Newspaper Page Text
I A Free Gifts A Free Gift to Each Customer While They Last We farm, home, family and car. 6 mone >' on everything f or X LEO REARDON, Managing Partner. w are v I ! ■i I ,. * .. for new Fall merchandise coming into our Be sure and shop the entire store, as we this sale. There are many items listed as close Sale Starts Thursday, Oct. 9:00 o'clock m ers. 18 GROCERY SPECIALS Jennie Lee Quickies or Quickettes, regular price. 3 8-oz. boxes for 24c —Special Sale box, equal to 4 8-oz. boxes, reg. price 24c, Sale price - - Jennie Lee Egg Noodles, broad and medium cut, 1-lb. pkgs., regular price 20c. Sale __ 17c Elephant Peanut Butter, 1 V*-Ib. jar, rcg. 42c. Sale price - - - - Spanish Olives, 16 - oz., regular price 43c. Sale price - Ever Taysty Olives. G'i size. Regular price 25c. Sale price Cake Flour. Betty Crocker Softasilk, 33-oz . 24c Cake Flour. Sunburst, 5-Ib. reg price 34c Sale price I BLES GLOSS STARCH. 1-lb. size. Reg. 8c. Sale price 7c |:K- ELASTIC STARCH. Makes ironing easy, regular price . Sale price _ V STARCH. 1-lb. size. Reg. price 7c. Sale price 1 1 'II PICKS. 750 to box. Reg. price . Sale price — RUT BUTTER. Elephant Brand. 1-lb. jar. Regular price Sale price _ & HAMMER SODA. 1-lb. size. Reg. price 7c. Sale price 6c ION'S CHICKEN & NOODLES. 1-lb. jar. Reg. 39c. Sale 32c t ROYAL GENUINE MANZANILLA OLIVES. 5-oz. Reg. :e 23c. Sale price ATION VANILLA. 6-oz. Vansherre. Reg. 29c. Sale price 23c ATION VANILLA. 6-oz. Maison Royal. Rcg. 9c. Sale price 7c d Wheat. 8-oz. cello bags. Regular :e 8c. Sale price - Flakes. 11-oz. Reg. price 8c. e price _ The new corn cereal. 7-oz. size. ;. price 13c. Sale price ® 19c 39c 37c 19c l!li !*( 6c 33c 19c 6c 6c _11c iiii ities. 8-oz. Regular price, 2 for 23c. price - ed Oots, 3-lb. box. reg. e 21c. Sale price - 17c 2 for 19c T£ ir. Gamble's Premium lily, bleached and en ed with vitamins. 50 T* V - t / SI,88 ' s bag, reg. price S2.99 price isit Gamble's fOYLAND GAMES Gifts for the entire family . . . Make your selection while our stocks are complete. 19c 'PY LANDING. A game of skill .-STAR BASEBALL GAME —Based on tual records of National and American igues .- - $1.25 .D MEDAL GAME CHEST — 52 new games, e for each week in the year_ 98c .STIC TOY TEA SET —Durable and lorful _ $1.00 ,UXE DOLL FURNITURE — Modem mina 49c res Gambles' Super Quality HOMEGUARD INSULATION > for itself in 314 years in fuel savings alone. You lose up to /3 % of your heat in the winter in an uninsulated home. In e years you can pay for Homeguard Insulation and have the [ -cl comfort it gives you at no added oosl. Homeguard Insula is fluffy and featherlight. Fire and vermin resistant. Not f 'cd by moisture. Is non-settling. Insulate now and make I to 33 1/3 % on your money. nbic's have their competent insulation crcvs working every Homeguard Insulation installed at 814c per square foot for average home. • your Gamble Store for FREE ESTIMATES. 