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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
VANDALIA Mrs. Iver Martin of Tampico vis ited Mrs Erwin Wagner and the school last Friday afternoon. Mrs Harry Wright went to Glas gow Monday afternoon to help at the Les Hanson home while Mrs Hanson's mother is sick. Mrs r H Mulfinrer stopped to visT her wn and wife Mn and Mrs Henn Mulfin«r Mrs Mul f mirer ha^ been visiting her two daughters in Tacoma^Wash.. the Mst month Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and SIÄÄ gÄ^üI tliem Mrs. Charles Putz accompanied John Sowa to Glasgow Monday morning for a day or two. John was äT 1 &w."i s:"« "*" male Mrs. Earl Cain is the first m the wow* n «To c \^ i ^er eroun< * and r Te"v were Himsdale callers Tuesday afternoon. Sadie Mulfinger Courier want ads pay. Pq*Y GLASGOWS MODERN THEATRE Saturday and Sunday, 1, 3, 7 and 9. Week Days. 2. 7 and 9. F\ SHOWS STARTING Thitrsday-Friday Mar. 9-10 BEAUTY PAYS * 5 ' m „• Ja P H ■ \ I I E B ! ry T Saturday Gn!y » Mar. U 3 * ■> I » it Î : W 1 U 1 AM lUNOIGAN 110YD NOLAN DONNA REED ■ l-C-M PICTURI CARTOON COMEDY New Serial: "JR. G-MEN OF IHE AIR" FIRST TEN KIDDIES FREE! Sunday-Monday Mar. 12-13 Prevue Saturday, 11 p. m. Olivia de HAVILLAND Robert CUMMINGS ■L 1 PRIlKfSSi r O'ROURKE ' Also LATEST NEWS Tues.-We4nes. Mar. 14-15 — HITS! - Bring a Guest! 2 " ~2 r run« rf;[r r/; — and % HITLERS«^ MANGMAHA ! Î : i Thursday, Friday Mar. 16-17 ■ OPHEIM By Olna Thompson _ A group of 23 girls and boys, members of the L. D. R-. sur PL 1 f Mrs E. B-Holte at her home weo nesday evenlng . and n s0 ^ "^ s ^ ™u r ^ i 'h 0 iu' money was presented to MTs Ho The L. D B was entertained the Milo Jennings home Tuesday evening. Pasty Jennings and Beni Tichenor were hostesses, : decided to have a mother da in, i banquet in May. A group of 45 people attended birthday party at the Guy Paga. Fuhrmarr scores wen JL 1° M Don ™ and Sa /! 1 d Mrs "william Soper "^"£"5phdTSlere'wed Larshm were upne m car Beach^ cÄf wdth * Douglas SSäS SuSJsfxJSFvSst. M^Chris Zeitner left for Havre T1 }^ sda -' nH M nenrvp Johnson sint a few dav^ la^Äk in itatS a^OratPalls returning Wednes and Gréai Fans. re.u. g Mrs DeWitt St John and Anna Jolmson^nterUhied nine & gues tsa d'nner Thursday. The evening was soem plaving p'inochle Private Olaf Anderson was honored dinner at the LeRoy Berg home Pridav. Other guests Mr. and Mrs'. Martin Sorbo, at a strom were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilhelm. John Lofdahl. Ted Miller and son Teddy. prank Diss and Mrs. Brien Raymond Padgett left last Mon dav for Carroll college at Helena for na'w training. Mrs Dorcas pagan, who has re covered from a broken arm. returned to her position at the dorm Monday, Charles Durbin and others have been unloading several cars of lumber and fence posts for Elmer Walstad the past week. Mr and Mrs, Walter Irgens enter tained 21 guests at a bridge pfiriy Saturday evening. The hostesses, served a'two course luncheon, prizes for high score were awarded to Olaf Larson and Mrs E. A. Walstad and io w went to Mrs. Ben Wholf and Samuel Paus. The Markle Transfer delivered a new tractor to Guy Burroughs Mon dav. Mr and Mrs Fred Whittle and Mr and Mrs. Dwight Gamrath were Glasgow callers Monday. I Mrs Roy Hallock entertained the i Sewing club Wednesday. Fourteen, members were present. The hostess rerved lunch Mrs C V Sheldon 'pent the night at the Ha.lock home. Mr and Mrs. Raymond Watterud and famhy and Mrs Axel Watterud. who visited in Columbus. N. D.. returned home last Monday Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Buechle. entertained