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The CLASSIFIED / COURIER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The Courier reserves the right to edit or reject any classified advertising copy. Ads received by Wednesday r.oon will run in the regular classified section and those received later up until 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the "Too Late to Classify" section. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Courier will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Advertising orders for irreg ular insertions taken at the one-time rate: Classified Rate One cent per word with a minimum charge of 25 cents. After first insertion 1 cent per word. FOR SAFE Blackleg Vaccine — Life immunity, 54 cents for ten doses. Tork's Retail Drug, Glasgow, Mont, tfc Service Flags—1. 2, 3. 4 or 5 star flags. 75 cents each at Courier office. Blank Stamp Pads for vegetable ink for your meat stamping at Courier office. !f Vegetable Stamping Ink for stamp ing meats at Courier office. tf Babr Chicks For Sale: Hatching during August and September, New Hampshire Reds, Rhode Island Reds, White Rocks and hybrids. $15 per 100 prepaid. Bitneys Poultry Plant. Kalispell, Mont. 15-3tc For Sale: 320-acre farm, 100 acres under irrigation, 220 acres pasture. Good buildings, plenty water. Also 320 acres benchland, mostly under cultivation. 7 miles SE of Glasgow on Fort Peck highway. See Mrs. Anna Cygan, 817 Sixth avenue south, Glasgow. Mont. 15-tfc For Sale: Six-room, modern home, full basement. 3 lots, garage, barn, large garden plot. Mrs. Ella Burger, 15-3tp 122 4th Avenue north. For Sale: Five Jersey and Guernsey milk cows. 3 and 4 years old, now milking. Will be fresh in one to three months. $125 each. Guy Fag an. 6 miles east of Baylor, Mon tana. 15-3tp For Sale: House on corner of 641 4th Ave. south, Glasgow. Phone 194W or write Mrs. P. M. Collins, Nashua, Mont., for information and prices. 15-4tp Bothered by Dust?—Buy a vacuum cleaner, cheap. George Hart, Box 16-Up 92. Opheim. Mont, For Sale—15-30 McCormick-Deering tractor: 3-bottom P & O plow, double and breaker. Can be seen at 1010 Fourth avenue south.— F J. 16-ltp Roth. Horses for Sale—One coming 2-year old, one coming 3-year-old, one coming 4-year-old and one mare coming 7 years old with mare colt at side. All well built and gentle. Inquire at Courier office for infor mation or write Box 4034, c'o The Courier, Glasgow. 16-2tp For Sale—To settle an estate. A 10 gauge imported Scott Primier in cluding 14 cartons of assorted shells. Leather carrying case- Bank refer ences exchanged. Cost $1,000. Write Mrs Sheldon Smillie, 650 Orchard Ave., Bellevue. Pittsburgh, Pa. 17-2tp For Sale—Four trailers, two of them boat trailers. Have 16 -inch wheels and in good condition. Inquire at Wheeler Grocery. Wheeler. Mont. 17-ltc For Sale — Frigidaire, reconditioned unit. $75: 5 ice boxes; enameled oil heaters; coal stoves and ranges, Houses, furnished or unfurnished, for sale or rent. Joe Frazier. Wheel 17-3tp er. Mont. For Sale—One Marion apartment size electric range, $119.95, and one standard size Marion Electric range at S149.95. You can now buy with out a certificate. This may be your last chance to get an electric range from open stock. Maytag Electric Shop. 17-ltc Ten Acres Green Com in Field — For sale by acre as it stands. Must ( sell at once, as I am leaving. Mrs. Leonard Liuse. Phone 60-J 17-ltp ! Professional Cards Dr. G. H. Klein Glasgow Ice & Cold Storage Co. DENTIST Klsin's Cabin Motet Highway No. 2 Office ii : 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 Residence 209 Office II : Office 479 Pin ART KOTAKI. Prop. GLASGOW. MONTANA Income For You If You Live. Comfort For Dependents When You Die. New York Life Insurance Co. EZRA N. HILL, Agent Glasgow. Mont. Phone 261 GLASGOW FLOWER SHOP Flowers for All Occasions Phone 75 We Telegraph Flowers Someone has to pay the price for lift* insurance. If the man self doesn't pay It while he ife and children have it after he has gone. hi l.i 1 i v to pay Holland « Valley County Abstract Company OFFICIAL ABSTRACTORS Phone 50 GLASGOW, MONTANA » » Funeral Chapel Court«M>un» Efficient and Dignified at Moderate Prices Sert ic« LICENSED EMBALMER and LADY ASSISTANT ' Peterson Mortuary LICENSED EMBALMERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 89 Masonic Temple Building GLASGOW. MONTANA ■ 1 i PHONE 323 Twenty-Four Hour Ambulance Service Porch chairs. Two .eft, each $2.95. Sturdy steel cot with sagless spring, rntton mattress cnmnlete *4 00 I ' ^ ' * Pine single bed with coil springs. good mattress: very good buy at $15.00. I . . . 