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Social and Club News of the Glasgow Section Have Silver Wedding Tthe twenty fifth anniversary of [ the Rev. and Mrs, H. P. Widen was celebrated by members of the j Baptist church ait a no-host dinner ; in the church basement following I the regular morning service Sun- j Frieda Mac Burger Celebrates Birthday Frieda Mae Burger celebrated her fifteenth birthday with a party for six girl friends ait her home Wed nesday night. Games were played and a luncheon was served, which featured a decorated birthday cake Rev. and Mrs. Widen day. Mrs. C. H. Roberts presided as toastmistress and E. B. Pease spoke in appreciation of the Widens, who were presented with a gift. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jacobson, who had come to Glasgow to live following their recent marriage, were honored by being introduced to the group present. Rev. Henry F. Widen and Miss Esther Margaret Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Olson of Kenmare. N. D.. were married at Kenmare, August 8. 1917. The Rev. O. Larson of Fargo, N. D„ offici ated and attendants were Miss Dora Jacobson and Herman D. Ol son, After a wedding trip to Wefaski- ! win Alta., they went to Midale. 1 Sask.. where Rev. Widen was pas-! tor of the Baptist church. Later they went to Sioux Falls. S. D„ where Rev. Widen taught and took advanced work in Sioux Palls col lege. He was pastor for six y ears at Quincy, Mass., where he built a large church, and later was pas tor at Albert Lea, Minn., and at Minot, N. D . before coming to Glasgow. They have four children. Miss Hope Widen of St. Paul, born at | Midale ; Mrs. John Valine of South Omaha, Neb... born at Sioux Palls, and Stamford Widen of St. Paul, and Dorothy Widen of Glasgow, both born at Quincy. Helping Hand Society Honors Mrs. Teichrow Mrs Orville Teichrow was honor guest at a gift shower sponsored by members of the Helping Hand society of the Baptist church at the church parlors Tu&sday after noon. Mrs. ,c. H. Roberts made the presentation of gifts and spoke in appreciation of Mrs. Teichrow, who the WEEK! Victory Sundae A.-« » . Our RED, WHITE AND BLUE special: .Vf 5 I Other Taste Delights on Our Menu, Too! 20 ' Tork's presents a sensational new Sundae treat, fit for a king! Delicious Vanilla Ice Cream, served in a combination you cannot appreciate until you try it. Tork's Resell Drug ■■■■ NASHUA GLASGOW RITE-LENGTH SLIPS by Nancy Lee k . 6ix. o« ovtn V î As g V / m m ■ / \ ■ AI I, 1 I vs . *i ! 1 1 \ Mi J 49 a: A* • Scientifically Proportioned for Short, Medium or Tall Figures. • 4-Gore Bias Cut Eliminates "twisting". . . Gives Perfect Fit Here's one of the sleekest-fitting slips you ever wore ... the famous RITE-LENGTH SLIP by Nancy Lee! A slip that WILL NOT twist, bunch or ride-up because it is scientifically proportioned to fit all type figures . . . that's why it's called "Rite-Length"! And remem ber too . . . the money-back guarantee if you find a "Rite-Length Slip by Nancy Lee" which does not give complete satisfaction. • Woven of Highly Twisted Threads for Added Strength and Wear • Unconditionally Guaranteed to Give Perfect Satisfaction 3 FEDERATED STORES has been president of the society for the past three years. The after spent socially visiting and Wednesday in the blue room of the Allen cafe. Fourteen members were present. The president, Mrs. Lloyd Henningscn. opened the meeting by singing, followed by two guessing games, which were won by Mrs, Stephen Urs and Mrs. Emanuel De messemacker. noon was sewing and a luncheon was served. Far and Wide Club Meets in Glasgow TAMPICO — The Far and Wide club held Its August meeting last -peanut pals" names were read and Red Cross work was reported Ion. Lunch wa s served. I visitors who attended the meet ing * were Mrs. Georgia Cain, Mrs. Clifford Combs, Mrs. Ole Bronstad. Mrs. Knut Barstad. Mrs. Ole Mol ! V ig. Mrs. William H. Anderson. Mrs. O C. Anderson and Mrs. Urs. Sev ! e ral formerly belonged to the club. _ , . Jacobson-Marllnson Ml' and Mrs. Arthur Jacobson j arrived in Glasgow last week and 1 are living at 815 Third avenue south. Mr. Jacobson is an instruc ter in industrial arts in the Glas gow high school. His bride was Miss Esther A. Martinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Martinson ef Clinton. Minn. Their marriage took place at the Trinity Lutheran church of Clinton.! June 14 at 9 p. m. The Rev. O. R. A. Tollefscn officiated. The church was decorated with ferns, mock orange bloscms and baskets holding crimson and white peonies, It was candlelighted during the cer emony. An organist played the wed ding processional, a soloist sang "Because." and a trio, "Prayer Per feet." Tire bride were a white satin du chess gown, pearl trimmed, and a finger tip veil. She carried a bou-1 