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^ SOCIAL, PERSONAL AND CLUB NEWS Fort Peck Mrs. Vincent D. Sullivan. 705 Musselshell — Telephone 223-M, Fort Peck Girl Scouts at Camp The Girl Scouts spent last week end at the Scout Island camp. Mrs. Albert Van S. Pulling was in charge, assisted by Mrs. H. J McAuley and Miss Jessie Traphagen. Sixteen girls met at the Scout rooms in the laboratory building immediately after school Friday. The trip to and from the island was! assisted by Richard Eriksen. Cap tain H. J. McAuley, Albert Van S. Pulling and R. E. Stroman. Mrs. Norman Fuller and daugh-1 ter Nola spent Saturday at the camp and Miss Traphagen, who ar rived Saturday, stayed until Sunday Saturday night dinner guests were Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Richardson Selee. Captain McAuley and Mr. Pulling _ Girl Scouts Plan Dance All arrangements have been made for the Girls Scouts' dance Friday, May 22, in the Recreation hall be ginning at 8:30. Mrs Mark Kotkin is in charge assisted by the Girl Scouts. A three piece orchestra has been engaged and the floor manager and caller selected. The dancing will be both modem and old time It is an open party and everyone is invited. Tickets are being sold by the girls. Pullings Make Trip Mr- and Mrs. Albert Van S. Pull ing rode their horses in from the Fred Collins ranch Thursday, a dis tance of 31 miles. They were guests for dinner that evening of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kotkin. Mrs. Farrington Entertain; Mrs- Spencer Farrington enter tained the Triple Deck bridge club of Glasgow at her home Wednesday : evening. Bridge was played at three tables with high score honors going to Mrs, George Renaker, second high to Mrs. Gene Olson, and low ; to Mrs. A. V- Krusee. Substitutes, were Mrs. Robert Ebersole and Mrs. Charles Hcffman A lunch was serv House Guests at Farringtons I Miss Dora Hovick. former super intendent of the Deaconess hospital at Glasgow', and new of Seattle, ar- ; rived FViday to spend the week at the Spencer Farrington home Altar Society Meets I The Altar society met at 2 30 Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dan McLaughlin. Mrs. Rud olph Koetitz. a guest, gave the group a talk on defense projects that mav be organized. The society decided to sponsor the auto repairs for women as their project Plans were made for a food sale Friday. A public card party was scheduled for Wednesday. May 20, at the Recreation hall. Aft- of er the meeting, lunch was served by N. the hostess A Mothers Honored The Altar society presented the mothers with pink and white sweet peas as they left church Sunday. First Birthday Party ed Jeff Farrington was honored at a birthday party Monday aftemocn given for him by his mother, Mrs. Spencer Farrington, jeif was one ROXY TH£ MODERN, TfHEATRf SHOWS STARTING Saturday and Sunday, 1. 3, 7 and 9. Week Days, 2, 7 and 9. Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. May 14-15-16 TOGETHER fOR THE riKST TIKE! ,$.1 B5i mà\ w r I ■j % $ I 7 J 1 V 1 T id*} ll u Misai With wj Sir Cedric Hardwicke ' NisepfnM» Dame May Whitty AND NEWS MARCH OF TIME Sunday-Monday May 17-18 güi «1 * CO*« 10 . .-•H : j to, H H " s to a I; S* ^ i Vo« 0\tV • ; Ä f* m I CSt; NEWS POPEYE SHORTS 3 Tuesday-Wednes. May 19-20 BIG HITS Bring a Pal! 2" 2 l I ; * I i ; Gterw ;."v •P. 7. — and nÿff&ME f 05ENBL00M | year old. The guests were Mrs. Eric Blannin and daughter Elizabeth,; Mrs- R. E. Hillman and son David and daughter Judy, Mrs. Robert Eb erscle and son William, Mrs. James McGarvey and son James Jr.. Mrs.! Paul Hoffman and son Paul Jr., Mrs. George Renaker and daughter Diane and Mrs. D J. Studer, son John and daughter Donna. cream and birthday cake were serv ed. j , '-—... Club Honors Mrs. Pulling Mrs- Richard Enksen, assisted by Rudolph Kcetitz and Mrs. Mrs. . . - J ^ Martin C- Nelson, entertained the Birthday club Thursday morning at ( the home cf Mrs. Eriksen. The] breakfast was in honor of Mrs. Al bert Van s - Pulling