1 ff —■ —n= I * P. f — F 1 Sjf 3*1 A - TORES » o W'f4 ED BY EMPLOYEES 32-PC. DINNERWARE SET SPECIAL OFFER—Beautiful Ivory finish with floral design on this complete set. Set consists of the following pieces: 6 Dinner Plates, 8 Bread and Butter Plates, 6 Fruit Plates, 6 Cups, 6 Saucers, 1 Vegetable Dish, 1 Serving Platter. This equals a set selling for around $5.00. Our special man "^^agers' sale price. mkWti FT* $3.79 P TOILET SOAP SPECIALS Fine assortment of pine, gardenia, palmetto cold cream and oatmeal soap... ,c. a ^ bars for ^c GOLD CREST TOILET SOAP — Regular price 5c. Sale price _ * Household Necessities HOSTESS CAKE SET — 8- piece, with knife. Regular price, $1.49. Sale price - PLATONITE TUMBLERS — Regular price, 5c. . Sale price_ LAUNDRY BAG — 18x36 drill cloth. Regular price, 50c. Sale price - FIBRE CARRYALL KIT 15x18 in., with handle. Regular price $1.98. Sale price_ GLAZED POTTERY VASES — Assorted shapes. Regular price, 29c. Sale price EARTENVVARE COOKIE JAR— Regular price, 89c. Sale price GOLD BAND GLASSES — 9- ounce size. Sale price, 6 for CONSOLE SET — 3piece, with candle. Regular price 98c. Sale price SANDWICH PLATE — 15-inch crystal glass. Regular price, 29c. Sale price CAKE PLATE — 15-inch, crystal glass. Regular price, 29c. Sale price WOOD MIXING BOWL — 14-inch. Regular price, $1.00. Sale price WOOD MIXING BOWL — 11-inch. Regular price, 55c. Sale price __ _ 1.19 3 C 45 c ; , 1.69 24c 69c 39c 69c 23c 21c 79c 43c Moonstone Glassware Hobnail opalescent glassware. Patterned after early American pieces. A treasure to own. Makes a lovely gift. CUPS. SAUCERS and DESSERTS — Sale price ...... GOBLETS, LUNCHEON PLATES, SUGAR BOWLS, CREAMERS, VASES and JEWEL BOX— Sale price ______ SHERBETS and CANDLE HOLDERS — Sale price _ BONBON DISHES, RADISH DISHES — Sale price __ SANDWICH PLATES, CANDY JARS— Sale price 4c 9c 6c 11c lie SHINGLES b ROOFING PRICES REDUCED wiBMsannsg mi . * Special 3 - tab shingles. 17 year guarantee. Green, blue and red blend. Regular price, per $8.22 100 square feet . . . Sale price per square ... Hexagon shingles. 17 - year guarantee. Green and red color. Regular price per 100 square feet, $7.40. Special sale price . 90-lb. Roofing. 17-year guarantee. Reg. price, $3.30. Sale price 35-lb. Roofing. Regular price, $1.40. Sale price _ _ Call on us for free estimate! Our experienced carpenters will install a new roof for you at a very reasonable price. $6.49 $7.39 $319 Z $1.29 MENS AND BOY'S FURNISHINGS BOYS' AND GIRLS' Reversble Coat MEN'S CAPE SKIN A JACKET M Cotton Twill and Wool. ; REG. PRICE, $8.45 Flannel Plaid Lining REG. PRICE. $9.45 IBS' » \yà ll $7 89 $g95 A \£ BOYS' CLOTHES MEN'S SWEATERS. Part wool. 2 tone, button front. Regular price, $1.95. Sale price, S1.79. MEN'S SWEATER COAT. Part wool in colors blue, gray, brown and tan. Reg. price. $2.29. Sale price $1,98. MEN'S SLIP-OVER SWEATER — Pine Cone brand, part wool. Col ors, blue, brown and maroon. Reg ular price, $1.59. Sale price, $1.39. MEN'S SLIP-OVER SWEATER — 100% wool, AAA quality. Pine Cone brand. Colors, blue and ma roon. Regular price. $1.98. Sale price, $1.75. MEN'S T-SHIRTS. Striped assorted colors. Large size. Reg. price, 98c. Sale price, 69c. POPLIN SPORT JACKET. Unlined, wind resisting. Reg. price, $2.98. Sale price, $2.69. MEN'S POLO SHIRTS. Assorted sizes and colors. Regular price. 