Newspaper Page Text
COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS .1 i»i v io. v>r. The Hoard of fount y ComnilaslonerR of Valiev Comity me a. in. July I». 1043. of the hoard. Maurin* Shellerud and X. ('. Itrlgps present gether with A. d. Ilruee. county s**j*s<»r. and H. H. Hjorkluud. eouuty clerk. Assessed valuations were checked and were made. Hoard al» •elfan* problems :ltb Miss Ityan. « wolf a re. cd at 5:99 at lu:oo o'clock :lt li all mem hers Arnold. Carl as MURD'E ViVnÔLÏ»: ■omparisons and discussed work visor of public «•as« {{strict super «•lock p. Hoard adjou Chairman. II. It. BJORKLUND. <Jerk. .Inly an. 1ÎM.T. Hoard rimrrnnl at 10:80 a. m., July liursnant to adjonriiinoiit taken r>;00 p. in. of July I!». All meinhera tin* lioard. eininty assessor and eouuty elerk were present at ttds session. The lilldget for tile fiseal year end ins June .'10. 1!H4. was discussed length. At .00 p. in.. I In to meet at to a. in.. 29. board adbmnied Julv 21. 1043. MAT HICK ARNOLD. Chairman. h. n. iijorklund. (Jerk. July 21. 1043. The hoard met at lu a. in. July 21. •uibers of the board, •lerk pres«* assessed 1043. with all tin* assessor an Ina The board disco fions and budget levies. Ibtard contiiiii«*d cli«*eking valuations on ass«*ssin«*nts July 22 ami July and adjonrue«! at 5 f». in. July 23. MAC RICE ARNOLD. Chairman. 23 II. H. BJORKM'ND. Clerk. July 2d. ms. at 10 a ui. July 26. 'board of equalisation. •ard. the as sessor and county clerk present at this session. The various levies were dis ensued at length. Preliminary county levies w lished. The board adjourned at p. in. MAURICE A It NOM». Chairman. The board me m3, siltinp as a All members of the i* «*stab II. R. BJORKLFND Clerk. Julr 28. 1943. . i. V-T.-'■' The board continued « h.-cklug pn »-■ perty valuations during July 2Slh. h,lv "Xΰür«trteU ,n * °"' Marie DoMessomaker— -Change No. "!Ä™ * 0 «i b fn ra wa' r pner .-kanite o. 'J tillable to No. 3 tillabl,*. Dorothy Johnson—Cbanpre -40 to No. 1 grazing; «hange 80 - A to No. 2 till able. ;t \ N Hill—Chang*' No. 8 to No. 3 * * * on K tillable. V. <4. Amharabeault—Change No. tillable to No. 2 grazing. All changes to become effective 1944 tax rollg. Hoard adjourned at 5:00 o clock p. nl. July 30th. MAURICE ARNOLD. Chairman H. R. BJORKLFND. Clerk. August 2. 1943. The Hoard of County Commissloni-rs •t iu regular session at 10 a. ui., Aug list 2, 1043, with ail members <»f the! board. Maurice Arnold, Carl Sludle rud and N. C. Hriggs pr«»s«*nt at this sessiim. tog«*ther with II. it. Hjorkluud, «•«mnty clerk . Minutes of previous session were mad and approved at this time. Various claims wen* approved on the G«*n«*ral Fund as f«»llows: General Fund E. L. McPherson, sheriff .*187.50 Hugh ilorton. umlersheriff .... 108.7.» S. G. Drabbs. Hinsdale deputy sheriff . 110.0« Walter Wlttmayer, Nashua, dep my sheriff . 68.73 I'.-iui Af, Christiuson, jailor . 131.23 Stephen Weber, treasurer . 166.66 Kvereu Mc-Inerney, deputy *"«»- ■ urrr ... Nora Mumford, clerk treasurer .. 150.09 Arthur Parke, clerk treasurer .. 