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Funeral Services Are Held For Mrs. Millie B. Davis. 65 Mrs. MUlie Davis. 65. of Glasgow died at a local hospital Saturday J at 7:45, after a few weeks' illness, j Death resulted from a heart ail-. fnctU- . „Fnneral services were held at the Holland chapel Wednesday after-1 noon at 2. They were conducted by the Rev. H P Widen, of the, Baptist church, pallbearers were E. j B. Pease. T. H. Markle, Rov Green. C. H. Roberts. H. R. Bjorklund and A. Jerome Wall. Burial was in the] Glasgow cemetery. Mrs. Davis had made her home in Glasgow the past four years with her daughter. Mrs. William Mc Connell. Mrs- Davis was born at Loop City, Neb.. Dec 5, 1876, She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Butts. in early womanhood she was marriedTtcTWilham'Dexter who died Aug. 13. 1906. They were the par ents of three children, a son. Lloyd Dexter of Manchester, Wash., who was here for the funeral service, Mrs. E. P. Maples of Worland. Wyo.. and Alpha Dexter who died May 25, 1915. Mrs. Dexter w'as married to Leo Davis at Council Bluffs. Iowa. Peb, 25. 1911. One child was born to them. Ruth, who is Mrs. William McConnell- Mrs. Davis | made her home in Seattle for about 15 years before coming to Glasgow. PLANTING A GARDEN THIS YEAR? We have just the right plants for you to trans plant into your Victory Garden: including . . . CABBAGE PLANTS HARDY TRANSPLANTED TOMATOES PEPPER PLANTS EGG PLANTS Also freshly dug Ever bearing Strawberry and Rhubarb Roots. ORDER EARLY I We Mail and Deliver. Walker Gardens Box 962 — Phone 60-R Glasgow Home Sor Sale Six rooms. Excellent location — one block from business district. Four garages, all rent ed, two storerooms. Fine yard, good shade trees. Could use livestock for part payment. Inquire at COURIER for information. » is — ■ NEWS FOR THE FAMILY— PENNEY'S GETS YOU FEATURE SELECTION S SPORTY FROCKS $|98 a ■ vJi :4\ v I ii THEY'RE J/ICTORV ft > VALUES! BUY .■ f t:-. A colorful group of sum mery cottons and washable rayons . . . you'll want sev eral at this bargain price. . ; I 1; : ; ■ I t; » .STAMPS \\ ij BLUE SERF DENIM 331 yd Ideal for Slacks. Seersucker |C RING TIE yd. Bright, colorful. _ See Our Seieciton Now. SPORT OXFORDS RAYON $2 49 HOSIERY 69 e Full fashioned Two-tone biege and brown . . . Cork and rubber outsole. pr. Big Mac. OVERALLS $|39 I Ox-Hide. Work Shirts 79 c - ' fA / Work. Suspenders 49 c JkÄc-i'O s v>. :>y.i FRESH Priscilla Curtains Sanforized Covert Work Jacket 149 79 c Talon front . Cossack style . Brighten your windows with this feature value. PEMMEY'SI In addition to her children, sur viving relatives include a grandson, pri vate Bert C. Wright of Port Knox Ky.. who was here for the funeral service, two sisters, Mrs, E j mer Dunham of Janesville. WSs.. and Mrs co ra wade of Rockford, JU and a brothe r. Edmund Butts f ^ Angeles 01 L h i I 1 | _ Peck Senior Engineer's Father Called by Death in Kalispell Mr. and Mrs. H H. Nicholson of, ,Port Pe ck left Wednesday for Kal ispell. called by the death there Tuesday evening cf Myrcn M Nich oison, 68, Mr. Nicholson's father. Funeral services will be held Sat urday afternoon in Kalispell. The elder Nicholson hod been in poor health for a year. Mr. Nicholson was boin in Poit Byron, Ill., July 29, 1873. He spent his early life there and later grad uated from the Moody Bible In stitute in Chicago. He was mai i icd in Port Byron. Nov. 25. 1900 „ The Nicholsons moved to Chicago - manu^kureTndaafe^ Minn. He next was paster at Slier ; bum and came to Montana in 1909 to become minister at Belt. He pur chased a farm 10 miles northwest of Kalispell in 1910 and engaged in hay and grain production and ex i tensive steckraising. Five years ago, 1 he sold his ranch and took a smaller acreage near Kalispell. Besides his widow, he is survived by one son, senior engineer at Fort Seven Seniors to Graduate At Opheim School May 29 Bv Courier Correspondent I OPHEIM—Seven seniors will be j (graduated from Opheim high school, this year. ! They are Francis Tarum. valedic- - torian; Vivian Curtis, salutatorian; Helen Zimmer, honorable mention;] Arlene Eliason, Maureen Fuchs,] Eunice Johnson and Margaret Lew is. Superintendent H O. Dohlen