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Social and Club News of the Glasgow Section Mrs Dillard Is Hostess To St Raphael's Sewing Circle 1 Mrs. Maude Dillard entertained St Raphael's Sewing Circle at her Thusrday afternoon. The mended and sewed for the home group St Vincent dePaul store. Mrs. H. O. Gamas presided at a short business meeting. Mrs. Dillard served a luncheon. Methodist Circle B Miels wilh Mrs. Larson Mrs. Selmer Larson entertained Methodist Circle B at her home Thursday afternoon. Guests in cluded Mrs. W. L. Bennett. Mrs. C. D Borton and her sisters. Miss Ethel Shotwell and Miss Nina Shot well of Charlotte, Mich.. Mrs. H. R. Bjorklund, Mrs. E L. McPherson, Mrs. Walter Brix. Mrs. Lillian Lane and Mrs. Larson's mother. Mrs. C. A. Teague. Mrs. Howard Nel son presided at a business meeting and led in devotions. Mrs. L. W. Seibel sang "The End of a Perfect Dav." Plans for serving a luncheon made and the group sewed I were for the autumn bazaar. Mrs. Larson served a luncheon assisted by Mrs. Brix and Mrs. Charles Jarrett. Lydia Circle Meets At Dokken Home The Lutheran Lydia circle, with members of other circles as guests, v.ent to the farm home of Mrs. Nels Dokken Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Frank J, presided at a business meetin». Mrs. Marvin Han conducted devotions. Mrs. Leon ard Knight was in charge of the program and Mrs. P. W. Bailey read an article on life memberships and memorial tributes of the Woman's Missionary federation. Mrs. G. M. Lindberg and Mrs, Harold Kirchen sang a duet and with Mrs. O. M. Crina sang a trio number. The hostess served a luncheon. Kay Alexander Has Birthday Party Kay Alexander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Alexander, cele brated her seventh birthday with a party at her home Tuesday night from 7 to 9. Guests were Margaret and Mary Dazell, Rita and Barbara son m SHOWS STARTING Saturday and Sunday, 1, 3, 7 and 9. Week Days, 2, 7 and 9. Thursday, Friday July 22-21} Suspenseful Mystery! ft wNh TERESA WRIGHT 1 J, WALLACI FORD JOSEPH dgAs* IÜ cotton mÊmfr * HENRY Oj||t T8AVERS/Osair' Also NEWS and "March o? Time" Saturday Only July 24 ADVENTURE! THRILLS! ROMANCE! ; f/. //C % CHARLES STARRETT ALMA CARROLL ( \ÆmSSk!^i — CARTOON COMEDY SERIAL Sunday-Monday July 25-26 Prevue Saturday at 11 p. m. I '■ A fi f S * j V L M E l'iïïiTifn ml Also NEWS and DISNEY Tuesday-Wcdnes. July 27-28 - HITS! Bring a Guest! r~ 2 2 - li*®» Geo. Rail • Pat O'Brien Vmsmmy tun ' J — and ♦ « ! LEO CARRILLO { tniy Qtrmt ■ Don Oadty, Jr I Pittenger. Patty Harp of Warsaw Xnd.. and Arlene Sevareid. Games were played and a luncheon was served. The following day the group went to the matinee at the Boxy. Royal Neighbors Have Initiation The Royal Neighbors had initia tion at their meeting last Thursday. Mrs. Blanche Grotjan presided. Af 1er the meeting Mrs. J. P. Stern hagen and Mrs. R. Sinclair were hostesses lo the group at Dunns coffee shop. Dean Er.c Swanson Has Birthday Party Dean Eric Swanson Jr. celebrated his fifth birthday last week with a party for six vboy friends. After seeing the show at the Roxy. lunch of ice cream and cake was served at his home. - Mrs. Church Is Hostess to Harmony (Tub Mrs Robert Church entertained the Harmony club at her home Fri day afternoon. Mrs. Lawrence Grainger presided at a business meeting and future work plans were discussed. Mrs. Lowell Carpenter, a new resident in Glasgow, joined the group, conducted devo tions. Other guests were Mrs. J. c. Rusher, Mis. Austin Madeen, Mrs. Adrian Hamman, and Mrs. C. D. Borton and her sisters. Miss Ethel Shotwell and Miss Nina Shotwell. The hostess served a luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Maag Honored By Nor-Mont Group Mr. and Mrs. Bojd Maag