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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
Social and Club News of the Glasgow Section Mrs. Miller Surprised Bv Richland Friends A group of former neighbors in the Richland community surprised Mrs Martin Miller on her birthday sl ttirdiv hrimr nJ n dinner tn her gifts 6 In The" g a roup* iV wër g e h Mr n and Ses and son Myron Mr and r Peter James Mrs Carl Han sasösnä bsstuss Itebekah Lodge Plans Annual Turkey Dinner The annual turkey dinner; of Laura Rebekah lodge will be held at the Odd Fellows hall, Nov. 29. ac-' corJing to plans made at a meeting of the lodge Monday night. Mrs. Martin Miller presided. The nomin ating committee reported candidates for election at the next meeting. M E „ Ra.nbow Will Honor Mothers Nov. 25 A party for mothers and for Eastern Star members will be held at the Masonic temple, Nov. 25, ( according to plans made at a meet- j irg of the Rainbow chapter at the temple Thursday pight. Maryj Thomas presided and after the meeting a luncheon was served by Doris Christianson Betty Lou Mer sen and Betty Lmdberg. R-Mitist Jun'ors Have Ha-d Time Partv The juTor Baptist Young People's union held a hard time party in the ciuirdh basement Saturday night sponsored by their leader. Miss Beulah Clowes. Games were played and refreshments served. Edw'ard Robins presided as Major Bowes during an amateur hour, in which David Clowes received a prize for a a 7. m ■ t - ! 00 THIS FOR % Night A. Coughing when * COlO stuffs up the nose, causes mouth breathing, throat tickle and night coughing, use this time-tested Vicks treatment that goes to work instantly... 2 ways at once I At bedtime rub good old Vicks ValioRub on throat, chest and back.Thenwatchlts PENETRATING stimulating action bring relief from distress. It penetrates to upper breath ing passages with soothing medicinal vapors. It STIMULATES chest and back surfaces like a warming, comforting poultice... and keeps on working for hours, while you sleep— to ease coughing spasms, relieve muscu lar soreness and tightness—and bring such grand comfort ! even y VapoI ■ : III 11 Famiêïs, Moüce We are again SMOKING MEAT. A!! work guaranteed! Self-Service Grocery OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS III II Wffiîttsïï Files Accident Claim for $5327.25 (From Nov. 17th Great Falls Tribune) If this should happen to you ... are you properly covered with liability insur ance on your: RESIDENCE? BUSINESS PLACE? AUTOMOBILE? TRUCK? If not, let us quote you rates for such protec tion. The cost is small. Enjoy peace of mind and avoid financial loss. Morgan & Jarrett Glasgow. Montana Phone 325 (singing. Other prizes were given ! Nona Crain and Betty Mosely the best costumes. Games directed by Patsy Crain. I - T> . .. , I^Æ^Âned 'The ?î ua s ana 11 dav meeting and m arv K Mortoe actlL count? school Friday night. A donation the VaUey county war fund voted. The club will have its annual Christmas party with exchange » Its at the home of Mi... Ollic Heikins, Dec. 21. Each member brought a sack lunch for the meet ing and the hostess served a des sert course. - BBÄS* The Glasgow Business and Pro fessionnl Womans club had annual emblem ceremony at a meet n a t Allen cafe Monday night 7 " Mrs. George Lindgren. program c00 rdinator, and Miss Audrey John son were in charge of arrangements, The fun and surprise committee, w hich Miss Fern Russell is chair man was i n charge of decorations Li g h t e d white tapers in crystal holders were arranged on a long table. In a prominent position another candle-lighted table was an enlarged replica of the society's emblem painted by Mrs. Mona Me Nulty. Mis. Geitiude Weiss eead the emblem ceremony with musical, accompaniment by Mrs. McNulty. who sang a solo. Duraig the business meeting which preceded the ceremony Miss Bussell was presented with a gift f X, ft ehfnir gr marrla B e Vle Tlie club voted eifts to the war fund and to fund of the national federation for pl l a T t'Sf I und" 6 for" othe^ civic projects were discussed. Mrs. Mabel Miller of Havre, former pre Sftnf Ih. Club was nresent sident of the club was present. i. West Galpm Club Has Thanksgiving Dinner ,. The annual Thanksgiving dinner of the West Galpm club was held, in the Allen cafe Saturday night at Progressive whist was played af t6r th Æ ,6 î, an j d * wit l ma verband were giv en R. J. Wittmajer a d The ch.b me"at the home of Mrs. Nina Johnstone Wednesday