and she was presented with a gift from the club, Mrs. Blannin Entertains Mrs. Eric Blannin entertained her club Friday at her heme Bridge was played at two tables with Mrs. Vincent D. Sullivan receiving high score prize, Mrs. George Renaker second high, and Mrs. Blannin. low. Iced drinks were served during the evening. The substitutes were Mrs. J V. House. Mrs. W. C. Funk and Mrs. Sullivan. Attend Meeting Mrs. Lyle Squires and Mrs. R. V. Koetitz spent Saturday in Glasgow attending a meeting for club lead ers and officers of the extension service of the home demonstration clubs. The local women were invited to come in preparation fer a nut rition group which is now in con sideration for the near future by the American Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. Norman Entertains Mrs. Joe Norman entertained the American Legion Auxiliary sewing olub Thursday in the hotel club rooms. At 1:30 dessert luncheon was served by the hostess. Lutheran Ladicts Meet The Lutheran Ladies Aid met Wednesday afternoon in the church parlors. Mrs. E. E. Thompson and ! Mrs. L. O. Pjerstad were hostesses, j - Sewing Club Meets ! Mrs. R. P. Van Hee entertained i her club Wednesday evening at her 1 home- After an evening spent sew ing, lunch was served by the hostess, j - | Mr. Fjerstad Reviews Book The Book club met Friday even- ! ing at the H. L. Weil home. The : hosts and hostesses were Mr. and j Mrs. Weil and Lieut- Col. and Mrs. | Richardson Selee. Mrs. L. O Fjer- | stad reviewed the beck "The Doctors i Mayo" bv Helen clapesattle. Guests I the club were Mr. and Mrs. b. i Hannon and Mrs. R. E. Stroman I lunch was served. Mrs Pulling Honored Mrs. B. L Snell entertained 11 guests at luncheon last Wednesday s honoring Mrs. Albert Van S. Pulling, | Two tables of bridge were played with the table prizes being won by Mrs. M. J Dunn and Mrs. Paul Friedl of Glasgow. Mrs. Pulling was presented with a guest prize. - Mrs. Snell Entertains Mrs. B L. Snell entertained at a bridge-dessert Friday hcncring Mrs. Roy Noble of Townsend. Three tables of bridge were played and the table prizes were won by Mrs. H. B. Holton. Mrs. W D. Funk and Mrs. Jchn Hackner, Mrs. Neble was pre sented with a guest gift prize. She is visiting her daughter. Mrs. C. W. Simons Episcopal Guild at Clarkes Tlie Episcopal guild met Monday aftemcon at the heme of Mrs. D. , M. Clarke. After the business meet ing. a social hour was enjoyed. A reading was given by Mrs, Clarke. Mrs Albert Van S. Pulling was pre sented with a gift. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Registration Completed A total of 980 applications for sugar 1 ration books was received at the Fort peck school during the reg- j istraticn period and 915 books were issued. Registrars who assisted the teachers were Mrs. Harold Aus. ! Mrs. Leslie Brown. Mrs. V. Evenson, j Mrs H. J. McAuley. Mrs. J. S. Quidor, Mrs. R. E, Stroman. Mrs. I Rcy Tippett and Mrs. Charles Zeige. | Operetta Proceeds Used The proceeds of the operetta on April 23. given by the grade school children, were used to purchase a library table and a silk flag. Undergoes Operation Word has been received that C j G. Murphy underwent an operation at the Mayo clinic Saturday morn- ! ing. Lutheran Pastor Entertained The Rev. David Svennungsen as sisted by Mrs. M. C. Nelson, Mrs. | H A. Aus. and Mrs. C. F. Zeige, entertained Lutheran pasters of the Glasgow circuit Monday at 1. The guests were the Rev. and Mrs. T T. Boe and sen of Malta, the Rev. 1 and Mrs. Richard Johnson and son 1 cf Saco, the Rev and Mrs. O. L I Akre cf Hinsdale, the Rev. and Mrs J. C Wlsnaes of Glasgow and the ; Rev. O. N. Rue of Wolf Point. The I Rev. and Mrs. Holte of Opheim were unable to be present. Auxiliary Elects The American Legion Auxiliary met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Lyle Squires The group dis- ! cussed the nutrition project and de elded to sponsor it if there are enough interested and if the proper leader can be secured. The new officers elected