were honored guests at a party given a' the Nor-Mont dairy rooms Friday from 9 to 12 by the proprietors and employes of the dairy. Games were played and a luncheon was served. They were presented with a cedar chest as a bridal gift from the group. Mrs. Maag, who was Miss Doris Hovland, before her marriags, is employed by the dairy. Miss Crane Honored On Birthday Miss Mary Crane was honored or her birthday at her home last Wednesday when a neighborhood birthday club met there. Hostesses were Mrs. Edward Combs and Helen ( Combs. a wno: , Mrs. Peterson Reelected Head of Home Demonstration Club Three officers of the Glasgow Home Demonstration club were honored with reelection for the coming year at a meeting at the Allen cafe Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Peterson was reelected president, Mrs. R. Sinclair, vice president, and Mrs. T. M. Owings, secretary. Mrs. I. W. Humphries was elected treasurer to succeed Mrs. C. F. Cabell. Project books for the year were checked. Plans were made for in stallation of officers Aug. 3. A luncheon was served in the cafe after the meeting. Ladies Society Will Have Picnic Tuesday A picnic July 27 on the Milk river south of Glasgow was planned by the Ladies society of the Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemcn in a meeting at the Allen cafe last Tuesday night. Mrs. T. M. Owings presided. The group McKesson S§rct®ne ! I ! FOR TIRED. ACHING OR ATHLETIC FEET 47 £ 8f c McKesson Yodora, tube and jar 25c McKesson Lin Stix 25c Try Our Fountain Service! Public Drag Co. Clifford Combs, Manager 'Pipeline Pete' IT h * ■Nt says •. • .. Co-operation Means So Much Toward Winning This War. j CO-OPERATION in Government functions. CO-OPERATION in Industrial efforts. CO-OPERATION WITH LOCAL BUSINESS FIRMS. YOUR GAS METER READER WOULD APPRECIATE THAT SAME CO-OPERATION. When you are not home, the meter reader leaves a post eard on which yon are asked to report the reading of your gas meter. If you would mark the dials on this post eard and return it promptly, it would help your meter reader and you would not get an estimated gas bill. Your Co-operation in This Effort Would Be Greatly Appreciated. A on in In« Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Enlists in WAVEs gKi' I I i | | I I Miss in the armed forces, - Employes of tire J. C. Penney store and husbands of some of the women enrplo.ves honored John R. Shaver, retiring manager of the local store. a dinner at Dunn's lounge Mon day night at 6:30. Mr. Shaver was presented with a gift from the group and made a short talk. I • Miss Eleanor Jennings, daughter of N. L. (Bud) Jen nings of Glasgow, who left last week to report at Hunter college, New York City, for training in the WAVEs. Jennings has recently been em ployed as stenographer for the bu.eau of reclamation at Par ker Dam, Calif. She has two brothers will meet in the future in the Dig hall. A luncheon was served after the meeting. nan Penney Store Employes Honor John Shaver Mrs. Everett Mclnerney and Mrs. Nina Johnstone presented a lesson first aid at a meeting of the We t Galpin Home Demonstration club at the home of Mrs. H. H. Mor ton Wednesday allernoon. Mrs. H. Ebersole presided at the busi ness meeting. A luncheon was served after the meeting. The club' will meet with Mrs. Ray Gilbert, the home of Mrs. Riith Burke August. First Aid Program West Galpin Club Mrs. Fried I Honors Mrs. Wohlford and Mr, 1 . Lewis Mrs. Paul Friedl entertained a| group Wednesday afternoon in hon of Mrs. Earl Wohlford of Fort Worth. Texas, who is visiting her parents. Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Clark, Mis Richard Lewis of Bel grade, who is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. E. Knowles. A dessert luncheon was served at '1:30 and contract was played at five tables, Mrs, Wohlford received a high score prize and Mrs. Allred Ki eft a low score gift. Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Wohlford both received guest prizes.! Bouquets of delphinium and other spring flowers were used in decor ation of the rooms. „. .. r , .. —Ole Hieltet . Lyder Hjelter, Mrs. Joe Deters, Mrs. Carrie Johnson. Mrs. Jennie Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sathre. 13-ltc CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks to our many friends and neighbors for all their kindness, and sympathy shown us in passing of our brother, Elmer. Miss Westrum and Lieut. Rosendahl Married at Camp By Courior Corre' pondent HINSDALE— Miss Eleanor West* rum of Hinsdale became the bride 1 of Lieut. John Rosendahl of Camp [ Eeaie, Calif., at an 8 o'clock candle i lient service at the Camp Beale I chapel. July 14. Chaplain Barber ' lead the service. The attendants I were Miss Jean Malmquist Minn, and Lieut. I Worthington. I William W. Ross of Camp Beale. I Tire bride wore a white marquis ! i ette and lace dress and carried K ; bouquet of orchids, gardenias and I glad.oli. Her bridesmaid wore a blue I net dress and carried a bouquet I pink and rose carnations. Present for trie ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Westrum Hinsdale, parents of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Schnritky Biggs. Calif., her uncle and aunt. A wedding recept.on was held at the Camp Beale U. S. O. center after; the ceremony. Lieutenant and Mrs. Rosendahl are spending a brief honeymoon at (Lake Tahoe in the Siena mountains. They will make their home at Grass Valley, near Lieutenant Rosendahls] ; camp. Lieutenant Rosendahl is the son ; of Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Rosendahl of Minneapolis. He attended St. Olaf college in Northfield, Minn., j graduating in 1939. He Iras been in the army since late in 1940 and re ; cently graduated from officer can didate school. He is with a heavy artillery unit at Camp Beale. ; His bride is the daughter of Mr. ! and Mrs. P. L. Westrum of Hins : dale. She graduated from Hinsdale ! high school in 1935 and from St. olaf in 1939. After attending the ] University of Minnesota at Minne i a polls for a year she returned to Hinsdale in 1940 and taught two terms in the local high school as I English, music and dramatics in ; structor. She was teacher of vocal Ol music at Flathead county high school in Kalispell last year. Three of the principals in the 1 wedding, bride, bridegroom and bridesmaid, were classmates througli f° ur years of their college career at the same college, St. Olaf. t 1 j 1 j 1 Community Calendar * • • • TONIGHT ; 8—Degree of Honor executive meeting at home of Mrs. Prank Hein. Mrs, Wilburn Nelson, asso ciate hostess. B L F & E at Milk river. with Mrs. Ted Parker. No-hostess luncheon. 8—Catherine Von Bora circle with Mrs. Sverre Jondahl. „ '* TUESDAY 4—Picnic of Ladies society of THURSDAY 2:30—St. Raphael's Sewing circle i i According to The Courier 1 To Mr. and Mrs. James Mont- 1 fort of Glasgow at the Deaconess hospita, July 17, a son. To Mr. and Mrs, Alex LaPour naise of Glasgow at the Deaconess hospital. July 18. a son, To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dram- j .st d of Saco at the Deaconess hos- J pital, July 20. a son. To Mr and M rs. William Bros ge au of Saco at the Deaconess hos-1 pital, July 20. a daughter. »» BIRTHS To Mr. and Mrs. Armin Arndt of | Glasgow at the Deaconess hospital. July 21. a son. WEATHER FORECAST Widely scattered showers and thunderstorms early tonight. Cooler tonight and Friday forenoon, THE WEATHER Figures for this table provided by Glasgow weather bureau station. Date Max. Min. Prec. July 15 76 53 - July 16 July 17 July 18 'July 19 July 20 July 21 75 46 84 42 - 85 50 - 92 53 - 88 55 - 93 53 - » Additional HINSDALE Miss Helen Ames of Washington, D. C.. was an overnight guest Tues day of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jacobs. 