quet of red roses and white car nations. Her sister and maid of honor. Miss Lillie Martinson: Miss; Margaret Gripne, of Eagle Bend, Minn., bridesmaid, and the bride's niece and junior bridesmaid, Donna Martinson, wore floor length gowns in pastel colors and shoulder length veils. The bridegroom's brother Er nest Jacobson of Cokato. Minn... was best man. A reception at the Temple cafe fcr 52 guests followed the cere mony. Mrs. Jacobson is a graduate of the Moorhead. Minn... State Teach er's college and has been teaching in the Upsala, Minn... public school. Mr. Jacobson received his master's degree from the University of Min and Mrs. Jacobson Mr nesota. spent a few weeks at a Lake Minne tonka before coming to Glasgow. - Friends Surprise Mr. and Mrs. Phay Mr. and Mrs. John Phay were surprised at their lu me Sunday night by a group of friends who came to celebrate Mrs. Phay's birth day. A chicken dinner was brought by the guests, which was served at 7, and the hours following were m informally Mrs Phay was presented wJth an electric clock in | the group were Mr and Mrs L c Larson Mr and j^ rs j an ies Mul len ' Mr and Mrs Tom Mullen. Mr., an( j Mrs Marvin Hanson and Mr ! and Mrs. George Scanscn. , „ . . Methodist Womans Socety ,Ia * L ~ al Ch . urc , h . . Zf r s. ^°" ül ' cte " "f SSST hv Ine „ h g . woman's " "Z., ruction aV Tv,» Bcci et' of "rtoK ThSrsdav Methodist churchj»ilors Thuisday f ^Xwas sirved^bv Mrs E L a „, nth was s ? r „ Jr ■ McPherson and Mrj. O. M Chris tianson, repres enting Circle A. ~ Nurses Speak at W. C. 1. V. Program Miss Aagct Lian. new county health nurse, and Miss Alice West, district supervisory nurse, spoke on public health woik at a meeting of the Woman's Christian Temper ance union at the home of Mrs, E. B. Pease Thuisday afternoon, Mrs. O. R. McCleery led a devo ticnal program and a program on the ... sang a duet. Tentative plans weie made for future work. Mrs. Pease was assisted in serving refresh ments by her daughters and Miss Sharon Linn. Mr. and m> s person Honor Mr. and Mrs. Bronstad ___ Tampico Sunday honoring Mr and Mrs. Ole Bronstad of Napa, Calif., who are visiting here. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Knut Barstad and family. - Beistand -Bittle Miss Josephine Bittle, daughter 0 f Mrs. A. F. Bittle of Glendale, calif., former Glasgow residents, son cf Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Heistand married at subject of national defense. Ada Miriam and Priscilla Pease Mr. and Mrs. Carl Person of entertained at dinner and Robert Heistand of Glendale, Pekin, Ind., were ! Glendale July 17 at the home of j Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Newcomer. 1 Mrs. Newcomer is a sister of the bridegroom. The Rev. K. Carlson, pastor of the First Methodist church officiated. The bride was given in marriage ! by her uncle, C. D. Bittle of Holly Î wood. The bride wore a pastel pink [ chiffon dress and white accessories I and lier corsage was of bouvardia. ; Miss Marjorie Berg of Hollywood was her attendant. Miss Berg wore I a pastel blue dress and her cor I sage was of pink carnations. Eddie Helmes of San Francisco was best { man. A reception followed the cere j mony Close friends and relatives j were present, including the bride's ! mother and the bridegroom's par I ents. The bride is a graduate of the Glasgow high school and the Great j Palls Business college, she has I been employed with the Vega Air craft corooration for the past year I and a half. Mr. Heistand is a grad î uate of the University of Southern \ California at Los Angeles. He has i been employed in the finance de partment of the Vega Aircraft cor I poratlon the last five years. Mr. I and Mrs. Heistand took a ten day 1 wedding trip tt> San Francisco and Yosemlte park. Women of Christian Church Have Missionary Meeting Women of the Christian church held a missionary meeting at the home cf Mrs. Clint Halladay Thurs day afternoon. Mrs, E. I. Arnold ' had charge of devotions and a pro 1 gram in which she was assisted by Mrs. Henry Skillingberg, Mrs. M. O Mull and Mrs. M. J. Sisson, j The program dealt with develop I ment of the missionary werk of the church. Mrs. L. A. Strader presided during a business session and re , freshments were served by the host : ess. A program on "Faith and Work," was presented at a meeting of the Helping Hand society at the Bap tist church Thursday afternoon, j Mrs. E. B. Pease was in charge and was assisted by Mrs. Henry Helping Hand Society Program Is on "Faith and Work" AN EMERGENCY FLOOR COVERING CLOSEOUT! Due to a serious shortage of liclp. we are forced to close out at sacrifice prices our complete stock of H LINOLEUM FLOOR COVERING as low as I 30 ' per running foot Heavy reductions on our entire stock of Linoleum yardage items. Glasgow Furniture Co. NORTH SIDE