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The CLMSIFIEDI Courier Classified Advertising The Courier reserves the right to edit or reject any classified advertising copy Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and those received later up until 10 a. m. Thursday will run In the "Too Late to Classify" secüm. Errors In advertising should / be reported Immediately. The Courier*will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect insertion. Advertising orders for Irreg ular insertions taken at the one-time rate: Classified Rate One* cent per word with a minimum charge of 2i cents. After first Insertion 1 cent per word. SERVICE FLAGS—75 cents each at The Courier Office. For Sale—Livestock, farm machin ery and household goods at Albert Schakosky farm nine miles north of Nashua. 48-2tc: tf . . • «„„.„j . _j . For Sale— 40 acres irrigated land 4 miles from Glasgow. School bus,) mail route, good highway. Well and 8-i oom house. Write Box 3780, carei of Courier. Glasgow, Mont. 43-8tp __ Blackleg Vaccine — Life immunity, 54 cents for ten doses. Tork's Rexall Drug, Glasgow, Mont. tfc „ e i n„, ohr .j nnrnc hoars "ÄiÄns."!-* Guernsey Bull. Bill Whisennand,) Nashua. Mont. Location l',i miles northeast of Wheeler. Road For Sale—20 tons good alfalfa hay three miles west of Glasgow. Will sell reasonable. See Reece Dairy, tfc Service Flags—1- 2. 3. 4 or 5 stai flags- 75 cents each at Courier office. _ For Sale— 4-room dwelling. 1 lot on south side. Nicely finished. Not modern. Price $600 half cash, bal terms. See Sternhagen Insur 48-2tc ance ance Agency. Sa le—one Guernsey milk cow, fresh and one Holstein milk cow also fresh. Nine miles, No. 2, east Palmer & Lund. 48-2tp r -ï from Glasgow. Glasgow. For Sale—A Real Bargain—Old Kirk ranch, 5 miles north of Glentana. Best stock and wheat ranch in northern Montana. One thousand fifty-six acres, 700 acres under cul tivation. 80 acres summer fallow, 92 acres in rye, bast soil, good al lotment. Two creeks, house, bam, chicken house, granaries, fences. Other interests force me to sacri fice this place. Stan Parish. Rich land, Mont. _ 48 ~ 3tc For Sale—Two gentle saddle horses. Used to children. $50 each. In at Wheeler Grocery evenings. 48-2tp .... For Sale—1 four bottom power litt plow stubble and breaker bottom. $125 and one 3-bottom power lift] nlow' with stubble and breaker bot tom. $100. One 500-gallon gasoline tank and w£iffon, $50. One press disc drill $75 Two section harrows. $15. rqn be seen at Adolph Burtness place, Opheim, Mont. 49-ltc quire jro r g a (e—80 acres under irrigation. 4 miles east of Frazer. Will trade for good pickup or car as fiist payment. Thomas Jackson, Frazer, Mont. _ 33 ~ 4t P For Sale or Trade — Bear Cat al falfa, special hammer mill. Just like new 1936 '--ton International nickUD in good condition. Stenbak ^n implement Co,. Nashua. 49-2tp Professional Cards Î Dr. G. H. Klein DENTIST 3>fflce In Klein's Log Cabin Motel Highway No. 2 Office Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 ohone; Office 479 Residence 209 Otto M. Christinson LANDS, LOANS. RENTALS AND INSURANCE First National Bank Building GLASGOW, MONTANA Income For You If You Uve. Comfort For Dependents When You Die. New York Life Insurance Co. EZRA N. HILL, Agent Phone 261 Someone has to pay the price for life insurance. If the man «If doesn't pay It while he his wife and children have ' it after he has gone. Glasgow, Mont. lives to pay Valley County Abstract Company OFFICIAL ABSTRACTORS Phone 50 GLASGOW, MONTANA i PATRONIZE COURIER j ADVERTIZERS t I I I I I I I FOR SALE 1931 Chevrolet Coupe, with pickup box; a handy vehicle for farm work; good rubber. Will give you cheap transportation. A good buy for $50.00. A few pair of used truck chains, singles and duals. No more when these are sold. Car chains to fit 550x17 and 600x16 tires, p". $1.50. Welding rods for sale, standard size rod to be used with electric arc welder. Not much left. We have some odds and ends in kit chen utensils. Heavy kettles, hold about 4 pints, with bail handle Each 15c. Teapots, enamel, can be used for coffee: hold 3 pints or 6 cups. Each 15c. Dinner spoons, 2 sizes; also a few | dinner knives, silver plated. Ea. 5c. 1 Simmons day bed with pad, $5.00. Electric Maytag washing machine in good working order. Price $37.50. 