1 She left Wednesday afternoon for ! Washington, where she is employed ; in a credit union of employes of the' government printing office, after a visit with her parents. Mr and Mrs. i L. W. Ames, at Great Falls. Pfc. Gilbert Samuelson, who is : serving in the North African war] theater, cab'ed his sister, Mrs. Blanche Smith, this week that he is well and in good spirits. Mrs. Smith had not heard from lier! brot lier for several months Private Earl Harden arrived Tues day afternoon from Camp Luna. N. M.. to visit relatives. He will also! visit relatives in Saskatchewan be- ! fore returning. Mrs. Frank Ottenstor and Tommy and Bobby arrived Friday morning from Everett. Wash., to spend several weeks visiting at 1 he ! M. J Welton home Mr. Ottenstor will join his family here about Allg. 1. Yeoman Barbara Anderson of the WAVEs and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E A. Anderson of Glasgow, visited Miss Anderson's aunt. Mrs! Fred Meyer, one day last week. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to nil the friends who pave ns help and comfort at the rime of the death of our brother. Will Grady. We wish especially to think 'he R.ev. W. L. Bennett, j a. Hol 'and. fyiends who helped at our home and friends who ^ent flowers —Mr. and Mrs. William Mover 13-ltc son CM I i on in O' Till* nr y ('oMIKil of the Ci isk* f V ..f 1 . 1 ! flu* foil hi.l II! struct • •in ;:m st t South 1 •« * f \\ • till :in>1 ."111 A lit It. m »li ."»111 A f ;tr.I st - south from th. nth jiikI a f t*» th.* ,lik. «•nth lx in« • or •II il«» ninth. I A i'in '«•••li 7ih and Nh î 4. On 7tli Str«*«'f venu«' north and til rk t an«] «'\«nval ida.-liiK a "* Tor flirtlior City Clerk, at his Center Imildin-. All l.j.u tvritlnjr ami r«*««*l Atugiittf U. lîMil, I his «»ffi«*«. at the ( In (Jlas>r«»'v. Montana. Tin* l.ids will he opened at S I* M. ,,n Anciist l!»4:i. at a s|>e«ial meeting ««t the Citv ('«»linrll t«» he hel«I in tin* offi.^], c . City Clerk In the Civic Center huild in (Jlasffow, Montana. Martin Mlll«*r City ('lerk iitii. r«*ets n«»rlh hi tw. .• 1st \ mi«' north. »•:i*kmilnsr of •«•li I IT Wh. 'l oil mat m •r the st Marlin Mill, •I d.onil ffi««* in lo. Clvi must î in 1 hofore ô . * M li»«' Citv (M..rl: nt« (Pub. July 22 29) I PRINCIPALS IN 'HITLER'S CHILDREN' K ' ■. M'J a 1 ' I j ' / ••• Lm •S0 i • Bonita Granville and Tim Holt are the two principals in the dory of a boy and girl who get entangled in a web of Nazism in "Hitler's Children," coming to the Roxy Saturday night at 11, Sunday and Monday. Mormon Week End Program to Commemorate Pioneer History July 24 1847, a date outstanding in the annals of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (MormonI will be commemorated in week end observances here, it is announced by Elder William E. Sut ton, district president. Talks given at Sunday morning services in the Dignan hall will ob serve this date on which the Mormon pioneers entered the Salt Lake val ley. Festivities for the occasion will begin with a picnic of the Glasgow branch at the Fort Peck recreation al area Saturday afternoon. "The 24th of July is to the Mor "The theme of the talks given will cover the hardships and tribula tions that these people experienced in order that they could have peace and security. It was in the winter of 1847 that the group made its exocius from Winter Quarters, Mo.. and began the historic trek across a vast wilderness, only to find at the place of destination the same conditions the people had exper ienced