were Cecil Squires, president; Bernice Fisk, secretary: Betty McKemie. first vice president; Winifred zeige second vice president; Mattie Me Mlllan. historian, and Grace Nor man. chaplain After the business meeting a soc ial hour in observance of music [ week was held with the American Legion. John Palmer entertained with piano soles and Hazel and Charles Heath played two piano and saxaphone duets. Miss Heath also played two piano solos. The social hour ended with group sing ing. Lunch was served by the host ess, Mrs. Pulling Honored Mrs. palmer stockness entertain ed Friday morning at a coffee party honoring Mrs. Albert Van S. Pulling Mrs. Pulling was presented with a guest prize. • House Assignment; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin D. Mill have moved frem 236 Milk River drive to 915 Jefferson street. Mrs. Verne H. Hagenah has moved from 137 Sioux street to the hotel. Mrs. Ncr man Shotnakoff has moved from 534 Cheyenne street to the hotel-1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. ceday and family have moved from 1133 West Kansas street to 244 James ■ street. Mr. and Mrs Don C. Bliven , and family are residing at 3303-A ■ I Abbott, Costello "In the Navy i > T . m j j ' i m * ip; t « f K, à -t* il ■ m k rW j r f J • Abbott & Costello are back again, this time "In the Navy," the title of their picture showing at the Roxy Saturday night at 11, Sunday and Monday. South Big Horn street. Mr. and Mrs Leslie Brown are living at 137 SKux street. Mrs. Elizabeth Mcngham and family are living at 710 Mussel shell. BREVITIES Lee K. Meyers and prank Rich ardson of Scobey were guests at the Employes hotel. Robert Dcdson, representative of the Lancaster corporation, is reg istered at the Employes hotel. E. H McMillan of Great Palls is a guest at the Employes hotel. J. B. Fowler, W. E. Barnes and C. C. Adams, representative of the Fegles Construction company, are permanent guests at the Employes hotel. A. Clapp have checked out from the Employes hotel. Mrs. W. A. Erickson and infant son Willie arrived home Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Sells are in Billings and Helena on a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Noble left Mon da V morning for their home in Townsend. They were accompanied by Mrs Lester Noble, Mr - , and Mrs. L D Langley and Mrs - Norman Fuller spent Sunday ln Nashua and attended the Boy Scout kampingo. Mrs - Elizabeth Eliason of Rich land spent Mother's day in Fort p f ck visiting with her son Harold Ellason and her daughter, Mrs. Le r0 - v Von Eschen. Mir, and Mrs. Kenny Brcnstad of Anaconda visited friends in Fort Peck Monday Cor P- Leonard McKay has been P e l ndin K his furlough with his par ents - Mr - and Mrs. John McKay, Grever c Sherrod and Newel Glasgow Civic Center Satoday, May 16th « « t ADMISSION: 55c, including tax Direct from The Cotton Club Now on Tour One Nite Only RICHARD Spider and Mis Famous Colored WEBB U V BAND Ul ' = EE = == = EE = featuring Ann Miller and The Deacon Hoys PEOPLE — 14 JUNE S may be your == = ~ — == = == = —— = — — = — = = = = ~ = —7 ~~ u Day of Opportunity » Why let time slip by just waiting for something to turn up, or get into the rut of a routine job offer ing no future? You can make the most of your time by securing a college education that has a market value. With the return of confidence and business more and greater opportunities achieve and to win promotion, and obtain larger salaries. But there will be but a few for those without adequate training. ac tivity, there are to or no calls Business is calling for secretaries. accountants, stenographers, salesmen and salesladies, bookkeepers and young executives who are trained to make good right from the start. = EE = zsz. rrr == == = =: = EE = = — — Monday, June 8, gives you a chance to begin your training without further loss of time. Call write for current bulletin. or Billings Business College "A Business Training Institution of the Highest Type" H. E. Biddinger, Principal