Newspaper Page Text
Page f GENEVIEVE 1 I_Bf Isabel) Swalhelm_^ John Lenertz. Maurice Arnold and Ole Swalheim attended the grazing meeting in Glasgow last, Johnson the Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J Spokane visited friends in neighborhood Tuesday. They were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Swalheim , . .. .. , . Jent ^r» Fridav helm thresh Thursday and Friday Commissioner and Mrs. Ma n Arnold were Glasgow visitors Fri day. Mrs. John Olson drove to Glas gow Friday to get her sons Allen and Norman to spend the week end at their home on Cache creek The attending high school in boys are GldsßOW. Mr. and Mrs. Lester jrhnscn and Dennis transacted business in Glas gow Saturday. Alex Mogan and daughter Joan and Sarah Lincoln were Hinsdale visitors Saturday Mr and Mrs J. S. Peck were call ers in Hinsdale Tuesday. The threshing in this community is completed except for a few small fields of cats ' Through an error, an article in last week's issue stated that regis tration for the general election in Valley county is 6,050. The correct number is 5.750, compared with 5, 450 who were eligible to vote in the primary election in July. ERROR IN FIGURES OPHEIM—-Dean Padgett, person- j nel sergeant major stationed at Walla Walla, Wash., has earned promotion to technical sergeant, ac- 1 TECHNICAL SERGEANT , . , , cording to word received by his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Padgett, j j s I j Nazi Germany's forest area about cne-twentleth of the forest I area in the United States. ROXY Hf MODERN THE A SHOWS STARTING Saturday and Sunday, 1, 3, 7 and 9. Week Days, 2, 7 and 9. j I ( I j [ WILLING? . . Thursday-Friday Oct. 15-16 t W'a •• •- -X.XWCJ* She's Eager! j i j Lh i É9BË A Whirlwind All 7 * Woman! i V v E a _ - . j ä ■ Csflll4n^v flltftl*/ rtf aaiuroay limy ° „ . , _ w i VrCt. X I i 7 \ Also [jj 1 MARCH OF TIME HE-MAN ACTION! j ! AI J I m c l T DICK FORAN'LEO CARRILLO \ ANDY DEVINE Æfj i j N ! 'KING of TEXAS RANGERS' - COMEDY CARTOON Sunday-Monday at of Oct. 18-19 Preview Saturday at 11 p. m. !R IS ÜBiiH iiliiîv ■ 1 B Il H 8j|| ; at i j ! TO* I V I RONALD JEAN CARY I in ; 1 of B y ; j — i Vj v. 7 7. Also LATEST NEWS Tiiesday-Wedßes. Oct. 20-21 - HITS! - Bring a Guest! 2 " - ? ^ Ch> Keep Them Apert —BANG «i I, — and — INC MMY tUCS-SAM>T*U0N ERftOi ANNI GWVNNC • ROIEIT PAIGE I in f . D L £ fj J £ £ SOCIAL, PERSONAL AND CLUB NEWS Mrs. Vincent D. Sullivan, 705 Musselshell — Telephone 223-M, Fort Peck DinneV at Snell Home I Mrs. Bert L. Snell was hostess Thursday at 7 o'clock dinner at her I heme in honor of Mrs. Richardson Selee. Guests with Mrs. Selee were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pnedl of Glas |^w. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Clarke. I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Horn. Miss Mar >' Savage of Billings, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stroman and B. McSpadden -plie evening wa s spent I inf0r mal)v ! O. E. S. Club Installs : Tlle E- s - clu & met Thursday evening at the hotel clubrocms j with Mrs. Chai les f. Zeige hostess. I Mrs. Zeige, president, presided at ! the business meeting. I Installation of efficers was held with Mrs. Lisle D. Langley being installed president. Mrs. R. E. Hill man. secretary-treasurer and Mrs. I Martin E. Nelson, chaplain. Plans were made for the get together P art y Friday night at the Langley home. All Eastern Stars in Port Peck ar e invited. The evening will be s P ent P la - vin 8 games and getting acquainted. After the business meeting the 3-5-7 club joined the O. E. S. and j U nch was served by the hostess, Blrthdav Partv at wiIson>i Mrs Merrll] wilson entertained at a party last Wednesday evening in honor cf Mr. Wilson's birthday, Guests were Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Archambeault, Mr. and Mrs. Gene {Gamas. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wimmer and ]\jj- s Delbert Livingston. Gin llimn ,.. was played with Mis. Liv ingston winning the first prize and Mr. Wimmer lc w prize. Refresh ^ were serv ed by the hostess, Gail Rupp Celebrates Birthday Gail Rupp celebrated her fourth birthday Saturday afternoon at a party given for her by her mother, Mrs. Herman Rupp, seven guests were present. The afternoon was spent playing various games. A dessert was served. High score hon |ors were wen by Mis. Thomas C. Horn with Mis. Lester O. Ritter re iceiving second high score prize and Mrs. Glenn Hcstetter low prize. Coffee at Quidors Mrs. James S. Quidor entertained ten guests last Friday afternoon her home in honor of Mrs. Fred Spicker of Billings, who is visiting the home of her daughter, Mrs. Leonard E. Jchnston. The after noon was ®P ent sewing and visiting. Refreshments were served. Auxiliary Meets at Hotel The American Legion Auxiliary met last Tuesday evening at the hctel elubreoms with. Mrs Frank McMillan as hostess. Mrs. Lisle Squires, president, presided at the business meeting. The Amerj can Legion joined the women for lunch which was served by the hostess. i Harza Office Employes Entertained Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Roby enter tained the office employes and wives cf the Harza Engineering company last Saturday evening at party in the hotel clubrocms Seventeen guests were present' Keeno was played during the eve ning with many prizes given. Fcr an intelligence guessing game high prizes were won by Mrs. Mcccrmack and Thomas C. Horn. Substitutes were Muss Mary Savage »Gurre«- mr*, ti « t * e ^ r ^ ^ te „ re - freshments were served by the hos Announcement of Arrival Mr, and Mrs, Paul O. Koetitz an nounce adoption cf Kathryn Ann, three and one-half months. _ . . ... ' ar Society at Johnsons The Altar society met last Wed nesday afternoon at the Carier V. j hnson heme with Mrs. Johns;n Mrs. Pat McDonnell as hostes es. Five new members were pre sent. Mrs. Johnson, vice president, j presided. Tickets were issued to j members to sell on the crocheted | buffet runner. Plans were made for fcocl sale. Oct. 22, Mrs. McIXn- ! vieil. Mrs. H. C. Tilzey and Mrs. J - Kutzman are in charge. The next meeting will be Nov. 4 at the hotel. Election of officers will be held. A lunch was served by the hostesses. Coffee Party at Horns Mrs. Thomas C. Hern entertained a coffee party last Saturday af ternoon at her home in honor of I house guest, Miss Mary Savage Î Billings. Ten guests were present. ; afternocn was spent sewing visiting. Mrs. Dunn Entertains Guild Mrs. M. J. Dunn entertained the Episcopal guild Monday afternoon her home, A large number at tended. Mrs. Dunn, president, pre sided at the business meeting. Re freshments were served by the hos tess. Films Shown at School Two educational films were shown the Fort Peck school this week. They included one on "Conservation Natural Resources" and one called "Exploring the Universe." Celebrates Birthday Robert Keagy celebrated his ninth birthday last Tuesday after school, party was given for him at home by his mother, Mrs. Ralph Keagy. Ten guests were present. A birthday cake, ice cream and favors The LUTHERAN LADIES AID of FORT PECK is spon soring a baked bean supper at the RECREATION HALL WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 21, from 5:30 to 8 p. m. - MENU — HOME BAKED BEANS BROWN BREAD GREEN SALAD PICKLES COFFEE APPLE PIE Forty Cents per Plate the treats. Robert received were many presents. Sewing Clubs Meet Mrs. E. G. Rudberg entertained her sewing club Thursday afternoon at her home. A dessert was served Msr. James Mention entertained her club Thursday afternoon at 1:30 dessert. The afternoon was spent sewing. Mrs. Howard Bjork was a guest. Mrs. Don Bliven entertained sewing club last Thursday after noon. A dessert was served by the hostess. Mrs. Walter Mills and Mrs. Fred Spicker were guests. Coffee Parties for Miss Savage Mrs. James V. House entertained at a coffee party Friday morning at her home in honor of Miss Mary Savage of Billings, who is a guest at the Thomas C. Horn home. Eight were present. Mrs. Vincent D. Sullivan enter tained eight last Monday afternoon at her home. Miss Savage and Mrs. P. J. Dempsey of St. James. Minn., were out-of-town guests. A dessert was served.. The afternoon was spent visiting and sewing. Coffee Party at Lovegrens Mrs. Hugh Lovegren entertained ten guests last Friday afternoon at her home. A desesrt was served by the hostess. The afternoon was spent visiting and sewing. Mrs. P. J. Dempsey was an out-of-town guest. The Lutheran Ladies Aid society met last Wednesday afternoon in the church parlors with Mrs. J, I. Corey and Mrs. Rudolph V. Koetitz as hostesses. Mrs. Harold A. Aus pre sided at the business meeting. Plans were made and discussed for the Lntheran Ladies Meet baked bean public church supper. Oct, 21. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. BREVITIES Mrs. Lisle R. Squires, local presi dent, and Mrs, Charles P. Zeige at tended the district American Legion Auxiliary convention Monday after noon in Glasgow. Claude Heath and Mark Kotkin were delegates to the Legion convention. A large number from Port Peck attended the ban quet Monday evening. Mrs. Delbert Livingston and son Bobby are visiting at the ranch home of her parents near Park Grove. Mrs. Don Bliven left Sunday for Havre to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Erling Voldal and children visited over the week end at the Harold Wilhelm ranch north west of Opheim. Mr. and Mrs. John Swain Sr. left Friday for Provo. S. D.. to visit their son. John. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Fuhrman and daughters of Glasgow visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Padgett Sunday. Mrs. N. J. Kutzman and two chil clren and Mrs. Arie M. Herren left Monday for Miles City to visit friends and .attend to business, Mrs. Ira Henderson returned last Thursday from Provo. S. D.. where sbe s P en ^ ^ wo weeks, Mr - and Mrs - H - c - Tilze - V of Mis soula s P ent the week end visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs - Harold c - Tilzev - Carden s - Shekell of Omaha. Neb. arr , ived ■|" Fort Pef i? laat Monday. ,. J ' ? Hans ° n of ? rea 7 Pa , s spent M ° nda V night at the hotel. tr L fp C r eC "'' a m ansfe Î Washington, D C„ joined the control section staff. WUllam E. Lundeen of Malta is working with the guard section. Franklin B. Blevins of Austin, Minn., is working with the equip ment section. Pauline D. Ihnat of Nashua was re-hired in the personnel section. Leonard L. Lowery of Omaha ar rived Monday. Albert L. Pillerup, accompanied by Miss Mayda Shelhamer and Robert shenkle left this week end for Bozeman to visit relatives. Mona M. McNulty of Wheeler has begun work in the engineering di vision. Margaret D. Haggerty of Nashua now working at the hotel, Those who resigned from jobs re- eently at Fort Peck are Ruth S Faasen. Everett Garrick. Preida A Janzen and Wallace R. Snyder. Loseal L. Knight of Glasgow Is employed at the hotel. Mark H. McGillis, property sec tion. has been furloughed to enroll civilian pilot training. Edgar A. Green, hotel, has been furloughed to enlist in the navy. Charles N. Carlon, laboratory, will leave next week to enter the army, Miss Helen D. Dale, mail and rec crds section. Iws been transferred the Seattle engineer district, Mrs. Shirley G. Johnston has re signed her position in the mail and records section. Mrs. M. J. Dunn, Mrs. H. N. Isaacs, Mrs. Mark Kotkin. Mrs. James Pat terson and Mr. and Mr. H. D. Cran dall attended the reception for the Rev. and Mrs. Prank Squires Thurs day evening in Glasgow. Mrs. Eric Blannin and daughter Elizabeth left last Saturday morning for Minneapolis to spend a month visiting. Miss Katherine Dunn and Miss Molly Dunn of Minneapolis are vis iting their brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Dunn. THRESHING REMAINS Mr. and Mrs. Berger Akre of Op heim were in Glasgow Tuesday. Mr. Akre reported that there is still considerable threshing to do in the north country, with crop yields run ning heavy. All-star Cast in Coming Picture Wi ér * ' si A 4. h r m 4 Xfc? a * i * i'vl r -v > #4 A' i • Producer George Stevens, Cary Grant, Jean Arthur and Ronald Coleman take time out for a moment's relaxation from "The Talk of the Town." The picture comes to the Roxy Sat urday night at 11, Sunday and Monday. i P RICHLAND 7 WHEELER By Elva D. Pehrson By Gladys Killenbeck ' .,, , . . i dl for a few days, was taken to the Glasgow hospital Tuesday. ! Mrs. Myrtle Thomas has been em s. Are your children attending the Children's Christian club, held in the school on Friday nights at 7? All children welcome. Clarence Ross Sr., who has been Up , , , , , . ployed as clerk in the Wheeler gro- ; cery the past week. den ranch near Nashua, John Max ness was helping out with the beet lopping there last week. Sally Sflnley, who teaches a rural school n<Q- Hinsdale, was a week end gueit at her parental home here. f Mr. and Mrs. Enos Roger and daughter Florence spent several 'f days last week visiting relatives and ! t friends in Jordan. : _> ! The; Citizenship club of the lower grades entertained students of the upper grades at a meeting Friday, j Mrs. Kirk Stanley has been hav-1 ing Rental work done in Glasgow. Columbus day was celebrated in Monday