in making their way across the plains. "The exercise of faith and the perfect organization of leadership! enabled these people to toil and! overcome their many reverses and make their place oi rest to 'blossom as the rose,' " he concluded. mom people what the Fourth of July is to all Americans," Elder Sutton added. CROPS. GARDENS GOOD GRANDVIEW—Crops and gardens are in good condition here. So far none of the fields show damage from heat. Pastures and range land could stand a good soaking rain. Farmers are preparing machinery for har vest and several of them have been hauling coal from Brockton and from north of Peerless, VEGGE IS SERGEANT CAMP BEALE. Calif.—Technician Fifth Grade Ingvald Vegge. for merly of Glasgow, has been pro moted to the grade of sergeant. Marie"'Veggp S8 of * Glasgow" MlS ' DON'T be the man who came late DO NOT DELAY, but buy your harvest repairs We have a complete repair stock on hand for JOHN DEERE binders and combines, and we would like to keep it complete, if you will help us and the Branch House by doing your repairing now. Certain repair parts are critical material and we can only get a few of each at one time. DON'T BE THE MAN WHO CAME LATE! repair program now. now! Begin your Valley Implement Co GLASGOW JOHN DEERE QUALITY IMPLEMENTS AND SERVICE SACRIFICE SALE COATS SUITS DRESSES •out on: Slightly Damaged, Water Spotted Merchandise ... Some Have Been Dry Cleaned All Play Suits Vi Price. Thursday? Friday, Saturday July 22, 23, 24 f All Spring Coats One-Third Off! • • • TESSMANNS [E 1 —II- £ — | |« 31*11161? 1? 311$ III D aoH omH SllFFPCS J I " urtu aHU JUIIC1 a Fracture of Leg i , ! Courier Corre pondent j HINSDALE—Joseph Lenertz, fal - mer j n the Genevieve community ! f or ma ny years, suffered a broken 1 i e „ j n an oc jd accident Monday eve j n j n g. j on his way home from Hinsdale his car broke down on the road north of the Dan Gaasch farm. Walking back to the Gaasch farm for help, he stepped into a deep rut an . c ' broke his right leg. Unable to walk, he laid in the roac i h'om 10 that evening until 8:30 Tuesday morning, when he was found by Luther Schultz ! brought to Hinsda e. He is conval [ escln S the Hinsdale hotel, . and Too Late to Classify Help Wanted: For diet kitchen at Deaconess hosoital. Apply in per 13-2tp son. For Sale: Two brood sows, due to farrow within 30 days. J. J, Hagen. Glasgow. ■ 13-2tp GRAIN CROPS GOOD FRAZER—Email grain crops in this vicinity have all the appear ance of another record yield, and from reports from several farmers, will be ready for the combine in about three weeks. All available help is now being employed at hay ing. which is also producing a good stand. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for every expression of sym pathy tendered us during our time of waiting for news of our son brother and nephew, Second Lieut. Alan C. Strader. —Mr. and Mi's. L. A. Strader Bob Strader. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Redfield. I do TO CHURCH St. KhpIihH'h (liurch Every Sunday: Masses at fîlaspow 7;.'JO and 10 and masses at Fort Peek at U. Masses at Clas^ou airbase at S:30. Week days; Masses every day at 7 at Uflicul Lutheran Church Fir*l Kv Sunday school at 0:40. Worship at 11. NaMliini Lutlifra t 0. C'li ureli Worship Christian Church Sunday school communion 10.