is i sponsor. Colors are scarlet and gold j and motto. "Tonight We Launch, j where Shall We Anchor?" Baccalaureate services will be at the Lutheran church Sunday night ] at 7:30. The Rev. E. B .Holte will, be the speaker. Class night, is Wed- ; nesday at 8 at the school. Miss Elizabeth Ireland, state supermten- | dent of public instruction, will be i the speaker at commencement ex ercises at the school Friday May I : 29 at 8. DeNoiays to Hold Schulers Are Honored on Meeting Tuesday 50th Wedding Anniversary of ized chapter her e will hold a regular meeting Tuesday night at 8 in the Masonic temple, it is announced "Dad" Neil D. Campbell. Otor members of the committee, all . whom were active in the rcorganiz aticn. are H- O. Morgan, Ernest Perrin. Howard Tripp. Genn Sarbo and G. R. Austin. Peck; a sister, Mrs Etta Mosher Dallas and a^brother Guy Nlchol EastJVIdine^ - f I ni ' fe A JJ fl J Locker Units Added . Al l ftrorerv /VJVOrd L»rOCery - A n addit i:nal unit of twenty f i'ozon food lockers have been added (f) tbe jo^er s p ace at Alvord's it was announced this *eek P. D. Alvord, proprietor, re ppi-js a steady demand for locker space and says, with priorities, it j s d ifficult to forecast when more units ma y be purchased. KIWANIANS SEE MOVIES Glasgow Kiwanians meeting Thursday in the Allen cafe had a pregram of moving pictures. First were colored movies showing the North Montana State fair at Great Palls, provided by Dan Thurber. secretary-manager. Members then a reel on i went to the Roxy, where , car conservation, provided by Leo Hoffman of the Glasgow Met or j company, was shown. Keeping Autos Safe and Sound National Need Wasteful, thoughtless driving, m ust be cut out if motorists expect 0 d0 their share in our national victory orogram. according to Henry Mohr, Glasgow oil man. cars mus t be kept safe for per formance and scund for longer life, sa jd Mr. Mohr, and service station operators have a real responsibility to m otorists to help bring this about , Every automobile has thousands f eX ( ra miles of service to deliver )ie continued, and these extra miles mean much toward providing nec essary civilian car use which is such part living j I and working. But best possible care ( I is essential at all times to get these | extra miles from our automobiles, and cut down unnecessary waste. I Sovereign Service stations want to help every motorist get all pos sible service from his car and his tires, Mr. Mohr continued, and "we ! have set up definite plans for help- I ; ing motorists in Glasgow and the surrounding territory accomplish this." The Litening service station, op crated by Mr. Mohr, is starting a series of advertisements in this pap er today, explaining the safe and sound services which are offered at his station. Miss Peterson Aids In Church Work Here Miss Evelyn Peterson of Sccbey will spend several months here as ; 1 church missionary for the Glasgow | j Gospel Tabernacle, it was announc 1 ed Wednesday by the Rev. Paul 1 I Williscroft. pastor, she will be in | I charge of the church vacation Bible | school beginning May 25, Miss Pet erson is a graduate of the North- 1 west Bible institute In Seattle. RAIN AIDS GARDENS OPHEIM—Opheim and vicinity re- ; j ceived a nice rain commencing Sunday and continuing most of Monday. More people are taking 1 part in gardening this year. Some are using carrots and beets for foli ; age as borders in their Victory flower gardens. MAKING ANNUAL AUDIT 1 L. W. Miller, deputy state exam j iner. is here making the annual I audit of county books and records. Mr. Miller discussed financial poli cies with county commissioners last week and commented on the fact I that the county now has a cash bal ance in its treasury. AT BOARD MEETING G. A. Bertsch went to Helena Monday, where he attended a meet j ing cf the M iitana board of ab ; stractors. of which he is a member. Scu^^a^aS/ PROOF NEXT WEEK With the coming of automobiles, better roads, increased traffic — accidents have increased in pro portion. And if you don't have enough of the right insurance, an accident can take away your home! See us before it is too late. WERE NOT HORSEMEN ORIGINALLY 'amORSé •• M/ WI0 9VAM F0kA HOR5A' sits f ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S AD Not all living things breathe. The frog has no ribs, therefore it can not breathe by the expansion and contraction of the chest. The air is swallowed: also the frog gets part of his oxygen supply through the skin. ( COM PLETE INSURANCE SERVICE ) 71 NSDAiE^M^'I^rMrs" E J Sc ^uier were honored at a golden, by we dding anniversary celebration at the Hinsdale community hall. Spon 01 sers wer e Mrs. Clair Duncan, Mrs. j 0 i ln Dartman. Mis. T. T. Hatton,' Mrs Roy Hatton and Mrs. Sam Hookland Seated at the table of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Schuler, Mr. Schuler's sister, Mrs. May Campbell of Bill ings. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schul er. Mrs. A. C. Mogan, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hanson of Glasgow, Mr. and Mrs- T. T. Hatton and Mrs. Nels Hatton. A large wedding cake baked by Mrs. Roy Hatton was the center piece. se^'to^most^afwho' attended thp anniversary ce i e bratioh. A brief ÄÄwtoMÄ cr w/strum and Albert MeteonS* cemnanied at the piano bv Mr and M«HP.Tuttle V d Ms. • * g hu] were nres Mr. and AD-s^ Schuler were pres f£e eroun ^ 8 m Men who enlisted in the marines corps in 1812 were eWen a^ewï^ cf S 20 g a re ' vard _ _ |= TTXvTTT\\ A\ TTTTTT = i f I) f\J I 1) Irj I == I) \V £/ 1 ^1 Wv 11 II Bl J] =: ^ ** **** m = = = I BACK TO LAST YEAR'S PRICES! IOC BANANAS—Golden ripe. U. S. No. 1 Per pound_ ORANGES—Medium size, U.S. No, 1. Two dozen for_ BLACKBERRIES—In syrup. jCr No. 2 tin. Two for-33 CANDY—Chocolate Creams. Two pounds for_ SUMMER SAUSAGE— Swift's. Per pound_ J BULK LARD— Per pound _ P & G LAUNDRY SOAP Eight bars for_ FRESH LAYER CAKES—White, spiced, chocolate. Large 8-in. a £*«« layer, only_ ». _ FRESH STRAWBERRIES AND SHORT CAKE BROOMS 5-sewed — == 39 c . 45 c each . 29 c CR1SCO Î 1 * 3-lb. . 79 c i j j ! = 1 ~— = — = — = ~~ == = == = ; == = — — — == —r = =: == = = = = = = = = can . . ... 16c I DRESSING Nu-Crest 39' Per 29C quart SIX CANS EACH OF . .. Irg. box RINSO 24 c Corn - Peas Spaghetti String Beans 24 cans$ 2 15 f » ( box LUX IÜX 25 c LIFEBUOY HEALTH _ SOAP lux "»"1 > 0 ** I TOILET 3 for 23 c 3 bars 23 c SOAP mm ûmuToMYf ! I fj't IUGRR; = Saturday is the last day to use your No. 1 « Pf* Sugar Coupon. Two lbs. of sugar for_* J — = - _ eins !; !i lin ii c - Good luck to the Graduates! To you who are going into Uncle Sam's service or on the farm or in defense wo rk or to make a home — we're proud of you! Don't feel cheated because things aren't running as smoothly as you'd like, but be glad you're given these terribly important responsibilities right from the start. And we hope you'll let us be of service to you to help you do the job. TOILETRIES COLOGNES PERFUMES GIFT SETS LEATHER GOODS BILLFOLDS TOILET CASES FOUNTAIN PENS and PENCILS In Lovely Gift Sets HALL iHü€ CO. Phone 123 We Deliver f j 1 Legion Auxiliary Announces Poppy Day to Be May 23 Saturday. May 23, will be observed as Poppv day by the local American Legion auxiliary Mrs. E J. Heller, poppy day chairman for the organ ization has announced. The local sale is part of a national project sponsored annually by the Legion and Auxiliary for the past 20 years. The sale in Glasgow is being pub licized this week by posters made by school pupils, displayed in local store windows. | ° PHE,M RANCHER HURT heim rancher, suffered a severe cut at his ranch while skinning a lamb, Medical aid came from Opheim. resulted in much loss of blood. OPHEIM— John Richardson. Op The marine corps began finger printing its personnel for identif ication purposes back in 1907 County Building To Be Dedicated Saturday, May 23 The new Valley county shop building, recently completed as a county-WPA project, will be ded icated at a special program Sat urday, May 23, it was announced today by Max Yoder, county sur veyor. Several prominent speakers are expected for the program and open house will be held at the building all day so it may be in spected by the public. ARRIVE AT AUSTRALIA FRAZER—Mrs. Wallace Pourstar received a cablegram from her hus band stating that he and his bud dies, who included several other Frazer boys, had arrived in Aus tralia. Notice! The Radio & Sound Lab oratory will be closed