65c. Sale price, 49c. MEN'S SPORT SHIRT. Light weight in assorted sizes and colors Reg. price. $1.29. Sale price S1.05. MEN'S SLIP-OVER SLEEVELESS SWEATER. Part wool. Standard quality. Reg. price, $1.29, Sale price, S1.09. BOV'S SWEATER. AAA quality. Pine Cone brand, part wool. But ton front. Reg. $2.98. Sale price _S2.65 BOY'S SWEATER. Twin combina tion. Pine Cone brand. Sports wear. Reg. $2.59, Sale price .. $2.19 Men's Tousers MEN'S SEMI-DRESS TROUSERS — Part wool, assorted sizes. Reg. price, $3,59. Sale price MEN'S DRESS TROUSERS. Part wool, medium weight. Reg, price, $6.95. Sale price HEAVY KHAKI WORK TROUSERS. Assorted sizes. Reg. price, $2.19. Sale price MEN'S TROUSERS. Semi-dress, cotton. Assorted sizes. Reg. price. $2.59. Sale price $3.19 BOY'S POLO SHIRT. Ribbed style in assorted colors. Regular price, 49c, Sale price - - .33 $4.75 BOY'S SPORT SHIRT. Cotton broadcloth. Regular price, 98c. Sale price - .79 $1.89 BOYS' "T" SHIRTS. Striped, as sorted colors. Regular price. 69c. Sale price_ _ .49 $2.10 BOY'S MACKINAW. Wool plaid, slash and side pockets. Sizes 12 to 18. Reg. price. $11.45. Sale price ._$10.45 Men's Shrts BOY'S SWEATER. Button style. Two-tone. Colors, blue, tan and green. Reg. $1.15. Sale price .98 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS. Sanforized Assorted colors and sizes. Reg. price. $1.69. Sale price $1.29 Big Savings in Women s Wearables WOMEN'S HOSIERY LADIES' COTTON SLACKS. Assorted sizes and colors.. Regular price, $1.10. Sale price -- - LADIES' AND MISSES' BLUE DENIM SLACKS. Assorted sizes. Regular price, $1.59. Sale price - FLANNEL NIGHT GOWNS. Reg. price, $1.19. Sale price, . . GIRLS' FULL LENGTH COTTON HOSE Regular price, 35c. Sale price . . - WOMEN'S COTTON MESH HOSE. Regular price. 37c. Sale price - - WASH CLOTH. 10x10, heavy weight. Sale price _ BOOT EYE HOSE SAVER Worn with or without stockings Reg. price, 20c An exceptional value at our reduced prices. Regular price, 61c. SALE PRICE_ WOMEN'S LIDO RAYON HOSIERY — Pull fashioned. Toe, cotton and rayon. Reinforced at all wearing points. Sun Gay and Sky Glow shades. Regular price, 72c. SALE PRICE . WOMEN'S MERCERIZED COTTON MESH STOCKINGS. Regular price, 37c. SALE PRICE . WOMEN'S COTTON STOCKINGS. Regular price, 2 for 35c. SALE PRICE. 2 for 79c 3 9 37c $1.38 98c 59c uMy 29c 29c 29c 9c 27c CROPOX SHOE HOSE Heavy weight. Reg. price, 25c BRIDGE LUNCHEON SET Size 33x33. Pour napkins. Reg. price. $1.03 GUEST TOWEL 8x10. Assorted colors. Reg. Price, 25c 19c 15c 79c 19c Sale price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price PLAY SUITS BOYS & GIRLS' MEN'S SOCKS BOYS' AND GIRLS' PLAY SUIT — Broadcloth._ Reg. price, 98c. Sale price BOYS' AND GIRLS' PLAY SUIT — Blue denim. Reg. preie 98c. Sale price_ INFANTS' PLAY SUITS — Of poplin cloth. Reg. price. $1.19. Sale price CERTIFIED GAMBLES DRESS SOCKS — Longs or sliortie. Reg. price. 3 for 89c. Sale price, 3 pair for 69c MEN'S DRESS SOCKS — Shorties. Pastel shades. Reg, 3 for 98c. Sale price, per pair _ 21c 74c 69c 89c % Off Group of Men's Shoes. Several styles. Broken Reduced for sale at sizes. n BLANKET CLEAN-UP OAKWOOD BLANKETS — Part wool, 72x84, assorted patterns and colors. Regular price $4.69. MEDALLION BLANKETS — 70x80. 25 ,; wool, satin bound edge, rose or blue color. Regular price, $3.75. Ilji Sale price $3.98 $2,98 ii! Sale price •ii $3.69 CAMP BLANKET —Gray heather, 62x84. 