1 Cable, smaller size, 4* in and vio in, for tying buildings to hold grain 3tie foot. Bolts, a» sizes: pick out what you may need, 10c. lb. All kinds of steel construction cable, Insulated electric wire' buv now wlre comes in good lengths, m sulated; has been used. All sizes: 0. 2, 4, 6. 8. 10, 12, 14. 16. Telephone insulated wire in long lengths. Welding cable suitable for 150 to 300 amp I 16-ltC 1 " FOR SALE Fordson tractor in good working or der; magneto attached for quick starting: also belt pulley attach ment. A good serviceable tractor. $195.00. 12-foot rake. $25.00. Mowing machine for $30.00. Horse disk, in good shape, $20.00. Kitchen Kook gasoline stove. 3 bur ners: just the thing for hot wea ther, $5.00. Natural gas ranges, small type, with ovens and 3 burners; in first class shape. Each, $5.95 and $6.95. large size, foot, 15c. I-beams, channel, plate, pipe fit tings, valves. ■ Midway Merc NEW DEAL Phone 341-J-l, Fort Peck i ( MlftlllANIOUf Wanted to Buy: Good used pipe furnace. Jake Enns, Frazer, Mon tana. 15-4tp Wanted to Buy—One way disc. Write Angelo Christiana, Box 455, Glas gow 17-ltp Wanted — Woman to do housework i for small adult family: no chil dren. Mrs. Abe Peters, Nashua. Mon tana. tho t: 17-ltp : Strayed: From my place, 6 head of horses including one Strawberry roan saddle horse. Branded K Tri angle Quarter Circle underneath on right shoulder. $10.00 reward for information leading to recovery of these horses. Karl Reddig, Frazer. 13-tfc are John Barrett Garbage Co.—Author ized garbage collectors. Phone ; 38-tfC _ al .. ^ ,, , __ Auctioneer—Call 722, Hinsdale, my | expense, for dates. John C. Mc Colly. m 30-52tp loot Wanted: Old scrap records. We will pay 2c each for all old records. Maytag Electric Co., Glasgow. 8-tfc ; We Buy Alfalfa, Crested and West- . ern Wheat grass seed. Our mod ern, electric cleaning mills and State Bonded insured storage at[ your service. Lakin Seed Co.. Miles City, Mont. 15-tfc [ " Wanted to Buy—Pipeless furnace in good condition. Ben Bernatine, 16-2tp Nashua, Mont. , Til«» _ . Owner may have same by pa.Mng for this ad and the damages. Her- M"' 1 Found—In my root house, one sow. FREE! If Excess acid causes pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indi gestion. Heartburn, Belching, Bloat ing, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga. at Hall Drug Com n an v 17 in.» 1 1 /- 1 -- Sewing Machines Repaired — Parts . . , ho f o 01 ' naay a n.vmake. Bring in leads only - L - H - Keagy, Glasgow. l7-4tp -——-—— ---—— For Rent-Three room furnished house with outbuildings, suitable for cows and chickens, also small pasture, with ample wood. See Mrs. N. A. Kjos at house east of Peter Hopstads in free lot section. l6-2tp. lor Sale-Pour bucks, cross-bred Rambouillet and Lincoln. Priced reasonable. Howard Haynes. 522 Ma hon * Glasgow. Phone 344-M. For Sale — Tw'o .story hotel and apartment building. Inquire Fry Grocery. New Deal. Mont. 17-ltc 17-2tp Bring your Hogs and Cattle To Reid Taylor OF WOLF POINT Highest prices paid at all time«. I buy every day. Slop at Conoco station on No. 2 Highway -- kstatk 1 i>y Valley rounty by Tax need. I Not!.-.- is hereby «Iren. That on (sib «lay of September. A. l>.. 194S. IVonlrs" 'ênîm in i'L lw 1 ï , 'Ho'ÎÎÎS" (jp S gow vidley ('minty Moniana Irml.rslKi,c<l l'ôllnt.v of Valley, of stale of .MontuiiR. nil sell at public the highest hoi.1er accord the ltevimi , Cmlc» J, ^ 1 ih^R l tate r of f Mon tana ami for a price which shall 1)0 less than the fair market vaine rberof which has heretofore been «£■»»« am J «^"„.f t y°. u Jnî.ü L.r.i U-nn-i. i' n.-r.