a; a dlI ], n ?J •" at "J. da r at 2 . honoring Mr and Mrs. La\ ,rn Trarg of Richland Mrs Tr.,ne the former Edna ana Mr Trang were married recently at Wolf Point. Those present at the sras* Sa™ 'S ÏÆ 2SAWÄ"' three tier wedding cake decorated in oink and blue. xiiftf tn rïl, and dauchter Sjlvia went to Glss gow Friday : Mr and Mrs Dennis Cladis re I turned from a short vacation in Chicago Tuesday Hattie Bergtoll entertained at a pinochle party Thursdav evening. I Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Walter ! Irrens Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Walstad. I Mr and Mrs Ben Wholf and Mr. I and Mrs H. T Thompson. The hostess served lunch Ned Rovers, who left some time with a car of stock, returned ago from LaMont. Mo., the last of the week. Earl Jacobson. John Buechler and Dr. William Reed went to Glasgow on business Fridav. Dr. Reed re mained for a few davs Albin Risa. Jenniebelle Risa and Clifford Anderson were Glasgow callers Saturday. Miss Jennie Schultz of Great Falls'returned with them Sunday and is a guest at the Laurits Anderson home. BEAVERTON By Sirs. J. W. Barnard Mrs J. W. Barnard left for Willis ton. N. D., Wednesday to spend a week visiting her son and daughter in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Bar nard. and to help care for her new grandson. Allen Donald. Lloyd and Vincent Barnard made a business trip to Glasgow Thurs day. Miss Aagot Lian. county health nurse, visited the school Tuesday morning. Several have been hauling hay this week. Vincent Barnard and Marion Johnson attended the play and dance in Hinsdale Friday night. Mr. and Mrs, Don McNamara and family visited at the Lloyd Barnard home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Menge and son Darrell attended the show- in Saco Saturday. Oho comes oftener to the J. W. B. home than V.B. and M.J? Maurice Reynolds was a Saturday night caller in Saco. Ellen Barnard was absent from school several days last week with : a bad cold. Lloyd Barnard made a business! trip to Hinsdale Saturday. Dick Sudduth was an overnight guest at the Fred King ranch. Mr. and Mrs, George Accola were in Saco Saturday afternoon. B. J. Menge was a business caller in Hinsdale Saturday. Little Vincent was amiss When a cowgirl he did kiss. Now two false teeth he must wear 'Cause his own's no longer there. GRANDVIEW Mrs. Otto Kliewer Some church services were not held Sunday because of the snow, wind and cold. Lucille Schultz was taken to the I Wolf Point hospital last week by the Rev. Elmer Dick, where she un derwent an appendix operation. Mrs. H. G. Baerg returned home Thursday after a two weeks' visit I in Mountain Lake Minn., and New ton, Kans. Andrew Schmidt arrived Tuesday for a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Schmidt He is sla tioned in a California CPS camp. Trustees and relatives of Lustre Bible school pupils gathered at the Bible school Friday for the annual social evening. A program was given and a luncheon served. Chamber Standing Committees For Year Selected by Krusee 1 gtandin g committees to take charge of Glasgow Chamber of Commerce actinties for Ute year were annou nced this week by Pres ident A V . Krusee. In addition, he saidi s0me spe cial committees may ^ .selected later as the need for them becomes evident. . Thp comittee list, with the chair man named first In each case. a follows: Advertlsi publicity and tourist Louis Mitchell and Doris Jordan. Agriculture-James K. McOibney, Vll^I Legare, T. H. Markle. C O. Johnson. H. W. Magruder. E. A •Sssr'sriv-jsa . .. A A SmTth 3 "!! J K° NeaT* G«ie ' ° n Civic Group ÄÄ Ä jQhn Hl j rly °^ rs 'caUie Peterson, George Mitchell and S J°" dahl - „ Conventions—Ed Davisom A G padness. George Allen. Hy D Miller. Dr ° H Klein, Bert Nelson, D. J. "f- Near _ A ston - Charles Alley and J^ M, Stuart. Youth activities— Dr. K R, Steff ensen Mrs. E. L. Bowies. C A Dunnell. Jon Papazian. C O. Tiegen Dr. R. E Hyde F. D Alvord. John BardeU and Thomas Dignan Health and welfare—Dr. N. O.' Agneberg. Mr Krusee. Gladys Sain i don. John Barrett. Dr G. A. Clark. Elmer Hall. Charlotte Schaeffer and Mrs. Grace St. Clair. Irrigation and resettlement—Otto M Christlnson, Mark Roach. Mr. Markle. C. H. Brocksmlth, J. P sternhagen. Stanley Mavberrv J. W wedum. Mr. Jarrett and ' R. L. comwell. Heads Membership Membership and finance-^!. E Brown G L p W oIf J \ Holland J L Bjorstad H C Sevareid Russeli „ w w \fvhre G \ Ber-sch ' 0 vforean" br C N Grav Mr' : M U Morgan, ur. u. ura>. Mr. I tintttP RaüViI tJldlC WdlllC DUdlU ( n « . Maires Rar Silent | —- Ö Coocnnol fküNOAC tJCdSUIIdl VtlaMcCJ _ onlv slight changes were made ^ t hé Montana 1944 hunting and Ashing seasons by the state fish and g arnf commission, it was reported by Elmer Johnson of Glasgow, mem 0 < the comission. who returned Friday from ita meeting in Helena, seasons will remain much the same ^ in 1943 \.j r Johnson said He sa;( j a few jj,g game a reas have been opened to shooting of does in 1944 bu; ;hls hat oeer. oniy in cases where these areas showed an over population of animal life - * ^ 5 from Glasgow High Chosen for am; r A11 „. nr VlllCer tOUTSCS i _ , ? Five Glasgow high school students have been selected for specialized : training in the army or navy and | probably will begin soon after the close of the school year. Principal G, V. Erickson reported this week. Lyle Carden and Don Peterson passed navy V-5 examinations in Minneapolis. Their training will lead to commissions Accepted as army j air cadets after examinations at Gore field Great Falls, were Everett Breigenzer, Milford Arrotta and Peter Alan West, , > ■ m WS J h h ('•l \ ID qH 6 a 52 r Xpî iHji if i -=sss Il QjÊlMê Ha» ■j: I j i Ï: V # r w if:-: I; 1 - : j » » • Wi 9 i il r i v This ad is contributed to the 1944 Red Cross W Fund Drive by or Farmers-Stockgrowers Bank Sternhagen Rubin Sinclair and Dr C. A. Lecy Mercantile - E. T Gallagher. Paid Fried!. Mr Sevareid. Mr. Wolf, E. L. Bowles F. D. Alvord. F. S, McIntyre, John fîass, Mr. Benson, A, G StrongPrank Rice, Clifford Oombs^ Mr. Knwee, Elmer Hauger, Floyd Scott, Leo Reardon, and Homer LaPond. , Pos V£? r P*"" 11 « ~ Mr. Jarrett, *£*"?*£ E tomÄ Trie ^ ^ Public relations — Mr. Benson. Herbwt Friedl.**- Campbell, c. A. ^YcamevSrtL^B^e 0 «^ g Gamev Curtis Beede and g on ^commluee äväsä.'sä gÄ"""" d Sports—George Allen. Niai Smith, t- ÄeÄ ton aVltoriSTkC" Chri "' Barerei"'Henry ' M^hr^nd^ A M C Swanson. ' ' Wild game conservation - Mr. sternhagen. Dr. G. H. Klein. Elmer Johnson. Fred Cool. Adrian Hanson, and j 0 hn Sierts. Wartime acUvitles-Leo Hoffman Dr. C._B. Larson. Mr Scott,_Mr Coles. R A. DeHaven. G. L. DeWitt. L H. Keagy. Mr. Bundy and Stanley Kalmski. . . . . from Lewistown. where he has been employed, and will work at the Brackee dairy and farm. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paulson were business callers in Wolf Point Pri dav. Mrs. Elmer Bahn spent the week end at the home °f her Paroj 115 - Mr ard XIrs J T ste * n ; 1,1 OP^im. Mrs - Haro!d Nichols and daughter RICHLAND Victor Olson returned last week By Gladys Kiliwbrrk left Friday evening for Valley City N D t0 joi n her husband who L' on a short leave from the navy. H. H Hughes left Sunday evening ^ or Ç^G' sta ^ Lake Minn., called by the illness of his father Mrs. Harrv Stahl entertained Sat urday evenine a ' her hom îJ or , her husband and eldest son. Daryl or. their twrihdays Cards and Chine^ Checkers were played. Guests were Mr and Mrs. Peter Lasar and fatn : Mr and Mrs, E E. Drege* arc daughters, were Opheim callers Tuesday. A Red Cross benefit card par: - - was held at the Ralph Isaacson home Tuesday evening. Those at were Mn t Vi"a ^*iiber a*- - ss***** Fred Munger was a Friday caller. Eva L Hoiladav. home de»tr.-tra tton agent of Glasgow accompanied w v vr rc ûi^aiev n* T , i'r>nicr' b> . •y ! rs , c olaI , ,, i-'' p ' cc ' visited Mr. and Mrs. J M _ Thoeny Thursday morning. The laoies were on their way from Genevieve Op „ , Georee Eelgarce accompanied Babe Harris on his ma;, trip to Thoeny and on to Hlnsda> Friday. The Stuber bovy attende show and dance at Hinsdale Friday evening. Ward. Schwartz and Mrs. Elizabeth Elia son. Billv Shorty THOENY Mrs. J. M. Thoenr Mr and Mrs Harley H. Hunter A late spell of wintry weather this week brought about three inches of snow. Na ? lst D * adl ! ne SÄSSS. The VaUey county farm machin j ra tioninv committee announced tSay that May 1 is the deadline to applications for raUoned farm machinery, The committee members stressed that all farmers who will £Tneed of harvesting implements !£ ou id make requests before that datei "in order to insure the proper distribution of such machinery." __ Lillian Olson accompanied her mother to Glasgow Monday and had d , work done tB Ä w S. « *»*> ». ijÄ.rsrÄÄÄÄi relatives. Shorty Keifer has been in Ä^ esheep ^ durmg M " r XrA^^atS "e fex rs union play in Hinsdal£ Melvin Jensen ' John Arndt and Oscar Hatton were among those who attended the Farmers Union Play Friday. Mr and Mrs. Lester Johnson and sons called at the Robert Arndt home Friday. __ ^ w m w «i GENEVIEVE By Isabel! Swalheim Mrs. George Olson has been vis iting her daughter at Great Palls JORDAN COULEE By Mrs. Clarence A. Nelson __ home Sunday afternoon, Lewis Ackland of Thoeny called at the Clarence Nelson ranch on hit way to Hinsdale Saturday evening Clair Duncan visited Henry Lick Saturday. Harry Hughes made a business trip to Glasgow Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nelson vis r.ed Mrs. Dora Johnson and Henry Lick Sunday afternoon, Mrs. N. Hatton and son Oscar visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nel son Monday evening. Henry Luraas and Harold and Janet visited at the Henry Lick Stockmen Attention! You Can Get All Vaccines at Hall's BLACKLEG BACTERIN 10 doses 54c BLACKLEG AGGRESSIN Germ Free As Low as 6c per dose BLACKLEGOL-CUTTER Aluminum Hydroxide Adsorbed lor longer immunity. per dose 10c Ask for quantity prices. FRANKLIN BLACKLEG BACTERIN Higher Immunity Ratio per dose 10c Ask for quantity prices. Hall Drug Co. Glasgow. Montana Returns on Show Given (or Youth Club '44 Are $81 * n,. Tnni^ wimtnsT tho Ä. W °^ an r S h» ClU ^ 0 U f h h ÖQ t ^ Aif.vf » 0 ?°^ ^npr?tiL th ^f Cl th b 0 operation of the woman s group project, Club '44. for junior-senior high school students. It was reported this week by Mrs. Howard Tripp, club president. The youth club at the civic center is continuing operations and its schedule of open hours is 7:30 to 10:30 Wednesdays, 7:30 to 12 Prl days, 7:30 to 11 Saturdays and 2 to 5 Sundays. Because a number of members have left Glasgow since their hus bands were drafted, a new schedule of those supervising the club has been arranged, Mrs. Tripp said. On duty are Mrs. Ray Cuddy and Mrs. Zada Richter. Wednesday