnstra tion club had a luncheon Tuesday ---! "ö&d 'iU sÆ. if' « <A> 8 / ✓ Wear for Work ©r Play! COTTONS — RAYONS WOOLS 119 to ^9S * I | î j E y h'AJ 1 98 to ^95 New SHIRTS. SWEATERS and BLOUSES, too! 98c to 2.29 « j rntsroDCor TOMrjsno tomorrow t-t— Hf ß HE s h an h'.s p'kop 1 i Over the ® 9> « O '.»Iste •fr» j* m JOT. «1» <i •iS £ ! I .s' ! î ' ; I t t : mm Sx Johnson's Baby Powder.. Johnson's Baby Oil. Mennen's Baby OH. Piöhher Baby Pants. 8-3!jnce Nursing Bottle.. Nipples (Stark). BABY FOODS Bet It's a Boy" Book.... 21 « 43 c 45 C 9 C /u IC C 10 e ! 4* 9S C A treat for Mother and Dad! Our Stock of Baby Needs is Complete in Every Detail! TORN'S REXÂLL DRUG Nashua Glasgow ... .. , . .. . afterneon at l at ^he home of Mr.s. G. «. Bundy. Alter tne luncnemi,. Mrs. Cabell and Mrs J. H. McCoy presented a nutrition demonstration on the theme. "Meat fer Defense. T 16 V j Ue meat stressed and ways of serving cuts of meat weie discussed. The 'ita min content cf fords and the need of Utaniins in tlie diet was told. Mis. T. M. Owings piesided at a bifsmessi meelting. The tnbuted to the caicei coût I cm hfsfesscf the group voted that of er Mtgar rationing begins, these wish their bev.-r ages Id bring their - Jean Mclnerney Celebrates Birthday j ea n Mclnerney celebrated her eleventh birthday with a theater matinee partv Saturday afternoon. Ten cf her classmates'were guests. After the show, games were played at her home and a supper was served which featured a lighted birthday cake. She received gifts from the guests, who were Donna Mae and Pauline Rusher. Geraldine j sund, Mary Kay Holland, Dorothy Bavnham, ' Jean Wessler, Joan Weasa, Russella Flansburgh, La I vonne Schellinger and Leone Ras Family Group Honors Captain John Peterson Capt. John Peterson of Victoria Texas, was a guest for a few days this week at the heme cf his par lents. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Peterson of Grain. A family dinner was .erved there in his honor Sunday;" at which guests w-ere Mr, and Mrs. Everett Mclnerney and family and Miss Doris Peterson of Glasgow. aud Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peter i son and baby cf Nashua. The group j were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Me Inernev in Glasgow for dinner Tues day night, coming in to see Captain Peterscn eff on the tram Wednes day morning. -— Business and professional Women Have Dinner .Meeting Mrs Mabel Miller presided at a meeting ol the Business and Pi-o fesslonal Womans club at a dinner ■meetmg «t Dunn* club . Monday | "'«î 1 ; at .I -15-1 .s[soke °n the purposes of the club and Mrs. Gertrude Lmdgren on her, work as welfare case worker. j müssen. Mrs. Miller announced the follow- ; ing committees; Miss Myrtle Me- ( 'Glocklln. Miss Ella Hammerness, ; Mrs. Florence P. Elliott. Mrs. C. H. ; Dross, and Mrs. Nora Mumford, membership; Mrs. Brandt, Mrs, Louis Alexander. Mrs. Mary Sweit- ( zer and Miss Audrey Johnson, pro gram, and Mrs. C. W. Kampfer, Mi's, i H. L. Thomas. Mrs. Blanche Grot jan and Miss Florence Kenny, pub licity. The group voted to keep the char ter open until June 1. Miss Estelle, Dale of Miles City, was an out-of town guest. Interior Decoration AViil Be Club Program Tonic * ... , T ^ 1S- . A- ^ 1 Stiom will speak on Interior Decoration." at a meeting thV> th ciw? ^enteiw-hih 011 S clUlJ n T I IP Sri à vn i O h t 1 xx ,<! U V !^° m J? cxt luesdaj night. Mis. Ge_ige Nov be"ho. t'pssr MlS ° A ' DunncI1 wU1 uuoicssLs. Mrs. Pederson Surprised At Hospital Friends of Mrs. Oleane Pederson surprised her at her room at the Deaconess hospital, where she is a patient, on her birthday Tuesday! afternoon. They took lier flowers and a lunch they brought was ser ved - Mr. and Mrs, H. O. Morgan enter tained friends at dinner at their home Saturday night, roses were used for decoration. Con tract was played at four tables, Prizes were given Mrs. C. E. Hoppin. Miss Bertha Hanshew and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Have Dinner Guests Talisman Mrs. J. P. Sternhagen. Mrs. Orval Markte ;;.x 8L _ a»- ■ .,<•• ■■ ma « .. ^ w F ~ V ^ ^ é 'dSKk ^ f SP fr t W-ÊÊm? * ««P » f ^ JÊ jyÄ . ÆMm ASk* MÊÊÊÉ — f .