-inafil stated, all of the following described real estate, situated in the County Valley, state of Montana, and which qnTred'bv ""^^ The terms of the sale are as follows; Cash. lawful money of the 1'nited The t< ' S nI-?rd 6 " Irv,?n, f.'"', -An. m t HSS?» of ,, 1P ,, tln .h as ,. price, balance to he paid in four equal payments an anally Including Interest at four per T"—™ 1 claim" deed win "be -h-en"The purchaser upon completion of The above mentioned payments. The right to re p^Hir^eS'.. - «■ pe£,.ï^ y °^„ P r , T.„ïï::i Ä h Ä vendor ^ Lot No. 4 and Block 13. In nr'igimi. town" Be °f .k, lated this ztith tlav »f .Tulv, A. l>„ ' " v , 0 1 I! "fV.r ex roil lineal east in.n '.'. 7 ... "."I s s e I [am iion t I tig to i''. ord<*r o ('ommissionors tana. B.v f tlio Hoard of County of Valley County, Mon II. H. lUOKKU ND (Merk of the Hoard of County CoiumisHioiiers of Valley County, Montana. (Pul*. July 2«. Auir. .V12-1») CAM, KOI! Hills ni-il of (iliiKKow, Molilalia, will bills up to S p. in. August ■ill thou bo The City (' Iho liitli d aiion • f appi'oxhiiii Iv I of dilt'li. laving 8-iiii'h 1er pipe in dihli. hisiallin I joints, making all u«'<'«»ssii tions and l.arkfilliug. Bidding itoms and backfilling to l> idois nia idvo mon* particular information at offiro of tin* City Clork, (Has; Montana. 1 »at«*« : mail por foot basis. n :s. vm:\. IN MILLER. City Cl«*rk City (Hub. July 21* Aug MAR Mont. i 12 lb I NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the ••state of William A. Grady, deceased, requested to exhibit them with tin* (lie undersigned the office m 10Ô. First Ration na, of t In* ,. v v „. || .| ll . rs , ailminUirator at Marion Kline, U Bank Building, within four months after dat irs , publication 0 r this of .lohn ,„.s.i Defi-ml (ilasgow. Mom notice. Dali* of first publiration, August ~» t loot William I). Mnyi (I'tili. Aug i-12 19 2lit ALIAS SIMMONS rt of Hie Sev District of tin* <1 I or the (' the District (' Judicial I th i(< State tf nty itana. of Valley. . ... . . „„ HiLBIlt '■( NM.ltMAN. 1 laiutiff, rnknown Heirs of Michael Gutider man, : Lena linnilmnaii, same person as Lena (•unilorinaun. widow; AHmrt (inmlerman: Mag tlnlciic <.iiii«icriii:iii : Agatlin C . Pauli: Stephen Woher. Treasurer of Valley County. Montana, and all other per sons elaiming any interest in or lien upon the real «»state hereinafter «les r any part ther«*of, ] .Tilled aids. Stute ....Jiie«l DofciidiiiitN : y„„ ari . |,,. r ,.|.y summoned to answer eompinint in lid« a.iinn widen is r Montana t the Above r said , P y„„ ari . |,,. r ,.|.y summoned to answer M"' eompinint in lid« a.iinn widen l'-, 1 ," 1 ,.,'""whleii ' 's'^hélewiih file py tln*r mI upon vim >nr an f upon i ill in ivvonty (limitons, : ami •r r ami si plaintiff «• a you , ( free »wer Judgment will be taken in.» yon by ilofanlt lor tin* n*llt»f «i4'inamh'<i UIP jn iai, lt . it l't«r th : r thi? xi lnsm* of Hi la.v rvi r faillir«* t of y PI r a 11 is«* a trains! is hroiitrlil for tin* pnr This net I P° so of securing a tax «h*«*« I on ut y Tr«*asnn*r of N all«*y Montana, for the lands d«»scrlh«*d as follows: »f S«*ctlon 10. Township ««• 42 K. M. M. my hand ami seal the fro ('omit ami pr«*inis the nja « 'ivVtm.'s his 4th (Iav of AllBllKt . BLANCHE (• rot JAN <SiaI) <'b-rk of tlm Distrlit"Court, Thomas Diguan Glasgow. Monta All<irm '- r ,or 1 11 11 34 (lf s j 5-12 l»-20) (Huh Aug. at ('oimrii of th«* riiy «»f tuna, has pass«*«! t«*iit ion to <*reat«» in« * it t «lisl riet, curbing, grading and ivets and of Glasgow. Montana. slates the dari«*s of the district. e«ist of this i m p r AH protests to th NOT ICE herewith Iven that the lilasgow. Mon of In - Not lee Is lull sp»*<*lal Impn for the pnrj Hing •nn«»s on the North Side The r«*soliition I »«»iiii t final «*«1 No. 4CÎ. •ITIHi of intent ion out Th«* men I is $14T.2t8MNt. renting <»f this «Ils ml in f Ir Clerk on or In for, r, u»4::. The C«mncll prut.-sts at thfir, Siqii. MUIT1V Mir LEI! i Vity <'hTk. riling in ■i hands of the City ô p. in. on August 2 shier t lies« 1 m»*«*ting on ill ih 1943. .(Pnl». A tig. 12. 19 1 CAM. FOR BIDS ih«* (ity < onmii of Glasgow. Mon-i*hp tana, asks for bids on the repairing 1 of the following str«*ets. Street South I and S«*e«»ml Av«*. So. am south l»«*lween 1st Ave S«». 