1927 Chevrolet truck in good me chanical condition: rear tires 32x6, front tires 600x20 and 30x5; box 6 ft. x 8 ft., 27 in. high; a servic able truck for $65.00. Telephone booths, well constructed, insulated throughout, double glass on door. Will make an ideal ice box on the farm. Size 7 ft. high, 3 ft. deep and 26 in. door. Ea $5. Canopies for pickup and small truck beds. A few left at $5.00. Upright boiler for sale. Medium size. u *£ ? . . .. y „7°/' SAWD UST for sale. IfTllWAV MFRf IfÄl PllillV NEW DEAL phone 341-J-l, Fort Peck 451tC For Sale — Four bob - tailed half shepherd and half collie pups. $5 •" *"• »w» For Sale — 1200 acres of land in fo {?^xed^farmm^^Abiinda^ce of soft spring water and coal. About six miles from railroad. Write Paulina M. Brockway, 0105—29th St. Lewiston, Idaho. 49-2tc 49-2tp Pippin, Saco. Mont. «ohn Barrett Garbage Co.—Author i7ed garbage collectors. Phone 38-tfc Auctioneer— Call 722, Hinsdale, my expense, for dates. John C, Me 30-52tp —-—---in. For Sale—160 acres good land two miles north New Deal. Fenced and crop fenced. Good year round spring. 7-room house. Blacksmith shop, barn, chicken coop. Practically all tillable. Will take $1,000 cash for quick sale. Al Lzicar, Junk deal 48-2tp . m Vaonses For Sale—Frame buildings, houses furnished or unfurnished, fur niture; of all kinds, tools, iron angle. channel and strap, ranges, cook stoves, coal and wood heaters. MlfflllANIOUS 273. Colly. er. New Deal, Mont. distillate heater, organ, dishes. Many other articles. Am selling out and will sell cheap. A. Lzicar. 48-3tp For Sale—Coming 3-year-old Here ford bull. Ben Boreson. Glasgow. _NVIrn«* Sewing Machine Service and re pair. With your machine repaired you save time, money, patience and prolong the life of the machine. 25 years experience. Bring in your ma chine head. L. H. Keagy, Glasgow. 48-4tC ---— Lost—About 10x14 heavy green tarp between my place and Nashua about March 14. Reward to finder. jwm. Soper. Larslan, Mont. 49-ltp ■ ~ " 7 7~77Z7~7 Wanted to Buy—A used twm-horse riding cultivator. Resner Blikken, Opheim. _ 49^ Free! If excess acid causes you pains of stomach ulcers, indiges tion, heartburn, belching, bloating, nausea, gas pains; get free sample Udga at Hall Drug Co. 49-10tp ! lie Realize more money from your Experlen«*ed, Trained by i*ninuinjr and IJeense.l . . AUCTIONEER A. C. KLEMME «Malta, Mont. Plio/ie I36W GLASGOW ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. AUT KOTAKI. Prop. GLASGOW, MONTANA , GLASGOW FLOWER SHOP Flowers for All Occasions. Phone 75 We Telegraph Flowers Peterson Mortuary LICENSED EMBALMERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 89 Masonic Temple Building GLASGOW, MONTANA Holland Funeral Chapel Courteous, Efficient and Dignified Services at Moderate Prices LICENSED EMB ALMER and ' A LADY ASSISTANT PHONE 323 Twenty-Four Hour Ambalawc« Sende* FOR SALE Lakeview Tavern, the largest and most expensive building built on the project. 50x90 ft., 16-ft. studding spaced 16 in. apart. Hardwood floor. Drop sided and painted. Price is less than you think. Building 18x26 ft. 2-inch vertical grain floor. New shingle roof. Drop sided. 2x8 in. floor joists. 8x14 ft. entrance at one end. Building 24x24 ft. Drop sided. Shingle roof. 4-in. flooring. Two 3 - room houses, drop sided, shingle roof. House 14x24 ft., shingle roof, 4 inch floor. WANTED—A 4 or 5-room house that can be moved. BAYLOR TRADING CO. Back of Wheeler Hotel Registered Seed FOR SALE Marquis wheat, $1.60 per bu.. bulk at farm. Victory, Bridger and Gopher oats, 65c per bu., bulk, at farm. Approved Markton oats, 60c per bu., bulk, at farm. Some reg istered Pilot wheat left for sale at $1.50 per bu., bulk. Write for sacked, delivered prices. KARL REDDIG Frazer, Montana 49-2tp j L E C A L S |„ SI MMONS I" Mm» District V f the Sev teenth .ludiciul District of the State Hud for the C rt of Monta Valley. Helena Toews, Plaintiff i (} of . '"propJc, 1 "' llVl"" "i 1 " s.-rHm.i, „„v |.,Ji ili.n'.r, , u nt«. Cr.-.-iiim You 1111,1 persons Hniinin r lien upon the i any In teres •al property here ! my part thereof. Defendants in or e here!» nswer the Toews. pluiiiliff. of the iihov required to up I'oinplaiiil of file« ■itit !