—Fern Russell, superintendent. (■ruin Belli Worship at : ! I U'dicalion « of Service flau. dee a Lutheran Chureli 1$. Ladles Aid at 3:30. J Cliureh of .Icmiim Chrint Sill III* (Mormon I f I.alter Day dmday liool at lo. Pre ». Sunday srliool for both IMkiuiii I vi .voim*; and old. Servi ball. All Welcome, (ira president. Sutton, district Ion Elder William president. ioldiison. h ranch (•lasuovv Tabernacle (AsM'iuldv of (.oil) (i pc Sunday school at lo. .Moruin*' wor ship at 11. Reports to he tflven conference and camp meeting. Evan lerviee at 7:4."». Pra In» Tuesday at 7:40. Young: Peoples* meeting: Thursday at s. Paul Willls croft, »••llsilc m pastor. C'liri*! ia Sem« avenue * day at II. Subject of the h The public is vited to attend. in .Mason! hail. •on nth street. Sun il sermon. I hilly in iilli ami Sc "Trill li." ( hri*(iu Services held in room of the civic cent at 10. Worship servie istlc services at 8, Sunday Fellowship the American Legion , Sunday school at 11, Evangel to Friday liminaire. Ophrini Lutheran Ch next Sunday. w« 111 J»e held at tli •h Servi at lier per i* Iioiik in'tliiig Olaf I.arson at 11. Following tin viees a Sunday pienle No servit es furl her noli r 'hind and Bible srlioel * bold. Everybody invited. hnreb unlit Sunday services Antr. 1 Servi Any. 1 at n.—R ev. E. B. Holte, pastor. in '.»pliei OsSelle a I 11. it eerless 11 ( «mcreKüt ioim I Clnireb avenue north, across fr«» I. Church school, at lo. M«»rn 11. Sol«» by Lowell Cal ami piano prelude and Blue«* and (jerry MTOllll liiKli sch« lug worship a lH*nt«*r. organ off« rt«»ry by Mae Here's Goad Mews to Ever? W§mait! SHOE SALE! ÛPA Release of Odd Lets » STRAPS • PUMPS TIES • SPORT OXFORDS RATION FREE! SEE THEM TODAY... YOUR SIZE MAY BE THERE! 99« $|99 $299 reus GLASGOW COUPON 1 G M E3 e. SALE s, 1 ■ o sw > sï>-^ sut e 10 e '2r COUPON BOOK r »t b"' æ -■.v On Sale at Your Gamble Store FIVE GIFTS FREE OF CHARGE with purchase of book Aero Climber . . . 10c value 4 Comic Books . . 10c valve 10c valve Emblem . 10c valve 10c valve JÀ j* Bolm-Borr Li< Floral PrirH I 50c Total Value iSlii By using the coupons in this book you ore en titled to special prices on 74 items. You can SAVE UP TO *20 DUTCH KLIMPEL, MANAGER Lightning Wrecks Chimney, Damages Radio Near City The house of Andrew Rogne north of Glasgow was struck by lightning Wednesday night and the chimney wrecked. The radio was put out of commission. Rogne is a patient at the Deaconess hospital, and the only person in the house at the time was his employe, Earl Bond, who was unhurt. HAGEN IS RECOVERED Capt, John Hagen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hagen of Glasgow, has fully recovered from an illness which confined him to a hospital in Seattle, following combat duty in New Guinea. He has left Seattle for San Francisco, where he w ill be reassigned to active duty. ENLISTS IN NAVY Kenneth Butts, son of Mrs. Mary Butts of Glasgow, has enlisted in the navv and was among the "Av ance Helena" group sworn in at a special ceremony in Helena Satur day. Chief Petty Officer Ben Ulberg. in charge of the Glasgow recruiting station, reports. I Near. Nursery class in (he parsonage during the church service.—Ernest R. minister. Bellingham, <1 Mclhodist Church lo. Bible class for room from in to orship at 11. Duet by Mr. \V. Seibel. Sermon: Adventure." (Tlllivli Imiil it oMer folk In private II. Morning w Mrs. •'Christianity, (lie ({rentes 11 si. Matthew'*. ICpiaeoPul Churi'l. Fifth Sunday after Trinity. Si .lames The Apostle. (Tinreli school at 1(1 (VI elirathin el' rlie holy eoiiimiuiion with sermon at M. The elutivh seheol awards attendance the sehool year will he presented to the pupils at the 11 a. io servier. The Rev. Krank Squires, priest-in el, arge. •ehihrant and will deliver the sermon. The ehnreh will he open Friday for prayer. All are welcome lo rulin' and rest and pray. Hem throngiiont f. f ill be th.* all Find BaptiHt ('hnreb 10. Mr. E. B. I ('lllireli sell« snperinteiid('iiL Divine worship service at 11. Special iniisle. Duet by Miriam and Priscilla IVase. Sermon Approach t«» (io«l." Evening gospel wor ship servi«*«* at 8. Sermon. "Paul, the Pioneer."—Rev. Henry F. Widen, inin inter. Ways ,»f