afternoon, whejd the Citizenship club of the upper grades entertained children from the lower grades at a pro gram. I Due to labor shortage on the Shel the local schools Veryl Miller had dental work done in Glasgow Tuesday. The ideal Indian summer weather | we have enjoyed the past two weeks <S> was broken Monday with the com ing of fall rains and cooler weather. Mr. and Mrs. George Satter were here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Maxness and children were transacting business here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Baylor spent and gow several days in Nashua last week, repairing a house they own there, j clay. Mrs. Peter Lucan and grand daughter Carol Overton are visiting, relatives at Pittsburg, Va. day gow ped the : ATTENDANCE GAINS FRAZER—The attendance at the Frazer school has reached the 185 mark, which is the highest figure in several years. More are expected in the next few days. HEAR i I ! I I ! ■>; i fer D WELLINGTON Rank! * n Republican Candidate for United States Senator He will discuss selective service, the farm labor situation, sugar beet poli cies and other problems of interest to every Montana voter at the Glasgow Courtroom 9 S0 tiL October *7 Mr. Rank in is a powerful speaker, a man whom you should not miss hear mg. (Pol. Adv.— Paid for by Valley County Republican Central Committee.) P - Tlie Lutheran Ladies Aid has completed plans for a farewell partv Friday afternoon for Rev. and Mrs. Matheson at the home of Mrs. Ben Solberg. Rev. Matheson has been in Peerless and has covered the sur rounding territory for the past 2'j vears. He is leaving Monday for St. Paul to attend Luther Theological seminary to complete studies neces Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kleeman were Mr. and Guy Fagan. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Balm and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bahn. Mrs. Millie Ramsbacher and daughter Arlene left Sunday for Moscow, Idaho, where Mrs. Rams bâcher expects to find employment. Mr ' an . d ,?? rs ' L ' Bah " of P ° P J r . spent th * week end here with l ®, lr , J on a ' ld daughter-in-law, Mr. and ^«. Elmer Bahn. J. D. Mavity of Pairview came last Wednesday and remained until Tuesday visiting his son, Max, and family. George Killenbeck and Prank Heckner left Monday for Butte on business. Brackee Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Max Mavity, J. D. Mavity and H. H. ; Hughes, sary to his ordination. I 1 ! Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl VANDALIA By Sadie Muiflnger Tony Wagner has been ailing the j week from a very painful backj which makes walking difficult fer j He does not know the cause. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cain and Mr. Mrs. Harry Wright were Glas callers Saturday. Paul Sowa and Harry Wright fin digging their potatoes Pri Klind's funeral in Hinsdale Tues - 1 afternoon. Dave and Alex Watscn were Glas callers Monday. Tom Markle and Jess Hoke ship cattle frem here Thursday. Bob and Ena Mae Rohde spent week end at home with her Walter Christensen attended Jack parents. t I Jordan Coulee By Mrs. Clarence A. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson Spokane called on friends in this community Tuesday. Mrs Andre Sawley left Friday for Corby. Minn,, to visit her sis ter. Mrs. Callie K. Peterson and Miss Christine Erickson of Glasgow were campaigning in this community Saturday. Mrs. Sarah Lincoln, who has been working at the Alex H. Mo gan home for almost two months, left to visit his sister in Bremer ton. William Barnes returned home Tuesday evening from the Deep Creek country west of Opheim where he had been herding sheep for Mike Welton. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Hcckley drove to Saco Monday evening to visit Mrs. Hockley's brother, Lester Knapp, who left Tuesday morning to begin service in the army. Har old Brown accompanied them to Hinsdale, Mrs. Arthur Murray visited Mrs. A. C. Mogan Wednesday. j COUNTY LINE ! Ruth Sauskojus Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ellertson and Richard were business callers in Wolf Point Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Waitschies and Mr. and Mrs. David Sauskojus and family of Ossette attended the harvest festival at Lustre. Business callers in Glasgow Sat urday from this community were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kegel Jr.. Mr. and Pete Foss and Phyllis and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ellertson, Margaret and Richard, 'a Mr. and Mrs. John Greenflaten and daughter were business callers in Scobey Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Waitschies took Billy Storksen of Nashua home. He was employed at their farm all summer. Prom Nashua Waitschies went to Glasgow. Margaret Ellertson and Ruth Sauskcjus spent the week end at home. ■4 BOWLING • TRAM i INDIVIIH AI, STANDINGS FOR CITY I.KAGl K Wwk Kliding Ort. 17, 1912 Dairy . 