«•<! «•onri. Hi«* first m r .»ropertv, '!. v V ÎM v J, 1 " the „ l. riv delertiN^^ns föli.»ws wi sei.' of sect ion 1«: r, v «i.'i, •»«, North Rain»« 4i i-;. \| *' *' ' j -'»«I you are b.-r.'-i.y ni.tjri.-.i ibat. nu "J. ■'•»"■ST . . ; ;; I.".V, *■*■; wit- " . .niibnnt «•I«» «•I«Tk * within six-* piiMimt i I forth ill, III,. «I IV '!! of this inti-rust mm nions, or ll«*n. If |>on ï hm ct*ri liai 'on have in :in »r tin n> . The object of ibis •i-ibm .nul , h - relief .. herein is that ... -v hs .le, , ., establish n,e title to : 1 . . ( |""' ,, ' , ritrmino an i,. im Wilhelm Martens in -111,1 laml hereinbefore ..I - f,.r wbi.-h sai.l In ,1,1 the Government of the mil-j patent n? ti e ' IHhf ! "" s , * u ( in at.d to said pr.q.ertv a, ,l l"t ,i' and 1 every , mr , „ter'eof.' whether the a."^ '»• h;g«l <«r equitable, present or future. . <r '•"«nnirent or whet her the riplion be aseecafned i ;■ „ the z intiVf , , ■ u, inan, in, and the eontplalni. and for S the nature of the t ,e seal of ot t-ebrnary. m.A.NCHK GitoTJAN. CI«*rk. ; Ilslsts any termine, I i bei DHIIM'd i other r«*II«»f «m b '® ! ri*c|iilr»*s. ' :s my linnd rt Ibis 24th day a u.i -i»hn Marriott Klin. :'! i , i " r _" , ' v f, J r I'lalutlfi - claim an interest in. ,, r lien t properly, adverse t„ plaintiff Tb. of Os h * Thl . M<»ntniui. m,. \ v . n. Nenfeld. Saskatchewan. Canada. ^ , ( -M. I .. Saska, - Mr. -VI,ra ha III Ncnfcid. f v . «soon, Main Centre following persons r«* wai«1 to pon sal«1 Merchant'« Rank Farmer's an«l *«:<». Montana. »Ison & \«*Is t:«». Montana, •'irst National Rank LiiiiiIht Comp any of o< . I Mrs j„i ln ,• kaI.-iifw a Mrs. .la saska,,-!,.., kahhe Miss In«*. Ontario, Mr. Corny in«*. Ontario. Canntla. Mr. \V. D. \Vark«*iit«*n. St. Catherine, Ontario. Mr. W. W. IlerlMTt, S kalehewan. Canada. Wall. Croat .. Sas . Canada. I I» «•IIIHT, (Jreat Di*«*r, an. Cana«!». <'«»rny Williams, lleplnirn. Sas un. Canada. U.I. W.*l rkeiiten, ('anada. ». Warkenten. St. C'ather St. ( 'at Iht C.. Cana «la. Mariens. Yarrow, R. ( amnia. JOHN MARRIOTT KLINE. Atlorn«*.v f«»r Plaintiff. 25. Apr. 1 1 t Fill». Mar. 4 11 is , , that fliore I«Mfn.n hebl in the town nt.v of Valley, State i Monday. April 5. rm I n* retfiilar Id annual hold aoeordintf t«»| f tin* Revised Code« «*f: at whi.-h NOTIC E OF TOWN OF NASHIA ELECTION Notice Is h«*r«*by will In* an < «*f Nashua. ( Montana, on This eloetion Is mnniiipnl ehr S«»«*tion 5003 oi Montana. 10.*i5, «inalifi«*.! «•!«•«• t Nashua will «*I«*«*t ninnieipnl us follows, to wl * On** Mayor l. qualified tflVell the I of »fflcer» : ! by the ion le«(ion of I In* ■ n i.| rs of .Nashua for a term from War«l No. nal- J year«; One lintf place in Ward N«», i it tin* Nashua Jail. Foils d «lose at ttj year« starting May 5. 194 alderm«*ii from Ward N «•f Nashua to he electod by th fl«*«l voters whose terms shall 1943. in* in» 1 i and of War. I No. »in •a rs j starti Two AM M 1 •>f Nashua Ified voter« of Ward X terms shall in* fo May o be elected by tb •I,»«,. si art ing 194;*.. The yoting place in Ward No. will be at th ment. The v< ill be will open at 1 p. in. p. in. lit heran Cliur«*Ii Ibis ted at Nashua. Montana, this 15th of March. 194::. HARRY II I LI.. Mayor n C'lerk «lay Attest. The First Fubliiation March is. 1913. Third Publication April 1, 1913. Aaberg, T I PROCLAMATION AND NOTICE OF ELECTION f Glasgow.) The Mayor of tin* Gif y . Stale of Montana, f the (Ml y of Glas tfow. Valley Comity. Slat«* of Mon tana : Count of Vail. to thl* fieri will* »w. Conn «I n Mon-i'if Be it known that an b«- held in tin- City i t v «*f Valley. Stai« ! in ea«*h ward election f Glas of Montana, a of said City, day. the fifth dav of April. 1943. The I election being the Muni ion for the *ni«l City. f«»r Forty , : ipal ir Nin.-le.-n held under ■*Se*- 1 i«»ns 5003 of the *hl«*h said **l«*<tl«»n qualified Heitors of said City will ••leet offi«-ers of the City of Glasgow, as he II u il « I r«*. I One Mayor to be elected by the qual-l f the City and the term ami pursuant : revl«ed codes of I Montana, at the follows. I it : ified oltsdors «-f said Mayor shall bo from and after the first M«»ndav Mav. 1943. Two ahlcrmcn from Ward No. One'any «D of said City, which sai.l Aldermen j will be elected by tin* qualified elec-1 tors <»f Ward No. On«* Gl^y and th.