140.0« Andrey Johnson, clerk treasurer 137.30 If. R. Hjorkluud. «Icrk and re ronlor . Mildred W. Kruzicb. deputy elerk and r«H*«irder . J. F. Hoffmann, deputy clerk ami reconlcr . G«*ttie Hurrus, clerk, ebrk ami .... 1 . 100.06 150.00 150.00 .00 •♦»corder \ ' • i$i?i ... r md - c m m II -- ;; Ii « a y m ; * $ i I \ GOING TO SCHOOL ISN'T ALL J 9 aw/ S CHOOL is more than learning lessons—it's learn ing a way of life. Yes, it's learning to get along with all sorts of people! You can help your children in school! Help by feeding them sensibly, getting them to bed early, listening to their problems. And, before you even send them off to school, you can help by dressing them wisely and well. See that they get shoes that support their feet, clothes that fit, outdoor things that are warm. That's the kind we offer at Penney 's! When you outfit your boy at Penney's, he looks like the real boy he is. If you shop here for your daughter, her friends will approve her style. Penney's knows the children in this town—knows "what they are wearing." We know how important thrift is to mothers, and we offer too values. We know these things because we at Penney's know this town—we're part of it. Your neighbors serve you when you shop at Penney's. Penney's is as native to this town as the name on the railroad station. i Ella Hammer nets», superintendent of schools ... Ida S. Disriid, deputy «uperlu (< mloiil of schools .166.68 . 137.59 . 150.09 A. G. Bruce« assessor ... Kd Ilodapp. deputy assessor .... 150.00 J. I). Anderson. deputy assessor 132.00 Sue HinderkntH-ht, deputy asses . « 0.00 rotjan. clerk of court 150.00 >j Thomas Difrnan Jr., county at torney . 70.%' Tern Shepherd. stenographer county attorney . 132.0'' : Br. N. O. Agneberg, health of flcer . : A a got Lian. county nurse .. ! W. J. fonafser, janitor .... Win. Sehiullten. assistant janitor 137.50 Donna H. and recorder Dorothy Widen, clerk, clerk ami recorder . Audrey Wlttmayer, clerk, county sor rdanche 50.rr, 75.00 .. 137.50 ... '• elerk. lerhold. •lerk . 132.011 . 110.00 . 25.00 i; r Mrs. Edith Hath, refund tax -... Stephen \V«*her, mileage, county treasurer .... 1 Montana State . J ('«MllllliSsfoilCrH. 1 pense, associatif* Manson If. Hall I work, county s J A. A. Pelletier, I porter . I K. L. McPher sheriff . ■ 4.20 if ( 1 ut y 40.00 ; fflei* .... 00.00 Sr. >r . irt cxpeiis ... 10.51 invest italien. . 141.10, herlff . C. K. Dew I siippli ('. W. Kampfer, justice of peace t f«*es . I Ml. States Tel. A: Tel. C plum«* lolls and rentals. ••ffiees . Stale Nursery & S«*e«l ('«»., for county buiblhigs .. Otto M. Chrlstlnson iiiKiiran««* preiuiunia on county buildings . Otto M. Christiuson Land Co., insurance premiiiuis on eouuty 3.50 I . 20. leb* •«unify . 1011.73 Ill'll lis I .... 12.7 Co., I.ami . . . 4.» equipment . Stcrnliagen Insurance Agent pr«Mniuiii on county ... St Jill i ii - ii«*«* buildings . <*. A. Kl**ppin. Insiiram*«* prem ium on eouuty buildings .... Farnu*rs-Stm*kgrowers Insurance Ag«*iu*y, insurance premium on county e«julpment . 84.00 Farmers-8tookgr«»wcrs I nsurance Agency, insurance premium M ?nhfi" on* count ÿ SUN. iw ' t 'V./ibH. M lll l nikota^ rtmil.-s * * (V>' I Kiis "ounty i.ulldiips ...... 