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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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ft S' /> ft fer •- 4 - «i -j£ -J ^> r i> vrV, Wr - Ü> 5r(# ; " ■ i»V =0 \ Wirf* 07*S, s F&s Wt$. fl "v 1Ô Æ 7 l\v <s tes-. * O' V, ff* f I p> 5 Ç F * FROM SP 0 m j. er -f 1 » tv •>■ * ft ft 0 £ OUR NEW MODERN STORE READY for CHRISTMAS I Opens 10 a. m., Saturday, November 20 er S' •I? s* 7 A Cr Realizing that Glasgow is becoming more and more the shopping center of northeastern Montana, we have completely É remodeled and modernized our store, with complete new fixtures throughout, to simplify and make your shopping easier. 7 4 ,u z, T h b h > Ù OPENING DAY SPECIALS BOYS' OVERALLS 0 \Kv There's Mistletoe Magic In these l\ i a ' A cr 10Ï V We were able to get only a few pairs, so in order to make them reach as many families as possible, we are limiting them to ONE PAIR PER FAMILY. Sizes 6 to 12 . Super Little Macs. •wf ! f dj Ss <r m j /Cs« /lii ■Æ % Ps 51.14 per pai &?lk ,i -Vi ir & ,■ P & (g a New Zest for Her Wardrobe! assr blouses 51-GAUGE SHEER RAYON HOSE WOMEN'S r 0 \/ M « «1 ML Full Fashioned New Fall Shades Two Pairs to a Customer ST $1.98 9 §c per pair & / Y A new blouse will add interest to her favorite skirt, add spar kle to her duration suit. : i 1 < L ; > / CHENILLE BEDSPREADS ft "VT '■>; : %Q I f): a ft \ I 'N^vV// \ \ 7 i ■ A brand new group of spreads in a beautiful array of colors. S' $ 2?8 . $498 . $g90 . $990 OILCLOTH per yard 33 c ■ I r // K \ 7 7 ft F il ft i * v 1 V71 yzSêm -■ ; A hard-to-get item. 46 rinch width, in new patterns. First grade quality. 0 / 7 s / Year 'Round Gift For HIM 0 /■ • • • . * 7 my \; Lacy and Dainty Gift Handkerchiefs box of 3 W: w » #31 A Mi igp-' - f in \ Win M 49c Sr F/j ■ ■ » 7 * c> -/ f W 7 . m Holiday»! » I h e é For *■ V.- TOWNCRAFT* DeLuxe DRESS SHIRTS PRETTY FROCKS I* 1/ r/ The gift he'll enjoy season after season! Fine quality Sanforized 1 broadcloth or madras, precision tailored and propor tionately fitted to high Towncraft* stand ards. In white or woven-in patterns. y ùim . J. 90 ! 55 FOR. m A S' Christmas sparkle and trim flattery the winter through! Delightful little frocks in rayon including V busy two-piecers, tailored \ types and glittering strict '• w ly-dress styles. Fashion right in detail. 12 to 20. m i m 9 WÊ I * 5 j» F > C 7 fl SERVICE SCARFS 99 c and $J50 STATIONERY box SJ98 HOSE 4 pair for SJ 00 SHIRTS and SHORTS 39 c LEATHER GLOVES $£26 SEWING KITS $119 BOOKS 50 c DISTINCTIVE TOWNCRAFT* TIES S SERVICE TIES each 9gc HANDKERCHIEFS box 9gc FITTED CASES $2»8 MONEY BELTS 9 §c WEB BELTS 39 c Whatever his taste, whatever his age, you'll find just the ties for him in our large collec tion including handsome rayon satins or moires in rich, vibrant patterns or all wools in * popular solid colors. See them now ! 98 * vV 'M A Colorful Assortment of Christmas Cards 12 for 25c s 7 a - ft November Apparel Clearance & a & ft ' 5 New Austeile Dresses 12 Men's Dress Shirts $ 1.00 each 12 GIRLS' SUITS $ 10.00 each 7 MEN'S SUITS $18.00 each pp Misses' and Women's Sizes Sharply Reduced for Immediate Clearance Sharply Reduced for Immediate Clearance Sizes 36 to 42. Sharply Reduced for Immediate Clearance Sharply Reduced for Immediate Clearance 54.00 each 15 MEN'S TIES P A « 1 5Q ceach Dark Shades. Sharply Reduced for Immediate Clearance. 5 pr. Men's Dress Pants 12 LADIES' DRESSES $ 2.00 each 14 Men's Felt Dress Hats 52.00 each 7 * I £ 53.00 pai Sharply Reduced for Immediate Clearance Sharply Reduced for Immediate Clearance Sharply Reduced for Immediate Clearance ë ir 12 Men's Flannel Shirts 51.00 each Pf If P Sbamlv Reduced for Immediate Clearance 3 FUR-LINED COATS 20 TAILORED COATS 10 pr. LADIES' SHOES 52.00 pai Ps m 8 pr. MEN'S SHOES 52.00 pair Misses' and Women's Sires Misses' Sizes Sharply Reduced for Immediate Clearance Sharply Reduced for Immediate Clearance 515.00 each 535.00 each Sharply Reduced for Immediate Clearance .7 P Sharply Reduced for Immediate Clearance & 1 MEN S OVERCOAT £ E M M E Y a S PS 6 LADIES' SWEATERS Size 46 P Slightly soiled. ft ft $p00 each y I &