* term of which said Al- 1 dernien shall !».- two ; after the fir«d Monda \ years in III tf «aid ars from and In May, 1913. from Ward No Two which sold Aldermen qualified elee ro (2) said whirl, said Al ■ears from ami Two Aldermen (21 of s(ald City, will be elected h.v the tors of Ward No. ^ City and the term of dennen shall be two >' ,,.... after the first Monday In May. One City Treasurer to he elejt 't by the qualified ejectors of said ( > and the term of which »aid City Treasurer shall he two year« ft« "»I after the first Monday in May l.rhi. One Police .Tu lice to he elected by the qualified electors of said City and the said Police Judge shall from and afier the first Tw term of which j tie two y oars i Monday in May, 1943- ... , (liven under my hand this et n u.i. of March, 1913. l'ivt STRI'P (Heal I K. J. KJELSTBDF.^ Attest: Marlin Miller. (Tub. Mar. 11. 18, Clerk. Apr. 1) fit BOAUI) MONTANA MII.K CONTROL CALLS PIBLIC HKAK1NO Notice 1« hereby given by the Mon tana Milk Control hoard that a pub lic hearing will lie held at the eonrt rooms of the Valley County < <•»« bniise. In Glasgow. Montana. <' n , April 5. 1114:!. at the hour of o.UU I day. P. ) M. This notice 1» I» all milk producers milk dealers residing producing milk for sale. {selling milk and in the Glasgow Market Area. • of this bearing 1» to receive evidence and state earning the following: . _ . The minimum prices to be charged , ir milk and or iTeain in all class ifiealions. purchased, received, procès- | 'sed or sold in the Glasgow Marketing [Area, which includes the incorporated eitv limits of the City of Glasgow, and a distance of twelve miles in all direc tions from Hie Incorporated city limits, anil such other facts effecting the milk supply for this area as may be pre seated for consideration. Tlie consuming public and all intey attend Ibis consumers Tile piirio ■ms eon «•«ted partie« an* Invited t hearing. Signed by order of the Montana Milk Control Hoard. C.. A. NORRIS. E\eeu 1 1 ve- Secret a ry. ï Pub. Mar. 25. Apr. 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS K*tate of William A. Seiden. de l" Noliee 1« Hereby Given, by the un jderslirned administrator of the Estate of William A, Seiden, de« -eased, to the: creditors of and nil persons having I (Hahns a ira Inst the said deceased, to! exhibit them with the necessary vouch , jers within four months after the first! publication of this notice, to the said idmiiiistnitor at the office of C. H. .Roberts, in Medical Building. In Ola«-1 "off, .Montana, in the County of Valley. I WILL LEDRKW RKNNKTT. f the Kstatej of William A. Seiden, de ceased. Dated March 24. UM». ■G. II. Roberts. Attorney for the Adminlst rat or. (Pub. March 25, April 1-8-15) Administrator > ___ , _____ ,«KDKR TO SHOW (AI SE ON PKTI TITION FOR SALK OF KKATi ESTATE the District (' District Ninth Slate of ntjr of Guardianship f Anna rt of the of the und for the C .ludiciul . I Mi it u I ■'«imleru. I >1 the Matter of the «»f the Person and Estate >• Arnot. Dieomp«'|ent. W. E. ARNOT. sis !.. .. person sind «*slale «»f the above named incompetent having filed herein i M ' f,,,on l for or '\ i ' r . n J , t n *2 r,8 JV i! 1 V-V.," s . u ü' 'lli » ?;'V''pJf!.te helonilight *« «nhl ii.e,!nip!*t«*nt and sitnatecf In Vnlh*y County. Montana, to-wlt : Lots One til. Two (2). ami Three 'j'lV.H T ,' vo . h <2 - V S,-' A 'viï "Vountv Montana. .< „ni.ll.- or iST«Ve «■{!'. !« the ,,, ([„ar.iian shall iieem t«. be most benefielnl for the estate of sai.l in-: a'oi.h aooearins to Ihe n,"'"!.,!.!'"".' H "'n l'ä' 'i re«, einte in .. to s,.p,„,,-i „n.l maintain sai.l,,.„tent nn.i that it Will be ben ef'' '»i '« sai.l In.-nmpeient that all «if •■»'ate be sol,I, anil the Colt rt 1«- : 'llpi-EBV ORDFUFD tint the' next of kin o' the above nam-,1 in '.-ompetent, nn,l the above named Anna M. Arnot, said Incompetent, and ail «"f.-r.-stod In the estate t>f o.nm.'.d cn irt a't'Tbe' tw't hoom, the Co,m II„n«e in the City of 1 Conrad. J> nn dera County, Montana, ou -\ p . riI 7, J'' at h , onr ? r :IKI oVIf>, k \ M - "ten and there to show ,. a nse why an order should nor be -ranted to said guardian ntilbori/.lnc .