11.4« -V To ';" lllf , ' ar ^;;!; lin l l r a ' ,,ln ^ Iîîl rl,a -' P'«™. boUJIto«« ILIO 1 1 ' d s, T n J , • ••■ • •;/,*** R - Db » correcting «xaininaii« .... 875.70 273.80 5.00 39.90 ■ ... 17.IN) . 32.40 I pape i »«««hton Mifflin Co.. auppIU ; county giriierintendent. Frazer Oil A: Motor Co., siippli« county superintendent . Th«* Dryden Pn* •eoiinty superintendent . Industrial Accident Board, pn* minm. industrial acciden 2.14 3.00 Pplic .98 in .... 121.90 stiraiice Flu* (ilasgow < ourler, printing. Ktation«*ry and supplies, ««Min ty of fl«'«*S . City of Glasgow, water, buildings . . 285.97 •«Minty 1 he Montana I county buildings . Aagot Lian. «*xim*iis«*s, «•oimt> nurse .......................... -t-s. H. R. Hj««rklun<l, mihage r«*. tax __ «I«»e«l ..• • • •• • • • • •• • • < ar * Sh**ll<*rud, per di< m ami niiliw, county comm sslon.*r.. lis>» Mauri« 1 «* Arnold, pci «n«*m and <*<o»iity eommissioner . f-*• N. C. Hriggs, per diem and mile age. .-«Minty commission.'!- .... W»-JW Ib<* board upon motion agr«*««l to • « »"'anug at 2 p. in.. Scpi. 8. 1943. on tin* matter of installing a «a *• th« Iwathm known a* the of section» MI-21-3S and 2». Un mie 4.1. , , - . -Hoard adjournedI at .• p. *'*• „ .. „ R B . IOK KLrNI> fhâiîn.àn. Clerk. . 11.35 lights. r < . 75.42 rner . m.. pursuant f Hie hoard at this Twp. IT'., August 3. 1943. Tin* hoard m**t at 10 to adjournment taken at 5 p. m. August 1. All members ami county clerk wer«* pr«*s«*nt »ssiou. The hoard approved tin* monthly re ports of the county <'l«*rk. tmasurer, clerk of distri«-t court, sheriff, justi«'«*. Intelligence Officer Briefs Pilots . ; ii V; r 1 \y J / ¥ * 1 ' ■W rm V. m M I % , I y : . bs I I I * ■I • The intelligence room at squadron headquart-rs at the Glasgow airbase is just what the name implies. Here crews are "briefed" before missions classes in map reading, aircraft and naval vessel identification arc conducted, and special instructions on many other phases of training are given. This picture shows bomber crews while Lieut. G irdon R. Closway of Winona, Minn,, intelligence officer of the squadron in training at the Glasgow field, conducts a briefing and interrogation in aircraft identification. The latter is stressed because it is imperative that gunners be able to recognize instantly enemy and friendly planes. (Courtesy of Great Falls Tribune.) The ", «»f th«* pea««* ami board «»f h«*al(h. ( pon nuotb'ii. th<* board authorise«! a transfer of $5oo.C)0 from the (Seneral be used fuml to the (>opher fiiml as a r«*voIviivg fun«l. b««ard «•h«*<-k«*d ami approved Road. Hridg«* ami Mist-«*Ilain*ous claims as follows; H«iad Fund Dartmnii. gra«l«*r op«*rator 175.IM *ii<*«* Johnson, machin«* crafor . R. F. Stein, road work ... L«*«» O'Mara. assistant surv« Jack Seb(iKt«*r, r«»a«l Nellie R«»bidns, assign«*«! by M. W. Robltins. road work .. William Eaton, mad work .. J. W. Crane, road Eric Jager, 1 1 * 1*. lohn p ... 181.75 .. . 175.00 • r ««mid :<»rk . IN) .. 175.00 .. 181.73 .. 175.00 (tipervisor <»f r««ads 184.02 raniipiicll. assistant sur •ork . .. 