14 4 T ran sfr r Magnifier Motors Snow White* .... Aimer. Lrjrion nty Market .... (Fejrles i 'oust. .. Holland . 11 ii .trn o i; .«»oft lo s .ruin 7 11 .oS0 ft i:s .*J7S 2 13 .1.« High Sr linos, M.iirrmler «no paint*. Ki Sr.I Ton m, ihn 2047. Riivn i.-y la '' 1 - Mawrii« 1 «.! j ' l'.h rvlow in I'.ris !■. .NV N ramus, hm* pa i i an lull r.s: 12. Mill. r kly High Scores parues W Team, tin iipnnler's s OKs, Ri Iml. thr • He mini 2000 , aim*. Maprml rvie Mi ''I I. OSfi , mix : ii, mu Crain .Vi!(. Wall CARAWAY IS VISITOR Kent Caraway, north country farmer and Republican candidate for state representative, was a cal ler in Glasgow Wednesday. Alvord's COLDSTORAGE Lockers THE ULTIMATE IN FOOD PRESERVA TION . . . ASK ANT LOCKER RENTER! A I ^ \ .■V' r j i r/i « '(1 "T GAMBLE S S&G Shotgun Shells Û >!• <r 12 Gauge, SVixlVg Load Drop Shot In Case Lots, Per Box. Single Box 95c T It(0 /❖Vfi I I §ioio1 j. iflS&h 'll i ii L ümIOs j] f • For Finest Quality Use GAMBLE' S ACE SHELLS (illustrated at left) ■ / f j DOUBLE-yOUR-KOHSY-BACK GUARANTEE i « w Gamble's super quality Ace shotgun shells are as fine a shell as money can buy. Loaded with Dupont or Hercules progressive burning smokeless powder. Finest quality chilled shot, wadding and 5 layer waterproof tube. High brass base. Long range, hard hitting! Double your money back if not completely satisfied. i if . -r 1 ■r 7 If I i I ■? / * i GAMBLE STORES *> Major Peterson Visitor Here on Leave from Post I 'Fellowship Day' Will Be Monday Monday will be "Fellowship Day" at the Glasgow Gospel Tabernacle with pastors and visitors from throughout eastern Montana par ticipating in three special services, St was announced this week by the Rev. Paul Wllliscroft. Among visiting speakers expected to take part in the special program is the Rev. Leonard Palmer of Miles City. A morning service will be held at 10:30. followed by one at 2:30 Monday afternoon and another at 7.30 that night. Mr. and Mrs, Axel Peterson. Miss Donis Peterson, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mclnemey and children drove to Wolf Point Thursday to meet Maj. John Peterson, who was there part of the day. They had breakfast together there. He was ac companied on a five day leave from Pester Field, Texas, by Captain Mc Murray. They spent a day visiting in Kalispell. They flew to Montana in an army plane. Subscribe for The courier. m g s "'7 r « 'V W t ? To the Voters of Valley County: Since I am serving my country in the United Navy, it will be impossible for me to conduct the fall paign. My name will appear on the ballot of the Demo cratic ticket at the general election November 3, candidate for re-election for the office of County Super intendent of Schools. The 1941 Montana Legislature passed a law providing that a person who holds an elective public office, and who is called into military service, may return to his state county office after completing his term of service in the military forces. This is in line with the announced policy of the United States government and all employers to at tempt to return those who have served their country to the position they formerly held. The Attorney General of the State of Montana has ruled that a candidate elected to office may assume the office on his return home from military service. Miss Ella Hammerness, deputy during my terms of office, has been appointed Acting County Superintendent of Schools. She holds a Montana State Certificate and has had extensive successful teaching and administration ex perience. She is also thoroughly qualified through actual experience within the office of the County Superintendent of Schools. Miss Hammerness will continue to be Acting County Superintendent of Schools until my return, if I am re-elected. Your vote and support will be appreciated. States cam as a or *■ A. Jerome Wall v (Political advertisement paid for by A. Jerome Wall.)