„d dirtsting him to sell said real estate either at publie or private sale as shall be deemed to be most ben efielal for the estate of said in '° ïii'ied "Mareb^i ifit" In» ftiiiirdinn of *n... ■ It. M. HATTK1ÎSI.KV. Judge. (Till). MnrHi 18-25. April 1) , riv „ n ,,,. , h( . ,,,, r ,Vf the 'Estate ,.f Charles j. Peterson, iieccaseii. to the creditors of ami all persons bavins claims -« iu - s t the said deceased. t«> exhibit în'^fo.i'r lnqIUbs ,, af'te^tbe^hrst^Jed^l),'* 1 ' f t'!'it îtnberi». -, M«n nf I >,. NOTICE TO CREDITORS >f ('hurles J. IVtorson. (le Est a to «lersitflie«! Ex tion of tins noti«*p, t |«*eiit«»r at tin* Offi«*«» o In the Mollirai RiilMIntf. flla tana fn thi* ('oiinty of Vail«* THOMAS E. DeVORI Kxwntor of tin* ('harlos .1. IN'terson. Iv it«* «I «•«•as** Date«| March 1 1043. II. Robert «. rn«*y f«»r the Exoeiitor. April 1-8) At Full. Marelr I s * ••f 11 "? i ■ j ■ I ante .I I ( NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Carl D. Horton, d«*«*easeil. Notln* Is Hereby (ilven. by tin* lin 'd RxiMMitrfx Carl D. R«»rt«»n. dere iturs ..f and all ] atfainst tln*m with the no« in t«*n tion of this noth «.«Mitrlx at tho Offi Medical r»f the Estai ««•«1, to the ' ns havi •as«*«l. f «• oxhihit llli*. «lorsitf la the said ih nohers arv \ tho firs to the sai«l E of C. II. Robert tIts aft Glasgow, Monta M«ltf..«.* C'iuinty «»f Vail« ADA S. RORTON. Exe«*ntrix of the of Carl D. eca«cd. Dated March 15. 1943. IC. H. Roberts. Attorney f«»r Ex ( Fui». Mardi is : Rortoii. •iitrlx. April 1-81 ,,f j„. Mar liait' ,.f the the ''ill 'M « s ill, ï"" I invitation for inns Seabil bids will be r< Cil v Clerk. • istfow, Montana, at «•«*. (ilustfow. Monta p. in.. Monntai One;Thin*. May 4. 1913, for furnlshiiitf tl» J folh.wiiitf : •ART NO. 1 For furnlshiiitf 2780 f«*«*t of No. 1"*<i 8-lirch C«*iiu*nt Fibre Pipe, «»ach pip«* jdroatnti«* prei i «mi mil to f « » u r t i in ified C'onplingt 'rubber rln .J«» l« , litfllis . tin Mill City ..f l-rk's id m W Stainlard 1 A-ivsI .«mi 1.1 ship »».*!■ \ i in tin* ^P orking i furnished I«» I snitabl : th l h si I before f pipe t Hi ibj«*«l mplin shall ) or I Ishipnient. to I» four thin •«.rking i»n** •ART NO. For furnlslilng 50. 8-lneh Ca 4 -8x8xft.\0 !in*h «*as| Iron • r« 2 8x10 iin-h <*ast Iron r«*«Iin-« pip«* and fit* A. W. W A. hydrostalh* pr* mi ■ified the iiiaxinm 'P *n r**. I of nas« f.*«*l Iron Pii TH« No. to All «•list spi-.ifi.-at i«m* of •I \*v Ml prl *•«•« to Im- F. < I Montana, I A Ib.inl ch«H-k ; City Clerk, in the aim.i» 'li.- I»l«I must I»«- «lepo«! I bidder with hi* bi«l as a gi as.- the eontraef is i Ihereafl noli«*.* <»f » war Rid Certified or Ma rti Miller. payable to ilde lilt of i I teil by ■I, tee 111 an in , ill -it hin ! ipt of r ! •li eontraef. a nee of tlu* bid upon the f ii If i 11 men the bidder an«i to <lo so he deposit as Ii«|Uidated «b Th«* right i< and all bid«, or I«. a .f sai.l bid that iut«*r«*s ■Ml •ill l.e " I \cccp| of tin nt po III. li t l) V ni lie Mill, II forfeit lor I to roji ■opt ell I, i* P or part tw one pears I ■ til«* i o bo t a i nd ntv of ttliisaoB', a l„for„,alltv in Idda K. J. K ivod. I'KI I Jla> Attest: Marlin Miller, City Clerk (Apr. 30 » OUR DEMOCRACY by Mat To Win the War on the Home Front WE NEED - I MORE PRODUCTION ( MORE FOOD j j j ! ! I I GOOD HEALTH HE |W 1 [■ 'Lj', [•n s* SM 1 41 m m Li »! mÆ I ►M_ » ^ ; Ï, |. 'll » FROM OUR FACTORIES 1/ FROM OUR FARMS IN THE NATION AND WwM v rr WAR BOND WIN! I 7/A *7 * 'Æ i « 74, \ à 7/?h / SJ J MORE SAVINGS IN WAR BONOS. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS,LIFE INSURANCE. CAREFUL BUYING LESS SPENDING Army Says It Is Doing Its Part to Conserve on Foods GREAT FALLS — The army is keenly aware that it has no more right to waste materials affected by shortages than anyone else, as shown by rules followed at the Great Palls army airbase and its sah'-lite fields at Cut Bank, Glas . |ßOW and Lewistown. These rules, now in effect, get down to cases in stipulating maximum amounts of coffee, sugar, tea and other foods, as well as out lining salvage methods, limitations ou excess stocks and conservation of learned food. For coffee, the army allows not more