50.00 »rk 7.20. William F. Dick, road v .Manson II. Hailey Sr.. sur\ «»r's Mrs. N«*d Johns«»n, us* Industrial A«*cid«*nt H«»ar«i. pre mium, industrial a«*cid«*nts .... «•hin«* supplies assign«'«! « laiins of .IN) . . . 142.45 work . .. •nl i.KS 3 Vale Oil Corp., P«*t«*r A. W«*sl, j M elvin Lam*, refund <•« r li«*«*ns«* Elmer Johnson, supplies, shop .. Tractor A: E«|iiipmcut < «•liim* mpairs . W«st«rn Construction A: Equip incur Do., machine repairs .... <;i« ntaun Hardware. ma« hiiie sup pli«*s 1D.INI 13.45 ; mu . ... 12.72 •50 ..hi • 71 .. .»..,1 road ma - nmber < Fio in]]«n<i ('oustruction C«.. ma« repairs . Montai. a -Dakota gas. sh«»p . M arkle machine sup|di«*s .. Farmers Union oil C : . .. . iGtas y, w suppll«*s . . | lerial . Farm.'rs Unitui Oil supplies . Continental oil < machine mauliine supplies .. . 130.03 mini«*» I <1 <1 Transbi ( . is«.92 •hin«* .... 343.23 maeliine Motor •9 10 laeksmilliing .. Schuler, niahlne McElvain. J. . . . 80 i supplies .... City of Glasgow, wat« (Inland Constnnibui ( r«'pairs . Tin* Montana Pow«*r and power, shop .... ! Maurice Arnold. vi«*wing mails .c arl .Sh«*ll«»rnd, viewing mads .. N. C. Hriggs, viewing roads .... 49.99 w. N«*ls«*n, work on euhfert . f'J. <*. Wall, rnmoval <»f f»'m*e ... riint Halladay. bla.-ksmilliin 'vjr.s <;, M. Taylor, cutting w«*«*«ls Bridge Fun«l Sylvan Midland, driving truck .. Club Sr. bridge shop ... ma< liine 7.49 light . 11.19 < Lon -.90 99 54.13 19.IN) r 0 v 4HI 135.00 War •rt .89 •ork . Jack Verst«*g«*n, l»ri«l Amos A. B«*atty. bridge work .. 78.99 Hurry Maas, (bridge work . 8.3.20 i .'lohn Fransen, bridge work . 135.99 C. C. Caniplndl, l»ri«lg«* work .... 15.09 shovel op«*rai«»r . 295.90 : • «»perat«»r .. 1M.73. . 75.40 . 8.3.29 4.85 •ork ... 00 Ervin Larson. R. E. Ri« ht«*r. «• Orrin U Knutson, truck driver Stanl«*y Ozark, hridg«* w«»rk .. G. L. D«»Witt. bla<'ksmilhing .. .Markle Transfer Co., macbiin* re pairs . T. W. L«*<*«lham. labor . 14.93 1.59 i ! j r 9 as seen in WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION ! ; M V : \ ■V» : Ü f wm 4 1 ! N-'' m ■ 4 Cleverly Fashioned For Canteen Or Campus! 100% WOOL CREPE SKIRTS The sensible addition to any wardrobe! Smooth, wool crepe .. . crisply pleated! Button side closing! Fall colors! In sizes 24 to 32. 3.98 With Tailoring That Is Unmistakably Well Done! ALL-WOOL SPORT JACKETS 6 9 ° Classic single-breasted, notched collar types for wear all fall! Rich, warm colors! 12 to 20. Classic Styles To Make A Costume Of Your Suit! TAILORED RAYON BLOUSES 1-98 Smooth, washable rayon that will stand wear beautifully! White and pastels! Sizes 32-40. .... 922.83 Pioneer Lumber Co„ bridge ma ferial . Albert Stdberg. I»ri«lg«* rk ... 15.00 .... 85.42 125.00 100.25 M.iHC«*llHn«MUiN Fund Florence P. Elliott, salary, home demonstration agent .... By mice 1rs, salary, «derk. coun ty «'Xtensbm office . Juanita Svlngen, clerk, county extension office .... James M«4*rbm*y. S4iia agent . Industrial Accident Hoard, pre mium. industrial a«*cldents ... James K. M«*Gibney county ag«*nt . P. Elliott, «»xpeuses. horn«* d«*monstration ag«nt .... 'Irma >f< , !nern«\v, «•l«*rk, county «•xtension offl«*e . Mountain Stat«*s Tel. A: Tel. <*«»., t«'lephon<* county . . . . 63.00 «•ou nt y e\p<*nseK. 74.15 Florence ."»«.97 0.79 rentals. lolls 14.95 offi«e . Lewis Belxcr. building dehydra tor . The (ilasgow Courier, supplies extension 15.00 14.40 l«»r ««»nnly ag«'iit ... IlhiMbil«* Light anil Wafer «»f Railroad Commission filing !«•«*. Hinsdale Light water report . Manufacturing in meters, Hinsdale water H«»ar«l ers. and 5.24 Hers« Co., bal a i . 141.00 syst«*m . The Montana I'o« liitisdab* wni« r Hernard (Saspar. salary, mami «•r. Hinsdale Light and Wa ter system . Hernard Caspar, refund. deposit, Charlott«» Turner ... Mrs. Ida ('ampli«*!!, high transportât Ion . xorth**ru Montana S«*«*d (îr«»w«*rs Assn.. g<»pli«*r poison ... Huar«l adjourn«*«! Co., pow 47.87 te.m g . . . «0.01» I't.T 5.0« a-lnnd . 22.50 . 427.8(1 lin k p. III. MAURICE ARNOLD, < 'hairman. t 5 II. R. U ORK LUND. Clerk. August 4. 104."». The «•ommlssioners met at 10 a. m., > adjournment . August 3. Ail menribers of die board and lh«> county «*I«*rk pr«»s«*uf at this s«*ssi«ni. The board (*h« | eke«l applications for various kinds of aid with Mr. Wad d«*ll. senior Claims appmv«*d on the August 4. pursuant n nt 5 : ,ake 'clock p. •orker. fuml *. • •"'•'"i _ •si.iNi AÄtM c ' •' M arc as f«d!o\v Fund C. H. Larson, county physician . 250.00 t. L. Co« krell. Hinsdale. <*ounty physician . W. H. Reed. Oplieliu, county pb sician ... Florence K Chou i nurd. work. welfan* departm«*nt . Mountain Stat«*s Tel. A Tel. Co., telephone tolls and rentals. \N«*ifar«* departim-nt . Lawrence Luke, «-a charge . ., ' >f «•« Minty Montana - Dakota Utilifiea gas. find, poor . Jui'ob Pattison. rent, poor .. Mrs. W. H. Schmitten, «-ni .. county «'barges . Montana Home for Ag«*d. car«* «•« Vo« . 29.99 5.13 . ... 74.59 • of ■* ,MM •«unity «*harg«*s •atlonal K«*h <»f comity <diarg«*s Mrs. Hiliucr Johnson «•«unity <-harg«*s .... .Self S«*rvlc<*. gm«erb*s. for Girl re . 21.7« • of . 29. poor .... 15. »• JJ«' ■ '-*0.0(1 p0(ir Glasgow iimp Co., drops, poor 12.12 state Tuberculosis sanitarium. of county patients . 108.20 •ni, n,- Wei depart . tor, .ou ! City M«*al Market. gr«M-«'ri«*s, poor 27.00 [W. W. Iliinl. *nt, p«K»r .. Friedl's. «-lotliing, poor Molli«* Stevens rent poor . 20.00 Industrial A«*4'ideu( Hoard, pr«* minm. industrial ac«'idents ... City <*f tilasgow, wat«*r, county hospital and p< Th«* <Glasgow C«»uri«*r, supplies. welfar«* d«*par(men( . ». 8«*otl A: Snyder gr<n*«*ri«*s. poor . Th«* Montana Power Co., lights. 4.50 «•are Deaconess hospital, hospitalixa tion of poor .... State Dcp.irtm«*nt of far«*, county ment .... Montana P« .... 210.90 w«*Il'nrc r Co., lights, poor •rul Relief 1 ss Claude Hurger . Mrs. Bessie M. Collins KIi>alM*th Kliason . Halverson .... Electa Harrison . Kd 11 en le . î. Barney Hoy de** . Art LaFromhois . Louise La Roque . Anna Marcotte . Prank Murr . Joe Niissbanin . Louis IV«*ora . Pete Randolph . Mrs. Florene«* S«*ILg«*r Julia Irene Smith ... .09 .IN) .. 20.00 14.00 15.00 .. 32.00 18.00 15.00 .. 17.00 .. 31.00 .. 15.00 .. 18.00 . . 20.00 Henry . 58.00 . 25.00 . 12.00 . 2 «.oo 1 . l-.wi i lock p. in. MAURICE ARNOLD. i 'hairman. Fred Wagar Stella W«*l«'h . Mrs. Mary P. Zvonar .. Board adjourned at 5 I H. it. LIORKLUND. Clerk. August 9. 