80 ,; wool. Regular price, $4.50. Sale price P —w Sr Auto Supplies SOLVATINE—Quart size. For all cars trucks and tractors. Incrase gas mileage 20%. Re moves carbon, frees sticky valves and rings, cleans car bon jets. Reg price 59c Sale price, 44c. VARCON GAS SAVER. Money back guarantee. Operates on "super-charge" principle. Easy to install. Fits all cars, Reg. price, $2.69. Sale price $1.19. SUPREME FREEZE METER. Test your own radiator anti freeze. Accurate, dependable. Reg. price, 49c. Sale price, 32c. WINTER FRONTS. Universal and tailor made. A type to fit all popular models to 1941. Reg, price, 85c. Sale price, 19c. VARCON WINTER ^ Motor Oil Plows at 30 0 below PER GALLON IN 30 GAL. LOTS « C Plus Fed. Tax Prevents engine damage and rxcessive battery wear because your motor gets instqyit lubrica tion and will not thin out in any temperature UNIVERSAL HORN BUTTON Fits all popular cars. Plastic cup in various colors. Univer sal type. Reg, price 17c. Sale price, 12c. HURRICANE AUTO SHAM POO. A fast, easy car wash. Reg. price, 21c. Sale price 13c. price, 49c. I «J n (Less container) GOODRICH SPEED WARD EN. Easily installed on the footfeed of any car or truck. Drive within speed limits. Reg. price, 98c. Sale price 39c. SLEETEX WINDSHIELD DE FROSTER BLADES Drive safely during sleet storm. Reg. price, 2 for 40c. Sale price, 10c each. Ii 100% Pure Pennsylvania MOTOR OIL 3-WAY CLUSTER LIGHTS for trucks and busses. 6-volt. Complete with bulbs. Regular price. 98c. Sale price, 70o. RUBBER TIRE CUT FILLER Prolongs tire life. Regular price. 29c. Sale price 24o. WINTER GRADES 10W and 20W Permit No. .776 freeze-meter REGULAR Heavy rubber fittings. Reg. price, 33c. Sale price 23c. PER GALLON IN 30 GAL. LOTS £ Plus Fed. Tax TOP SEALER — Repairs leaky tops. Reg. price, 39c. Sale price, 33e. RUBBER DRESSING. Black. W 1 pint. Preserve auto tires, slop cracking. Rcg 59c. Sale (Less containerI e£ 17c One Quart Sealed Can _. ? i Vorcon Deluxe Battery 30 Month Service Guarantee 1 j Exchange Price j J Kooltex Seat Covers ■ $ 2.88 •$7.45 III AND UP 'I ::: : V;-^ U Snug fitting, woven fiber covers. Popular plaid patterns. Easily cleaned. Sizes for all popular models of^ cars. vab^o^ Fits Ford, Chev., Plyrn., Fiberglas Insulation Extra plates provide extra y .-wer N. >n-overHow m Batteries Installed Tree SAVE YOUR CUSHIONS FREE GIFTS TO EACH CUSTOMER Consists of the following items; Thimbles, lunch boxes, rulers, and Barr lotion. Aer Climbing Toy and Comic Books. VIKING TISSUE 650 sheets to a roll. Soft and antiseptic. Reg price, 3 for 15c. ■p~ ■ •11 : i9c roils Water Jug Set 80 -oi. w » t » r with • Kl/tf iiim taper«! Jj/jp' elaeies with M matchlnf dt '"J »lin. Jus m Id* 59c Sale price Arcady g. D °9 J Food m » Meal, pellets and kibbled. Values up to 35c. 2-lb. 11 123 pkg. 13c Sale Price MATCH VALUES Regular Six Boxe* for_ 19 ' SAFETY MATCHES _ 8 C 10 for_ FREE. 1-lb. pkg. I Jah-Voh v. Beverage with every 50c purchase in our Grocery Department FILTER DISCS f R Plain 6". Reg- ► ular price 35c. Sale Price ■i 29c '■'I Single face gauze, 6". Regular price 55c. Sale 47 Price. GENUINE ATLAS MASON TLA JARS. ASd '■j Gal., Dozen. 98c; QUARTS Dozen . 79c University of Knowledge COMPLETE ASSORTMENT 47c Sale price_ Regular price. 59c Tube Repair Kit Complete with patches and ce i.nent. Reg. price ■ïr-N Wb W& 10c. Reduced 7c :>• Whiz Shellac 2-ounce size. Regular price, 10c. SALE PRICE 6c