GLENTANA f By Madeline Ackerman I Llcyd Screnson took Jack Zim mer to Great Palls Sunday to get his son Mark Zimmer, who has been patient at the Deaconess hosp ital for the last year. They turned home Monday evening, Mr .and Mrs. Prank Bailey and Marjcrie and Mrs. Vernon John son were callers in Glasgow Sat urday. re Prank Bailey was a business call er in Wolf Point Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. O'Brien were callers in Glasgow Monday. Paul Zimmer, who has been in | quarantine for the mumps, is now back on duty at Fort Knox, Ky. Charles Stowell. who was staticn is now in and his sister, Mrs. A. R. Tuttle, Corporal McKay is stationed at Williams Field, Chandler, Ariz. Miss Ann Stiger returned last week from a visit in Billings, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Combs of Pop lar and Mr. and Mrs. William Mar tin of Saco were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A- R. Tuttle. Mr.and Mrs. Martin L. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swain spent the week end in Great Falls. ed in Fort Sill, Okla. North Carolina. Joyce Blocr left for her home in Wisconsin last Monday called by the illness of her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Fossum and son were here Friday ( Jordan Coulee By Mrs. Clarence A. Nelson » ! Mrs. John Johnson, Miss Dessie ; Rr berts and Mrs- Andrew Stiley ac I companied Mrs. Victor Kindberg i Glasgow Saturday. The women were 1 supper guests at the Stiley home on j their return trip. ! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nelson vis 1 ited at the Rutherford farm on j their way to Hinsdale Saturday, j Mrs, Dora Johnson and Henry I Lick were Hinsdale callers Saturday • evening. Alex H Mjogan and son Junior attended the junior prom in Hins dale Friday evening. William Barnes was a Hinsdale caller Tuesday. Mrs. Dora Johnsen and Henry Lick visited at the Andrew Stiley land Clarence Nelson homes Sunday afternoon. I At this writing, we are still en joying a wonderful rain which started Sunday evening and ccntin ued through the night. An inch |and a half has fallen at this time, Farmers have their seeding most completed and this rainfall should raise their hopes considerably. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nelson and their daughter Bonnie Lyn attended church services in Hinsdale Sunday morning. They visited at the T. A. Thompson home in the afternoon. T. A. Thompson accompanied Al bert Nelson to his farm Sunday afternoon. They will soon have their spring work finished here. Henry Hoerster returned to his home Sunday after helping Andrew Stiley with his farm work. Mrs. Jim Peck is recovering from a broken collarbone which she suffered when a dresser fell on her while she was helping Mr. Peck move to their new home, the At kinson farm, which they have pur chased. Security Agency Coming Tuesday A representative of the Havre field office cf the social security board will be in Glasgow Tuesday morning to answer questions and provide information concerning the program, according to Miss Esther Stockton, manager of the office. 5.« 3 " Telep honC 7» Hour Monday 7 7 p.m- evcr J NBC ^d on Network A « K Hear a great artist every week. In May, Grace Moore, Charles Kullman, Lansing Hatfield, jose Iturbi. r ■ m •< Jampacking health into flour now r ÿ • • • • i ■■ < what way is all the mileage put in this oil? fi&fe * tar It's news, the way sonny and sis, mother and dad—and the baking—have plentiful added man-made vitamins nowadays f iiif Added modern endurance factors are the big news, too, about Conoco Nth motor oil foryour needed Spring oil change ... the same Conoco N th oil that battled five other fine brands in Death Valley— till all oils and engines failed. Conoco N <A out-mileaged the average of the others more than 2 to 1... certified. First, that's because any engine is OiL plated by Conoco Nth. One of its en durance factors has an effect that seems like magnetism. This holds lubricant di rect to cylinder walls