1943 The Heard of County C«>mmission«*rs •I at Kl «M*|o«'k a. m.. August 9. 1943. sitting as a Hoard of Et|ualizntfon. Ail ; of the boanl• w«*r«* pr«*s«»nt at sien. Hndgcts ami Ievi«*s fer this the fiscal y«*ar wen* discussed at Icugili after «-ln*«'kiug all taxable valuations. The following l«*vb*s w«*rc approved und ion «inly made. s«*eon«le«l ami Ml* it : ( •rai fund . j Road fuml . 3. I Bridge fund . 4. Poor fund . 4.5 Agricultural extension fund.5 - - Total Valley County levy . 12. fpon all the prop«*rty within the i'DIty of (ilasgow; General fund . 1«. Stre«*t fund . 15. ! Parks Librai .... in fund . : fund . Cemetery fund . .Airport fund . I Fireman's disability fuml .... Horn! sinking ami Internst fund .. 1.0 iFire department fund . . 15 1.2 1. I .1 . 1.7 - I I Total of City of « I'p*m all property V* f the Town of Opheim : General fund . Slre«*t fund . Park and cemetery fund .. Light fund . fund . Hasgow ... 49.1 it Ii in th«* limits ... 4. 4. 4. 3. L . 9. . in .■». i r, 4.3 J I. Fire Poll«*«* fund ... Total for the Town of (Ipheim . 17. Upon all pmp«*rty within tin* limits of the Town «»f Nashua : («encrai fund . street ami All«*y fund .. . Sinking fund . Fire department fund .... Cemetery fund . Fin* fun«] . Water fund . S«*wer fuml . i. . 9. Total for th«* Town of Nashua . 38.5 Upon all pmperty within tin* limits of Hinsdale Special lmpmv«-m«*nt Dis f riet No. J ; Light un«l wat«r administration .. 25. School I)In! riet Levies Valley County IMnintcnnnee Dist. Transportai ior 8.4 ... 1943 Total Sinking Mills Levy . 2.0 . 11 . 1 ... .none . 3 . 4. 4. .none . 4 .. mme .none .. mu 8 . . .none ..n«Mi** . ..none , ..none ..none . . .none . . . 10 . . ..10. . .. 8.4 .. 9 . nom* .. .. 8.4 .. 11 . 15 . . . . 8.4 . . 0 . . . . 10 . . . . 10 . 8.4 .. none IA 1A S.4 .. 15. . 8.4 . 3.4 j ..non « 1 . non«* 1A . non«* . 1-3 . 3.4 .n«»n«* . 14 none none 1« . 10. ....non«* . ....none . ....none . ....none ....none . ....non«* . .... 10. ",. nom* . 10 . 17 1 . 3.1 18 none . 20 .none . 21 . .... none .... none .. 20 . 29. . . . 10. HONEY FOR CANNING, COOKING, ETC. New Crop Honey Now Ready (or You To aid in conserving tin for our national emergency, we ask that you bring your own containers, such as fruit jars, buckets of any type, cream cans, etc., for your honey supplies. HONEY CEILING PRICE When you furnish your own containers, is: Fifteen pounds or more: Ib*l5 c All prices f. o. b. our warehouse. THE CARL F. BUCK COMPANY GLASGOW, MONTANA Warehouse located east of Farmers Union Oil station. Open daily. Boyles Move to Bitterroot Farm In West Montana Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyles and . ,, .. , „ sons Gary and Martin left Mon day for western Montana to make their home on an 120-acre farm which Mr. Boyles has purchased ini the Bitterroot va. ley- 16 miles south ™rJw.,"ÆSd" , iï.,ï army ana was aiscnatgect in Matcn. since when he has been working on a , A . farm near Plentywood His interests in the Hub beer park* here have been taken oyer by his father, W. F. Boyles, with George Alexander continuing as