BLUER RITES are held in I LOCALCHURCHt North Bench Farmer for Past ; m 2 9 Ye ars Passes After Short Illnes« anon uiness. mer, 69. Glasgow north bench far tner for the past 29 yéars, were ; held in St. Raphael's Catholic church at 9 Tuesday morning. Burial was in the Glasgow cemetery. Mr. Blomer died Saturday after H N M H H s mineral services for August Bio I a short illness. His wife. Bernardin? Blomer, who had been in poor health ! Blcmer were married in that country ™ey cam . e t0 United States in 1913 and moved directly to Valley county, where he had cor - ; ducted farming operations a short distance from Glas e ow since - Surviving him are a scn Ber . nald Blomer of Glas *™= three daughters. Mrs. Lon Durell, Mrs.: Q pidwerbecki and Mrs char!e ,, Miller, all of Glasgow, and three grandsons and five granddaughters. I H u for several years, died last Feb. 11 Mr. Blomer was bom in Get j many, Sept. 5, 1872. He and Mrs H Former Residents Of Hinsdale Are Wed in Gt. Falls g H N HINSDALE — George Johnsrud and Miss Palma Gysler, both for merly of Hinsdale .were married at Great Falls Aug. 5. The wedding took place at the parsonage of the ! First English Lutheran church and vows were said before the Rev. E M. Lorimer. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nel son of Great Palls attended the couple The bride wore a tan suit with a corsage of gardenias. Mr. Johnsrud Is the sen of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnsrud and lived here until recently, when he secured employment in war work in Great Falls. His bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gysler of Hins dale and is a graduate of the Plen tywood high school, she has been employed fcr the past seven years by the J. c. Penney company, six years at Plentywood and a year at Seattle. The couple will live in Great Palls. H H H M M M a M H China Missionary To Show Pictures 2 H M Andrew Burgess, for many years j {J a missionary representing the Nor- h wegian Lutheran church in China, will show moving pictures at the First Lutheran church here Man day night at 8. it is announced by the Rev. J. C. Wisnaes, pastor. Besides depicting mission ties, many scenes will be of the war and of relef activities, Mr. Wisnaes said. H H activi Remple and Mrs. E. I. Farrell. Mrs. E. J. Synder presided during a | business meeting. Mrs. Snyder serv- ; ed a luncheon at the close of the meeting. The group will meet at the ranch home of Mrs. Homer Clowes, Aug. 20. Peterson-House „. Miss Gertrude Roberta House of Glasgow and Charles L. Petesron of Browning were married at Malta Monday. They have gone to the bridegroom s ranch home at Brown "}* ^ her l the -', wi l sta : v U " ul Aug ' v ' he ' 1 he wl11 return 0 «« ' a ™y He * s hom ® on an extended fur ou ^ / l or ' he Purpose of assisting his father during harvest. The bride is the daughter of MS', and Mrs. Robert House of Brown ing, and has made her home in Glasgow with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ebersole. She is a student in the Glasgow high school and will return to high school this fall to complete her course. She has been employed in the Ben Franklin store this summer. Mrs. Ebersole entertained some of Mrs. Peterson's school friends at her home Tuesday afternoon. She was presented with a shower of bridal gifts. Mrs. Neiss Is Hostess To Dessert Bridge Mrs. Alton Neiss entertained her bridge club at her home Wednesday night. Mrs. John Wall was a sub stitute for an absent member. Mrs. p. m. Knierim received a high score prize and Mrs .William Alvord a low score gift. The contract games followed a dessert luncheon. Invest in a good Fur Coat s « » »■ Va 7, J -e-W H Vi H Y ►-> H % rf»; 71 ■ . ■■ a H H 111 H H »< u o «»aw H |K iVlN H tt Y gi ifi WSi f . X* V Ipipl O' I ■; S • m x it \ A m < \ > • -Y i » % X ' . v > . ■ ü||i|| SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS AFTER 6:00 P.M. r kX <7 T '7R fa ■i N L -j \ m W ...v r ;5 I I '/ 4/. M 1 *11 S GLASGOW xxxxxxrzrxxrxrc j Friday & Saturday \ August 14th 8 15th H J V Our Label Guarantees — Quality Pelts — Expert Workmanship — Lasting Style — Moderate Price This year more than ever before, a good fur coat is a long-term sound investment. So buy your fur coat with cgnfidence — choose it here where we are famous for fine furs. This year more than ever — you'll want to know—"is it a sturdy fur — will it 'stand up' under steady wear — does it have last ing style?" And we'll tell you. We guar antee finest pelts, master workmanship, lasting style — and at prices to fit every purse. Come — see these quality fur values Friday and Saturday — specials for our Advance Sale. H H N H M N H H H H H MINK DYED MUSKRAT SABLE DYED MUSKRAT RACCOON NORTHERN SEAL HUDSON SEAL SQUIRREL PERSIAN LAMB OCELOT LAPIN CARACUL MOUTON LAMB H H j EASY TERMS A*