2nd Ave. Street and dlh street of said Av«*. ami str«*«*ts. eoiiKlst of <*x where Iie.ess il mat < I 1th *«•«•1» 1st Ave. " ■ r'v;;. ' " ,IS nth betw \ ami inter? Tin* work t and back fill! placing streets. Uj ! n. 200 Pen Asphalt. For fun lier «lefails se«* Martin Miller, city el«*rk, at bis «»ff|«*e in the Givi«* Cent«*r building. All bids innst be in <*eiv«*«l befor** .*» p. in 1943. by the City (Merk in his offi in the Clvle i('»*iit»*r bnibling in Gla ting d r of 2 inch r the w i I b •nil ir»o : stone chips s lied in rit ini :> ml 3mh. An on gow. M Rids submitted utncll n*s pt all or part » ately for th«* right «» be each block. < "•I r\ f bids. m*«l at « ]». m. lo bids ill be o With. 1943. at a It v Co ial on An of th« offic.* Center building in Glasg P th.* In* City Clerk in the Civic *. Montana. MARTIN MILLER, City Clerk. I to I held i t ( f lib. Aug. 12. 191 ALIAS SI MMONS I In the District Court <»f the Sev«*nle» nlh .Imlicial District «»f the State *»f Montana, in ami for th<* County of Valley. B. K»*ss«*lhelm, Inc., Plaintif/ corporation. vs. The unknown heirs of Bottle W. Norris I dpceaxed, the unknown ib-visros of lii ttir w. Norris. (b-i raKPii. Eiib Liy I it nit Columbia Trust company, a I corporation. Mrs. Neely \v. Dickerson, Mrs Ln.c \v McPherson. North Val ,Sr ««• in. » it. Township ;ii North. Kang Last Chance on Open Stock! I ONE, APARTMENT SIZE Electric Range $J|^95 Marlon ONE, STANDARD SIZE Electric Range $|^^95 Marion YOU CAN BUY NOW WITHOUT CERTIFICATE Maytag Electric Shop Rundlc Building ♦ ^ A J Additional at . a I O «t LDLALj -— nf V anrialia was Jel *• Ho * e Valid. Glasgow caner inursuay. f , Lewis Staibird of Ophelm was vlsltor ln Glasgow Saturday. p. M. Collins of Nashua was visitor in Glasgow Saturday M .s. Hans Jensen of Whately was r a visitor in Glasgow Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White of I Hinsdale spent Friday in Glasgow. "handMsEarl Cain of Van da hà ' «ÏÏe shopping* Äfow Sat-' urday. Dr. G. W. Setzer and Mayor Hans Mebust of Malta were week end vis «ää a , « T Sunday to visit her parents. Mi. and Mrs. A. G. Strom. M rs. C. A. DeWitt went to Hins daIe Saturday to atttend a bridal shower for Miss Betty Qualley. C. W. Buntm, with the depart rM was Earl Hanna. Burroughs Mr. and Mrs. Hy D. Miller of Cut Bank were in Glasgow on busi ness errands Friday and Saturday f a ~ a I DP were hDnlinJr 1 il e ^ceti.rHov momina Glasgow öaiuruay Miss Ida Disrud. employed in the countv superintendent's office, spent the week end visiting her parents at Tampico I Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Goodreau iof Willistorl came Sunday and spent ia few days here visiting Mr. and I Mrs. C L Benson I Mrs Mabel Kane of Bellingham I Wash., who has been visiting here for several weeks, left Tuesday morning for her home. Miss Lola Penner arrived Sunday to work in the Triple-A office in Glasgow. Miss Penner has been liv ine in Chester recently Mrs George White and son George Jr of Mountain Home Idaho came lastwfektevisilTer pa?entsMr and Mrs. Hulse Billingsley. Mrs. Vera Keybeck of Seattle is ffÄTÄWil?*» the former Miss V?raiuddle Mrs. W. A. Fitzgerald, who has 1 been working as pharmacist at the Hall Drug store, left for Butte Sat by the serious illness who nan urug si urday, called of her mother. Dwight Bridges and family of Terre Haute, ind., and Mrs. Shir ley Bridges of Oswego were guests at the McKee Anderson home in West Glasgow Friday. Miss Jeanne Bennett left Sunday night for Kalispell. where she is assistant librarian, after visiting her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Bennett, for a month. Corp. Jack Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. McKee Anderson, who was in the combat zone in New Guinea for six months, is now en joying a rest period in Australia, he writes. Miss Lorraine Nelson, who has been with the woman's army corps at Randolph field. Texas, is spend ing a furlough visiting at her home Tampico and with Glasgow friends. Miss Gladys Waller, bookkeeper at the Johnson Plumb assistant • U, ;iit J iipmi „ I1S I in S';.', J'.''