manager. Tampico Farmers union local will hold its August meeting Saturday night at the hall. , __ Ä „ _ n _mg Sigfnd Mattson was a caller at the C. J. Maalerud home Sunday. TAMPICO By Agnes Molvig Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ekola and fa mily and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Arrot ta and son John attended the show in Glasgow Saturday evening. Hans Opsahl was a caller at the Ole Enkerud home Sunday after j noon. Mr. and Mrs. Dorcie Meek are I staying at the Walter Schneider i home, helping with harvest. I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cornwell ! and family visited at the Ike Simon home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Randon and I friends of Wagner visited at the Tony Arrotta home. Mrs, Fred Kegel and infant son Dennis Mark returned home Thurs Iday morning from the Deaconess hospital. I Miss Barbara Porter visited Miss tVilma Boreson Friday afternoon, Phyllis Sjordal and Mrs. Chris Molvig and daughter Al>ce Mae visited at the Lloyd Henning-; son home Friday evening. I Mr. and Mrs." Tony Arrotta and son J° hn a nd Miss Phyllis Sjordol visited at the Elmer Randon and, I James Leo homes in Wagner Sun day. Mr. and Mrs Oscar Luck of Glas gow were callers at the Iver Martin home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Robinson | and family called at the Harold j Porter home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kegel and son Dennis were Sunday dinner guests at the Olaf Qualley home, i ■ ATTEND FBI MEETING Undersheriff Hugh Borton and Chief of Police Bennie Sather of Glasgow and Deputy Sheriff R. S. Drabbs of Hinsdale attended a con 1 ference of peace officers at Wolf ! i Point Mondav at which Kenneth ' Logan, special agent in charge of the Butte office of the federal bu- j I reau of investigation, presided. jeûnerai School levy ■ General School l«*vy, i talion . .. 10 . . ,. .no.. «. mills 23 . 10. .. 24 .none .. .none .. none mispor . 1. tills vail ty High School C Valley Coiinl.v: High School levy, transportation . 1.8 mills .... 10.8 mil's l.v I General fund . University millng«* fund .... Insane Asylum bonds . Livestock Commission fund Liv«*atoek Sanitary Hoard .. Livestock Hounty fuml . Upon all property that I« within the Malta Irrigation District: Class 1 .... .... 19.« mills Total ... i.-H Stute I .... IHMle .... 3.5 ... 1. ... l. ... 1 . $1.50 per a«T«* . 1.40 per a«*re . l.oti p«*r acre <'Ias R 1 . Class 3 ... Class 4 .50 *p«»r acre I Upon all property Hint is within tin*) Glasgow Irrigati(M) District : . $1.59 per acre . 1.50 per a«*re . 1.99 fK*r acre .50 p«*r n« rc (»lut ion was ( lass 2 Class 3» Class 4 . Th«* following i d.ipi <*d : Wln*r«*as. the Board of C missioners hav«* h«*«*n p«*tltiom*«l by the kmen of Valley county in aeeonl am*«* with (*hapter 2(H5 of tin* 2Sth L«*g islative Ass«*mbly to s«*t up a Preda for y Animal ('«»ntml fund and l«»vy a i j »on nil sln*«*p in Valley county of 5 «Muts «*a«di f«»r I Ii is* purpiis«-: Now. ther«*fore, be it resolved that tin* ord(*r«»d to «•om pul«' tin* tax upon tin* J943 tux mils <»f Vall«*y county at 5 cents «mi all sh«*«*p as«ess«*d In Vall«*y ('«Minty and t liai th«* ('«Minty Tn*asur«*r Is* «*r i (|«*re(l to «*olI«*et the (ax and to set ! aside tin* imuiies «•parate fund désignât«'«! Animal Control fund. lie it furt h«*r lily Com ■ «•olliM't «•«! in I'rcilalori I that th«< «•r«*ate j a budget *»f $3.509 f«»r the <*ontrol «»f I pri'datory animals. Dated this 9th «lav of August. 1943. MAURICE ARNOLD, ' Chairman. Clerk lie authorized t '«Minty Attest : H. R. BJ ORK LUND. Clerk. « CLUB BREAK FAST Allen Cafe UN SALAD, EGG DEMONSTRATIONS -4 Valley County 4-H Club Doings Viola Russell and Gwen Hovey. prepay a ve g eta ble salad and Sue Carol Mann gave a demonstration cooking eggs at a meeting of the 4 . H Kitphen Ctieens nf ru«>n» atthecSlanchurchlasTwed "S" 1 - M " Kat , hr >'" *»•" Alïs L A . Strader, leaders, were present. Victory garden project post-1 ers were gj ven t he girls to display in their homes The demonstration dishes provided the luncheon. CLUB PLANS TOUR Tlie East Tampico 4-H club met at the Frisch home Friday with ■ Doris Humphrey presiding. The club decided to make a tour of the Glas gow Courier and the Wonder Krust bakery. Plans were made for a dem onstration to be given by Doris Humphrey and Helen Tthista at the |elimination contest. The next meet will be at the Bob Cotton home |p5 dav All£r 20 rriaay ' AU &- ™ , ■ A ,« of [51 1*1 IS j i 1 ■ 'V a piCTURE a glass of GREAT FALLS BEER for your self. Liquid amber crowned by a deep creamy collar. Bubbles of freshness rising to the top. Fragrant aroma and zestful sparkle of flavor. Then take a sip! Smooth and mellow and satisfying to the taste. Always good ond al ways available on tap and in bottles under the bright red banner of GREAT FALLS BEER. ★ Don't help the enemy with loose talk ¥ i snicij |< 1 mtr BREWERIES micT C /M. GREAT FALLS • MONTANA T V ' i-'tr. ' - * i y- * à fa y?, Ni Sri mmm y . 1 a ma \ i V fr j 0 -> X' v « sV V " • J J J hi \- I : ■ Cr •s.-. fî F « ^ u u . •>: (w ) ' Frozen foods from farms, orchards, and fish Great Northern territory offer the cries in American housewife more for her money and more for her coupons.. .They also save prep aration time in the kitchen when her time is at a premium. For these reasons the frozen food industry of the Northwest is growing into an industrial giant. From the most fertile areas, our refrig erator car service delivers the choice pick of vegetables and fruits to and from the freezing plants. Fish and other perishable foods are handled with equal speed ... Great Northern dependable service to all industries be the Great Lakes and the Pacific. gives tween 4^, GREAT NORTHERN M OS O G. W. Lane, Local Agent MAKES BIRD SURVEY OPHEIM—Harry Cosner, depart ment game warden of Malta, was here Sunday making a survey of game birds in this section of the county. There will be no Chinese pheasants liberated here this year. Birds are for the most part on the increase, he said. ir« XTr .« w ,. VANDALIA YIELDS GOOD , VANDALIA — The harvest is in i ful1 swm e now. Those that have re Ä «'55-Ä 5C Wright, Alvord's COLDSTORAGE Lockers ! j ; THE ULTIMATE IN FOOD PRESERVA TION . . . ASK ANY LOCKER RENTER!