night; Miss Mary Lillian Oliver and Florence Armstrong. Pridav night; Mrs. Charles DeWitt and Miss Doris Peterson, Saturday night, and Mrs. Inez Zwenke and Mrs. Tripp. Sun day afternoon. CARE FOR 200.000 BABIES Nearly 200.000 babies and their mothers were cared for up to Peb. 1 under the emergency maternity and infant care program. Hospital and medical care are provided with out cost to wives of service men in the four lowest pay grades, during pregnancy, childbirth, and for six weeks after the baby is born, and for the infant during Its first year. r;wÂUw" 5H MIR aClE Covers wallpaper with coat, dries in on« hour, has no offensive paint odor — and is washable. Gallon does the average room. one $J15 per gallon Maytag Electric Store M/iy& future cars with Glareless Lighting ■ ■ ■ ...dv. ■ 8 « » k SUL. OIL-PLATING YOUR ENGINE is like outdoing the future-today Conoco motor oil... at regular price. Oil-plating defies engine acids. These infest every engine; they're part of every explosion. They tend to corrode metals most when your engine's driven little— not heated throughout—often re-started after full cooling. Yet even for more favor able postwar driving you'll want acid resistant oil-plating. Why not get it without waiting? Today! Simply change to Your Mileage Merchant's Conoco Nth oil for Spring. Continental Oil Company 3,965,194 people bought the "latest" cars —mostly 1941 models. Twenty-odd mil lion cars are still older. All the probable new car orders—even if dated today— won't be quickly filled. Then what future car improvement is likely to mean more than the instant improvement of your present car's health? The least you can do for it is to have unsuitable scratchy Winter oil drained. But get more than an oil change; adopt the major advancement of motor oil that oil-plates— by getting Conoco Nth oil for your indispensable oil change this Spring. Conoco Nth motor oil adds pro tective oil-plating to working parts by "magnet-like" effect. This comes from the special modern synthetic in patented CONOCO N [•2 MOTOR OIL CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR 316 First Avenue South, Glasgow E. J. Kjelstrup, Manager GLASGOW MOTOR SERVICE STATION RETAIL DEALERS Corner Fourth Street and Second Avenue South Glasgow, Montana All Glasgow School , PuDlls Get TB Test H With work being done this week. I J all Glasgow school pupils will have } been given patch tests for tubercu ; losis, it was reported. Work is in charge of Miss Aagot Lian. county health nurse. All pupils who show positive reactions to tests are given x ' ra y examinations to determine if f hp v Havp pontrsrtpd thp disease I cney have contractea 1116 disease. | WHY BE FAT V Get slimmer Mi * without exercise VV You may 1 o*c pounds and have a more slender, graceful tigure. No \ ezerasinc- No laxative*. Nodrags With this AYDS plan you don't cut out any meals, starches, no- ■ tatocs, meats or butter, you sim- M ply cut them down. It t easier ■ ^ when you enjoy delicious (vita- ■ ^ fortified) A YDS before meals. M Absolutely harmless. * Try a large site box of A YDS. 30-day supply only 12.25. Money back if you don't get resul ts. F ho os PUBLIC DRUG Phone 17 FARMERS j | Seeding time is not far off. Let us clean your seed wheat now, so that you will have it ready for spring planting. We Are Now Buying Oats INTERNATIONAL ELEVATOR COMPANY GLASGOW DROPS TO 20 BELOW , GENEVIEVE — It was 20 below zero Monday morning three in ches of snow on the level. I DANCE ARMORY SATURDAY NIGHT MUSIC BY BLANKENBURG AND HIS ORCHESTRA playing MODERN DANCES Look, Old Timers — OLD TIME DANCES DON'T MISS IT!