.! ;i N-.rtli, .un. 1 bookkeeper at the Johnson Plumb ing shop, who has been working several weeks at Provo. S. D . where Mr. Johnson has a plumbing tract, is expected to return to Glas gow next week Capt. Thomas R. Skailes of Belvoir, Va-, came Friday to friends at Glasgow and Fort Peck He was a diver at Fort Peck during the construction of the Fort dam and made his home in Glas gow for several years. Miss Frances Anne Shambaiigh came recently from Palo Alto, Calif., where she has been employed by telephone company, and will spend several months in Glasgow visiting her aunt. Mrs. Dan Oakland. formerly lived in Glasgow. Mrs. Mildred Simonton and daughter Jane arrived Friday from Gtand Forks, N. D., where they spent the summer except for a week in Minneapolis, and for Jane, weeks at camp Trowbridge, a girls' camp at Detroit Lakes, Minn. Mr and Mrs. O. B. Osen, daugh ter Eris and son Ken of Bremer ton. Wash., are spending a monta at their farm north of Glasgow help Robert Eayrs hay and harvest the crop. They are on a 30 -day P I harvest leave from the shipyards, 1 where both Mr. and Mrs. Osen is in 11 - the 34 - employed, jjj,-. an d Mrs. E. J. Snyder and ■ gr a nddaughters, Nadine and Artline (Snyder, returned Wednesday from !a visit with their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Rader, at Bigfork They also visited home Mon-i*hp George Birmingham ' tne 1 "J E. M M i. ,!,na ' »tcpiien Valiev Count ut bel Mon Vail nml. T Wei Montan laiining •st ii y •oil I I e I II upon the ■ ■ hereof. a ft ■ l»«*f hints. ite of Montana t<» Defendants: the Tin* nain«'d Von an* In*r«*l»y sn »in plai nt i I.ffl nioned to an hi* l his 'the filed in Court, a • f »»«is of the Clerk which Is <»n, and to file .' i I «•«I upon I he "py i" ■ : • 11 h i ii t f this sun plaintiff? th norm th aft f the «lay ».f s xt Insi faillir»* I f PI nr * ; ■ ill b«* jndg.. default for the r«*li**t d«*ma ■ \ ■oinplaint. Ibis action is brought f«*r s«* of s«»«*nrlng in th In* p I ft tax «1 1 of n nty Monta tleseril ■ asnrer id pr«-n . for the la mis 1 a? follows tlon 11. T« Iv M. M. In VaR i \N Rang« I u-JJ 1 /" ., " * ourt ,,n i <.r m.v hand ami s« of August. IJ«*» TIAN. loth «lay BLANCHK G f Hi Dis cl Clerk Dignan. Glasg •y for tin* Plaintiff t Pub : Ang. 12. 19. (Seal i ,Tln*mas AM«» Si-pL ?» I T „. NKS LARD Ur inanns I We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kjnrlnesses chowm ns during the ill and death of a loved one -Mr. and Mrs, H. R. Townsend 17-ltp and family. a a a p Ias in a his and day visit ton's and ed gow ited visit friend« here 0 ' " Ul tllem . nIem1 -S nere. , Mlss Lora Lee Stanley of Wheeler has gone to Great Palls to visit sister there two weeks. Gerry Near was a business caller in Great FalLs last week - ss Hazel Thorpe of Lanmore D.. us a new employe in the Buttrey womens wear department. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Farrinëtôn and son of Port pVck have returned from South Dakota, where they ited her parents. Mrs Mabel Hovland and «nn ivtec ii n ,Li °T 1 ^ }'V near VÄ Thu.^v ' ' an Tllu 'sda>. Miss Prances Martin arrived Iront Minneapolis the first of the week är " - , cnailes McChesney of Saco vide was in Glasgow Wednesday attend a Deaconess hospital board meeting, Miss Mary Ellen Dunning H a avi t e B wh ° t vLsiti i ig Ma TÄme ' ^ Mte^Tparke is in Pueblo, Colo., visiting her son, Dr. George Parke, who expects to enter army medical corps soon. Mlss Glace w<, ' st of Walla Walla, Wash., is in Glasgow visiting her mother, Mrs. Peter West, Miss West llas a government position there. Miss Hope Widen, who spent the Past two weeks in Glasgow visiting lier parents. Rev. and Mrs. H. Widen, left for St. Paul Tuesday. E. E. Heller, work unit leader the federal soil conservation office Glasgow, went to Terry Thürs day to get a government pickup there. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Chambard and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Vallan digham and family spent Sunday the recreation center at Fori ec k Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Suker eirove Glend i v ® Saturday, accompanied by t^^ndher'TanLhie^ Misfvit-eini; Hnmw of Homidun H?in Wsiting here d P ' h ' d b t-««« k-w. ^ 3 J 0 " 3 d T ance telephone flom their son. Serg. Ivy Knight, t Sunday night. He is stationed Philadelphia. Arrah Whelan. 