and other parts. They don't drain all dry while the car stands. Then oil-plating can pro vide ready lubricant for start IBHHifeLfr ing. And after the oil-pump sWPf'HBkt restores the familiar oil film, there's still oil-plating besides! You can see why an oil-plated engine isn't so soon worn into an oil-eater. Nor is its mileage badly dragged down by loads of "stickum" under excess strain in present-day motoring. To check or inhibit this threat, Conoco Nth includes Thialkene inhibitor,. . another factor of endurance that made for Conoco N<h oil's startling mileage margin in all the heat of Death Valley. Conoco Nth topped the mileage of any other tested brand by 74%; topped one of them by 161%. Conoco Nth oil is at Your Mileage Merchant's Conoco sta tion right now for you... and every auto motive authority insists, "Change oil for Spring!" Today, change to an oil-plated engine. Continental Oil Company m 1 f >< ••j i * v m i ■: &:> % - X m CONOCO V : B MOTOR OIL ülr* » iSaK t : .« CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR E. J. Kjelslrup, Manager 316 First Avenue South, Glasgow GLASGOW MOTOR SERVICE STATION RETAIL DEALERS Corner Fourth Street and Second Avenue South Glasgow, Montana CONOCO SERVICE STATION "Fort Peck's Mileage Merchant 1 Across from Recreation Hall Amos S. Moore, Lessee | j TAMPICO | 1 By Agnes Molvig Word has been received from Pri vate Max Nelson, a selectee in the April draft, that he is now stationed at Camp Roberts, Calif. Victor Mcen is now employed at the Etchart ranch. Mrs- Elias Stensland spent Sat urday night and Sunday visiting Mrs. Marie Vegge in Glasgow. C. J. Maalerud attended the Farmers Union oil company direc tors meeting in Glasgow Thursday evening. Mrs. E. Camp Laundry and Dry Cleaning Delivery RETAIL DELIVERY RULING: The Director of Defense Transportation has issued a general order curtailing local delivery services as a means of conserving transportation facilities and equipment. Effective May I 5, laundries and dry cleaning establishments are forbidden to make special deliveries except to hospitals and the armed forces of the United States. Effective May 1 5, call backs made in a second attempt to make deliveries on the same day, or to make collections are prohibited, and carriers may not make more than one delivery to any one person in a single day. After June I, local carriers using rubber tires are required to reduce their total mileage at least 25 percent each month as compared with the corresponding month in 1941. HERE'S HOW YOU CAN HELP: Have your laundry and dry clean ing ready before the driver calls. Call backs are prohibited. If you won't be home when the driver calls, make arrangements with us so that we may avoid an unnecessary stop. 1 3 If you are trading on a cash-on delivery basis, pay in full when laundry or dry cleaning is deliv 2 _If you order laundry or cleaning service by phone — please call the ered. Call backs are prohibited. day beofr e you want us to call. PantoriiMs Cleaners 8 Tailors The Glasgow Cleaners The Ideal Laundry Glasgow Laundry 8 Dry Cleaners ployed at the A A. Motzkau home Friday. An extra gang moved into Tamp ico Monday evening to put ties on the track. Miss Pern Etchart arrived home Friday from Bozeman for a visit and will leave Tuesday for her work. Mrs. Llcyd Henningson, Mrs. Iver Martin, Mrs. Sam Allie and Mrs. Olaf Qualey attended council meet ing Saturday in Glaseow Arthur Burrus, a former resi dent, is in the air force in Port land. Corp. Dean Tschache fermer el evator man in Tampico, is now May 14, Will Again Seek Commission Post HELENA—Horace F. Casey an nounces that he will file for re election to Montana railroad and public service commissioner on the Democratic ticket. As senior member of the commis sion he is completing his first term Mr. Casey has been a resident of Montana for 41 years, with the ex ception of two years he spent as a soldier in World War 1 with the First division in France. He has also served as a member of the Montana