than four-tenths of a pound for each gallon brewed. It is con si dered wasteful to prepare more than seven gallons per hundred men. so if the maximum amount of coffee is made in the strongest al lowable wav, one hundred men get along on 2 .8 pounds per meal. Use of tea is also limited—not more than two ounces to a gallon of water for hot tea, and not more t j lan on e and twenty - eight hund e d t hs ounces per gallon tinclud in 1 * ice) for iced tea. Where excess stocks of coffee, su gar, tea or cocoa have been built up in army messes, they are direct £ tQ be turned ln t0 the COmmis " . « r « saiy, and issues to unit messes ale sharply limited. Canned foods consumed only when fresh or froz en foods are not available. Meat diippings and fats are reased as long as posible. then turned In for are TAMPICO By Affncs Molvl* I -<$► , , Mrs. Olaf Qualey returned home Saturday from Chicago, where spent three weeks visiting relatives and a ttended the wedding of her j ^j^î^pred "Kegel^oturned to her home Friday from the Deaconess hospital, where she was a patient j for several days. 1 Mrs. C. J. Maalerud and son Miles Harrington returned home Friday Great Falls. Jim Kirwan, who is in the navy, spent Sunday night visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirwan, enroute from Norfolk, Va„ to Bre merton. Wash. Ben Boreson made it to Tampico Saturday morn ing with the truck on the route, but in the afternoon the wa ter had risen so fast they had to leave the truck and go to Glasgow the skidoo and then home on No. 2 highway. . ,, _, jver Martin, Floyd Moen and Chris Molvig hepled Prank Kirwan fix the pump in his well Sunday afternoon. . and son Bernard on James Simon, son of Mr. and M-s. I Ike Simon, writes he is stationed in ( Camp Swift, Texas. Private Grant Woods of Camp Gruber, Olka., who is here on fur lough, visited friends in this com I munity several days last week. t Miss Lorraine Nelson writes she is I now in Des Moines, Iowa. She joined the WAACs. Corporal Harold Corrigan is now stationed at Camp Hood, Texas. Louise Ekola spent Monday night with Florence Kirwan. John Etchart moved his cattle across the river Friday morning, j the Etchart ranch is surrounded by ( Fred Ekola and son Richard left j Monday for a short visit with rela lives at Great Falls. Ole Enkerud called at the Maale rud home Sunday afternoon. Ernest Martin went back to work Wednesday afternoon, after being John and George Kolstad were callers in Tampico Saturday after noon. , Mr. and Mrs. Iver Martin and family visited at the Chris Molvig home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. C. J. Maalerud was taken to Glasgow Tuesday morning and is a patient at the Deaconess hospital. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. White were Mrs. callers in Tampico Monday. White went on to Glasgow on the train. Mrs. F. E. Nelson and children out Monday on the train from came Glasgow. Sever Enkerud and Sanford Ekola absent from school with the are mumps. Mr. and Mrs. James Billingsley and Ronald Martin were callers at the store Monday afternoon. Lee Ellefson's of Glasgow visited at the Mrs. Bertha Moen home Sun day. The river and Buggy creek have made the land north of Tampico like a lake. Several families moved out because of high water. salvage. Many types of crates, bags, jars and other containers are promptly returned so that they may be used over again. While a well-fed. physically su perior army is the goal, this is not to be achieved through squandering of supplies that might have gone to the balance of the population. .4-—-S> VANDALIA By Sadie Mulfinger Tony Garcia was a passenger on the skidoo to Glasgow Saturday. A horse fell with him while he was helping dehorn cattle and injured Harry Wright made a trip to Tampico Monday morning with the railroad section crew and returned on the skidoo. The lower road is impassable. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Clay pool and Norman of Malta visited Mrs. Carolina Claypool and Mr. and Mrs., Jess Hoke and Mary Halverson drove to Glasgow on business Sat to Glasgow by Tony Wagner Mon- ( day. Tom McKeague was a business i [ his foot. He went for medical care. Henry Mulfinger Sunday. Mrs. R. P. Nelson and Shirley of Hinsdale visited Mrs. John David Sunday. Mrs. David is recovering from a cold. urday. George Watson was accompanied caller in Glasgow Monday. I Harry Rohde and Ena Mae were | business callers in Glasgow last, Friday. Word was received by Mrs. Georgia Cain that Rex had been in the hos- j pital but had nothing of a serious nature wrong with him. J she-Demonstration About 75 percent of the lawn : mower industry has been converted t0 war pr0duction ' <1 /i / ï m ' & V j I / >3 -rJ / / / kVU ft* r V?tT> 7) Jtj? • Although she sets a patriotic example these days by walking, it hasn't stopped her hose from running,—and creeping inflation doesn't im prove her financial condition, — and the re proachful sighs of little ghost pigs don't make pork trotters more plentiful. • So the lady makes the best of things. She who has always loved a bargain but shunned a substitute, now ties on her hat and with a determined glint in her eye goes looking for them both. • But right at home, she has one bargain for which there can be no substitute,—one un rationed essential that she appreciates because it is always there when she wants it and be cause she can use so much of it for so little. While other costs of living have been going up and up. the cost of household electric service has been consistently going down. • And by the way, while the excellent quality of the electricity never varies, the quality of her electric service constantly improves. THE MONTANA POWER COMPANY -<S OPHEIM Bj OIna Thompson I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bergstrom and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bergstrom Sunday. Members of the Ophelm Pep club entertained 55 guests at a dancing party Friday evening. Each member nvited a partner and a couple. A four piece orchestra furnisned the music and many novelty dances i were staged. The grade girls served I lunch. Resner Bl'kken and Christ Gam rath were Glasgow callers Wednes j day, j Adrian Vick, who was a Glasgow hospital patient for several days last j week, returned home Saturday with ! Melvin Isakson. They were accomp ! anied by Roy Paus, who has been, on a business trip to Scobey since Tuesday and was unable to come home by train because of high wa I ter. Mr. Paus travelled a distance I of 235 miles, when in reality he was only 50 miles from home. Earl Hallock was taken to the ; Glasgow hospital last week with (pneumonia. He is reported to be improving. Hazen Flickinger moved to the farm last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hallock en tertained the Al Wangrud family at turkey dinner Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Quale and family and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson and family were guests at a chicken dinner at the home of Warrant Officer and Mrs. Dean Resner Blikken Sunday. Padgett returned to Kearney. Neb.. Sunday. The fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades entertained at a farewell surprise party for Eugenia Kil bourne Saturday. The entertain ment consisted of games and danc ing. A gift of silver was presented to the guest of honor. Lunch was served at 3:30. The seventh and eighth grade 11 brary has added 68 new books. The students wish Earl Hallock a speedy recovery. Clarence Tlchenor was a business caller in Glasgow Monday. John Richardson was an Opheim caller Monday. Paul Frost was a Monday shop per. Pete Geis was in Opheim Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Isakson were Monday shoppers. Graydon Edwards was a business caller Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Anderson were among Opheim callers Mon Art Omvig was an Opheim shop per the first of the week. i Carl Anderson was in town Mon-1 day. Homer Cooper was in town Mon day. William Hass was a Saturday shopper. George Hickok was a business cal ler Sunday. Laurits Anderson Anderson were in They stated roads were in very bad condition. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Smith were Saturday shoppers. Mr and Mrs Walter Matchett were opheim callers Saturday, ; at a^handkerchief shower' honoring Eugenia games were enjoyed. Mrs. Kilbourne and Fred were also present for the close of the entertainment. Lunch eon was served, 1 day. _ Dinner guests at the doim Thurs day evening were the Rev. A. W. Haugan, the Rev. and Mrs. E. B. I Holte and daughter Susan, Mr. and (Mrs. Elmer Johnson and Mis. Art Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Irgens en -1 tertained at a dinner Wednesday. Guests were the Rev. A. W. Haugan and the Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Holte Mr. and Mi's. Olaf Larson en- j and Clifford town Monday. I -, , . , c , j _ g !' 0U P, 0 Lî r i??Æ. S . u".. d - y u«y.«?.!!^ Shirley Walstad entertained Kilbourne. Music and 1 William Mason was in town Sun | and daughter Susan. tertained the Rev. A. W. Haugan and the Holte family Sunday eve-; ing at diner. ing - a t diner. ' p r ed Kilbourne Sr., who is ] eaV ing soon with her grand chil dren Eugenia and Fred to make their home in Seattle with her son and daughter-in-law, was enter tained at a surprise party given by members of the Opheim Home club Wednesday. jj rs Kilbourne is president of the c i ub and her membership will be lgreatly nlisîÆd ' Mrs ' Kilbourne was, New Pennies Look Like Dimes; Soon To Change Color ' 1 . . Don't be confused if someone hands you a bright silver-colored ! penny in your change, j a few of the pennies have shown 1 up in Glasgow, as part of the first | being coined by the United States i mint, ! The new coins will replace the old type one-cent piece to conserve cop I per for vital war uses. They are : made of steel with a zinc coating j and at first glance could be mls | taken for a dime, 1 plained that the new coins will turn black after about two weeks of use and thus the confusion should be j soon dissipated. Federal reserve officials have ex Field Auditor to Aid in Filling of 1 _ _ — ° SfafP Tfllf Refill'll * aA »»«*•*»« i their state income tax returns for , 1942. which are due by April 15. ! He states that various lodge dues, medical expenses of all kinds and alimony payments are not deduct 'ble on state income returns. The exemption for the married taxpayer is $2,000 and for a single individual it is $1,000, $300 is al lowed as a credit for each de pendent under 18. There is no charge for the service given by Mr. Honadel. G. Honadel of Havre, field audi tor for the state board of equaliza tion will be in Glasgow, April 8 and 9 at the Roosevelt hotel to assist taxpayers in the preparation of n . - - j £*• aw £\1CH13I1Q Ulfl IS * ■ ~ PMOftlOOl* Cf llHcnf ClllglllCcr OlUUClll » « At tOW3 COllCgC ** Maxine Curtis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Curtis of Rich land, is now an engineering cadet at Iowa State college at Ames. Miss Curtis is an employe of the Curtiss Wright corporation, taking a ten month training course in aeronaut! cal engineering. Until recently, she was a senior at the State university in Missoula. card qf THANK g . We want to express our apprec lation to our friends who , s< l greaUy helped us in our recent bereave ment. Karen Johnson Richard Johnson. Olaf Johnson Itc «. from Milk river to the Simmons range wes f 0 f xhoeny this week. " GENEVIEVE ■ By Isabel! Swalheim Mrs. Olga Arndt walked to Lester Johnson's Friday to get her mail. The mail had been brought out for the community by John Lenertz. The coulees and creeks in this _community have been unusually high this week and there is still much snow left in piles. Richard Greenwald, son of Mrs. Jessie Bolinger, who is in the navy, spent his leave visiting his mother and sister. Grace and Lillian Olson were Sun day visitors at Bolingers. E. P. Simmons brought his cattle Word was received by Mr. and Mrs. Ole Swalheim that their daughter Elsie is now employed by the army engineers at Portland. presented with a gift of silver. A luncheon followed the music and (singing, j K. N. Kristensen, who spent the winter in Seattle, returned Satur day. Members of the Lutheran Ladies Members of the Lutheran Ladies Aid entertained at a surprise fare well party honoring Mrs. Kilbourne Monday evening at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keough were Opheim callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sauber and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Arnold of Glentana were Opheim callers on Thursday. Mrs. Christ Gamrath left Monday for Seattle.