• 'V. vL Xrnmifv | mL uu wS of Gla/ " * M i,« aL Markle the! home ta Ox „hm he is i Vf 1 .";; „*„" 1 iiymg instructor. ___ - Durell-Miller ! James Durell of Glendale. Calif.. ! son of Mrs. Ben Durell of Van Nuys, Calif., was married to Miss Alice Mae Miller cf Glendale at that city, March 25. They will make their home In Glendale. Beth Mr. Durell and his mother arc foimei Glasgow residents. —T - {? e s re f. uf '; on '. >r ,,as t ' x * cu **Y®. ,***„. ln E A £ ' oc!al nour at wnicn ; 9 1 E!y" 1Db hs wiii oe guests ana ex 1 ,? 111 ;" anlls B'ven ov t"<' 11 a BU ouu icam was puinnea 101 cn t r " exc uweu"? o! tne Degree oi "Onoi l°dge, May 7. at a meeting of the executive committee at the home -f Mns. H. O. Gamas Thursday night, ™orns Opsahl presided. A IU " c "eon was sei vea cy Mrs. Gamas a " d B ; e w r n ass0ciate h0stess ' Mrs ' J 11- Bro * n Mattson air ana airs, wanson Su ,L p . rlS j d U f d ^. R° ,ls ^' va , 1 ' m,n " ,, ** nds of Ml , a ?r Mls E , . " Matts ? n sur P nspd t J™ J at . the,r h °^. r f_ t r ^ith^nd hmnrht S' hönse S S ev V4 pfaylnl tllre e tables and served a luncheon. Defense stamps were given for priz es at contract b i Townsend Club Auxiliary Meets Mrs. George Ellison and Mrs. Jay Kreltzer were joint members of the Tcwnsend club aux iliary at a meeting at Mrs. Ellison's heme last Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. M. A. Cromwell spoke on the cancer control campaign and the group voted a contribution to the fund, Mrs. D L. Gillespie presided. A hostesses to j food sale was planned for April 25. The hostesses served luncheon. ! ) Miss Casady Entertains P. E. O. Chapter Miss Catharine Casady entertain i ed Chapter U of the P. E. O. slster i hood at ,hp home of Mrs. R, L. Irle Tuesday night Mrs. Leslie Han presided The Yearbook c' niniit t ee gave a report and the greun worked On convention plans. The' hostess served a lunch. Guests were Mrs c E H nnin Mrs lamps rr McOibnev' and Mr L L Tinsnnui c f p razer _ Bush—Olinger Miss Anna Olinger. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Olinger cf Glas gow. left Thursday for Livingston. where she was married Saturday to Gentry Bush cf Ekalaka. Miss Ol inger is a graduate cf the Glasgow high school and has been employed in the Ben Franklin sure here. Mr. Bush was at one Ume employed in the Triple-A office in Glasgow. He is now employed in Yellowstone na tional park, and they will make their home in Gardner, before her departure at a prenuptial shower at the home of Mrs. S. L. Glick. Miss Eleanor Mourn was as seciate hostess. Bridal greetings were sung by guests when she ar Miss Olinger was an honcr guest Gift Booklet for Brides-to-be, A supply of Virginia Court« nay's latest Brides' Booklet has just been received at this office. It contains intimate chit-chat about marriage forms and istoms before and after the wedding; call for your gift copy. amwM] '/ // -Os a/A\w JI 1& M \f0'1's WOs IV % V °W l er / t/je WEDDING TN THESE fast 1 moving times Wedding Invitations and Announcements are increasingly im portant; be sure that your friendi and rel atives are iulormed of the happy event. See our large variety of styles.. .smartly mod ern ... they have that certain touch...that spells refinement and good taste. /\ Virginia Courlfn.ty ha j frrparrJ a gift bock lit for young brtJtt u-huh •ï youn for iht a, km g / THIS NEWSPAPER St. Johns Are HOIIOP Guests At 25th Anniversary Party „ _ m I M OPHEI.,1—Tlie 25th wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt St. John was observed Wednesday at a surprise party given bv Mrs. Ben Wholf. Mrs. Walter Irgens Mrs. A ° Hanson, Mrs. Elmer Wals'ad Mils. Erie Sathre and Mrs Olaf Larson, at the St. John home Manv eue- is were present. Out of town guests included Mr ! and Mrs. H. O. Morgan and Mr .md Mrs Dan Oakland of Glasgow The orocram consisted of violin épi. - , K by Arthur Askegiard. ac companied by Evelyn Cooper, a m,1o - T Love You Truly," by Evelyn Coop er accompanied by Mrs. Hoy Pans and a short address by the Rev E H , olte 'i 1 which h '' Presented Lml-'h' -ena'd'includin^wed ■ ■'' '|' k '\i- . l]u i m.-s st John wee ■ _1_'_'_.1_" rived and a decorated cake was cut by the bride-to-be. a shewer of miscellaneous bridal gifts were given her - Refreshments were served. - Miss Jackley Honored b .v Baptist Choir Miss Ailegra Jackley. who is leav ing scon for Pierre, S. D., was henored Thursday night at the Baptist parsonage following the we ekly rehearsal cf the Baptist ch0 ir, of which she is a member. she was presented with a farewell gi f t f r0 m the group. Mrs. E J § nyder , president, made the pre sentation. A luncheon was served by Miss Isla Grctjan and Miss Jackley. - Markle-Wilson Miss Lois Marguerite Wilson c f Glasgow', daughter of Mr. and Mrs. p G W ilson, former residents of Glasgow and Wclf point, new living a t Missoula, and Orval E. Markle of | G | as gow' and now employed at Ox-! nard calif., son of Mr. and Mrs. T . H. Markle of Glasgow, were mar r i Pf j \tcndav mernine at 9 at Las yegas. Nevada. The man . iage took place at the | home of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. P. C Lovett, pastor of the, Baptist church at Las Vegas, and Mr - and Mrs. T. H. Markle were witnesses to the ceremony. The , bride were a light blue costume ! suit, blond fur trim and beige ac cessories. After the ceremo "y Mr - and Mrs. MarWe left cn a wedding trip to Las ! Angeles and ^ ng Beach ' wil1 ried Mcnday morning at 9 at Las _ live at 127 A South D street, Ox- j nard - ,, , . . , i Mrs. Markle was graduated from Glasgow high school in 1938 ana [ attended Montana State college and , Northern Montana college. At the State college she was affiliated with I Chl Omega sorority. She has been | employed as stenographer by Thom as R. Marron, Valley county a,t torney. Mr. Markle was graduated from Glasgow high school in 1934. and attended Kemper Military aca demy at Boonville, Mo. He has at tended Montana State university Alpha Epsilon. He is employed as „ instructor at the Mira Lcma Fly ing academy at Oxnard, .. „ , , , x , to the West Galpm club at her farm home Wednesday afternoon. A meat cookery demonstration was presented by project leaders, in eluding the serving of a dinner. Mrs. Everett Mclnerney spoke on cancer ccntrcl and the group voted to give a contribution to the fund. The hostess served a luncheon at the clcse. The next meeting will be May 20 with Mrs. Rutli Burke in Glas gow with Mrs. H. H. Ebersole as associate hostess. West Galpin Club Meets With Mrs. Brekken Mrs. Anders Brekken was hostess Miss Cross Speaks on China To Congregational Women Miss Laura Cross, returned mis sionary frem China, spoke on her experiences in China at a joint meeting of the Harmony club and Oongregational Ladies Aid at the church Wednesday afternoon A number of guests from other churches attended. A collection taken will be sent to a friend of Miss Cross in Free China to assist stranded Chinese students who have escaped from occupied China and have no contact with their families. Miss Cross was introduced by Mrs. E. R. Bellingham. In the morning Mrs. H. K. Near took Miss Cross cn a tour cf the Pert Peck dam vicinity. Miss Cress will speak at a public meeting at the church to night. A sister-in-law cf Miss Cross is a former teacher in the Glasgow schools. She wa ; Miss Bessie Dougherty wh: left here in 1917. Mrs. Kri'see and Mrs. Baker Entertain l uncheon Chib Mrs. A. V. Krusee and Mrs. j. C. Baker were hostesses to the Tues day Luncheon flub at the Eat Shop Tuesday at 1:15. and later contract was played at Mrs. Krusee's home. She held high score. Mrs. Den Quin liven. sec nd high and Mrs. G A. Bertsch low score. Mrs. J. E. Brown will entertain the club next Tues day Mrs. Humphries Surprised On Birthday Mrs. I. W. Humphries was sur prised on her birthday last Wed nesday night by a group cf 18 friends, including her daughters, Mrs, Wilburn Nelson. Mrs. Wallace Johnson and Mrs. Morris Opsahl. who planned the party. She received gifts from the guests. Bridge was played. She received gifts from the guests. Bridge was played and Mrs. Humphries received a high score prize and Mrs. D. G. Caley a low score gift. t'hristenscn-Lee Mrs. Amelia Lee of Portland, a former Glasgow resident, and Ivar Christenson of Sweet Home. Ore were married Saturdav at Portland" according to word received by rel atives here. Mi's, Lee is a sister of Mrs. H R, Heliand, The bride s sen and daughter. Emerald and Ardis Lee. were the attendants. Two other sisters. Mi's. Thea Risa of Opheim and Mrs. George Nelson of Bremer ton, Wash , were present at the wedding. After the ceremony Mr and Mrs. Christenson took a trip to southern California. They will live at Sweet Home. Mr. and Mrs. Lane Have Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs- George Lane en tertained guests at dinner at their home last Saturday night. Spring flowers were used in decoration of the dinner tables. Contract was played at four tables, c. H Brock smith and Mrs. T H. Markle re ceived high score prizes, j, s Bar dell received a cut prize. Sunflower Art Club Meets With Mrs. Strom The Sunflower Art club met with Mrs. A G. Strom at her home Wed nesday afternoon. "Soap Behind the Ears," by Cornelia Otis Skinner was reviewed by Mrs. Ruth Bowling A magazine article on Japan was m . . ._.. __ ned at Glasgow April 14. 1917, and lived there until 1926. where Mr. St. John was employed at the Yoder Hardware. In 1926 the family moved to Opheim where Mr. St. John has since been affllated with the Markle Transfer Company. They have six children, Mrs. Earl Gardner (Lola) Raymond who attend college at Havre, and Leland and Myron at home. The St Johns are active workers in the LuU?eran chu^h Mrs St John has been an officer of the Ladies Aid for many years. She is also an active member of the East ern Star of Opheim, a past matron .md present -secretary of that group. of New York; Irene, Lorraine and Mr of North Dnrder Lodge and a town alderman. --— „at»*» „ read by Mrs. H. A. Yctter. Mrs. H. O. Morgan assisted the hestess m scrvingluncheon^Theclubvvill meet next with Mrs. Seltner Larson Mis o ' «hïïL A, Rapp will have chaige of the pro giam „ „ . M* 1 *.. Snyder Wiu Head Baptist Helping Hand society Mrs E. J Snyder was elected president cf the Baptist Helping Hand society at a meeting Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. R. Bjorklund. Mrs. Dave Ekberg was elected vice president Mrs. Orville Teichrow. secretary and Mrs. C. H. Robeits. treasurer. The committee chairmen elected were Mrs. Kon Puhrman, White Cress work; Mrs. E. B Pease, cit izenship; Mrs. Henry Burger, stud ent counsellor; MTs. Dave Ekberg. missionary education; Mrs. H. F. Widen, devotions; Mrs. T. H. Markle. reading program, and Mrs. H. H. Merton, secretary cf literature. served luncheon. Th e Congregational Harmony club, met Friday afternoon with Mrs. Harold Richardson. Mrs. Lawrence Grainger had charge of the devo tional service. Mrs. Florence Me Connell presided at a short business. meeting. Entertainment of Miss Laura Cross, missionary frem China, who is in Glasgow this week, was planned. The hostess served lunch eon. Mrs, Ruth McConnell presented a short program. Mrs. Bjorklund The Lutheran Dorcas club b e church club room last nesday night. Judith Svingen was hostess. Mrs, L. J. Baker read a scripture lessen and there was group singing. Dr. K R. Steffensen showed moving pictures. Tire host ess se rved luncheon. The next meet ing w m b e May 6 Mrs . Paul schroeder and Mrs. ay Baker were hostesses to St. Raphael's Sewing circle at Mrs. gehroeder's home Thursday after noon Tire group worked on a quilt l01 . t h e c hcle or did Red Cress wing. The hostesses served lunch met at Wed eon Mrs. Selmer Larson and Mrs. Howard Nelson entertained Circle b of the Methodist Woman's society j at Mrs. Larson's home Thursday ! afternoon. Mrs. W. A. Collins pre I sided and read a war anecdote en : titled "Jesus Man.'' Mrs. Maurice T.ÿoctl, one on missions and Mrs. L. Seibel spoke on cancer control The group voted a contribution to tbe cancer control fund. Bazaar p] ans and other future work was discussed. The hostess served lunch eon. Mrs. J. C. Wisnaes entertained the Esther circle at the Lutheran par sonage Thursday afternoon. P. W. Bailey presided. Mrs. Wisnaes Mrs. Something Entirely Mew! The Modern I One Coat" Finish; u Nu-Enamel ■ î One Coat Does It No Brush Marks Thoroughly Washable Suited for Amateur Use Average Costs Lower Half of Bathroom $1.75 Lower Half of Kitchen $2.95 Complete Automobile $2.95 Four Chairs and Table Legs 95c Bicycle J5c TRY THIS MODERN "ONE COAT" FINISH Maytag Electric Store Rundle Building Glasgow, Mont. I spoke on the cancer control cam ! paign. Lutheran Aid members were guests of the group. Mrs. Wisnaes 1 served a luncheon. Jerry Bjorstad Celebrates Sixth Birthday Jerry Miller Bjorstad. son of Ml - . and Mrs. J L. Bjcrstad, celebrated his s i xt h birthday last Tuesday with ^ party There were eight guests W ho played games and presented „if»« tr> the heir Refreshments were ferved There were two birthday cakes with lighted candles caKes Wltft llghtetl Ca 0 ft group of 15 friends on her birth day laSt Wednesday. Contract was played, prizes were given and a luncheon was served. Mrs. Sinclair received a gift from the greup. Ilcspita i Guild Will Mrs. Sinclair Given Birthday Surprise Mrs. R. Sinclair was surprised by s P° nsor ,,i,ture Plans I sponsoring "Parachute Battalion," made at a meeting of the Deaconess Hosp ital guild at the hospital Friday afternoon. The picture will be shown A pril 30 and May 1, Miss Nora Eber so)e presided. Miss Mary Hcole con ducted devotions. Marriott Kline gave a talk 011 India to the group Mrs R A . DeHaven spoke on can j cer control The date of the post poned party for Miss Theo elenden - en was se (; f C r May 6. After the | meeting Miss Ebersole. Mrs. J. D. McVee and Mi's. J. B. Turnacliffe were hostesses for tea- i - Baechler-Nimmo marriase nf Mvron Pdenv Ba V c hl ei ÔF Colurnbus a former G j a __ ow resident aud Miss Eliza beth Nimmo of Bozeman, was an-i nounced the past week. The, mar- ; riage took place Aug. 21, 1941, at I Lebanon. Tennessee. The couple took a wedding trip, stopping to visit relatives at River Palls, Wis., an d at the home of Mr. Baechler's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Huber of Glasgow, but high school at Bozeman for this school year. They will make their home in Co )umbu ; s W here Mr Baechler is now in business. While in Glasgow he was emnioveri in the Gamble stm-e P . ^ . Courier office, j ' public announcement of the marri age was not made here as the bride wished to continue in her position as librarian in the Gallatin county tf Typewriters For Rent — At The DR. G. A. CLARK DENTIST Announces that his office will be open ESr» t - MONDAY MAY 4 Yotter Building Glasgow Baby Buys SIS VALUES FOR LITTLE PEOPLE CRIB BLANKETS Pepperell Quality 27 x 36 Inches Cunning baby blankets with white jacquard nursery de signs on pink or blue. BABY BLANKETS 36 x 50 Inches. w m Boxed Pepperells Large, cozy size! Pink or blue with white jacquard nursery designs. Stitched edges. RAYON PANTIES "CUPID 27 x 27 Inches Fine quality Bird's-eye weave —pure white, soft, extra ab sorbent! Nicely hemmed! OILCLOTH BIBS Easy to Clean! Jolly Prints! Wipe them clean with a damp cloth 1 Bright designs with pink or blue piping. 8'ix9'i inches. DIAPERS Sizes 1 to 3 in Non-Run Rayon! Run-resistant rayon with stur dy flatlock seams, rib - knit cuffs, reinforced crotch. Tea Rose. 6 fOT 79 c 15 e TRAINING PANTS Sizes 1 to 3 in Soft Cotton! Rayon stripe white cotton panties with a double thick ness crotch, flatlock seams. 5 C 15 c Dozens of other specially items and prices for our annual NATIONAL BABY WEEK event! EDERflTED tTQRES Under a recent order of the War Production Board you must. *. BEING IN YOUR OLD Tooth Paste or Shave Cream Tube When You Purchase a New One Before any person can purchase a new tube of toothpaste shaving cream he MUST turn in some type of used collapsible tube for each new one he purchases . . . The provision makes retailers responsible for the trade-in transactions and orders that the used tubes thus be collected under severe dealer penalties. or This Advertisement Is Sponsored in the Interests of Our War Effort by these Glasgow Merchants . . . Hall Drug Company J. C. Penney Company Fair Store - Buttrey's DepT Store - Public Drug Ben Franklin Store Tork's Rexall Drug f NATL CHIEF OF P. E. 0. IS COMING HERE » .. j e. . r> •• Will Attend Mate Convention of Sisterhood in Glasgow June 4 to 6. Almost 100 delegates and guests',— will attend the P E. O. stale con ventlon in Glasgow, June 4. 5 and according to Mrs Leslie Hanson, president of local Chapter U. Blanche D. Walker of Helena, who was cho.sep supreme president at the International convention In victoria. B. C.. in 1941. Others expected are Mrs. Ann B. Mather, Montana pres ident, and Mrs. Winona Reeves, ed itor of the P. E. O. Record, as well as past presidents and out-cf-statc officers. Mrs. A. B Priedlund is general chairman of conventiocn arrange ments. She is assisted by Mrs. R. L, Irle, Mrs. J W. Frazier, Miss Nora Ebersole. Miss Helen Atkins, Mrs. F, J. Mersen, Mrs. P. J Tyner, Mrs. Rcy Huber. Mrs. T. J. Hocking, Mrs. C. N. Gray and MTs. P. M Knierim. Chapter U officers are Mrs. Han son. Mrs Mersen, Mrs. Gray. Mrs. Knierim. Miss Atkins, Miss Eber sole and Mrs. Kecking. ■f u According to The Courier 11 BIRTHS To Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mourn cf Nashua at the Deaconess hosp ital, April 17, a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison of Great Falls at the Deaconess hospital, April 17. a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bensch of Nashua at the Deaconess hospital, April 18, a sen. MARRIAGE LICENSES Einest J. Marinko, 21. and Phyllis Rantz, 19. both of Glasgow. Keywell Company Installs Shears to Break Up Scrap Jack McLendon cf Cut Bank ar rived Wednesday to supervise stallaticn of mechanical shears to break up scrap and auto bodies at the lot of the Keywell company here. J. George Keywell, president, came with him. Mr. Keywell an nouncer that E. C. Baker of Shelby jg new manager of the company m yard here succeeding A. C. Hcgan, who has been transferred to the company's Kalispell branch. Courier want ads get results! • ; The 1 ! | j L i 1 ; ! ; I j ' j . ! I | ' , ; [ | > Perfect PROM DRESS i « ► for the Prom Girt ► i £ <7 1 -v ■ 1 1Ü 1 a \ J i r t «■' EH m HA \ & m m : ■ J m i ■ A •T / 5 f II i ■ \ ' 1 I 1 > s 11 ■ I 1 Î f K J < ' I C/* ... f a driffy Rayon I Organza with fit- 1 i ted midriff and a \ full skirt at. .. i • 12.75 1 < i Special ► f ! One group of Formals at... ► i 1 3.99 ! i ► \ ► \ eamm Glasgow !