Friday and Saturday for moving, and will be open Monday, one door east of on across street from Kelley-How Thomson. W % - <y (inien Watdi Time! "A token of past achievements and a promise of those to come" .. . describes both the graduate's diploma and a Gruen watch, for a Gruen is an achievement in itself. To make your graduate's com mencement truly memorable, mark the event with a Gruen watch! r f. 1C /; 10 :.j ::lh x. »I ■ : Li ; : BL VERI-THIN* LYRIC 15 fïwels. Pinlt or yel low gold-filled Guildite bock. $29.75 VERI-THIN* FALCON 1 7-jewel Precision movement. Pink or yel low gold-filled Guildite bock. $45.00 • Trod« Mork Registered. Prices Include Federol To*. On Front Street Since 1894 A. M. St. Clair & Co. Glasgow, Montana I U.S. NEEDS US •II I ih l I / J X V V" 1 l mil ? ■ y * : this w oy Every day, co 0'°'- *'**" IklAD «»4 Ct» tA l Ç .UHCOJC t'.od cod Août «r )«»d o» -—rr" MlAT.POUlTrf . dri.d beon«, O-O. or nut* occ■»'« ral,1 '■ e. .eled f 'K f a: j (••ii i JOO» Rip*" 1 , cm . , •" m * -1ÎES <d IBItU. b. HOW TO SAVE FOOD •At* « IruH* ii.ii.' „ç.fobl. Roasc n.»*at at low temperature in your Gas oven and reduce abrinka^e. Remember that the flexible Gas flame also Wt* other foods you Iron JO* be regulated to any degree of heat you need, eliminating scorching and over cooking of food. Vi remaining vegetable liquids in r cold in tomato juice, casserole dish a w eek to use left-« any soups, gravies, sauces. Flan TO THE FAMILIES IN THIS COMMUNITY WHO RELY ON CAS FOR COOKING J N these days of national emergency—when mol planning, cooking methods and food economy are so important in keeping America strong—your Gat Com pany considers it a patriotic privilege to rapport our Government's National Nutrition Program. Therefore, we urge our customers to choose their foods carefully, to cook them so as to secure their full nutritive rain« and to make every possible use of all left-overs. By following the Government's advice In the selection cf food and by using your Gas range so that you get the best results from your cooking, yea can help win till war right in your own kitchen. r HOW TO SAVE VITAMINS Cook vegetables by the "w aterless" method for which your Gas range is especially _ suited. The flexible Gas flan.e will give jou the exact degree ot heat you need. firing vegetables to boiling point quickly over full Gas flame, then turn flame low and cook gem!*. Keep utensils covered and do Store vegetables in b; drator of gas refrigerator. sod i in vegetables. HOW TO SAVE FUEL u pre-h D«> broiler too long. Remember Gas is fast. G j' Plan complete to make full us and broiler il». of Gas. Avoid using small pans on large or giant top burners. Do not heat apeedy Gas flame will heat it quickly next time you need it. more water in the kettle than is needec! The GAS lili Montana-Dakota Utilities Company THE WONDER FUEL FOR COOKING AUCTION SALE FRIDAY I A farm auction sale at the C. E. I Wells farm 15 miles southwest of SALE of COTTONS Be American . . . wear cotton! Save for yourself and America — in this Sale of Cottons. GIRLS' DRESSES ... Baby soft, sheer batistes to dress up your little girl. Colorfast and washable. Lace and organdy trim. 7 to 14 year old sizes. TOTS DRESSES .... Printed organdy and sheer lawn combinations for 4 to 6 year old girls. Blouse and skirt ideas, too. All with 2-inch hems. 1.29 74c m ES 70 INCH TOP! S1.39 VALUES! Sheer Priscillas m ■i : ; ■I? Curtain beauty for every room in your home. Priscillas fill a de finite need in modern decora tion. Figured or dotted, grena dine in cream. 2Î4 yards long, pair Persian Braid Accents Marquisitc I n \V ft v \ Ai D Cottage Curtains Si J f 3 Row after row of multi-colored Per sian braid adds a colorful note to these pretty curtains. 27 in. wide. Top 43 in. deep; sash 34 in. For kitchen, pantry or porch windows. Marquisette, 42 inches wide, yard, 17c 3 88 c i| Va set In SHOP AT OUR STORE FOR HUNDREDS OF OTHER VALUES! 17 FEDERATED STORES r WORK SHOES. i f h $ % o' * 4 $498 AND UP THE ORIGINAL CHIPPEWA Farm and Work Shoes BOOTS FOR EVERY PURPOSE NOW SOLD and STOCKED by your.. . GAMBLE STORE Richland will open at 1 Friday. Milo Jennings is auctioneer, while Carl Hansen and Carl Shellerud are . . m charge.