after noon. Miss Mary K. Mortag. acting T m n ÄÄTh' H Tb lesson on mending. Mrs. H. n. £D ni'r'mlî' nâmes 'drawn' fö." an exchange"ofTft^at 6 the^xtTe41 ing. Dee. 15. Lunch was served »t me ciose. Mrs. Burger Honored by Mail Route Patrons Mrs, Ella Burger was surprised by patrons of the north bench route who met at the Dignan hall Saturday night for a party in her honor. The evening was spent play ing Chinese checkers and whist. Mis. Ezra Hurlburt presented Mrs. Bur ger with a purse from the group. given in appreciation of services rendered them. A luncheon wasi served. Present at the party were Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Biuce, Mr. and Mrs. Ez ra Hurlburt. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mc Intyre, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nyquist, Mr. and Mrs. G. Schindler, Mr, and Mrs. P. J. Breigenzer. Mr. and Mrs. John Purcell. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Beizer. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Dokken, Mr and Mrs, Elmer Hake. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Taylor, Mr. and mail Mrs. Clara Mrs. Henry Ohlinger, Junger, W. C. Drager. Joe Schindler and Jasper DeDobbeleer. Mrs. Burger has been substitute mail carrier on the route for years and has served as the regular carrier since her husband's death i? Mrs ™ Atkiî^ of Anoka Minn .SÄ , M Minn Ad0lPh LUCht ° f R ° bbinS to - for _ __ __ . were # Welcomed by Methodists Greetings from various orgamza tions of the church and city were ^ Moore °and Tamîlf following ML« , Howard Nelson brought greetings from f the 0 (Ç Cia L b0ard t- H ' ° Mor ä to cify . Miss Catharine Casady from was the schools and Miss Mary Hoole fr0 m the Deaconess hospital. of- There was group singing and two numbers bv a trio composed of Miss rtorothy Briggs, Miss Mary Thomas a nd Miss Agnes Bayne, accompanied by Mrs. Gordon Vallandigham. } - . _ .. ttarell ;;n d Sunday school met at the its church Tuesday night to honor Miss Fein Russell at a prenuptial shower at.of personal and linen gifts Thirty were present Games were' played a nd a luncheon was served Miss Russell left Thursday morning for j Raleigh. N. C., where she will be of married to Air cadet Helmer Ophuf. whose home is at Big Sandy. Miss Russell has been serving as super intendent of the Christian Sunday school. above-tslSrHc _ ^ FAproH LSIlditl P * UFCCII tadllUlllg RflllOC TnOOfllOl* DrlllgJ i OjrClllCr « . 5* ■ UDlieiltl SOlfllCFS lr By Courier Correspondent . OPHEIM-Chance in the form of ?■ s ^ ra V buzzard and a forced landing d [T S B som^v'h«"inTnd?a Phelm SOl ' Serg Holhs 6 ' K Ebason, son of 9 laf j pl ', a! '° n . of OP hei m. tells of the incident in a letter home. i Wp WPre on our way to icensor |Cd) and having a grand tlme when all °f a sudden we felt something! hit the plane,'' he writes. "1 started ! to investigate and soon discovered a buzzard had hit our wing. It bent jj. jp »ood shape too Luekv r b 0U oh we°were right over à base so ndll i g m.Th happened The f.rsti " me T's TappeTeST" 6 me^H sir« , put an end to our trjo though ^ K^o^Ophefm/T" co^ng J Q a , R '^ n f OP> e'nr ' is coming ?ouTlettM becauseT saw hfm .hi btbp r clay. He was at the field whTrt | »u,, hu77ird u'rpricpH tim m în cr nf out* ^ "w, w^^'together TiTe 011 * 0UI » a -e.y^ooked goocf I ^ ay T d " b ut dldîft km jwas going. I think they will be sta tioned some place in China, but I you never can tell." or An inexpensive, easy way to sell, I Try a Courier want ad. | , I | 1 | 1 MODERN DWELLING FOR SALE Modern dwelling, 5 rooms and bath (2 bedrooms), basement, hot water furnace, improved yard, two-car ga rage, choice location on 3rd Avenue north. SEE OTTO M. CHRISTINSON LAND COMPANY NSVRE N SURE NSURANCE Insurance and Real Estate Since 1908 Telephone 57 — First National Bank Bldg.. Glasgow I IN STOCK inst Received Model A 3-plow John Deere tractor, ready to go. Model B 2-plow tractor, all ready to go. Two - bottom 14-i nch John Deere plow. 1 1 Valley Implement Co Your John Deere Dealers JOHN DEERE QUALITY IMPLEMENTS ÂN0 ^SERVICE > Community Calendar 23 TONIf'llT 7:30—Catherine Vcn Bora circle ', at h ° me ° f Mr$ - Ne 4&^e gg of Honor executive at home 01 Mrs - Fred Mann. inAV o-Qft-HormnnwHnh at hr. 2^30—Harmony club at home ofj Mis. David Paike, 2:30—Deaconess Hospital guild at ( ^.^ official board at tendent. ' T »-American Legion Auxiliary at' MONDAY 4:15—Junior Fellowship at Metho-j dist church. 