3. daughter of Mr. Mrs. Charles Whelan, suffered severe cut on her foot last Tues when she stepped on broken in the street. The cut required stitches. J. J. Reese came Saturday home at Coram and returned Sunday, accompanied by Wayne Larson, son of Mr, and Mrs. Selmer Larson, who will visit Joe Reese the opening of the school Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Farrington daughter Kaye arrived Äes morning from Los Angeles to Mr. Farrington's mother, Mrs. M. Farrington. They will go to N. D„ to visit Mrs. Parsing relatives. Mrs. W. L. Bennett, son Fletcher daughter Jeanne, who visit-1 the Rev. and Mrs. Roy Bennett Spooner, Wis., arrived in Glas Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell and Friday morning. They also vis in St. Paul. George son George Jr. returned Tuesday morning from Missoula and Flat head lake. Mrs. Mitchell arrived Friday from Minneapolis and went on to join Mr. Mitchell and George at Missoula. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank McGuire and family of Twin Bridges came last week to Glasgow to make their home. He is an area meat market ing supervisor for the war food ad ministration. They have not yet se cured a residence. Miss Margaret Briggs and Miss Mary Theresa Nass of Washington. D. C.. who have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Briggs and Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Nass, left Friday morning for Washington. Dale Walker left this week for San Francisco, where he will engage in defense work. Mrs. Walker, who has been employed by the Inland Construction company here, left fori Pine Ridge. S. D.. where the com pany has a contract. Auxiliary Jeanette Hovland. for mer bookkeeper at the Hanson Mersen Motors, has been transfer red from Port Des Moines, Iowa, to the army administration school at Stephen Austin college in Nacogdo dies. Texas. Miss Judith Rorvig returned last Wednesday from Sanders. Ida ho, where she had been visiting an ipicle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Rorvig, and helping with their farm work. She will reenter Glas gow high school in September. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hall spent the week end visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Hall, at Billings. Their daughter. Mrs. Clarence H. Johnson, who was at Billings, returned with them and left from Glasgow for Belle ville, III, where she will join her t ; husband, who is now located there ( at Scott field. Mr. and Mrs. William O. Ander son of Seattle, fbrmer Glasgow res j idents arrived Friday to visit Mrs. Anderson's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mattson. Mr. Anderson is now a machinist's ; mate in the coast guard and has a 15-day furlough. Mrs. R. M. Hallock and daughter Helen of Portland arived this week to visit Mr. and Mrs. McKee Ander son and Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Osen The Haiiocks were ranchers 25 years ago in the Larb hills. Mr. Hallock is now emloyed in defense work in j Portland, and their daughters are also employed there. Mrs. Hallock. j besides keeping house for the fa mily, has assisted in the harvesting of vegetable crops. visit a to I 52 BUSHEL OATS t r~r, . >r r,,, T —., „ GRANDVIEW—Harvest is in full swing. Combined oats have yielded ^ Up to 52 bushels per acre Of 40 pound oats. Wheat Is good quality but no definite yields are yet re ported. Additional SOCIETY Rp Becker-El£ ie Miss Lorraine Elgie. daughter Mr and Mrs^ Henry Elgie Brockton, and Louis Becker B/ockton were married at !i Monday night at 8, The Rev. W. Bennett olficiated. ... Miss Mmmck ls Hostess At Costume Party Miss Belle Minnick entertained friérds at a costume party in parlors of the Methodist church Friday night, complimenting Nina Shotwell of Charlotte. who was visiting here. Gordon landigham acted as master of monies for a stunt program. Stunts included group songs recitations, mock wedding, a dental SFfJJf' a „ S res w e c ,? at , al \ d , a Brown Ke SS t0 If? 1 the be&t acting and Mrs. R. Thomas for thet most original tume. Refreshments were served. a - Mrs. Squires Is Hostess caller To st - Matthew's Guild Mrs. Frank Squires of Malta tertained the members of St Mat N. thews Woman s guild of Glasgow j n the church parlors Thursday ternoon. Mrs. G. A. Clark presided 1 at a business meeting and Hugh Sorten read an article vis . Madame Chiang Kai-shek. A | cheon was served. -— Mr. and Mrs. Hennlngson I Entertain at Family Dinner | Mr and Mrs L i oyd Henningson entertained at their farm home Sunday night at 6:30 for Mrs. Hen ; their guests, Mrs. Carl Tisue Di- daughters Sandra and Patricia to San Diego. Calif.- Mrs. George White and son George of Moun [tain Home. Idaho, and Mrs. Berl 0 f Armstrong mid children of Glasgow °-i a s "Ä sr Dinner 'i .. - 1 The hjrthdav nf Gale Billincslev the was célébra ted^ by^ hta mofheï M.Ï (nuise Billingsley, at a family din 1 Her at the Billingsley home (day night. Guests included those ; living and employed at the farm, S r^orge^hinT' who "a re fhere nnri thei't- ehiiriren nnrl' M,fr imri Hmnim™ F. ;MI ' ancl Mrs ' Lioyo Henningson. , „ . Krll „ p at | ",® a " Vîi,Vi.h !v i Celetaate Birthday 1 Joan and David Bruce, children car! of Mr. and Mrs. James Bruce, cele brated their seventh birthday Pri day with a party at their home There were 11 guests. Games were P^ a ^ ec * an< ^ a l unc l lea,11 was seived Airs. Knowles Honors Mrs. Mabel Kane to; Mrs. Mabel Kane, who has been visiting in Glasgow for several ' weeks , WBS h °T ed P MlS M , E Knowles Saturday afternoon who entertained a small group at her .-[STÄÄ, SS-TSShS | was served. i - ; Willts-Hummell ( Master Serg. Huston R. Willis of Hagerville, Ark., stationed at the I Glasgow airbase, and M> ss Gloua *^ eaiî Humniell of Pendleton. Oie., '"'ere married at the Baptist P ar sonage in Glasgow Saturday after 1 noon The Rev. H. F. Widen offi fromfe-sted and attendants were Mrs. j Jack W. Hess and Lieut. W. B. ! Gooch. I Jr.(Mrs. Gumming is Hostess I to Methodist Circle C ( Mrs. R. W. Gumming entertained i Methodist Circle C at her homo [ Thursday afternoon. Mrs. R. L. Thomas presided at a business meeting. The group planned to can [ vegetables for the circle at Mrs. Curnming's home on Wednesday, (this week. A dessert luncheon was (served. Mrs. Herman Lücke and Miss Nora Ebersole were guests, ( ., *r—". ! Mrs. Markle Entertains Mrs, Orval Markle Mrs. T. H. Markle entertained two groups of friends Monday and Tues da y afternoon at her home honor mg her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Or V al Markle of Lake Hughes, Calif, — ' * TIIIS IS WHAT YOU LOOKED LIKE— 4 <►/[, ■ K * ** -'N f f r*ar/ - / I ! ' !'S5 man. V vs •7 ( I A dm A Ä: O m '/ i n t m / / \m '1 jji û ÏÏ f J fcs -t : \ I /> " l. \\ €InLY fifteen years ago — dressed like this, you set out for an evening at the movies. Maybe it was Harold Lloyd's latest and funniest — on the silent screen. A lot has happened in those fifteen years. More than you realize or remember. Electric rates are a good example. They've come down so far and fast that, today, the average home gets about twice as much electricity for its money. Tha t's why you can en j oy so many wore electric conveniences. Don't Waste Electricity Just Because It Isn't Rationedl MONTANA COMPANY the t. POWER • Hear "Report to the Nation," out standing news program of the week , every Tuesday evening, 9:30, E.W.T. t Columbia Broadcasting System. IF YOU ARE 17 WEAR THIS INSIGNIA JOIN AIR CORPS Q Enlist at 321 W. Galena St., Butte or Gore Field, Great Falls ENLISTED RESERVE The hours were spent informally and light refreshments were Mrs. Hud berg is Hostess to Methodist Circle B Mrs. M. c. Rudberg entertained i Methodist Circle B at her last Wednesday afternoon. of !James K McGibnev oresided of plans were made fo? serving a ol ( wanis luncheon. The group the on bazaar work. Mrs H. w. der and Miss Belle Minnick W. L. ed Mrs. Rudberg in serving eon. Quests were Mrs. W W I Mrs. M. E. Knowles, Mrs. N. L. [nings, Mrs. C. R. St. Clair and Nina Shotwell. l _ the Methodist Circle D church j Meets at Church Parlors Miss Mrs. William Raymond Mich., ! tained Methodist Circle D at Val- church parlors last Wednesday cere- ternoon. She presided at a business Stunts meeting and Mrs. E. A. Anderson a conducted devotions Plans office made for serving a Kiwanis Brown eon. Miss Patsy Raymond assisted ^ L. - COS- Musicians From Airbase Entertain Business Women Co-p. Bruce McDonald, pianist. and Pfc. Charley Cailaci. who and accompanied himself on cn- guitar, from the Glasgow airbase. Mat- w'ere guests of the Glasgow Business and Professional Women's club af- a dinner meeting at the Baptist: church Monday night, and Mrs. tained the group with music, on of which was of their own composi lun- tlon I Mis. Ç- w - Kampfer presided jthe business session. Mrs. George Lindgren, chairman of the program conimittee reported on »am Vj a " s „fff the year. Guests of home J;. Harald Siqueland. Hen- Mrs. Clara and ; Ja cobson. of! - „ At . ,* îoy „, 0 ^ e , gh ^ >r ,' VIeetin R . Berl -, f ilnv-tiem^rin.-Telhe fne^i I ff ..' ™ M [.heir lodge hall Thursday night. ' ad.e* Society of B. L. P. * E. Meets in 1>iffnan ,,a11 M.Ï ! h Tlle Badie f s Society of the Bro din- therhood of Locomotive Firemen Satur-,and Enginemen met last Tuesday night at Dignan hall. This was ( first held in the new meeting place. î^ rS ' T ' M ° w!ngs P resided - After nnrl' the business meeting the group went I to the Eat sho P for luncheon. ] _ small group of friends at luncheon Pri- Thursday honoring Mrs. Earl Hun-i ter of Roundup and Mrs. Orval Markle of Lake Hughes, Calif., who j are visiting here ( - ,,,, | i ' Ir - anfl M rs - Jondalil Have Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. Svene Jondahl en E ' tertalned at Thursday night for Mr. and Mrs. Nels Briggs and daughte rs Margaret and Dorothy, «y» S l "t 1 D T?V' railf and B Calif., and James Wilson. of the ~ Mrs. Grotjan is Hostess Mrs. Morgan Entertains I For Visitors in City Mrs. H. O. Morgan entertained TAYLOR IS STUDENT FARRAGUT. Idaho—New student for the six weeks course at the hospital corpsman school at the naval hospital here is Lawrence Harold Taylor, son of L. E. Taylor of Port Peck. Stressing care of the injured, the new trainee will be thoroughly schooled in all the mod ern phases of navy hospital prac tice. COMPLETES PRIMARY HINSDALE—Aviation Cadet El mer Thompson arrived Saturday from Pasco. Wash., to visit his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Thompson. He has completed three months of primary flight training at the Pas co naval air station and expects to be assigned to the naval air station at Corpus Christi. Texas, for ad vanced training. Doctor Schmeckegut (taste good) changed his name to Dr. Schmecke besser (taste better) in Vienna. served. Truck Hung Over Ravine After It Hits Guard Rail home Mrs and Ki- By Courier Correspondent sewed . HINSDALE—Two negro soldiers of the Quartermaster truck regiment headquartering at the Great Palls arm y airbase narrowly escaped ser | lous '"jury Monday, when the army Jen- truck _, the y wer e driving struck the Miss ' guard on the Lime creek bridge | about nine miles east of Hinsdale on the federal highway. The truck plowed down the guard ! rail for several feet before it came to a stop, teetering precariously the ; the edge of the bridge over the af- deep ravine of the creek ! The driver said that he fell asleen at the wheel The rest of the armv were truck convoy running between Glasgow and Great Palls, went on to its destination, sending back Ä« Ä ?û precarious perch. Claconw Ucm sang WldagUW Plcll 31 the; f LIQUOr U63l6fS — at Gâthël'îtlP Fülle WOHICrlUg^ falls George Alexander Paul I ramn bci and M J Dunn returned ^r unlay after attending a tin.™ at j" r f y , alter attending a liquor "® aIers meeting in Great Palls. They said more than 125 dealers from Great Falls, Black Eagle, Cut the Bank. Glasgow, Lewistown and Cas cade county towns met to discuss T. improvement of conditions sur . , 1 e aimed lorces. tamin C— the greener the leaves, the , vitamins and minerals a ? - \ AilCAI}/ \ lÛÛK AfftfW/ , | j _ _ , . „„ *4S<VI p I PSttlCrPI* U,,,,1W f' V ntinxir ni PHONE 71 ' on Raw green cabbage contains vi •j N i] a fi I a J&C fCujJr*** House (or Sale | ) in Nashua Four rooms, with gas and wafer, and elec tric lights installed. Also chicken house. Three lots, fenced with woven wire. Stenbakken Implement Co. Nashua