6:15—Eastern Star harvest festival at Masonic temple. TUESDAY 8—Ladies Society of the B. L F e. at home of Mrs Hjylmar John son , Mrs. Minnie Cameron and Mrs. h H. Norton, associate hostesses. .»-yÆSratSb .. of Mrs - „ , ! . . _ Tlianksglvlng services at Lutheran church. 10:30—Union Thanksgiving service at Methodist church i „ _ , . 8-'Sons of Norway social at Odd I Pellows halL I _ * - __ Bnh Of |M Hü VO VWMCiUI IU AlaTC e. Of JLIrHll __ ^ Pî?l*fV Otl NAV 76 rdrl J UII HÜV« 10 | • • • ■ . Opheim community will have charge of the program for the sel ! ectee farewell to be held in the the j Glasgow civic center Friday night Nov. 26. it was announced today by ! H. K. Near of the permanent com- I mittee on selectee entertainment, j The program will be followed by a dance. Milo Jennings of Opheim is in charge of arrangements for that community. Just Received RADIO B BATTERIES and A. B. PACKS Bnttrey's /'(•MtcfanCAII in was later a guard on the quintet at inriaillUVHj 111 North Montana college, where he _ • studied civil engineering. Panama service* He . f was formerl >' employed as > associate engineer in the U. S. Presented Award SSfSÆSS" ln "" porl - The soldier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto M. Chiistinson, live in Glasgow. His wife is now visiting relatives in California. H E £ A D N ? T U ^UÄrSÄo." now serving with the armed forces guarding the vital Panama canal. has been awarded the good conduct ribbon , lor exemplary behavior and devotion to duty, it was announced Sere bv Army officials. the Ä'Ä Va he was assigned to the Panama county of the Valley-Daniels Coop Canal department, arriving here ten erative Shipping association will be ■^saars afe 'western hemisphere , Scobev Sic 16 One shipment from r,.|oip enteric» the army Christ-1 each county only will be made this L® e n f «as a turalhlete atGlasgow ; year ^ |i{£ h School playing on the track i R ' H. Crowe of Havre, federal •frJvhnll and basketball teams He grader will grade all birds. football ana oasketpan teams, tie giaaer, wm giaae Turkey Shipment Dates Announced By Co-op Group CLEARANCE 0 CM y as : 3 iW i fall and Winter Styles Slashed Prices! Thrilling Buys! ■ 3 : . 3 jif $ $437 . j r ; y ••• 'J and ïv $587 V :-ÿ Typical values are $7.98 dresses now just $5.87. Dozens of other dresses at reduced prices you don't want to miss . . . But hurry, for the quan tity is limited. M y Ü m ■> #FEDERATED STORES Opening of H • • • : % Mi. ii â i o ( '■ y l l L ■ < . v .4 wem At... ? J \ ©v. If th m Friday Eveiiin 7:30 to 9:00 p. m. ■: 7 * » MAIL EARLY © SHOP EARLY To insure delivery by December 25th, ail gifts should be mailed not later than December 10th. .A : v . , ' .v" Popcorn Balls Free '•< 9, Lovable baby dolls Sturdy toys on wheels Wooden blocks Games Handi craft Sets Wj 9 . i 9 x I i % 9 ' I li % (No merchandise to be sold during opening.) / I»;!* m * ■ A g •: i 3* 3 ■: 3 y % % ;■ .'Mir . W j?: ""a ■ r 'y? ( é C V ? r> \>. 5 . v A X A A * m *'-v J!* w « ) \ i." M U) m ■ « :«s A II I#»:: V « , % . § 'o' 23 PERCENT PAPER CUT WIVES MAY ENLIST WASHINGTON — Reductions in ! Wives of navy enlisted men. mid newsprint usage for the first quar- shipmen and warrant officers may ter of 1944 ranging up to 28 percent enlist in the WAVEs, the branch of fer larger newspapers and amount- fice of naval procurement, 412 Row ing to a 23 percent cut in total use, er block, Helena, announced today, were recommended today by the!opening the way for many women newspaper industry advisory com- 1 to join their husbands in the serv mittee of the war production board, ice. The war and navy departments There never was a better market! ^ _ for your used goods. Try a Courier transport overseas more than 50,000, want ad. -000 pieces of mail a week. Always Alert . . . Eager to Serve! ( • j & i ■i A Strong Bank Is An Important Community Asset What makes a good community? Churches, schools, stores and capable professional service all are most important. A strong Bank also stands as the symbol of a prosperous, progressive community. Day in and day out, to the very best of our ability, this Bank serves our depositors, our borrowers and our community. We are indeed grateful for your pat ronage and confidence which have made possible our substantial growth. We pledge you continued friendly and helpful service. Fanners i Stsdigrowers : lank * wth WAR BONDS Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation